Nl6kt( aI nr Arbtr B stbin ynrtine Favd'tiat Going Bananas: The Future for Edible Vaccines hoerer rhotrghl dd ve .ould vmci, ndeorchildrn agaiii adnaded dnss by giviig rhem a brnoa1 vdl rdryish!ts. Alm0 '. a ibodies alair( a bade.ir durcauses di{. doea Aire. sug tbe n\ pohroes, rhe ni.. pmdued anribodies agxiiirheplob inlbeir blmd 6 $rll $ in stretiors h their g$. some parbogens .ircular ii rbo blood vhile Thc innunizalian Itdlbeg.nrhenDr Ch*l.sJ.Anosn, rpldrnole.ulaLbiorqhrMq r noLher ieed a bnofbouNrohd.hild o. r yisirbThaik|d aid ir gor the vheds iuning "I .hough( thd iIse.o dfi .daLrly olpdring yd.in*inro edibhph s Nchas b.nanr rher bin8o, we blvc an el|edre sysem ol innu z.ion ' ThdNrsin lq9r Aidhelound a My whiled tu Tcxm A&M Iolirdeor Bio$ic..es md T{b.olqy h tlouso[ Dr Amte.i. along sirh.olleagls Hrgh Mhm. Pb D orlne lNitutc aid John Clenrnu, Ph D. olrhcTulane School ol Medtr ft if Ncv O .ds, insdeda ge.eforheFiiis E sdrft rnri8ei (HBsAg) ido robr.o phnh Tie E.oqd ie.obbinant prctin hd I rcpq. rier sinilr rorhe miigeider redton hm.n Follo\iigrb4 a c.h ol siemisb tron rhe RosNcll Pirk CatrH Innnub ir Buffalo, Nd! Yorl. in cotrjundLor Ri.h Texd A&M. round rbar ni.e ted rhgendiell) eryi nercn pod.oss conhn'ng rhe hepriirn lr pro- ti dedopedrnribodieslgah$bcpdirisB Itm Pobros,chmcds eid reft de Ptr red te$ subicd. Vi.e E.dilyertrlrn rnte t'ar children uill go up if the parcnt k arrs it only takes a bnxa nlodo the job. coi,q a,m,Acoihn!.d N! I PJSe Fdr hmrns, you'd brve rooqft ea hne lor mw Nuro4j lor .oolins rhem de{roys dtrldige . Vhich lerd5 us ro Baa.r rE a ndunt !sbi.t.torar €di blevscile b<aN rhey a.eofren dE t6r solidlood given roThndworrddrildrci, qbd &exp{td tobe the iiitid bcidi.i.nes ol theFsr.h Dness like dixrhoea, chok€ and h.Fnis mcnkh moa prevddr ir rhc A! Amr.' FioB our fiye nillior.h dftn di. tor dhrho* alone in rhes .otrr lns a.h ycmiiid aeordinsrorrie *nrld Hcalrh oryxftdion, he|a[ s BjiLqsmore rhrn 300 Nllioi peoplc vorldpide, wirb chinl Bri.ns a|so dor\ nred rob. eldgud ed like bdayt va.cins do. rvhi.h n {hy rhis pmi.ulrr rrriris ed.ii3 lopbilling. De.li.abn to tuePft.ertian ol Diserse Tlffitqh ne D.utop,'ent nnd DetlLery aJvkcihe.

Going Bananas: The Future for Edible Vaccines · for Edible Vaccines ho erer rhotrghl dd ve .ould vmci, ndeorchildrn agaiii a dnaded dnss by giviig rhem a brnoa1 vdl rdryish!ts. Alm0

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Page 1: Going Bananas: The Future for Edible Vaccines · for Edible Vaccines ho erer rhotrghl dd ve .ould vmci, ndeorchildrn agaiii a dnaded dnss by giviig rhem a brnoa1 vdl rdryish!ts. Alm0

Nl6kt( aI nr Arbtr B stbin ynrtine Favd'tiat

Going Bananas: The Futurefor Edible Vaccines

ho erer rhotrghl dd ve .ould vmci,ndeorchildrn agaiii a dnadeddnss by giviig rhem a brnoa1

vd l rd ry i sh ! t s . A lm0 ' .

a ibodies alair( a bade.ir dur causes di{.doea Aire. sug tbe n\ pohroes, rhe ni..pmdued anribodies agxiii rheplob inlbeirblmd 6 $rll $ in stretiors h their g$.some parbogens .ircular ii rbo blood vhile

Thc innunizalian

Itdlbeg.n rhen Dr Ch*l.s J. Anosn,rpldrnole.ulaLbiorqhrMq r noLher ieed abnof bouNrohd.hild o. r yisirbThaik|daid ir gor the vheds iuning "I .hough( thdiIse.o dfi .daLrly olpdring yd.in*inroedibhph s Nch as b.nanr rher bin8o, weblvc an el|edre sysem ol innu z.ion '

ThdNrsin lq9r Aidhelound a My

whiled tu Tcxm A&M IolirdeorBio$ic..es md T{b.olqy h tlouso[ DrAmte.i. along sirh.olleagls Hrgh Mhm.Pb D orlne lNitutc aid John Clenrnu,Ph D. olrhcTulane School ol Medtr ft ifNcv O .ds, insdeda ge.eforheFiiis Esdrft rnri8ei (HBsAg) ido robr.o phnhTie E.oqd ie.obbinant prctin hd I rcpq.rier sinilr ro rhe miigei der red ton hm.n

Follo\iigrb4 a c.h ol siemisb tronrhe RosNcll Pirk CatrH Innnub ir Buffalo,Nd! Yorl. in cotrjundLor Ri.h Texd A&M.round rbar ni.e ted rh gendiell) eryinercn pod.oss conhn'ng rhe hepriirn lr pro-ti dedopedrnribodieslgah$bcpdirisBItm Pobros,chmcds eid reft de Ptr

red te$ subicd. Vi.e E.dily ert rlrn

rnte t'ar children uillgo up if the parcntk arrs it only takes abnxa n lo do the job.

coi,q a,m,Acoihn!.d N! I PJSe

Fdr hmrns, you'd brve ro oqft e ahne lor mw Nuro4j lor .oolins rhemde{roys dtrldige . Vhich lerd5 us ro

Baa.r rE a ndunt !sbi.t. tor ar €dible vscile b<aN rhey a.e ofren dE t6rsolid lood given ro Thnd worrd drildrci, qbd&exp{td tobe the iiitid bcidi.i.nes oltheFsr.h Dness like dixrhoea, chok€and h.Fnis mc nkh moa prevddr ir rhc

A! Amr.' FioB our fiye nillior.hdftn di. tor dhrho* alone in rhes .otrrlns a.h ycmi iid aeordins ro rrie *nrldHcalrh oryxftdion, he|a[ s BjiLqsmorerhrn 300 Nllioi peoplc vorldpide, wirb chinl

Bri.ns a|so dor\ nred ro b. eldguded like bdayt va.cins do. rvhi.h n {hy rhispmi.ulrr rrrir is ed.ii3 lop billing.

De.li.abn to tue Pft.ertian ol Diserse Tlffitqh ne D.utop,'ent nnd DetlLery aJ vkcihe.

Page 2: Going Bananas: The Future for Edible Vaccines · for Edible Vaccines ho erer rhotrghl dd ve .ould vmci, ndeorchildrn agaiii a dnaded dnss by giviig rhem a brnoa1 vdl rdryish!ts. Alm0

Melnick Paper Dr. joseph Melnick to Receiveon EnterovirusesAvailable From


Wouldn't yauruthel

coi,J r,rd conturcd fion Prtvious P:se

$lile rhE developing counri6 m beitrgcyed tu!, gedically engiiercd plab ffililely to fi.d a dche ii the Unird Slires s{ell, No 'lodor likes to give shots. lndalnon cenainq rhe imunizdioi nre tor.hildtu u.ds rwo yeais old will go up it fiepeDr knovs it only hts r blmn. ro do rhe

Ol.otr^e, we caol rcally cdehnr unrilBh show llrat annbodi$ cD b€ prcduc€d iisulfici.it quaitity to Fovide prcreriveirnmity in people. Mice doil gst hepatitis B, nof do rrey gd .hc hndan fom or

Fofr ri.e, the nerr stcp {illrhe anribony in anin.ls rhat deio rhese dissmes, such ! piBs.

'"lhc fad $ar $ey go. ady immuneEspnn$ d rll iion giving n\en nibdalordly is sjgiili.dt," s{d Di JosephMeliick, a Pllfesor ol Vnobgy d

Melni.k h a boaid dem6d orAlbd B SrbinFonnddioi, . lomd s@iare ol .he lare DrSabii, dd a conrributoi h Va..rp l,tui,,. He!'u arso b ho 1996 ftcipienr ol rhc Atbed B.

ut a potato or abanana than lalee anitlkctian?

ce be pmd@d ii plmb ed rlrc prcducr i3 hedibl. lruit I rhink n 1ras a 6!ure. '

'Wo!ldn r you dr.\n cd z po ib or a

; ;;;k brdi rhr 6k h injrd tr, he 3 k€i.

Dt,Chu d AnEa t tad4! Prcsideht oi.lcEo dthe Bay. Thorapet rntitua Jat ptadRewrh, ,1e. nt Lhom, Ney Yo*, a rcnttalit .a,pannat dewted ta tlatu yhncesand qffiLiaed with ConelL UtiveEiu.

Sabin Gold Medalhe Albet B. Sabin Vrcine Foun&lod isplq€{ r0 moDcc !\ar Dr JNeph LMelnick, Disringtrhhed sflim ftotssr

at Blylor Cologe dfMedicinc, Division ofMol@uk Vnobsy. Iill bs awdded L\e lhirdAn rl Albefr B. Sibir Gold Med,l. DiMel.i.k Fill re.eive rhe medal d a cdmdy robe held I Cotd Spring Htrboi hbmro-y on

Dr Melnick rd a co@npoiry of DLAlbd Sabin snd hs ovd 50 y6 ol spqien@in vimlogy Harch. Iirhdionally €doqi torbh nork oi polionyefris, sine 1994 he hdsa€n a htsidst ol rhe U.S. Comissior otrPolio EEdietiotr. ItE ha tuthord more !h.ilmo pap€n in vimtogy ad n lhc ednor ofsev*aibmk. His re*book m nt dr.dt,tt mrirl4) hs b@n tuslded i.io a,lohlugugdld Ne by ftdical snrdenb ii denHt4dve .o0ntieq md dno$ 20 yeds rso hdalqdy 3o1d ov{ I Nllion opies in Enslidl

DL Melnick h oio of de ms oton quo!

Aqdd, de Eler.or RoevElr HmmiriesAM4 i\e r\laimmidd A{,rd f@m rle shb ofIsmd. rhc Gold Medd A*,rd ot rhe soudrAfri&n Polionyeliris Resaah Fomddion, strdrhc Bild*in Me&r turDslinguished sfli.e

BiylorColks€ olMed (me f,Horron [Dr

Page 3: Going Bananas: The Future for Edible Vaccines · for Edible Vaccines ho erer rhotrghl dd ve .ould vmci, ndeorchildrn agaiii a dnaded dnss by giviig rhem a brnoa1 vdl rdryish!ts. Alm0

The ThreatWe Cannot Ignore

hose ol you vho wil! rate rhe line ro@lully iead this issE ol tmdr ltrio,will bE inpBsd wiL\ rhe innovaiive

aPPImhs $d m being deveroped o c€lercv veciis. Altcn{ive nqhods ol va..iieddieq (ag., tmgeni. plrnb) ed new .ombin ions ofexhung childrent vrccing tuorcw vays ro rca.h n@ people vho *ill beneft tm de levd ofpiotctiotr thd orly a ve

The key poiit io rcmenbu h dar tron' 'l6 ate s{efm ltE tMse! qlildiow dis?64a lans 6 kryenunb aJpea|ktMk rnrakd.d, io tutkt *ree th.t Ldz

Wirh L\e effi ol intmrriond ftvel'geogEphicar immunity no rong* otre6 usaDy madinCtul pmrec.iotr aBair$ rhs ravaga

Tht Sabin

Moieovei it is a dog@s rsivdc .o ssunc.ha AIDS oily ifl(ts enain goups While itis he rhd gay people aid Iv ddg u*s mmoE hequently str(td dua obe6 ir theUtritd SiaB, it i! equally hc rhar, thsughoutdre rcs of the woid, n is de hdeh*xud srEitrof AIDS rhlr predonindes. This h why rheSabii Foutr&tion h absolutoly comiGd todoing svdyrhing po$ible ro facilnat $e devel-opmnr or m etreciive Htv/ArDs v&cine

Tlte sraris.is m [email protected] Sabin loondation .ommisioned a

ftdy rhet sotrght io c,rcukre rhe diHi dd

urired shb. nre resulrs ol $esbdy pEsnr a compelling eo.nomic css for dc ugon. iead ro

The catu rclotiry b thedittx teahent aJAtDs fat drD

ore tumtdtiull, h*het kan the

rtqnn?nJor dewk'pkE at dt

llfi)1 This d{isn. is svd doEnind bogsling wheo you m.sidu md mis Sl0 bilrio! ot r€tucnt @sts do iorinclude tbe co*s of @.iig HW vilhod AIDS,ntr dc ir iiclude dy indnet cosb (e.g.. Io$

This sononic inpmrive b@nd evdmoE pssusive whei yotr ftrlize $ai 6e fewdenpeutic dflss thd have bten devdo!€d .oftat AIDS. such N AZT and the prctseinhibitos. ac still uiprovd ro bE efedre inrh. longrm. Then co( ,so placs ftarme0t

Cleaily, all ol us orcalDe$eluilhunad and soioftic impmt ol infedious dis.** mun do eveqding in our pov{ ro ftakevecine developnenr dc *1 priorily for orcou ry. lve i..d ro rate his rhftat r sdously s rhe Defeise Deptuent dos itr rhe vaymd I @k io prcred us ton exrsnal eie

ER skptut4 chaiffi bJrL Roodalkeah2^

Fa tldaliol isabsolutely coflmittedto doing eoerythingpossible to facililstethe deaelopnent afan AIDS uaccine.

mies. The Sibin Foundatioi h6 asuned rle dship 6ld in wking io co0quq infe-tious disede. You suppon ol $s Fouid4iodores us m@iignrl hdp id fightiig $ismonl hd seial equivrlenr of rd.

Page 4: Going Bananas: The Future for Edible Vaccines · for Edible Vaccines ho erer rhotrghl dd ve .ould vmci, ndeorchildrn agaiii a dnaded dnss by giviig rhem a brnoa1 vdl rdryish!ts. Alm0

Meetings Seek Consensus onDevelopment of AIDS Vaccine

f_or 'drroo is flc&d ro hrvc prligi.pded h I sns or mrerirgs rtrd

liir heltul r0 dcline ne" !ftrgies td rhedevcropft I ol xn HIv/AtDs v&ci.eThe fiar ol rh*e nrlrgs vrL hdd inltbmml ol rtrh yea d rb. NtH .imDus inBerhcdr. Marvlrd Tlt rollovinsfonrh. rb. sabii Fouid4io. spor;ed a

fsringhdd { cotd spn is Hrbor Lrbo[roRor rorg lrl,nd, Ne* Yo*: a.d ii APril, asyntoiun sFn\ord by dje Hda d AIDS!trurk w hdd d rhe tudi.or rJoN ilDedhrD, Ivra$$b rctrs. lvhik somewbar d ithrd'nt nd i0d agendi Egorloracb{s ro ednig. idal rnd oriiions so A ro sl! iiFdion lo. dD develoDne.r or i ctiahtc.

arh.NIH'neringotrFebn:o 1l t5.DL Adho0y F,uci. head or NtAlIr. indi.ftd'rr h\ leLleiitiofm U' M cilerhprarn f l r ' i i ! ,A r0 rded ! ,e ropn r t ro / r i lDsveone. Ackio{kdgins rtr 4 rhue rrc I ntavofude nftkd rord dDr inhibir rlie ierdopmer ol xvr.is.DrF.rielririons r goysrdHt, $Ddrt'.. aid i.durr), pznm^hip{rh v€.ifi. sortj !o b3 fd d drfir€n i|tsnvft dong he lar ro liceNins a edn. oodd ..1rnyinritL),impo$ibtetorenh,

iFgove unenr or itulNry atone ro

tudI phde r md ph6e 2!{.c'i. lnrl! otondrd4c !r

nsriig, bavc shoM dem ro b.

Unlotun{dy, bocrr rhc cotrs

lg.jrndrase) !re 0.NmM lor

sbblnhed ]ieur:lti.s ari.bodrs ro Hlv iidt ftd tjti rh*e

de'noilnkd bf rdomr rppmr

Aro d^.u$cd *rs rbe &k

vrcy ot rhe ifid vaidior of nV in devclop'ng ! rrccmc Mo$ vrcire caididfte\ rtrqLJ ' d \Le ro l rn r (L ] rn rd f tonsboo .

B. rhr \ r' ' ro nd n Nun, Anm.r mdw$kn Eutupe aod rrirn:rrd tror sb rleblo"d. Ho*"u!i90;6orHrvtitdjn;*nndwidc ir or tro. B subryp{, whi.h ae hnsnn.td bdqokiu,lty. Unkno{n is qhdher or ior. vr.ciJE *rll eti.ir n!$ rerdive imnuicBponss rtkr {ill be pDdrive rsliie xll subryps. FordisfdD., rctrv@iis{i|l i&dro.orii ora nixtuEotHtvsni6 Thepav.lenft ot hddossxurl hnsmnsior rtsorndsscoB rhe inpotur& of mros:l inn!my in Hlv rcdiotr Ne, vrcins eiu n€dditrdod loi mnlariotrs ind delivery slsems forrhs 'ndrdion ot ! m .osd ihmurc ft$om.

The n( v..ci.e ! egy.obe;ltuakdu0dn rtre ner gov.flnenr blueprin! * $rred4 rheNrHm*ri're, is expekd b&rbe'pnme booe" immiz4ionshedrtesing acftr[rox erpqion veror fo]toNed bv aiHr v i6o" ir boo$. Ncaori"liois ." u ni"*",\ i h l , J r t r M t re r Co f l dsh rmdCh mn3'!r . osbbti\hm tuom rorprorcLling

\,th, IA 1e que,tt1lt al

;'i,1 t luhether at nll dn

nlv ttl(ctne aa ld bpdeaeloperl, therc'p1nse was atlenthusiastic "yes."

FR sr..},la t4) oJ tht &,bil Foh(tdiot, \arb. Mmd s.rr tEh) rJ rE wfi.Dr Lrtiltk tls,i",." n n'1.*t' l'^a'.'d tl, *nl,;ll'"i

'ih pde brorgll rogedrr ii rbe ejlon ro rom! .oEarr lor Id.eedi'f in rhe dcydoDiealor m Hrv/AtDs rac.iN. .nd ro ddemi; h","rb. slbii Foridariotr .an asfr ii rhn daonD tlltu'ift Hillemn, Drd of drc N1erckhlir te for Theruptuf. R4urch. opeid rhehfttrn3 br protiosinq I hodd otyrmiNdevdopmen. .hd is a tird of goydinsrlhd t r rn rd dden j . rd j l qse i ! dd Lh?fo ' i d on tu ! i onAr 5 t r ! r "bdse i

Page 5: Going Bananas: The Future for Edible Vaccines · for Edible Vaccines ho erer rhotrghl dd ve .ould vmci, ndeorchildrn agaiii a dnaded dnss by giviig rhem a brnoa1 vdl rdryish!ts. Alm0

fllite llouse SupportsSabin ̂ {IDS Er-ent

rcsidcnl and M^ Cri|roD mcIlororryChai'tol lh. Albedl]. S.binvtLrrine lbund ionGrl r Fu rdraiser ro b. he rd Thnndnv, Oorober

Comt^Dy, one of ihe lxne$ gbsing rsidonrial homcliuikling lims rn rbc .otrnr] \dih rerenues i| crcess.r$ll0 llion. Ms ThoDlson s corpant has b€trrespo.sibleforthe desi$ atut consrucrion otcon!n,ori al rn d rcs idcnr ixl ptupedies rtno€hotr r

c l l r o f r I r , , r dd tuon ,u \e^ r3dislinsn'shed euens rilt igailie. * thclcvc yHills illorel B.verlyHill\, icnlilornir br the evcnr. i

The locus ol rbe lGah n 1. genemie ftrnds lroaccelerarelro3,e$nr l

_ nn f i e |o i r lI o r ! dLo^

lnr rhe SrbinI f.unoarcn.

iI 'l l nohp$n

l chxrord,ci r-ohdxlion ardiChaj ro t0reI sdr!'i FoundarionlI wcncrnI Division.

ii;;.1::,'.;1: -.* i ApDird|: .;": ,:t i ih opis,.: : : " t . r

- , " , i lommlnnl krd.

- " , , i , ndkd , ' . } h 'r nr.mt\0tr scad

' : . ' .

. 1 i : ' " i . . - i nLnsds .h r n i;';'e:"i'r:. I ble oBanizaio ,

lnrchdin! rhsBoY' : t . , , l s , - t r ' . I A . . , 4 "; " ' " q .

l L h e L k , r \ i ) . i h eLa 6,..,, l onnBctrood

I Clildrens Foundarioni xnd rhe oED:cj Cou y P.rronringI Ars cen'e. shen aI r6ce ot 'ne

: : . ' , . . " . / ch d ns r ro 'pn i

r Uiivcrs iq o f CrljtotuirI ]rvine. Coltepc oI- iMedicinc ltr9e5 n,.

by PesiddrClnron to dre Bord olc Fcdcial Naliond I,lo.lgage

; ; ; : " , " , " , " , ;rccognizins her rork on behauoldrc Sabnrvrc in. ForndxiioD, i lor.ptutn oryuizxrioi dedic .d ro rlrc rirvc iu oldi$rs. tlrrough irnDUn zr.rion Ms.Thompsoi is fie PEldcnr .nd CbiclErecurirc oftl.d ot the l<dhryn G. Thompson

Page 6: Going Bananas: The Future for Edible Vaccines · for Edible Vaccines ho erer rhotrghl dd ve .ould vmci, ndeorchildrn agaiii a dnaded dnss by giviig rhem a brnoa1 vdl rdryish!ts. Alm0

President Replies to Sabin Foundation Ietter

A \ i h e h d e r . l l h e n . e $ o r d , l u L h 1 , e ltrn!!eom.d!n ry ro ni,\c

lh lerving iod.y lor l4mes Lx Coqrette,Fmnce. io altcnd The lntenatioml Collfcren e On llreH isto.y ol Vacciiologr The higlJiehr of $is con fe.cnce vill feature ihe sibh FoL ndarion\ tsenrarionol.ommemo rirr scroil! 10 Da.€ll S. rand HeloisrSahin,nrE..gnirionofihelrlesavingso ofD(.Jon* Srlk and Albe( Sabh in conquei ing polio sonethitr y4s ago. Thi\ cerernony rill Mib rne trvj


orsly compehtive sclcmif.lic*o dsolrrs Sall mdj srbi,,, ushcdns in a ner


I M' prcsidc(j ou children ddi srandchild.enj desFrotety nc.d

your lcade^hip

'+t'As fohder or the j

.dionararb.iR sabjn Ivxccine roudario., he.d jquererod in r_ew Camrn, Iconnecricui.I would hkc ro It*. rhis opponudry ro high

T'-^- wwlll bc able ro enjol riresdn Nillnor be inremtrdby I monn.r ii.m "h ch m one can hide

H"( r[.,,liShr rhe fted to .lramrii.ally nrclc$c rhe fiDrcialrGorces allocared io rhe dcvolophenr ol d efi{iiveHIV/AIDSvx.cine Yotr nut be arvafe lnat only $l25nillion ! mere 39, .. ol drc NaLionrl l.litutc olHalln s bu'lCct for IIDS r!.tn.h is Jedicrted 10 klcr. dcrclopfunl. A'd rei, a\ has rreen I rcven !!rdd asdn, innuniTrrioD js the mosr cffl.icnr aid cosrerli{iire wit to coIlqnft lnal diseaes.


Page 7: Going Bananas: The Future for Edible Vaccines · for Edible Vaccines ho erer rhotrghl dd ve .ould vmci, ndeorchildrn agaiii a dnaded dnss by giviig rhem a brnoa1 vdl rdryish!ts. Alm0

rur, roie.igo'goii! lonmnt. on dd.oo Lnrrgoi..nnrs Hr nokd rr.r.iro, IrodrNrirr ber irkrign.rdrn.nddlilrkd hnro rdirft lotrrgei !{,t'

th!.eedfoi h,!d!rrlrdr dd.r.t

1 L,er \rr qF€naa $d i! id rg flr brsi. .ri

tcd bl rrrc goromtrr, rr rnr tur!&rl'rri.th ind de'eritnr I df ri Hlv rr.i:.nl' r- r'nu{ ! ritrG nd .r d sl

F.mdnionrub.lp tmriLl. rnd* hr

A r$dlclPrnr JiLr rLi rticsrbior.(iihlion.ouLd L,r.irinrrlirr i)ttuaE Irlrri*r ororg: I tutonrrd pubtr.Nt.I T0d €, k.k of idf-(.nd rdro-.y ir rlir rldel0tn orri Hr\ Ym r rfstirn|eEdcfons Lo n idun,l rrniy$ D.mil tolr Hlv rr.nic nrL bjgeE fu rlrtolghriu-h.. ( prbLL. poliq d,!$s b.foE rdsitiNshrdNlloDr I hr I-_!u ddL.n.o, rd bry::iqii.i..( inPxd \, iDniigpfdtrlifuricsr ol rhe(oi.uic.ors Lo Lheilor irirbslo'ldrrrhc{ d.fir n nd coi

.e0 0i rrr[HlV i edi.i tr { rfiru] r! r prrln,lrfgturpor l]rof i nN &dehL*rd rr

nniN 0rurv\onrlriLle{odiru u|brnt.r.\'rll I b! rri\k. rf-nlL!rr.hillFl

'lhe big-q-r oDodunit\ ro. ft

lb rbe q6h0i .f rtulLd or .orm Hrv u- r..orLd bc ielrto d.rlr,slu$NrA rnerlrm 6ric "J$."

rrdtr4r rs \rcd l.s rnxio, Lro\re!c(rbou r!\ r mr!brberco'i0tLrlli.

Ih. d's ntrdiilr !dLGdn.Ly\kish.d iirptdd rtul Ehlr r si' rl!!.Ihrr to Ark rL,e:{iLfbilnyor{i HlvrAlDS {N.rir Ll]r inr{*blc

. \lt ntrnnrd].srrlr3Li:brliryr rtg!io drLnrnlnesrrrji.tiihiliidus

. nt iaL Iin,l rariy: \rrJ s Lrrtr*r p.ide rid 0LibLi! ior-i.irnr Hlvfklt\tud Grelop0rfrrdiliri.!,: \{ sluL td tuodrt drn don orp{ r.rtsi\ ir mJrdsetopnar

D, Hot t (dttttl i)ith'| 'nitt)4

n u\t tt t\ht) t h \.rt Pltlv a

. I0,podr r, tr! trrLL iuer. r{ruus 0l!r..trfqr,.$ li.iDg Ir.Io Lls]! d rLre

. A !LrirrLlr'. Ne rkd ror Ll'r pfbti. toud..!rid rbr rli rr.1]e for r dtre lierh$ Ir{tiL,g rl'.dncfc dd oore ir 0c\rdirg irsr rui ri!i \riLh rL. m! olu.aGdir.

fh[ nrt: rr d Nt r)d1lt rturnfiar.l:b Attd B S.[i)\rnh Fan! i.r

!r.. \|u.d:: poLL.]' rd!o.|I '

Irllr llriliid ^l)S ln\rird.

s|.ifi !r oli:nlisend.!isi \ricdntr rn:dd r 0i ro tr \.i! iJi.r{e\. drrr ofrlrrl.br. fttrrrrLldrl,!|oirir r 0.gdnftiiiil

uk i.ro rfhn.! rh s ir d!dcr.q, rSroird ]\rfdres dno\rlI gt.l L]{ m. ] .f ]fu .r nnnc

ILmJ sr Ls:Bl rlr. Ef nNi,lor muLr. rddtrr rr'r irnrar

i L r y i r i i . r i r t s n rL b3 r r ro ra l

D. \mM?d!-

News Update

Page 8: Going Bananas: The Future for Edible Vaccines · for Edible Vaccines ho erer rhotrghl dd ve .ould vmci, ndeorchildrn agaiii a dnaded dnss by giviig rhem a brnoa1 vdl rdryish!ts. Alm0

The Gamble Programby Gilbeft M. Schiff,M.D.

-flh€ chn{Ho p u li.!O r

I (CHLVk) tr s!, ib hed

ohiD l hrd rbe tanu.f ofb-on.'n! [email protected] ol CHIMR i. 19?4.ad subsq, ed\ 0t rEsidenr olGII{Rin 1934 h Odobtr 1995.r rmsref olssct xlieneilbdtr.ci CDIR md the childritHo\pibr Medicrr ccdf (cllMc)rslrdii rh! sr$li:hment olrhc cnmble llocmr vidri. dEDnisio. or rifediou5 DnQs6 dCHN{C SiriNsrigdodbd.

sf-ific vleii* hrye induded flbdlr, r€ns.otriips. rnnkna ( rqcrivdcd lid hc drnnrrn), he,!d tt Ns I .rd 2 ihlnus &eltulrpflru$s. ird ie* .onbi.xrioN oi .rrirdhood vic.

Wc hde ben iLxhrflul ir obhirin8rre0$s for nbdh, obclla.nshrmmp\, ddinntreua wciis Itr ddirion, {e l[ve D!Er!ngh6 ro . rcrrfls vadie, ard hlvu ptayed Indor role m dr evrrunior ora 6hin\ ya.. ie [bi.h will b. li.ensd by J]iuary I, 197.

ln rhe .er l2 nodrls' sc vilL iiilirrdd/or mdire diiilrl o{luarion dudies or rlo€lly{dmiinortd rotoiDs iD youB childrsl| anemdnid*erpph'nfl rd i'rnenh uai0ebrsded for rdulB, a mr.onjlgdei p| nocdcus veciic fo. rhe eheny, Ive choho $c.cins md r hel!?i sinple{ v&cii. We villrr$ be r prdi.ipdifg <iu ror r mrlri sireelalmlotr of. live, dbnutd, intrr.A,liifluuia ladne. md rclltrh Fo$is w.

A.rivid dng M h hd iidudedeui!xrioi or igcds for iifrena, $e conmoi cold,h!ry* d'sder. lnd ednoviru$s. Tbese it iieshre i.vohed mtud lnd orp.nnsd vn?l

Oq rhe yem d,e GIN{R lid dE GlnblePtolnn hiw be. well tutrdcd Ctrdenr tundiog induds 4 NIH VTEU (Vrd.e THhdrnd Evddion U.it).ontrd, ai MH ori Rlm'n nodd.ontrdi r{t Nnctus indrry

Gnb M. strif, M.D Dnrto,atcanbte

Dnn iu aJ trlldbr\ bL454, t:itiidi orb

$tponi'g$atrol30uiddnJ diEdionnovedro ios md rtmoneled ofrn* ft crrNtc.

The missior of.hc Gdnble Plogrh i\ ro,€nua hmai $ff.nrg b) .onimriis molsrldliddiiilalrtsdchren rirgnftep fldrior

Adivries oldr Ca i'ble Piogiln induderbe develoFfl! !trd clalMrion oldirpnod.*sys, !a.und, md rntrvi'rl dngs: $ncilhieor viml md brcErjrl d(s; dcdopnsn( olk{ea i nprovld vrci delifry sy$emsr ud.!ue.ion.bou ! dnnM5 vni.e uq $dtldmsLutu ro lali pmnrd ol,.rdncdicil.omorunid* nr sEff biJ b.ei, xid rdnrinEsro bc, erirc N nemb€^ ol dri$ry Broup! .othe gdrmnem (bo$ nfte md fedcml). i u!ry,ad mdeu. ftrr6, and A ofll.ed dl mlionrllrmrasio Bl oto,tjriod. \\t ft also iNirdnom d'.c ro rinc ro be lecrF^ to. n oial andmtmdionrl meetngsi ad I ro oft.n alldup.r d r sFk€:penor for bidmedi.d rs&h.o f utul .gui!i.r .id rh: Lr S Co'sris

AEtb 01 Ertuch lnr rhe co$I. Porinhar Lnduded rclpi'iiory disas {iinr sa.Relpir dory syi.yr al vnN {h. comflon ord,pidfro.oQlpo.uio a)idLmned d rsfl(rorrins, bdedrl), hepft ! A, A. C. Di heQsr al dns$s (si,id.x. !tri&lL,.yromestLldyinL! hea* 6)i nsri d rr* (rb€rlr, m$dd. 5rh disede)r rd efcolrdr d rs4Id penssn (q,,oopiis .ou,eh).

vrcci E Gaidr hs inldlnd rlioic.v mdoisinaLl.ge gDrps{ifinhroerddryl

D, s,rin xdti?: hdtin r'6lte oJ cdilknaH. \th! L t{t.to \o,rt n!d\ nl cht.trcr'

Page 9: Going Bananas: The Future for Edible Vaccines · for Edible Vaccines ho erer rhotrghl dd ve .ould vmci, ndeorchildrn agaiii a dnaded dnss by giviig rhem a brnoa1 vdl rdryish!ts. Alm0

Vaccine Research In The Newseone EFNh lm beci nrlins denews ft.endy eilh two inpotul sbdres bemg mounaq oE conptered lnd

wo* noP $s 30lqs aBo, sd b{tuse deynay possibly leld h rhe imunizdior ol chil

ResdhdsdB rihdre VetEm AtraisMedic, Cenbr, NIH, oid C# w$remResne Univenirt have demnslrftd rhat rhe

Bumet of Ausrrlia dd Peb B. Mallw oltuieir shmd $E Nobel piE lor resdchvhich foudd thd the imme sysh ol new-boms vas bo ilmrrE b Ejed fotrigD ori-gens. th. coiclusioi ieached by Bumt $dMedawm hs ben a ftid.denbl in biolosy for

Tre Ent wo& publbh.n in S.t uft,cHes a new utrd.$rmdidg df the imme systn. Tte B.l.imore ren, led by Mddhsaom lckc, inoculded 2-day old ni.e wimlo* doss or vids. dd loodd rh{ the ditrrzlsdevelop.d longrem inmunig/ ro ths die^e.Ho*ever ni.e exp.$d to la€e dos oI rhesm yins, she said, wrc umble ro moun it

rheolhdrobegin$issun0* IrBo$on,rheNsv Eigldd Medicoi C€nar hs ftlo&d tulit wiu be pdicipating ii a nationwide pogdnro evdude a rumor va.ciiE ifunded for pleveidns acuren@s of advded $n canH'nt study will involvs abou( 100 medicrl fttrrd bd ov* 300 patieit in a five yer pmgmto detuine ir the va@inc will be ndR efl{rivE and hrve fe*d side etr@6 rhdn inra'fnon,$e cmnt chone for liedDe .

PEliminlry Br rcsul6 of rhe vm.inej'lesignatd N GMl have b@i pomisins Nhenu*d ro combar ldvo.ed nelbom, *hichstiles some 15,m0 Am.dcaN ach yer mdesulh in trbout 3,000 dorh amrilly. $e veode onsish orr synrhsizd vsnioi of d iusafound on mel$om! tumor @lls, conbined Nidrt pmrein round ii snails and $e brk of a SourhAmdca fte ued ii lho nl}iig offtor h*rnd. Tne puqose ol rhc veciie n b boo$ thepahenrs imuneje{ons again$ nelanofr. .

To be .oisidftd for dE pmgrm. parieNmu$ have advm.en nehhti. nelmomrwhichha bM @rd w n sugery. Forsu.hqdidlB, lbe odds ol lons h sBivd arcpoor th ciisri4 rhdapy Tlredskolrurftre h high (50 ro 309i), and only ab.ut 2s96of thore {bo sutrft a ft.ufti.e m afve aturfive yeds. For the study, hall of the pdien6*illbe Eeared virh irdretun aidha *nh rhe

'n'e GM2 melaiora vaeine my evenbilly be round efl{lvc agdi$ othd cmce6 6

studiu arc especiallyThese paiicular

noloblebeca se they

scientists xoha xaol1 lheNabel Pize t'ot theitzuorkmore thar 3Aye s ag0,

dispute the '

coficlusions af

imuDe Esponse rnd qui.*ty died. I sho$,SMti ldsoe onclude4 rhar'llvetr .he cd.r@r '10$, newboms ca rspond like aduls."

BafitrM t4: r'.db MN. tMbelmkq h.]p prtuhturl

Ind!4eidEfl ftsmh by me rm riNIH !.d Cme Waren hrd iinilfi cmclusion!. Prul v L.bmi, qho led the CaeWe{em shd, said rbe frdings my be teyro developirg drogs lor onroltidg &Ltitisard diabds, ad r.y help in devdopiryvaEins ,geinrr conpler vidss, socb a

Page 10: Going Bananas: The Future for Edible Vaccines · for Edible Vaccines ho erer rhotrghl dd ve .ould vmci, ndeorchildrn agaiii a dnaded dnss by giviig rhem a brnoa1 vdl rdryish!ts. Alm0


.An Invitation to Becorne aMembee'in the Sabin Society

\t/.Y Y ]

n s r f r . ! r0 r : f f , r io r .a r l . r , Jui.(r.d!iis rLr rub:rn,

ldcn ifu ): r r dt nr rni I r .o noii! ..1

lLr.Lr. f.{,!lf,, s aion. ri ft.drrr.L r t r . ! ! r f ! L , L ! r . , , , { r , b d r l ' l | 5 t b : i

MlssroN of rHll

rlh:altuB. s.bin \,:n.iit FoL di.nr f i noFprotn io!!d{io. d€ni.rt.d L.

r.nr ins rb. voir oi DL Atbar ll srbino{ r.hirirg hn $ror di a vo td ir {rLirbllLrs!mn!!|nbrirLotvmiMrtMbrbeihrrltuird d0cr.diorordi

nr rrorddilri g0rl n 1o rrnr irse ltrn['ui ol iL]re iif.ii rd b] d:biti.tt!'gr dfldlr d kis. br promdiignLrmrts in i i drdopnent . dct \rt, dddntrihd of !l rntrim: T0rhiulcrhi\

' ?tratr ttlot krtdtl,tt th?Eia t xte:: .t nd nrib rntl .klit\

t.ttit q ar dtlw\ 0i ni,i!, I its.lhc fnr ldrid Nill::$e^rohll! Iord. ri[. prdgr*\ l Niu \ro* r0\,rd:Lrrs\tLrxr!rrrr rrt otrmin$ idlaterr- rinh r.srio! rhm:dq(i nm

.,1ti,ot It rn lilr t ir.!td1 k,'I n i

.tF ,17\rnt .\ a t'n,ti. rdi.r i, tk.k.rrrrr lhr fou ird sillfekto sr: ors€rmntr pLbtL. |.ti.yNe \ rn i l l sNr f nd i i gs r r r l d l !,m rd ri !tuYid. r r., ur I!, in{{

\ 1 . : n r r ' : f i : r i r L h r r L t u r J r ! r L r t r .

qi, l ld.: m I dijl irls rllsrL rscrdfLrJr rrl ir:,!i0! rr rtl.or ribdiL :ifi lr j j! iLJ.d ]ri I rl rJs:rtr., rr t Lrl]eoi

n o i x L / L d L \ 1 \ r r i f J . r r L o i i i ! n r tl r lO rn . r t , o r r r :

r l p f . r r i h i r f r i i r r I i l i L r o r $ .aq r . f

fl!r.: iftr:! rhr At:r.rr Ir s:binr , r r i : r rLL r ( tL tmn : i | j ) I onL L t . ] l qn1,.,i o,. rrjof c., rLd i\rx\ axlL( bl.


dn.iIiHy tonnDi.{ion bds,en rttrs. iuiifiq indtr{i.1. oLi p ublic c.i!. mikc .!nc!'d viLh b. dedqjrnu[ mdNorvmi$ thr prblnlEd prc&.drnPr!r bdc nN'ngs vil ds n p$]ic ud |.1.r r. a$.ier Dd [ui r{ss in dqrlilyiosopponu.rri.s md pnontes lnr ac&b mdGk o|nui, dd in fofrNhi.s enli-Phr.flrd potr.i$ ror redoctopm4'r rltLr

. R{rdi.totlt td ttt[) hrttn||ntll! c(nptar t'tihriar h th' tjtu titrtritotat\ tvlnth the hnnnl lt.oiat al01Abxt t. \rbi) L.t1tlft \ ta \itl h.dnratun tlc.lxri R stuin catd Mltt!. Dytop lttrr!tutr k)i.|'t rtu!rnti,i

. slrNt tt( nul.tn d rq)n.,taJ'i!r! i's,ri$, r\nilir rirrrr r,|t|( (nd[ |) \4n| |Iath a\|1d(itrpnEnt t\ !\rn n!fett.,ahi\ir

' h.MttP tu trr,.t! 0Jh ndJ., rrtildti.t\t i ltn ?trypdalrrrd d.(t tltr d.uu[ rt k$ wi]x: