1 GOLDEN RING TOUR – PART 3 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Gate,_Vladimir Golden Gate, Vladimir The Golden Gate of Vladimir (Russian: Zolotye Vorota, Золотые ворота), constructed between 1158 and 1164, is the only (albeit partially) preserved ancient Russian city gate. A museum inside focuses on the history of the Mongol invasion of Russia in the 13th century.

Golden Gate, Vladimir Golden Gate, Vladimir The Golden ...wigowsky.com/travels/Russia/GoldenRing3.pdf · 28 . The . Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos. in Suzdal, Russia,

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Page 1: Golden Gate, Vladimir Golden Gate, Vladimir The Golden ...wigowsky.com/travels/Russia/GoldenRing3.pdf · 28 . The . Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos. in Suzdal, Russia,



https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Gate,_Vladimir Golden Gate, Vladimir The Golden Gate of Vladimir (Russian: Zolotye Vorota, Золотые ворота), constructed between

1158 and 1164, is the only (albeit partially) preserved ancient Russian city gate. A museum inside

focuses on the history of the Mongol invasion of Russia in the 13th century.

Page 2: Golden Gate, Vladimir Golden Gate, Vladimir The Golden ...wigowsky.com/travels/Russia/GoldenRing3.pdf · 28 . The . Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos. in Suzdal, Russia,


Inside the museum.

Page 3: Golden Gate, Vladimir Golden Gate, Vladimir The Golden ...wigowsky.com/travels/Russia/GoldenRing3.pdf · 28 . The . Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos. in Suzdal, Russia,


Side view of the Golden Gate of Vladimir.

The Trinity Church Vladimir II Monomakh Monument, founder



Page 4: Golden Gate, Vladimir Golden Gate, Vladimir The Golden ...wigowsky.com/travels/Russia/GoldenRing3.pdf · 28 . The . Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos. in Suzdal, Russia,


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dormition_Cathedral,_Vladimir The Dormition Cathedral in Vladimir (sometimes translated Assumption Cathedral) (Russian: Собор Успения Пресвятой Богородицы, Sobor Uspeniya Presvyatoy Bogoroditsy) was a mother church of Medieval Russia in the 13th and 14th centuries. It is part of a World Heritage Site, the White Monuments of Vladimir and Suzdal.


ploschad/andrey-rublev-monument Andrey Rublev monument

Page 5: Golden Gate, Vladimir Golden Gate, Vladimir The Golden ...wigowsky.com/travels/Russia/GoldenRing3.pdf · 28 . The . Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos. in Suzdal, Russia,


Page 6: Golden Gate, Vladimir Golden Gate, Vladimir The Golden ...wigowsky.com/travels/Russia/GoldenRing3.pdf · 28 . The . Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos. in Suzdal, Russia,


Cathedral of Saint Demetrius in Vladimir


Page 7: Golden Gate, Vladimir Golden Gate, Vladimir The Golden ...wigowsky.com/travels/Russia/GoldenRing3.pdf · 28 . The . Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos. in Suzdal, Russia,


Page 8: Golden Gate, Vladimir Golden Gate, Vladimir The Golden ...wigowsky.com/travels/Russia/GoldenRing3.pdf · 28 . The . Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos. in Suzdal, Russia,


Building of the Gubernia’s

Administration museum

(constructed in 1785-1790).

Since 1990s it is museum.

January 28, 2010 in Vladimir, Russia.

Interior of old nobility Palace (XIX


Page 9: Golden Gate, Vladimir Golden Gate, Vladimir The Golden ...wigowsky.com/travels/Russia/GoldenRing3.pdf · 28 . The . Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos. in Suzdal, Russia,


Private street vendors

Page 10: Golden Gate, Vladimir Golden Gate, Vladimir The Golden ...wigowsky.com/travels/Russia/GoldenRing3.pdf · 28 . The . Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos. in Suzdal, Russia,


Water tower


Page 11: Golden Gate, Vladimir Golden Gate, Vladimir The Golden ...wigowsky.com/travels/Russia/GoldenRing3.pdf · 28 . The . Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos. in Suzdal, Russia,


Savior Transfiguration church


Cities of the Golden Ring

Page 12: Golden Gate, Vladimir Golden Gate, Vladimir The Golden ...wigowsky.com/travels/Russia/GoldenRing3.pdf · 28 . The . Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos. in Suzdal, Russia,


Nikolo-Kremlevskaya (St. Nicholas the Kremlin) Church, 18th century.


Prince Alexander Nevsky (Невский)


Page 13: Golden Gate, Vladimir Golden Gate, Vladimir The Golden ...wigowsky.com/travels/Russia/GoldenRing3.pdf · 28 . The . Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos. in Suzdal, Russia,


Just outside of Suzdal is the village of Kideksha which is famous for its Ss Boris and

Gleb Church which is one of the oldest white stone churches in Russia, dating from

1152. To get to Kideksha you need to walk 3km from the bus station along the road with

is the continuation of Ulitsa Vasilievskaya after the crossroads outside the bus station.

Keep on walking straight ahead until you get to the church.


round tower of the kremlin in Suzdal


Page 14: Golden Gate, Vladimir Golden Gate, Vladimir The Golden ...wigowsky.com/travels/Russia/GoldenRing3.pdf · 28 . The . Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos. in Suzdal, Russia,



Проездная башня монастыря (tower)

Page 15: Golden Gate, Vladimir Golden Gate, Vladimir The Golden ...wigowsky.com/travels/Russia/GoldenRing3.pdf · 28 . The . Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos. in Suzdal, Russia,


Благовещенская надвратная церковь, (The Annunciation Church ) построенная

в качестве святых ворот на рубеже XVI—XVII веков, после возведения каменной

ограды оказалась внутри монастырских стен.



Page 16: Golden Gate, Vladimir Golden Gate, Vladimir The Golden ...wigowsky.com/travels/Russia/GoldenRing3.pdf · 28 . The . Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos. in Suzdal, Russia,



Page 17: Golden Gate, Vladimir Golden Gate, Vladimir The Golden ...wigowsky.com/travels/Russia/GoldenRing3.pdf · 28 . The . Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos. in Suzdal, Russia,


Успенская трапезная церковь, (The Uspensky Refectory Church) сооружённая в последней

четверти XVI века, расположена перед Спасо-Преображенским собором напротив звонницы.

Это столпообразный храм типа «восьмерик на четверике», увенчанный шатром с двумя

ярусами кокошников. http://www.architekture.ru/suzdal-spefimov/07/

Page 18: Golden Gate, Vladimir Golden Gate, Vladimir The Golden ...wigowsky.com/travels/Russia/GoldenRing3.pdf · 28 . The . Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos. in Suzdal, Russia,


Bell Tower – Performance of the bells

Page 19: Golden Gate, Vladimir Golden Gate, Vladimir The Golden ...wigowsky.com/travels/Russia/GoldenRing3.pdf · 28 . The . Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos. in Suzdal, Russia,


Спа́со-Преображе́нский собо́р (The Transfiguration Cathedral )— кафоликон Спасо-

Евфимиева монастыря в Суздале, памятник русского зодчества конца XVI века. В настоящее

время входит в состав Владимиро-Суздальского музея-заповедника.


Central dome

Page 20: Golden Gate, Vladimir Golden Gate, Vladimir The Golden ...wigowsky.com/travels/Russia/GoldenRing3.pdf · 28 . The . Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos. in Suzdal, Russia,


The painting of walls and pillars encircles the entire temple in four strips. In the lower tier are images

of the deeds of the apostles , and the remaining three are devoted to the evangelical biography

of Christ .

Page 21: Golden Gate, Vladimir Golden Gate, Vladimir The Golden ...wigowsky.com/travels/Russia/GoldenRing3.pdf · 28 . The . Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos. in Suzdal, Russia,


Page 22: Golden Gate, Vladimir Golden Gate, Vladimir The Golden ...wigowsky.com/travels/Russia/GoldenRing3.pdf · 28 . The . Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos. in Suzdal, Russia,


Page 23: Golden Gate, Vladimir Golden Gate, Vladimir The Golden ...wigowsky.com/travels/Russia/GoldenRing3.pdf · 28 . The . Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos. in Suzdal, Russia,


Butterflies of Russia (Бабочки)

Page 24: Golden Gate, Vladimir Golden Gate, Vladimir The Golden ...wigowsky.com/travels/Russia/GoldenRing3.pdf · 28 . The . Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos. in Suzdal, Russia,


ancient rock, Suzdal, Russia

Panoramic view of monastery/kremlin, Suzdal

Page 25: Golden Gate, Vladimir Golden Gate, Vladimir The Golden ...wigowsky.com/travels/Russia/GoldenRing3.pdf · 28 . The . Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos. in Suzdal, Russia,


Суздальская Медовуха - tasting of samples of mead - the local honey wine of Suzdal.

Page 26: Golden Gate, Vladimir Golden Gate, Vladimir The Golden ...wigowsky.com/travels/Russia/GoldenRing3.pdf · 28 . The . Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos. in Suzdal, Russia,


Сheers to Suzdal honey wine (mead) http://suzdalinn.ru/content/suzdalskaya-


Decorative cottage.

Page 27: Golden Gate, Vladimir Golden Gate, Vladimir The Golden ...wigowsky.com/travels/Russia/GoldenRing3.pdf · 28 . The . Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos. in Suzdal, Russia,


Page 28: Golden Gate, Vladimir Golden Gate, Vladimir The Golden ...wigowsky.com/travels/Russia/GoldenRing3.pdf · 28 . The . Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos. in Suzdal, Russia,


The Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos in Suzdal, Russia, is a World Heritage Site. It is one of the eight White Monuments of Vladimir and Suzdal., and one of the most complex monuments of Russian medieval architecture. It was originally constructed during the reign of Vladimir II Monomakh during the late 11th century.The Cathedral of the Nativity is surrounded by a ring of earthen walls in an oxbow of Kamenka River.


Page 29: Golden Gate, Vladimir Golden Gate, Vladimir The Golden ...wigowsky.com/travels/Russia/GoldenRing3.pdf · 28 . The . Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos. in Suzdal, Russia,


Page 30: Golden Gate, Vladimir Golden Gate, Vladimir The Golden ...wigowsky.com/travels/Russia/GoldenRing3.pdf · 28 . The . Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos. in Suzdal, Russia,


Page 31: Golden Gate, Vladimir Golden Gate, Vladimir The Golden ...wigowsky.com/travels/Russia/GoldenRing3.pdf · 28 . The . Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos. in Suzdal, Russia,


Wooden Church of St Nicolas, Suzdal / Museum of Wooden Architecture

Page 32: Golden Gate, Vladimir Golden Gate, Vladimir The Golden ...wigowsky.com/travels/Russia/GoldenRing3.pdf · 28 . The . Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos. in Suzdal, Russia,


Page 33: Golden Gate, Vladimir Golden Gate, Vladimir The Golden ...wigowsky.com/travels/Russia/GoldenRing3.pdf · 28 . The . Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos. in Suzdal, Russia,


Page 34: Golden Gate, Vladimir Golden Gate, Vladimir The Golden ...wigowsky.com/travels/Russia/GoldenRing3.pdf · 28 . The . Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos. in Suzdal, Russia,


Page 35: Golden Gate, Vladimir Golden Gate, Vladimir The Golden ...wigowsky.com/travels/Russia/GoldenRing3.pdf · 28 . The . Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos. in Suzdal, Russia,


Page 36: Golden Gate, Vladimir Golden Gate, Vladimir The Golden ...wigowsky.com/travels/Russia/GoldenRing3.pdf · 28 . The . Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos. in Suzdal, Russia,


Page 37: Golden Gate, Vladimir Golden Gate, Vladimir The Golden ...wigowsky.com/travels/Russia/GoldenRing3.pdf · 28 . The . Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos. in Suzdal, Russia,


Page 38: Golden Gate, Vladimir Golden Gate, Vladimir The Golden ...wigowsky.com/travels/Russia/GoldenRing3.pdf · 28 . The . Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos. in Suzdal, Russia,


Памятник Великому Князю Василию Дмитриевичу

Page 39: Golden Gate, Vladimir Golden Gate, Vladimir The Golden ...wigowsky.com/travels/Russia/GoldenRing3.pdf · 28 . The . Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos. in Suzdal, Russia,


Плесский музей-заповедник Соборная гора (г. Свободы)

https://ples-museum.ru/ https://ples-museum.ru/muzey-zapovednik/


Page 41: Golden Gate, Vladimir Golden Gate, Vladimir The Golden ...wigowsky.com/travels/Russia/GoldenRing3.pdf · 28 . The . Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos. in Suzdal, Russia,


Page 42: Golden Gate, Vladimir Golden Gate, Vladimir The Golden ...wigowsky.com/travels/Russia/GoldenRing3.pdf · 28 . The . Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos. in Suzdal, Russia,


Isaac Levitan House Museum, Plyos



Page 43: Golden Gate, Vladimir Golden Gate, Vladimir The Golden ...wigowsky.com/travels/Russia/GoldenRing3.pdf · 28 . The . Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos. in Suzdal, Russia,


Page 44: Golden Gate, Vladimir Golden Gate, Vladimir The Golden ...wigowsky.com/travels/Russia/GoldenRing3.pdf · 28 . The . Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos. in Suzdal, Russia,


Page 45: Golden Gate, Vladimir Golden Gate, Vladimir The Golden ...wigowsky.com/travels/Russia/GoldenRing3.pdf · 28 . The . Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos. in Suzdal, Russia,


Alexander and his sister

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Miracle Image of the Savior Church in the Rows, Kostroma



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Ipatiev Monastery, Kostroma


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Page 51: Golden Gate, Vladimir Golden Gate, Vladimir The Golden ...wigowsky.com/travels/Russia/GoldenRing3.pdf · 28 . The . Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos. in Suzdal, Russia,


Page 52: Golden Gate, Vladimir Golden Gate, Vladimir The Golden ...wigowsky.com/travels/Russia/GoldenRing3.pdf · 28 . The . Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos. in Suzdal, Russia,


Page 53: Golden Gate, Vladimir Golden Gate, Vladimir The Golden ...wigowsky.com/travels/Russia/GoldenRing3.pdf · 28 . The . Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos. in Suzdal, Russia,


Page 54: Golden Gate, Vladimir Golden Gate, Vladimir The Golden ...wigowsky.com/travels/Russia/GoldenRing3.pdf · 28 . The . Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos. in Suzdal, Russia,


Church museum of history and architecture of Kostroma



Page 55: Golden Gate, Vladimir Golden Gate, Vladimir The Golden ...wigowsky.com/travels/Russia/GoldenRing3.pdf · 28 . The . Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos. in Suzdal, Russia,


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yuri_Dolgorukiy Yuri I Vladimirovich (Russian: Юрий Владимирович), known under his soubriquet Yuri

Dolgorukiy(Russian: Юрий Долгорукий, literally "Yuri the Long-Armed"; also known in various

accounts as Gyurgi, Dyurgi, or George I of Rus), (c. 1099 – 15 May 1157) was a Rurikid prince and

founder of the city of Moscow. He reigned as Velikiy Kniaz (Grand Prince) of Kiev from September

1149 to April 1151 and then again from March 1155 to May 1157. Yuri played a key role in the

transition of political power from Kiev to Suzdal following the death of his elder brother Mstislav the

Great in 1132.

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The Gostiny Dvor in Kostroma is the best preserved complex of provincial Neoclassical trading

arcades in Russia. It was built on the site of the ancient Kostroma kremlin after the great fire of

1773.[1] The complex comprises more than ten buildings constructed over a period of almost five


Ивану Сусанину, патриот земли Русской

Page 57: Golden Gate, Vladimir Golden Gate, Vladimir The Golden ...wigowsky.com/travels/Russia/GoldenRing3.pdf · 28 . The . Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos. in Suzdal, Russia,


Downtown Kostroma, fire station

Page 58: Golden Gate, Vladimir Golden Gate, Vladimir The Golden ...wigowsky.com/travels/Russia/GoldenRing3.pdf · 28 . The . Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos. in Suzdal, Russia,


Rainy day

Page 59: Golden Gate, Vladimir Golden Gate, Vladimir The Golden ...wigowsky.com/travels/Russia/GoldenRing3.pdf · 28 . The . Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos. in Suzdal, Russia,


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yaroslavl City of Yaroslavl Yaroslavl (Russian: Ярослáвль, IPA: [jɪrɐˈsɫavlʲ]) is a city and the administrative center of Yaroslavl

Oblast, Russia, located 250 kilometers (160 mi) northeast of Moscow. The historic part of the city,

a World Heritage Site, is located at the confluence of the Volga and the Kotorosl Rivers. It is one of

the Golden Ring cities, a group of historic cities northeast of Moscow that have played an important

role in Russian history.

Page 60: Golden Gate, Vladimir Golden Gate, Vladimir The Golden ...wigowsky.com/travels/Russia/GoldenRing3.pdf · 28 . The . Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos. in Suzdal, Russia,


Boats on the Volga River

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Bridge over the Volga River in Yaroslavl

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Кострома, основана в 1152 году

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Monument of Yarslav the Wise in Yaroslavl, Russia

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Epiphany Church (Tserkov Bogoyavleniya) https://rusmania.com/central/yaroslavl-


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building of the government in Yaroslavl, soviet square


Page 67: Golden Gate, Vladimir Golden Gate, Vladimir The Golden ...wigowsky.com/travels/Russia/GoldenRing3.pdf · 28 . The . Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos. in Suzdal, Russia,


Church of Elijah the Prophet – Yaroslavl According to legend the first church in Yaroslavl was

dedicated to St Elijah as it was on this saint's feast day that Yaroslav the Wise killed the bear

and conquered the area.


Page 69: Golden Gate, Vladimir Golden Gate, Vladimir The Golden ...wigowsky.com/travels/Russia/GoldenRing3.pdf · 28 . The . Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos. in Suzdal, Russia,


Yaroslav Foundation Rock – 1010 AD

Foundation Stone https://waytorussia.net/GoldenRing/Yaroslavl/GoingOut/Magic-Stone.html


oslavl/ A memorial stone in honor of the foundation of Yaroslavl it is a big formless brown stone

with the memorial inscription: “In 1010 on this place Yaroslav the Wise founded new city

Yaroslavl”. On the back side of the stone there is another memorial inscription: “The stone was

established in year of 975th anniversary of Yaroslavl”.

Creation history

The memorial stone was established in 1985 year, in year of 975th anniversary of Yaroslavl on

the Cathedral mountain near the embankment of Volga River where Kotorsl River flows to Volga

River. According to the legend in 1010 Yaroslav the Wise founded here new city which was named

in his honor. Here in front of the Cathedral of the Dormition you will find this memorial stone in

honor of the foundation of Yaroslavl.