GWRRA Pennsylvania Chapter I 1 Pennsylvania District Chapter PA - I July, 2020 On The Web: www.pachapteri.com Chapter Directors: Dana & Danise Hartle 814-938-7136 [email protected] [email protected] (Connued on page 2 ) July 2 nd Country Cone! 503 DuBois Street DuBois Inside this issue July Event Highlights! .........................1 Dana & Danise Hartle, Chapter Directors ...............................2 Levels Program ...................................3 Harold & Diane Jackson, Pennsylvania District Directors...........3 Release your Inner Author!.................4 Support Our Adversers .....................4 Terry & Mary Mauk, Assistant Chapter Directors ................4 Lets Celebrate! ...................................5 Chapter Calendar of Events ................5 Adversement: The Dog House ..........6 Ray & Doreen Snyder, 2020 PA-I COY & 2020/2021 Pennsylvania District COY 6 Adversement: World of Wheels .......7 Pat Delo, Membership Enhancement Coordinator ........................................7 Chuck & Evelyn Stone: Pennsylvania District Educators .........7 Chapter Pride (Chapter Goods) ..........8 Gary Schill, Chapter Webmaster/ Adversing Coordinator .....................8 GWRRA Naonal Team ......................8 Paul & Linda Stahlman, Chapter Members ...............................9 Pictures From ModifiedChapter Campout ...........................................10 2020 Ride & Event Schedule .............11 July 30 th Buff s Ice Cream 1 Mabon Street Brookville GOLD WING ROAD RIDERS ASSOCIATION July Gathering 2020 Ride/Event Schedule Page 11 BUT… Check GroupWorks for Event Details and updates! Lee Miller Memorial Ride! Back Roads of Clearfield Ride & Picnic! July 16 th Sweet Delight! 3210 PA-28 New Bethlehem Cancelled!

GOLD WING ROAD RIDERS ASSOCIATION July, 2020 Pennsylvania ... July PA-I NL.pdf · Sweet Delight! 3210 PA-28 New Bethlehem Cancelled! GWRRA Pennsylvania Chapter I 2 Happy July! Our

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Page 1: GOLD WING ROAD RIDERS ASSOCIATION July, 2020 Pennsylvania ... July PA-I NL.pdf · Sweet Delight! 3210 PA-28 New Bethlehem Cancelled! GWRRA Pennsylvania Chapter I 2 Happy July! Our

GWRRA Pennsylvania Chapter I 1

Pennsylvania District

Chapter PA-I

July, 2020

On The Web: www.pachapteri.com

Chapter Directors: Dana & Danise Hartle

814-938-7136 [email protected] [email protected]

(Continued on page 2 )

July 2nd Country Cone! 503 DuBois Street

DuBois Inside this issue

July Event Highlights! .........................1

Dana & Danise Hartle, Chapter Directors ...............................2

Levels Program ...................................3

Harold & Diane Jackson, Pennsylvania District Directors ...........3

Release your Inner Author! .................4

Support Our Advertisers .....................4

Terry & Mary Mauk, Assistant Chapter Directors ................4

Let’s Celebrate! ...................................5

Chapter Calendar of Events ................5

Advertisement: The Dog House ..........6

Ray & Doreen Snyder, 2020 PA-I COY & 2020/2021 Pennsylvania District COY 6

Advertisement: World of Wheels .......7

Pat Delo, Membership Enhancement Coordinator ........................................7

Chuck & Evelyn Stone: Pennsylvania District Educators .........7

Chapter Pride (Chapter Goods) ..........8

Gary Schill, Chapter Webmaster/Advertising Coordinator .....................8

GWRRA National Team ......................8

Paul & Linda Stahlman, Chapter Members ...............................9

Pictures From “Modified” Chapter Campout ...........................................10

2020 Ride & Event Schedule .............11

July 30th Buff’s Ice Cream

1 Mabon Street Brookville


July Gathering

2020 Ride/Event Schedule

Page 11

BUT… Check GroupWorks for

Event Details and updates!

Lee Miller Memorial Ride!

Back Roads of Clearfield Ride

& Picnic!

July 16th Sweet Delight!

3210 PA-28 New Bethlehem


Page 2: GOLD WING ROAD RIDERS ASSOCIATION July, 2020 Pennsylvania ... July PA-I NL.pdf · Sweet Delight! 3210 PA-28 New Bethlehem Cancelled! GWRRA Pennsylvania Chapter I 2 Happy July! Our

GWRRA Pennsylvania Chapter I 2

Happy July! Our trip out of COVID-19 exile has begun and things are picking up. We had a great modified chapter campout including a presentation of pins and patches to Ray and Doreen Snyder as District Couple.

A couple of fun rides on the bikes, some ice cream ride-ins, and a chapter gathering this month - so more is happening. Things are not back to where we once were, but we are trying to find fun in the new world of social distancing.

July has more of the same. We will be trying to get back to Buck's for our gathering. I have a high degree of confidence that it will work as long as things don't get worse with the pandemic. Some states are struggling with their reopening plan, but as I write this, Pennsylvania appears to be doing okay. Let's hope for continued success.

Our motto of Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge is a great saying to live by for our group. We enjoy the company of our motorcycle friends. We talk and practice safe riding skills and we endeavor to learn new things. Experiencing educational topics and real life situations makes us learn.

I had a learning experience from the last ride I led that I want to share. GWRRA has an educational program called the Levels Program. Level One is a commitment to safety. All you do is have to commit to learning more and being safe. Level Two is taking a riding course for the driver or a co-rider course for the co-rider. Level Three is a combination of the first two levels plus adding either a First Aid course or CPR. Level Four is a combo of all three plus wearing All The Gear, All The Time (ATGATT) and carrying a fire extinguisher on the bike. Lot of background here...but needed to make my point.

With all the things we pack into the bike, how do you find room for fire extinguisher and when would you need it? I learned about both on our ride.

We had finished dinner at the Pizza Pub in Clarion and the group went their own ways to get home. Four bikes headed towards Brookville to go home. Two bikes headed to Punxsy, one to Reynoldsville, and one to Munderf. About two miles from the Brookville exit, George Simcox says he thinks he smells the odor of burning brakes. Pat Delo says an "S" light came on her dash. The two Punxsy bikes take exit 78 as does Pat. When we get on the Boulevard at Brookville, Pat says there is smoke coming from her bike. We pull over at Dollar General and Pat follows us in. There is smoke coming from the engine compartment and fire is now visible at the side covers. I run into Dollar General to get a fire extinguisher, but they don't sell them. We use water bottles we had to attempt to get the fire out. It isn't working. Pat gets her purse out of the bike as I tell her I don't know if we can save it. Suddenly the radiator water reservoir bursts and the antifreeze gushes out and the fire is extinguished. George and Kathie had

Chapter I Team ................................ 12

Pennsylvania District Team ............. 12

Web Links ......................................... 12

Pennsylvania District Rally 2021 Flyer ........................................ 13

Pennsylvania District Rally 2021 Registration Form ................... 14

(More about what’s inside)

GWRRA Chapters of the Pennsylvania District

Dana & Danise Hartle .................................... Chapter Directors

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GWRRA Pennsylvania Chapter I 3

turned around and came back. George disconnects the battery terminals as the shorted wires are trying to reignite the fire. With the battery disconnected - and some additional water - the fire is out.

What did I learn? With as much training and experience riding a motorcycle that I have, I was totally unprepared for a motorcycle fire. I was scrambling for a solution as the fire continued to grow and nearly consumed the gas tank. What after-action did I take from this experience? I went to my computer. I researched Fire Extinguishers. I found one that is good for all types of fires and is half the size of a bottle of water. I bought two. I have them in my bike. I will always know where they are. I will always remember the panic of trying to do a job without the proper tools or equipment. I will tell as many of my GWRRA friends as possible about this because again our motto is Friends for Fun Safety and Knowledge. Learn from my experience friends. Be safer. Have fun on the rides.

Dana & Danise Hartle Chapter Directors

It’s July and it is time to celebrate; all but one county in Pennsylvania is GREEN! What does this mean? Well there seem to be many opinions and differing ideas as to what this means. Even in our small community, like establishments are not doing the same thing. Oh well, I guess

many of the guidelines are open for interpretation. I do know one thing...it was fantastic to get a haircut. Hopefully, we can look on the bright side. Our lives have slowed down and we are enjoying time with family and friends.

Pennsylvania chapters have been doing a fantastic job with outreach programs to keep in contact with their participants. Since the state is basically green, I hope you are riding and having other FUN events with the chapter.

Many chapters may be unable to have their gathering in their traditional location, but I hope you have come up with an alternative plan to hold a gathering. I also, encourage chapters to continue with their outreach programs to reach those individuals who are unable to join in the FUN at this time.

We are working on an alternative location for the Pennsylvania District Ride-In on Sunday, August 16th. Like most of you, we cannot meet at our original site due to social distancing guidelines. We hope to secure a location soon and once we do; we will put a flyer out on GroupWorks and the PA District website.

Good news! There are a couple of chapters holding events that

Levels Program

Have you enrolled in the GWRRA

“Levels Program?”

Are you “current”

in the Levels


Check your status at: www.gwrra.org.

On the Rider Education page, click on “My R.E. Information”

and log in to see where you stand.

We encourage you to accept the challenge to make the commitment,

learn the skills, and apply what you learn so that you can make motorcycling safer,

increase your riding skills, and make other drivers

more aware of motorcycles.

Safety doesn’t happen by accident!

Harold & Diane Jackson ........................... PA District Directors

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GWRRA Pennsylvania Chapter I 4

everyone is invited to attend.

Saturday, July 18, 2020 PA-R is holding their Gumball Ride Registration is from 9-11 am

Saturday, August 1, 2020 PA-W is holding their Bug Run Ride begins at 1:00 pm

The 2021 PA District Rally will be held May 20 – 22 in Cranberry Township, PA, located 25 north of Pittsburgh at the Pittsburgh Marriot North. It is a beautiful hotel and location.

The theme for the rally is “Ride Back in Time; just for FUN!” The District Team is already working on events to be held during the rally. The rally flyer is posted on the PA District website and listed under events on the GWRRA PA District page on GroupWorks.

Get your room reservations by calling the hotel at 800-853-5574 and use code GWRRA to get our discounted room rate and breakfast, or make your online reservation by using the link on the flyer, PA District website, or GroupWorks.

Keep safe, be well and we hope to see all of you soon! And remember to always ride safe!

Harold & Diane Jackson Pennsylvania District Directors

Honoring Leland Miller

One of the things Terry and I enjoy most about being a part of Chapter I is the opportunity to make new friends. One we'll never forget was Leland Miller. We got to know Lee and Donna well over the months

he bravely fought cancer. There were difficult times, but beautiful ones too. Lee came to faith in God during that time. His smile would light up the room when we came to visit.

On one occasion, he told us that he would like to visit his "grandfather's" grave. To the best of our recollection, he stated that his "grandfather" was the chief of the Cornplanter Indians and that he was buried somewhere up near Bradford, Pennsylvania. Unfortunately, Leland passed away before we could make the trip.

On Saturday, July 18th, we are hosting a memorial ride to honor Lee. We've done some digging and conferred with Donna to uncover more details about Lee's family genealogy. What we're discovering is fascinating. Here's a little something to pique your curiosity.

Chief Cornplanter was buried in one location but he and many others were moved to their

Release Your Inner Author!

Not everyone has a novel inside them,

but we all have a story to share.

Release your “inner author” … Share your stories here

in the Chapter I newsletter.

Submissions received before the 27

th of the month

appear in the next month’s publication (space permitting).

Email your story, recipe, whatever to

Lori Norris at: [email protected].



The advertisements in this newsletter have been purchased by businesses that support our chapter.

We encourage you to thank them by giving them your business, whenever possible.

Be sure to tell them that you saw their ads in the PA Chapter I newsletter!

Terry & Mary Mauk .................... Assistant Chapter Directors

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GWRRA Pennsylvania Chapter I 5

Let’s Celebrate!

Happy Birthday

Patty Croft ................................ June 28

Paul Long .................................. June 28

Clyde Burkley .............................. July 7

Pam Crissman ........................... July 12

Pat Delo ..................................... July 13

Kevin Smith ............................... July 18

Doreen Snyder .......................... July 20

Mary Lou Hetrick ........................ July 24

Happy Anniversary Scott & Lisa Hepler ..................... July 11

Paul & Linda Stahlman ............... July 14

Dennis & Helen Snyder .............. July 15

Get on to GroupWorks now to get ride and event details and

updates as they become available!

Don’t forget the

Chapter I website: www.pachapteri.com


Thursday, July 2

6:00 pm

Ice Cream Ride In

Country Cone 1404 North Main Street,


July 4 Independence Day “Observed” on Friday, July 3

July 11 - July 12 Overnight Ride! Daniel Boone Birthplace,

Reading, PA Cancelled

Saturday, July 11

Back Roads of Clearfield County


Meet at Sheetz 2120 Blinker Parkway


Picnic following ride Watch GroupWorks

for more details

Thursday, July 16

6:00 pm

Ice Cream Ride In

Sweet Delights 3210 PA-28,

New Bethlehem

Saturday, July 18 900 am

Lee Miller Memorial Ride

Leave Brookville Sheetz at 9 am sharp!

Planning Dinner Stop at Sprague’s

Maple Farm, Portville, New York

Saturday, July 25 Pre-Gathering Ride Details To Be


Saturday July 25 Chapter I Gathering

Back to Buck’s Pizza 53 Industrial Drive, DuBois

(Behind Wal-Mart)

Watch GroupWorks for updates!

Thursday, July 25

Newsletter Articles Due

Email your story, recipe, whatever to Lori Norris at: [email protected]

Thursday, July 30

6:00 pm

Ice Cream Ride In

Buff’s Ice Cream 1 Mabon Street,



Patty Croft Birthday Paul Long Birthday

Ice Cream Ride In

Indepen-dence Day (Observed)

Indepen-dence Day

5 6 7 8 9 10 11


Burkley Birthday

Back Roads Ride

Scott & Lisa Hepler

Anniversary 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Pam Crissman Birthday

Pat Delo Birthday

Paul & Linda Stahlman


Dennis & Helen Snyder


Ice Cream Ride In

Lee Miller Memorial

Ride Kevin Smith

Birthday 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Doreen Snyder


Mary Lou Hetrick



Ride Chapter I Gathering Newsletter Deadline

26 27 28 29 31 31 Aug 1

Ice Cream Ride In

Everything is subject to change! Please watch GroupWorks

for the latest on Chapter I events.

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GWRRA Pennsylvania Chapter I 6

current resting place in 1964 before the area was flooded by the Allegheny Reservoir, which was created when Kinzua Dam was completed in 1965. The Riverview-Corydon-Cornplanter Cemetery, located on a bluff overlooking Allegheny Reservoir, contains the remains of relatives and descendants of Seneca Chief Cornplanter, along with residents of Corydon and the surrounding area.

Look for the ride details that are being determined as the newsletter goes to press. They'll also be posted on GroupWorks. And we'll share more of the history of Lee's family and the Seneca Indians during the ride.

Terry & Mary Mauk Assistant Chapter Directors


Our area is now green. There are still some restrictions, but our chapter has been able to do some riding. It is so nice to be back on the bike with the chapter members. Ice cream shops are opening up also so we’ve

been able to do one of our favorite things, and our chapter is planning a gathering for June. We are looking forward to having more freedom in July!

We have been able to participate in some Pennsylvania District Zoom meetings. Our Chapter had a small campout, John and Glenda Leib were there, as were Harold and Diane Jackson. John and Glenda presented us with District Couple of the Year medallions, name badges, hangers, and belt buckles in boxes. (Thank you, John, for the extra embellishment that did on the boxes.) Thank you, Glenda and John! Chapter I surprised us with a cake, a giant card with signatures from everyone there, and we were presented with (Burger King) crowns! Chapter I kept the chapter tradition of wrapping up the Chapter Couple’s bike ! Thank you, Chapter I! Happy 4th of July everyone!

Ray & Doreen Snyder PA-I Couple of the Year

PA District Couple of the Year

Ray & Doreen Snyder ................. Chapter I Couple of the Year

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GWRRA Pennsylvania Chapter I 7


As we start to move around, just remember to still take precautions. We want to stay safe and still be able to gather. We will have had a gathering when you read this. The Simcox’s were gracious and let us come together at the Party Barn. The

chapter provided the food. Just being with friends helps us all. Just be smart, and we will get through these trying times.

We have had some rides. The last ride I went on was for the worst apple pie. The weather was great. The forecast called for showers but we didn’t run into any of them. It was a great day and we saw some beautiful sites.

I have noticed there are a lot of bikes on the roads. As we ride, remember to keep alert to cars that don’t seem to be able to see us and when you are in your car, watch for that motorcycle.

Finally, be on the look out for new members. I speak from experience, you cannot be associated with a finer group of people than our GW family.

“Til next month…

Pat Delo Membership Enhancement Coordinator

Where is, the summer going?

The Coronavirus Pandemic - COVID-19 - which has turned our way of life upside down continues with counties starting to enter the green phase of the recovery process.

We still have several months of good riding yet before we will start thinking of putting the bike/trike away for the season.

Did you know if your exhaust system is not stamped from the original manufacturer, you could get a ticket? It doesn’t matter how loud or quiet your motorcycle exhaust system may be. The law states original equipment only. With the new environmental laws, this could happen in our area.

We, as Gold Wing riders who use original Honda equipment, won’t have a problem.

It appears like the International Institute for insurance made a mistake on their figures when they stated in writing that older riders, 50 and above, were the ones most involved in accidents.

When the facts were retracted, the article showed ages 35 to 43-year-old riders are more accident-prone. I feel that many factors can change these percentages by what age group is purchasing motorcycles.

Chuck & Evelyn Stone ....... Pennsylvania District Educators

Pat Delo ................... Membership Enhancement Coordinator

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GWRRA Pennsylvania Chapter I 8

The figures also show a lesser percentage of motorcycle accidents than other vehicles when comparing the growth from new motorcycle sales. Motorcycle sales have more than doubled in the last several years. Using the institute’s numbers, it shows motorcycle accidents are down for the number of motorcycles added to the roadways.

We hope that everyone has a great riding season and remember ATGATT.

“Ride Safe and Ride Proud”

Chuck & Evelyn Stone PA District Educators

Going Green! Back in The Saddle Again

We got a late start, thanks to a particular virus, but the GWRRA Chapter PA-I is what I’ll call “back in the saddle again.” We have had a few ice cream rides with a good turnout since our state

went “green,” and had a “World’s Worst Apple Pie” ride within the last couple of weeks with another respectable turnout.

Our first in-person chapter gathering since the shutdown will be held at Simcox’s Party Barn. Our usual gathering place was not able to accommodate us with the current restrictions for occupancy. Hopefully there will be more relaxed, or eliminated, restrictions pending a State Supreme Court ruling on our Governor’s emergency declaration overridden by our Representatives.

Gary Schill ................... Advertising Coordinator/Webmaster


GWRRA Home Office, Phoenix, AZ

www.gwrra.org 800-843-9460

Director Jere & Sherry Goodman [email protected]

Director’s Assistant

Tom & Renee Wasluck 570-474-1014 [email protected]

Rider Education Susan & George Huttman 828-368-2249 [email protected]

Membership Enhancement

Larry & Penny Anthony 205-492-9728 [email protected]

GWRRA University

Clara & Fred Boldt 641-484-5140 [email protected]

Finance Randall & Janet Drake 303-933-6073 financedirector@ gwrra.org

Motorist Awareness

Mike & Barri Critzman 760-486-3405 itsawingthing@ hotmail.com

ICOY USA NE Territory 2019/2020

Bob & Liz Fowler (NJ District)

Chapter Pride

GWRRA and Chapter I Bike Flags, Patches, Pins, & Pin Locks! Contact Goodies Coordinators, Dave or Cindy Marconi at [email protected] with inquiries and orders. Payment due upon receipt of order.

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GWRRA Pennsylvania Chapter I 9

It’s July now, so we don’t have as much time to recoup some riding and fun in 2020. New cases of the virus in Pennsylvania remain low at this time. Hopefully, the numbers will continue to decrease. Please consult our event calendar on the website (www.pachapteri.com), as well as GroupWorks, for upcoming events, gatherings, etc. Don’t forget to invite someone to an event or ride to check out our chapter.

Gary Schill

Advertising Coordinator/Webmaster

We Finally Did It!

It had been three years since our 2000 Goldwing had been out of the garage. Paul was having some leg trouble and I didn’t feel confident riding with him. So, the bike sat while we debated on getting a trike. Finally, our 2020 GWRRA membership dues came in the mail and I said to Paul, “Are we going to do something or do I drop our membership?” That got him thinking and doing some looking.

Our good friend and fellow GWRRA member, Dave Fleming, took us out for a ride on his Cam-Am Spyder. It was thrilling getting out in the wind again and so we looked for a Spyder. The more I thought about it, the more I wanted another Gold Wing, mainly because I thought the passenger seat would be more comfortable. When I told Paul this, he immediately started looking at Gold Wing trikes. Before long, we found a 2004 Gold Wing Motor Trike Conversion in Zanesville, Ohio, a reasonable distance for us to travel to bring it home. Not only did we get a new ride, but we made some new friends.

Karl and Vicki McKenzie are GWRRA members in Ohio Chapter-O. We got to know them well through a series of phone calls about the trike. Karl is a farmer, too, and loves to go on long trips with his GWRRA chapter. His trike had 61,000 miles on it which included trips to Montana, Maine, and several Wing Dings. He said that he would have been very happy to have this trike for the rest of his life, but his wife “got lust in her eyes” when she spotted a gorgeous candy orange trike for sale at Wing Ding last year. It turns out that it belonged to a GWRRA friend of theirs from Ohio Chapter-F, Lloyd and Becky Glydewell. They knew it had been well taken care of and brought it home. You can read all about that 2013 custom painted Jupiter Candy Orange California Sidecar Viper trike on pages 50-53 in the February 2020 Wing World. They have quite an interesting write-up about their trikes. It truly is a gorgeous trike.

Our “new” trike was well taken care of by Karl and Vickie. We thought we were getting a gray trike, but when they pulled it out of their garage and the sun hit it, it took our breath away. It is a metallic gray with a champagne shimmer to it. Karl had all new tires put on last spring before they bought the orange trike. He had the oil changed and a full tank of gas for us, so we were ready to ride out the door. The trike came home with us on May 27th and Paul has already put 800 miles on it; we plan to put many more on this summer with our Chapter I friends.

Paul & Linda Stahlman Chapter PA-I Members

Paul & Linda Stahlman ............................... Chapter I Members

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GWRRA Pennsylvania Chapter I 10

When COVID-19 forced the cancellation

of All Chapters West, Chapter I converted

it to a “modified chapter campout” event.

John & Glenda Leib (far left) joined us to

present Ray & Doreen Snyder (near left)

the accoutrement that accompany the

honor of

Pennsylvania District

Couple of the Year 2020-2021.

Thanks, Nancy Carlson, for

sharing your photos from the


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Chapter Directors

Dana & Danise Hartle 814-938-7136 [email protected] [email protected]

Assistant Directors

Terry & Mary Mauk 814-856-2148 [email protected] [email protected]

Membership Enhancement Coordinator

Pat Delo 814-328-5133 [email protected]


Nancy Carlson 814-249-7087 (home) 814-952-5317 (cell) [email protected]

Couple of the Year Coordinators

Terry & Mary Mauk 814-856-2148 [email protected] [email protected]

Chapter Couple of the Year

Ray & Doreen Snyder 814-583-5619 [email protected]

Ambassador of Fun

Kathie Simcox [email protected]

Ride Coordinator

Danise Hartle 814-938-7136 [email protected]

Greeting Card Coordinator

Donna Miller 814-591-5259 (cell) [email protected]

Goodies Coordinators

Dave & Cindy Marconi 814-781-6383 raidersdavecindy@ yahoo.com

Newsletter Staff

Lori Norris, Editor 814-226-6314 [email protected] with Bill & Peg Zortman (Hard Copy Distribution) 814-653-8851 [email protected]

Webmaster & Advertising Coordinator

Gary Schill 814-226-8246 [email protected]

Pennsylvania District Directors

Harold & Diane Jackson 814-589-1307 jackson2@ zoominternet.net Overseeing Chapters: H M R X

Assistant Directors

Tim & Crystal Brakebill 724-816-9934 [email protected] Serving Chapters: D E I N P Q

Chris & Christie Hull 814-766-2286 [email protected] Serving Chapters: C-S-T-W

Mike & Shirley Prince 717-495-5400 [email protected] Serving Chapters: B-K-V-Y


Sharon & Ed Golanka 724-938-7876 barnyardgang@ zoominternet.net

Membership Enhancement Coordinator

Open for Candidate


Chuck & Evelyn Stone 814-652-6554 redtrike@ embarqmail.com

Ride Coordinator

Diane Jackson 814-589-1307 jackson2@ zoominternet.net

Motorist Awareness Coordinator

Open for Candidate

Senior University Coordinators

Gerry & Bonnie VanArt 570-759-9304 [email protected]

Assistant University Coordinators

Tim & Crystal Brakebill 724-816-7734 12wingnut@ zoominternet.net

COY Coordinators

John & Glenda Leib 717-766-5467 [email protected]

2020/2021 Couple of the Year

Ray & Doreen Snyder 814-583-5619 [email protected]

Newsletter Editor

Pat Cole 814-726-2673 colepatricia68@ gmail.com


Mike & Darlene Ammerman 412-795-6685 [email protected]

PEDs List Coordinator

Mike & Shirley Prince 717-495-5400 mailman@ gwrrapav.org

Chapter Visitation/ Roll for the Dough Coordinators

Bonnie & Gerry VanArt 570-764-1280 rollforthedough@ gmail.com

Goodies Coordinators

Dave & Cindy Marconi 814-781-6383 raidersdavecindy@ yahoo.com


GWRRA International ............... www.gwrra.org

Pennsylvania District ...... www.gwrrapadist.org

Pennsylvania Chapter I .... www.pachapteri.com


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