Regulatory Board Agenda: 22nd July 2020 DC-AGENDA-EN-14.07.20 Page 1 of 48 DC/UNI-form Template GOSPORT BOROUGH COUNCIL – REGULATORY BOARD 22nd July 2020 ITEMS WITH RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Copies of drawings and other supporting documents accompanying the planning applications referred to in this schedule are available to view online using Public Access (https://publicaccess.gosport.gov.uk/online-applications/) by searching using the relevant application number. 2. The number of objections and representations indicated in the schedule are correct at the time the recommendations were formulated. Should any representations be made after this date, these will be notified to the Regulatory Board during the officer presentation. 3. Copies of all representations received from the public will be made available for inspection by Members in the same way as drawings will be made available, referred to in Note 1 above. 4. An index of planning applications within this schedule can be found overleaf, together with a summary of each recommendation.

GOSPORT BOROUGH COUNCIL – REGULATORY BOARD · Hampshire PO13 0PT Grant Permission subject to Conditions 06. 45-48 20/00211/FULL 13 Clayhall Road Gosport Hampshire PO12 2BB Grant

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Page 1: GOSPORT BOROUGH COUNCIL – REGULATORY BOARD · Hampshire PO13 0PT Grant Permission subject to Conditions 06. 45-48 20/00211/FULL 13 Clayhall Road Gosport Hampshire PO12 2BB Grant

Regulatory Board Agenda: 22nd July 2020

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22nd July 2020


1. Copies of drawings and other supporting documents accompanying the planning applications referred to in this schedule are available to view online using Public Access (https://publicaccess.gosport.gov.uk/online-applications/) by searching using the relevant application number.

2. The number of objections and representations indicated in the schedule are correct at the time the recommendations were formulated. Should any representations be made after this date, these will be notified to the Regulatory Board during the officer presentation.

3. Copies of all representations received from the public will be made available for inspection by Members in the same way as drawings will be made available, referred to in Note 1 above.

4. An index of planning applications within this schedule can be found overleaf, together with a summary of each recommendation.

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INDEXItem Page

NoAppl. No. Address Recommendation

01. 4-17 19/00166/FULL Addenbrooke House Willis Road Gosport Hampshire PO12 1NA

Grant Permissionsubject to Conditions / s106

02. 18-22 19/00240/VOC Finsbury Cars Privett Road Gosport Hampshire PO12 2SU

Grant Permissionsubject to Conditions

03. 23-37 19/00516/OUT Land Adjacent Brookers Lane Gosport Hampshire

Grant Permissionsubject to Conditions

04. 38-40 20/00104/FULL 1 Oxford Road Gosport Hampshire PO12 3LP

Grant Permissionsubject to Conditions

05. 41-44 20/00159/FULL 23 The Parkway Gosport Hampshire PO13 0PT

Grant Permissionsubject to Conditions

06. 45-48 20/00211/FULL 13 Clayhall Road Gosport Hampshire PO12 2BB

Grant Permissionsubject to Conditions

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ITEM NUMBER: 01.APPLICATION NUMBER: 19/00166/FULLAPPLICANT: Morgan Sindall Later Living and Places for People Living +DATE REGISTERED: 12.04.2019DEMOLITION OF EXISTING BUILDINGS AND ERECTION OF A PART 3 AND PART 4 STOREY BUILDING TO FORM 60NO. EXTRA CARE UNITS IN A MIX OF 1 AND 2 BEDROOMS AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITY FACILITIES, PARKING, REFUSE STORAGE, LANDSCAPING, DRAINAGE AND HIGHWAYS WORKS (as amended by supporting information and plans received 24.05.19, 26.06.19, 02.08.19, 29.05.20.and 08.07.20)Addenbrooke House Willis Road Gosport Hampshire PO12 1NA

The Site and the proposal

1. The site is located on the west side of Willis Road and comprises a vacant building formally used as older person's accommodation and ancillary facilities. The site is surrounded by a combination of highways and pedestrian areas with The Anchorage situated on its south, west and north boundaries. A footpath linking The Anchorage and Willis Road runs along the north side of the site. The existing buildings on site are predominantly two-storey flat roofed structures sited away from the boundaries. There is mature landscaping on the south and east frontages, and part of the north frontage, close to Willis Road, including some trees. A 1.5m high bow top fence surrounds the site. Vehicular access is taken from both Willis Road to the east and The Anchorage to the west. Car parking areas are predominantly on the west side of the buildings, with a hard surfaced parking/drop-off area to the east. The site is identified in the Local Plan as an existing community facility to which Policy LP32 is relevant.

2. The surrounding area comprises a mix of residential and commercial properties. To the east of Willis Road are two-storey terrace houses, 22m from the site boundary and set back from the highway by approximately 13m, with a grassed verge and trees between. To the south east of the site and on the opposite side of Willis Road is a four storey, flat roofed, block of flats with bungalows to the east. To the south is a landscaped area and TML House, a two-storey building with a pitched roof. TML House is on the opposite side of The Anchorage and 13m from the site boundary and comprises offices and flats. The ASDA supermarket, incorporating its carpark and store, is located behind TML House. To the west and on the opposite side of The Anchorage are Ramilles House and Alec Rose House. Ramilles House is sited 17m from the site boundary and is a four-storey block of flats, incorporating a pitched roof. This is one of four similarly designed blocks, with the others situated to its west and northwest. Alec Rose House is a two-storey building comprising sheltered housing. To the north of the site is a single storey community building and Slocum House, a two-storey block of sheltered housing, with a pitched roof. Slocum House, at its closest, is sited 12m from the site boundary and is separated by The Anchorage and the footpath link to Willis Road, with some landscaped areas between.

3. The proposal is for the demolition of the existing buildings and the redevelopment for 60 extra care flats, with ancillary facilities. The applicant has advised that this would comprise 100% affordable housing, for rent, and comprise 39 one bedroom and 21 two bedroom flats. The accommodation would be for persons over 55 and the extra care element relates to the residents with care needs and those with learning and sensory difficulties. Within the building the proposals also include community facilities comprising residents' lounge, a cafe/dining room, a hairdressers and buggy store. The hairdressers and cafe would be available for public use, albeit the applicant has indicated that this is likely to be utilised by residents local to the site.

4. The proposed building would be in an 'L' shape fronting Willis Road to the east and The Anchorage to the south. The Willis road frontage would comprise three-storey elements at its northern end and four-storey at its junction with The Anchorage. The four-storeys would then continue along the south elevation fronting onto The Anchorage. The Willis Road frontage would have shallow gable roof, with an overall height of 10.4m, whilst The Anchorage frontage would have a low pitch giving the appearance of a flat roof building at a height of 12.7m. The building would be set back from Willis Road by 6m. The Anchorage frontage includes more variety in separation to the boundary, with three

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stepped elevations being 6.5m from the southern boundary at its closest, by the junction with Willis Road, and 18m at is furthest, at the corner opposite Ramilles House. Separation from the side elevation to the Ramilles House would be 24m, whilst the side elevation opposite Slocum House would be approximately 21m away from the building.

5. The pedestrian access would be from Willis Road with a porch detail extending up to the boundary to provide a visual focus to the entrance. The elevations include recessed and projecting elements the full height of the building, recessed brick panels, full height windows and Juliet balconies. The proposed materials are indicated as a light brick for the majority of the building with a contrasting darker plinth to the full height of the ground floor of the four-storey elements.

6. Vehicular access would be from the western boundary with The Anchorage, in a revised position to the north of the existing. 27 parking spaces, including 3 disabled, are proposed within the car parking area, with a further 3 located in a layby adjacent to the western boundary. It is also proposed to stop up the existing access from Willis Road and alter the highway to provide a layby for servicing and drop offs. A communal garden area and terrace would be located on the west side of the building, with some landscaping areas between the building and the road frontages. Cycle storage is within the communal area, with a substation, sprinkler room and an enclosed refuse recycling store on the north boundary, close to Willis Road. Amended plans had been received which increase the capacity of the refuse storage area and reorganise the external buildings on the northern boundary to site the sub-station closer to Willis Road.

Relevant Planning History


Relevant Policies

Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011 – 2029:LP1 Sustainable DevelopmentLP2 InfrastructureLP3 Spatial StrategyLP10 DesignLP13 Locally Important Heritage AssetsLP17 SkillsLP23 Layout of Sites and ParkingLP24 HousingLP34 Provision of New Open Space and Improvement to Existing Open SpaceLP38 Energy ResourcesLP39 Water ResourcesLP41 Green InfrastructureLP42 International and Nationally Important HabitatsLP44 Protecting Species and Other Features of Nature Conservation ImportanceLP46 Pollution Control

Supplementary Planning Documents:Gosport Borough Council Policy Guidance Note: Securing Employment and Training Measures through planning obligations April 2012Gosport Borough Council Design Guidance: Supplementary Planning Document: February 2014Gosport Borough Council Parking: Supplementary Planning Document: February 2014Solent Special Protection Areas Gosport Bird Disturbance Mitigation Protocol April 2018

National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), February 2019


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Streetscene Waste & Cleansing No objection. The revised bin store on site is of adequate size to accommodate the required bins. Flush threshold and dropped kerb access is required to facilitate collection of bins from Willis Road.

Streetscene Parks & Horticulture No objection. Concur with the Aboricultural

Survey and the trees on site are not worthy of protection.

Building Control No response received.

Hampshire Fire And Rescue Service No objection. Works should accord with the

Building Regulations requirements. Local Highway Authority No objection. Proposed servicing

arrangements with new layby are acceptable. Internal layout is acceptable and will allow vehicles to leave in a forward gear.

Gosport's Traffic and Transport Officer should confirm the acceptability of the level of parking to ensure that overspill onto surrounding network does not occur.

Conditions relating to a construction management plan, access construction and closure, parking provision and service area are requested.

A contribution towards a Traffic Regulation Order is required to update parking restrictions as a result of the works. A S.278 Agreement would need to be entered into with the Highway Authority for the highway works.

HCC Ecology Overall, I am content that the site is not

constrained by ecological issues. Some sensible ecological mitigation and enhancement measures are proposed. I do note that further inspection of trees for bat roosting potential is recommended - I would request that any additional information is submitted for comment.

Issues raised by NE need to be addressed and a CEMP secured by condition.

HCC Landscape Planning & Heritage No objection. I would concur with the

conclusions of the submitted documents and as a result I would not wish to raise any further archaeological issues in regard to this application.

Crime Prevention & Design No objection. The ground floor apartments

have a patio, which can be easily accessed from the communal garden, this increases

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the opportunities for crime. Planning guidance advises "There should be a clear definition between public and private space. A buffer zone, such as a front garden, can successfully be used between public outdoor space and private internal space to support privacy and security." To reduce the opportunities for crime an area of defensible space should be provided about the patios and ground floor bedroom windows. The defensible space should be enclosed by a robust boundary treatment, perhaps hoop topped railings, approximately 1m high.

The plan shows a cycle store, however, the store does not appear to be a lockable store, this increases the opportunities for crime. Theft of pedal cycles is a prevalent offence within the district, to reduce the opportunities for crime the cycle store should be a store that can be fully secured, fitted with external and internal lights and cycle anchor points.

The proposal is to create 60 extra care units, however, only 30 parking spaces are to be provided. We would be concerned if this development were to place an additional burden on the existing on street parking provision. I would remind you that vehicles parked on the public highway are many times more likely to be the subject of an incident when compare with those parked on private space.

To provide for the safety and security of residents and visitors, lighting throughout the development should conform to the relevant sections of BS5489:2013.

Housing Services Strategic No objection. The scheme is for 100%

affordable housing for over 55's (or U55's in exceptional circumstances) with care packages.I understand the tenure will be all Affordable Rent accommodation.

The scheme will be for elderly supported housing with on-site facilities such as residents lounge, café/dining room (providing hot meals), a hairdresser, a buggy store and communal garden and sensory garden for the residents.As a wider community engagement I also understand that some of the community facilities will also be open to some of the nearby local residents (Café and Hairdresser).

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On the units sizes they all exceed the minimum requirements for the Nationally Described Space Standards and are designed with wet rooms for wheelchair users and mobility impairment residents.

Car Parking: This is the only concern we have regarding the development is that there are only 30 spaces for 60 flats. Most over 55's drive now and this could be an issue when letting the units.

Environmental Health No objection. Conditions relating to

contamination are not required in this instance.

Natural England Advises that measures required to mitigate

recreational disturbance (SRMP) and deterioration of the water environment are required. Additionally measures to control impacts on the nearby SPA should be included within a Construction Environmental Management Plan.

The HRA provided considers impacts on Portsmouth Harbour SPA and Ramsar site and Solent Maritime SAC. All the European designated sites flagged within Natural England's Solent nutrient advice are screened into the HRA.

It is for you as competent authority to ensure that you are assured and satisfied that any mitigation proposed can be secured and delivered in perpetuity. Any scheme for offsetting nitrogen must meet the basic tests of certainty of delivery, enforceability and the need for securing the adopted measures for perpetuity to ensure it is effective mitigation. Provided you are satisfied with how this approach is carried out and the values used Natural England would have no concerns on this aspect of the mitigation strategy.

Some concerns remain with regards to monitoring of the mitigation scheme. The report outlines this is to occur on an annual basis for 4 years. Further information is therefore requested on this adaptive strategy and how this can be secured to ensure the required level of certainty can be met at the time of the permission. It is Natural England's advice that monitoring of the proposed water reduction measures at the mitigation site, Hawthorn Court, is secured for the lifetime of the development as part of a rolling monitoring and maintenance programme to ensure the mitigation strategy

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is effective in perpetuity. Such a scheme should include the maintenance methods outlined above and further provision for additional measures as required (such as further water saving fittings/fixtures) to address any failures to reach the required water use reductions, along with details of how these will be funded, installed and managed. This will need to be appropriately secured with any permission. It is noted the Appropriate Assessment outlines that a 'Construction Environmental Transport Management Plan' (CETMP) will be secured by condition that will outline any measures to address airborne and waterborne pollution and noise disturbance during the construction phase. It is recommended such measures are outlined within the appropriate assessment. Provided the CETMP includes such measures for dust control, pollution and surface water drainage measures during construction and measures to prevent noise disturbance on the designated sites and supporting habitat, Natural England raises no further comments. Additionally recommend a condition regarding limiting noise generating works (in excess of 69dbAmax - measured at the sensitive receptor) during the bird overwintering period (i.e. October to March inclusive).

Environment Agency (Hants & IOW) No comments received.

HCC Local Lead Flood Authority No objection. The additional information

provided addresses previous concerns. Southern Water No objection. No development or new tree

planting should be located within 3m on each side of the public foul sewer.

Response to Public Advertisement

1 letter of observationIssues raised:- During the demolition and construction phases and on completion, parking should be maintained

to adjacent users- Any disruption should be undertaken in consultation with neighbours

Principal Issues

1. The main issues for consideration are, whether the proposed use is acceptable, whether the building is of an appropriate design within its context, would have a detrimental impact on the

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adjoining occupiers, whether it would make adequate affordable housing and community provision, would have a detrimental impact on highway safety, or harmfully impact ecological interests.

2. Given the former use of the site for elderly person related uses and the sites location with the Urban Area Boundary and in an area which includes flats and houses, along with some commercial uses, the introduction of a building that makes more efficient use of existing brownfield land for extra care accommodation for the elderly is considered acceptable in principle.

Design and layout

3. The building has been designed to include the taller elements at the road junction and along The Anchorage frontage stepping down to a three-storey section, on Willis Road, adjacent to the two-storey properties of Slocum House. The perceived scale of the building is reduced further with the use of shallow pitched roofs and a darker band of brickwork on the ground floor of the four storey section. Given that the area is mixed in character and includes buildings of a similar scale directly adjacent to the site on The Anchorage and in close proximity, to the proposals it is considered that the provision of a building of this scale is acceptable. 4. The building has been designed with a mix of features which add visual interest to the building and Streetscene. The four-storey frontages to The Anchorage has substantial setbacks to break up the perceived length of the elevation and further recesses, brick projections and down pipes are proposed on both road frontages which contribute to this further. Design features including the use of materials, window positions and Juliette balconies add further visual interest to break up the elevations. The design and siting of the building means that the end elevations are highly visible from The Anchorage, Willis Road and over medium views. The proposals include windows within these elevations in order to avoid blank elevations which improve the design of the building and will provide increased surveillance of the adjacent public areas.

5. In terms of layout, whilst the building would be sited closer to the south and east boundaries than the existing, it would be set back from both road frontages to provide opportunities for landscaping, with larger setbacks to The Anchorage which would be a secondary frontage, given the pedestrian access is from Willis Road. None of the trees within the site are considered to be worthy of Tree Preservation Orders, albeit that the proposals do include the retention of one tree in the southwest corner of the site, which will protected during construction. The remainder of the open areas would be landscaped in accordance with details to be secured by planning condition. The Crime Prevention and Design Officer has raised concerns about the communal layout, however, the applicant has indicated that the design of the communal landscaping area is specifically designed to be open for all residents and that the creation of private gardens goes against that ethos. Given the proposals are for extra care accommodation if those areas are not managed appropriately or sufficiently by occupants it can lead to the detriment of the overall landscaping area and is acceptable. Further details of any boundary treatment to provide security, along with the cycle stores would be controlled by planning condition. Subject to these conditions the proposals would provide an appropriate landscaped setting for the building.


6. The proposed building has been designed to address a number of relationship issues, with elements of different scales which seek to relate to existing buildings. The applicant has also provided supporting information considering the possible impacts in terms of overshadowing and daylight and demonstrating that the building is acceptable. The properties on the south side of The Anchorage and east side of Willis Road are on the opposite side of the highway, where the Design SPD recognises lower distances can be accepted. Given the siting of the building and the resultant separation distances, of approximately 28m, the proposed building would not have a detrimental impact on the occupiers of those neighbouring properties. The building has been designed so that the other relationships involve the shorter side elevations of the building. The relationship to Ramillies House is a more oblique angle and on the opposite side of the highway, with the stagger of the building reducing the relationship further, due to the window positions and distances. The closest relationship is that to Slocum House to the north, where the

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proposed separation distance is below the Design SPD guidance for three-storey to two-storey rear relationships. In this instance it would have a rear to side relationship, albeit there would be some windows on this elevation, however, these are secondary and provide visual interest to this elevation of the building as noted above. Given the separation distance and the fact that views would be over public, rather than private areas, this relationship is considered acceptable in this instance.

7. Whilst the refuse area and other servicing arrangements are located on the northern boundary, opposite Slocum House, given they area on the opposite side of the public walkway, this relationship is considered acceptable. The location of the car parking area is similar to the existing and would not increase impacts in this respect.

8. Whilst there will inevitably be some disturbance during the construction phase of the development, a Construction Environment Management Plan is proposed to be secured by planning condition and this would deal with issues such as contractor parking, hours of operation, road cleansing, noise and dust from the development and would also deal with ecological impacts as noted below. Subject to this condition the proposals would not have a detrimental impact on the occupiers of the surrounding properties in compliance with Policy LP10 of the Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011-2029.

Affordable Housing

9. Policy LP24 of the Local Plan confirms that accommodation to meet the needs of an ageing population, including extra care such as that proposed in this instance, will be supported, noting that this also would redevelop existing poor quality housing. The Policy also requires any development proposing 10 dwellings or more to make provision for 40% affordable accommodation on the site. The application proposals are for 100% affordable housing, all of which would be affordable rent. Given that the proposals are for extra care accommodation the provision of 100% affordable rent is acceptable as it would not be appropriate to provide other tenures in this instance. The affordable housing required by Policy LP24 will be secured through the Legal Agreement and subject to this, the proposals would be in accordance with Policy LP24 of the Gosport Borough Local Plan.

Community provision and amenity space

10. The site is designated within the Local Plan as an existing community facility for which Policy LP32 is relevant. The proposed extra care scheme, and its communal facilities are by virtue of increasing the number of care units available on-site and improving the quality of care within a modern facility, are considered to comply with the aims and objectives of Policy LP32 of the Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011-2029.

11. While the proposed apartments do not include any private outdoor amenity space many would include Juliette balconies on the upper levels, and a large communal terrace and gardens is also proposed to meet the needs of those within this extra care development. Walpole Park is also a short walk away from the site.

12. Policy LP34 of the Local Plan relates to the provision of new open space and improvements to existing open space. The policy requires developments of over 50 dwellings to make on-site provision of public open space, or in particular circumstances a financial contribution for off-site provision. In this instance, it would not be possible to make provision for on-site provision of open space without impacting on the private amenity space and given the close proximity of Walpole Park, additional facilities are not considered appropriate. The applicant has, therefore agreed to make a contribution of £10,000 to make improvements to existing open space. Subject to this contribution, which would be secured through the Legal Agreement, the proposals would comply with Policy LP34 of the Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011-2029.


13. The site is located in an accessible location within walking distance of the adjacent Asda supermarket and the High Street, along with good access to bus routes. The proposed level of parking falls below the requirements of the Parking SPD for the number of dwellings proposed,

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however, given that the proposals are for extra care accommodation the applicant has provided additional justification for the number of spaces proposed, including comparisons to other similar establishments they operate. Having regard to the applicant's supporting information, the fact that these proposals are for an extra care facility which is to be controlled to prevent occupation as open market, or other older persons accommodation, the level of parking provision in this location is acceptable. The level of vehicle movements anticipated has been assessed and whilst it would increase over the existing lawful use, this would not have a detrimental impact on the local highway network.

14. Parking off-site would not generally be affected by the proposals with the exception of spaces on Willis Road where the proposed layby would be located. A large part of the layby will be created with the closure of the existing access and the associated double yellow lines and this small loss of on-street parking is considered to be acceptable. A financial contribution is, however, required to amend and update the existing Traffic Regulation Order on Willis Road where the layby is to be located which would be secured through a legal agreement.

15. In this instance no cycle storage is proposed for the residents, instead the proposals include a mobility scooter store, with 19 spaces. Given the nature of this as an extra care use, this provision is acceptable in this instance. The proposals do, however, include long stay spaces for staff and there is adequate space on the site to accommodate short stay spaces, to encourage alternative forms of transport. These are proposed to be secured by planning condition. The proposals are, therefore, in accordance with Policy LP23 of the Gosport Borough Local Plan.


16. The application site is only a relatively short distance from parts of Portsmouth Harbour SPA/Ramsar and SSSI. There is potential for construction-phase impacts resulting from noise disturbance, affecting SPA/Ramsar birds and their supporting habitat. These construction related impacts can be addressed through the submission of a Construction Environmental Management Plan, detailing specific measures for avoiding/minimising any potential for impacts throughout the construction phase which would be secured by planning condition. A condition limiting noise sensitive works during the year is also proposed. There are no known protected species on site, however, it is considered appropriate for any new development such as this to include appropriate mitigation and enhancement measure which are set out in the applicant's supporting ecological statement and these measures would be secured by planning condition.

17. The proposal will introduce additional dwellings which is likely to result in increased recreational activity on the coast and a consequential impact on the protected species for which the Portsmouth Harbour SPA, the Solent and Southampton Water SPA and the Chichester and Langstone Harbours SPA are designated. To address this impact, a contribution towards appropriate mitigation, in accordance with the Gosport Bird Disturbance Mitigation Protocol, is required. This mitigation will be secured through the Legal Agreement.

18. Natural England have raised concerns that new dwellings are causing increased levels of nitrogen and phosphorus input to the water environment in the Solent with evidence that these nutrients are causing eutrophication at European and internationally designated habitat sites and additional mitigation measures will be required to offset any increases in nitrogen discharges that would result from the proposals. Natural England advises that proposals for new residential development should achieve nitrogen neutrality to avoid harm to these sites and the calculation has been undertaken to confirm the level of mitigation required. The applicant has provided a scheme of mitigation measures relating to water saving measures in an existing care facility managed by Hampshire County Council (HCC), known as Hawthorne Court. This care facility discharges into the same water treatment works as the application site. Given that the application site is owned by HCC and will benefit from nomination rights, the principle of this approach is considered acceptable. The mitigation report sets out the existing water usage within both Addenbrooke House and Hawthorne Court and the level of water usage that the proposals would generate. The proposed mitigation measures would reduce the level of water usage and subsequent discharge of nitrates, through waste water, to a level that accords and possibly exceeds the

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calculation, in accordance with Natural England guidance. The proposals include monitoring to ensure that this is the case when the measures are implemented. These measures would be secured within the legal agreement. The supporting information from the applicant demonstrates the development would provide suitable mitigation, and would not cause harm to European and internationally designated protected sites. The proposal would, therefore accord with Policy LP42 of the Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011-2029.


19. The applicants are proposing on site management of surface water, through a sustainable urban drainage system (SUDS) and connection into the main foul sewer. These measures are considered to be acceptable and would be secured by planning condition.

Other matters

20. The proposals include bin stores located on the northern boundary which are considered to be adequate to meet the needs of the development and would be collected from the layby on Willis Road, with a dropped kerb secured by planning condition. The proposals are, therefore, in compliance with Policy LP10 of the Gosport Borough Local Plan in this respect.

21. Given the size of the proposed development the requirements for employment and training measures relating to the construction industry, as set out in Policy LP17 are of relevance. A training plan, to comply with this policy, is proposed to be secured by planning condition.

Equalities Impact Assessment: No Implications

RECOMMENDATION: Grant Permission

Subject to Section 106 agreement relating to

1. Affordable housing 2. Nitrates mitigation 3. Contribution towards Public open space 4. Recreational disturbance contribution 5. Traffic Regulation Order

Subject to the following condition(s):-

1. The development hereby permitted must be begun within a period of three years beginning with the date on which this permission is granted.Reason - To comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1990 (as amended).

2. WRG/PL001 P1 (existing site location plan 26.06.19)WRG/PL/002 (Existing Block Site Plan 26.06.19)WRG/PL/005 P2 (Proposed Block Site plan 29.05.20)WRG/PL/010 P2 (Proposed Ground Floor Plan 29.05.20)WRG/PL/011 P1 (Proposed First Floor Plan 26.06.19)WRG/PL/012 P1 (Proposed Second Floor Plan 26.06.19)WRG/PL/013 P1 (Proposed Third Floor Plan 26.06.19)WRG/PL/014 P2 (Proposed Roof Plan 26.06.19)WRG/PL/025 P1 (Proposed South East and North East Elevations (with context) 26.06.19)WRG/PL/027 P1 (Proposed North West and North East Elevations 26.06.19)WRG/PL/028 P1 (Proposed South East and South West Elevations 26.06.19)WRG/PL/029 P1 (Proposed North East and South West Section-Elevations 26.06.19)WRG/PL/030 P2 (Proposed External Building Elevations 29.05.20)CWA-18-265-632 T1 (Ambulance Tracking Car Park 30.05.19)

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CWA-18-265-630 T2 (Private Vehicle Car Park Sheet 1 of 2 30.05.19)CWA-18-265-631 T1 (Private Vehicle Tracking and Refuse Anchorage and Willis Road Layby Sheet 2 of 2 08.07.20)CWA-18-265-510 T1 (Proposed External Levels 08.07.20)CWA-18-265-520 T1 (Proposed External Works 08.07.20)CWA-18-265-525 T1 (Proposed External Details 08.07.20)CWA-18-265-550 T1 (External Highway Clearance Works 08.07.20)CWA-18-265-551 T2 (External Highway Works 08.07.20)

Reason - To ensure that the development is completed satisfactorily in all respects and to comply with Policy LP10 of the Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011-2029.

3. a) Development shall not commence until a Construction Environment and Traffic Management Plan (CETMP) has been submitted to and approved, in writing, by the Local Planning Authority. The CETMP shall include (but not be limited to):(i) Details of all measures designed to protect on-site and off-site ecological features, clearly identifying roles and responsibilities for implementing the approved strategy(ii) A method statement for control of dust and emissions from construction and demolition;(iii) An assessment and method statement for the control of construction noise for the site specifying predicted noise levels;(iv) The provision of long term facilities for contractor parking;(v) The arrangements for deliveries associated with all construction works;(vi) Methods and phasing of construction works;(vii) Construction traffic access;(viii) Protection of pedestrian routes during construction;(ix) Wheel wash facilities,(x) Location of temporary site buildings, compounds, construction material, and plantstorage areas;b) The development shall, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority, be carried out in accordance with the approved CETMP.Reason - In the interests of the safety and convenience of neighbouring occupiers and users of the surrounding highway network and to conserve biodiversity in accordance with the Conservation Regulations 2010, the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981, the NERC Act 2006, NPPF and with Policies LP44 and LP46 of the of the Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011-2029.

4. a) Development shall not commence until the tree protection measures set out in the enzygo BS 5837:2012 Arboricultural Survey, Impact Assessment and Method Statement; have been provided.b) The tree protection measures shall be retained until the development is substantially complete, or its removal is agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.Reason - To ensure the important trees on the site are safeguarded and protected during development in accordance with Policies LP10 and LP41 of the Gosport Borough Local Plan, 2011-2029.

5. a) Construction shall not commence until a Skills & Employment Plan covering the construction of the development hereby permitted has been submitted to and approved, in writing, by the Local Planning Authority.b) The development shall thereafter be constructed in accordance with the Skills & Employment Plan approved pursuant to part a) of this condition.Reason - To promote and secure training opportunity to improve the skills of the local population in accordance with Policy LP17 of the Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011-2029.

6. The development hereby permitted shall not be occupied or brought into use until the measures for the disposal of foul and surface water from the development have been provided in accordance with the approved details, unless otherwise agreed, in writing, by the Local Planning Authority. Reason - To ensure that the development, hereby permitted, has adequate foul and surface water infrastructure in accordance with Policy LP2 of the Gosport Borough Local Plan, 2011-2029.

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7. Percussive piling or works with heavy machinery (i.e. plant resulting in a noise level in excess of 69dbAmax - measured at the sensitive receptor) should be avoided during the bird overwintering period (i.e. October to March inclusive), unless otherwise agreed, in writing, by the Local Planning Authority. Reason - To conserve biodiversity in accordance with the Conservation Regulations 2010, the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981, the NERC Act 2006, NPPF and with Policy LP44 of the of the Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011-2029.

8. a) Construction above slab level shall not commence until details of all external facing and roofing materials shall be submitted to and approved, in writing, by the Local Planning Authority.b) The development shall thereafter be implemented in accordance with the approved details.Reason - To ensure that the external appearance of the development is satisfactory, and to comply with Policy LP10 of the Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011-2029.

9. The development hereby permitted shall not be occupied or brought into use until the vehicular access, footway crossings and/or verge crossings and dropped kerb to facilitate refuse collection have been constructed in accordance with a detailed scheme that shall be submitted to and approved, in writing, by the Local Planning Authority.Reason - In the interests of highway safety, access, and to comply with Policies LP10 and LP23 of the Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011-2029.

10. a) The development hereby permitted shall not be brought into use until the facilities (layby) shown on the approved plan WRG/PL/010 P2 for the loading and unloading of vehicles have been provided.b) The loading and unloading facilities shall thereafter be retained.Reason - In the interests of highway safety and to ensure adequate loading and unloading facilities are provided and retained, and to comply with LP23 of the Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011-2029.

11. a) The development hereby permitted shall not be brought into use until the facilities shown on the approved plan WRG/PL/010 P2 for the parking of vehicles have been provided.b) The parking facilities shall thereafter be retained.Reason - In the interests of highway safety and to ensure adequate car parking is provided and retained, and to comply with LP23 of the Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011-2029 and the Parking SPD.

12. The development hereby permitted shall not be occupied or brought into use until the existing accesses from the site to Willis Road and The Anchorage have been closed with the kerb and verge/footway reinstated, in accordance with a detailed scheme that shall be submitted to and approved, in writing, by the Local Planning Authority.Reason - In the interests of highway safety and to comply with Policy LP23 of the Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011-2029.

13. a) The development hereby permitted shall not be occupied until secure and weatherproof long-term cycle storage facilities and secure short stay cycle parking facilities have been provided in accordance with a detailed scheme that shall be submitted to and approved, in writing, by the Local Planning Authority.b) The cycle storage and parking facilities shall thereafter be retained.Reason - In order to ensure that adequate cycle storage is provided to promote and encourage cycling as an alternative to use of the private motor car in compliance with Policy LP23 of the Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011-2029.

14. a) The development hereby permitted shall not be occupied until the facilities for the storage and collection of refuse and recyclable materials shown on the approved plans have been provided.b) The waste storage and collection facilities shall thereafter be retained.Reason - To ensure that adequate provision is made for the storage of refuse and recyclable materials and to comply with Policy LP10 of the Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011-2029.

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15. a) The development hereby permitted shall not be occupied until the buggy storage facilities shown on the approved plans have been provided.b) The buggy storage facilities shall thereafter be retained.Reason - To ensure that adequate provision is made for alternative modes of transort to the private motor car in compliance with Policy LP23 of the Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011-2029.

16. The development hereby permitted shall not be occupied until the site has been landscaped in accordance with a detailed hard landscaping scheme (to include all hard surfacing materials, boundary treatments, and lighting) that shall have been submitted to approved, in writing, by the Local Planning Authority.Reason - In order to protect the amenities of the area, and to comply with Policy LP10 of the Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011-2029.

17. a) The development hereby permitted shall not be occupied until a detailed planting scheme (to include species, numbers, densities, heights and future maintenance) has been submitted to approved, in writing, by the Local Planning Authority.b) The approved planting scheme shall be completed within the next planting season following first occupation of the development, and any trees or plants which die are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased during the first five years, shall be replaced with others of identical species (or as may otherwise be agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority) during the next planting season.Reason - In order to protect the amenities of the area, and to comply with Policy LP10 of the Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011-2029.

18. a) No dwelling hereby permitted shall be occupied until measures to limit water usage within each dwelling to no more than 110 litres of water per person per day have been implemented in accordance with a detailed scheme and water efficiency calculation, in accordance with the Government's National Calculation Methodology for assessing water efficiency in new dwellings that shall be submitted to and approved, in writing, by the Local Planning Authority.b) The measures for limiting water usage approved pursuant to part a) of this condition shall thereafter be retained.Reason - In the interests of reducing water usage and protection of the water environment and to comply with Policies LP39, LP42 and LP44 of the Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011-2029.

19. a) Development shall proceed in accordance with the ecological mitigation and enhancement measures detailed within the Preliminary Ecological Assessment (Enzygo, April 2019) and the Preliminary Roost Assessment of Trees (Enzygo, June 2019) unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. b) Ecological enhancement features shall be retained in perpetuity in a condition suited to their intended function. Reason - to conserve and enhance biodiversity in accordance with the Conservation Regulations 2017, the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981, the NERC Act 2006, NPPF and with Policy LP44 of the of the Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011-2029.

20. No cooking processes other than the preparation of hot beverages, toasting of bread or heating of food in a microwave oven, domestic oven or domestic cooking device shall be undertaken (unless a suitable kitchen extract ventilation system has have been installed in accordance with a detailed scheme that shall be submitted to and approved, in writing, by the Local Planning Authority). The approved equipment shall thereafter be operated for as long as the cooking process continues.Reason - To safeguard customers, users and occupiers of neighbouring properties from cooking odours in accordance with Policy LP46 of the Gosport Borough Local Plan, 2011-2029.

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The Site and the proposal

1. The application site is located within the Urban Area as defined by the Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011-2029 on an unallocated site which has been in employment use for many years, originally as a petrol filling station and more recently as a garage, MOT service centre and latterly for car sales. It is located on the southern side of the Cocked Hat Pub roundabout with vehicular access 12m to the west of the roundabout and a further vehicular exit 35m further along Privett Road to the west of the roundabout. A shared cycle/footpath runs along the site frontage across which vehicles entering and exiting the site have to manoeuvre. The site is currently operating as a car wash utilising the existing former workshop building and external areas.

2. To the north of the site, on the opposite side of Privett Road, are playing fields which are protected open space (Policies LP35 and LP41), form the very south eastern corner of the part of the Settlement Gap (Policy LP3) and are designated as part of the Alver Valley Site of Importance for Nature Conservation. To the south of the site, at a level approximately 0.6m lower than the application site, are the residential gardens of the houses at 6 Gomer Lane and 7 Naismith Close.

3. Planning permission was granted in January 2019 (under reference 18/00237/FULL) for a change of use of the whole site to a car wash. The permission also authorised the erection of an extension to the side of the existing building, the erection of canopies to the front of the building and extension, and the erection of an acoustic barrier to parts of the southern boundary of the site.

4. This application seeks to vary a number of the planning conditions imposed under reference 18/00237/FULL to regularise elements of the development that have not been carried out in accordance with the permission.

5. The canopies that have been provided to the front of the former workshop building are approximately 50% larger than those that were permitted and have been located further forward of the building such that they project 5 metres further forward.

6. The acoustic barrier that has been provided is of a different design than that approved, however it is of the same height and is constructed of materials that delivery an equivalent degree of noise attenuation.

7. Following initial noise and vibration issues that were affecting the occupiers of neighbouring properties, the plant powering the jet washes has been relocated into a purpose built enclosure at the front of the building which incorporates various noise and vibration mitigation measures.

Relevant Planning History

94/00375/FULL - alterations to existing sales building to include new shopfront and internal provision of jet wash facility - permitted 28.09.1994

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98/00356/FULL - use of part of forecourt for car display and sales and erection of 1.2 metre high boundary fencing - permitted 15.07.1999

00/00387/FULL - use of part of forecourt for car display and sales and erection of 1.2 metre high boundary fencing - refused 22.06.2000

01/00432/FULL - change of use from petrol filling station, workshop & car sales to car sales, mot station & associated repairs - permitted 16.01.2002

07/00077/OUT - Outline - erection of a convenience store (Class A1) with 5no. flats above, alterations to access to classified road (B.3333) and associated parking - refused 28.03.2007

16/00312/FULL - change of use from car sales to car wash and valeting and erection of new 2.4m high acoustic fence/spray screen adjacent to southern boundary - withdrawn 07.12.2016

16/00593/FULL - change of use from car sales to commercial car washing - refused 05.06.2017

18/00237/FULL - change of use from car sales to car wash, erection of side extension, erection of canopies to front of existing building and erection of acoustic barrier - permitted 17.01.2019

Relevant Policies

Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011 – 2029:LP10 DesignLP46 Pollution Control

Supplementary Planning Documents:Gosport Borough Council Design Guidance: Supplementary Planning Document: February 2014

National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), February 2019

Consultations Environmental Health No objection. Noise and vibration mitigation

measures should be retained.

Response to Public Advertisement

3 letters of objection (to original submission)Issues raised:- Poor quality visual appearance of site;- Failure to comply with previous conditions;- Potential for pollution;- Concern about waste storage provision;- Concern about implications for highway safety.

Principal Issues

1. Issues associated with the principle of development in highway terms and the acceptability of the access and egress arrangements were considered in the determination of the previous application. The main issues to be considered in the determination of this application are therefore whether the works that have been carried out are acceptable in design terms and whether they result in harm to the amenities of neighbouring residential properties.

2. The canopies that have been provided remain subordinate to the main building and do not appear as an unduly prominent feature within the Streetscene and are not harmful to the character of the area.

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The acoustic barrier that has been erected has a comparable visual appearance to that which was approved and is considered to be an acceptable. These elements of the proposal are considered acceptable in design terms and accords with Policy LP10 of the Local Plan in this respect.

3. During the lifetime of this application, and following complaint from neighbours and investigation by officers, the machinery associated with the jet washes used in the car wash has been relocated from inside the building to a purpose built enclosure at the front adjacent to the large door openings. This alteration has resulted in a reduction in both noise and vibration experienced by occupiers of neighbouring properties such that there are no outstanding objections in respect of these issues. Following visits to the site to witness it in operation, both Environmental Health and Planning Officers are satisfied that the continued operation of the car wash does not result in a significant degree of harm being caused to the residential amenities of the occupiers of neighbouring premises. To ensure that the current situation is retained it is proposed to impose a planning condition requiring the noise and vibration mitigation measures associated with the operation of plant and equipment to be retained. Subject to such a condition the proposal is considered acceptable in amenity terms and accords with Policy LP10 of the Local Plan in this respect.

4. Whilst the approval of this application would result in the granting of a fresh planning permission, case law (Lambeth LBC v SSCLG & Aberdeen Asset Management, Nottinghamshire CC & HHGL Ltd [2017]) has established that any other conditions previously imposed would remain in force. Notwithstanding this, and in the interests of clarity, it is considered reasonable and necessary to re-impose previously imposed planning conditions where they remain relevant. It is also considered appropriate to secure the provision of facilities for the storage of commercial waste associated with the operation of the car wash.

Equalities Impact Assessment: No Implications

RECOMMENDATION: Grant Permission

Subject to the following condition(s):-

1. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans: 1624 1-11; 1624 5-11 REV.N; 1624 6-11 Rev.O; 1624 7-11 Rev.N, 1624 8-11 Rev.M. 1624 9-11 REV.O & 1624 10-11 REV.OReason - To ensure that the development is completed satisfactorily in all respects and to comply with Policy LP10 of the Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011-2029.

2. The use hereby permitted shall only be open to customers between the hours of 08:00 to 18:00 Monday to Saturday and between the hours of 10:00 and 16:00 hours on Sundays, Bank and Public Holidays.Reason - To protect the residential amenities of the occupiers of neighbouring properties in accordance with Policies LP10 and LP46 of the Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011-2029.

3. Within 6 months of the date of this planning permission, or any alternate time period that may be agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority, the existing eastern vehicular access from the site to Privett Road has been closed with the kerb and footway reinstated, in accordance with the details shown on Drawing 1624 8-11 Rev.M, or any alternative scheme that shall be submitted to and approved, in writing, by the Local Planning Authority.Reason - In the interests of highway safety and to comply with Policy LP23 of the Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011-2029.

4. The acoustic barriers shown on the approved plans and sited along the southern boundary of the site, and adjacent to the vehicular entrance to the building shall be retained at all times whilst the site remains in use as a car wash.Reason - To protect the residential amenities of the occupiers of neighbouring properties in accordance with Policies LP10 and LP46 of the Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011-2029.

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5. No mechanically powered plant or machinery shall be sited or operated outside of the building as extended by reason of this planning permission (which for the avoidance of doubt does not include under the canopies hereby permitted).Reason - To protect the residential amenities of the occupiers of neighbouring properties in accordance with Policies LP10 and LP46 of the Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011-2029.

6. All mechanically powered plant or machinery shall be operated to ensure that noise levels associated with their operation do not exceed those set out in the Noise Assessment Report (prepared by Clover Acoustics and dated 4/6/2019).Reason: To protect the residential amenities of the occupiers of neighbouring properties in accordance with Policies LP10 and LP46 of the Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011-2029.

7. The areas shown on the approved plans for the parking and manoeuvring of vehicles shall be retained for those purposes at all times.Reason - In the interests of highway safety, to ensure adequate car parking is provided and retained, in the interests of amenity, and to comply with Policies LP10 and LP23 of the Gosport Borough Local Plan, 2011 - 2029.

8. a) Within three months of the date of this permission details of facilities for the storage of waste materials associated with the use of the premises as a car wash shall be submitted to and approved, in writing by the Local Planning Authority.b) The waste storage facilities shall be provided within three months of their written approval pursuant to part a) of this condition.c) The waste storage facilities shall thereafter be retained.Reason - To ensure that adequate provision is made for the storage of refuse and recyclable materials and to comply with Policy LP10 of the Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011-2029.

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ITEM NUMBER: 03.APPLICATION NUMBER: 19/00516/OUTAPPLICANT: Bargate Homes Ltd c/o Agent WYGDATE REGISTERED: 28.11.2019CROSS BOUNDARY OUTLINE APPLICATION, WITH ALL MATTERS RESERVED EXCEPT FOR ACCESS, FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF UP TO 99 RESIDENTIAL DWELLINGS, LANDSCAPING, OPEN SPACE AND ASSOCIATED WORKS, WITH ACCESS FROM BROOKERS LANE [Gosport Borough Council to only determine part of the application relating to part of access in Gosport Borough] (as amplified by additional information received 03.03.20 and 14.05.20)Land Adjacent Brookers Lane Gosport Hampshire

The Site and the proposal

1. The site is located at the western end of Brookers Lane and comprises 4.1ha of land. The plans indicate that the majority of the application site is located within the boundary of Fareham Borough Council with an area of approximately 730 square metres (0.073ha) area falling within the Borough boundary of Gosport. Within the Gosport Boundary the site extends along part of the footpath linking Brookers Lane with Newgate Lane to the west and eastwards to the junction with The Drive. The remainder of the site, within the Fareham Borough boundary, extends west to Newgate Lane and northwards to the rear of properties within Pettycot Crescent and comprises agricultural fields. Part of the site falls within the Urban Area Boundary and part falls within the Strategic Gap, as defined by the Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011-2029 (GBLP).

2. To the east the surrounding area comprises residential properties, with a mix of bungalows and two-storey houses, including terraces, detached and semi-detached properties. All of these properties are within the Borough of Gosport. These properties are separated from the site by established planting in the form of hedgerows and trees. Directly adjacent to the site within Brookers Lane is a garage block and parking area. To the south of Brookers Lane are further houses within The Drive and the Brookers Playing Fields which has a pedestrian access adjacent to the site boundary.

3. Identical applications have been submitted to both Fareham Borough Council (application reference P/19/1260) and Gosport Borough Council. The proposals seek outline planning permission for the erection of up to 99 dwellings with only means of access considered. Whilst a detailed layout has not been provided with the application, none of the housing would be located within the boundary of Gosport with only part of the proposed access falling within the Borough Boundary and the jurisdiction of the GBLP.

4. The proposed pedestrian and vehicular access would be from Brookers Lane extending along part of the existing footpath. The application proposals acknowledge the existence of the large Oak tree located on the southern side of the footpath and in order to avoid encroachment on this tree, a narrowing of the access road to 3m is proposed with vehicles travelling in a west to east direction needing to give way to traffic from the east. The applicant indicates that this will provide a natural traffic calming measure, reducing speeds and creating a safer environment for pedestrians and cyclists. The existing shared pedestrian/cycle route, along Brookers Lane, would terminate on the western side of the reduced carriageway width, with a dropped kerb to enable cyclists to join the carriageway. A footpath is proposed on either side of the proposed access road. Other upgrades to the pedestrian crossings, such as tactile paving are indicated at the junction of The Drive and Brookers Lane. The application is accompanied by a Transport Assessment (TA) which assesses the likely traffic impacts of the development and the proposed access, incorporating a road safety improvement scheme, identified at the Brookers Lane/Tukes Avenue junction.

5. Following comments from the Local Highway Authority the applicant has provided additional highways related information. This includes widening of the proposed footways within the site, alterations to the access point to the Brookers Lane footway/cycle way, tracking information, clarification of visibility splays, and re-provision within the site of the displaced car parking used by

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those wishing to access the Brookers Playing Fields. Off-site highway works are identified to include widening of footpaths on The Drive to the Peel Common schools, along with contributions towards road/footpath and crossing improvements, including a proportional contribution towards safety improvements at the junction of Brookers Lane/Carisbrooke Road/Tukes Avenue (possibly a mini-roundabout) and new and revised Traffic Regulation Orders. Confirmation that The Drive will not be used by construction vehicles has also been given, with final routing options to be agreed though a Construction Transport Management Plan which could include utilising the existing access from Newgate Lane for construction traffic. The applicant has also removed the pedestrian link into Heron Way to address the concerns raised by the Crime Prevention and Design Officer.

Relevant Planning History


Relevant Policies

Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011 – 2029:LP1 Sustainable DevelopmentLP2 InfrastructureLP3 Spatial StrategyLP10 DesignLP21 Improving Transport InfrastructureLP22 Accessibility to New DevelopmentLP23 Layout of Sites and ParkingLP41 Green InfrastructureLP44 Protecting Species and Other Features of Nature Conservation ImportanceLP46 Pollution Control

National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), February 2019

Consultations Local Highway Authority No objection to this proposal from a

highways and transportation perspective.

The applicant has submitted an updated plan showing the amended access proposals and the Technical Note confirms a minimum width of 1.8m footways on both the northern and southern sides of the access road will be provided. Clarity has been provided regarding the need for a narrowing of the northern footway to 1.8m for a short section. Pedestrian guard railing has been included at the end of cycle way to ensure cyclists use the "jug handle" and do not cut across the verge.

The applicant has demonstrated that an articulated lorry is able to manoeuvre through the site access whilst a car waits to egress the site. It is agreed that The Drive is not acceptable as a construction route and the Construction Traffic Management Plan will exclude The Drive for use by construction traffic.

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The Technical Note shows an area outlined yellow for provision of 5 parking spaces to replace the displaced parking that currently occurs at the western end of Brookers Lane. Details of this parking arrangement are to be progressed at the reserved matters stage, which is considered acceptable, however, needs to be appropriately secured should the development come forward. The Local Planning Authorities should satisfy themselves that the alternative parking spaces are acceptable on amenity grounds.

The proposed site access will result in motorised vehicles using an area where driving is currently prohibited. As such, the existing Prohibition of Driving TRO will need to be amended. The Prohibition of Driving TRO was implemented to ensure provision of a high quality pedestrian and cycle link from Brookers Lane, across Newgate Lane East to Woodcote Lane. The previous site access comments have been satisfactorily addressed as set out above, and it is considered that safe and convenient travel by foot and bicycle will be provided.

The applicant has updated its stated intention to create a construction access on Newgate Lane East, stating the proposal is to utilise an existing farm access as a temporary construction access off Newgate Lane East. The Highway Authority does not support the principle of intensification of vehicular access points directly onto Newgate Lane. Therefore all options should be explored, including access via Brookers Lane, and the precise details for accessing the site for construction purposes secured through the Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP), which should be conditioned as part of any granting of planning permission.

Regarding potential pedestrian links to the north, while land to the north is a draft allocation in Fareham Borough Council's emerging local plan, there is no certainty this will come forward, nor are any layout details fixed at this stage. As such, securing future provision of appropriate links via condition, should development to the north come forward, is acceptable. The layout agreed at reserved matters for this application must make provision of future pedestrian and cycle only connections up to the site boundary as shown indicatively on the masterplan.

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Furthermore, this condition should secure that, upon request of the Local Planning Authority, these links are surfaced and lit to an appropriate standard. Availability and maintenance of the links in perpetuity must be secured, ideally through the land being offered for adoption as public highway.

The applicant has submitted a revised proposal, shown on drawing ITB13747-GA-101 Rev A, widening the footway from Brookers Lane southwards to the existing school crossing point. This is considered acceptable.

It was previously requested that visibility splays should be considered at the crossing point on The Drive, noting that parking restrictions may be required to maintain suitable visibility. The crossing point is existing, however, proposals were submitted to upgrade it with tactile paving. Use of this crossing point will increase should the development come forward. It is acceptable that the need for parking restrictions to maintain visibility splays can be addressed at the detailed design stage, based on safety auditor recommendations.

The following conditions should be included and the applicant should enter into a Section 106 Legal Agreement to secure the following mitigation package:

- Submit and implement a full Travel Plan, payment of the Travel Plan approval and monitoring fees and provision of a surety mechanism to ensure implementation of the Travel Plan.- Implementation of highway works as shown in principle on drawings ITB13747-GA-004 Rev F (site access) and ITB13747-GA-001 Rev A (The Drive footway improvements, including further consideration of the level of cycle rights to be provided).- Reserved matters submissions must include provision of five parking spaces in the area highlighted yellow on plan Image 2.1. These must be publicly available and maintained in perpetuity.- A financial contribution off £78,160 towards pedestrian/ cycling improvements at the Brookers Lane crossing of Newgate Lane East.- A financial contribution of £30,336 towards safety improvements at the junction of Brookers Lane/ Tukes Avenue/ Carisbrooke Road.

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- A financial contribution of £130,000 towards local accessibility improvements to Woodcot Primary School and Tukes Avenue Local Centre (route 2), Holbrook Primary School and Bridgemary School (route) 3 and Nobes Avenue Local Centre (route 4);-Completion of the required amendment to the Prohibition of Driving TRO on Brookers Lane prior to any commencement of works in relation to this application.-A TRO contribution of £5,000 towards parking restrictions on Brookers Lane in the vicinity of the site access, to be used should parking restrictions be require to maintain suitable access.

Suggested Conditions:- A Construction Traffic Management Plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Planning Authority in writing before development commences. This should include; construction traffic routes (including restrictions on the use of The Drive), parking and turning provision to be made on site, measures to prevent mud from being deposited on the highway and a programme for construction. The agreed details shall be fully implemented before theDevelopment is commenced.- Reserved matters submissions shall include two pedestrian and cycling links at the southern boundary of the site to the Brookers Lane cycle link in the vicinity of the existing pedestrian accesses to Brookers Playing Fields as shown indicatively on masterplan drawing CMP-01 Rev D.- Reserved matters submissions shall include a suitable and direct internal path linking the north of the application site to the vehicular site access via the eastern boundary of the site as shown indicatively on masterplan drawing CMP-01 Rev D.- Reserved matters submissions shall safeguard suitable land up to the site boundary to provide pedestrian and cycle only connections to the north as shown indicatively on masterplan drawing CMP-01 Rev D, only to be implemented should development to the north come forward. This land should be dedicated as public highway if practicable.- Following written confirmation from the local planning authority that the works are required, plans shall be submitted to and approved by the Planning Authority in writing to upgrade (surface and light) the pedestrian and cycle only connections to the north.

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Construction of the pedestrian and cycle only connections shall be completed within 6 months of approval of the plans. The pedestrian and cycle only connections shall be available for public use in perpetuity and maintained by the developer in perpetuity (unless dedicated as public highway).- Only affordable dwellings shall be constructed on the site.- The single point of vehicular access to the development shall be via Brookers Lane as agreed at the planning stage. No alternative or additional vehicular access points or links shall be permitted. Reserved matters applications shall ensure the built environment of the internal site layout is designed to restrict the potential for any alternative vehicular access points or links.

Fareham LPA No comments.

Streetscene Parks & Horticulture No objection. Having viewed the site with the

Tree Protection Plan and Tree Survey I concur with the survey and its findings and the tree protection measures. it would appear no trees are at threat from the proposed development and that no trees are likely to be the subject of inappropriate or dis-figurative pruning to accommodate the development

HCC Ecology Further information required regarding the

loss of SPA supporting habitat having regard to the Solent Waders & Brent Goose Strategy (SWBGS), along with the cumulative impacts with other sites.

No firm details of landscaping are provided and it is therefore not possible to determine whether the ecological recommendations will be followed through into the design layout.

Consideration of the impacts on reptiles, bats and badgers are required. The application is outline, but I consider that further information is required at this stage to demonstrate how the identified ecological receptors will be suitably addressed in the layout design. Matters such as landscaping and lighting may conflict with the protection and enhancement of biodiversity and it is essential that discrepancies are resolved at this stage.

HCC Landscape Planning & Heritage No objection, subject to conditions. Recent

evaluation of the Stubington By-pass to the west has recorded evidence of later prehistoric and Romano-British field systems

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and enclosure, together with indications of nearby high status Roman buildings. Whilst there is no indication that archaeology presents an overriding concern, given the potential, assessment recording and reporting should be considered through the imposition of conditions.

Environmental Health Noise

Construction Phase

The hours of construction should be limited to reasonable hours (for example Monday to Friday 08:00 to 18:00, Saturdays 08:00 to 13:00, with no noisy works on Sundays or Bank Holidays.Operational Phase The development should incorporate the mitigations measures detailed in section 6.0 of the noise assessment, dated November 2019. Specifically the standard described in the section 6.1 Glazing and Ventilation Strategy and Section 6.2 External Amenity Areas must be incorporated to control environmental noise.

Air Quality

I have reviewed the Air Quality Assessment, dated November 2019.

Construction Phase

All mitigation measures detailed in Table 7.1 Highly Recommended Construction Phase Mitigation Measures of the air quality assessment should be implemented during the construction phase. Where practical the measures detailed in Table 7.2 Desirable Construction Phase mitigation Measures should also be implemented.

Operational Phase

To ensure the development does not adversely impact air quality, the development should be designed to include the principles of good design included in Section 5.10 of the Land-Use Planning and Development Control: Planning for Air Quality (EPUK and IAQM, 2017) specifically:- Provision should be made of at least 1 Electric Vehicle (EV) "rapid charge" point per 10 residential dwellings and/or 1000m2 of commercial floor space. Where on-site parking is provided for residential dwellings,

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EV charging points for each parking space should be made.- All gas-fired boilers to meet a minimum standard of <40 mgNOx/kWh."

Construction and Environment Management Plan (CEMP)

The developer should submit a CEMP to demonstrate how noise will be controlled during the construction phase.


The development site lies outside the 3ouE/m3 odour contour as assessed in the report A3298/North/Odour/001 dated 06.09.2018 provided by ACCON therefore adverse impacts of odour from Peel Common Sewage Works are not significant.

Streetscene Waste & Cleansing I understand that refuse/recycling collections

will be undertaken by Fareham Borough Council for this development, who will have different collection vehicles and methods, so no comments to make at this stage.

HCC Local Lead Flood Authority The proposals are acceptable in principle

subject to conditions regarding drainage, provided the applicant justifies the rejection of infiltration systems being provided.

Hampshire Fire And Rescue Service No objection. Access and facilities for Fire

Service Appliances and Firefighters should be in accordance with Approved Document B5 of the current Building Regulations.

Access to the proposed site should be in accordance with Hampshire Act 1983 Sect, 12. Access roads to the site should be in accordance with Approved Document B5 of the current Building Regulations.

Crime Prevention & Design The proposed development will bring more

people to this end of Brookers Lane, which currently has a footpath leading into the fields in this area. At this dead end it is possible to access a footpath running to the rear of the dwellings on Fulmer Walk, a block of garages and some parking spaces. The Secured by Design principles outlined within the design and access statement, state: "It is preferable that footpaths are not placed to the back of properties.

If they are essential to give access to the rear of properties, they must be gated. Where possible the street lighting scheme

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should be designed to ensure that the gates are well illuminated. Gates must be capable of being locked (operable by key from both sides of the gate." Whilst there may be no rear access footpaths within the proposed development, it is not the case here. To prevent crime being generated within this area by the new development, greater surveillance of the area must be created.

We would be concerned if the volume of traffic created by this development caused congestion on the existing road network.

A potential pedestrian access is shown from the proposed development into Heron Way. At a place giving access to the rear of dwellings, garages and parked motor vehicles. There is very little natural surveillance of this place, which increases the opportunities for crime and anti-social behaviour. Currently there is no access from this point into the proposed development. To reduce the opportunities for crime and anti-social behaviour this access should be removed from the approved scheme.

Lighting within Brookers Lane at the place where it will connect with access road to the new development should conform to the relevant sections of BS 5489-1:2013.

Southern Water No objection. Southern Water can provide

foul sewage disposal to service the proposed development. Request condition relating to the provision of details of the proposed means of foul and surface water disposal.

The applicant should note the limitations of works and trees in proximity to sewers.

Environment Agency (Hants & IOW) No response received.

Natural England No objection. A full response has been sent

to Fareham Borough Council (Ref: P/19/1260/OA). Natural England has no comment on the part of the proposal that occurs within the Gosport Borough boundary, i.e. the access road onto Brookers Lane.

HCC Education Office No objection. Subject to contribution

towards education in accordance Children's Services Developers' Contributions Policy. Review of catchments would be undertaken to determine where the money would be spent given close proximity of the

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development to existing housing areas in Gosport.

Housing Services Strategic No response received.

Response to Public Advertisement

68 letters of objectionIssues raised:


- Development would be located within the Strategic Gap which is important green infrastructure and should be directed to the ample brownfield land in the area

- Proposals are contrary to both Gosport and Fareham Local Plans- Proposals are prejudicial to Fareham's Local Plan process- No need for new homes- Proposals would diminish the physical and visual separation of the settlements- would have a detrimental impact on limited capacity in local amenities, with no strategic planning

for the development- Wider HA2 site is likely to be reconsidered as an allocation and should be looked at more

comprehensively- there is a duty to co-operate where plans and strategies affect two planning areas and the

proposals would affect the Gosport services (Schools, Health and most amenities) for an Authority that won't benefit from Council Tax receipts

- Statement that there are no deliverability issues affecting the allocation of HA2 are wrong as the cumulative impacts will be severe

- if permitted, the proposals would set a precedent for more homes in the Strategic Gap undermining the overall South Hampshire strategy outlined in the PfSH Spatial Position Statement

- Delay in bringing forward Welbourne is now impacting on wider communities


- Access is inadequate to accommodate 99 dwellings- negates the benefits of road improvements undertaken- Heavily car dependent with limited public transport provision- Additional traffic on Newgate Lane and traffic through Peel Common and Bridgemary would have

a significant impact on road network- Site to the north could come through by Kent Road, increasing the impact on the highways and

amenities of the area- Developments should access onto Newgate Lane- Development in this location will impact adversely on access to the Enterprise Zone at Daedalus

as well as the wider area- There is a Prohibition of Driving Order for Brookers Lane which this would contravene which

should not be amended or rescinded- Lack of parking will mean additional pressure on surrounding areas- will impact on parking in association with the use of Brookers Playing Field- Highway safety given the proximity of the roads serving the site to local schools- Proposed access is dangerous- Newgate Lane works have not reduced congestion and the proposals would increase this further

and the infrastructure needs to be improved first


- Northern end of Newgate Lane and Fareham Town Centre is an Air Quality Management Area and the proposals would impact on this given their reliance on the car

- Impact of the proposals on the water environment (nitrates)- increased noise and disturbance

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- the field adjacent to Fulmar Walk floods for 2-3 months of the year from surface water flooding and development will increase flood risk elsewhere

- They should be planting trees to help the environment instead- Impact on wildlife with removal of hedgerows- Light pollution- Concerned if proposals would result in the ditches being blocked


- Impact on property values- Emphasis on the public consultation which took place at short notice is misleading- Enforced purchase of existing houses would be unacceptable

58 letters of supportIssues raised:- Affordable housing is needed in this area- Will help those on lower incomes and homeless people get accommodation- With the new bypass and the site being close to local shops and bus route this is a good location

for new homes- Will help create a mixed community- Will provide much needed key worker and military worker accommodation - Will help get younger people on the housing ladder- Will make improvements to cycle and pedestrian infrastructure

Principal Issues

1. Given the majority of the development site is within Fareham Borough Council's (FBC) administrative boundary, the issues that can be considered in the determination of this application are restricted and limited to those associated with the construction and future use of the access to serve the proposed development. Matters relating to the residential elements and associated impacts, including among other issues, layout and design, impact on local services, relationships between existing and proposed residential properties, affordable housing, ecology (including nitrates and recreational disturbance), drainage, contamination, parking, and open space provision, would all be matters for FBC to consider in the determination of their application. Matters relating to property values cannot be considered in the determination of a planning application. The main issues for consideration are, therefore, whether an access in this location is acceptable to serve a residential development on the land outside of the Borough boundary, whether it would have a detrimental impact in terms of highway or pedestrian/cyclist safety, if its use would have a detrimental impact on the amenities of adjoining occupiers and whether there would be harm to the existing trees.

2. Gosport Borough Council has already set out its objections to the proposed residential development on this land in the consultation response to FBC on their associated cross boundary application. FBC will need to consider the appropriateness of the housing development and its associated impacts, having regard to those comments and any other representations received as well as the provisions of the Fareham Local Plan.

3. Policy LP22 of the Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011-2029 requires that "any new or improved road access and the traffic generated would not have any unacceptable environmental implications nor significantly prejudice the safety, function and capacity of the road network". In addition the suitability of the access arrangements and links to existing pedestrian and cyclist provision needs to accord with Policy LP22 relating to accessibility to new development. Policy LP23, relating to the layout of sites indicates that adequate provision must be made to an appropriate range of vehicles to access the site and manoeuvre within it. It also indicates that appropriate traffic management measures should be included where appropriate to control the speed of traffic generated by the development and to ensure the safety and convenience of all highway users including cyclists and pedestrians is maintained and enhanced. Many of the layout issues, whilst associated with the creation of the access would be for the consideration of Fareham Borough Council and their own Local Plan Policy.

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4. The applicants have provided additional information to support the application in terms of traffic impacts on the surrounding highway network and associated junctions. This supporting information has been assessed by Hampshire County Council as the Local Highway Authority (LHA).

5. The Traffic impacts, in terms of vehicular trip generation and distribution have been assessed by the applicant and considered by the LHA. The applicant has considered the level of traffic generated having regard to the likely destinations based on Census data and surveys. There will inevitably be an increase in vehicle movements along Brookers Lane, given the single point of access and the Transport Assessment (TA) indicates that this would result in 33 two-way vehicle movements travelling east along Brookers Lane during the morning peak period and 37 two-way vehicle movements during the evening peak period. This equates to around one additional vehicle movement every two minutes during those times.

6. The TA also considers the impacts on other routes and junctions concluding that the levels of increased traffic are considered very low. These relate to approximately 1 additional vehicle every 5 minutes at the morning peak. The LHA has considered the traffic flows and impacts on the wider highway network and has not raised any objection to the proposals on this basis.

7. The proposed access to the site has been revised and the increased width of footways and changes to the pedestrian/cycle way link to Brookers Lane to Newgate Lane link are considered to be acceptable.

8. The proposed public car parking within the site access road, to accommodate displaced parking that currently occurs at the western end of Brookers Lane, is an acceptable solution and distance from the Brookers Playing Fields access. Details of this parking arrangement would need to be progressed at the Reserved Matters stage and its provision and future retention would be secured through a planning condition.

9. The proposed site access will result in motorised vehicles using Brookers Lane footway/cycle way where driving is currently prohibited, part of which is within the Borough boundary. As such, the existing Prohibition of Driving Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) will need to be amended. This falls outside of the planning application process and would need to be undertaken by the applicant before any works could commence on site, if planning permission were to be granted. However, as noted above the access arrangements and pedestrian/cyclist provisions have been addressed by the applicant and are acceptable in this respect.

10. Construction access would be dealt with through a Construction, Transport and Environment Management Plan (CTEMP) and could include either use of Brookers Lane and Carisbrooke Road, or an existing access onto Newgate Lane. Given that this would impact on occupiers within the Borough it would be appropriate that this document is secured through a planning condition. Similarly the construction of the access could give rise to other impacts from noise, dust etc, so this would be included within the CTEMP. The document would ensure that construction related impacts on nearby occupiers would be kept to a minimum and deliveries and other vehicle movements could be undertaken safely.

11. Use of the crossing point on the Drive will increase should the development come forward. As confirmed by the LHA, it is acceptable that the need for parking restrictions to maintain visibility splays can be addressed at the detailed design stage, based on safety auditor recommendations and be picked up through the S.278 works.

12. The access and associated transport impacts are only considered acceptable in respect of up to 99 affordable dwellings. Whilst noting the request of the LHA to impose restrictions, it is not considered necessary to restrict the use of the access to a maximum of 99 dwellings as this is limited by the planning permission being sought. Should the applicant consider increasing the number of dwellings on the site then further planning applications would be required which would need to be considered on their merits, having regard to any associated impacts.

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13. Other contributions as set out within the LHA response and agreed by the applicant relating to pedestrian/cycle, crossing and junction improvements and a travel plan are considered appropriate and reasonably required, however, given these relate to the impacts of the housing development rather than the access, FBC would need to decide on these issues. They would likely be secured through a legal agreement.

14. Given the above, and notwithstanding this Council's objection to the principle of the housing development which this access would serve, the associated traffic impacts and technical details of the access itself are considered acceptable. The proposals would, therefore, comply with Policies LP22 and LP23 of the Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011-2029 in this respect.

15. The use of the proposed access to serve the amount of development proposed would inevitably have some impacts on the occupiers of the neighbouring properties. However, given the position of the properties in relation to Brookers Lane, being primarily set back and having their flank elevations facing the road, this would be more limited. The area includes access to Brookers Playing Fields and the schools on The Drive where there are already a greater number of vehicle movements than on other surrounding residential roads. It is, therefore, considered that the impact from the proposed vehicle movements would not have a harmful impact on the occupiers of adjoining properties. As noted above the construction impacts would be controlled through a CTEMP. The proposals would, therefore, be in accordance with Policies LP10 and LP46 of the Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011-2029 in this respect.

16. The applicant has provided a Tree Assessment to support the application. The access has been designed to take into account the required Root Protection Areas (RPA) for the Grade B Oaks situated to the south of Brookers Lane. Conditions requiring the RPA's and suitable tree protection measures are proposed to secure these measures.

17. In conclusion, whilst Gosport Borough Council's view remains that the proposed housing development is inappropriate, for the reasons set out in the consultation response, the principal determination is whether the part of the development within the Borough boundary, being the access, is acceptable. The proposed access is considered acceptable to serve this number of dwellings and the vehicle movements associated with 99 affordable dwellings can be accommodated on the highway network. The proposals would not have an unacceptable impact on the neighbouring occupiers, or the adjacent trees for the reasons set out above.

Equalities Impact Assessment: No Implications

RECOMMENDATION: Grant Permission

Subject to the following condition(s):-

1. The development hereby permitted must be begun either before the expiration of three years from the date of the grant of this Outline planning permission, or the expiration of two years from the final approval of the Reserved Matters, or in the case of approval on different dates, the final approval of the last such matter to be approved whichever is the later date.Reason - To comply with Section 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1990 (as amended).

2. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:

SLP-01 D; ITB13747-GA-004 F

Reason - To ensure that the development is completed satisfactorily in all respects and to comply with Policy LP10 of the Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011-2029.

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3. a) No development hereby permitted shall commence until a Construction, Transport and Environment Management Plan, to include (but not be limited to) details of: a method statement for control of dust and emissions from construction and demolition; an assessment and method statement for the control of construction noise for the site specifying predicted noise levels, proposed target criteria, mitigation measures and monitoring protocols, working hours, the timing of deliveries; the provision to be made on site for contractor's parking, construction compound, site office facilities, construction traffic access, the turning and loading/off-loading of delivery vehicles within the confines of the site, wheel wash facilities, lorry routeing from the strategic road network and a programme of works, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. b) The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved Construction, Transport and Environment Management Plan for as long as construction is taking place at the site.Reason - In the interests of the safety, amenity and convenience of users of the surrounding highway network and the occupiers of neighbouring properties and to comply with Policy LP46 of the Gosport Borough Local Plan, 2011-2029.

4. a) Development shall not commence until:i) a Written Scheme of Investigation has been submitted to and approved, in writing, by the Local Planning Authority; andii) the implementation of a programme of archaeological assessment and mitigation in accordance with the Written Scheme of Investigation approved pursuant to part a) i) of this condition has been agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority and has been secured.b) The development shall, unless otherwise agreed, in writing, by the Local Planning Authority, be carried out in accordance with the approved programme of archaeological assessment and mitigation.c) The development shall, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority, not be occupied until a report interpreting the results of the archaeological fieldwork has be produced in accordance with an approved programme including where appropriate post-excavation assessment, specialist analysis and reports, publication and public engagement.Reason - To assess the extent, nature and date of any archaeological deposits that might be present and the impact of the development upon these heritage assets, to mitigate the effect of the works associated with the development upon any heritage assets and to ensure that information regarding these heritage assets is preserved by record for future generations, to contribute to our knowledge and understanding of our past by ensuring that opportunities are taken to capture evidence from the historic environment and to make this publicly available and to comply with Policy LP13 of the Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011-2029.

5. a) Development shall not commence until the tree protection measures set out in Arboricultural Assessment & Method Statement (Barrell Tree Consultancy, 27th November 2019 (19225-AA3-DC)) and identified on Tree Protection Plan 19225-BT3 have been provided.b) The tree protection measures shall be retained until the development is substantially complete, or its removal is agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.Reason - To ensure the important trees on the site are safeguarded and protected during development in accordance with Policies LP10 and LP41 of the Gosport Borough Local Plan, 2011-2029.

6. a) The access hereby permitted shall not be brought into use by residential traffic, until alternative parking spaces to replace those lost on Brookers Lane have been provided in accordance with a detailed scheme that shall have been submitted to and approved, in writing, by the Local Planning Authority.b) The replacement parking spaces shall be retained for public use thereafter.Reason - In there interest of making adequate re-provision of the on-street parking spaces and to accord with Policies LP22 and LP23 of the Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011-2029.

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The Site and the proposal

1. The application site is located on the western side of Oxford Road. The property is a semi-detached bungalow constructed of red brick, white render and uPVC windows and doors under a pitched, tiled roof. At the front of the property is a gravelled driveway and to the south of the property is a footpath which leads down to a gate to the rear garden. At the rear of the property is a 2.8m deep conservatory within an approximately 13m long garden which is enclosed by 1.8m high fencing. The property to the north, attached to the application property is number 3 Oxford Road. The properties in the immediate area are of similar style and design many of which have had alterations to them.

2. The proposal is for the erection of a single storey rear extension and single storey rear conservatory, with an existing conservatory which sits adjacent to the common boundary with the adjoining dwelling being replaced. The proposed extension would be 2.5m deep and 5.8m wide. It would have a flat roof at a height of 2.8m with a roof lantern at a height of 3.2m. The proposed conservatory would project a further 2.7m and be 3.2m wide and be sited adjacent to the common boundary with the adjoining dwelling. The conservatory would have a flat roof at a height of 2.5m with windows on all elevations and a door on the rear elevation. The overall depth of both the extension and conservatory would be 5.2m. The proposal would be finished in matching materials.

Relevant Planning History


Relevant Policies

Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011 – 2029:LP10 Design

Supplementary Planning Documents:Gosport Borough Council Design Guidance: Supplementary Planning Document: February 2014

National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), February 2019

Consultations Nil

Response to Public Advertisement

1 letter of objectionIssues raised:-- Loss of light- Overshadowing

Principal Issues

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1. The main issues for consideration are the appropriateness of the design of the proposal and its impact on the appearance of the locality and on the amenities of the occupiers of adjacent properties.

2. Both the extension and conservatory would be subservient to the application property and in keeping in terms of materials. It is not considered to impact on any adjacent properties and is not out of character with the surrounding residential area. The proposal is therefore considered appropriate to the location and would comply with policy LP10 of the Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011-2029.

3. Although the depth of the extension and conservatory combined would be 2.5m deeper than the existing conservatory, due to the boundary fencing and the height of the proposal it is not considered that it would have a significant impact on the adjacent properties in terms of loss of light or outlook. The height of the proposed extension would be 0.1m higher than the existing conservatory, and although situated on the boundary with the neighbouring property, it is not considered that any additional shadow created would not be to such an extent that would significantly reduce the amenities of the occupiers of number 3 Oxford Road and their use of their rear garden. The proposal therefore complies with policy LP10 of the Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011-2029.

Equalities Impact Assessment: No Implications

RECOMMENDATION: Grant Permission

Subject to the following condition(s):-

1. The development hereby permitted must be begun within a period of three years beginning with the date on which this permission is granted. Reason - To comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1990 (as amended).

2. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:Location plan, proposed ground floor plan, proposed first floor plan, proposed elevationReason - To ensure that the development is completed satisfactorily in all respects and to comply with Policy LP10 of the Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011-2029.

3. The materials to be used shall match in type, colour and texture those on the existing dwelling unless otherwise agreed, in writing, with the Local Planning Authority. Reason - To ensure satisfactory visual relationship of the new development to the existing, and to comply with Policy LP10 of the Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011-2029.

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Regulatory Board: 22nd July 2020

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The Site and the proposal

1. The application site is located on the southern side of The Parkway. The property is a two storey semi-detached dwellinghouse constructed of red brick and uPVC windows and doors under a pitched, tiled roof. At the front of the property is open plan amenity area which is approximately 8m long. At the rear of the property is a 4m deep single storey extension which is in an approximately 10m long garden enclosed by fencing. Beyond the fencing at the rear is more open plan amenity land which is surrounded by residential housing. The property to the west, number 25 The Parkway, is approximately 14m away from the application property, and the property to the east, number 21 The Parkway, is attached to the application property. The properties in the immediate area are of similar size and design, many of which have had alterations to them.

2. The proposal relates to the erection of a roof terrace with balustrade above part of the existing single storey rear extension and the erection of a side porch. The roof terrace would be over the western side of the extension away from the common boundary with number 21. The terrace would have a depth of 3.5m and a width of 4.3m and would be set 0.5 metres back from the edge of the extension facing the rear garden of the site and 3 metres away from the edge of the extension adjacent to the boundary within number 21 The Parkway. The balustrade would have a height of 1.1m with a frosted privacy screen on the eastern side at a height of 1.7m.

3. The porch will be situated on the side of the house and would be 0.6m deep, 1.6m wide, have a pitched roof with an eaves height of 2.2m and a ridge height of 3m. There would be a door on the front elevation and it would be finished in matching materials.

4. This application is a resubmission of a previous application for roof terrace above the whole of the extension which was refused earlier this year. The main difference is the reduction in the depth and width of the roof terrace by 3 metres and 0.5 metres respectively.

Relevant Planning History

19/00371/FULL - installation of first floor rear roof terrace including balustrade - refused 17.01.20 for the following reason:The proposal would, by reason of its size and siting, result in an unacceptable increase in overlooking and potential for an unneighbourly degree of noise and disturbance to the detriment of the residential amenities of occupiers of the adjoining property contrary to Policy LP10 of the Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011- 2029 and to the Gosport Borough Council's Design Supplementary Planning Document.

Relevant Policies

Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011 – 2029:LP10 Design

Supplementary Planning Documents:Gosport Borough Council Design Guidance: Supplementary Planning Document: February 2014

National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), February 2019


Page 42: GOSPORT BOROUGH COUNCIL – REGULATORY BOARD · Hampshire PO13 0PT Grant Permission subject to Conditions 06. 45-48 20/00211/FULL 13 Clayhall Road Gosport Hampshire PO12 2BB Grant

Regulatory Board: 22nd July 2020

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Response to Public Advertisement

3 letters of objectionIssues raised:-- Loss of privacy- Roof terrace out of character

Principal Issues

1. The main issues for consideration are the appropriateness of the design of the proposal and its impact on the appearance of the locality and the amenities of the occupiers of adjacent properties with particular regard to the reason for the refusal of the previous application.

2. The reduced width and depth of the roof terrace compared with the previous application is such that its impact on the occupiers of neighbouring properties would be much reduced. The degree of setback of the roof terrace away from the boundary with the neighbouring property taken together with the height and location of the and the height of the privacy screen is such that this amended proposal would result in no significantly increased overlooking than that which exists from existing first floor windows. Furthermore the much reduced scale of the roof terrace would reduce any potential impact for excessive noise or disturbance from its use and any perceived degree of overlooking. Overall, the currently proposed roof terrace would address and overcome the reason for the refusal of the previous application and is considered acceptable in amenity terms such that it would comply with Policy LP10 of the Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011-2029 in this regard.

3. Due to the location of the roof terrace and its simple form, it would be visually subservient to the application property when viewed from the rear. The balustrade and appearance of the privacy screening would be in keeping with the property's appearance and would therefore not detract from the character of the surrounding area. The proposed roof terrace is therefore acceptable in design terms and would comply with Policy LP10 of the Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011-2029 in this regard.

4. The porch would be subservient to the application property and in keeping in terms of materials. It is not considered to impact on any of the adjacent properties and is not out of character with the surrounding residential area. Due to the location of the proposed porch, it is not considered to harm the amenity of the occupiers of the adjacent or adjoining properties in terms of access to light, privacy or outlook. The proposal therefore complies with Policy LP10 of the Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011-2029 in this regard.

Equalities Impact Assessment: No Implications

RECOMMENDATION: Grant Permission

Subject to the following condition(s):-

1. The development hereby permitted must be begun within a period of three years beginning with the date on which this permission is granted. Reason - To comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1990 (as amended).

2. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:Page 1 of 1Reason - To ensure that the development is completed satisfactorily in all respects and to comply with Policy LP10 of the Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011-2029.

Page 43: GOSPORT BOROUGH COUNCIL – REGULATORY BOARD · Hampshire PO13 0PT Grant Permission subject to Conditions 06. 45-48 20/00211/FULL 13 Clayhall Road Gosport Hampshire PO12 2BB Grant

Regulatory Board: 22nd July 2020

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3. The materials to be used in the construction of the porch shall match in type, colour and texture those on the existing dwelling unless otherwise agreed, in writing, with the Local Planning Authority. Reason - To ensure satisfactory visual relationship of the new development to the existing, and to comply with Policy LP10 of the Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011-2029.

4. a) The roof terrace hereby permitted shall not be brought into use until the privacy screen (east elevation) has been constructed as shown on the approved drawings, and shall be obscured to a minimum of level 4 on the Pilkington scale (or any other equivalent that may be agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority), has been installed.b) The privacy screen shall thereafter be retained.Reason - To protect the amenities of the occupiers of the neighbouring property and to comply with Policy LP10 of the Gosport Borough Local Plan, 2011 - 2029.

Page 44: GOSPORT BOROUGH COUNCIL – REGULATORY BOARD · Hampshire PO13 0PT Grant Permission subject to Conditions 06. 45-48 20/00211/FULL 13 Clayhall Road Gosport Hampshire PO12 2BB Grant

Regulatory Board: 22nd July 2020

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Page 45: GOSPORT BOROUGH COUNCIL – REGULATORY BOARD · Hampshire PO13 0PT Grant Permission subject to Conditions 06. 45-48 20/00211/FULL 13 Clayhall Road Gosport Hampshire PO12 2BB Grant

Regulatory Board: 22nd July 2020

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The Site and the proposal

1. The application site is located on the northern side of Clayhall Road within the Anglesey Conservation Area. The property is a two storey semi-detached dwellinghouse constructed of red brick and uPVC windows and doors under a hipped, tiled roof. At the front of the property is a driveway which is approximately 12m deep and partially enclosed by a brick wall, hedging and gates. At the rear of the property is a garden which is 66m long and enclosed by a wall and fencing. There is a detached outbuilding to the east of the property within the rear garden. The property to the east, number 15 Clayhall Road, is approximately 5m away from the application property and the property to the west, number 11 Clayhall Road, is attached to the application property. There is a protected Sycamore Tree in the rear garden of 11 Clayhall Road which is adjacent to the shared boundary. The properties in the immediate area are of varying design and size, many of which have had alterations to them.

2. The proposal is for the erection of a single storey rear extension. It would be situated 0.3m away from the boundary with the adjoining property and would be 6m deep and 5.7m wide. It would have a pitched roof with an eaves height of 2.2m and a maximum height of 4m with 4 roof lights. There would be bi-fold doors and high level windows on the rear elevation and a window on the eastern elevation. The extension would be finished in black weatherboarding and grey aluminium windows and doors.

Relevant Planning History


Relevant Policies

Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011 – 2029:LP10 DesignLP12 Designated Heritage Assets: Conservation Areas

Supplementary Planning Documents:Gosport Borough Council Design Guidance: Supplementary Planning Document: February 2014

National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), February 2019

Particular obligations fall upon the Local Planning Authority in determining any application which might affect a Conservation Area. Section 72 of The Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas Act 1990 (as amended) requires that the authority pay: "special attention to the desirability of preserving or enhancing the character or appearance of a conservation area".

Consultations Streetscene Parks & Horticulture No objection, proposed extension will not

affect health of life expectancy of nearby protected tree.

The Gosport Society No objection.

Page 46: GOSPORT BOROUGH COUNCIL – REGULATORY BOARD · Hampshire PO13 0PT Grant Permission subject to Conditions 06. 45-48 20/00211/FULL 13 Clayhall Road Gosport Hampshire PO12 2BB Grant

Regulatory Board: 22nd July 2020

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Response to Public Advertisement

1 letter of objectionIssues raised:-- Loss of light- Close to boundary and could impact future maintenance- Proposal near a protected tree

Principal Issues

1. Maintenance to the extension would be dealt with as a private issue. The main issues therefore, are the appropriateness of the design of the proposal, its impact on the appearance of the locality and the amenities of the occupiers of adjacent properties and whether the proposal would preserve or enhance the character and appearance of the Anglesey Conservation Area.

2. The proposed extension has a simple design and would be in keeping with the design of the existing property and the neighbouring dwellings. It would be finished in appropriate materials that would complement the existing building. The proposal would not be out of character with the surrounding residential area or the Anglesey Conservation Area. The scale, form and location will preserve the special historic character of the Conservation Area and would not have a harmful impact on the appearance of the dwelling, and therefore comply with Policies LP10 and LP12 of the Gosport Borough Local Plan 2012-2029.

3. The overall height and depth of the proposed extension, taken together with its siting is such that its relationship with neighbouring properties is such that it would not significantly harm the residential amenities of the occupiers. Whilst there would be a degree of loss of light and increased overshadowing of the adjoining property, this would not be so severe as to justify a refusal on amenity grounds. Whilst the proposal could give rise to an increased sense of enclosure when viewed from neighbouring property, it would not be unduly overbearing or give rise to a significant loss of outlook. The windows and doors on the rear and eastern elevations would look onto the application property's enclosed rear garden and would not impact on the neighbouring property's privacy. The proposal is therefore considered acceptable in amenity terms and would comply with Policy LP10 of the Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011-2029.

4. The Council's Tree Officer has visited the site and confirmed that the proposed extension and foundations would not have a harmful impact on the protected Sycamore Tree or its roots at number 11 Clayhall Road. However, it is considered appropriate to impose a planning condition to secure the implementation of tree protection measures to ensure that the tree is not affected by construction related activities. Subject to such a condition the proposal would therefore comply with Policy LP10 of the Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011-2029.

Equalities Impact Assessment: No Implications

RECOMMENDATION: Grant Permission

Subject to the following condition(s):-

1. The development hereby permitted must be begun within a period of three years beginning with the date on which this permission is granted. Reason - To comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1990 (as amended).

2. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:101, 103, 104Reason - To ensure that the development is completed satisfactorily in all respects and to comply with Policy LP10 of the Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011-2029.

Page 47: GOSPORT BOROUGH COUNCIL – REGULATORY BOARD · Hampshire PO13 0PT Grant Permission subject to Conditions 06. 45-48 20/00211/FULL 13 Clayhall Road Gosport Hampshire PO12 2BB Grant

Regulatory Board: 22nd July 2020

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3. a) Construction above slab level shall not commence until details of all external facing and roofing materials shall be submitted to and approved, in writing, by the Local Planning Authority. b) The development shall thereafter be implemented in accordance with the approved details.Reason - To ensure that the external appearance of the development is satisfactory, and to comply with Policy LP10 and LP12 of the Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011-2029.

4. a) Development shall not commence until full details of the measures to protect trees during construction (to include the location and type of fencing to safeguard the root protection zone of the adjacent Sycamore tree) have been submitted to and approved, in writing, by the Local Planning Authority.b) The tree protection measures approved pursuant to part a) of this condition shall be fully implemented prior to the commencement of development and the development must thereafter be carried out in accordance with the approved details. Reason - To ensure, during construction works, the protection of the adjacent Sycamore tree that is to be retained in order to safeguard the character and appearance of the area in accordance with Policy LP10 of the Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011-2029.

Page 48: GOSPORT BOROUGH COUNCIL – REGULATORY BOARD · Hampshire PO13 0PT Grant Permission subject to Conditions 06. 45-48 20/00211/FULL 13 Clayhall Road Gosport Hampshire PO12 2BB Grant

Regulatory Board: 22nd July 2020

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