Good Governance Guidelines Document 2016 National Institute of Technology Raipur G.E. Road, Raipur Chhattisgarh - 492010

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Page 1: Good Governance Guidelines Document Governance Guidelines.pdf · This document is guidelines for Governance of National Institute of Technology Raipur, Chhattisgarh to function smoothly

Good Governance Guidelines



National Institute of Technology Raipur

G.E. Road, Raipur

Chhattisgarh - 492010

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Preface 01

1 Section 1: Institute Introduction, Vision And Mission 02-03

1.1 Introduction 02

1.2 Vision & Mission of the Institute 02

1.3 Organization Structure 03

2 Section 2 - Roles & Responsibilities of Authorities 04-09

2.1 Board of Governors 04

2.2 Senate 06

2.3 Finance Committee 07

2.4 Building and Works Committee (BWC) 08

3 Section 3 - Departments, Sections and Appointments 10-14

3.1 Academic 10

3.2 Non Academic 10

3.3 Structure 11

3.4 Classification of the members of the staff 11

3.5 Appointments 11

4 Section 4 - Different Members and their Powers and



4.1 Power of the chairperson, Board of Governance 15

4.2 The Director and his power 15

4.3 Deanships 17

4.4 Head of the Department or Centre 20

4.5 Registrar 21

4.6 Assistant Registrar (Establishment) 21

4.7 Assistant Registrar (Academic) 21

4.8 Assistant Registrar (Finance & Accounts) 21

4.9 Librarian 22

5 Section 5 - Performance Evaluation 23-24

5.1 Academic Audit 23

5.2 Financial Auditing 23

5.3 Feedback System 23

5.4 Good Governance Review 23

5.5 National Board of Accreditation 23

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This document is guidelines for Governance of National Institute of Technology

Raipur, Chhattisgarh to function smoothly and effectively. The structure of the higher

management for every NIT is defined by the NIT Act 2007 and 2012 and by the statutes

of 2009. The Director, appointed by the visitor, is the principal academic and executive

officer is responsible for the proper administration of the institute. Clarity of command

line and of administrative relationship is essential for successful operation of any

organization. Basic objective of this document is to inform about the organization’s

administrative structure, and roles and responsibilities of various authorities including

offices of various deans, registrar and section heads. The document also details about the

various committees existing to assist the authorities. Lastly evaluation process for various

sections and authorities are included.

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This section provides the information related to institute introduction and its vision,

mission and objectives.

1.1. Introduction:

The institute is committed to the challenging task of development of technical education

by preparing seasoned graduates in highly sophisticated field of engineering and

technology. Development of India as an emerging industrial power is a demanding

exercise as it involves the combination of cost effectiveness and efficiency along with

producing world-class technology at the cutting edge. For about Six decades we have

been doing it with sincerity and commitment at NIT Raipur. At present the institute

offers graduate level progrmmes in twelve disciplines, post graduate progrmmes in 10

specializations and Ph.D. in all disciplines.

The status of Government Engineering College, Raipur had been elevated to

National Institute of Technology, Raipur by the Central Govt. with effect from 1st Dec.

2005. This Institute had been working since last few years with a mission to support

growth and promotion of industries and community of the region.

1.2 Vision & Mission of the Institute

1.2.1 Vision

To be a leader in technical and management education in India and to establish a unique

identity for the development of high quality human and knowledge resource in diverse

area of technology and management.

1.2.2 Mission

To Re-engineer the engineering education and to mould young students into rational

thinking engineers who are motivated by a passion for professional excellence driven by

human values and proactively engaged in betterment of society.

Creating an environment to make teaching more learning centric rather than

curriculum centric.

To attract and retain highly qualified, talented, motivated staff.

To focus not only on quality education but on total quality management of NIT


To provide good academic support facilities (Lab, Library, Internet) on continuous


To develop industry institute interface for collaborative research, internship and

fellowship for PG Programme.

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1.3 Organizational Structure:

The Visitor

Ministry HRD

Board of Governors

Director[Principal Academic and Executive officer]

Dean (Acad)

Dean (P&D)

Dean (R&C)

Dean (FW)

Dean (SW)

HOD’s Registrar



Senate Finance ComitteeBuilding & Works Committee

Chief Warden

1. Applied Geology2. Architecture3. Bio-Medical4. Bio-Technology5. Chemical Engineering6. Chemistry7. Civil Engineering8.Computer Application(MCA)9.Computer Science &Engg.10. Electrical Engineering11.Electronics&Telecomm Engg12.Humanities & Social Sciences13.Information Technology14.Mathematics15.Mechanical Engineering16.Metallurgical Engineering17.Mining Engineering18. Physics

Exam Cell

Estate office

Medical Officer

Dy.Registrar (A&F)





Executive Engg

(Estate Office)

Security Officer

Asst.Registrar (A&F)



Asst.Registrar (Store&Purchase

Asst.Registrar (Establishment)

Asst.Registrar (Student Sec)

Asst.Registrar (TEQIP)

Asst.Engineer (Estate)

Junior.Engineer (Estste)

NIT Raipur Organizational Structure

Faculty Members

Head Of Department


Office Staff Members

Departmental Academic


Departmental Grievance


Departmental Purchase


Doctoral Research


PG Coordinators

Academic Audit


Lab/Workshop Staff Members

Departmental Accreditation


Teacher Mentor


Departmental Moderation Committee

Head of Department at NIT Raipur

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Roles & responsibilities of different authorities as identified by NIT Act 2007 and 2012

[1]& Statutes of 2009 [2] are followed and are listed below:

2.1 Board of Governors:

2.1.1 Power of the Board:

(a) Take decisions on questions of policy relating to the administration and working

of the Institute;

(b) Institute courses of study at the Institute;

(c) Make Statutes;

(d) Institute and appoint persons to academic as well as other posts in the Institute;

(e) Consider and modify or cancel Ordinances;

(f) Consider and pass resolutions on the annual report, the annual accounts and the

budget estimates of the Institute for the next financial year as it thinks fit and

submit them to the Council together with a statement of its development plans;

(g) Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as may be conferred

or imposed upon it by this Act or the Statutes;

(i.) To abolish, re-designate or change the nomenclature of any post in the institute;

(ii.) To make, modify or cancel the statutes with the approval of the visitor from time to


(iii.)To make, modify and cancel all or any ordinance on recommendation of the

Finance Committee or Senate of the Institute subject to the condition that making,

modification and cancellation shall not be in contravention of the Act and (or) Statutes.

2.1.2 Constitution:

As per the requirement of the Ministry of Human Resources and Development

(MHRD), which is regulatory body for institution, the following structure for

BOG is presented.

[1] NIT Acts: http://mhrd.gov.in/sites/upload_files/mhrd/files/upload_document/NITact2007.pdf

[2] NIT Statutes: http://www.nitrr.ac.in/downloads/statute-nits.pdf

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Table 1: Structure of BOGas proposed by MHRD, New Delhi *

S.No. Position Category Nomination No. Period

1 Chairman


by the


Section 11 of

NITs Act 2007

Clause (a)

1 3 years

2 Ex-Officio


Director of


Section 11 of

NITs Act 2007

Clause (b)

1 3 years

3 Ex-Officio


Ministry of





Section 11 of

NITs Act 2007

Clause (c)

2 3 years

4 Member


from the



Section 11 of

NITs Act 2007

Clause (d)

2 3 years

5 Member

Nominee of



Section 11 of

NITs Act 2007

Clause (e)

2 3 years

6 Member Nominee of

the Senate

Section 11 of

NITs Act 2007

Clause (f)

2 2 years

7 Member

Nominee of

IIT in

whose Zone

the NIT is


11 (g) of NITs


Act 2012

1 3 years

8 Secretary Registrar of


Section 18

Clause (2) 1 3 years

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2.1.3 Process:

The Board shall ordinarily meet four times during a calendar year. The notice may be

delivered to the board. Agenda shall be circulated by register to all members at least ten

days before the meeting. The ruling of the chairperson with regard to all questions of

procedure shall be final. The minutes of the proceeding of a meeting of the board shall

be drawn up by the registrar and circulated to all members of the board present in India

and the same along with amendment suggested shall be placed Before the Board in its

next meeting for confirmation and after the minutes are confirmed and signed by the

chairperson, they shall be recorded in the minutes book. The minutes book shall be kept

open for inspection of the members of the board and the council at all times during

office hours.

2.2 Senate:

2.2.1 Powers of the Senate:

Subject to the provisions of the Act, the Senate shall have the power to:

(i) Frame and revise curricula and syllabi for the courses of studies for the various

Departments and Centres;

(ii) Make arrangements for the conduct of examinations,; appointment of examiners,

moderators, tabulators and other matters relating to the examinations;

(iii) Declare the results of the examinations or to appoint Committees or Officers to do

so and to make recommendations to the – Board regarding conferment or grant of

degrees, diplomas and other academic distinctions or titles;

(iv) Appoint Advisory Committees or Expert Committees or both for the Departments

or Centres of the institute to make recommendations on academic matters connected

with the working of the Departments or Centres;

(v) Appoint Committees from amongst the members of the Senate. Other teachers of

the Institute and experts from outside to advise on such specific and important

academic matters as may be referred to any such Committee by the Senate;

(vi) Consider the recommendations of the Advisory Committees attached to various

Departments or Centres and that of Expert and other Committees and take such action

(including them making of recommendations to the Board) as warranted by each case;

(vii) Make periodical review of the activities of the Departments or Centres and take

appropriate action (including the making of recommendations to the Board);

Supervise the working of the Library of the Institute;

(viii) Promote research and academic development or activity within the Institute

and seek reports on such research or academic development or activity from the

persons engaged therein;

(ix) Provide for the inspection of the class rooms, Laboratories, Library and the

Residential Hostels;

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(x) Plan co-curricular activities of the students of the Institute;

(xi) Award stipends, scholarships, medals and prizes and makes other awards if

accordance with such conditions as may be attached to the awards;

(xii) Make recommendations to the Board with regard to the creation or restructuring of

Departments or Programmes or Centres and the abolition of existing Departments or

centres thereof;

(xiii) Make recommendations to the Board to disseminate knowledge through

distance learning mode to various parts of the State or country or abroad; and

(xiv) Invite up to two student representatives during discussion of general nature not

involving policy o-disciplinary matters in the Senate meetings.

2.2.2 Constitution:

As per the NIT act, the members of the senate are as follows:

The Director, ex officio, who shall be the Chairman of the Senate;

(i) The Deputy Director, ex officio;

(ii) The Professors appointed or recognised as such by the Institute for the purpose of

imparting instructions in the Institute;

(iii) Three persons, one of whom shall be a woman, not being employees of the Institute,

to be nominated by the Chairperson in consultation with the Director, from amongst

educationist of repute, one each from the field of science, engineering and

humanities; and

(iv) Such other members of the staff as may be laid down in the Statutes.

2.2.3 Process:

(i) The senate shall meet as often as necessary as but ordinarily not less than four times

during a calendar year.

(ii) Meeting of the senate shall be convened by the chairperson of the senate either on

his own motion or on a requisition signed by not less than one fifth of the members

of the senate.

(iii) Requisition meeting shall be a special meeting to discuss only those items of

agenda for which requisition is given and shall necessarily be chaired by the

Director and the requisition meeting shall be convened by the chairman of the

senate on convenient date and time.

2.3 Finance Committee

2.3.1 Powers of the Finance Committee:

The finance Committee shall have power to:-

(i) Examine and scrutinize the annual budget of the Institute prepared by the Director

and make recommendations to the Board; and

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(ii) Give its views and make its recommendations on any financial question

affecting the Institute to the Board either on the initiative of the Board or of the

Director, or on its own motion.

2.3.2 Constitution:

Finance committee consists following members as per NIT Statutes Part-II Sec. 3(i)(10)

(i) The chairperson Board of governance, ex officio Chairman;

(ii) The Director, ex officio member;

(iii) Joint Secretary dealing with National Institutes of Technology or his nominee and

Financial Advisor (Human Resource Development).or his Nominee members;

(iv) Two persons nominated by the Board from amongst its members; and

(v) The Registrar, ex-officio, Member – Secretary;

Provided that in addition to the above, the Chairman may, in consultation with the

Director, co-opt a member as and when found necessary.

2.3.3 Process:

(i) The finance committee shell meet ordinarily four times in a year preferably before

the meeting of the Board of Governors.

(ii) Three members of the Finance Committee shall from a quorum for a meeting of the

Finance Committee.

(iii) The Chairman, shall preside over the meetings of the Finance Committee and in his

absence, the Director shall preside over the meetings.

(iv) The provisions in these First Statutes regarding notices of the meeting, inclusion of

items in the agenda and confirmation of the minutes applicable to the meetings of

the Board shall, so far as practicable may be, followed in connection with the

meetings of the Finance Committee.

(v) A copy of the minutes of every meeting of the Finance Committee shall be placed

before the Board.

(vi) All financial proposals shall be placed before the Finance Committee prior to being

placed before the Board for consideration and approval.

2.4 Building and Works Committee (BWC):

2.4.1 Powers and Functions of the Building and Works Committee:

(1) The Building and Works Committee shall,

(i) Under the directions of the Board shall carry on construction of all major work,

after necessary administrative approval and expenditure sanction from Board;

(ii) Have the power to give the necessary administrative approval and expenditure

sanction for minor works and works pertaining to repair and maintenance within

the approved budgetary provision of the Institute;

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(ii) Cause to prepare estimate of cost of buildings and other capital works, minor

works, repairs, maintenance and the like;

(iii) Be responsible for making technical scrutiny of the design, estimates and

specifications of the material as may be considered necessary;

(iv) Be responsible for enlistment of suitable contractors and acceptance of tenders

and shall have the power to give directions for departmental works where


(v) Have the power to settle rates not covered by tender and settle claims and

disputes with contractors;

(2) If in the opinion of the Chairman of the Building and works Committee, any

emergency has arisen which requires immediate action to be taken, he shall take such

action and report the same to the Building and works Committee and the Board at their

next meeting.

(3) The Building and Works Committee shall also function and exercise such powers as

may be entrusted by the Board from time to time.

2.4.2 Constitution:

(1) There shall be a Building and Works committee for each of the Institute, consisting

of following members, namely:-

(i) The Director, ex-officio Chairman;

(ii) One member nominated by the Central Government not below the rank of

Director or Deputy Secretary

(iii) One member nominated by the Board of Governors

(iv) Registrar, ex-officio, Member Secretary

(v) Dean, planning and development or similar position- Member; and

(vi) One expert each from civil and Electrical Engineering wing of Central or

state Government or any autonomous body of repute- Member.

2.4.3 Process:

(i) The Building and works committee shall meet as often as necessary but

ordinarily not less than four times a year.

(ii) Three members shall form a quorum for a meeting of the Building and works


(iii)The provisions in these statutes regarding notice of meeting, inclusion of items

in the agenda and confirmation of the minutes applicable to the meeting of the

Board shall, as far as practicable may be followed in connection with meetings

of the Building and works committee also.

(iv) A copy of the minutes of every meeting of the Building and works committee

shall be placed before the Board.

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The institute shall be organized into such number of Departments and centres to be

known by such names as the Board may within the budgetary provision approve from

time to time, on the recommendations of the senate.

This section provides the introduction related to different departments:

3.1 Academic:

(i) Applied Geology

(ii) Architecture

(iii) Biomedical Engineering

(iv) Biotechnology

(v) Chemical

(vi) Civil Engineering

(vii) Computer Science & Engineering

(viii) Department of Chemistry

(ix) Department of Mathematics

(x) Department of Physics

(xi) Humanities & Social Sciences Department

(xii) Electrical Engineering

(xiii) Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

(xiv) Information Technology

(xv) Master in Computer Application

(xvi) Mechanical Engineering

(xvii) Mining Engineering

(xviii) Metallurgical Engineering

(xix) Workshop

3.2 Non - Academic:

(i) Finance:

(ii) Procurement

(iii) Security

(iv) Dispensary

(v) Library

(vi) Central Stores

(vii) Student Section

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3.3 Structure:

3.3.1 Academic:


Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor

Technical Staff

Non Technical Staff

Class-III, Class-IV Employee.

3.3.2 Non - Academic:

Assistant Registrar


Class – III, Class-IV Employee.

3.4 Classification of the Members of the Staff:

(1) Except in the case of employee paid from contingencies, the members of staff of

the Institute shall be classified as under:

(i.) Academic Staff:- Director, Deputy Director, Professor, Associate

Professor, Assistant Professor, Lecturer, Professor Training and Placement

and such other academic posts as may be decided by the Board from time

to time.

(ii.) Technical Staff:- System Manager, System Analyst Programmer,

Librarian, Workshop Superintendent, Assistant Workshop Superintendent,

Foreman, Technician, Instructor, Laboratory Assistant, Mechanic,

Overseer, Technical Assistant, Draftsmen, and such other technical posts

as may be decided by the Board from time to time.

(iii.) Administrative and other staff:- Registrar, Deputy Registrar and

Assistant Registrar, Accounts Officer, Audit Officer, Estate Officer,

Executive Engineer. Assistant and Junior Engineer, Medical Officer,

Medical Assistant, Horticulture Assistant/Officer, Office Superintendent,

Security Officer, Stores Officer, Store Keeper, Office Assistants, Data

Entry Operators and such other Administrative and other Administrative

and other staff as may be decided by the Board from time to time.

3.5 Appointments:

(1) The posts at the Institute shall be filled by advertisement on all India basis:

Provided that the ratio between the Direct Recruitment and Promotion posts for

posts other than that of the Director or the Deputy Director shall be as per the

recruitment rules.

(2) The reservation of posts shall be in accordance with the rules of the Central

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(3) For the appointments, the rules applicable to of the Central Government

employees shall apply.

(4) The Selection Committees, for filling posts under the Institute (other than the

posts on contract basis) by advertisement or by promotion from amongst the

members of staff of the institute, shall be constituted in such manner as laid

down by Ministry of Human Resource Development,

Department of Higher and Secondary Education, Government of India or Board

from time to time ordinance.

(5) The Selection Committees, for filling posts under the Institute (other than the

posts on contract basis) by advertisement or by promotion from amongst the

members of staff of the institute, shall be constituted in the following manner.


(a) The Selection Committee for recruitment of Academic Staff (excluding the

Director and the Deputy Director), or for promotion shall be as under:

Director or Deputy Director - Chairman

Visitor’s Nominee - Member

Two nominee of the Board one being an export,

But other than a member of the board - Member

One export nominee of Senate from

Outside the institute - Member

Head of Department concerned - Member

(for other than the post of Professor)

(b) The Selection Committee for Technical posts shall be as follows:

Director or Deputy Director - Chairman

One Expert from outside the Institute - Member

Nominee of Ministry of Human Resource - Member


Concern Head of Department - Member

Registrar - Member

(c) The Selection Committee for Administrative and Ministerial Staff shall be as


Director or Deputy Director - Chairman

One Expert from outside the Institute - Member

Nominee of Ministry of Human Resource - Member


Registrar - Member

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(d) The Selection Committee for Senior Administrative and other comparable

posts carrying pay scale of Lecturer and above shall be as under:-

Director or Deputy Director - Chairman

One Expert from outside the Institute - Member

Nominee of Ministry of Human Resource

Development - Member

Nominee of Board - Member

Registrar - Member

(6) The Registrar shall be substituted by another nominee of the Board in case the

Selection is made for the Registrar or the equivalent post.

(7) In the absence of the Deputy Director may nominate any member of the staff of

the Institute to be the member of the Selection Committees in his place.

(8) Where a post is to be filled on contract basis or by invitation, the Board may

constitute such Adhoc Selection Committee, as circumstances of each case may


(9) Where a post is to be filled by promotion for amongst the members of the

Institute or temporarily for a period not exceeding twelve months, the procedure

for the same shall be as specified by ordinances.

(10) Not with standing anything contained in these Statutes, the Board shall have the

power to make appointments of persons having special skill or knowledge to suit

the emergent need of the department(s) or centre(s).

(11) If the post is to be filled by advertisement, the Registrar shall advertise the terms

and conditions of the post and the screening committee for the purpose of short

listing the eligible and most desirable candidates and shall screen all

applications received within the date specified in the advertisement.

(12) At the time of interview, the selection committee shall examine credentials of all

candidates who have been called for the interview, interview the eligible

candidates recommend the appointment of the most suitable candidate to the

competent authority for approval.

(13) The recommendations for the selection committee shall remain valid for a

period of one year from the date of interview and if for any reason the

recommendations are not approved by the competent authority or appointment

orders not issued after the approval of recommendations within the said period

of one year, the recommendations shall lapse and fresh advertisement shall be


(14) No act or proceeding of any Selection Committee shall be called in question on

the ground merely of the absence of any member or members of the Selection


(15) Unless otherwise provided for under these Statutes, the Selection Committee

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constituted for the purpose of making recommendations for appointment to a

post shall continue to exercise its functions in relation to that post till the

appointment is made against that post.

(16) All appointments made at the Institute shall be reported to the Board at its next


(17) The applications of the employees eligible for promotion under Assured Career

Progressions (ACP) shall be considered by the Departmental Promotion

Committees before any promotion or up-gradation is recommended.

(18) The Departmental Promotion Committees shall be as follows:

Director or Deputy Director - Chairman

Concern Head of Department - Member

Head of Department from other Department - Member

Registrar - Member

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The present section provides the information of different members and their


4.1 Powers of the Chairperson, Board of Governors:

In addition to the powers provided in the Act, the chairperson of the Board of

Governors shall have the following powers, namely:-

(i.) He shall have the power to fix, on the recommendations of the selection

Committee, the initial pay of an incumbent at a stage higher than the minimum of the

scale in respect of posts to which the appointments can be made by the Board under the

provisions of the Acts;

(ii.) He shall have the power to send members of the staff except the Director of the

Institute for training or for a course of instruction. Outside India subject to such terms

and conditions as may be laid down by the Board from time to time. Incidentally, the

visit abroad by the Director shall be approved by the Chairman. National Institute of

Technology Council;

(iii.) He shall execute the contract of service between the Institute and the Director or

Deputy Director on behalf of the Central Government. But he shall not be personally

liable of anything under such contract; and

(iv.) In emergent cases the Chairperson may exercise the powers of the Board and

inform the Board of the action taken by him for confirmation and ratification.

4.2 The Director and his Powers:

(i) The Director of the Institute shall be appointed by the Visitor on contract basis on

the recommendation of a selection Committee constituted by him consisting of at

least five members including the Chairman who are experts in the field of technical

education with experience at national and international level.

(ii) The Director shall be appointed for a period of five years and shall be governed by

the terms and conditions of the Contract of service entered into between the

institute and the Director in form specified in Schedule-

(iii) Subject to the budget provisions made for the specific purpose, the Director shall

have the power to incur expenditure in accordance with the procedure as may be

laid down in the ordinances.

(iv) The Director shall have the power to appropriate funds with respect to different

items constituting the recurring budget up to a limit specified for the head of

Department in the Central Government for each item; Provided that such

appropriation shall not involve any increase in the budget and any liability in future

years; Provided further that every such appropriation shall as soon as possible, be

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reported to the Board.

(v) The Director shall have the power to write off irrecoverable losses up to a limit of

ten thousand rupees and of irrecoverable value of store items lost or rendered un

serviceable, due to normal wear and tear or obsolete up to a limit of twenty five

thousand rupees subject to such stipulations as may be made by the Board from

time to time.

(vi) The Director shall have the power to donate obsolete equipment or store items, as

identified by a Committee constituted for this purpose by the Director,to any

educational institution in the vicinity of the Institute up to such limits as may be

decide by the Board from time to time

(vii) The Director, where he is the appointing authority, shall have the power to fix, on

the recommendations of the selection Committee , the initial pay of an incumbent at

a stage higher than the minimum, of the scale, but riot involving more than five

increments, in respect of posts to which appointment can be made by him under the

powers vested in him by the provision of the Act or these statutes.

(viii) The Director shall have the power to employ teaching supporting staff in the

Laboratories, technical Instructor and skilled workman, paid from contingencies

from time to time, for not more than one year on such remuneration as may be

decided by the Board.

(ix) The Director shall have the power to send members of the staff for training or to

attend course of instruction inside India subject to such terms and conditions as

may be specified by the ordinance.

(x) The Director shall have the power to sanction temporary allocation of any purpose

other than that for which it was constructed.

(xi) If for any reason the registrar is temporarily absent for a period not exceeding one

month; the Director may take over or assign to any faculty member or member of

staff of the institute. Any of the functions of the Registrar as he deems fit:

Providing that if at any time the temporary absence; of the registrar exceeds one

months, the Board may, if it thinks fit, authorize the Director to take over or assign

the function of the Registrar, for a period exceeding one month.

(xii) All contract for end on behalf of the Institute except the one between the Institute

and the Director shall when authorized by a resolution of the Board passed in that

behalf be in writing and be expressed to be made in the name of the Institute by the

Director, but the Director shall not be personally liable in respect of anything under

such contract.

(xiii) The Director may, during his absence from headquarters, specifically

authorize in writing the Deputy Director or in his absence, one of the Deans or the

Senior most Professor present to sanction advances for travailing allowance,

contingencies and medical treatment of the staff and sign and counter-sign bills on

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his behalf.

(xiv) The Director may, at his discretion constitute such committees. as he may

consider appropriate for smooth functioning of the Institute.

(xv) In the event of the occurrence of any vacancy in the office of the Chairperson by

reason of his death, resignation or otherwise or in the event of the Chairperson

being unable to discharge his functions owing to absence, illness or any other cause.

tile Director may discharge the functions assigned to the chairperson under section

16 of the Act.

(xvi) The Director may, with the approval of the Board delegate any of his powers,

authorities or responsibilities vested in him by virtue of the Act and Statutes to one

or more members of Academic or Administrative Staff of the Institute.

4.3. Deanships:

The institute may have not more than six dean-ships. There may be following

Dean-ships in National Institute of Technology with the approval of the Board of


Dean Academic

Dean Planning & Development’

Dean Student Welfare

Dean Faculty Welfare

Dean (Research and Consultancy)

Deanship is of functional position and not administrative one and such be

discharged in its right spirit. Dean must be nominated by the Director only from

amongst the Professor/Associate Professors, but should not be Head of the Department.

The Tenure of Deanship shall ordinarily be two years extendable by one more

year, but Director with the approval of the Chairperson, Board of Governors may

relieve any all Deans before such period.

Duties and Responsibilities of Deans

The following duties and responsibilities have been entrusted to the Deans

4.3.1 Dean (Academic)

He/She will advice the Director in:

(i) Admission and enrollment of students.

(ii) Finalization of academic calendar, time-tables, registration of students for course

work and examinations, classroom arrangements and all other requirements for

proper conduct of class work.

(iii) Conduct of class tests and co-coordinating the finalization of session’s evaluations

and for ensuring the timely declaration of results.

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(iv) Supervisions of the maintenance of up-to-date academic records of all categories of


(v) Publication and distribution of the syllabi.

(vi) Organizing meeting of all the Institute level academic bodies.

(vii) Arranging the issue of all academic certificates, medals and prizes to the students.

(viii) To arrange or conduct of those examinations which are to be conducted by the

Institute as stipulated in the Institute regulations.

(ix) To formulate policies for the conduct of research and steps to maintain suitable

standard by implementing the Board of Governors/Senate decision.

(x) To execute the policy of the Senate in the the conduct of P.G., Ph.D. and other

research programmes including the examination of the thesis.

(xi) To co-ordinate for the conduct of Convocation.

(xii) All proposals to modify the teaching programmes will be considered by

BOAC, for which Dean (Academic) i.e. the Chairman and if approved will be

sent to the Senate for formal approval.

(xiii) To admit sponsored Early Faculty Induction Programme and Quality

Improvement Programme candidates.

(xiv) To suggest the Director to take suitable steps from time to time to strive

for the high academic standards.

4.3.2 Dean (Planning and Development)

He/She will advice the Director in the following:

(i) Planning and expansion and diversification of institutional activities and

preparation of all developmental proposals, to the extant up to submission of

plan & estimates related to Civil, Electrical, Works, Sanitary, Network system


(ii) Maintenance of all necessary statistical data regarding plan & projects required

for compilation of various periodically required to be sent to Ministry of

Human Resource Development and other agencies.

(iii)Monitoring the physical targets and utilization of funds in respect of Project &

Consultancy and in the preparation of relevant papers for submission of

progress reports.

(iv) Formulating proposal for new courses and in organizing meetings of faculty

members and external exports for this purpose in this regard.

(v) In the efforts to expand and monitor the activities of consultancy, testing and

sponsored research of Institute and to ensure submission of progress reports;

(vi) In coordinating the formulation and conduct of non-formal and continuing

education and extension programmes.

(vii)To arrange for the agenda and organization of the meeting for procurement of

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equipments related to projects and testing & consultancy.

(viii) Providing necessary data for the budget and new estimates & plans to the

Building & work Committee to the Registrar.

4.3.3 Dean (Students Welfare)

(i) He/she will advice the Director in organizing the students counseling.

(ii) He/she will be responsible for the publication of students ‘Magazine, News

Bulletins, Newsletters etc.

(iii) He/she will advice the Director in matters related to students discipline and


(iv) He/she will assist the Director in matters related to students


(v) He/She will co-ordinate the NCC, NSS, Games, Swimming Pool, Sports,

Cultural and Co-curricular and Extra- curricular activities of the students.

(vi) He/she will keep a record of Alumni and correspond with them.

(vii)He/she will conduct the enquiries of students indulged in indiscipline.

(viii) He/She will correspond with Parents/ Guardians of Students about their

progress and individual problems/welfare.

4.3.4 Dean (Faculty Welfare)

He/she will advice the Director in matters related to:

(i) Deputation of faculty to various institutions under Quality Improvement Program.

(ii) He/she will advice the Director for deputation of the faculty members to various

conferences, seminars, short term courses, training programmes, foreign

teaching/training assignments etc.

(iii) He/she chair the committee meetings of the evaluation of papers submitted or to be

submitted to the conferences/ seminar by the faculty members.

(iv) He/she will assist the Director in organizing training programmes for faculty.

(v) He/she will assist the Director in the supervision of the construction and the

maintenance work of buildings, roads, water supply, sanitation, lawns and gardens,

communication networks, water coolers, air conditioners, telephones etc.

(vi) He/she will assist the Director in maintaining the discipline and work ethos among

the various departments and between the faculty members.

(vii) He/she will assist the Director in maintaining the high academic standards and

achieving academic excellence in the institution.

(viii) Supervision over faculty discipline, integrity and commitment.

4.3.5 Dean (Research and Consultancy)

He/she will advice the Director in matters related to:

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(i) Frame rules for industrial sponsored research and consultancy.

(ii) Create and maintain database regarding faculty expertise.

(iii) Facilitate through his/her office faculty in procuring equipments necessary to

conduct research/ consultancy work, recruitment of project staff.

(iv) Coordinate co-curricular activities (technical festivals, quizzes etc.) for the


(v) Provide guidance for submitting proposals to finding agencies such as Department

of Science and Technology (DST), Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC),

Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences (BRNS), Indian Space Research

Organization (ISRO), Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO),

Aeronautics Research and Development Board (AR&DB), Ministry of Information

Technology, etc.

4.4 Head of the Department or Centre

(i) Each Department and Centre of the Institute shall be placed in charge of a Head

who shall be selected by the Director. From amongst the Professors and

Associate Professors of that Department or Centre: Provided that if a

Department or Centre has no Professor or Associate Professor. The Director may

appoint an Assistant Professor of that Department or Centre to head the

department or centre.

(ii) The Head of a Department or Centre shall hold his post fora term of two years.

Provided that after the expiry of his term of office, he shall continue to hold

office till the appointment of his successor/Provided further that no person

shall head a Department or Centre continuously for a period exceeding three

years unless he IS specially appointed at least bra second term.

(iii)The Director may himself take temporary charge of a Department.flt or place it

under the charge of the Deputy Director or a Professor from another Department

for a period not exceeding six months.

(iv) The Head of Department shall be responsible for the entire working of the

Department subject to the general control and supervision of the Director.

(v) The Head of Department shall be duty bound to see that the decisions of the

authorities of the Institute and of Director are faithfully carried out. He shall

perform such other duties as may be assigned to him by the Director or Senate.

(vi) When appointment to the post of Head of Department or Centre becomes due,

the Director shall ascertain the willingness of the persons eligible to be

appointed as Head, for being so appointed, and shall generally select a person by

rotation from among eligible and willing persons.

(vii) Whenever it is proposed to deviate from the principle of rotation, such

appointment shall be made only with the prior approval of the Chairperson,

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Board of Governor sand for reasons to be recorded in writing and shall also be

reported to the Senate and the Board, along with reasons for deviation, in their

next meetings.

4.5 Registrar:

The Registrar is responsible to the Director for the proper discharge of his function.

(i) He is the custodian of record and the common seal of the Institute and such other

Property of the Institute as the Board of Governors commit to his charge.

(ii) He deals with legal matters pertaining to administration.

(iii)He is the Chief Administrative Officer of the Institute and Reporting Officer to

(iv) All the Administrative officials.

4.6 Assistant Registrar (Establishment):

To deal with all the matters pertaining to personal management/establishment of the

staff appointed on regular, temporary, ad-hoc or contractual engagement.

(i) Maintain record of every individual on the strength of the institute, whether

permanent or temporary.

(ii) Maintain Service Book record and process the matters pertaining to appointment,

engagement, promotion, service conditions, disciplinary matters, leave, Leave

Travel Concession, Police Verification, deputation of staff on official duties,

preparation of salary bills, pension bills and any other matter assigned by the

authorities and to supervise, monitor and guide the subordinates working under her,

in performance of their duties.

4.7. Assistant Registrar (Academic):

(i) Deals with all academic matters such as admission (UG, PG and Ph. D),

enrolment etc.

(ii) Issuing of Identity Cards, maintaining personal records of students admitted.

(iii) Assisting in preparation and maintenance of Academic calendar, conducting


(iv) Conduct of examinations, conduct of convocation, award of degrees, awards,


(v) Issuing transfer certificate, migration certificate, bonafied certificate, Grade

cards, degrees, and maintaining the record of legal cases arising out of academic


4.8 Assistant Registrar (Finance & Accounts):

(i) Assisting in preparation of Annual budget, revised budget estimates, maintaining

every financial transaction, dealing with Income Tax of the employees,

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Professional Tax and other taxes, disbursement of salary, pension, scholarships,

remunerations, contractual amounts, payment against bills.

(ii) Liaisoning with banks having Institute accounts, and coordination with the

office of the Comptroller and Accountant General maintaining financial record

and to carry out any other duties assigned by the Registrar.

(iii) The Assistant Registrar is also carry out the activities such as Supervising,

monitoring and providing guidance to the sub-ordinates working in Accounts


4.9 Librarian:

He shall maintain the record of the books and journals available in the library and

extend the book facilities to staff and students.

(i) He shall maintain the record of books under different heads and procure the

books as per the requisitions received from the staff and Institute authorities.

(ii) He shall provide the reading room facility to the staff and students and shall be

responsible for security of the books and other material.

(iii)He shall provide the facilities approved by the Government / Board of

Governors such as Social Welfare Book Bank, books from Students' Aid Fund

etc. to the needy students.

(iv) He shall update the library as per requirement. He shall supervise the

circulation/transaction through Assistant Librarian and other staff.

(v) He is also required to supervise, monitor and guide the sub-ordinates working

under him, in performance of their duties.

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5.1 Academic Audit:

The purpose of the auditing is to check weather the present syllabus and scheme meets

present requirement of the industries and society. This being done using internal and

external committees. Internal academic audit committee consists of two experts from

reputed academic institutes and one from the industry. In every visit the members will

examine the present status and provide suggestion for the improvement. The

improvement may be approved by DAC, Senate and BOG if required. External Academic

audit was done by team which is formulated by MHRD. This committee is also having

same responsibilities of internal academic audit and follows the same process.

5.2 Financial Auditing:

The institute is having the internal and external auditing team for the financial matters.

Internal auditing committee is useful for proper functioning of the financial activities.

The external auditing was done by the CAG which is a central government agency.

5.3 Feedback system:

Feedback system is taken from all semester students after the completion of semester and

the results were analysed by HOD. The analysis was discussed in the DAC to take the

further action for the improvement of the faculty and thereby department. The template is

available in Annex 1

5.4 Good Governance Review:

The institute is also regularly monitoring the performance of all the members by TEQIP

good governance template. The template is shown in the Annex 2

5.5 National Board of Accreditation

Institute is also participating in NBA accreditation. The purpose of the accreditation by

NBA is to promote and recognize excellence in technical education in colleges and

universities—at both the undergraduate and post graduate levels. Institutions, students,

employers, and the public at large all benefit from the external verification of quality

provided through the NBA accreditation process. They also benefit from the process of

continuous quality improvement that is encouraged by the NBA’s developmental

approach to promote excellence in technical education.

Through accreditation, the following main purposes may be served:

(i) Support and advice to technical Institutions in the maintenance and enhancement of

their quality of provision.

(ii) Confidence and assurance on quality to various stakeholders including students.

(iii) Assurance of the good standing of an Institution to government departments and

other interested bodies.

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(iv) Enabling an Institution to state publicly that it has voluntarily accepted independent

inspection and has satisfied all the requirements for satisfactory operation and

maintenance of quality in education.


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Annex 1: Student Feedback form

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A1 Has the Governing Body approved the

Institutional Strategic vision, mission and

plan – identifying a clear development path

for the institution through its long –term

business plan and annual budgets?

A2 Has the Governing Body ensured the

establishment and Monitoring of proper,

effective and efficient system of control and

accountability to ensure financial

sustainability (including financial and

operational controls, risk management, clear

procedures for managing physical and human

resources) ?

A3 Is the Governing Body monitoring

institutional performance and quality

assurance arrangements? Are these

benchmarked against other institutions

(including accreditation, and alignment with

nation and international quality assurance

system) to show that they are broadly keeping

pace with the institution they would regard as

their peers or competitors to ensure and

enhance institutional reputation?

A4 Has the Governing Body put in place suitable

arrangement for monitoring the head of the

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institution’s performance?


B1 Does the Governing Body publish an annual

report on institutional performance?

B2 Does the Governing Body maintain, and

publicly disclose, a register of members of its

governing body?

B3 Is the governing Body conducted In open a

manner, and does it provide as much

information as possible to student, faculty, the

general public and potential employers on all

aspects of institutional activity related to

academic performance, finance?


C1 Are the size, skills, competences and

experiences of the governing Body ,such that

it is able to carry out its primary

accountabilities effectively and efficiently and

ensure the confidence of its stakeholders and


C2 Are the recruitment processes and procedure

for governing body members rigorous and


C3 Does the governing body have actively

involved independent members and is the

institution free from direct political

interference to ensure academic freedom and

focus on long term educational objective.

C4 Are the role and responsibilities of the chair

of the Governing Body, head of the institute

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and the member secretary serving the

governing body clearly stated?

C5 Does the Governing Body meet regularly? Is

there clear evidence that members of the

governing body attend regularly and

participate actively?


D1 Does the Governing Body keep their

effectiveness under regular review and in

review ing its performance, reflect on the

performance of the institution as a whole in

meeting its long term strategic objectives and

its short term indicators of performance


D2 Does the Governing Body ensure that new

members are properly inducted, and existing

members receive opportunities for further

development as deemed necessary.


E1 Does the Governing Body ensure regulatory

compliance and, subject to this, take all final

decisions on matter of fundamental concern to

this institution.

E2 Does the regulatory compliance include

demonstrating compliance with the ‘not –for-

profit’ purpose of education institutions.

E3 Has there been accreditation and/or external

quality assurance by national or professional

body? If so give details: name, status of

current accreditation etc.