Good Morning My name is Gareth…

Good Morning My name is Gareth · PDF fileMy name is Gareth not Alan from The Hangover! Presentation Skills. Aim: To enable students to give a successful presentation. Objectives:

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Good Morning

My name is


…not Alan from

The Hangover!

Presentation Skills

Aim: To enable students to give a successful


Objectives: By the end of the session,

students will be able to…

…Identify their worries and weaknesses

…Identify problems in others


…Know about ways of overcoming

weaknesses and avoiding problems in relation to presentations.

Aims and objectives

• Use this space to write down some words or phrases which

explain how you feel NOW about doing a presentation in a

few weeks.





Task #1

• Why do you feel like this?

I get nervous about being in front of people.

Last time didn’t go well.

I haven’t even thought about it yet!

I don’t know what I’m talking about.

It’s my first presentation.

I’m worried I’ll dry up!

Task #2

Observe this presentation and write down

everything that you think is wrong with it!


Task #3

Look at the next two slides and write down

what is wrong with them.

Task #4

Anthony Hopkins was born on the 31st December

1937 in Margam in South Wales. He went to a

couple of different schools, but really wasn’t a

very good student. When he was 15, he met the

famous Welsh actor Richard Burton and this

inspired him to take up acting. By 1965 he was

working as an actor and that year he joined the

Royal National Theatre. In the 1970s he started

doing more television work and spent less time in

the theatre. He made lots of films and some of

them weren’t actually very good. In 1991 he

reached a whole new generation of fans when he

starred as the psychopath Hannibal Lecter in the

film “The Silence of the Lambs”. He won an

Oscar for this.

Anthony Hopkins – Important


•The Silence of the Lambs• Mussolini and i

• 84 Charing Cross Road

• Gr8 Expectations

• The Tenf Man

• howard’s End

Bram Stoker’s Dracula


That’s what not to do…

So what should you do?

Tips For During?1. Speaking

2. Eyes

3. Hands

4. Movements

5. Posture

6. Appearance

Tips For Before?1. Information

2. Resources

3. Design

4. Preparation

What tips on the following topics would you give

to a friend who had to give a presentation soon?

Task #5

Understand the topic.

Have a logical order.

Delegate who is going

to say what in the group

Chanel 4 News

Pitch it for your audience’s level.

Prepare your own questions.

Have extra in case you ‘dry up’.

How should I use information?

Practice using equipment and get

help with what you don’t know

how to use.

Assess if it is necessary or a


Check equipment actually works.

Sun Digital (2011)

The room is a resource

and you may be able

to re-arrange desks.

Have a ‘Plan B’.

Getting the best out of resources

Make it easy to read

Use simple pictures

and animation to

enhance your work

Don’t put too much

information on one

slideAbout.com (2010)

Here are some examples…

How can I design effectively?

Think of Your AudienceKeep the colours, fonts and

images as simple and consistent as possible

Too many colours can

clash and make your

presentation difficult

to read

Don’t get carried

away with animation!

Spectacular Illusions (2009)

Run through it before

presenting it ‘live’.

Practice your timing.

Guess what questions your

audience might ask.

Bring printed copies and PP


Armstrong-Roberts (n.d.)

There are notes on this slide!

What can I do to prepare?

Speak slowly so everyone

can follow.

Speak loudly enough so

everyone can hear.

Speak clearly so everyone

can understand.

Huntingdonshire County Council (2012)

How should I use my voice?

Make eye contact

with the

audience and


Don’t read from

your notes all the


Sky News (2012)

Don’t play with objects

e.g. a pen - people

could get distracted.

Don’t put your hands in

your pockets when you

are talking.

What can I do with my hands?

Zenartsla (2012)

Avoid touching hair, eyes, nose, mouth etc…

Try not to pace around the

room too much.

Don’t stand in front of the whiteboard.

Don’t swing on your chair.

Move around to check

people’s work.

Aynezarof (2012)

Stand up straight.

Don’t lean on things.

Don’t sit down unless

you have to.

Colourbox (2012)

What should your posture be like?

Dress appropriately.

Dress for your audience,

not for yourself.

Dress for confidence!

The Guardian (2012)

Act confident and your

audience will believe

you are confident.

Be enthusiastic, calm

and professional.

The Skills Centre staff

can support you.Taylor (2011)

Look back over Task

#1 and Task #2 and

see if this presentation

has helped you.

If you still have

concerns, ask your

questions now!!!

Taylor (2011)



Fonts, colours & animations

Pictures and resources

Voice & body language




















