:;. .. -LA columnist .. recalls .days_ as Rip editor - THE . . . ' . . . ,An era comes to an end ... ' .. RENEGADE Pl!OTO EesAY Children's play ·-takes its shbw . -on ··the "rqad . _:-~ -~: --- · 'Golden handShake?' P1~rl woa1dtrirT1JaCuity•irl· ~~dh~ri9~'18rfai~~-i· By Ann~tte;Arid~r;o,{ :: . . - ..- --. : ·_ ·. . ·.. -~ •: - - . . .·:.:i~~?ra 0 t~e;"s~e ~~;i;~~/;h~n - Rip stattwrite.r: .. , ._ . , - ; • . . . uTheydqn't have a go·od · 1a}-offs/'hesai~~'._'lff;cuhy~~~bers 0espi1e o~jec"ii_oiis froin_a: riumbe_i- .: iirasp:oh !Ong-term ·· retii~ :uid_need ree~ac~~-ent_ihe_Jire~i- . of Bakersfield CoUege faculty .·. · . · , . ,, __ · : ·_ .. . . . dc_nt of the _colkge would be insane members, ~facultyunionsuppons'a planning .. · ' not tc{rcpface them.''::· ': ':. ,'. ' proposal ~hidi .would pul ahold on': . . ,. 2:st V . $ ·;th [)1slric1ChanceUorDr;JimYoung sabba.ticatsforoneycaranctenc'au·ragc ·•· · > ·, • · e_ e ,mi . :- an<lBakers-rie1ao;11egePreside.ntDr. early retireine:n_i in "i=x~hange 'fc,~ a 3; · SC>9l~I s~ien~ professor .. Rick-W~ight c~uld ~olbe reache;:I ro;. percenirals,e.;_-,. '. - ... " .. ·,,.: -•._ :',. >- ...••... ,-- commenia_bouitKe't>ro"po~/:·./.: " · Mer:i:ibers·;·oJ:the Ca_lifornia.;;.,'-,;'.We're _tryin·g 10· get c()st-of-living-~: : ... B~l ~rru.ih.said.it'._s: a,"111istake~to 0 -c\.: _ _. w.if------,.-.,..._m~l lcge::As~il!lic.iq ,-a : 1'3ises for.faculty. TI_u>--111as an.clfort 1o...:..c:.eiicourage..:..i:x per ie.nccl:f acu lty. ~10_- ·_· -·~· branch of the Califomi~ Teachers~: --w~rlc; 'together and try tci ge.t this for . ka\e::tte s:iid;tr°usiees .should plan · _ - soci;t-ion'; voted oil the- district:~ide. peoplet~ewtol't'said. : ' ;.: 0 , - ; ·ahead for budg~qx'ohtc:mi:- . . . · contract proposalWednesday,. The _ . Bui' the "'golden hand.shak~.... - 'They goye4I·to year with quick vote was exp_ec1ed -to be \allied proposarprompi'id- so~e facuitx fixes.:Theydon·i'~;,i :!good grasp - Thursday.···.-: . - .. -. ·,- --· . ·. m_emberstocirculateapetitionagainst on long-}err11 pbnning.'!'. .•• . . . · :The district:spon's~red ~oniract ·- it this.~ed:: {: ~-: : .:. : '_-_ ... _ . . Kathdi™:Pl,u~.mqdeml~gtiages . proposal ·w·as e'ridorsed b)' union . - Sie~e;°Sinith/ ;Csocfal _science. diYi~i9h cha_ir_. 'said shejs concerned . · officials, according-to Joe' Newton, professor and aiithor of the petition. _'that pari'.1iitie facult)· y,.:ere: riot unfo~sident:Thefo11~tprop<!sat: said 1ixi m~y~lrings_~e atuchdi'~d- consJde-re<l .in the coritract pr~posa1· is ·Jeperident on Sp<;eific conditions ,'language is ioo vagu~''. in ihe co~tract . oo:a~se pan:umers here amo~g . whiclirri_u:st beme.ttie'r~~~theraisewill proposal.: fie said so~~ faculty are . ttie 1ci(..cst p~_ill iri _i_he state.: < .:. be appro:ved/~liese in_chid~: ,; . -".· : ... ·. skeptical lh;l(the SI 5,000 tionus_will . . -~··11;sat;aJ;e'it-~~:nin propo~•liO!) . . •AbouiS2:Smillionmustbefound yield any additional retirees: · __ •. -:. · lt'sap~liiigthatCTAwouldconsidei .. - .. by :i tiudget_u.,;rforcec<Tm.mi1ic:e-::-:~/o".eraJl;they.'~ea:sk.i'ng~s to'gi,·e ·:...:.1tiis~1Jcrosition~•iha1-~ou1d_ri·ctie..... , .... :. ___ . . . •Saboaiical leaves,e:i:ceptfor'those . - _up too much;'.' he, said.''What think.. 'filled: Thilt mean'~ l:irgcrcl:i.sses'and. . . . prc~approvw:.wm be suspended for really/is _thaCit could l:>c_ inc~ibl>; -- more adjunct/:/ . _ _ . . _·_ -. one year,. when. they will b.e harmful to the instirution in the long : Al Naso. chair. of die Division.of renegotiat~ :·. \. - 'nin"' -.·.:.- ,- .. _- - .Fine·an°d.Performing-Arts;is.:: . . _.· ·~--B~iili. ;r f ;t~:~ \ill~f er a-: ... _ ,s~tli\~-- h~ i~ --~~;,-c~rn~ Llia1 · . co~c:C·ni~ ilh;t_o.n1f ¢r A.irii:m~rs " ', - ''golden handshak_e''. of $15,000 10. faculty mu"stteach the same number of ; couldo~:ote on_ui"<:'Jijopo5!1f.' ' - ' .'.__y< - .·faciiltyrrii:m&iswncianno~ricetheir _ ... students~ilhfe.,.:·erteachers.,'. -- ... ··. ·:.Out of 226 full-tiine ·f£cul1y retireme~i~fo~ ¢c(foifo;ing"'year. oy .. ·_ - ''We're not-out :10' ge(whate,ir.' .•. membe~:\t BC;tinly90~e riiembcr.; _·.Feb.' ( I 995.· Seveni~~n: ·•faculty - ; ani6urit:9fmoriey we can'.\Ve belie,·e - of the union. according tciN~"':tOn.-.• •members i11 the_district must re ti.re' md · _in 'qu~ity inst"!Ction \Vec;n'! d~--th~t. _. ·:·sin_ce -everyone is_ affected, ·_. theywiil_notbercplaced.lf !?teachers · .. '1.ith less fa.sully.'.·· -/ : .... ••.. C\e!)O~ shouidvoie.'' l':laso said . . do notmire;_t_h~:s1s.@~nuses and. ··- :-The);· pe_r~erit r"ai_se-'wou!d .cost_.· ---·~as:os:iidthe:·golde!)handsha)(e.'.', __ . , sabbatical hold will becaiiceled. -·- · --. S300,000and ilie-3percent raise -.'ould - will divide old facuhy from iicw. He -• •Fa~ulty m-u~i:;ake an o~:going _ cost S600.COO/accord,ng io Newton:' s.~dprogramsma~-ha.;etobetrimmeo --. · i:om'mi tnie~t to maii:itain_.:_e;oll menl-:": He ,sajd. the. rcrn:iinder,_saved by:coL d ue.toJac uit)'~S-!!~ ~!!._con~ue~ily.:::. :.c~ ~-· . at 'u,~ current -le,·el,. despiie fewer cutting measures 'would be put into. a •.. students iria,;·nol get nee.de:! classes. -. 1eichers. _-.< --· ; · : . . ·. . ·. re's~r~~- to.· fun:d - 'iethnolo'giC31 '"There_;e ;o many Olh~ ·v.-ays _ ·• -- ·-_In· add1tic;,ri to -th~ fpercent raise;-. impro've-ment~ in iC.leh1ng< · ·_ · , they_could be cutting 'anJ ~y koow _ -. _ ,: __ : 'ih.e p~posal~offm~ a.'2 peicent raise' . :_'rkwtori'~d-he is·'no\ coriccmcd ·~it" he said. "In order io compensate - _ _ . • Efrain ~Rocky" Garza /_The Rip . ,·effectiveJan; I. l 995, but this2percent >.about the' fac~lty cuts because he_has .• :- for the·_reductio.n of staff there will. Coach Carl Bowser' announces retire merit ~fter last home game: See itory on page 5.. - . . '.d~pends. on' the S39.4 million state - ; confidenc~\hat the college presidents •.. iii,;e.to'oc a lot of pressure 10 inc~ . - ... ' .. c . . . •. . . . . . . . .... . .-· . ' budgetand~ollegeenmllment>-: - 'wiilmaketherightdecisionsirihiring, - classsiiec'.' . . . -·-· ·.-· "".:""-". ;_:_·--~---·-.·.-,·_u_~.-- .. ~.:·--_.e_·:.c ___ :·_:: ___ -.-_:_-·m~_--_ ~: __ -_;;__a'·.-: -_-_(I-_ •. -e::·._-_--- .. -.-, __ :_,_:_._·a· ____ ·_ :_:_•_-_{_-_ . ..-._-> ·_· 1 - ___ ff. __ - .e· _ ·.---.-r·_:-_·_-_ .. e/·· __ _-- __ ·c·_·_ - ___ -e.· _ '. . WrjQbt_opposeSguns f6r egmpus pqlice n u - By Luk{Thci¢ne , ·' .. ' j (i10 sixy~ with the BC camp~s .• escilating. "You know it's -gettin( :--SiHd.ehf¢\r~·d,em~_~(B __ }_,3 __ -._,_,_:Pr~ .• _-fessor R __ ay __ -Ho. "it .• ,F\~1;f!n~11 1 l:1;~g~cipus~lice poli~;d say that Dr. Young inuic1ly . io:~:t:7~~tm:~.i:r::~::. - :-should noqi;iillov.·cd io carry guns,-~ v,rong.': he said ·,r,e" .... orkt'Xl the grandfather.and h:is food reason for' By Elise ~alas-'': .. · 0 _ :_-_)espl_t;; !.h~ recpmrnendatiori .of the_< midnight shift for almost lhe years. · v.'Jnting 10 protect hi~self in his job.· . - New~_~siitor· .· _ ~_: _._ - .- ~--:"He. ta~:ght_ u~ ab9l:)t_ j~_ssons in--lifE{riot j(.!s(about: _ :. county i~ci jury~:acwrding to' Be:.-. and that gelS might) hail) up there. , --rm concerned -.ilh myself, but . - ~akf!Slield College_speech .•' k' c - •' ; ,; .·· . -. - •, .- . Pri:,sidentOr._RickWi:ight~-· ·-/· thinx_ailofficersshouldha\ew;apon~" Tm al-a conccmoo with the other prof.;;soi'Raynicind~Holt~as" -~pea 1ng !npubhC; : .::-,'<>,· --:. :,_._.: ·f::< ,:~:~~11iereareprosaridccins:to:arming•.~·,.-~According to Jones: crime is :offi,ers.andot~rpeopkloo_" · more :lhanjust goci<l teacher. - . - - . : ·, ~ara Fink, . 'them~"he s;iicr7·And from my P-i>ini_or . . - . . . - ·Accoi-dingtoac!~nistraiors~d - . . . . . :gcf student :: - view; there are more-c"ons ihan ~re :_~~~~l~'.;~-~:~:~~-~i:j-·: Ch~'lchcif ~i~~~·:_:; ~:~-: . 0 roceif &ftifs-~ii'i°ireducaui5;-i- ::;~_._n--.-.·"_po~ ros_f~_:fi:~i·_-cte·t_.r+~:d.}:~:·:_~Jpo;us.-_ ni~_·c·_--_~-_-Pn·:.~_-m __ )ak~_"ee_o,· __ 3 !:_-··.-:. __ ·; •. :-~;He' Ill~ ~a 1i_ffe~~ in'. - ·, .;'_This-ii v.hat he:ii,;-~ for,for ~s," sh~. With ·a· ~chooJ· managi:m;n, · - " " " : :ev~1yone~s li_f~in·a_-big _. ... {ay,''_ tollthe'.TIJesday l:Iass: .'_'He was mo~.· emph.asis __ in i: J 983_.froin the~-, si_iuailon moi~~gerousifashootirig :: . saidSaraFi~astudeniinHolt's'. than our teacher, He was 'anjncred1ble 'unive'rsiiy ofLaV~earidstudied ·> incident 'stiould' 'occur;, because· a• . Tu~ynightSpeecl(rdass._' man:: -, .... _ . ·_ -· - _;,.-·,ai the Coriserv.itiv·e:Baptist ' cnntln-almay~-\hi-;ffic~~'a'~l. / ~oJt.'SO;diedfo~a~tci~~- · -· f:i_nJ,latersaid/Thfsismylaitspcech.· :Toeologi_cal ~in°fnazy/:>-. -: -·, . . . ~ani{begin .. shriotjng. poiib!.(hining<-_ _ denijiear: Telia·c~api'early . for him.- - . _ . . - . . -. · ~: - H-e i has_:jaught speecht_: \" peopleneaib/ Hov.·ever,tie,alsoma&,: . Monday rriorninf. wh.ile : -~ ':'i-lis frieods'ana family need to'know cominun-icationsdas.sesat'Dinuba .. it clearth:ii the decision is not his. , ' - ·: _c~uting fo_ u;;,casiei Sta~-· :~~-j~fpQrμrit'he';.-as' to iis:: said>: •. public _-schoois .~ Kings= Riv~r,·._ .:,i ~:.,)iri[Jhi;-~ 1ok~iiri~i.~!!!'ls..~.:~. Priwi- with_thice co-v.:orlcers - '1fe \\'35 a goo<fteacher. He taught \is ·_ Coinmunity College in Reedley/ :- ahoo:r\fpolicy,''hesaid.''lbeBciardof - afterthe'v1:hiclc hitanicysti-eu:b _; :v.-elL. He taiight us3boiit lessons.in life. -: the Golleg~ ~f i}je~S~uoias amf iri . Trustees makes the call on this, not the i . . o_(Tehachapi,'.Willow '-$prings .' ilOl just about speaking in public."·. :: . -: Visalia. He also "was ·a :s~h: : - presideni: .nor the_chan~llor.:· B;·l i .. : Ro_ad. · " - . _ Debbie Mixo11,' BC.Laning Center _ lherapistforficsnoqll.mtyschooi-.'. . SUp!)9rf llOl ha~ing them."-'.~ - . _:. The \'Ch.icie llinibl~ arid lab' assisunt :ind a student' iri Holt's< . Holt also 'taught at BC's Oli,·e -~ . .- : DistrictChaocellor e>r: J}f!I_Yoong . Sf!lashed in.lo a. power pole: . :J~y ~igh1cla.,ss;said,;:We lo\·ed tuin _: Dn\.'e oaining facility las't spring: : . ; 'could riot be reachedforrommeril: He · whichkil!~Holt.driYcrDariyll: --and respcctr,d him~ He rn*usfeel thal.-: before te.-iching the t,i,o' spw;h-;- 1oldThe/3akrsfield0ilifo[7'1ian-~ · E. Pettitt and passenger Leo T. this~w:isasafeplacetha!'>l-;COOld learn... - classes dus :SCrnester on the' main':'. : 'he, llJ:O,opposc:d arming 6mpus !»'.- ' .. ' - Stal_ey-Jf, Passenger_Gcne"'.a: ~ewassi~iy~pporti,'eoftis~- : __ .(:.":~- </~ .. -; ', - '. lice::0: .. - .. . - -·· -- .. Gie'goij :Sufv_ivcd ~an·dcwas~c:. ::·Dr. Jaclc:ie Fisher;dean of theWeill-:;--:Besides.._being -a:pail~time . ..:: _: .. -J~ Taylor,\;.-ho heads ·Qll\P4.;. treated at' Anti:iope \Valley·. lnstirine)ielda·simiiar"iew:·'The~ts .:. i~uctor a1 BC, he was eni'plo}'ed . -~ securicy. said tha.fthe only thing todo _ · · Hospital in L.ancasta: ... ·. ·, : fC.3:llylov~~really-respectedhim.and - attlieprisoriin~).~-~~ _ . nowiscontin~withbusiriessasuiual. - ''Thisisalh·ery. ,'erytragic.~ -gai[ied a'1oto}~wledge from him.~·: . developed° programs_· - •. ·.· and ·wro_ te: .. ·''We~ working aro>rding to ilie said Dr.Da,id Rosales.BC dean· - ·1n return.: Holt res~ his students curiiculum to prepare innutes '.'to_ . district. policy,"· he said. . "And the -- --of genaa! cd~.c.-~_:__as.w~ll. saidJJYOC Landon, BC·ctwrof actually male it"inthe-rcal world. . . - district poliq is thal v.-e're "''ithout "We',·ebecnrealty irn~ the rom.m~- ~-;L-: ·--:--:-3CCOllling 'toGiiloo ___ -.-:--::-:--- - ....... --:-- ,...., fircanns aiid that h.ls to be my"answer..-- - - ---byhis:d~"he said.-:.-.:...~. :. - -"l'dliketos.ay'that he really respected:._ --Besides-.Ltie ~-Wcdne~d:ty· __ -. We will continue""~ that v..iy until Rosales~lethetragi,cnews hiswdentsashuman being:;. He treated_: rtle!OOrial Setl,icc in Tehachapi; a --:; ~y changes iL" -- -. ---- ---- ·-- ' to students in Hoh's Tuesday. : people v.ith dignity: He m3dc people feel · memorial service v.ill be held ro- '. · Howrit:r, he feels that; afia being -:: and Thurday night Spe.ecli I liketheywcrcdescrnngofrespect." day at -10 a.m. at· Dinuba put po the spot_by the grand jury. the classes~ Many students ·m Holt is sun-·i\'Cd by_hls wife; Arlene Presbyterian Church. officiaied - . board h.1s to make adecision,_and the - ,isiNy upsd and v.-cre crying in "Cookiett Holt; his son, J~ I 6. a junior both by Senior Pastor Jcny Pow-etS public is waiching. · _ the Tuesday class. Yei the andvanitybasketballptayeratTehachapi of Tehachapi Church ·or the kWe're at· a situation where. students were able to take BC · High School; his daughtu, Michcel1e. 14, Naurcoe. Pfr,1ate interment at ~fficia.lly, the di.strict has to reply to counselof Dix Kelsey's advio:. a freshman and soa:aptayeut Tehachapi _ Smith Mountain Ccme tery · in · them. And thaf s where it's at." "Dosomethingronstructive High;andSC\--cnlcxharclativesinDinuba Dinuba v.ill foUow. · .. The grand jury concluded that · togc:thathcs:aid. '1)or.aikabcut and Kingsbarg. Calif. · The family has asked that. in "campus. police officen were placing . iL" According to infonnatioo. given to lieu of llowm. donations may be their lives on the linewithouttbep:oper Fink. who's ~is a close . Holt's church by his family, he v.'3.S ban made in memory of Hoh for equipment" and recommended that friendo_fMll.Holt,toldthecla.ss _ in Dinuba and atttndcd Reedley High communicarioos education schol· campus police officers be armo:L s.hewasgomgtospealcarHoh's School, Rcc:iky Co&gc and C-alifani.t mhips. in care of Olurch of the Although many campus police memorial service 1 p.m. State UniYersity, Fresno. where he. Naurene, P.O. Bo:it ·1638; officers declined co comment on the W cd nesda y at Tebach api • s rccch'Cd a B.A. in speccll in 1966. He Tehxh.api, Calif. 935-81. is.soc. Offixr Bill Jooes. 71, feh frtt to speak his mind. Jones is retiring Dec. . . . \ Rip .. phalD BC campus ponce officer Joe Johnson writes a ticket . ·. - .. ·\ . ._ - .. :._ ... ::-~ . ; . - . ~- - ~!:.:.· ... x. ~~~~~·:..··:~ .. _;_~:---:: .:.:~5!~..=:. ... ~t1:,..·= .- .... _ . ;..,, ";-'- ...... ;.\.<;._·.·.•;.,. ~'-,.,..;.•..-'a"_.:. -, ... , ...... -:..

Golden handShake?' - Bakersfield College · 14, Naurcoe. Pfr,1ate interment at ~fficia.lly, the di.strict has to reply to counselof Dix Kelsey's advio:. a freshman and soa:aptayeut

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Page 1: Golden handShake?' - Bakersfield College · 14, Naurcoe. Pfr,1ate interment at ~fficia.lly, the di.strict has to reply to counselof Dix Kelsey's advio:. a freshman and soa:aptayeut

:;. ..

-LA columnist .. recalls .days_ as Rip editor -


. . . ' . . .

,An era comes to an end ...

' ..

RENEGADE Pl!OTO EesAY Children's play ·-takes its shbw . -on ··the "rqad . _:-~ -~: ---

· 'Golden handShake?' P1~rl woa1dtrirT1JaCuity•irl· ~~dh~ri9~'18rfai~~-i· By Ann~tte;Arid~r;o,{ :: . . -.. - --. : ·_ ·. . ·.. -~ • : - - . . .·:.:i~~?ra0t~e;"s~e ~~;i;~~/;h~n

- ~ Rip stattwrite.r: .. , ._ . , - ; • . . . uTheydqn't have a go·od · 1a}-offs/'hesai~~'._'lff;cuhy~~~bers 0espi1e o~jec"ii_oiis froin_a: riumbe_i- .: iirasp:oh !Ong-term • ·· retii~ :uid_need ree~ac~~-ent_ihe_Jire~i-

. of Bakersfield CoUege faculty .·. · . · , . ,, __ · : ·_ .. . . . dc_nt of the _colkge would be insane members, ~facultyunionsuppons'a planning .. · ' not tc{rcpface them.''::· ': ':. ,'. ' proposal ~hidi .would pul ahold on': . . ,. 2:st V . $ ·;th [)1slric1ChanceUorDr;JimYoung sabba.ticatsforoneycaranctenc'au·ragc ·•· · .· > ·, • · e_ e ,mi . :- an<lBakers-rie1ao;11egePreside.ntDr. early retireine:n_i in "i=x~hange 'fc,~ a 3; · SC>9l~I s~ien~ professor .. Rick-W~ight c~uld ~olbe reache;:I ro;. percenirals,e.;_-,. '. -... -· " .. ·,,.: -•._ :',. >- ...••... ,-- commenia_bouitKe't>ro"po~/:·./.: " · Mer:i:ibers·;·oJ:the ~ Ca_lifornia.;;.,'-,;'.We're _tryin·g 10· get c()st-of-living-~: : ... B~l ~rru.ih.said.it'._s: a,"111istake~to

0-c\.: _ _.

w.if------,.-.,..._m~l lcge::As~il!lic.iq ,-a : 1'3ises for.faculty. TI_u>--111as an.clfort 1o...:..c:.eiicourage..:..i:x per ie.nccl:f acu lty. ~10_-·_· -·~· _· branch of the Califomi~ Teachers~: --w~rlc; 'together and try tci ge.t this for . ka\e::tte s:iid;tr°usiees .should plan · _ -soci;t-ion'; voted oil the- district:~ide. peoplet~ewtol't'said. : ' ;.:


, - ; ·ahead for budg~qx'ohtc:mi:- . . . · contract proposalWednesday,. The _ . Bui' the "'golden hand.shak~.... - 'They goye4I·to year with quick •

vote was exp_ec1ed -to be \allied proposarprompi'id-so~e facuitx fixes.:Theydon·i'~;,i :!good grasp -~ Thursday.···.-: . - .. - . ·,- --· . ·. m_emberstocirculateapetitionagainst on long-}err11 pbnning.'!'. .•• . . . _·

· :The district:spon's~red ~oniract ·- it this.~ed:: {: ~-: : .:. : '_-_ ... _ . . Kathdi™:Pl,u~.mqdeml~gtiages . proposal ·w·as e'ridorsed b)' union . - Sie~e;°Sinith/ ;Csocfal _science. diYi~i9h cha_ir_. 'said shejs concerned . ·

officials, according-to Joe' Newton, professor and aiithor of the petition. _'that pari'.1iitie facult)· y,.:ere: riot unfo~sident:Thefo11~tprop<!sat: said 1ixi m~y~lrings_~e atuchdi'~d- consJde-re<l .in the coritract pr~posa1· is ·Jeperident on Sp<;eific conditions ,'language is ioo vagu~''. in ihe co~tract . oo:a~se pan:umers here ~ amo~g

. whiclirri_u:st beme.ttie'r~~~theraisewill proposal.: fie said so~~ faculty are . ttie 1ci(..cst p~_ill iri _i_he state.: < .:. be appro:ved/~liese in_chid~: ,; . -".· : ... ·. skeptical lh;l(the SI 5,000 tionus_will . . -~··11;sat;aJ;e'it-~~:nin propo~•liO!) .

. •AbouiS2:Smillionmustbefound yield any additional retirees: · __ •. -:. · lt'sap~liiigthatCTAwouldconsidei .. -.. by :i tiudget_u.,;rforcec<Tm.mi1ic:e-::-:~/o".eraJl;they.'~ea:sk.i'ng~s to'gi,·e ·:...:.1tiis~1Jcrosition~•iha1-~ou1d_ri·ctie.....,....:. ___ . . . •Saboaiical leaves,e:i:ceptfor'those . -_up too much;'.' he, said.''What 1· think.. 'filled: Thilt mean'~ l:irgcrcl:i.sses'and. . .

. prc~approvw:.wm be suspended for really/is _thaCit could l:>c_ inc~ibl>; -- more adjunct/:/ . _ .· _ . . _·_ -. one year,. when. they will b.e harmful to the instirution in the long : Al Naso. chair. of die Division.of renegotiat~ .· :·. \. - 'nin"' -.·.:.- ,- .. _- - .Fine·an°d.Performing-Arts;is.::

. . _.· ·~--B~iili. ;r f ;t~:~ \ill~f er a -: ... _ .· ,s~tli\~--h~ i~ --~~;,-c~rn~ Llia1 · . co~c:C·ni~ ilh;t_o.n1f ¢r A.irii:m~rs " ', -''golden handshak_e''. of $15,000 10. faculty mu"stteach the same number of ; couldo~:ote on_ui"<:'Jijopo5!1f.' ' - ' .'.__y<

- .·faciiltyrrii:m&iswncianno~ricetheir _ ... students~ilhfe.,.:·erteachers.,'. -- ... ··. ·:.Out of 226 full-tiine ·f£cul1y retireme~i~fo~ ¢c(foifo;ing"'year. oy .. ·_ - ''We're not-out :10' ge(whate,ir.' .•. membe~:\t BC;tinly90~e riiembcr.;

_·.Feb.' ( I 995.· Seveni~~n: ·•faculty - ; ani6urit:9fmoriey we can'.\Ve belie,·e - of the union. according tciN~"':tOn.-.• •members i11 the_district must re ti.re' md · _in 'qu~ity inst"!Ction \Vec;n'! d~--th~t. _. ·:·sin_ce -everyone is_ affected, ·_. theywiil_notbercplaced.lf !?teachers · .. '1.ith less fa.sully.'.·· -/ : ....••.. C\e!)O~ shouidvoie.'' l':laso said .

. do notmire;_t_h~:s1s.@~nuses and. ··- :-The);· pe_r~erit r"ai_se-'wou!d .cost_.· ---·~as:os:iidthe:·golde!)handsha)(e.'.', __

. , sabbatical hold will becaiiceled. -·- · --. S300,000and ilie-3percent raise -.'ould - will divide old facuhy from iicw. He - · -• •Fa~ulty m-u~i:;ake an o~:going _ cost S600.COO/accord,ng io Newton:' s.~dprogramsma~-ha.;etobetrimmeo - -. ·

~ i:om'mi tnie~t to maii:itain_.:_e;oll menl-:": He ,sajd. the. rcrn:iinder,_saved by:coL d ue.toJac uit)'~S-!!~ ~!!._con~ue~ily.:::. :.c~ ~-·

. at 'u,~ current -le,·el,. despiie fewer cutting measures 'would be put into. a •.. students iria,;·nol get nee.de:! classes. -. 1eichers. _-.< --· ; · : . . ·. . ·. re's~r~~- to.· fun:d - 'iethnolo'giC31 '"There_;e ;o many Olh~ ·v.-ays _ ·• -- ·-_In· add1tic;,ri to -th~ fpercent raise;-. impro've-ment~ in iC.leh1ng< · ·_ · , they_could be cutting 'anJ ~y koow

_ -. _ ,: __ : 'ih.e p~posal~offm~ a.'2 peicent raise' . :_'rkwtori'~d-he is·'no\ coriccmcd ·~it" he said. "In order io compensate -_ _ . • Efrain ~Rocky" Garza /_The Rip . ,·effectiveJan; I. l 995, but this2percent >.about the' fac~lty cuts because he_has .• :- for the·_reductio.n of staff there will.

Coach Carl Bowser' announces retire merit ~fter last home game: See itory on page 5 .. - . . '.d~pends. on' the S39.4 million state - ; confidenc~\hat the college presidents •.. iii,;e.to'oc a lot of pressure 10 inc~ . - ... ' .. c • . . . • •. . . . . . • . . .... . .-· . ' budgetand~ollegeenmllment>-: ,· - 'wiilmaketherightdecisionsirihiring, - classsiiec'.' . . .

-·-· ·.-· "".:""-".

;_:_·--~---·-.·.-,·_u_~.--.. ~.:·--_.e_·:.c ___ :·_:: ___ -.-_:_-·m~_--_ ~: __ -_;;__a'·.-: -_-_(I-_ •. -e::·._-_---.. -.-, __ :_,_:_._·a· ____ ·_ :_:_•_-_{_-_ . ..-._-> ·_·1-___ ff. __ -.e· _ ·.---.-r·_:-_·_-_ .. e/·· __ n· _--__ ·c·_·_ - ___ -e.· _ '. . WrjQbt_opposeSguns f6r egmpus pqlice n u -By Luk{Thci¢ne , ·' .. ' j (i10 sixy~ with the BC camp~s .• escilating. "You know it's -gettin(

:--SiHd.ehf¢\r~·d,em~_~(B __ }_,3 __ -._,_,_:Pr~ .• _-fessor R __ ay __ -Ho. "it .• ,F\~1;f!n~111l:1;~g~cipus~lice poli~;d say that Dr. Young inuic1ly . io:~:t:7~~tm:~.i:r::~::.

- :-should noqi;iillov.·cd io carry guns,-~ v,rong.': he said ·,r,e" .... orkt'Xl the grandfather.and h:is food reason for' By Elise ~alas-'': ~ .. ·

0 _ :_-_)espl_t;; !.h~ recpmrnendatiori .of the_< midnight shift for almost lhe years. · v.'Jnting 10 protect hi~self in his job.· .

-New~_~siitor· . · _ ~_: _._ -.- ~--:"He. ta~:ght_ u~ ab9l:)t_ j~_ssons in--lifE{riot j(.!s(about: _ :. county i~ci jury~:acwrding to' Be:.-. and that gelS might) hail) up there. , --rm concerned -.ilh myself, but . -~akf!Slield College_speech -· .•' k' c - •' • ; ,; .·· . -. - •, .- • . • Pri:,sidentOr._RickWi:ight~-· ~ ·-/· thinx_ailofficersshouldha\ew;apon~" Tm al-a conccmoo with the other

prof.;;soi'Raynicind~Holt~as" -~pea 1ng !npubhC; : .::-,'<>,· --:. :,_._.: ·f::< ,:~:~~11iereareprosaridccins:to:arming•.~·,.-~According to Jones: crime is :offi,ers.andot~rpeopkloo_" · more :lhanjust a· goci<l teacher. - . - - . ~ : ·, ~ara Fink, . 'them~"he s;iicr7·And from my P-i>ini_or . . - . . . - ·Accoi-dingtoac!~nistraiors~d - -· - · . . . . . :gcf student :: -view; there are more-c"ons ihan ~re

:_~~~~l~'.;~-~:~:~~-~i:j-·: Ch~'lchcif ~i~~~·:_:; ~:~-: . 0 :~~ roceif &ftifs-~ii'i°ireducaui5;-i- ::;~_._n--.-.·"_po~ ros_f~_:fi:~i·_-cte·t_.r+~:d.}:~:·:_~Jpo;us.-_ ni~_·c·_--_~-_-Pn·:.~_-m __ )ak~_"ee_o,· __ 3!:_-··.-:. __ ·;

•. :-~;He' Ill~ ~a 1i_ffe~~ in'. - ·, .;'_This-ii v.hat he:ii,;-~ for,for ~s," sh~. With ·a· ~chooJ· managi:m;n, · - " " " : :ev~1yone~s li_f~in·a_-big _. ... {ay,''_ ~ tollthe'.TIJesday l:Iass: .'_'He was mo~.· emph.asis __ in i: J 983_.froin the~-, • si_iuailon moi~~gerousifashootirig :: . saidSaraFi~astudeniinHolt's'. than our teacher, He was 'anjncred1ble 'unive'rsiiy ofLaV~earidstudied ·> incident 'stiould' 'occur;, because· a• . Tu~ynightSpeecl(rdass._' man:: -, .... _ . ·_ - · - _;,.-·,ai the Coriserv.itiv·e:Baptist ' cnntln-almay~-\hi-;ffic~~'a'~l. / ~oJt.'SO;diedfo~a~tci~~- · -· f:i_nJ,latersaid/Thfsismylaitspcech.· :Toeologi_cal ~in°fnazy/:>-. -: -·, . . . ~ani{begin .. shriotjng. poiib!.(hining<-_

_ denijiear: Telia·c~api'early . for him.- - . _ . . - . . - . · ~: - H-e i has_:jaught speecht_: \" peopleneaib/ Hov.·ever,tie,alsoma&,: . Monday :· rriorninf. wh.ile : -~ ':'i-lis frieods'ana family need to'know ~ cominun-icationsdas.sesat'Dinuba .. it clearth:ii the decision is not his. , ' -·: _c~uting fo_ u;;,casiei Sta~-· :~~-j~fpQrµrit'he';.-as' to iis:: ~~- said>: •. public _-schoois .~ Kings= Riv~r,·._ .:,i ~:.,)iri[Jhi;-~ 1ok~iiri~i.~!!!'ls..~.:~.

Priwi- with_thice co-v.:orlcers -'1fe \\'35 a goo<fteacher. He taught \is ·_ Coinmunity College in Reedley/ :- ahoo:r\fpolicy,''hesaid.''lbeBciardof -afterthe'v1:hiclc hitanicysti-eu:b _; :v.-elL. He taiight us3boiit lessons.in life. -: the Golleg~ ~f i}je~S~uoias amf iri . Trustees makes the call on this, not the i .

. o_(Tehachapi,'.Willow '-$prings .' ilOl just about speaking in public."·. :: . -: Visalia. He also "was ·a :s~h: : - presideni: .nor the_chan~llor.:· B;·l i .. : Ro_ad. · " - . _ Debbie Mixo11,' BC.Laning Center _ lherapistforficsnoqll.mtyschooi-.'. . SUp!)9rf llOl ha~ing them."-'.~ - . _:. The \'Ch.icie llinibl~ arid lab' assisunt :ind a student' iri Holt's< . Holt also 'taught at BC's Oli,·e -~ . .- : DistrictChaocellor e>r: J}f!I_Yoong . Sf!lashed in.lo a. power pole: . :J~y ~igh1cla.,ss;said,;:We lo\·ed tuin _: Dn\.'e oaining facility las't spring: : . ; 'could riot be reachedforrommeril: He · whichkil!~Holt.driYcrDariyll: --and respcctr,d him~ He rn*usfeel thal.-: before te.-iching the t,i,o' spw;h-;- .· 1oldThe/3akrsfield0ilifo[7'1ian-~ · E. Pettitt and passenger Leo T. this~w:isasafeplacetha!'>l-;COOld learn... - classes dus :SCrnester on the' main':'. : 'he, llJ:O,opposc:d arming 6mpus !»'.- ' .. ' -Stal_ey-Jf, Passenger_Gcne"'.a: ~ewassi~iy~pporti,'eoftis~- : __ ~~\ .(:.":~- ~ </~ .. -; ', - '. lice::0: .. - .. . - -·· -- -·

.. Gie'goij :Sufv_ivcd ~an·dcwas~c:. ::·Dr. Jaclc:ie Fisher;dean of theWeill-:;--:Besides.._being -a:pail~time . ..:: _: . · .. -J~ Taylor,\;.-ho heads ·Qll\P4.;. treated at' Anti:iope \Valley·. lnstirine)ielda·simiiar"iew:·'The~ts .:. i~uctor a1 BC, he was eni'plo}'ed . -~ securicy. said tha.fthe only thing todo _ ·

· Hospital in L.ancasta: ... ·. ·, : fC.3:llylov~~really-respectedhim.and - attlieprisoriin~).~-~~ _ . nowiscontin~withbusiriessasuiual. -''Thisisalh·ery. ,'erytragic.~ -gai[ied a'1oto}~wledge from him.~·: . developed° programs_· - •. ·.· and ·wro_ te: .. ·''We~ working aro>rding to ilie

said Dr.Da,id Rosales.BC dean· -·1n return.: Holt res~ his students curiiculum to prepare innutes '.'to_ . district. policy,"· he said. . "And the - ---of genaa! cd~.c.-~_:__as.w~ll. saidJJYOC Landon, BC·ctwrof actually male it"inthe-rcal world. . . -district poliq is thal v.-e're "''ithout .· "We',·ebecnrealty irn~ the rom.m~-~-;L-: ·--:--:-3CCOllling 'toGiiloo ___ -.-:--::-:--- - ....... --:-- ,...., fircanns aiid that h.ls to be my"answer..-- -

- ---byhis:d~"he said.-:.-.:...~. :. - -"l'dliketos.ay'that he really respected:._ --Besides-.Ltie ~-Wcdne~d:ty· __ - . We will continue""~ that v..iy until Rosales~lethetragi,cnews hiswdentsashuman being:;. He treated_: rtle!OOrial Setl,icc in Tehachapi; a --:; ~y changes iL" -- - . ---- ---- ·-- '

to students in Hoh' s Tuesday. : people v.ith dignity: He m3dc people feel · memorial service v.ill be held ro- '. · Howrit:r, he feels that; afia being -:: and Thurday night Spe.ecli I liketheywcrcdescrnngofrespect." day at -10 a.m. at· Dinuba put po the spot_by the grand jury. the classes~ Many students ·m Holt is sun-·i\'Cd by_hls wife; Arlene Presbyterian Church. officiaied - . board h.1s to make adecision,_and the -,isiNy upsd and v.-cre crying in "Cookiett Holt; his son, J~ I 6. a junior both by Senior Pastor Jcny Pow-etS public is waiching. · _ the Tuesday class. Yei the andvanitybasketballptayeratTehachapi of Tehachapi Church ·or the kWe're at· a situation where. students were able to take BC · High School; his daughtu, Michcel1e. 14, Naurcoe. Pfr,1ate interment at ~fficia.lly, the di.strict has to reply to counselof Dix Kelsey's advio:. a freshman and soa:aptayeut Tehachapi _ Smith Mountain Ccme tery · in · them. And thaf s where it's at."

"Dosomethingronstructive High;andSC\--cnlcxharclativesinDinuba Dinuba v.ill foUow. · .. The grand jury concluded that · togc:thathcs:aid. '1)or.aikabcut and Kingsbarg. Calif. · The family has asked that. in "campus. police officen were placing

. iL" According to infonnatioo. given to lieu of llowm. donations may be their lives on the linewithouttbep:oper Fink. who's ~is a close . Holt's church by his family, he v.'3.S ban made in memory of Hoh for equipment" and recommended that

friendo_fMll.Holt,toldthecla.ss _ in Dinuba and atttndcd Reedley High communicarioos education schol· campus police officers be armo:L s.hewasgomgtospealcarHoh's School, Rcc:iky Co&gc and C-alifani.t mhips. in care of Olurch of the Although many campus police memorial service 1 p.m. State UniYersity, Fresno. where he. Naurene, P.O. Bo:it ·1638; officers declined co comment on the W cd nesda y at Tebach api • s rccch'Cd a B.A. in speccll in 1966. He Tehxh.api, Calif. 935-81. is.soc. Offixr Bill Jooes. 71, feh frtt to

speak his mind. Jones is retiring Dec. . . . \ Rip .. phalD

BC campus ponce officer Joe Johnson writes a ticket

. ·. -.. ·\ . ._ - .. :._ ... ::-~ . ; . - . ~- -

~!:.:.· ... x. ~~~~~·:..··:~ .. _;_~:---:: .:.:~5!~..=:. ... ~t1:,..·= .-.... _ .

;..,, ";-'-...... ;.\.<;._·.·.•;.,. ~'-,.,..;.•..-'a"_.:. -, ... , ...... -:..

Page 2: Golden handShake?' - Bakersfield College · 14, Naurcoe. Pfr,1ate interment at ~fficia.lly, the di.strict has to reply to counselof Dix Kelsey's advio:. a freshman and soa:aptayeut

· - . -_, TH& RltNJtGADE RIP ..... _ . Page 2 .-._ ;•. - December2,·1994

+_~· ·:·. / .,

·---·-.-~ ... ·- --------· -·- ..


.Stu:~ent :~uggests. changing m_~nu .. Library ·afficia~s clatify pianning issue: ro au.1iie _;;..oncJerrui ~p.Je at th~ 11.i~rsr.c1i! . ... . . . . While' w~ comptetely ~giee 1ha1 dsm was aimed at the library plan· college wish'es 10 rnov~ .1° _more .

College;: I want !~say thank you)oi th~ tinie you: LETTERS TO . THE EDITOR . the "libraiy needs fuilds,O,we are n!ng: He.lid nol S!Bte that.th.ere w~ . ~e>rnpu.ter-based ; ::. mdexe,s, . . have shared ~ith me. )want you't6 ~~ow that I _· compelled to ask 'that two c·;;frcc- . "poor plan!'.ing'of the new h· ~eluding an on'.l1_n_e __ public . leai!iedaJotfromeveryonein\hecookingprogratn: . tiOriS be noted.·: . . .. . · brary .. ;.u: .. . • _. access catalog which WQU!d . . . I wa'ntt<i tha~kPai ar.d Moc foriaking riie in'the • . . (' . Mr. Jacobs. described the results . Planning for the library h:is been. replace the presept cai:d cMalog.

· cafeteda and teichirig me all kinds of ways iri . . , reported by the'accrcditation corn- weH done and_ has involved the He did notstate th~t the library . :.ooking. 'and I \¥0

0UI~ like 10 say the people there I f mill~ which had. suggested 'that .. libraiy siaff. information services. , has an "unorgani_zed_ index.":: . were ver:{riiceto~eand willing to teach me things. : ( there·weie problems with pl~nnirig , .and sucli noted C()lisultants asPhi_lip Dr:_Clalre J. Larsen:

. I also l~arned to be on.ii me with the food when . · . ,) and coinmun_ication for.the college· Leighton, faculty planner. for the Dean orllbrary services at $!Jow1i,;\e·: !_would Jiketosay thanks·ioyoli, Jack. . as a whole,_ _ . _ . Stanfo;,.i Libraries Association. _· Fred R.Jacobs f~r taking rrie into my fi~tj~b-,i°t the Bakersfield.' He did not imply that thafcriti- . Mr .. Larsen dia indicaie. that the - Reference librarian

· Couniry Club> __ . _ . . . . . · .. I would ·havei10··1alk. about what couJ.i. be

improve~ at the Renegide R~m-: \ : - . < . ,_· .. :· -- 0 ,The '_carrots,: onfon,:and .'poiatocs· should_t,c',:;_ ~­: alre:ady peeled and placed in a five gallon contai,ner .· .

to make thi~gs:easier'andfaster in cooking at the •. Renegade.R0<>in. _·. · · .. · . · · .. · _-. . ·. · ·· · _-_

·. . !'would like !Q see the nieriu changed just i bit: '"°-uld 'ik~ to see food ihat yo~ ilo~'tj~steaiai_;ny>

. · rcstaurani. i 'd like'tosee the ccinscinirrie ''Au, Fines Herb,;_·(cdnsomme 'Wi_th fresh herbes), ~ssone-.i breads, braised quail wi1h clii_cken ~urre bl~nc : ·. a~oihcr idea in my head. There i~onc1hi~g1ha1 r've never jlobsler strudel°); sorbet de fruit tropical (passion seen_ serv~d at the Renegade Rooin, cobb s;bd, Reuben

- fruil sorbct)i.roti carrcde veau sauce perigourdine , sandwiche_s.-fr,es, ~nion ri~gs ~nd ma~y oiher things.that , (roasi rack of veal_ crown'wiihsauce perigouidin'e),. can .be useful in the futtiie. I just wan\ to learn as mtich as.

_ • i,-todrrian's gr~en sabd "wjih: rasbcrry.aM muster i can. Thank you ror' being my teacher;Jack. . . • vinaigreite and whi.te chocolat_e iaite nambei .· . . . . . . Michael Johnson

.. I just want to_ add. some ideas to the cause, jusi, BC Student

Qis~bietj .stu.dent:·1Jps~t .. ¢v~_r·•paymenf pe>li:qy·_,­i:?11J~f;t~:tuJ~!te;1-:. ,. ~ .\ ->~ .. Tl·_ , -- :: ~ . ·_· :;e:~\1:;~;~:u11~~eb~6n~;'i't-

On l':lov;"t'5,' .. ... . .. . . . . . . necd,andsoineofusmaliebaiely .

, 'j receive,! my hill fortuiiion in the ., ~ore th~~ thti minimum amount . mail.Ori this bili the due dat~ is tlii: of money to quaiify for fi~ancial 24th ~fNciv: , . . aid. .

The:h,voice states>·'.Total·bili .• conirol" ancLthair should not: ... California State University must~po;tmark'ed bf the datedui: · regisier untilafter the Jstof Dec:. so ·aa_kersfield studeriis have five · or registration will_ be can.celled.''. ·. ·,hat I.can pay on time: .· . . · weeks from the time .that they . : Myproblemisthatldon't=eive· . ·._ Fatchancethatlcouldstillgctmy .register .. ·. - ._ .·- _· . .. . my disability checkuniil Dec. I. · classes. . Why can't we have the same.

Iwcnttotheadminisuationoffice .· . We nee<l to change Lhi; system .. rights? )ndaskedaboutextendingthisdead· There isn't.afo reason why our · line and they said: "!rs 'out of our·. ·scliooi' caiinot\ive al least three

. - - - , ' - . - .

DavldJ, Martin.· .• BC Student .

_· -- :·· .. ._ . . . - - . . . _·

1 I

I . i

_December 2, 1994

··------~- ............ __________ -- -·----<- ... :· --- ·-· --·-·


-EATlJRES- ··-·-- ··-······ ... ----··-·


· During W~rtd'w~i 1f;Smiih served i~ 1hc Ma;ines as a co~bat ~r;e:. spondent al_lhe battle ol lwo Jima: · · ·· · ·

·.j had a~ Unde~~ ~'o(l~b!e l~~;.;riierand I w~s assigned !O ~o in_ · on the third _wave and I wai:. supposed to take my typewriter; a~d I ·_thought.how silly that's going t_o be for me to go·ashor~ carrying this· · Undetwood portable under all that shell lire: So Smith went Lo the _colonelir,charge and 1otd him the s>lu.ation. The· col.one! ordered him not I() take the typ~wriie< , . , ,

: ·1 latched il (() ihe ~_olo~~rs 1eep.' and the .je.ep and boat ,i ,;.as in sUOk". =. • -- _,,.. . . : , ... · ... • ..

<-.·. - -~,-- _. ~ ·- ·.. . .- ._.. . :-----~< After gelting·10 shore.Che_ was ·told 10 use a·typewr,ter that had bii'­longed to John Barbaria, .a war corresporident ·.,ho had been ki!ICd:.

. When. Srnith ·opened up· the typc~;riter case. it.was filled viilh 'canned ' goods : > .:.. · ·_ · · · · · · · · ·

• ~He was _supplied ~,itt)'what was i,;,portant He h~d food·. When he ev~ntuaHy did receive a type·miter. he tried 10 persona!•ze 1he impact or l)l<iwar. . . .

"You.had to try 10- make something human c6me oui ~I ih,s t~rrible-~~~naQe.;, .. · .- . . - •' . - . . . . .- ,

------- -- ·---~- -~ --- -- ·----.-:'--:--~·-_..:. __ . -> .·. -~---- . ·- --- --,_____.. ABOUT JACK SMITH

···!\~~9tlt!).ig§~nit~tg!PQQij.~. tQWt!9~t~ii~!¥ B~me.tt ri't~IT1Si .... . . . Edft~r's Note: In the interesi offair~isi; the Rip is . - . - , - . - .• - . - - ihat meetingpccii'ir.;,ronly becausetlieSenaie'rresiderit": resol~-tion; 'dated 'February 9; 1994:-iNhichdire~ted ii,~-:: . 1:~~itt::1;:h~/~":/:.r:~J:;t1r;;;e/:,1,1soc~~2f:,; _:Yc:ni ar~ invited Jo .the Acad~iniq .·• h:i{calledpr: your1i t~ inqui_r~·~~l t~e~?"!erjt ofan·•· ~oa.r_d:o(Trft~_es to ~ubm{tf~ fi~al_ ,.~su(iS. 'and .. editinn'of The R,. , :. ... · . < ' .. :. . . : s· . - , t -·. --: . 't• .. · · ... : -... c._·Th,. , , ·.d·--.· . 't .. ano~ym()us_kt\ersenllo _\he,Senat~ of~ce, lhecont.~nl<?L .. recommenda.uo~sc,fthe Ha:,:Study:""all<Jf 1t-'-and 1cfer ..

. Rcc~ni1;:.:o;(wright add!essel a"rneinAaieu . · - E:ln~_ ~ mE:!~ 10_9 ()r) : . lJrS. ay a · which rev~ledJC!r.the first time1o_anyfacuuy·me~ber_ any ~c.tion 10 implement recorry_rriendations mii<le in 1he

Oc1obei20,:1994~tothe_BC staffiriwhlch he :;ought to- 3:~Q p;ffi .. in tt,e _F_i1Jll11$0n _ : .· _ t~at a _c~nfidential/n\an_ag~!l]~rit : t;~ployee C study~ntilcollerial ~onsultati?n ~ciuld~cuqheBoaid _ _ _ clcirjfy_t~e _?:'l_~~g"'.u~g_a.[1d

0c)!cumstances that apply to':c· -. : . · · .. : ·:-:h:. · -d .. ·· ; ·· -,c--h·.. . . 11 . co~pensat1on study ~ad 1!_fe?:.1mhated _a_!ld .;-:en · be~~n_ a_ ~ys_1.~mat1c adop,hon of:tf:te Hay Study : .• . . ·

the ~ay St~dy, c!lrrduc_t~d ~n(com~leied otirini;ih{' er,t~.r,~ _ 6Q- . IStrlCt, ·. a nee qr .c~~pl~!~t,!Dc_l~~~:"."J~h.~~e-~1;.~X~o?sJ~~~ef'f-°:-:~e,~o~~e~~a~_onL ,. : _> ;,_. . : , .: <.'/.-/:: i : · : · · _1993,<;q_s5hool\ear:Partof~isgdal v.•astorC:Solvethe '·or:'Jim Dr~ Young will.discuss---c---_:ev1den~e frolll the study whr:hm~IC~te,L~h-~~S!UO/l' .· ·. P¥rlr~.tl!~~~~~cte<l~1tho.ut firs.1~~rc1pa~~s1,n..C,-~~..:..

_, __ . ·. issuesof"misi:cimrnunic:itionaitdmisinformationabout ,- -<·,: :·,, ;,,·.-:, ._ .. · . ·.•. , .. ·. -.. _ .· .. ·: 11tlechangespro/><'sOO.a~dane.wclass,!ica11on!o~~·tary: •th_ecoH:gtalconsul_tauonprocess,asreqm!e<lbylaw-l'nd:,'--~~-.:.. . • this study."_andthoseare issues ilia1'c~naiiiiy ~~(~bl:_:..'-:tt:ie,Hay.:.:S\udy-a.nd-f1eld-your _·. . grades:,Before January 24;. 1994:;the -~en ate ,at _ as cleuly.defiried and ffi?_rtdaie<_l:if!_thf ~CCD-Board .... : -: ·

addresse~. H_o;.,eycr, Dr.Wrjght's.rnemo does 6,1 fully ·_ (JeSt[QJiS . . . · . . - . . . . . _ Bakers~e!~ ~o_lle~e had n~ver~n con~ultcd a~~~ ih\sP~licy and_ Pi!)C&liire'Mant1al; Sections 6A'thro_ugh __ F.----accoinplisli all of his objectives .• :ln partic'ula_r; DC. q, · _ - · _ .· · · .": . • C ,· .study, an issue th.3tcerta1r1ly n:qu1red c_onsul!allon 1f_f<>r. · Did:th( district adrni~istrationand the Board of · . Wiight'~ ni~mo does not accurat~ly reco.ndle i;sue,s in _: . _.· c; ·;. ::''\, . .. . . . _ . . . . .· ..... · -. . , 2 : : _no/>_t!)~_r /e!f0 n.jhan \he ~e:iii~n,rf} ne.\';',~~iH~r, ·;,\~ _}!J,~!5r5/c.(j_ri}ecrcttN_~niJ th~t they di('¥!Jere : · _ . three areas: · ·---- > ,• • _ • . _ _ . . _ . _does. 1he Jlay_ St_udy for. ~<>nfid~nual/management: J\ssts_t_a_nc._C]_,a~f~Ho_r , .. lnSlrUCIIQnal .• services. ,distric_t (,ic'ulty'are ~oriccm_ed. Once ihe Senate President - .. , iy 'Tiie_ liay Stud/and- its iecommendatio-ns :.VefC .. e_mplojeesc- Once again, :1-cctiracy_ is somewhat faulty · ... .:.,.iepre_seritjrig: the chief instructional o_fficei_. in. the - retei,ved th:itano~ymotis letter, ii six>,d,iam~\Jeatto :· .••

· 'needed, to \iaJa'ric:ewith adjusinients previously made to here .. :--· : _- _ -'.~: . · _. _ . . - ~. _ ." '.di_strjc\' to-whom ·an facult)'. ul1imately·repot1. Clo:arly, .. the ~eiiate that vinually noneofthe facultywas·a_;;..;;~~r: . both_.\he c_eitifo:i,ted:;ind ~Jassified salary ~hedules,and .... F~H~.w.ii't'g, _i~~s~ !_"'.'.': '.eforences, )?(: \II right •. _this ~1~:d(rejir~ente_d, an ~~~~emk ~d professi<)nal : l~e f.{ay ~tudy~~ i~~lficati_oris. And di~ the disi~ict_, the ~tµdy _yiel~ed ~imHar result.s in· org:inizational .· SUrTlmar_izc~ b\sayingth~l the flaySn1__d(~~ p~mpted ••. rn_atle( c)vh1ch. bt law: requ1res,col!eg1al _con_sultauon_ adrni_nistratio'~ :~tid. •ht Board ,o(Tiustees _act i from. · · positionrealignine~I; - : .· . , . . . . , - . , : .· ·. . : byt~t:5;a.rT1e sumult -'~~t gen~rate_d the_.ad1usm1entflo lhf Wlth}heAcade~\Se_~a.te(s)_of tl_,5 d11tric:l: lfthe,Ser1ate,; sini~ter moiiyes? 'f.haf view becomes plausible .·

· 2) The H~y Siitdf _was t~e·subjec,~ of appropriate; . cer1.1pc_a!_cd .•n1.c_Jass,fic~~ ".''ary:sche~ules;_Jio":'.'Yer; _ Pr,'71dent_~.a~ ~ol_rfCe,ved.that~onym{)us leHet'. wouhl ·. con_sidering th~Aistric~·s a_nd Boaid's avoidance of the·· . required collegialc<lnsultatio~~with.}he,i\cademic ~-'·5~g_':')~g_1~c;d_:ffe.r~~cc.:: ·1·~~~·~ a3";e: one ~US( )h~: fa~ulty ~ave_~verheard about the H~y s.1~d~ ~fore .... consu_Ita_ti~njiroccss. \\!hy d_id tJ>ey Jry fo'wcirl:'arourid Senaie_s of ~II three col_leges; and·· ·. . _ : .• co~cl~9~ th.at aHof}h~se_ s~lary stud,es_a_i;id. alte~LJo~r:-1ts aqop!1on du~~g the summe!?;There 1.s cons1d.enble ,. both state ~d district poli~y a~dproceduie?Oo.e could ..

3JThe:implemen'tationof _the_'Hay Study arenot_th'.')an:'e::,-.,\' ,.i0:-. ::·· .;;'-.•.<.<" do~l,_tin~hi:\: ... _ :· . _ .. _ .. -. _ _-; condu~ethatthefe;wassom·ethirigtheywanteoiohide rec<immi:ndations would be -,\iaracterized by' ihe. · .· In addtt1on, Qr.:\\'nght.c_o_mmemed}hat !~the_srudy; :: · He_nce;- .1t · ":a.s _. only -~ftcr /h,<;.-.Senate. .President C:·frQ]ll ihe faculiy .. · : . . -_:. . ; _ : · _ .•··. < , · ..... · . .

-:~ri;t 0;rz;t~j~t/~~ :~u.itable lr~~~nl for ~II····· ;:t~llr;:~:i:s~-~~ii~i°~{?;t:~tJtt~~~;°.i:_·: Jti.s!:1r:v~~}~f :'.-~tf J"!}e.0;!tt~~~?; }lijf Study}Jcom;~end~ti~n~ • W6~ Id -· · · . . ~dm1n1suatn·e organization m order lo redLT&l revenues·; _-contact the ChanceHor and the.Board of Trustees about ~~ 1mpl~n:ien_ted .With fa1rn_l:!SS. and -.

Tlie Hay Stu~y-~~~(-. - ._- :-: --. - . . .- ·-inia'iis(~m wciut.i1>ei1~rbin~fi1,todenl5/·i5~i;ir. th~~ j,.:tiiat ~~y ex~hange bct~een t1ti districi .;,a 'racitlty eq~!ty)r.i m!n~ : " .. · _ ... /-" .- _ . _ . recommendatiolis'.similar to studies .·_ is iici visibieiodicationiha( revenues ha,:e,been freed up:,, begari; Dr. Young \VOS contactedb}'telephciiieregarding .; ': final If; ·,his lither j,~Iiiem ,ii ~[ear comintni.;.,tlon ·.

and. ad jlistnjents ·of.certificated and -_ , jo,beir~r.b.,~e:ri, ;Iude,nff_iheJ;;*,p~~ iri1:~tP.~i~if i~is, di~_f jiy~{~~~~~~f c,o.~o~rsatio~: !=f _Yfui.~ . ,· re}nai~s.A1~~pri~riih~;~o~!;{1n it ~e sfaied\ha~ "iL_ classified salani· schedules-: . : . : -·)he ?-~'': to tll£'!." ~?!!'futl:tltll.; _fafUlty,,tl1~s- m~re,, refuse,! ~o _re!~~ an)' r~nt _mat1cr,reg~mg ~e:siudy/:'_ ;~as _bef\th~: !"'J1.cy_ ?f:th_.,_ :~?~1:t,.ot}'~s1ecs:_thal

_ c '·· '· :-: . ·. :..:·: ; •. •• . :--c>>~.\- "; ·- ·> ._.;, . ·: __ clas~eJ an~ op~r1Unlll"~ f~r stu.de~LS- J\U\hat has_~n · but he.did l~VJ!ethi,Senat_e Pr~1de~uoamcc1mg 3( the. emp_loyee g~o_µps_bc give_n, the s~rne:,percenta:ge ,of ..... ·. · < Firs(_; Dr, ~Vrigh!'~ade ref!'rence 10 tllfee instances of riot ice;,),_!}' from !he •Hay_-Stildy. is' ifat confidenii31/ ·,._di~tiict office (oora!Jy ilescrjbe the siudy, its nature and .COLA;Like_wi_se; it is the intenfofttiiiBoard to.treat all _ -.. . ~aOj)JStm~ri[l<i!.!1_.~c~·rt.i.fic-;is'd ~~-~~s~h"'!iile),ndicating : ·maitagem~rit positi<lns li~vebee0

ri ri,1iiled \\'iih n~i;'arid ~)~:o!>jitLv~~.:-Tii~!Jii.~ti_iig_ ~~ P!~f o~ February if,, -• .einptoy~:u.,f sam~:w'ith iespeit{; Ntfry{Giy;n this. • . ··.· tfol these had occurredJon(before ihe Hay:Siudy_ca~e- ~in')Tiarif ca,,i:f,erf differcrii. pay ranges cs~b)ishcd, , 199'4; ;md _QUl<)f volumipous ~e~iJ ITlateriaC the)en'i1e:;:~1.aiem,<;nl;anif the_ se;:t[iW~f_th_e_riieirlo !haif f~ll6\>isin . :- .

a1o~g: ;Tlte _ch_ro~ol,otY is_corre<:1: ~ac_h ?r. the three , ,nchiding ihe:"job rafo:· _salaries~ ~here e,·eryone is_ -f'.'esidi:111 walked-.:~ar wi1Iion1y_ the rush~- s,;;.;b~_fi_ngs . wJ,ichpr:'Y~ghtcomirien1s t!!atapj,io~a1 fo,1i.e.sa1a,{ -, , adJUStmen~'... did: ~re<l~te the Hay Studf_:Bu\ifurth~r, suppose~ t? b.e placed, Then the_re 'are_ the significant_:. arid the dt;~il~ remenibered .that this_ briehneeting .·. increast:s',_ and subseq~ent .implein"eni:ition of'those :

\ . comparison docsn): hQ!~, ~p.f 9r 'none 0of _the three~ salary inc_reases made possible by tbe ·:· 'pay;for· -·.allowed._. . . - : . .·· . :, - : 0 ·:-· < ... c . :: •. ·;'. _' i~creases,couldocc~rpriortofoly i, 1995. areclass,fied . ~- '.adj!J?,ne~_IS af(~cl~ ,the ~nli(•!rphhe ,5~1ary S.:hedu[e; ·_. ::-pe_rfo,n:ia~ce' COri~ept," llo\_'ldO lh~ fun~d-esignat~d fo/' -~. l,n 31. least :;IW()_. subsequent ,phone f_?nV<:_rsations : an~ ~en,ifica.led employees' suppos>:<t .to infer that, fri the

only_rather .s1ngul3r_~ of 11: ~n fact.-n mu_st tie noted._· this wa)'. :"bette_r benefit s_rudent.s" ui any kind of<l1rect · _dunng F':b~ary. \_ie_tw~n_the _S_enate President_ and_ Dr, spint of equity all will enjoy .similar salaiy increases as _ : that.one of.the _adjustrrienLS w~ made io. ~ttract more . fash_ion? Many of theJac}lhY- ajtd classified staff can't -__ Young, a copy oftherepot1'was pniinised io theSenati:.$ . the :,Hay"'S1udy.Jei:ommends for co·n-fideriiia]/ • '._

.j-·'-c : farnr~ble a_pplicants.for lc~chjngP!)S!ltO~J.J~~ :;iig_\b~~ :}~7,~!1YJ!i..~..t.s.?~-!'EC_t~~'!; ~~ .: . _ : • : : ; · _· . byMarch l, 1994; \',1ien the !llaferialfinally,reac_hed _the • management_employm? Dr: Wrighi's ccirrim;nt see~s- · : : _"_ - · . v.as l)l~ndated by Jaw(AB 1725). Hence, to say the Hay __ Hay Stud -- - .. · · b ~ , t -f ~" :·~_--.· ·. :: :- ~enate'?ffiee 0. n;Marc_, h._'18; __ ·_ I9')t,_ f brie_.-_s_c~ver lette.r, · t·o··· im~ly thaL B~t does i.t?We're not ;ur~. -: _: . .'_:... ";, •. :". \ _

. =. St~dy reJe)Ubles a_n?' one, or - C_\'~n _all, ~f t~ese· colllf . ·a1 y. was a -1~- 1ec O / -- . . , rnuod~ce<! attach~ent.s tll~t ~ons~sted _of only the four .. ·. With \\'hat has been s~d above, you now have'a more -:-·- :·.- :- .a~}U)tm~nlc>/!' _!h,e.ce_t11fic~1~ ~I:lfY,_~~h~_ul~s,~b,t_of ·. • . gl: ._. consult~ IOn . _. , , .... : ~ :_ · pages_ of th~ Hay Study which 1den11fi"4, again; the • complete, therefore mor_e ac.cura~e. pie1ure of the Hay.

. · . : _ ·. ~m1sc~"'.mumc~t1on ~nd m1smfo~a1,on 11self. , . ~ __ ·:· .. I)~- Wnght ~~ght 10 ~1spe_I co~c~ms that.the s~dy. - propo5:~ positfon:litle c~an~es. the "incu~bent.s," and .. _ ~tud(situ_ati<>n; f4uipped with what h~ ~n presented · . :. S,m1larly. when_ ~r,_ ~rtglit refer(~_d to_ the, _was_ conducted_ \II_ sccrecy·w19> sm1ster _m~uves.' He . the revised salary gradedes1gnauons, but without any . mboth_ Dr. Wnght's _memo and this Senate memo, yo_u ..

de,elopm~nt ~f a .class1fica11on ,system for dass1fied _ responded that1h1s charge wa,; u_n'!"e by saying that ::as translation of the-salary grades into dollar amounts. The.: are invited 10 the Senate meeting on December 7, j 994 ·: · : cn_,ploy~_s, this com~so~ also.d~,~ no\h~Id. ;,.s_ the. _:early_ as_ Febi:oaiy~ 16,- _1994; _ Dr: Young met with the_•• ''repon'' that the Senate icceived was just four pages out - in the I'inlinson Centcriat 3:30 p.in., when DJ\ .Young. -f~culty rn _the S_en_ate ~nderstand th~ JLtua,u~n, _because .. !,cadem1c, S~n!te Pr~1?en1 of Bakersfield CoHege to,. of a total of 69 pages, which were released to the_Senate wiU d_iscuss the Hay Stu<ly an_d field questions from any · .. thes_e _adJu~tments wer_e_. m_ade_ ·in._ the form c,__f· ~haie_the baste mfc_,rrnatton about the study; its purpose, only after June 2, 1994, when·the Board of Trus,ces in ane~cc.'.· , ·_ · ·_ · · · . · ·. · _. · • · . recl~s1fi_c_a11ons_c_,f _e_~ploy~_an,d_ jo)? d~riP!i~11_s ___ 1LS_!'_~~u~~: ·and it.s. antfcipated results." Yes; Dr .. a~opted the first· phase of -the Hay : Siudy . · Pleasc.maik your caie,;.iar for.what should be 3 very~'-without aJtering the·o,~iall compensation matrix, as -.. Young met with BC"sScnate President ori thaf<late; but -recciriltnendations:_'Toerefore;--i'n· spiie of a Senate· impot1aii1 meeting.-- . . . _. __ . • _ _ ... : .: ~-•: _·. __

THER iPE - . Percy Ednalln'o .- Edilorinettief.

-- -. - " --· Oeta!M t.mo~ · ?:-~ ---. Chril Riiey · · Opirion Editor . . . . · ·. . Photo E~a

- --A-.(s - - ' ---­Rlpl9- .. &C-

-daSMt... p(i:atlH t,J TOO}' ~ - .... - .......... dl.ft'-4 .... ~ ,..... f}Jl# lt'P .. ................... _ .. ICanl c "' CoAtol, Dln'Scl 86Wd ol T~ ~. 9a11o , r R7ffb'bo:it'!1111Wr.rs .eh n. lflp ~ eo.,a.. ni.

. 1flp blb'l1' ~ N JiClu'Mlllim ,-.

·-"'~"­.,,.. ..... CelWQffllll "-"""* P,,,I> -hhiw1! IJIO 1C L.. --

·-·:,"'--·-c--Eilse Palo1 _ ·---. · __ News Edito< _; -·

so iana 0atu, · . - . · /' Cyndi Tld'ftll $pod.$ Editor· · - C;!tr~ -E(jtor

. . Luka Thoene · · . ·. . Faatures Edtot

flop¢,Urs:-~ ~= .. ~.,_ J,mie ~ lic.rq,e l<osar. AAa Neq!!e. ,.,,..,.,,. R•:,u11. St ..... St~ ..,.....ea W&ams . . .

Pl>ctograpllen: lh.x Bect,ore<, Elroin "Rooj Garza .

IAilAI - s,.,.. Honw<I, S..,,..-:-.in l.rdpsl. Gm9Q McO<:rnel. KA,tr;rl Pler-y .

COt1QontsU I~ Animc B,yan e.A. Paci P>-'\'.. k-1 P"""""""- Gabe S>x>:on

< y

'GADE FEEDBACK ---r=~::::..::::.--=c_=::.=-:_~ __ = __ =_~_=_=-'--~_-.,--___ ~_-""'.'--':-~~-,-~~~~-,----,-,--~~-'-~~--, -If you.could have the perfectjob, what would ifbe? ---

Beeky Buehrer, Liberal · arts: "Gettil'lg paid to sleep would be awe-: some.·

RosaLopez, U~"AilFBI agent beca~ it's excft!og and lhefe'd be new expenences. •

Lula Gutierrez, Architecture: "ONner of a -Toys R Us because you get to play around all the lime."

.-·-··-·' - ,_ ," ...... ·-

. §!;4l1c:lc91cts~~~-qff ~red orl fjc calTipuS i·· .-.. T'Nc;> ~.orpp~r1~~ offer,studef)t$_a._charice to-see the oc_ean up-close ·

Meagan Flanagan : . _ . . . . . . . . . . ...

__ Ripstaij writer:<:·-- .. · __ .i'[The dass] allOWS_e1Jerybocly to· ,·-,Tw~scubadtvrng ,-··· ·· ·· · .. · · . · · · · _. ·· .. · ciassesareoffimfon. :~ee tne ~an environment, c1nd _ 1he'Bake~iieidc~1: ._•· :th~ effects people ar:e doing _to· _

_ . tege ma1n ~pus.: ~-the.~n}'i.f2Qll)~D!, ~o,w_eccan -_ ·_' · · Tiie cl.lSSeS'are)e- •. interact safelyt,~~~ _: -~:-. , . ing taughi-0 by - . . ·_ ::.·. ·· ·~oe Walker

~ •. Iiiriersp~c~:-Pivers,. Captain Frog Dive • located on · 1305 N · " - · · . -1 -•t· . ·ct' ..

'Chester Ave::ana ·· ns ru Or ,C~ptain Frog,-·lo· : .­·. cited ~ri (609 soiith i-I. : -.- -- •· .vide1i°duririge".ach semesti:r. Toe.

The; owner-of Inners pace nexfsessfon begins 'on Nov: 2:t: -DiversisRossHoli1ngcr,aJiiiiner"' llie c'fas~sniee?~ liines' i· . . . .. _ . . .. . ____ _.c:_

BC .student; .· According io . week. _Also included ~ four Dtve sfod~rits fl6a~ in BC's poo(wti.ile:hlgi=f~:8 R~

,Holhnger;-lnnerspacehasoffe~ . bea_ch·div~ taken on w_eekends. .._ ''The sport is the _most f~i- · the_~lassisagoodphysicalactiv~ __ . _ the claSs for several years .. It 1s_a The l~llon _ of ~ tnps vary, natingsport l've'everparticip.-ued ity and is- a great stress reliever. -

. - - :---- C-Ol le~e .lev.eL clasl> ~ taugh~ ~Y__..- de~nd]lJg ,O_l) _t!Je -?-~i>LYf:'lf __ in;~she sa_id. .:'.'AUlhave.lo_dQ.is~.__ .... JJle dassJ~.c~_eve~!Ylhli:i!L._


.!3~~rue.SmeI~.;--~-tthec~~tL_~ ~-s~~~Ls- ~ihues ... · . put on my gear an~ get in !he Jromthefuncrioriscifawetsuitto destgnedforbegmners. The class . 'The class costs Sl99'and the '"wa·t-er-:'=".l;L-:· "~n-t"s"';"~re ···-~-----u· n- r.:-rw-"er. co'-'-'-=-----=·=- --·- - -· ·-. . . . _ . _ , . . . . . . . . anu ui<> 1u ux; . . uc; ,.. rnrnuni ...... on. . - . pi:eparesstudentstodivi:onthe1r bo?k and tr!1is_-aie e~tra. - - Snidentscarisign opby walk- "flbecla.ss)ailo...;severybody own. -- .. ~-year--0ldM1keHill~ ing into lnnerspare or by caHing to see theocean-en,irorunentand

Students must ~ al least 12 IS_ ~ng ~- class_ because h_lS 399-1425 for more infonnation. theeffcctspeopliaredo,ngtothe ye.m of age, and children ages . wif~ IS a cerofie9 djver'. ": said Captain Fn:ig started it's class , environment so we can intera,;t ) 2-15 can earn junior certifica· beginners should have nothing to at BC this year. The O\l,'flCr of safelyi' 'tie said. · · lion, which allows them to dive f=. . . . _. . Captain Frog is Joyce Sheppard. The classes are limiiro 10 -Io with an adu!L Smeltzer said she , "Iwou_ldn'tbeafraid,"hesaj_a.J The course is taught by Joe people. A medical release form· hastaughtstudentsfromages 12 · 'Th~se mstruct~rs are wel~ Walker. Toeclassisanexiensive is required to 60. ~ual,fied and they re very senst- academiccoorseandincludesl',\'O · . The class costs S200, which

"It's a performance-based n,-e.to those people~ -~ybe · boat trips and four dives. Stu· includes rental fees fortheequip­class,"saysSmeltzer. "ltdoesn't don t have the e~penence rn ~ dents take diving trips _10 the menL Certifi~tion.readingma­have to be graded and we !I)' to. wateror~vesomef~ ~y re Dianne! Islands or Catalina. terial and cost of the trips are have a lot of fun." ,·ery paoent to \\'OOC with.. • Walker has had 20 years of extra..

The courses are divided into · . Smeltzer ~ been sa!lsfied diving c{perience all over the Students can sign up by ca)).

three-week sessions and are pro- with scuba diving. · · U.S. inclti&ng Mexico. He said . ing 833 -3781.

l ~ ..

She v,as a stt.ideOt at Kem Cou~ty·

S u!Guo!Puniu: · .. ·. Wm U>mpostt William~- p:tforming rnditrorul sclcct,ons from hi• ~I compact disc release _ "Susoa wilhoat End; Speci.•lly on:be=tro foe BC_Ow!\bcr Ortha!n. Belou recocdiop aitl be an>labk., the cooccn.

~ason spo,uor of . Also fe.trurtd will be holiday select.ions by -G~

BC 1,µrr-lllal Corrtlll ,:n~ Clark_ MtAlbttr's MA Cb.rhtmai __ : .. "~..:.. · Past,oraJe ~1th rumJJon by Gaylell Y0011f or CNnneJ ""-~ l7 :<.c,.._ : . . -i. Mr. Robtrt Martiau. Dindor

Page 3: Golden handShake?' - Bakersfield College · 14, Naurcoe. Pfr,1ate interment at ~fficia.lly, the di.strict has to reply to counselof Dix Kelsey's advio:. a freshman and soa:aptayeut


-- .... , .-,_

....... -

THE RENEGADE RIP . December 2, 1994 · -

· .• For ·sc_theate·r-·students, . putting-on-a traveling -­. production ·for-elementary schools. was simply

'.,,. ·.: . . ' . .

. i --··

;\S C;'Cr)' actof.kno;i·s, tak\ng; ShO,;., O~ l~C ro:id l~kCS tomini(~2~1: ,;icnl .. and dcdic:ition. f,or cast 11icmbers·o(ttic Dak-crsficld Colfcgc Jircidui:1ionof.' ''Ama and the White Crane.''. it aiso took some early morninQ hour(. -- .

· Aciors v,er¢ al IJC at 6 a.m'. toload 'up -,he\ec and prop·, f6r the cti.iidr~n·,. · play and iticn unload them.and se1.1he;;..up ror'perfonn5nc~s beforceic,ii;,n·iZi,y

. school students . .The play gave peifo,:rn:i,rices (0 -hundred~ of s(udenl~.· - . ' The p!:iy. whichissct_in 171hcenturyJ}pan. was pcrformeJ "kabuki style ...

aJapancsdorm of drama. The play tells the storiof:r liulc girl riamcd Arna. por1raycd by Vanessa Wright. and her hand puppc1:a white crane, ,,ho j~urnei' :

· to the center Of the universe, according w director Hank \Vebb, a llC professor: · · _. On 1hej0_urncy.,sJ.1c_meetsa _co~ar.9ly ~IIJ~r~i wan:]or, Sukcroku, portrayed

. December 2, 1994 ---.THE RENEGADE R.iP ·. Pages . . --·· ••••• --- ----- •• + -


BQ\IV$el"'s 1 p.yeat.head cp~ct,ing career ends ' , ..... -.. . . ·' . ·-,. - - ' . , ' .. · . . ' , _,.. -·. . . .· .. -.. , . -. _. . - . . .; . -

By f>ercy Ednalln'o . ' . . . After graduati~t. Bowser became .· ·- ,·. ~ditor ii1.C~iel · .. ; - · .• : -<: -_ '"I. haven't run out of time·a:rid I'm :··· .the .he~ coach'at Burroughs High' -· An-erarn Bakersfield_.C:ollege • ' .:: •• I • ' - . • . -. ·. School forone\ea1'bcforecoini11!;10 foolb,allwiHcome [O an end after. not qu,ttmg, Its JUSt the nghtthmg BC i.s an as~isiani ~oai:h uncle'rGerry

. Sat~rday'..s_ game when ccia;0h .. Carl .. for ITl8 to do rig. ht T10W With my life .. " Col ii~. iri 1987:.]]e·~as nam~ head Bowser steps down as head of the BC · · . - · · · .· - · · football coach'antl assumed the duties

.. · fooiball program, . ·.· . . . • . . of aihletic dir~1br three yeais]aler. -• .· ' . Bowser;· 57; ended monilii of . - Bowser sa,,J:thai tif promised his . specula_iion when he ;u;noudccd his . . --Carl' Bowser wife, 1'.1arianith~t lie ,;,could gel Olli of_ · . dei:is_ion tci re.tire aftefthe ReJegides • • . · head f potb~II coach _ footba11 when tie iumeil 60: - _

final regular season home game Nov. .. t<She 1,,ccr{ an'ai·fujly good •foot- . · · i9 atMerriorial st,;,jiurn. .. . . _ - · ball,iife,' 0hesaid.· .. ·. . ...

. . · ·. ' .·. He has ~o~cliedat BC for28 Yeais; •. . be 10Je¢Pi<iod assis_tanl coaches·;- roia1ii llo>Vi. ; > :.- ' ': . :, - : _, Bo\~ser adde<l,,Qi~t hedoi!sn't gei io : - ,- - _ · :·with the. last IOof lhoseas head fooF ~ around hiin:",C~,'s-·' 0

--0 ,.-~--~,'.-~: -~X,gi:ac1uaie of Bakeisfield High ~spen'd much lim_b\:11h his,fa(;llly~on:.C, ' ' ball coach. ' -_ - '.··. -- - . . • Gridcr: a fonner'linebackei at BC- Sc~I.-Bowser aiso playea football Sunday becails~ lie is usually go~eall •

. · ... --· Bows'cr said' that he-feels lie foot,- aM UCLA. ,;;as selected by BC . fo~BCu-nde'rthen-headcoach Homer ' day watching Jilrns~o(lhe ·previous; ball wm continue)obe succc~fu'i. . President Df. Rick \Yright arid ,,as . Beatty. \V)lile al BC, he wiis an all'. -. night's Same and of BC's ne:.t-oppo-

'. . · _ '.1 doift e\en lik~ to say the word .. ·· iugg~sted by Bowser after·a meeting · coriferen¢e tlillback:. . . . . ncn~breaxingdo,vriandanafyzingeach.

. · · · -- ·, .. ·· ....... ·.· .. 'C),risRiley/TheRlp E!owser announces his retirement lo the team: . . .

'quit,' :· Bow~r $aid,_ '.'You know· • • ;;;ilh the teams roaches .•.•. ·. • Afierlea,ing BC,helhen attended-'. iilay until late i~ lliCe1•ening. He then ·, . wrn:n yqu're a. (ootbhll nian:."Lhe one - · •' ''Griqe; pro!liised '.me he'll pass school :1! Cal Poly Sah Luis Obispo. arihes back on campus'.cJily ~fonday thing you leam,in football is 'You_rass , .lhe b~II more,'' said Wright in ihe where he was again namecho the all- m_omihg:O _ . . _

. · never qui is, You m_ay run out_of iime • lockeiioom after the game .. Wright 'conferenc.e _learn. . . . ..• ' · -'That goes_on for foii(to four and a . sitioils would noi ha,c to Ix fille<l with ;-,) i!1ing phoney. is sinc~r~:·· ·. •·. sometim~_in~gam,e,yoll ncverlosf if •. ' was joking about B_C:-S usual straiegy_:_-: On October 29;. I 960;_he and his half inonths without a <)a): off; SC\'en - :new.pe6~1e. ,: < '· . . · .. Foo\ballis an e11101ional, physical · · youareagoodfootball player, you just . · of running the ball more arid p35Sing · Cal Poly teammates},·ere headed· da}'Sa i·celi, ·so it'.s .a grind." .· _ llowser has pu\ together a" mlloss 'gfrrie arid if the pla;ers aren't playing

kind of run_ out of _time. -. haven') run it less:'·~ . -- - - . . . . - horneJrom tJie Toledo· Express Air: -Still; he's not. ~urned out from ·_ ":cord ,of82 v. in.~31 lo;s,'_,, an_d three - 11fa1 v. ay. lh~'n_ ,ou ch_alleni:e them io • ·. out of time arid I'm no,lquitti n{ :1rs ' Bowser has been BC's athletic di· . port after a footl:!all gaT!le wilh Bowl- - coaching. _ lies i!uring his tel\ ye.irs_asheJJ fool- --get that emotion Olli of.them:-·_ . . jusf the right thing for me:10 ~O right - rector for fo~r.years~ He said lhal it. ing Green .. The airplane lhey v.'ereon - "I stil] lo~~ _tO coach, :ind I'm not -bJI! coacti:> . . .. - -- .· . . .Bo\iier,aid thJ! he doubis 1hai he ·


hy ,\da,n Ghcring. \\'!10 also is tr.1vcling to 1h¢ Ci,!nter of ihc u·~i·..-'cfsc- ~~fth hi~ : brave Sl!n:11nt, Jiro. por1rayc·d _by Douglas Fi"~hc:r. · ,\_long ·1hC ... ~ ,iy. they

. 'now witli rny. life:.,_. • • .. . ': . ' .. · hasbeendifficult1oaclasbotliauilelic'_ crashed- during takeoff. killing 16' ruling outthai rn go back in~Jch- '. Part of rus' suo:ds i,, <lue. ~() rnmi-- ' \\Ouldcoacfi some1,her.e dse- . ·. . ---- - - - ---:--:'--:-Bowser· wilCreiiie-after :-tli1s'~-cdirei:1orand_as_ head 'coach· because -- 'players:-He said thal sports reporters - ~ ing,: hesaid~•::Who knciv..s,some guys;-'c\'alingplay_erj,an(l__alJi!(i_<,S.lhat me~nL_.:.:rm 95_pcrcent sure1ha1 l'_momof· · ·

. ; Saiurday's 43rd annual Shrine Potato.· · being athletic director is afuli:timc· tend to want to associate his success . take a ye.v o[f an<l go back inWil fo~ . lc11ing l~erT) kno"'when hes up,el. he· . coach in~ f o~:·: he ~aid~(ve · ~---:

--: ·:..·

• Top: teft~Jiro Jxplains IQ - . :-Arna ~hyhe and Sukerqku

.,,., . . /arfori.tnefr journey. ~-' ::_ -

. Tqp right: Adam Gherfr1g·- · • p(epares for tiis ·rote_ :a~ . • :Suk~roku,>a cowardly-_ ·

Samuraiy,arncir'. - ,

. Middle~ Fourth, fifth and .: . - sixth·grade -students at - · __

~~. --- - --: '"_TerracE§'SchoorfnD~tafio:- -- -

, pbint out·a-villain-to Jiro:-

. Cl

_ _ · Bottom left: Arna,. ,.:__ ___ · ·_· ~ portrayed by_Vanessa _'~· ~~--- . -_•. - __ _ __ · __ __ Wright, tells the story o(a - . . .

.::.big-storm withJhe_ white_ -

-:-;' .-...

:, -.

-- .. -- crane.,

-Bottom right Sukeroku . tries to lift a pai~_ of sarid . tha_t has turned to gold.


Photos-by Steve Henslee/ The Rip

f. ,.~'"'.".:.... ...... - ·-,.;."

'· ..

. . ~ ........... - l -- .

~ -· , .. ::- ..... .. .-... .....-:

.. encounter .demons. The play blends mime. movement, .music and comedy. S1uden1, who watched the play were caughi up in i1s live Jrama of adventure·-·

and demons. and espcciJlly enjoyed the costumes created hy MJrj Dc\Via ..


- -,


. . ,-

· 1 · . .

· .aowl.'He wil! stay on as BC's men·s job: . . . . . . . . . . on the field with-dealing wi1h-1he . another JO years:: · .. - .. : -. .: > _ said: . . enjo;ed_ it: I lo_se the friendships you' athleilc direc1or. . . - - Bowser began his association wilh adv.irsity of lhe 1rJgedy,'-: . Bu1 ljusllhink irs 1huigh1 thi~g 10 : Oo,vser said 1fo1 ,,hen he dO<!s . ha,e ,,ith 'players thai are life-la.sting :, : Su'cc~ing Bowser is defensive . DC iooiballwhen he was a watei boy. - .:Every yearin(lcte>ber~when ihat dofor BCrit.hi now, just 10 ha,'e ari t)e{orne ,&ahvi1hhis players. tii1;ies . l lo,e.tJ:ie 1oge1~ern~-s and lhef rie~J.-

. linebacker c'~h Dallas Grider, who watching BC play at Griffith field in· date comes around .... they refertoil as athletic director arid a focitbill .coach.!' 10 chaUetige lhetrt.10 do beltei::; .. ·, - ships }°'U ha,·e with )'()~f coache,.'' has been an ~istant under Bowser for . the late 1940s. He said he remembers · the annivmary of the crash, I .don't. . Dowser SJJd that he made an·agree- . '.'You just -chalienge thern'iri th<!· - 'The thing thll I "''n·t miss is ihe the pasl 11 ye.Ji-s:. . ·.. . - se~ing ~rank. Gifford; the ·former - call-it ari anniversary. [ can•t ~se that nient with Wcighi thai he \\Ould S!CP Renegade 1raui1io11 an;! 1he · ,,iy ,ie .. · SunUJ}' "'o,k ;i~cl the 6 :i m. Monday

Bowser said that the one pioce of· _New York Giant; quarterback, play • 1emi.inologybccause anni\'ersariesare · .. down from either coaching or the ath; pl:i( Maybeyou do gel ,ocal ab,\ul ii mornings, milking lh:.c01,·s Monday · ad-,iiee he couid ghe wGridcr would . -and remembers seeing the ,ery firsi ·; happy occas_ions," he said. letic diroc1or job first. so that both po, · or kick a trashcan. om hate\'er. h', nm momir,g,.


Spuialoftur Jour ho/idaj

. gift ba.sktts -366~4:ioo-· - . /"' -~ -MW! ..

--10854 Redbank Rd.& now In-East HillsMall


--------------,· (C(Q)M}EID)'W


I 1 I I I • run and Upbeat Tue.hen . I

• No Test or Wrltun Work I • Videos/Mones • lndodt;t DMV Cert111ca~ I

TIIERENEGADE?Roo~i . .. MENV- -:. I&redibly Edible

-~ ~.;: ·_·: Cuisine: . - '-,~--··_..,.,:._._ ·--~-:: _ -·--·

-DINNERS Tuesd~ys & ni~isda;~ _ . -. . ,· : S:30 • 7 p.m. ·.

En~ with s~up or ~ad & dessert! _

Reservatio~ nquu:aj,-_ ~ ~2-~. ~J~ ! Bucnficld Colle ·FACE. Bid ;


:- ... --..---.--- - .,-~·---··;-_-_ ... _. - . ·---.·-· ---~

Do you have an·opi-nion? Then tell_ us w-hat y·ou thin-k! .· . . - - . . . .

The Reneg~e Rips last-edition this semester \Vill be next Friday,. Dec-. 9. All letters to the editor should be submitted to The Rip office in Campus Center todai for_ publication next Week. Letters submitted next \Veek may be held for publication in the spring semester.

Letters should be 300 words _or less and must be signed by the \Vriter with name, address, telephone number and/or Social Security number included for ~ verification. The Rip reserves the right to edit letters for clarity and length.

- (805) 527-9130 . I ·

- - - ------ - - --~ _ ..J f.--------------------------------------------------;!.I • .. .~·· l

-~;;;_i~~:::/;;{:k~.i~,l.~~li~i-i~~J.d:}~~-~;~~~- ~-0:,,-;ff:.-~:~:~1~> ... ~;~2:_:.:-j~ -_;'_~\1~·-, ~:~>~i.-._· ·~~---> _= :.~. :-;-,, ~~ ~-:: ~~:-~ -."'.·,~\·, -. _

. . . . ~'"·.,. ·:_;..--::_-- · . .,...·.··~--·

Page 4: Golden handShake?' - Bakersfield College · 14, Naurcoe. Pfr,1ate interment at ~fficia.lly, the di.strict has to reply to counselof Dix Kelsey's advio:. a freshman and soa:aptayeut

··page6 -. December 2; 1994 .OPINION

-RENEGADE: r-"------. Student~facuity.

-pus- . £--------·-·-: .... '~----~-·---·-----··-. ~ ________ ,, __ ._.r9~~-~_c_es.pose -Murderous acts -deserve death

. \ .· .

~------'-------,---,-----, &ENES FROM BC

Volunt~er~ are needi?cffor preschool : ... \'.olunt~ei; ;ire. n~ed~d tos~nd ;,;;. paint 1he ti'ee house a~d fort for •

1h~ Uakcr..field College campus pr~school on S:itui8ay from 8 am to .. :I p,m·: Supp.lies have_ been 'donated.' bul ,·~lumeers .3re needed .10· ·. compl~1e.' the]ob, according to SonjaMaietich.; a paient volun1eer. · .

. For more inform.itio~. contact Maretich at 395:4560 or 399'.&586 t'ro~ 3 to 6 i,:111. ·

Wcim~n's ba.sketb~II needs. more-players · - .. The·flakersfield College women's biske1boll 'tea·m is recruiting·_.

p!:iycrsfo~thi~ re;~o~.- '.:: - : .,, . :_ . . . - - . ., ::JV~'.\'C had aJe,y~cirC~IT'SJ;i]lf_eS ~}i~.O~l!_l!l_"'hE!:.~:}~;;:

c-----+-lrisLa.Je~ayers.1llld._\fe_'l'i_tr.yinflo find individuals who are on-. campus ,,·hoha_,e basket\ian experierice, who migh1 not realize 1hat . . they_ can ·\iii! 'try :ou1 ·forbask.etball,',: said Paula Dahl, .women's

basketball coach at iic. ·, . · . ··. - · · : . ·.·· . . . M~ording lo


Dahliihe baskeiball team is-d<iwn to ;even_ or ~igh1 . playc;s and the,'_11ccd five or 11ie floor. Dahl said th.ii one ~f tl)e things . t~at sh~ iscmph:ishing on h~r team is l_hat baske1balls~ould be fun_ . · . : Ariyone intercsti'd in trying OUI for the 1eain can conta_c! Dahl in ,,orrien's ithleti_~, or call her al 395-4257. .· - -

· .. · ec orche°sfr~ ·pt~seiits h<>liday ct>ncert .. · -B;kersficld :coil~,ie Ch;~be/ Orch~strn'. presents -it{ Chrisl;.as . co~di;, ''Sea,-,,~ \\'ithout End/' 5 p.rri. c:ieC 11 ~t St.fohn."s Lu~he(an Church, 9·1u1eiSti~eR~.id. '> . . .. . . _ _ _.

- -.- ~ ---- . ~ -~·7"'aUes, plriiiSi\\tJ!liainJ3~16t~:-a film C.Olnpo~r;_v.111 perfo·nn SCJ~•ion~-:-from his ~urrent:cd•: - ·. _.· - - - . . - : . . - ...... .

·.'."Also featured "·iii belioliday sdectionsby Grainger;indCorelli,and · .. Clark ~kA°iister's ·Xchristmas Paslorale/: with P;iul Tepkcridircctor ' .· of ,;oitship and:fine)rt.s ininst(ies ai_ St)ohn:S Luth,~;~n <;:h_ruch .•. ·. · . · .. General ~dmissiorl tickeis :ire S5: senior citiiensaie$3, an·d children·

·. ft,~ '.ind under ;r.i free. For more inf o'T1'aii()n, call 395-4325.

•- -R~~~;d },tter.e'd 1or I o$t -_waneic-> . • .. · .· A;\yo~e· ~ho 'io~nd;·1~,i·w;i1eic~;taf 11inf a s.iial·S-.~urity catd.· ..

. ·:i-nd a oreen di'd on the campus Nov. 22 could°ie~ehe·a S39reward. ·. i. ; fo(if,ore' infornioiion;call t-.1ary McrceJeiVillarrea_l at_ 8~2-2060.

--~ --.· c··-. -:-··.' ·-::;.---~·-:;--~---~ -~-_; ·:,--, :-.-.'::::·-;_-1.-._:;_-.·.-· _,_ ·

·. · · .. --· ·: •- Asij<:;;~u1 pr~seni~cfto1arships-._. ~\- <· •·-.• .::____::.:_._.:::_; ~Ten Associjted Siudents Bal<etsftelcl~C9J.!egescholn?shi{>s- >yill be

• i;h:cn awa{at ;i~·aw;rdsbimquei Thursday. This is 1~JL_r.i}i'l'e 1h~t-• S2.500 in schob.rships ,i:ill be given away bistudenC gov_crnment;at

ila~er.~r.eid c~iieg~:accorilirig to'ASBC Presiden\Frank PumdL ... · .. · "l'felt thn1.i1 -v.·as time to give s6me1hing·b~ck to the students," he· .

. . - - . . .- ... ·: : . . : , . - . . ~, '· . . . .

sa_id:·· _ ,- ... ,_. ·.-, ~- .c. · _·.-.. · . · . ·:· -.. ·· ·-·· · .... ·. ·. , ·. ·The purpose of these scholarships (s 10 aid students:w_it_h fi~ancial. need. - -- > _, -~ .- .- -. ': - ... -· . ·.-·. ·- ''.The;~ :ire~l\>i 6f_~eedy si..-de~ts. ~ere such as single mo_thers: It's -.. 1hinQ;idke thi:se'scholars~ips "that ena!Jle lhemlo go to school and give .

. som;thin~ t,:,'cktottie society,'J,~~~id: .·. - . . · ... - . ·· :Acc~rdi~g io Purnell, 1o·scft~larshipso(s2soeacli wifftie given -

-.-. :l~O)''.AJ I appi1i:Sriis'filus,tlia ve'.a GP :'<_o(2 .. 0 or grialer.Jhey also must ''. · . provide a cop)'of th_ci~ ~an~cripti ,m~ a grade cheek form is fe.:iuire_d ... . _\ The bJnquel i,;·ill beheld-at 6p.m.,Thu_rsdayin !lie BC cafe1ena .. Aitendan-ceis :i musi f6r !hose. who. will receive 1he financ_ial aid: : ·_. ·

"E'_o, those pe~pktha1_didn '1•recdve aschol:,rshi_p lhissemester, I·. . 'encourag'e mein to apply again nexl semester," said Purnell: . . -.. . . . ~-. - . •. . . . . . . .

··c_-_ .. -___ .. _.,_. -·- ·c:·_--· -,-·_.·_,:·· ,- · -.. - AMPUS'_ ··AlENDAR

.ToDAY ··:::-: -:-~:~-- ,- .. -. ----

-~M~n;s basketl>all: Reneg:ide Sh~tout, 6 p rn. at BC,

.-.S,· ATURDAY-.. -.- . . . :

- ; .' , ·~- ,..· · ..

-•Shriners Poiato Bow]ga,;,e, 12_: 15 p.m.;all scats S 10 · -Ci" •Lastcfayof Renegade-Shoo1our.<., _ :_c ':-


:An~iry--~tS~¥Ht'~re~ks/'. -· -· ' ··- •.. -: - • • . ·-·,-- ~ ·-:~~~J!;:ti~s~~:Jt~~s:~:~~ . i~::-~::p\t:le;i~~;,;~f:eft: Ticket Qff1ce window • - ~~., :•.J. ·: • .· .··-·. ';,,;":.;w~ in theclJSS for directions. C~lllpUSJJO.liceafte-ihC\V':5S(lOttcdi~

. ~- ... ·' t~ii~~pi;1lcf~~i~_:fo\~tig;ui~{ iff~:t~; -:::;:.;'.· ' .. : /\f1~ .· -T\i·o ofihtss•o;,ien distracled Ilic his 'vehic!C:C He was searchc,J an_d-· a reJX)rt Clf? smde_n\who_k,ck.cil o,er_ t>-:, · . ::;,;}& stu<lentswhiieihe'lhirdsho;edthejacket , ~anipus p6llc;,: found 'isinail gl'.ili -a,n as~tray and_ bro}e_ a )',tndO",' m the. ,}'C: .,_- <- :fcj_;•: under her coaL . . . . _ , _. . tube containing a·straw:1nd a ··white -

, TjcketO~liCe\\:it~his fi~iW_ednesd~1y }\'.\; c)~t~ 'A few <>f the s1udents T3ll after the po,.:d~ry ~iduei'. . . .-· • ·_ • ·. . aftemoon:Thcstudenthad bee.nasked ".":-, .;":·,: :. : •. · . · .. {)' '{' w~meri aft,;/ 1hey noiked the j:ic_ket · -... Reyiioldsa~miit«J_1qha,·i!'gdonc : · . t~ lcii~c a-class in The Re;;egade Rip' ~:;c-:,.-.,,,,, .. ' ,.- ..... ,.;,;,; inissinE,. A vehicle dcscrij,iion 'and ·''c...-nk''1hreehoursp~ortohisarr,si .. offisiafterheydlcd~xpletivcs:itone, Jicense-pla1e:nurJ1ber was given llJ 1he. - The Bakerificld Police 0cpai1- ·. of the newspaper ooitors. . . .. .. . . .. _ camp~S police,)ut[hejacket_-llas noi __ !iient tbok c':s((l(JY of


_•. -Af1~r l<!aving 11}~ · R_i() offi7e in :- ear behi~d hiin_• The -ac:cideitt · oc: . ~n recovered. ··. : - - - · · - _ Camj>us Center; h~ repot1edl}• kicked . cuir~ in -theso~thwesiiot:lt iipproxi- . M' . t d f b . . Baseb~II d,am~ges ~. . .

.:..a gar?-"~~-_can, then knocked.oyer_an...;.mately'-2,~,rn:':'ac~<>rding-t<>:police.~n arr~~-El . or _ emLFord tru_ck S wmdow · - . ~asha-ay befor~ he_ broke the window - Bdh parties. hJ,.e · insurance and-: . Un

0cf e(tn~ :Influence. _· .· · _.· _. · Avehicle was d:1~agcd on 1'/ov_ ·•

·. Q6\li $\On'. reSUltS i~. , : _ -damage 10th~ vehicle1.wasmodeia1e ... · ... ·. A Bakersfield man~was arres1ed_ on : 15 a\_2 pnL when asfr:1y hardball hit ·

.. minor ctarna.9e . Jack~tsto1¢r1t_rorn - :ar:tt!f!tt~~~~t:eth:J:~u;;ct: it: The ,e~Ci~." ;cJf.o;J j,ick~p. . .. Two _vehicles -collided Nov __ 18 riewspaper_9ff1Ce . -: spoiled dri'Jirig with his tighis off :ind ,,·as u.,·eling nontibouri<l_n_ext t~ the · when aS!tldcnt v.:liohad puiledhiscar · A S70 jacket was stofcn fr~m· :1 pulled inlo the northeast lot at appro,i- - baseball diartiondonHa!cy when the

· · pasla~topsigri backed up. hitting ihe .· student in· The Renegade Rip office • m_ately 3 a.m. on Nov, 27 .. · . b:lil s_uuck its windshield._

. ·Bakersfield College·

~~A"f., ·. DEC.­

.-3.·.·, - .

_'-BEEPER Cl 1-Y· . --. ~- ._. _,

·. Long Beach City.College

. - - - . . . . . .

Pre-Game F~tivities

- . .

ai noon .. · Kickoff . _· 1 'p.m.: · -- -

jromlhe Renegade Rip,staff ··

·._ Sa.Y1CIS ....

_·problems · -- penalty - -- --·· --Page3 -Page_6 .

Vol. 65, No. 22 . Bakersfield College December 9, 1994

'· .

One final win for the coacbl. . . . . . . Ttli~ve$ target campus cars Report§ Qf stoien v~hiql~~-iric'f$~se _ By LukeThoeiui · . - > -·-.. pus, Sci11uiifnd6ftickci{~e-0W'--Features Editor: _ . · .·Gmasaidlhatit1ookmorethanan

Grand theft auto has reached ,u;all-. hour for Bakersfield police io'arrh-e, lime high for llal(erslield College this •. ~nd b{the~ he ;;as extr~niely 'upset -semester. accordingioSgUcssSotoof • ·:1 rarelycusscbu1thatday ln,ssed," -lhc campus police. . ' . . : he said:.: ''They -,tartei! telling me,. .

Since Sep1ember, JO ,ehicles_l)~\'e . :-•CaJ,n do.:..:n sir; ~~irn do.:..·n sir:' I_: been stolenJro·n,campusp;irkiiii lots • 'said;··NJ;'man ! ~ fatwas stolen.' '.' ·

-aloneanJ SC\'eraJothersfrom ffiestreeLS .•c. ::-J{iff;ir ,:_.~~eco,er~af\,·as'-· ----d 8(. · . . :'.. - ··. 1-(f' ·~· "•- ,_.' • i - a:.-. aroun . ._ - . ·.. . _ . .. et o ,L - .. • .- .·._ · ., . _ _, . .

According i; Soto, uie increase is a- : C '·"Thecoiidition of rtifcar is tragic . : rcfiection oftne state's poor economy.·-. My ~ar0 is yiorth from··tfu-ee to-four.·

·. "Close toChris!~JS every year this •.. th!}us:a;,'c! doHa(S and :iH ilJe iniehor · happens:·· he iai_d. ·. ··_Dut I think (the.' was sioten.'', . -. . . . _

reasons are) iack of jobs; and some are - Thccar \~as stripped of carpeting, . gang-related.'; :_.: i- :·_ -, - . door p.inels: consoles. seats :ind-e,en

Soto said iha.1 thie.ves arntaige1ing. ihe motors for his power windows .. -- mod_eis mostly frpm1980arid ~p>,i,itl, -· . 'Gan..-(isa.DJ fora late night ia1k . special inierest in Che,j, <;aitiaros an·d show"_on:Suncl:ly nights on a)ocJJ Oldsm9bile Cu.1lasse.s, . . - · _- .. radio s1ation, · ind rriore th;i~ 70 ·

Martin Gai-z.:i.-2:-i: ~BC itudenr:had corilp:ici di~cs also wer~ sio.len. -- · · . . ltisTo)ot.iSuprast~lcnfioniParioram:i He' said that he\\ as upset bec~use :

. --D,i~Tnc3.! the'c;.pus. _and his T,rst-his car. was~atoT:ana~on1f· ----. ---"1:1 -reaction v.'as disbelief_ -· - . . .· . insurance he ·had on th0e car. was . ''[ 1"35 saying 10 myseif "no way_'.'" - liability.'which onl/prolects :iria'ther ·

he said'.. "Why couldn't Jhaveboughr drher in ihe even't'of ari accident._ a lotrery ticket and won that'!'; . : ·• So,1oga,:esome tips forprotecti~g -

. . 'Gana fi~i cal@ 91 L Then. he cars: remembered that his w:illet was in ihe . · "Make sure that 0i1 (the car) is se-' car, and he began ~ailing to canceL!tis' · cu,.;,it he ,;.;d. :.Lock-it e,ery 1irrie .

· cic<lil.ca,ds_ . . : . - .. _ O lhat you go. don't leave anything in . . - ·-Arrer that. he' cauca the campus'. viei· mot is tempung10 anyone tr) ing . pi,iic~: tte sa.id h~ Was: disapJX>inicd to siea1:; · .

_ _. . . . . . .. ~ith 1he r~sponie he recei,ed•. · ~ He said th~i som~ people !ca"~ I . . - · ,. ; ,. - - : . - : _ : • . . - ·. . - '. · . :' · -,'. , '. ·. '. : .. ·:--: . _ .. _ •· -... Elrain'·R.octcy''G3rii.iTheRip - ··--n:,e·campuspoli~es:iidih~tthe)':·.,aluablesintheirse:1tswhenthcygo. ·· ·. I . BC coacll Carl Bowser is carried by players Saturday after 31 ·.9 Potato Bowl victory. See. related stories on pages J-5,-..:., ~weien't~po~sible.-for~aisparle<l -· tqcfass. a~d thJt thieves look fcirsuch

.• '• - . . _ ..... - . . ·. .. . ·- - . _.. - . - .. - . . _ . . ouiside of Bakersfield Collei!e cam-_: itemiv.~en 1hey ste.11 cais.:. - . .-r---,-.-. --_---cc __ ........_.·_~--.~.·-:-:-:: .:.......;_-..:.~~.'-:---: ·-~- .--.. ~~~.....::~-~~-..:.,~: . . - ~ ·- .·. - .

•·· ~t:,QJ~att·Bi~tits <Jec::nn,cJue.topgo~t~ca1 economy By E)i~e Palos: . . .- . . ;,weJuld i,;, iooki~~ ata~ho~ie - ' . , - .. - - . . _. . . . . . - - . - .... • ... -· - 'tic1~: .. . / , , . - ~3311 ~d 9j313 .zip dooes, '~~re News EdiJor/ _: ·. _. . . • ·. this' year in tht neighborhood of "'Ive COUid be looking af a shortage this- year in the ·: "Bakersfield is grov.ing.'' she said.· in any Los .·An.geles [esiderits are ._ Despite· ~ggressive aMenisemenl.' S33,ooo;· she said. : -- c - .. -: neigiiborhood of $33,000/· < - . - - · ,Tod,e·;·moie acrivitits on s:i1uida)· moving _ . . . . .. ·· _ . • . . .

. . re-,:ei- i,<;opleare coming io Bakers'-.-~ .... / A~ording iqPinkcrti)n; .. li6-lias, --··· - ·A-. 1·,c· ·e· .. P. ·,n·. k·e· rto' n· ' ~ii!nt'ci1her lh;u;- Bakersfield Colie£e . : '.'\Ve','c becn-uying iohold off the ' fieICf.College 'f00tb31l.. gairies~' That: .. been directOr o(bUSirle.<;S·.serYicfS"rOr . - -. . - - . -f~l~II.'~---. < /." . ·--· ~:- .' --··:·d~~-Ji~e.\ .. ."pic .. 001)·_· _thi~g ·. ~hat.-_h~: .. meanslesiimoney i~ ~co<tmi~ui~- . 18yeais.footbali~ev~nuehasbeen-on - 0':: ,. director· of business services : . As a ~suh o'er~ decline in·auen- cuit.1iledthedcX:lineisthefainilyplan." .

. - b~dg,;r:whi~hp:;ysf;(ex~--c~c'uta;''.~-a'tcootinuai downslid?tiietasdi}e" . __ · - -- _ . -. · · · - - ,·-·:-cdanceandre,·enue, B(;hisbeen (rying,-,'she said:~0 -,~ -....:.,_.:.~ -- :--:.. - <, -- :-aetiviti~~-. ' . . -~ .. - . . ...• years; ~pedaliy ~ince 1992. Shesaid Carl Bow~r--BC-~;~·s:alhleti~ : .• ';_we're. cheaper _1ii:i~:1he high _iogei peoplebaci totk gain~ Lliroiigh Jne se~n tickelf~ily,plai, ;~ .. · .

.-- '.'.\Ve're not doing well :ii a.ii;,· said - that football revenue used 16 depend . director/doesn't tinderstarid ·why . scliools' (games), d1e;:ipcr than brochures; phon~ calls. ~d advertise- - implemen1~ f~.;-; yeaisigo; aciord: · ... Barbie f1obb~; 'athletic depaitment "priman'ty on-thc season." . . . .- srudents_fail 10 anend g;fri\es sj_nc~ the mo\'ies,'' he said. '. i ,, . . . . _ merits .• with -. Thf -Bakersffeid ing to Ha,.;.1ho~e,_\Vith 1he plan. fi,'c

.·. assistan_i, .'.Sales are d5>wn this year}'. , - ,: lflhe'Gades~ere~a,inga winning team is having ,( good seasori and i ri'.'~,er bl;n,esjh~'dccr~a.se in :ll: C~i(.fo~a~'; •.:cording 10 Haill>o~e. Family - members. including . a . - . Ll.st'yeai-;_there\-enuefromgaines, - . seasot\,sliesaid,thegaterevenuewc'nt . tkk~ts are \itcxpcnsi;e compared to te'nifonce _o·n- _lac~ : of·._ student - -: -.,we ,.are . continuallr. -doing ma.ximurti of two adults _and three .. . · season tick~~ and p;uking ~ to- .. up:However.in the 1:ist f~w years, the - other ,icti,itics. - - - - . . in-:ohernent,"~oniJny ~~lieg~ganies . marketi~g;;, ~d Ptnkerton:"Thas ,= children thr~~gti• high -schoof age,• - ·. · .. taled. S 1'(3,704. This'year's tentative _ revenueisdown-despiteg~seasoris:: '. ''.\Ve\e gora good foot!ia'll _lciin:'' · on' cibleielevi_sion"_and. thc-"ueri,en' .. we. scaied lhehouse," Bj,_ scaling the .. rec-ei,e rcser,·ed scats for. six hoine

figure is $_155.145. Alice;Pinkeiton. .. : Becky Haw_thoine, JiC ticket · he said.~nodaig outsiaiidingplayc~; ~ douSg°ro~s_1!JinB.a};e.'!fi~.1~. ,~here J.~. ·-.· ~ouse. aiten:.,ees pa~ le,, for seais be- games fo~ $78 The cost per tickci director of business seivice.s; said ihe · coordinator, said ihatwhenslie started , including. B_C ru~ning back George: - gani"-> are nora big deal.'!'.-•.•- "- . -, t,;e,r(the 15--yariJ-fine" and the end' 'a,er:1ges SH,O per·--fame. v.ith- ilie

. -,~unicular bitdg-et is $333,017, Jiu~ : i3\earsago:about 5,({)0season tick· ·. Jon~ who'.recently broke a naiionai .·- .- - Pink~n'on said .. ihe dccre:ise in . zone, :icrordirig\o Hawihcinie. . . . ·. family plan: she SJid, . .· _ . . . . . asofNriv~30, tlleioLal footba!H~rom'e: ets were\old. No:.V, on1y iibout3,00) juniori:ollege sc~ri~g rcc6-ril with 34 -~ re>"~n4e~isducy> the cconcimi iii g~n: - . ,..:;. Hav.1horne~id that officials . 'Toe be51 v.e c;n do is_ keep our . ' . •: .was ~87 ,757,.- , . . . ·• are bought:--~ - - . . . . _ : triuchdo)"ns;-:' , - . : - -- -· eraLj1.s well as the gio•'\th of Bakers.-: _have been _hea,:ili mJrk_eting in ~e pric'eslow 3!1d f~ze !_t,em:: sh_e ~-

- . ., : ;· -~ :;:_; ~ >;.;;.:~.-;--.-~- ".;.._~:__ -... ., --~-· ·_. ·-:: - -· . . .. ..;;· -·-. ~ . ....: . Mo~.·-··'-,_­

. • ··T~le~ho;~ regis~tion.begins for new and mu;:.,,ng's1~dents who •· h:1;e c'omplet¢ i:n:i1riculi1ion. ·. -. ' .• _.· .. - : - - _· ' : > _

• ,- r • :,..: ':, ~ •

~ -. M_otorola Bravo · :-- O~e:waytick~toDallas~Houston .. ::RESEARCH INFORMATION'. -- ·-

. A,ght leavesB,akersfi_ 1eld on Dec. 19. • , "'--ollnlorrm - In us , · :. - .

"fasltforce recomrt)ends ~C stLldenfgOvernment changes RO$~llih.i-respondslo .¢ommitte·e:cr{ficisrn'of offiCetJra1hifig,l'egc11:;co_d¢ cind fi~arici~I- issue~

·-·--.·-·-:~_-sy--e·~rt}_Ed-~li~-o~--~---:--.-~-;;: -_ - . - .--:~ -. -_· _-·.· - _- · .. · ___ ,_ .. --~----.--; .·--- · .. · --:=-~-~ed-.-~~.;~~_;~~ .. ~::~:~~--~~~-.:~-:::::~:~~:;,·.- .. :.·.·.· ___ · ,- :·-.· ·. - · .- ·_:-·. :·.·: - : · . - .. Editor in Chief and· - . ~(think last year was the impetus for fcimiiilglhe -·• ._• _•(;l_uf _a,his~rs: h:ne be_eii - ASBC TASK FORCE REPORI'

. · -,!'resi<fenl's Scholm se,·enth annual dinner will be held at6 p.m. tn ·

-. :,he Fireside Rciom. For more info,:n;aiio~.'call 395--1597. : . - -

.- TuEsnAY. . . . - -: _.

. . : ;

-. _:

,:::.. •ESL ~ssmenl e,am. app<iintmen!S iinly, For more information, ,'aii.395-4419~_ - ·- ,-·-. -,·-··---~-------· ·---~:--·-

·. :,s,;;;i~"Knowle,lge of crime pre,ention in the workplace,"from • o 10 i p.rri.; LA-202 For mjre info_rma,ion:_cau 395:4550_

._ -- - . - ...

2_ ~-:, c~WED~---· _-,:·-:::--'-"--:. -~~~-----~­-_ •Ps)·cho!ogical disabilities ;...orkshop from 2 ·10_4 p"m., H-.15- - . •

-- -:Seminar ~1ot,;lci1i; fa'r-thc 2 i~tc-cniury.:·rrom 6_-ia7 p.m::_u-20.--. · ionno;e information. can 395:-15so-..

. . . TffuRsDAY. •New ,tuden1 ori~uti~. 6:30 p.m.. Forum EisC ,,\SBC awards banquct.6p:m. in the cafeteria. For more information,

call 395-4355_

· CoRRECTION. An error v.as made in the Nov. I & issue in the Article about Lorraine

Coo le. . _ . . The 1op ~Luy that a facultymemba ,..,th a mastcr'sdcgreecan make, is

$50.370 annually. The figure of S53,4S2 is for faculty v.ilh a doctorate. _The Rip apologizes for the=-


. . . ~ ... -·~ ~ "".;;

6# Memory Beeps/Vibrates·.

·. ·Total $4n95 . Cost :r-"'_-.

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. ~ll.LA.··,-We will be taking three ski trips this winter. · Mlsca ,-,..,... ._ ~~~ · . - January 27 to Sierra Summit• . . SECRETSOFSUCCESSFULJOB C«D 7i 1

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•subject lo change dependent on snow 512-95 to Aci=s Ind., 2117 Foollull -Transportatio~ and lunch will be provided. For '2l1F, lavcme, CA 9!750.

more infonnation contact Keven Petty at 327· 8446, or'mail your name and phone number t_o:

- · Keven Petty · First Assembly of God 4901 California Ave,

Bakersfield,CA 93309



1-900-737-3267 - SL99 pct call

MllSl be I & er h.l'l'C p,rm apsroval.

· Tiu R, /UfatU Rip staff docs ool en­dorse~pnsenutloos made by any ad\'tf1isu, Readus sboold evalu· ate all advertising claims canfully. To pl.a(e a da.ssilled ad call 395-4323, 8 a.m.·3 p.m. Mooday • Fri­day. DeadllIJe Is DOOD · Friday he­ron pobllaltloo datt..

Local OasslCied rate: $3-1/l" (1.2 wordJ or less)

$5--1" (I.J.24 words)

Elise Palos ·" . · .- ·. · -· • · · - .- · · - ·.. - · · - · · - . inadequately_ trained .. A. written .·• .. Ne'ws·· .. E·d.,t·o"r ·._·· taskforce." - . • ._··:'Dr:. Sa-ndra· ·se'·r"ran" o' po" 1,-c·y·and.·p·roc· cd .. ure· ·.m'"U_J_l shou-.. Id , =· ·e S!tidenfcorriplaints of racial discriminalio·n have not been ·

Studcntgovernrtient,.;,-asiniurmoil · -- · - · · be developed for a,hiscr;_. R~scllini .- • addressed, - . - -;, u··mes· -,-as· t'y'ear. • . vice_ . 'pre __ ·. side_ nt of student services • sai· -~.· ..• · ... ·-·t .·a·. r-.:C.., -_-'ning. ,.,....,_· =m_ - - - - - . -· -. . . ·- . - .. - . - ..,.....,.. '-"""" u= r-!-'~" · • ASBC ledger.contains funds not related lo studenl activities.-.

. - - Offii:eri argued. resulting in'some • ... ,11 be dc,-eloped, - : • . ~ignations: Towa'rd the end o(llle- about ASBC's_ budget. ,she was riot . of student funds and thedistiict now is ·- ,- •Student_. goYern:m'ent •· has ' spring scniestu, Student Sen:i!e ttied asked about a number cif areas that the· draftin;ipoiicics~oo-a.irri:culaifunds.:: operata:l .,.ilhout \1 ratified and -

· unsu=sfully to clitfunding for~ task foiceaiticiud.She said that she. . •Student Centu Fee_ runds (SB consistent legal code: The group also .. : . - ~ '' R ,nigiiiliR,pon ,y io lose control 'of ·: ,-iewed her tenlJre:as cine of_ aroiin. -.--" 135itia~-e DOl ~~.the ~trol '. rccornmecdcd'rh.·ii 3COOSWtJDtbe hircdC:

its own.reserves tO. the di,trict YW(S plisiiment but said that iast year was ,of the students 8S mandatoo by· the · _to assisl wilh -,, re\iscd l,,:fl\ COOC: . -faier: . difricuit and "certainly lhe inost Education~ Thcgrooppi-oposed ·. Rosellini said ihatsince 1993, student_

Eailier this. ycai, a task force - challenging year of my carw.''. . . that. spending from this fund be '°"rts_ have-failed to _re'>isc the legal

. • Studenl AH airs .Oireclor'lack.s a proper jobdescripnon. . .

• Siud~t go~ern~~; ki ~t had~-~ COO: lo;~ ye~. '• Studeni and ~ff do~-~~ a·~leai t.Mers;anding ol f.riarocial · .. --·- ·porlCies angpr~s related to student funds.:--- -- ·-,: :.·.-·-··

• Studeni organizat,ions hive_ cooiract~ with vendors without · · district approval · ·

• Eq~n! purchased by ASBC has ~n used for other purposes . -com~ of campus officials cum, Below is a summary of lb: taSk _. ·appro,·cd -by student': go\'ernmenL code. des pile r'cquestS: She is r~visi_ng · ~- - - --i ned~ prob}ems: concerning-. the: forcc'sfindingsanc:tE~Ui~i'.s~~~--R~Uni ~-~ ~ t!>isJ:id ~-.:~ ~ ~!!_th[s fall _ - - . .

. Associated Srud<:nts of Bakersfield_ response to each area: ..• ~ · .. • - '~Ttalnlngofstudentgo.-emment _ •SnidentsandsWTdoriolhaVifa­-"C.Ollege.-'. -- ---~ -- · '. :.._ -·: - -- --:'· · -•Student complaints of radal ·-_offktts ha.s '-'1-~:The ·- dear· onderstandin&.of.f~an4!I_~

. · · '1 think last year was the impcru.s dlscrlmmadoo have oot been ad·,. group r~ommcnde,:J that formal. pollcks and procedunes rdaltd to. .for forming the.LJSkfoicct-said Dr. drtssetLThegroup~thal · training programs be-developed .. student rtinds:,Ttie- task force. -Sandra Serrano: ~ice president of .student .allegations of racial disaiJl!i· Rosellini noted Iha! since 19&4. such recommended th.11 wrinen firuncial .

· than Studenl govemmenL · . · . - . ·. , _ . _ . . ·

_• The ~ore is ope'!IM9 wi1houlan ASSC agreement __

\ l

i ! -1 • ·. - •

-student services and chair. of the nation should be addressed immedi- tr.lining has been held. The only«· policies be developed. Roseluni said committee. . _ ately. Rosellini said thai she :Was_ ceptiori was last year, when internal Iha! a ~ was held lasi )-car 10

The groop reviewtd activities and unaware of any complai~is of ASBC conflicts· aI110ng officcn k<J)( the cxpuin business polic~ 10 officcn financial opentions from 1990-1994 r.cial disaimination filed "'ilh ad- training from being held. andadditionilwor~v.iUt.:helJ and found a number of problem areas. minisrrators. · •Roselllnl's job d<esaiptloa Is not "'tiilc the district is "'riu ng financial

· ranging from a lack of training and •The ASBC guieral ledger "'1rrent and bu position has oot - policies.. _ · - - written policies 10· the misuse of cootaloetl funds that dJd not relate bttnn'Jlmtedas~Rosellioi •Studtot organiultons hue -

equipmenL to stndtnt actfntits. The tas1c' fcrce said that she had llOI been told that a. cootraded with ,-eodon withoot Kathy Rosellini, who has been ru· recommcndcd that the ledger contain cumntjob description "'-as needo1 er district appronl. A 11 contrac~

=tor of snident affairs since 1984. only toose funds which peruin to tha!shenecdcdaddition.altnining.In enleredbyswent~shoul:I said in a written response to the t3Sk studentaciivi~Rosclliniresponded - conlr1SI. her evaluations in 1986 and be ~,xwed by the district business fon:-c's findings that while she met 1hat the dim:tor of busi_. scrviccs 1938 found she v.-as -ooe of the best · manager to insure that no liability OC·

withthegroopandanswcredqucstions has been cV31UA!ing the cl45SmCatioll srudentservicesadministratorsaiBC. n curs. Rosellini responded that college


• Student officers-and club advis.ef. have hacf iMdequa!e lrain:ng. ------- .. ·---'"-=-- - ----_-- ___ , __ '--·-------------. - ·-------

• · lack ol aocountabili!y lot AS8C doaJmen!s has resune<l in a lac]( -- of conoouily. - - . - . - -

_ • Student Ceoler Fee funds have not boon under Iha control o1 the . students. -

• The cour.;e descf¢on of Political Scienc:e 42 may not be an aca.,ra!e ~ ol the cour.;e cooteol .

• Sluden!s were not ~ adequately represented on ~ Oltnll'li!tees.

• There is a large volume of ASSC studeols grievances. -

Source: Task FO/f::8 Report

administrat:ors and the busioess office knew ~. go~t negotiated C()(ttracts,_ She said ~ did not know

until the t3Sk ~ repcn that the ~ viob!ed disttict~



Page 5: Golden handShake?' - Bakersfield College · 14, Naurcoe. Pfr,1ate interment at ~fficia.lly, the di.strict has to reply to counselof Dix Kelsey's advio:. a freshman and soa:aptayeut

· Page 2

GctHery director ... -\Af_ill_reti:re·-.·i;n.·•·-May_·_.

By Monique. . .

. Koster "lt;s fuh to Watch Rip stat! · · · · writer. . .. . . photography. . . . .

A. BC art Sluden(S develop in · professc>i is · · · · · · · · ·

re1iiirig at ti)~ . the knowledge of · : . end .of May _- their, ffeld:" ' ... ·. after.teaching ..... : . . . --Bei::til Brink.

• h_ere fo, 21 · · · II d. · · · years• . '- artga ery l~ector . Benil Brink said lie iHakilig . Brink taught:photography at ihe • · . J. disability leave at 1he end of· .• beginning"of his career i~ 1959.ancl thls semesler;·bui'will erid hi~ taught high sch<><>I s!tidcnis _for 1caching career.in spring. . se~~nYi:ars,ber?re te_a.c_ .. hing a1 ~c .. · .·. -Bririk~ 60 .. :·fe;iChes" two· in"l968-- ~ .- .: . - - - ·, ~

· pfiowirapiiy'c1iises:-and~~1---'-:'.Kfutto~;-:iichphoioi,aj,fiy___ -· gallery; management He also \s .. s_tudents de-:ei_op in the)m~wledge . ·

. the. director_ of th!! BC an of th_eii field,_10 ~ through the an . gallery, where_ h_i s own workis . experience 10 ~se the ~edi~inin an. on displa\ as part ofa faculty an ..• innovative and creative way .. show. · <"lntirmsofiheaitgallery;l like -· .··llcomes quite natural, 1otakestuden1~close'tothegai1ery·

·because it;s bee~ such an . operations, lo see thein' become . 1nicrest ·au of my life;" .. said .. familiar with ihese oper.iiioris, arid

Brink. · . . iri many cases; toa,simi)ateanci put

·N .: ... --·--­. Ews

- ·.ii·-

, "M)' artwork is' through my . up their own exhibits/'. tie said. . photographs. an~d that goes back Brink. ~h? g?J'deris inhis spare !i:!:£~~~}~,:.:.·

1 .. · ·;_;_~~..:...:__;,~~s.:a::.:_.::::bi:iiiil

to_whe~ I w~s an_early time,ism.arried_andhasal4-year:. ·., ._. .. • ... ·•·· .· .. · .... _.·. Kathryn~ieicy/~Rlp

• _ _ _,_een~~r..·_~. ......;.,.., . . old daughter. .:. •· ·. · .. ·· . · ··: .. Bert1I Bnnk's work IS shqWn arBC faculty art exhibit. . · ; . . . . . .· .-----:- .. -=-:.~.--------~"':'-~-=---.,..---·-· -~-~---.··-~-_-· __ ,.;._.:_ __ ~~--- ·--:--:---:- _.:..-..:.-.-:-:· ... ;.c.:--·.: __ ~-::-~;. ~: ....... ----,..... .. ~:...

December9, 1994

· Spitituarsupport ~·.··· ·_ Christiah club· offersifellbWship,·· · _·. study:·ot religious teac~i~g$ · .. ·· __ · ·

By Jamie ~en-derson through a11: of lliose prople, th~y · Rip staff writei '_:_ , . . . . · filleroilfandsowegetagoodgroup . . inteivarsity is a Christi.i.rfrlub on of students: who .are· ~really" campu~ that offm spinuiat suppon commiited .ill .ihc end of ih·e _and fellowship 101is inein6ers:· · . . semester.''. said Pfaff. · .. · • Thecl~b. althougha:muaioiwith .•.• · The .purpose. of Jn1eivaisi1y, . •- Christian beliefs arid iriterests, .. a.cording tci iis vision staiement,is

· invites non-Chrisiiails to join as :70 engage:ihe college campus in · · ·well; according;to Tracy Pfaff. one all of its di~ersiiy with the gospel_ of·

of the leaders oT tlie group. Ii meets · Jesus Christ" ·. . . every Wcdn~ay 31 noon for 'an.. : Aside .· fion'i their . weekly

. hour of fellowship in the Fireside Wednesday mi:'etings. mcm~rs Room. . . . . pai1icipa1e in Other a~ii~iiies

:we want pd>ple 10 come join us . ihroughout the.week. ' . . . . . . 10 ge1 to know Jesus ins.lead of just . · Prayer ·mce.tings are h°dd on . coming to join ou_r club," Pfaff said. . Mondays a1 12: 15 p.m. and small

Mari"y of the members. share· 1he .gro~p Bible stuilies are us~a]ly held ... beliefs !hat !he Biblc'is uu; ;u;-d that··· on Mondays iuid Tuesdays .•.•.. · Jesus Christ is Lord.\. · · · . These activities are held outside

. . · In~mityhasbei~icluba1BC .. of the Fireside Room. ncar"thi .. for about a dozen years, with a . cafeteria at :i table facing a poster

membershipthal has ranged from lO that States. "Death, been there.done . to 30 s1uden1S at a iime. . that." . . .

· "We ha,e a lotof people come al · -ihe beginning of the ~rries1er. and

· . "I'm really exc_ited to see where the group is headed," Pfarfsa_id.

. · ... CPM,M.,tre.~:.Ja§~·tg'rpe._,s.ugg~St§_·5S~Qjrnpro.v~.rn~.QtS_ · C(!ntm11~ fromPage l . :<: .• . o~cration ?f: thee· bop_kslor,, lie' .••. ··The -co11rse~scription':of expiained · ihit; .St~derii; · h~ve .

.· ··Equ,pment·:aod. supplies ·,renewed as.soon as_ .possible ·. Politi_ciil Sc __ ieoc_e42·m_ay•_nol b··• · ·d· d. · · · · · .. ··,· ·. ·.d· ·-· : , ... ·. _ . _ ....... - '.- -.. ·. .- :. .. _. -. · . __ · _ -. · _. . .. __ - 1.. . .. " . cecor c minu1es ·o · stu ent· _ .· . pllrchased h):' student_go_nmmenl . Rosellini -S~d that" a commiuee. is .. accurate:. Rosell int' said thitt a~ meetings in the pa.st, and as aresult. .• tiimi been used for purposes_ . other.'. workin'g0-on tlii~ ·._ .· • . . • . . .. revision· of the cotirse .• which .··,·s . . . . . . . ' .... h ..

·. ... - -·. . •· · .•. i--· - -.· · -. ... . -- .• ~ •. • · --- · .:·· _. . . , _ . • - · · some .1ncons1stenc1es · ave than. -ASBC. Roselltnt said. "'h1lc •A large ,·olume. of ASBC. rrnuired for student officials has · h d N s d · Aff · :. - - . . . · · .. -, _ . , appene . , ow a tu enc airs equtpm_ent may be Sh_a'.ed Wtth O'.her ·· student gdeva_oces has ~curred been.submiUed. . . · ·, .. : . . _ emplO)ee.record< al) minutes ... officesrn S1uden1 Affairs du~ to tight .· and. ~ludeot· ,C-0ur('s · role_ in •>;. ffhe lack or a('countability for. • •S_tuden 1 ·representation'~~ bu_dgets,· ;• t_O her - kn_owledge'. ~esolvirig· stli~eol foiriplaints > ASBCdorumeo~hasresuHedina • campus co~~itlees. did not.

. .. ·_equ1pme_n1 has be!!,n used onl~ for_~ :hould be.dari.~ed; Rcisellirii .-. latk·or CODlio~il_y of student always occur. Rosellinisaid that: -----• -·- ASB_C fun~u~~s.. , :. \ _ ·> ~'- :· r5~pon~ed that m~ny ·._ ~r the '; gove~ment frtJ111year to. ye:ir: A · the ,\SBC president has appointed ...... . · . . : . . ~-·lh•~bookstore_- ts-o~er3.t10g:: compl ~1.n1_s~ fi le<l-l_ast-ye~r~ wcre.;.:-centrahzed: file .system ;..Should. oe:.cstudents 10 commii.iees. but meeting~- ~.::...:..... ~-:;.;.;:;:c. ·.

. w1tho~I a~. agreement fo_r the use, .. found to be _w.nho,ut, m':n[.· T~e . developed : for _docum_enis -~_uch_ as · limes_rriay. 001 be corivcniem. She·,, .. l .. ==•.:::::==::::t;;:::::;.;::i..:<..;;:;:=oc=dL_=_ ""'.=---.. _"'. ;.J_, _. . .c-,,·.

?°r the facilsty. ·The boardp!opc>scd SwdeM Court 1~d.mfy1ng !IS ~ole tn · legal codc.s: minuies, agreements . suggested iha1 SIUdenis' schedules:·..- . . . . . . . . . . . ,· .• .· . Benjamin l,!nqulsti~ Rip . . that a. new agreem_ent. for.,t,he -_the gnevancc pr~ss, _she said_._ and. financial repons:... RoseHini be_ considered when times are set.' 0 f.!!_l!}!!U!_El_ S_J~S in IO!awarting m~ve to Camp_us_ Center. : . ·

. .5 'EJL.S O~:: ·_ §}f{i,iiJ<J~gS·

fr.om 'Jiu 1?._=.!J~ i;{Jp s wjf

C<ingratulatio11s:ti,:cai-t Bowser· and··the:.'Gades <>D their Potato' ijt>wl· victory.'I'llanks, :Coach-. f9r_·_ ~{great.2~ ·ye~s! ,: . . . .

~- - . . ·. . _. - . .

Srop_on )O~r ;,;iJ.ytQ ;../,k·o,for/~ni:lt. • c

:~~~~-:._ Doriut Hut &.Deli ··cOOi:ic~_:· .. -:-::·:-· ~ -•. Brownie, . " - '. Corner 24th & "M;' SL • C1M.lffi0n Rolls · .- · · ' · · · . · . . ·Deii S.llld,,'i,h<.> ,· Downtown Bakersfield ~ Deli Tr.1y s: ' . . 325· 7 668 4,.-lJ:l:l.r.a.&.c.._:.U I

·:• &~~rag~ -·· ·,::·· . 4:30 imc2 pin. M-F·--· ·- · . .

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JRNL 2.;.Beginning Reportlng, 3 units, TIH 9:30-10:52 . ·a.m. Learn how to write news stories on deadline.

. JRNL 27A: Newspaper Production, 2 units, MW 1·2:52 p.m. Join the staff of The Rip. (JRNL 2 recommended as prerequisite.) Also offered 3-5:52 p.in. Wednesdays.

JRNL 27E: Photography for Campus Publlcatlon, 2 units, MW 1·2:52 p.m. HelpCO'v'erthe campus for The Rip through phOtos. (PhO!o experienee recommended.)

Call Kathy at 395-4344 for more Information. . :--·

··Question .. _,_,_ <"'Th~

l<n9wledge ·

; A f llM Bf JOHN mNBlHON . ---.


. COlUMmA PICIUR[S ~RfSfNts -· -· : ·. ANtW O[Al 'r~ooucrrnN : ~ .• · :A fllM DY JOHN SINBlHON . _:._:.


.. _. . -- .;;:

.. ~ ~-- · ~-:OMAR f PPS-MICHAfFRAPAPORI--~ · -c- ~ --:·.:

. ··- -,· ·· ·· KRISlY:"SWANSON .:. --, : --~ -- .

. AHO lAURf NC[ frnH~URNf ,slANlfY ClARKf


:1 JOHN SINBlHON !SIDIIWl·f!"E-11111 li'>fi.J:r.

IRl .......... - I COLUMBl"'1'1 ~...:.":"":,~. PICJUR[SLIJ

~t Theatres Soon

.• ? -··-

- . : .

. ,.

December 9 1994

Ga.y·club promotes . self :esteem

' .. ' .. ·'-.'; ·-\~ _.-.. . -..

.. By Jain le Henderson.· ...

... --· ----,--

Rip staff writer , , - • .. In'. today's socieil being a gay ·

" - .-. ' ·. . . . . person ,sn t easy; . . . . .·

. Andwhilepcopleat.BCseemtobe . opcil-mi~ded about honiose:iiuality. ··. Mary; a studcil~ is ~areful about .re-·• vealing being gay becau~ _she f~ . rejection:: . :: . ' : . . . ' .,, belie~ethatl take~ycfiaric6son

•. who_ltell.lfl_feel iliaiiheie might be' ·-, achanceofdiscrimiriatio•,;-;lhenlmay L -' ·

not ~ke thit chance.'~ . . . . . . . . . . .

I: · : M~ asked ihat hci foll name riot .. -


be used in this'suiry. stie°siiid°she · • .,:; ·. ·_. accept~ ihit she was gay al icfwh~n .

she (ell lnlove with her best ·friend in.. . . . ·. higllschooCSiricelhen,sheh~''come • . ...

I . . .. ou1ofihec1osci'· tb-soineciosefncnds.c-· __ .c.._ -::· . . "People iia~e bc!j? in~chm~~ ac'. . . .

<:<'pting thin I 1hou&fu,ihey would-be. : whei\ I was in ilie c!6se1,'' she said. · . · Mary hai; losi friendships because i

. sheisgay:but'siiesaicithatherfarnily ·. h~ been s\ip{K)iiivc ofher. She. is · working towanfs her m:ijor afterlwo .

·- ·-· ··-and ahalf)'eakatBC:Sheis irivolvcd·'c:. ' . ,;.ith G\A:s_.; the Gay ~d Lesbian .

. Associated SllldenK The club, ·she· ,.' said;hash~lpe<lliertogetiniouchwlth'

. .hei-ownfeelings.. . . . . ._ As a rnembei. lief goal .is to lei

others in the gay coinmuoityknow . . ' . . . fu about_theclub.. . ·>·. j

. Theclubisojiento:iriyone.: G.LAS _holds its meetings every Wednesday

. in the Language Arts Building atnoon. "Ev~ryone is welcome to join the

· club.'·' she said.-- · . .


~-,E.-~---:B..--.~ ·-rr--u· ·_ ·R--.c:_· · ·,.:.E· -~ :.s· -·_ -_-_--_-. : : . . . . . _._- . . -~.. . . ·_- ;_ -.. · - - .. ·': .... . ... : : .. ~ .- : _· ·.

.. - .. ' . . - . . . . -· .. : . . . . . . -.

-.· -·-r-. . . '

- -·--·-·-J·-·--. -·----:------ ----~-------·-·-----------..·---··


-_ R:i~-~Y· ·ro·rn~-nce •· _Relatiohships betweeh:t~GtJltY . 'anci.J,tuderits p6se·pr()t>lefms: ·· .. By Amanda Ramirez . . . . isn't.;.yv.-rit!e~rttle Ho_;,e~er,"'.e . Rip stall writer_ . < . . . . wouldcxpecuhatfac:uliymemticrs . [l siaru out .... hen·s1uden1 meets wili handle themselves profession· profesi~r: If a roinance begins, ally;'· · • · ·. · · • ·•

. ''homework;:·' h.as:·a whole ne~ ' · Sexualhar.mmentisprohibited .. ' meaning .. ' . .· • : •· ... by la.y arid by'college_reg~lation: · .· · Romanticrelationshipsbe1ween ·.: .. Unw;l!)1edsexu~ro,e11uresbya. faculty and siudents hi,'e iparke,r .•·racully member toward ~,1udenl is ·

.. _d_e~alc. 0.!2_0!;~puse:SJrom. CSU '• consioere<:l ~£u;.i harrassmen1and

Fullerlon to Har-.•ard. Thci, -accimplaint can lie filed,·: · ..... · . • ,.g~i<l!eJiness disco~r~ge professors -• ·. • ::Afocu.hy it'iember does-have a. . . .

.... from datin~peop]e.:curren1iy,en.- . ~c~~_n_am9~nt of !)O"ei, they as: . . . rolled .in 'their classes and ban . sign·a grade~id R~llfn'C '...-:··:: 0

• --­

fran1erniza1ion poiicies ~n the' .. ''lf1he.i,tude~1 feeiitlieirgrade . si,bje:t, '. . . . ' . . or their irea11nen11n ·classroom is . The Uniiersi1~· of Virginia fac' .. unfair. their best co~ri.eor action is ul1y.-ci1~d on Ma;i 10. 1993 ioban. 1ofill outasruden1complairit ron,;_ .. sexuairela1ioriships between i,,0: . :-Students ai BC; where the a,:er­fess6r'sand ,ti;;;r'siudenL', ~ccord, 0 -'ag~\cU:dE~( age is 3 li-'iiave ih~ir ing co a recent L:'AJinies story own cipiitionsoii the iubjecL .

· Here ai BC; focuhv-s1udcn1 ro- · ·Bertha Vwiuez, a BC student,·_ . m;nces h:i,e ~CII i,.,;,n an i~ue. said it's -;_;~ethical 10 have siuder\1- . . according iciofficio.k. . . profe,sor relationships. . ..

. Kaiiiy Roseilini, direcior of .. · "It's unprofessional on' behalf. .· s1udei11 affairs, is noi awareofany, ofa fa~uhy_riiember," she ~ddei:J ·

. v.Titie~polides o'n f;cuily,:scudcnt MarioS3.l\chcz, another BC sru-.,:..: . :_'.._ -- 'romances . .:.:...:..c,·.:,_. _ _::.._· -.-·~· . __ deni: said bc<:oming invoh:ed_v._ilh~ .:.

. "ldcinotilii~ki1',appr6piia1e,'' . a·studeni is v.rong .•. ·. . ·_ ... · .

. Clay Mccombs /The Rip

. she said: ·:1tiiink 1ha1 Ule relation- ... /1 do not ihink .it's right for a . shipbe1w;,.n:i focuily membe,and . professorio gel involved with their a ·student ls-'J. vciv: delicaie. and .. s.ludenlS." he said. . .

· speii~i cllf.'' ~ . - . . Not.ill s1udenis th,nk it's -,.io'n{ : .DL S:indra Serrano; ,·ice p~si .· . Ronald Bell.':i BC siucleni. think.I a

dent cif StudenlsseK·ices, said the. professO~·SIUdenl n:iinance is not. collfge e~~ts faculiy 10 ai1 pro- . SO bad:·. . . . .

.. fessionilly. . . ·.·.· . . . ·. . •. . . ··Just~ lon·g JS the relations.hip. : . "We. all handle ourselves pro- -is ·serious and· ii doe.so' t affect the- .

fcs;ionaUy.'' so.id Se;,.a~o; :There student\ iade," he s.a"id.. .

'lot~l'Yi~W WiJtt~ Vijll1J)i~' ~f'lte-rtai1J$b1Jtfc1il~3f 91iVe tlP'tcf hyJ>~<····· -~-. -Byimte_P-alos~~----:~- -:-' ·. / ...... ··.' · .. ·, ·. adopled"parents,"proud .•. · . . . young'gir_l'six;dy; nC:ver to physi- uniillhc'~Oswhenlooisiss_e,,nwear- · pire,''unlikeolh<:1films,doesn0!m"ake

News Editor . . . -REVIEW. ~ , - . Yft she jtist canho1 leam_. desp[u, ~ally beco~e~ w_om":".:: .. ·. . . . ing as171i,~, 1T1od~m-<1apui1 . . {,art1pi~'s_ljf e l"'?fglamorous. . · , '.'Interview ~ilh the V~piri(Toe : · repe;,lcd scoldmgs from Lest at, lhar .- · .. _Cnnse, ,s purely.;y,I as Les1a1 bu1 · • Unt1 I the.n. howe,cr, 1hc only way , .... In fac1. n makes• vampires more . V31!1pire Chronicles,'' is a disappoint· : . Whowduld ha;e known the 1h•es • .. she IS not ail<i~ed io '_'feed'; ii the. Pi it's mooly Louis i.s e,en belier: the audi~n2e' can 1eh the era is v.hen realistic ..... ith feelings arid e~oti~ns

ment. o[ vampi~. :is ,;,orbid as they are, . · house; especially on her drefonaJ.:ers ·. • Christian Sla1er'.s acting fs medio- the characters make references io it.. , As comedic as il~nds; the audi-. With all the.movie's hype. I ex: could be so. funny?'. , . · . . . _. arid piano insmic1or. ··... . . . . _ ere as the ambitious journalist who . Despite these drawbacf,( the'·. ~nee feels s;·mpalhy for· the ma.in · pec1ed to be totaily enthralled and on. _· 1lieperilsofraisipga ~ampirecfli!d ···-• .•. Dunst. portrays Clattdia wond~r: · gets the. opponunity o(a lifeli!"e '·? mo,ie'sunique approach i~ .what re: . charae1eis for •. the hardships they .

the edge of my seai through the entire. are_hitario~.. . . ' . . ' . . . . : fully; her acting is probably thebesl in· . interview a real•life vampire .. The ·. deems this movie .•. · •.. c ... • . • ' . ': lnus.t_ endure .as ,·ainpires, including . . movie. ·-,~ .. :... :_ .:. ____ -, __ j _,. ~• ;,S_tu~~!ri.CJa.u_d.i~-~rtra.Y~bf 12- . · th.c m9vie/ .. ··· · _.· : _ : • .· > . < ·:· . . cos1umi ng is n61 so ~rea1, either. ·. • · • .. Fim of all. it dispels some _of !lie· the n~i:essiiy of living off the deaths . · ' ·. Bui it was not as erotic.suspenseful' . year-old Kirsten Dunst.'is i prodigy·:.·: ·.The·:audienci,can't help __ buf{eel - : • Although this movinpans_a_ time '•:fflYths.·used time:and -iime·- aga_in in • of others::: •. _-.__ ·-· . ' .. "··· . :.c: .'.. ...

. or e,·en as viol~nt as e,pect~.-. . . and a "fierce_killer.''.-.,;-ho makes varit- .. sorry forbeich.uac1er,becauseClaudii P<;riod of 1741 tc, 1988, looking at the other vampire_mo,ies, induding ·,he '·1nierview v,i1h3>am.piie" is not a : . Howe,·er, the film was definitely piies Lestat (fom Cruise) arid uiuis · ·continues to age menially for more · costumes and biicfgrourid, ii.is dim: · threatsof~rucifixesand woodcascles. •· \i;,d movie by a.ni.111eans. h simply . ·· . more _humorous than expected.·. . . de. P\)inte du. Lac (B.rad Pili), her .• thari a. c~ntury but is .trapped in· a . c~lS 10 1el1.1hai a.ny_years have: pas~ . • .. · Also, ''lnteryiew v,:ilh the Vain- .. docs not .li,e ~p 10 its own hype: .

small consequences by jim pecarovich · O_o you ha,ve a story . . :; suggesiip~Jo(.c~ -~.

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Page 6: Golden handShake?' - Bakersfield College · 14, Naurcoe. Pfr,1ate interment at ~fficia.lly, the di.strict has to reply to counselof Dix Kelsey's advio:. a freshman and soa:aptayeut

~ ·~-------·-\, ._ , .... -..

--· ·--···----··, ___ _.

. . .


-·-· --- ~---·-- .

Right: _BC quarterback Deon Price scrambles .· from Long Beach .. player Adam. Brisker during Saturday game ..

Below: Players douse Bowserwlth ice water during final minutes of -game, which was Bowser's last as head cciach ..

. . ·_ - :_·. . : . . ---~------· ..

-..... - ~--.--. ·"-.

· · · - Left: Cheerleaders ------· ----- - · · ____ . ·· _.._ --__ _. -- ~. --Becki.sci·enrer;Jackie--. . -. - --- - - ~--~ ·-- -·- --


- ,-- --.,.Leal,andjennifer:, ___ :_ . · __ Th5>mp~ ring the ·

victory bell after third · quarter touchdown.

Righi: Shriner Jim· 1<ellogscans the playing field during 43rd annual charity event held at Memorial Stadium.

f r.'

B' !1- . 1-·'' • .· .Ldl\.e RH.tmii- , for a.me11m.·. · ... -. :',;/ .•... Pro playerr8c8!1S days ,-fl1JIIIIII.· 11111m

when he playedfor BC . . By Percy Ednallno '. .. · · .. guestspeakc"rforadassthecoach ·. . Editor in Chi_er : :_ - ,:° '> was teaching::.:·): : : .·• · . whe,n t~11chael Stewart stan~d-~:j,?duat~~o():laie_r:,f!<cld..:. ~----

playm~ footbal_l for Bakers- . High·Sch()_()I m 1983, S1ewart · fie_ ldCol_lege1_n 198_3_ , __ l_he_ tea_ mwas 1 · -d, ·B· c- .. -19g"3· .d.'84 . -- · · · · .p aye ,or . . m .. an 5-Sandthehead_coachwasGerry, -.-d - , - :ft· - · PA·c· ·9· C . . ... · - . , .. - .~.·,an was a-. 1rst learn _

olLis.Bu1s1andmgonthes_1dehnes ··- 1 :·.<.>·198·4._. .. . . . . . . _ . • . seect1onm. . .. . were two ass1stant·coachc_s_-wh_ o_ · '· H. ';c_:_·_.:·,<··., · · ··-_, · . · · . . . - .-: ,• · ·: - . e uien went on w conimue · wouldchangethefaccofReilegade-- · ·h·.,:-ed· .... ,,--:··c' 1-.,. --, ·s · · . · · · ·- ; 1s ucat1on at a 11ornia tate football:. Carl Bowser and Dallas . :-...0--- · .. -_ · . c.:F· • - . . · · Grider. · . p~vers•,IX;, res no• ,·: ... _ : .

-,· ·o-, He.was an _8th ·round·drdft · Eleven years later, Bowser has -. kb ·th· , ·R_ -· .- 1987· . -_ - . - pie y e ams m .

decided lo step down as he,id coach . H · · "d · h' · h · · · ·. · · - · · f ·th · 'G -d · '..;;- · . ·,- - ·. · esa1 t at c was no! aware o c a es,. m=mg way. ,or . h -• ·B · · · · .- . ..:·· · - · - ' -. · : . - .. · -- , . . · ·: 1 at owscr-was gomg 10 step

Gnder, whowi_llstep mnextseason :_ :· - -------:-c,0 -.•, , .,. --:- -., .. -

as head coach foiBG. · .· _ . . _down a~Jie.adcoach, ,but _he S. - h ·.- : · .··. ,·_: --· :offeredsomewordsofadv1ce10

1ewa11: as smcc gone on, ugoi · :h· r· .· . · - . ·h': _ .. ·: .. .:. . . . ... ---- -= _ · · 1s onncrcoac . . the professional ran~s of 1heN_ Fe"""'. . ;:1- ·· , k'd .. f ·h ·k·. d . d. . . . - . . · . .· ·- · - was · m o s oc ·e · an - · and thisscason_,afterspe_ndmg most. : · . :· _;; •._ - ··h' · .... 1 h·~-' '00· ·. · .. . . · . _-·. . . ,. . , - .. -. surpnscu, w en =u a ul. ofh1s career with the Los Angeles·.~--: -,, · · ··.• · .. -, · · ·. · · - · -.-, ·, , .. -.· · , . _ .. _._1t, ·Stewart said. I wouldJUSI Rams, he s1gned w,tli the- Miami - · - . ·. . . .

. · · · ~ · say to (him) lo JUSt en Joy· his. Dolphmsasasafctyafterbecommg .. · ·r .. ,- . b .. 1-1-, d ·r· . ,1- . . . . · ,. . lime rom ,001 a an am, y eligible as a free agent.· _ · · - - - - ··· - · · · - : ·

D · 1 h · .• · . . h _ andknowthalbekftthcprogram

Jul ndnghale_ep onl~mtervt:'V,, e . in good hands:·, ..

=a e w allt was 1ke playing ,or · · - . · ·· -· · :, ·, : · • . Bowser.- . · · · · · · ·· . . l:le said thm BC s s1ra1eg~ of

"When J played for him, and as n111ning the ban more and pass­any 01her player win atteslto you,'it~ inr[css has· not changed. much ,\·as like playing for a coach, but_ lt · . o;e,1hc-ycars:tiutihai w9enhc was also like playing for.a friend,'' was ~lill a playcr,'ii was 11,ore he said: · . ·· · · , 1:,a1aiitcd.: . . . . . -

Stewan said lha1 _;;hile hewas a Although the Renegades were player at BC, ihe_re was not a lot of .. noi as successful as ihey are emphasis on winn_ing games, but loday, lie has~_njoyed waiching rather.on esiabLishinggoodworking

B c beco.:Ue Potato Bowl relation~hips between pla)·ers and -coaches. · _ . . . , . champio_ns.

He said thatduringtheoff:seastin, . ''h ·s l:>ccn really fun for me; -he stays in Bakersfield and still tries . over 1he years since I've been . 10 keep in touch with Bowser. 'He gonc.1osceBCrcall;"'impro,c,'' said 1ha1 he was once invited tci be a he said. · ·

... - . _.-:: .· - ;

Top left: Carl Bowser . congratulates'player. . . afie'r Potato Bowl win::- .

-- .·. -:- ... ·.·-· ----: ~ : tibove: Shriners· ' . ; iiptertaincrowd during

'. pre--ganie !>how al 1 s\adium. ·

. -Right: From left fo -right, Potato Bowl

·. Queen Nicole Alonzo, cousin Michael George · · and aunt Jenny George take refuge from the rain.

. Page5

-_ -·~ '. ---~ ·····-- -

·--- - ---------~-"-----"-~----

C~ rl Bowser ends 28 ye~rs -()r coac~ing .at --~v +----'--------~--

with sweet taste of 'Gade pqtato B9wl:v1ctory· By Percy Ednallno ~emai~ 10:o as tliehalf ended. ln · Editor in Chief · .. · .. _- .. _ . . lhe_middle of the'ihlro_ quaner.

B al<ersficl{ co11~ge. head,foo1ba11 .• _.; R:•~egad<: running i>;cf ~like bray coach Carl Bowsercouldn"1 have - ran 1wo yards for a 1ouch_down 1_0

asked forabetierc_nding as7:583.rain> wjt;len BCs lc;,i io [7.0 after tiie soaked fans ,waiche<l the ~criegaiies extra p0ipt-,,.i, a~ain successfiilly .. s1orm pa.;L _the Lbng ,Beach <;ity .·. C:omi;l.eied-by Nyc1. · ·.\. ~_,-/ . College Vikings_31~9 during the'43rd' . _ 'Loiii; Beachcari1e bcick.sixplays inniial ShiiiiePoiIB Bt,"'1. . late,-as·Aoga fou/id LighCeiiiJ)oi-- ..'.:_::_ ,-_ - - _,

11 was li0:"''sec·s-firi;,i gamea.sBC-s iotmsori and c'oi11iec1ed_tci pu( th·(· ·.· · ... · . · head c~ac)i .since }ie 'annaUnced he . Vikings &ii ihe board l7:7afler l\le .· . . "ou)d SlC[>down after 10 seasons as eitrapoiii1: Bu( Long Beach "'~~Id . ,he head of the ·roo1fui( pro~."-; • .· n~t ha\e ti~<!Cl.~!'lcbrale .:i:s •. the_,

He wiHremain at BC as the men's:' Vikings v.§re once again forced IO .

nthletic Jirec1or;a position he't,ashcld .. • ,iuni o,~r ~· ball lo_BC. ·-- .. : -forthepasifour)·e.ifsin:iddition!ohis · rri 1he. fourth. qu:i~ef: ft w;,.s . head coaching job. Bowser ends his . annou~ced °ihat Heruy would ncil . career with'a 83-3JC3 (l\'erall.moid: .·. be able1.icontin~e because hehaiJ This season; the '.Gru:!es finished with fractured his collarbone. •. Price --­al(}. i'rccord,losi~goriJ)'ioMoo~k' novi had the iask of l~ading the' ,

. BoV:sersaidihathewasn'ttliinldng .·. ,'Gad_es-'ni ,-;~1bry.:3nd hecpidjusL: about the gamebetrig his last, but was that. serairibl,ng 9uuir the fiocket , , .- -~-.-.- __ lhinking abouihis iehm." . . . forshen "yardse,irlyal thesLm of'. . - "1feclreallygood;iththjsfoo1bali·..:.:.,the.four1h:quar1ei:: .. .io...:.{i.(':'{a · _ . · . . . .•

ream. forge\abou(m~.-iny la.si game·_ mucf.!o\\"O~S '° Je(einy_Srut;'. ·C ~~--~---:

. and ali lhaistufL-l'm more proud of • in-q:~irig BCs le.'ld to24-7> .·. . . this 1eam:'.liesaid. . . .·, \Vithlessihanthree·minu1eslefl ·_

BC:quan,:rback Deon"Piice 'in the-las, quJf\er, Long Beach-; c,plainedlhatiheieain'did noi --·ain (0. ' S:C~rcJ a"safe1ya's the \earn blockcil ·.·· . lei lheircoachlcave withoui:1_vic161y: .. a punt that 'rolled "out of th~ end

·-wt'diditforouric)(·es and fo'r°th~ , ·zone.dosing Ilic gap i,,'31-9. ·.· .. co.och.h"shisfas1gmie.andii~-~uldit"t <.After the g.irne, Jon~s.w:is . be righl!-;;· go oui v.ilh ~our Jasi game. ·named !he offensi,e player.of !he wiih a lossi· ', ': -s'. : . .. . .. ·.·. · ·,. ·. £~;;;< z;c·h Price said_' : · .,_·:, - · · .· .· ·- . ,. .. , ;1ich;i;ic;;,:as. · iic hi1:Jfe--,"A_nd)h~y'rE!thinking that -- '.ih;;c-a~feiisr,c-

Vikingsearly Bal<ersfiE!ld kids Can'lplay plly~( of the .

q'"~:_,,1:~ fi~sl with those LA suri_·_ efrs? _: c g'."'.1ne •. B~·tth· :"~ . . _.. -- . . . . v."J.S amcu e

O U I_ S j d e They're full of crap.''. . . . _ . _MyP_: _ linebadi('.·r" --CarfBowser .• BO\'.'Ser- -.ch au nd ee· .·said ihanh,e B · ~ o :,.,. ri : f:lead football C03C~ 'Gade~ i\·¢e reco,ered iut ---~,- -~-~ ;,:.,·,- .•. ______ •• __ .. --· .. : e_xpepej~ !O_

on-side kick by BC 10.ghe.the 'Gades . _lose:md th·a1mostpcople thinktha( -_ . possession of thel:ialL. , ' -: BC can"! com!"'!!::;,.,~{ ~:s.; . '"Gade qu:irtcrback·D:mny Henry · .• An~descommuni1ycolkgcs. ·--._ . · was gi,:en:ilie gO"ahJad 10:Stari tile,'.-- .,)fael)one v.hO·"-'as'dow; in-.: game anct'cor\ip!eted ;;;, · (s:yanl .P.355 : CA: ~'as· sa:\·irig "e1ooldn.-fi,I~)· ·

. tov.i,Je"riieiverTremaine),liles. 11131_ _.-..ilh these gu.ys.· "Jbai challenged . .. seuhe stage fQr running back Qeorge .our pride. Our gu,:; ,,;.;.., fired over

]cries. as he high:stepped 2~yards on : lhal. iinars 0011:· he _said. ·'Aiid · · his wafiniotheendzilne topu( BC up .' they're thinking thai Bakersfield

7-0.after kicker-RoberiNyci booted; kids can'i piay:wiih_ihose LA. the b311 in foillie 0 eAtrapoini:- - . . surfers? Thefre fullofcrap,":

. ,. When the Yik.irig~ fin:i.JJj' had · · Althouih Lon~ Belch was held .· . . . . .. -· .·---_ .,--. -· .,.. _____ .,. ~::. •. · .. ··- ,-.·~""--· ---:----~<---·;·- ,.,.,.----- ···- ~· ..... possessionoftheball,_qUJTterbackNeo to· nine ·poihtS. the feo.'esJ j:iojnts

"Aogacomplei,edlhreeou1offouipasses lb.it they have been-:lield .to !his "l;ichput the Vikings. in scoring =son,Boisersaidthaillie'G:ides · position. but Long Beach was _unable - could ha,·e beaten Long Bea.:Jibi·. 10 contain BC-s defense. Aoga -,.-as a wider margin. · .· . ·. sacked by Brown on 3 founh down - ·. · _ .. People don't_ realize l'ha! a . play; fon:ing iii<," Vikings lei furn o,'er · .good football !Wll Long Bexh the ball: .. · ·. · · · is:· he said:. ··we turned the ball· : lc"·asth¢s::ime.s1oryasAogawas .o,·er ti,·e times and'o.'e still beat

. sacked t\\O more times in the first them.~bad~wedid. lfwcdidn"c QU311~ befcxe BC (ij}k-~~io;~f - 'ium !he t,aJ( over_--,,,.c prol:,ably . the ball in the second quarter. would ha\"e beat these gu)S 50-0 ·· _

Nycz kickcd a 15-yard-field goal 10· . .-,-Spcrts Edi/or Susar,a Gar.Jl keep BC on top 10-0. lhe score would €OrWibuud to tMs SUJry.

- -.~

--- --- - ----- -· ------- ---:-- - . ___ --· ------- - :Above~Aftertheg~_. --.....-. -,----------------.-,--,,_-._-_ ------------------- - - --·- · · ------- --- ':--:-:--.-team and coach give- :'L; · ·

_ Photos by Max Becherer,· Efrain "Rocky" Garza

, and Chris Riley I The Rip


·.·-. ; : · ~~t-~~~~~-:-;}~.:~~~~~tr~--~=i.:!c,-:--~-}:~--:;:.._"f:.-: :> ~;; ___ ~_-;., __ ,~·-:· <.

· prayer of thanks.

Right: Aaron Willard . sacks Long Beach . ·.

· quarterback Neo -Aoga.



.... ,;-;~ . . ' .,:


Page 7: Golden handShake?' - Bakersfield College · 14, Naurcoe. Pfr,1ate interment at ~fficia.lly, the di.strict has to reply to counselof Dix Kelsey's advio:. a freshman and soa:aptayeut

'. ,-r I~ '.

-··· _,. -. ,· .• -.....

Page·6 ----

.• ·- •. -- - .. --... -~: - •.-··-. ·-- ~.·. ~· ... -- ·- .. - ... -- •• ; ...... --... ·- - - •'I,, - - ..... -- ••••• • ~·: •• =·~ -· .:::..! ..!, _,_:; .• ~ :.;.--. • .-.:.·i:. :; ~~--~ ... -.:,.-!, ....

. {_ .

l<~IJll'l'l~yel"':siPlea/ul'lfair ··. · . The~~rcifa,l)ndrc:ter~Or.hi~,-f~rpjly"rfl~rits death penalty·

_ Is it j~~iice· when- _somc~ri/;lio ... _ . .-. . .. _ : . _ .

. pl~ts inc mur~ers. of hi,s broth.~~~~( STAFF- EnttoRIAi,; ' 'c.· -- ,) __ C - parents•e~t~rs: a pl~a_b_arg_a,_n.t_o_ :· - --~- --,-f.

esc"ape ihe··_deiiih penaHy? ,Tht : ·. ' .. ; . . :· -: .· . . .. ·. -: . . . . - - . ·- ·. ·: Renegade Rip EditoriaJ· Board :p.m.,·JohnAlle~i asleep in his.bed,: offe_rep l1fe1J!lp1_1so_nmentmsteadof

December 9, 1994

-_ En1T<>R's Vmw -

.Content is:n'ot--fo.r.sa1e· : lidieves~th:it 'j,fotting the deaths or . was stabbed repeatedly. bY Henry_ . the death pc_nally. lkruy is expected

three•people :w~rrarits _ capii~I ariiS1:ni_1J( He y,as beaten with a · to be_ offcre(ithe_ sarni de~I> >> : : pu"nishment .. • < . _ -·- · _ _ · po<Jfi;iii, unti_l the stjc!\ b_roke., ;- ·_ · _, Why?They have ad_m,tted}o the; . Scoll Andrew ~ammher, 22; a _: ·The \h.re"e of them wait~d for . murders; but n9w th~y refu:5~to lake ev'~~;by_ Edna lino .....

. _ former ll~kersfield College student,' Kammeyerls fathef to, arrive, then . responsibihy. Victims of murder are · Editor in Chief •- -•. -_-_ • ·_ · -\JeseiYis 10 die for his role in th"e° -_ Klirnnieyer lured his.father in(o_the -. not.given second chances a! lifci' - This week;} recd~ccl a

slaughter ofhis f~mily:C His frle~ds -- __ -bathroori(using -_- an excuse: oLa_ -·· •·. In a" recent intcryiew_ wi,th -[he_-_ ,' rri~n\o' fro in . 'Bakersfield . -whc( commilli:d -the: ~ill1ngs: · Joel .. -'plumbing,problem: • Smith" shot ifie· , Rip; Kammeyer called for the death - -_ 'Col l~'ge . .-p~of CSSClf Jack_ -A:i"ron:Heiiry7"2T:and'Bi)lfWayne-·r.;t!ier~hree tim'es; :icc<irdi~g lo court o~penaltyfo~ Henry a~.dSmith for"their - - Brigham-praising- The-

·.-~- ---,---Smith; 20, also _deserve. to b-e .recor_ds:'::Ka~meyer'c-:rtled his rol_e5:4~he-:'crime,:5aying~they---:- ---:Renegade Rip's coverage.-~-· -- -- -~ executed_" - . - - . · "mother fo firid ciui when she would . dese·rve-to die because they"actu-ally __ - < I~cl~d~d iri-his letter wiis• a · On Nov.· 20,: 1992, Kamrrieyer -,_ be home. At 611.m., his mother also di_d the °killings .. But he isju~l. as._ ---$50.doriation. - - - -

lured his iailier; John:-Jcrome . ,;,,as 1u_red to the bailiroom anc! shot, guilty, i>erhapsmorc so,beca11se h~ _·· - _ r~ his letter, h-~-staied tliat · Karrirrieyer'. ~o.; and his "mother. . five times. > -. ·,. : . . : . planned to kill mcriiocrs of his own . during h_is first_thr~ yeMS at

'. Alana Jean Kammeyer, 49, to their A(terth~killings; the three stoie a . ~amily, . _._ . . . -· -- . BC, he was a big supporter of _-deaths in their home_ on Gibson total of $185 and fled to Mexico, but . Kam·meyer and - his· fi-i_ends The Rip; but • last jear,he -_ s:,r~eL . . ·- . ·. -_. .. later' crossed. tia~k over the border: coriurutted three murd_erous acts. . bei:ame'~pset with The Rip_'s

· According: to_;_:cotij( files. Ch_is "and wer~ arrested. : . . . · He - is: trying. - 10 ·- evade - · '.'atiack~·-: journiilisirLand:'' bmther, John Alleri Kammeyer. ~( ·, Last ~eek Jo(ammeyer aridSmilh . responsibility for his ac~ons with .-_ r~uesied th:i"t the'.Acadeniic' was the first. to be killed by we_re allowed to pl~ bargain. In. -- the plea of mercy, \<imething he - -Senate tcmilnaieits'fun-ding . .-<-

Bryan Bell I The Rip Kammeyer and__hi_s friends. Ai 12.:30 -__ exchange for guilty pleas, th'ey were neverco_nsidered forhisown family. - _- -.He· said iri' Jli°s'n1imo tljat·. . : "fundiilg"-all official"sctiool

--~----8_-_ _r_oth_--·e,·r_!s_--b __ rai_·n-·su_ --r-ge_ ~ n,:t_e __ s_ t __ s:·_:fa_-__ ._rn __ -_-._·_-_i_l_y~'_s __ --_-s_._ ~t __ · __ r_ e_-._,_n_~-_---g_.tn;---- ~ffJf~:ti:;~l~:~1;:::--·_ ----~~ •• , - comparable to' lianding a

_- o~ ~ ·(iccnl_ Fri~~f ni~ht;_my - -- - ---~;so~-calms\i;ith age; biit fro~'thc', [f "~ didn'.t ha~e :the suigely, · _ :Fsir _ii years,.:oary)as been _-_-_ -. loaded gun fo a 5'.year--0ld.'' sisier. called and told me that o'ur, ' - --_ tim~(g6i th(phcine ca)l from my: doctors\aid ti'e .would 'probably e_nd ' keeping ~Ji:i-'.ill(hi5: twin brother, ·-· _ :B~t.he was pleased. w_ith little' br'oihcr: ;,.,( going in' for > BY . sister io two weeks after the sutg~ry. c upin accimii; have a stroke o'r:Suffci_ academically' and physic~lly. _"with ' . . t..,;t Week's ei:litloii; so he serit -~urgcry th~ next _,,.-eek to drain flu.id.. . DELAiNA -_ .. ·. the i~ord 0 '.'c;lrn;. was no;.,.here fobe . par~lysis -.vilhin ihe' nexi two years- .. minor liinitaifo'ns as he goiotder. He-_ .. th~ papei a check, . _· .·_. -_ .- .

. rron-, 3 l:u-i,c cyst on the left side of · found _i~ my·., vo:cabu lari, "or ofhis life.:: . . . ':: '. . . . _- · took "seiz!l;re'ri'.iectkation, , - - - ·- c, He also 'staiW that he was_ his ·_ br~in._: i'hysicifns have.. . LAWSON demeanor .. i was high-tailingitoul : .-. Jfhehadthesurgery'.t;ei:ould~nd . :. J>robably half .of, Gary!S: body -_·.- • pr~pafecl i& mak'e:-~ se~or,d .

·_ monifore<l Gary since ihe cyst was . of :ro~ri,i~ Lai'Yegas; i·here the up II\. a. coma, suff~r :i)froke or . shouldbeparalyzed. because his left . --. don'aiion- of $ )OO in May -· discovereil inl9°8l, · ., - - OPINION -;urgery w_as scii~~l_ed. - -_- . . ._.becomejiartially.p,#lyzed.:Some : br:\i~jus(rieve(grew, which th~• pro~i~ed th"ai_"we atiempt to -_-- -,\( - ttie. Ii nie :-of~ ihe; initi :ii _ - - . - -... By)li_e" daf 9f thfsilrgery. I had - choice; brave.little brother, . ·-· .:-, - doctor could -oi;ily attribute _to_ a . -_ ci-eaie--se,'craLartictes which:

. . ·ili~"gnosfs .. i wis enli;1ec!)ii.1he Air. EDITOR_. ' reiched ih~ "end ~finy ~biiii:?!o' be .• _- "fifi1ii'freallY,h:ive'tI-iefuU "stoiy' ~ possible str<*~ dudng birth,.'. :.·· : d~ i[! depih with those_ issues;: . • Force. station~d aLYokota. AFB. . ration~! about anything:',::\ '_: .• . <_Jr. Gary_:s_;medical :<i_ndition ,uritiJ --. The neurosuig~ori; said. Gary's"° . of primary importance to" the ,

:--'---------Japari;_:My..::,istei:.s:phone~caH : Instead;) was siuck"ii(tlie"most ~ftecthe surgery;-and .t~is" .was--· right brain compensated fcii: alt , !l\ajority'Ofriurs~ud'ent~y~.,,.-. -- - triggered -- ,he memory "ofj~ping -_- uncomfortable 'predicament of~!ial,]y afortu~ate t\iing'for' iioih-ftinctions·of:ihe ieft brain:-:ln other--:: ,...~While we arthappyl6hear"-' -----­

continents like some kind ofci'azed: imagine that it iiriiat;; him_ to ihe · (~sti;g ~doctor! had ri6thad time to : "'Y°famity and the hospital: staff._' words, Gary used his'av_aila~le lira_in ' Ii~ likes this y¢ar's _coverage;· • __ inani~c/ Come hell or high :.Vat",,,; , -same degree that I get irritated ;.,hen ·. re5earcli, in a· hospitai·that seemed _."•_When I·go(my first glance at the poweri11·a mos! efficient way:;:-; --_·_ TJie'Renegade Rip '.s'Editqriat -

nothing i-as "goi~g to Sl~p_me froirl •-:- niynioth"ei"won't see mi as a gici.;,;n- like ii was"run backwards. :with) . ~AT "scans;'it it!! Sl~rtcd making_ /' Siricethe su~ry/Gary said that . . Iio'arcl 'must. de~Jirie his, running ,oGary·s.iue::1 hoppcdone· · up.·>· - · :-· :. : :_ -'· -· -.-. • _ moin whounwi_uingly push~ a1!"my_ .·s_ense:; >':, :' ,- ~'::c.:,: _:: \\ ·, -- ·ror the firs_ltime in h~sJife.he doesn't ; ~"n:a1ions';' _ • _-.. _ /: - -mtliiary ilighi afierariotherin recoid <To meiGary is still :in adorable . buttons.\ .. : •. -. ·• ,_ ..• ·-.' : : , . . •. Prior lo)he'surgery I aidn_'t~_ii-_. have a headache._ He_is doing_f1ne. ·. . . . IC we were: to; accept his

-- time io get back ho,ne tol§"'a; to : 3,year:oldco,·en!dfrom liead-to:toe .. cThe eridlti.s" waiting -in the - ders~~d;"'hy visitingdocfors were-, h's kind of iron\e that ev_eoince _ -- check.~ li"woutd hinder our Gar.:: .• · .. . . - - . - with ihe br"ownie mix thaihe and his wailing room seemed the equivalent ·:staring _at my tiiother in disbelief the initial diagnosis _iii 1981; I have .· edito~ial iridcpen.:ie'ncei Thi --,fie isnot oi:uiallymy liulebrothei i'Yi~b_rothe_r g6t into onediy when _..- of Chines~ w~t~r tortu~: - __ -: -•· du~n~examiriations: But die scans been . overprot_cctive of Gary, -· f!ip', ri~v.:s coverage is riot fo.r -·

.-anymcirc. itc is bigger tha:n me)nd - someo,ne !urned• ,hei_r back in_ t_he B_ul it had com~ down to this and revealed th~t Garydidn'.t h~ve a left'. _thinking thathe_was fragile. : _ : _ s __ • __ 1_eT:_,h._e._._--__ -_:·_._-__ -E•_--d· -_.,·t·.0

-_--_-r•,:1::a._l:_-__ .-.-,-!3·_·o._ar:d· ___ -

. 21 ,cars olJ._ But there is nothing - kitchen. '.fliey looked like chocolate' Gary's choices were about asattrac, . .- brain. 'f!l_e cyst, bigger_than,a grape- - •· He was stronger- than .we ever -.. ·:inyfu<ly'can·,,y'focon,iiice me--.of :-:cov~red Bu~dha.s:-,·_- _ cc ,. ·· ·:--:·:•tive as iiavi~g iopic~ beiw,:,en Pete _ .. fruit; had grown~ in iplace of the _ \mew.. Perhaps __ Gary sh9uld l}a-:.e_ iinderstands that we will riever :.

· thiS: nore,)n Gary himsclf.-A~d'I ,- - Now, .orie. would think )hat a _ Wilson and Kathleen Brown. _brain: - ':-:-_ . . _ bcen_civerprotective of me. - be\bf/16pt~ ev'~tfody-1 . ~- - -. - . ' -- ' . -- ' - . _. - - .-nd Brlgha~ himseifi~ a good

-_ pr_8$9rlC_e··of:gGns- pn· g"rot)ncis ·~.a\Y"make" s9h99l··qa.ys' ':~i<Jr,risprne'. for .so_m~. -_ ·.::1;Ii1~~:Jjs~~~c~~; : A5 : ·a, . ;i~deni . attend i ~g - . " -· ' . . . . . . -_- .. ·. ·. . .. -_ . --.· .... _._· : . '. _· .. ·- ..... ·. . . - ''..re nota r~on° for safety ~lice io'. ~ . . . . . . . . . kill the paper. . c,.. : . ·-

.. _. :b:~,1~:\~t~ttii~:\tc:.t~i ::LE'I'TERS··.io THE En:i'ioi"t· ___ . --_---- ... --_ ---f~C:t~~:tfu:~~g~J~:~i:!1i!!.- _-.~a~!\t~i~~-.~~e:.:'.}nnt_ , poiic.cc~irigg-;,~t~;c";;;;;pu.S:: '. - . . -- ·- . . - -. . . . . .. -_ . . - _much more . because the ·:,v"rong - . ·- . • provldi~g, we cover\iohcs

. -I.am well aware that the safety". an option 10 any _chaHenging" canbe,·el)'intiinida~ngtostudents decision.can ·an"d will chan"ge the . . _-. _:,.'I.-.·; that he likes: ... ·-· ... p;licc MC ·m,~y ti~es i,i'situatioris . situation,n a learning envir_onment '~d. f~ulty .)nd can make school.·. whole m"ood of the cainpu,s. --_- _. -_ --- '-. f ii.ii ........ '. .•.. - If he w_;;;,is (0°suppori the .. 1ha1 require force~ho"'·e,·er;l_do ~oi:-;,such "asthis,_;...-.::.~_;,-2...~ ... . 1•ys_ ~_o_rri~?.!11~ a~1_te~5:.,--~- . -- - .. _, __ ', __ • , : ·_Nathan,~~~- .. n'' 1 lJY : newspaper; he can do;so by t,elie,e 1h:lt a loaded ~un .should be · , · _The safety police carrying· guns . ,· ·_ Stolencars andcarstereosystems - - . ·,- ; -: . ·:-_. "- _- BC Student" · ~----- -- · ·, unaerstan'dillg :·its~Fole' ·on··_· . ·-- - ..... ,.. . . . - ----~_.· ··--. - ...... ·.·_:_.-· ---.:--::.·-· ·.·'·-·-·.·· .. - ..... -,.-· .- ;.--·. - camp.us.: .. :-::··. ·· .. :: ·· ··--: -- · -·

- so stud~n __ t:~'P; _.P_ :re_c,lative~o_t Camp,_J.Js:;Po_J_-,ce•tor-tirtd-ing' -,$tolep par ___ k __ Jn_,-,9-_-.• -p:_ e_·-_-_rmit ._ -~ -~!·lft~,;0:~:~::a!~::11~/

- - . - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • : oi co'ntac·r the Financial ,Aid _. ,-j ljke t6 itfank:iti~ lie t~p~s • _" :_ - . . . _ --- - - -. . : .. ' . _- . . . . • . - _- _- wri/1il< - - • - - • . . .• ;:• . - -~ so" fothesi;;~ntwiio Slol; it, I .. Office_ : ici esiablish -· ~-

P~l\c~ for fi_nd_i~f iriysi?ii'n}arking O Why,: ~s a college student, qoes s"orrieone stoop • _ ·: ~ Why. as a college siu_d~nl! d~s _ hope thd, fine was,9uu-agc;ju~·~1 _ · journalism scholarship foi • , • _ p_~r~1_it:. Ir · is.ih·e firsllj"me tha1 : 't·- -•·t-h' • · - ·· ?-•-•-:"'- ;; · . · _ - · - · . ·,- · _- -: . • • :-.: ·: .- so111eone :st_oop; to thievery? I_ _ you_ have,,~ work ha!d ~-_get_ th~- · ·-: Rip student:-_: .'-. ' - . ~,,~~ ,ii(ri';ihat~~a's'i--.?stofen fiom~' O -- ,every""---· "'"~~-·-c .. ..;_~-.. ,,.-. .,..; ~-" ·-.<•x'--. .-,.,~,:-- a,-.> __ ,.; --~ , th~ught -as adults we -were ~bove. "llioneytopay"itorthatyougetagood .-: ···-- - in his teiter;. hl said that .

·_ ni; ~;;,eco,-~-red ~~d\eturiied.-:· -: with to lose som~thing that you've" .·parking pcmit for ii,,; fi;.tcoupie o( thaL - . • : _ _ - 'butt"lcick ;it_ from )'QUr< parents. ·. ''weak-minds discuss pe<iple; • _: ; I' \C iost a cai scereo,'_portable __ worked h:l!d for/, - _ _ _ _. _ .· _--·-·.- w~ks ohch<_?O[ .rnd get oy (ln" 50 . . Tiiat is why I f~l_t that since it was -~use they ~adto pay thefine for:· . averag~ miridsdi~uss events

,tmoS: _books. aod the list -goes on·. ·. ·rm-a f~.11-time i"e:entry stu"denl ' _ce~t ad:iy permits because I had just_ - -_a waim day !}nd the.l'arkiog·pe.nnit . you; An4 I_hope that you teamed a _ and outstanding minds discuss from _iioifriny car and "my ho.riic: ( -and the das~ _ tuition _an~ fees-_all - paid tuiti,_:,o: S!)ihank)'OU for finding: . was theonly_thingofvalt,11~ in my car- Icsson_iind, maybe next timeyou can ideas."

'_wa, both)13ppy and"surpr~s<:410 .ie•r "come O~t?f.my pocket, which is not _."iiCa!"pus Polke. -~--- - .. · _- .. at the time, I thought I could leave·. get an A+_for_ honesty:. -_ The Renegade Rip beg~ _to. '·something back even though.it was: ·easy when you work at a P¥1·time •- -· - But I'm not finished Y~-Wl:!en -__ my window down.-·<. - .- -- c And if you didn'.t learn~ thing, · differ · with _-_Professo-r ·. · jusi a. simple pa;ki~g pei-m)t .. ·:.: ·. joli mal{ing just "above~ minimuin yo~ make the decision to bo:,ome a _- It had to be a student that.stole it -. well, I hope you_ get" riin over by a . Brigham.

;\ii yone _ who has: ever ha_d wage :in4 iakeon-anyotherwcirk thai ·,college student it is usually because - · because. hey, I don_'i think parking· bus, Thanks again. Campus Police. · • - - -We ·belie_~'t_ t!ut infomie<l -·_ . ,o;,,c,hin-g stolen from them. kriows you can S<l you C3f get by. : : ·: _ _ you want to make a·beuer life for . permiLS are_worth much on the blade . Larry Proett. · minds discuss all Wee. ..

_ :--:- ·;~,;, -,-iolatcd. fceiing". ,W: leaves you : '" ·J:had'to: pur:off: buying· that-~ ~,:,urself. ormafeadi_fferencc inihls market, - . - -- ·:-· - -- - . - . BC Student __ '---'-------'""-'-;.;._"""''"' --· ____ _

_ -_ - THERiPNEGADE . .

·_ • .-... • _--• - L --· •: •,--

------ ---~ ---- --; -:·--A_::--~-:~ ~ ---~-­R,,.pi-s~O,,BiC~.

· c.ut.1-••·· pnr,rH trf f6t!T ~ ~M'td~ ot1rrid.rr't . <IM\n9 "IN K1'lcol ,...,. • ,,,. 1f1'1 _• p.,bl_....., .....,.,. N ~ of .-.:m. ~ Coh9' Otatrk:1 &ar-cJ al fNl:!IM-L ,.,......,.,, 8°"' rtt9(111.a:.AtJ fOI.,... t'Ot'l&lo"d ntH

~ '11W "'' E:~ 8Mrd. n,,. /ep~f0t!'l4'~ ...... ~ol/~l'y~

..-.d """ (:.df.o,-ftia ~ Pl..6-- -................ ~

J, . -;.-·.,,

Perey Ednallno Editcr ,n Chief .

O.lait>a Lawson· · · · --· Chris Riley Opirjcn E <f >1zl< • - . . -Ptloto Editor

_ . . _ . _ Elise Palos ..- -: ..,---- - -News Editor_,-.-- ------:-- ~,- ---

Susa~ Gan.a . . : · Cyndl Tl<hnU Sports Eo,fo< ·. ~ Editor

Luke Thoene . __ _ Fea~Jies E.Sto<

R,portors:Ame::eArdet><A( U-flar~ Jo,-,,e HerM,-.on. llcncµ, Kc.slu. = ~·­A.motda Rd.:-:ve:z. Sreve s~~ AJeshUi w*&.s . .

Pho<og,-apM<t: Uai e«r-,o~. Elrain 1'1c.c>:)'" Gara. IJ..lct Her<:._,.,,,,_ 51..,. 1-W&~. e.,-ja""" ~ G,egg -~ Ka::-,y, ~

c.rtoonist& I Gnpl'Jc .1,t!sU: 81)-a,~ 6'll Pa<.A P,t"<, Jir.l Peca""""'-~ Sl<:>dO-On

Kaff'IJ frNO&n -~obln Johnt<>n - Rodnty ~ . ~a "'>Nset Pl'do UI> T ld'W'.....,, -0 Mm4t': Cauy Cllllsts.

; .... · . -

- ~ . - . . . ' : ... --- --·-- - -h- -------~--

--Should campus police carry guns?

Julleiis Preite, Art: "They gave them a cop car. Thal should be enough authority to lake care of any violence."

Ryan Fisher, Agricuitura~ "No, because I have seen those guys In the ·morning on too nu:h ooff ee. &:My."

Ellen Lueu, -Chef: "Yes, they should. 11 they have been trained to carry them, It would be OK:·

,: ·-- :., : .....

Uua Begley, Crlmlnal Margo Whfte, Justice: "Yes, as much Conm.ncallons: 'No, the violence as there Is, you presence d the ~ neverknOw when it could · p:b shooJd be enough.• _ move to thla campus.·


.December 9, 1994 THE.RENEGADE RIP


_ _ , . __ _ _ . _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ Efrahi ''Rocky" Garza I The Rip Coach Mark Arce discusses strategy with the team ... -. . . . - :__ .· - .. - . . -

·,Gades grat>ita11 ..• -Baskstoal 1 ·tea.m .wins· .Shootout -

,·-~ --~ .. .

Susaria Garza ', -, another to give tlif Comets the lead. ·.: -· SportsEdrtor : _> _ __ _ c· _ The~ BC's Woody Melton hittw<i free:

.. ~ . ,.


.. : ____ ~· ...... .:.

BC sports . . . . -

_wrap.up _ seasons; __ --Susana Garza . Sports Edijor

The soccer team "won iis confer: ... _,;;ce _titie and _ad,·anced for th~' first

.. time l0°the Stale semi-finals in Satra: ·. ;,,ento i~t \\'e~kend. · -

- Undei the coaching" of Phillip . MarceUin, the.'Gades won the WSC. title ag,;;rist Mt. Sac _2· l. The r-.i, s~~

-goal was tlie f¥Si allowed by 1he_ RC_ defensi: i~ 11 l;3f\1CS_. · , _ .~£ be,it)'~?.1)13[i~~ r.egi2~~1s .2-. _ •- __ _

- _O and lost its semifinal game to S:1nta· -R~-~-2-0-. ~-- -The 'Gades ~nded !heir sc.ison ",_-ith

a 17.2:srecordoverallarid 11-1-2 iri _· ·. conference.

-- . VOLLEYBALL· .· ~111ough the_ ,·ollcybafft~Jfll i,·on· _

itS firsi conferencetitlc 1:i;i season. this . )'eaJ;S learn featured on I} i"O pla)'eis . - froin that championship team .. _- -_

- The 'Gades, tinder {oa~h Col~n '• Ric~ri; n,arilged lo pl~c.i sh:ond iri . the Weste!TI· State Conference' south: ·

___ .:_~er:r(dl.':iSif·?~- _ _ ~~------ __ BCwas defe:iied by Orange_Coasi

. CoUege in the firsi rotirid of regional playoffs . .

·Toe. 'Gades fini°shed with a 11 :7 · ·

recofd~'..ei11 and !0'5 iriconfer<:11ce. .

- . WR~STLING,' ,;· . . :- The IlakersfielclC'o1leg~ \\res1i1ng ....

· 1eart,,¢oai:hed tiy Bill°~i,-as. took . - . sixth ?'ei-@I in the .5o~lh region JI,: --

- wresWngcharnpionshipmarchand scnr; - se,•en ·.;.,-dtiers 10 sta1e. • _. . - ,, .. \Vhile ew:--Vone else's rri.ind ~med to be. . throws to tie the gameagain and Chris Clayton -_

on JX>tatoJs 1~1- ,,eek~nd, uie: Bakersfield -.. addedatfuee;poiniernfhiso~oaridlh~;Gad~ _.. Col]ege men's baskeiballtearn was busy ho_st- _-_-_ ne~eriooked ],ai:~ ,;./:'; ~,;_. •. • · _ -.•. -.• -_• -

··--·- ..;:ingthe.ThirdAnnuiil,Lion:.S.Club_Renegade .•. _.The-'Gades"weie"i~y ioumament MVP:. . Shoot:ciuiTouinamenl,whichinc]ucledteains: .- Brad Anlonioni; who led all scorers 28 points, -

: froin . Pott~A-ille: College; Palomar Colle~e •. . : Th~-;Gades ~c -ftorti behind and fotight: .. and c.-ina<1a co11ege_. ~ .. :.:> j . 2 ··~ .- .:_·,_;_ ,.oiia ro";;"gh Dii~Jbrttj,i uiicbampionship ::.

.- : ..- ____:; ·Aftcrdrcippingthei.rseascinhonieopenert<i.' game).73-64, io win the "tciwnamen( . ,. .;.•

-·, x.;;o~-kiimai'i, -,i's'.ixionds'. ~,as . ranked third in the sLite and 100\.. se,;'-.. ond°in' tile sen)ifinal, _and 3nl i{thC

state coinpettllon, _ . . . . ._ _ __ · _ · ~1.ike \VilJla";i;i. 1 s·o• j:ioJi'.ds, inct -- · : Kevi~ Oshofoe,· 158 p<:iun<h, bo1h _

placed third in the semifinal,. Robeit--, - :~ ~nielo0' va1icy College 55-71 tiovt:ii.;;;d C · : The Colc.s;I~ by 7·\·:-200:po~nd siipho-~'."::

- freiti fr~ni ;_,inning itie ~1erced.Toumameni. -_· more cent~rS~lh Su~·dberg'..16<:ikan early lead -_ the. ·oaJ.:S eniered the ioum~erit with a34 -· -and Jedhy as iriuch~ lOpoint.s in"ihe fi~thalL . _ -- reco;{i : ; ,·. , . ,. S~ndtierg was'. niaiched against BC's

-~"v.·iii'ii';?i:itS;Opou itds::'a--oa' c fi~cl~; _­Gocid .. :i_11; i 67 pciuncjs. tioih plac~<l founh and J~ Merrill, 142 pounds:

. BC foced Palomar in the opening round of · : sophom~re Morris. Moigan·ai\c1 _heid him lo_:-· and BrentJpears-;"_!77 p<rullds: pla.:cd .•

the iouriiameri( ancl ry,k;aged tci hold off a'_ -ri,,.-o points i_n the fmt ~r_' But Sundberg goi -: fifth and sixth respec"th·elv. _: . . . ·. .. . -;_: _; . . ~........ . .

. _ second half surgeby'.the Co.mets io win84)3 _ into foui troubie and Morgan exploded for 20_ -. WOMEN'.S CROSS COUNTRY. -"arid ad, anceto Satuiday's fin.;).:-:--·· ·.-·-~-· • points in the second_ half,-~~:.. __ -- __; --· · - ---- . :c: ._. , __ .·- _ --· ,. --------·-- ••. ._ ___ : · _ •.:..-,,.This.years ieam endeo its. ,easori _ ·: .-. __

: . Aftei jump-ing to ari"earty lead in the first BC :was down. but refu~e,i"to give up." _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . __ _ _ Elraln_"Roc1<y7-Garza I The Rip on Nov: 19·ai the ,ia'ii,meei° in Fresno -- halfoflhcgamc;the'Gddesi·eniimohalftiine . : ;Anto~onihitathree-piiiniertostart up the -Tournament MVP Bra_d Anfonioni scores an easy layup: -·,> wliei'e it pJacect'izlh. ltias the first -

'::36-29 :,,mfmanaged io hold Palomar in check, ~ond half3.ll~ "set the lempo. After the - -- --- - - . - . . -. - . - . - -- . . - . - - timesince_lJ89 tha[the_full ie:unh~ . BuJth_c" _Comeis: wer~ not prepared 10 go -'Gades took the lead on a free:throw by Mor- · playi~g as a t~am.'' _ _ _ said. ,;We played intensive: def~~si,'ely:' -: . . . . competed m State. , .- , . _ · -:

down without a fight. -. - - - - _ '. : - - gan. ihey ~ver"tiai]ed again. - - - _· BC's ,vjn gav~ head coacli Mark Arce his The'Gades Morgan and ~1ehori "ere ri~. - :Th'e :Gades; cciacbed b,, Pam ·: \Vilhil:SJleftintheserondhalf,PalomM'S: . 'That·;;,as: the best second half ·..'e've. founhconse,;:utivewin. . ·:. ·10 the All-Tournamerit team, along with . ~iiey,o.·ere\VSj:~o--chainpi~n;wilh< . sophom~ie lssai: Hilker hit.a -3-po_inter \o tle_' - played/'. Anionio[li said. ,<We just got !ired of ''We sh<ii\:ed a lot ~f. poise c9mfng from ' Porien·ille'~ De~k W~kerand CanJ!h's Peller. _- :Moorpark College - - . -: .the score arid t~niale Ray_ Brooki_ris aaded , l~ing. w~ quit beinghidividuals_and started·.·. behind in bothgiunes, A tot of patience," Aice .· Sparks and Mik_e.Barton. . . : -\lanes.sa-All~n~ Beth Nakashima

. .• . . . - .. - -- . . . - -. - - ,_ - . . . . . . . -- . . . . ,- .- -. . . . . . . . . . . ,- were n~ed t~ the ri.J ream all-cori-

_._ :_. ference ~ ~y Welsh ~-is named c

10 the second team: - ' - --_ -·:e qui proent~-m~ri_age't: ~rjt~rtai nspl~ yers .. ~\1\/itt,--·mag ie····- ::recit~~l~~~J~~~i~T~l~_r_,

-·- ·- ' -- - · · - · --- - -- -- · · · - -· · ·· · · · · -. . : -- · -· :_ , _--- _ -_ _ _- · ;.; ·MEN:scio~douNT~~ -

· Monique ~osier. oroth~miseassisting with the upkeep _ Eddirigto-~ . is impressiv/ [ stilt h~,-en'i figured it - .,B~t Eddingto~ ta!(~ his i-ork "ith . · The men'~_1ea.111: cooched ti1· Bob Rip stai(wiiter __ - _ __ _ of the football team's cquipment,he's .. taught~ basic out." - . . -- - ; ·_ : the team seriousli In th<:13 yem that > Cov~f. firusheisecofl(l in thi,.WSC - Theycalthim"Ansire·~magician" -. eitki e'n!CI(aining 'or teaching sign -- signlangujge to . -_ - Eddington started waving a magic · tid·s peen ;;.;th the Renegades; he's standings and i 2th inihe Slate inee1 in-ancilie ~j?ysp~vin~ tliau}ie lia.rid is [arigiiage to the teain: - - . • - C _a r r .i e - wand when-Ile v.-:i_.s a little kid. - .- ... iiever done a dfsappe°.mng a<:L ; -· Fresno. / _ _ -_ . _ ; -

,:.quickec t,hm.the~ye. __ ;., ,~ · •-:~-·-·-.- ; _ J al~an~~~'.1-~~109 \IW:~~--- -Bu_~et"!-5:th-~ - . -. "Hesaldhej,ickcdiiuponTV one. : ··rreaily ~Ip the f001balt te.ain for _ -- F~hman -Eduardo Verdejo. w;,s . He's the assistant equipment man- : ballteam,"Eodington wrotconapiece learn tr;uner:-· . . , dararid 1t'sjust kind of" gone from - win.;. tie \>TOie. ''I don't want to lose named to the ·a11-Californb a111f all---.

ager for the Bakersfield CoitegeRenc'_ of paper>'beca.use the football team ·. '.'Basically _- ihere." said Buaur,ert.s: ·.- . . -. for football team. Bei;ause C~h conference fir.;1'1eam: egades, ~d a professional rnagiciari: •. loves to sic me do trickd really like -he reads my lips ... He's been a magician for ihe pa.st Bowser .wants io win this ;-ear. We Jaied Caldwell; Natlun Robins~n

Andre Eddi~gton also happens to - to help students.players. I taught them .. and body Jan: 21 years, haiingameinbersrupin bolh will. a championship 1994." - - . and Luis Gonzalez r=ived an hon-: bedeaf-mui/ _ . . ·oowtoleamsignlanguage. Theyhave guage," she. · - - - the 5-0ciet); ~fcAmerican Magicians - i-lec:m be reached at 871,)695 to "orable_mention

When he isn:r washing; repairing fun.:· · - · said. ''Hism.1gic Eddington ° and the Baker.;field Circle._- pesform for special occasions. -

-Fattler-and-sq_1,1- c9a_ching_-duo_-_shar~--IQVE!:·of, Ren_~gade football · Monique Koster - . . from s:ciitcr to.tigh; end while !w~ . Rip staff writer .- 'Tiie biggest thingTve learned is the idea of respect. As thelc. I got a Joi of good experience

___ . Mu~~~'-~"'-~ ~~---JOJJg_as J_am_~r~.-1 J,'ill be the student arid he will be the -aiid ii~ fun.",-_- _ - _ _ · Duane and Brent D:imron. f.ilhci- -· --- - -- ··· -- --- ---- --- -- --- -- ·--- -- . c ···He-S3.ld·ht: then came back 10-

~and son coaches. a good catCh for __ teacl!er.•_ · · - _ . --- -- : . · '- · Bakersfieldandgoimmied. He and the ~r.egade rootbal!team · - -- --- · · --- --- · -- -- - · -·-::.....Brent Damron · -hfs V:;ri,-ieuy;tii,'c itireecluldii::n: --

Accooling 10 Brent. he and his offensive backs coach ages s, 1; and 9. · · · _ f.uhcr. Duane, ha,-e a good rcta- '1wenuoCa!Sw.cfora-..fli!e,then tioruhipooandoffthef,cld _ "It'sbeenagrcaiexperie=.~said from him. football-wise.just in the FresnoSw.c formyteachingmden-

'1 haven't always agreed with his father. "He is a gooo coacli. and it year r,·e been bete. ~ • rial.". he said. · c,·erything he's evadone. and he gi,-esnssometimetobetoged:cr.This Brtnt Damron played football for - His father is still tnarribi to his· hasn't a.greed v.ith e,U}lhing r,·e _ is a particurly enjo)'11ble team to be his father for tio seasons v.-toen he wife, Francls. They have two Olher e,·u done, but we'.,·e alwa)-s lJccit .,,;th and we're working on the s.ame anendcd BC. sons. Paul and Lyle. · real close," said Brent, v.no just side of the J:,aIL I won primarily with - - '1wenttoArvin High Sdiool, that's Duane Damron has been cooclling

. startai coaching football .,.;th his the linemen, and he "'1lds with the wbere I v.-as raised. came to BC and for 27 yean and Lent for I 2. · _ · fathct- al Bakmfidd Collcge _this backs." played football up bere for woe se- 1'm · a ·M,Farland High School

summer. Their profes.sion.11 rclalioaship is . =, then I got a fooroall scholar· graduat.c. I Mtit to UC Da,is., began '.'Th: biggcsi thing r,deamed like that. of odlet coaches. they said. · ship to Colorado Swe.sol weiir away · coaching II Colusa High SdiooHor

is the idea ofrcspctt As long~ I "Whell he's coaching and I'm andfinishedthcfe,"hesaid. "IMtJtto sil:ycm.andfvebcencoachingbere

• .• · . .. ' ... .. -. _,.., --amhere,111<illbethesrudcntandhe roaclring. lhat's the way it is," said CclocadoSweasalighteoi.bulv.-as (al BC) for 29 y=." lie said.·'1t's _ will be the ttaeha- Growing up I Brent ~He do::sn't treal me nu.. sv.itclled and ended up playing all the _ been real 8(lOd. a ~ of fun. mi en- ~ ~ 1 n. Rip lcaroed from hint as a dad. so oow ·cane hm, soo . .' He still coaches the _ interior line p;isitioos from ~ on joyable here oo the un-eoo of my Father and son, _Duane and Brent Damron, combine their rm learning from him as a coach." way he always bas. rvc learned a lot out So I enrbl up pbying eVCl')'lhing c;:iact-.ing ltllure." - · '--_-..,. :..~ knowledge for the Raoegades.

O L • 0 ' •


Page 8: Golden handShake?' - Bakersfield College · 14, Naurcoe. Pfr,1ate interment at ~fficia.lly, the di.strict has to reply to counselof Dix Kelsey's advio:. a freshman and soa:aptayeut


! i·· , . '.

. Page 8

,' . -- ~. --.------- .. :· ------·-;·~------·--·. --·-·. . ·~----·----·-------~--- ---~~> ----

-NEWSLINE··· Youfrg:·c1J~Jine~· t~:me~t ~ith'ser,~te .- ·_ . ·• · - Dr.· Jim'Y~urig'."ctistrict~~"ancei1~i-.c1edded n~t-io ~it~~da.Bake~~

· ficictcO:tiegeAcad~micSenatemeelirig v,'ednesdaytodiscu~stlieH~y ·. Group ~epo~.-befa~se''.he\vas ~n,derlhe _impression.mat he would be_- -mt:etingwith thesenateonly,"_accordirig toDr.:Jack Hernandez, senate _ •

. pre~ident and philosophy departme.nt chair.i .. ·,, : . ··. . . . . . . B>·)a\\'; senate m~etings are open to !.he p~blic, said Hernandez:

_ The i-faYGroupReport proposed th~t administrators should receive . _ raises; bas~ on a merii system. : . . . ' . . . . . . . ·• You rig refused tocommentori his decision not to appear Wednesday -

"afternoo.n. . . . . .: .. ' .

::·~.CAMPUs:::c.AI.ENDAR . ::. . . -:: -:- ' . . . . ..

~$~\~·:,~-:~-~:/:-·;>~~/~ .,· . . :~. ~--~~------.- .. _ · -~ •13( ch_amlier orches~ gtris\m~ ~con.cert, 5 p,m.:a(St. John's . · ·. Lulherard::::hurch,=912 New Stine Road.: General admission is S5, .

scniorfo·r s·tud~nts S3 and children under s·are fre~:°.' . - -:. ::-

TutsnAY -._: :.: _C.:.-.

-. , ···ESL~s6smeniex~byappofn~cntonly.J:ormorei~rqmiati~n .. ·-· .. ~dt_i-395419i;,,....,_....-~-<--~..:.: ':'.";~·~/--~·:_, ... >. :,: .... :. :· ,,: _- ..

- ·- _- •Free S!iident Christmas party, 11 a.m. to I p.m.:in the cafeteria.. :_ S(l()l)Sort4 by_ BC FiooSer.ices. ·' · . . . . . .

-·· ..

. wmNESDAY •. ' - ·~~ident'~ _(hristmas r~e-ption: 9 to JI :30 a.m. in ~ Firesid/ . Room\··_. -_. . - - . . - - . -· . - - . -

· - '·~Assissm~nt_tes1;6'10 9 pJn .• ForurnEast._ -:. . _ -•ESLoncni.a1ion, 10 to noon,FACE7 15. For more informat1ori. call

395-4419.--..:.: .. _--;-:--~-· ~--·--·- -·-----~---.... - ---·- .. · ... :: ... :...:.::..:. -

FRmAY.::_ .. _ ... - .... ? . -_ -~---

. . . . ~

. . •Assessment IC.St, 10 a.rn. (O j j,.m. at ihe Weill lnstinite . . .. •Employees fourth annual holiday appreciation celebration;7 to 11


Family Mbtors ..

. SERGIO ARREDONDO . . . . - - . - .


• 5300_Wib!e Road : · '·_ Bakersfield, CA 93313

. ' . ·. _-. (805) 834·530Cl We Appreciate· Your Business

. . . . . . .,.,._---:-- .. .

-·-·p.m. altheCasi"Royal.· ... ·- . --- . .- - ~- --_ ··- -. - . ' - --. ----- _:.:_.j=estiyaJ of.Carols"_ perform~. ~y ~-8¢ c_l.or_aj~~-£~~.:. -. -singe~ at 7:30 p.m. it_ the Fust Cltristian Church at Tru:i.ton and S :

· streets. A donation is requested.

•Frid~y, Dec. 16 to Thursday1 Dec, 22: Final exams.

•Thursday, Dec. 22: End off all semester.

•Friday, Dec. 23 to Monday, Jan.16:' Winter recess.

•Monday, Dec. 26 to Friday, Dec. 30: Campus closed. -·-

:~ I

•subject to change dependent on snow Transportation and lunch.will be provided. For · more information rontact Keven Petty at 327~ ' 8446, or mail your ~e and phone number to:

· Keven Petty First Assembly of God _4901 _Califomia Ave.

Bakcrsfield,CA 93309


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