iVt^tw's^-rt 0»i» oflMturw. tr i *4. ( PfibA.'V,<Bltar«rK«A-* *?#*•'«.*• lfc*T»t*?i?t 0»!tynn;u'» AswoMoSfla Kb* '<6*»* ol Vmiam." To got tl»» MtAfeeis OH* p u t m u M h m **oi»W J» «MWAl^Iiii>i»,ii»Kt«M dor* not grow saaett after th« blooming Jtatga, Men «r*»oit!ii!t#t.ly «oe&il 'Wflj» «« «»« Unfb, jfpr Ht» »w»* «««««••" WW*: ©witsw**^ »**-*»•• to W#§! Jsad*, »ll1i>«««» n»la«d)jt. e *' ! *#' Ml/en J«ta!U».ifiM«ii^ r J«M* 1 »n3 frltoH (tit, *»m* M*lt<!fi!)g »tij oftw* til »*, Kto wool." WJiLtl HyftiBIt » pft»tb», nil &» »ia4* trftpWWto*?"*tte«»W *» »flWBj»S<W (ft g«t the tiwrtja.n>»ttt»\ H« 8*« *» Htto rafauunsittwa Metritis oT&fc' otacr- vajfons«utholOMiiid*-lbf«?.l» to ^* f " «c«fc.Ml*!*WB(t fstfflewl* tattnal" iWMJwjl «or mtUtoif. M*» ««** M»* ^rowijwilb a nl«i» lw* L _*ft*M!«* {•ttkUoatcd ir Jtan«.»»%^-S6lK»»* -pAatlsrHtt, on). oenseriBftBMy «""» *nrwk in lli<«ir milk tmd tb» iflistniBS jlelite l«u t te»t tb*uft"WMlft tf W*U riotUa will* > i«c» *£ri*ty et .«*«*. growing«»»lotf ilerviyatwit set 1»; i#> ibMi, M tlio *ttuUgli^efl*i»**! niatan it and develop Its - j»tt ; ftto.wr rjisaittiei, A jiMtiiHs should net bo «*ptte1»'rtjo<]i)rte(1, ,«sA in tt» i»U' fti rosl rnt<sto,«ewo Jell totfrekctthe H»t» tf » «!•» mil «'• *ta*** 8* mold * »fintkrciMtwa o*l&,0r*«WI>. Atatetetf»tuA «t «*»•«! ilrOTghtr «r- rifwl fwl < tw> *oy caw*, He keept- woreflow*Own bo «*« jtasrtttr*, noiSc tawktti.ru oat in ih* spring Mit tto ;9*i*H»tatt <)»«•» Had tliett' iUa|« item In 4he barnfor-a*r ***» «*#« *stlio«-il », /(idKWte^gttfKti old. bay «jr*^tofa, mill U»«-"«««w rJ l(iH^ US* tljclr fluff of milk and.do (tataesm to jn»ta tanaiiUOo ilto pMlflro »Iter thofr Jt«rtiflion» «)£«tel((o 1» Hi« y*rd, Ho iwikMiwDwol n»(«toorH toi «oiU»g &#(J»*»iiirf«iUiinlrii)tt,TFitb « e«(»a Ww«Jn»w •tout tli{$#>fis*»j>»*t, so^ujftottitin efiriitefi <»f»-iSliHiUo(j «(,*«(«l Oil «*(>flrlltWlofciil JjflV, iMWilfg a^.intswilo{ twawooJwbotweon «aoSt *Wdfln(,*iii»Uigbofcf«rlfatet*o tiaiilioU isl MtAlfrAf) ww HB j>tpp»t«». nil t!(0 KVOlaiA-ftt tlioftr»tiwwlnij, Mid $oe* e>« niiliftJiftMow nil th« uiioooiipM bmUi«,Hili<wwtntr »•» w ti)1 * be iwnfl* Ho oninilatit on aexo io two Mnnt wIlli W« PW Emwy »i!ed»«iW(irj fcttfttvnto ihfl wrDdp »»#»,- jjBtala M »pMl#j Ibe lutir «i»w« ticml ao onltt v»tWs> wi Itio wtcil* wefo.«« Wlloil t»y Ihtt MIMHWWO luwiiwiBga. , f ClBflll CIWWJK, fitonry M t». Y - . UBSBST, MO«T KtBOANT. iiJ5SIBABX.fi ASD VAB1KU SipOK, SpringnnidlSYUtuaer FILL IIP If tawday, Aug, Slat, 1876. nwAfatUn iw»U»»lUili, ]Tr*W)U«U A«».rl««m M»w»»»» - riUMy)r«*tk*)W'MlA'1KlMtM. in* kttmm VU.VK «at *«*»»» «w» ia«j(*t tuiwiln* w^ u w «•* ftw***** miwirti iWMJiot. «RtH**Mlf«»i*6Slt(»l»B»«!*!''*» , «"'* tflttiim w«l (swtil» annua to ««)> t»i»» «s*« Kia*'i)it»Mlitti< *8W' ' DRESS GOODS For the Season of 1876, Xifitost Style*, ^Airto»BJji»oir Goiil 1111*11* Ai««sp» on ;tJSi9*i36 ^-2|tr*3EA3S«3t,XIS', HUn«*Mt»r.r *nd D « l » €?«AMBEE 'iluiclitur of HIIJ GtSiteatw *«y*i "'VyolMYiMiflnllsna olmw Htat we lutntw cil«wsry vwcik. for mow tiran Uit«ayi()> , «, wWUi no out* but ontsol Tm tsyu f wb» 1 H in nwisiaow ttju(Ifl>i(Wi« wut if*n> Uio liiotory; Jt»4dmrov)jr rflmii)a« ono> of tb« pt«o «ooilol VbMi it h MittN bat it bw W«a iltiPtl only in iiia nlmaa, »nd of cmu«i\ \m» not iw«»e»Miu<i»<!ly d«y »t <iijy titiid Kow> it no btul ^riod it tip ijjii | DM of tliti wooij wnt« alI«Bo«KMl, jtni Hi) /mtfoea fuH of lfttia olwokiv wluohmalil bwo ubnoib^l swt(t«a«ol tls«fltcai< IUIJI UridftjUUtAttaUidV*ft »bo«)11nV<rbi\a ouo «f lb«OTWWf#r jjoni Wtefe- lliu etfr »t>ct>fe4.iojunw (i»«)io J ite<')sovwjtbi»K ; (ib<).Bttb(Kl«ijy giMtellydain, ilimilj be-po^Wowt Hie dtot ot uvitry tiolty joom, ana «)• «Ui« mlalit bo » bliwi! »«»'(,flijwgpa. M*t}(i{l<ir»ji!*Jitu)i tp j)!«fi« in Hi« W'tt. atnl if they lift atst *o« ijify, su^tbKt tbsy BViiiiW)))fl«nd0!Kaiiouiptat«lyjtallsf olem (.dUlwitor btrtw.ihisy oomo in i»8t,i(tVrKb milk, utmim or button" Gwrits aiii Pronsions BifEHfR'S u. ClUiipor tluw the Ciioip Store. CAKTOH Eagle Mills XXX Family ^mm AT $1*08 per Satikl •wjileMn fdMr .«UB.JW(MCA«ttV txemp {0H«f.S»ll>. . AIM, I'ulrr, Ho* i>ro»M, a«li«n, Omi Mo«l, io I IIMH two Just rw»lv«J »Iwili lot »f' DB, KBWM'.JMABaHOEA, ITCHES. XERT »o4 CHOMBItt, MOBBOT .CORDIAL. tti*vn oioil «lil(c-0tBlfi!liw tiiri»-y»ni Mil tol lir>«t« layMM. Bui woum tiiniriiiiwl liW m, itto*>*t»l»lc «I»>IM( mmiiii)' w ilnwu fo» uw.ninmi iiwnpl»iiil». Kwr» iwaw u«»ttt,lo ti«vs » WlUs of H lnHmlionHii,»»J nu t»vi>ler •IraiiUtMwmimittt. I'icWl:. afto l>« llottla, I am Mlims at Rood Japan Tea for 75 Cents, *»»<« »»nolr»ti*» »U» <ij( tHInta,, ..«j«t »# aoct) (or ai)et*>»" MI?<W «!•« •«!!. (or 75<sti. >.iI.-DUTCHEIIi «tfl« >nd &vmhMM U »oit *1 lmlWIiij* *rran ItucoruM IK Market «oii Mulu ultHit on »wll> •WtutWlllll. «»»- <i»M-4ftii 'la*(«?t oar «t«dt. KWtM! Unit «»««!«& Wlbrm. «u MtarkcfeBt. > M. STORY. .0?ECB BOSTON- CENT l.'»rSntrt», t3oU»r«fOur», Ho»fory ol «ll »ti)4it]Cim«ti>r «« »»«*» <* SttuMwutrj- »TI4 r»»uy.' Xiittnr Papwr,.(«»* » ew« vnriotr «f o NEW GOODS. •«H.'E^PH'e'l»t». l | l , •.- COMMON COmOE STANDS, Ac, Ac, EOISPAM, ft Y. * « (wfliiiirrftJilBir wtwiifciftiifflipiiW' *4* «• woJii «yeh»*aityi»«»?•"ti«»*#t*»t «»* Prio« Fo*luir«ir *»w«»'-.tta» »»y iE*t»%Uil.««t U^ W<irtiMM* »*w Ifeipk-fe* -««* IUWMI Oljt" »' Wo*fc «ii.OIV» Call- H. BOLTON'S wwr\\ NORWOOD Insurance Agency. xan u Collavn iSandijn excepted.) GOISO PAST ^ Mnrjj TJCAUT —Leave O^donafanrtf at Ci5 n. m 1 oudsm Junction. J Ji * m »nlro at Molouo IJJJli SI Stui^—Irf*TO OgJenjibiirg IQiO M. m ^olsdsm •^ Jitnctlmi JiOO m Axrlva at St AVatU 6 45 p in Uostoa 8 30p,xir tiprJiagiIeldC.3Us.nl. Troy 12.*^ s, in Albany 1^^ m.ta JTsw York 7 CO* m AccoscxooiTiOK —X4aro Ogdeaalmrij (t,W p m. (Sleeping Car tq St. A3ban») Bot« JIB.anir?tIott- «05p in. writing str St Allisui C40 Sv m rtniiJectinff wltli train srrlyiue In, llosion- 0^J7 fc m.^J!iflw7orli7 00 p ^n £xi^zflR^-]>sT«B04toa.'ris'Lovell&0fJs. zn •* vta ntcfiInnyT3ff#. |n, r BprinvJleld S~DO s- m Troyi^aT* nfe-fconnoLtlnginU} fiatUalLXniB Itsying Now Yor^ 44)0 a m.) strirtoe s* Bt- AJbsbitf ifip m AooojofODiM05^~Lc*\o 8t AlbtM S.i^p>rnt, irttb JBlwpln^psEcttKliea rotedam Junction 4 GO a HL. srrlrci InOgflBiubur£ai(li5s_iu. NioirxJEtep»X«/—LCSTO 3o»(on «t U p m». vis Ixmial (SI«ptDgC«r>J4k;TaNewyarJt:ftt 8 00 p m vis B^cfngfisla fMeeptmr 0-r) lcs%e ^cw3f(irfcit4.oap to vlsTroy Troy 9 6Qp tii./(81stp]Di,C*r) 1Jmiamll-35*.ni. Barling ton,4 23s.w Lwve St Alb»u» ffl* s m Jltwcct^*/unction S 05 » m TOUd*m Jtuictbn- U,ts* jn ^srriv<tBtUgdenAliTire;st'Utk>p.>m Hneo XJUOT—Xc*T(i 5I»lonaJMQp m ^oUdsro JnnritionfWfp m. nrriTosfeOjtdcAitJarg 8^0 pm * Slfyptog-Cirssrcnmon nfglft frsinsLotnrGtit St A]bsnflandLoifionsnd.BprizigfIeltlsna3i6ir S'ork'sUJroy __ Drawing Boon?iSitssriJ ran on SajTSxprfiaa - tnlnsbctin.engb J4fjsn»scirlItoaUin. " J TT^HORAJIT. aeuH Sap t fit Utwns VI April gp 1878 I K.H10 raniicr of tlio dbtsitbnUo 10/ tho procfecflfj orititfsalolif tiicical cststp pf SIto Oluip •SotlcolintJxebj gl7cn.f^attlia balance runaln ing of tlio procccdR Of Uia na.1o.6ftimxcii Latalo ok BUM CLipp lsts of 1 oEaOam in ssluV.co.Hnty of fit. 3CS(nrcnco ay^aHecl Jstoly^niada n l c t tbiy d r i e r ofUioSurrocntoof siIdooiatyV> TiIlzo.Clao»« Jil BtouUcn OroTCr iliosdmlnlBtra tfx jini aartUia . tralot of sal 1 deceased S V«I WAiiwa by snld Snr rogslnaiuopt,thft.cr litarsO^ th*»said. lecfs»pa Ja proportion to tlielr tc^pecti>ti dfbtn lu.cor'ISner ta law nttLc Burro atotolKco li tlio city of Ot denalran; on tLctSOtii b y of fiofllemlior noxt »t 110 clotfcfn thT fOrcnobn. of that lay and ^na sunu day ondpcao aro cKonto creditors \ Iioua\ot nptharaoforacstabU^I od iLelrcJtluiX to ircjtnt andcatajIlsUtliDaauH. 0.7W smVLSTAJ. J,OOT15 rSurrogaii MORTGAGE SilXE X*aflt!*9b^iq5ipj*A3JtoCorapBoyr Capital (0*&*) » =^ *|giteSifS FAOXOKT OK rAJULIilSLAKD CHAS. ^i 2BETE y»««ninffI , otlitry. DlHSlKtlllll Of Oo-P<tr«Jl«l»»ltll, -IkrWIOB l«iar«V* $<"><*> l*" !!<» wpwKWMlilb J\.iimtMm«tMtSi««iiiliw tho Am »w««„ol iwiti t »«nfonl,'«'««, «it 1I10I6U1 <l>y o( Juu<>. inn, ilittolvya Wm»tu«l«iiii«fiil. ^ififUui.fl^V.i#unti.llMli)S. -^ 0jUI6T0NJS,!«A«irO)«l. Mfi 8*tft will MiiUwmtUo ornstto <it ti»)»» « bin an* omecmut mfrttirl <)mo»nii» Mr.'il&ulonl will amitoun In Um «*<* tommt o««jiU»t i>r ^ A *S&e^wJaSBsarr* ^ TllflXKAWOTJJxmtltSALRBMEIW WA, JUlCAI. DlSBA^US <SI» *«K SKIN, „ BUMlMUWMVtwCOttMJpnOHi SoftES,Bi!Ai;;i)li,Bl!*NBiUliIi«- MATUU AND OoUTf AKI> A fijiUMIMI DlSIWintCTJVNT «AKB PlievXunVB Olf CotrTAOION. H \«l> W AM ?. \ In UlllUV.riollti. JiOitiloh Ajwunmca Oorponition (OoW5 ^>— AHmKlMBWiHW.CompiiW, oftfiartton) Ot iTtgo nnii Oliontam Inaarwiiiii Oomtinuyj ol Plnnix, a y ...jinaBtma Tiro JtWnMiiceCo v (Srtrro pomfjany) Waturtown jBinnIiifo Ifi»aniqiio Co, BkrtfonJ, Cti Oapiial Is also Notary Public. 4®>OiHi!« over Aiawatx s SIOBB, comer Mam nnd Vooiiauic «treflt« «CM 810,000 000 00 JO 000,000 00 Asiote. 15 000 000 00 500 000 00 300 000 00 300 000 00 21 000,000 00 wnn rnrvsM Farm and Freight Wagons, SDJISCEB AltnABOEKEST " GRAND TRUBK RAILWAY Of CJkKA.UA NOTIOK, E VBsnntlUxHiamtorolsiipmMMiVatU, Burro. g^Uol tiipCQOttiy-ar 8t.X«irrMU)eJuig jMord IDJTCO tlw StktaUiijL nlcb CM^nuut^i ftnd-proridad jiatioa iftiurabj given io KULI^UCMW bkTinr cfaUnr «>4Li«t, Uut (f«tat« or P e t e B. patfixi, lata or W » ialniilld lu flsftL countr acceuwd tbftt UMT* «r« jreQuJral ta«xa|blt ^bft 141114 wiu UUL vAuolwn UiU«ar~ to the lubtbrllwn Addiizilitnitor ftud. jLQmlnutnirlJc, ^L iha TMl^«lioft of JoahMr41K Jlrowir I11 )>r!fcliville lo.kftlil LOUBIJ, M br buftuco ibolfiUx-dATOJB6(.nu.iober ncxt^"* ^.j d i e d March 5 JW GEO a OjpaimT. Aimlr AUOSA.B COOKrA,u.,. ^H<!i>bM^i«8 , Tooln, Blaoiamiitha' Tools nml Stooli, CwTioRO Mftlcora' Stock, PftrrainR Imiilomoutn BiuWowHttrlwnro '* ». ——Boltinff, MM H AfJ, KOTOS OF Mill H'ttppliew A 7U14* fltoule Alvuy'n on llAlld. audi Ibr Sftl H 0«EAJ?,rn, tli«iICSBA3PJ38X I No. 9, Market.St., Potsdam. Tl 0 beat tMmtacluni. la'tilt WotM 1h« unaeMignea IIM been spjKimloa Agmt fcr lb* Mloof O10 Cilcbratiid " M i t O h O l i i W a g O n S , " inanafiKltamlrtrtaclni! Wlmnun »nil he winovory tirmef pml tcamstoif Iuiranfaf tlmbostllravy 4)o»We W»gon m»de, to look over Ills Stock before putcbasuig I'noia very low and c«ry Wdjfon folly wmn>nt«l tsll on AGESTTOE axm Wood Mowing Machine and Ithaca Hay Bake. TRUMAN JONES, ia.lt VoUimmi K. Y AorsiirMi nml UmMnux AXtodun Jnnntit (my* th»l poultry jisopwly ft'il Will noqiilro nil tbo f»lbe«» uracil lor mitUotiog pswpoww Jfi i tactnigkl or l!m o »t*kB «t tbo moat *W)r t1wn shonH bo ImliiiB, out, or liMloy m nl, «u»l(l«il lu milk or water— ) " o ne the tern« la tbo tart,«*il wlliaxpo- **** a»toU»fattouliigj>rooii»*. l'bcy«hottbl b(i fcil tiuSy in tbo morning. At noon, Abrt nt»o in tlm otouftis jsnt boforo going to wont A plnutUttl nupply of jniifo ffoali wutor»jlonty of grt.vei, aM Dabb*ji« or turnip top*, ft UJ» fowls lira rwinirod twbo vary fflt, wiaio tmuaili (f* of frcab Binttois wot m»y bo nhojpiitl up nwi EOnUed with tbolr OtUo> foiia, nr tbiiy m»y b» bollod iu aiilk dlDiio m 1 iwuroil ovor tbo in«al> •£U1* WMilf.rii tlio flosb flrmor tb«u it otlioMliw would b«, Wbeo fit to lull, {ogling nUniiW bo titopnad for twolvo hour* or wow lEtocelpU.' IVIiltd sftJul so»p will Awa r«rpla Ink alntliw from tuiy thing. UlltiKN TOUA'tO tlADC*. *»ka{»ll-grow»g[r«ou tottwtooi, tako out tlio ittLms nml stow tbcm tilt soft; tiib flww tbrotigbftoiw« Bnt tho pnlp npttioflto wsniKmofl wilb poppM( wit wul inlaw, *M wnaa gwlitt »n(l»t«w »11 tiiKollidttill tliioli Itkcopn woll nmi issjh^lUnt for tfiwoninf er»Ti«s«.-^K. HP OKK«S TOMATO 3,'KtKUB. T»kft»ba»h > oiof-er,««ftto!Bi»t(«!ii chop C n o , v n t « a Li)lnml«f una drain dry; wM ond nnnrtor of n pousii-«if wb4te- wustnnl ocsol oaoaniwtor <if * poiinit of wliolo allspice, rfx grooft p«pp«Wi ohoppud fluo IbroiS tftbl«*|»OMi''af; grattnlitltapieo, two of gronml ointw won nml gronud olovas, ono tolwap of wlc, mixw«.Utind jrnt lit « *tottfti»rj iM olio|»iloii of nciiWod liiWRm: bot, -*6tnway to eool, after cold oovor tight •jod it 1J *e»dy for nw^. Sswan, LatlM, wrtelit tboifdllowing witbbot indiBiinhon »ndfln«hedsib8cl«t, 'Waere. ever I go,' mid ira i.eldorly tl*t«leit tbo ottiot day, I Dndmoil w«ring Out their pld otothoa and Irttn; but tbo ladies, *!' niost irltbont oxcoptito, b i t s br»n-n«w and oiponai'vo drcosoa.' Cheap Wood. Thousand Oords Of four loot UllI Wood will Im iwltt «1 SO e«nt« por Cord On stir j.tili «l UKWIIXVIUA. POISDAK LomiBB OOSPAMV. -THB- entlnily i Skin or . ,, . . Sis.) eurtv» KnsumaUjm wl-<l«it> «nd coui«eriiet» ft predlsposfttai. to itiono atseitieii.- It espwMly eoMKisM&a IT9ta,tf TO Van tADrtas on ncsmiiit of lu rum-, Wttfio nn(t-»itAUit»l««0 influence upon this coOTtiatroN. fivory one possessing & «akc of Gi.RSNVSm.MWlt.aoAr, costing* s}or 50 (jem», »M.v KNJOV AT uaits AU. •nut IIBSKFJT nsistVAiiui raoM a «ert«n of OMIly S'UUUIUR l)A*l«i It tllsinfeett clofltlnij and Hnisn bn>. preRimiod by ilttcnss, end prevenu oh- nosbi\«. dlionlen caused' by contact Willi tile person. Bontlmft is eradicated and tlio bait wovenled from fallBtR out or pionia- tnrely turning gmy by its ajc. I'liysidnnr. rccomnieinl lu <uc, Prici>s-25<ind60 Cents per Otika; per Box (8 0<ikcs);60c ami$U0. K. IWrhatorirtenlewiK so(wiit«Bwn>l»letl"' ftlw. aold by till «niijBl»l«. " H U M HAW ATO WniSKEB mX," lllaelc or Jlrown, no Conn. CH.CritteatflB, Ffttp'r, TSixtB Av.O. PARTRID&B & ABBOTT, No. 63, Markot St., Fotodaiu Hc»dquftrtM*/or buyer* of Furniture! rorilciuiin.osomee. . Ounttrsl Wsrc*rog«i*l'ot1 ... OWifp,J^«>f itty Cvitjl** 'Jftiarumu; /.fwtr- Ons« WH*n-<?fctitf* ik (An 'feftwi^jWito -fiyanttt- i M<.iMx'«*w^sttd.flvo«r IWtiSltfTjfthfl^hTMStV' fpWftity siifl pecnun* ifttittSf onwd tiyUtt> nao oJlSK -w Ubft's. Atlum ofWllattliBtry, wlitoh - ...T- ,. 4tfo*'*«6fcf• dry wp* ..„. .,iiWHU**VflU«v.csxrtft bcHluiU ft* I" tlio (*«a Wntt^iliMt «jrtt(dleif^ u\it ltiosous It, eloanttiM the JiuiBi..»nd sUtiyn itrUMtmw tlm* romoviiitf tin ostiiw of'tho eamplslaft" CONSlMKTI01|oatt Gured iit<ive4t>ywind«a«oMi!jiUtiStutl»J»tln««*oo«lTW Sono ttouulno-iiil<«»iil«»W "I. IIOTJB" on too »tM0l»MHl$t» botttoS-ttnfe tAtUf- Oor lino ot rMILOB. DISISflftOOM «nd WAMBBH, KOm«t;H»81SiLUrBOtad oomoloto It M wgll vt* tlm plntniul ond atMttpMt B odn for com * S i « 5 n S * M » S . OUAUW. TAIlr IJ Dt HRS B00IC0A883,llt;BKADS,qitm8, *q I acli lojirt- BicmH»ftHl,nmt un VMtoty In 801» ««frt» wide umriHn for 'rmlo oml Esatmioy, 0 ir itook of MIRRORS la ofro»r]re*BxUtil'«i(lSumttlMiii' " » ?' .It tttylen nnd.prloe»,froiu.the Wlutt I r u li jputo viemtaw tofl(ti«m.»1le»Hloodmirror iaMl UAvtKK r<s»l,voit most nnennpM l»troi m> m »»ye«5(loitlit«a!rto It. one itoek of UltOAD OLOmtond ViftVEtCOVUnKD OAShJIW WAS SOT. ItOSBVfOOP Mid otbor Ow*ot» »ud WISill ol .11 rri«K,sii» «i\d SWIM mniiii mi orl r t »n> oiliw iti tboOounly. Wo trlmlu nay dwitod «tylo •ml WmiW 8bmu«*. *0„ If noodod We own Orel roto fieereo, So bo tunO-by our euteinoM If Umydfiiiiroit. Repairing and Upholstering. Elelnrofnrawiiiuidjletnni.gUin, Oord tftueli Wotamiot'Rtvoa'c«taioHbo'er »U oir uoode OAtdJoud SKKUB. and -yon will bu «uro ionkeo »oiufl«ituiryou.wiint,«nd''Yftiuli you e n procure nowliuri) el.n. Itooran JuntBoutli ot llm VrlnUnn OlOce I'oUiUm, April Itli, WW. 39 tf IWtVtISrAnTBIDOli t!0LO^M AUUOTI THE Silver Reed Organ TRIUMPHANT! 8&- Only One ChazigA of Can Between Ogfleniburg- and Ciucaeo 74 Mllss Shorter io Batrolt t}um ty muf atStmr ro«t«. frill sJosrs Pcescott Junciltm^ folloirs QQTSCtVfhSl! DAY LnitESiUt 2.00p. mr srrirtfgstDetroit most miipuh » at 10 otj * m sad Cfatcstjo aatao *.rujln{F»t«O0p m jfcfJnaectieKwiUiaUtrainaiop ta6 W sU BiaHTEXntRW.ttauWs'io *rriTinBstDetroit urns SToiijjiH at JO in i in and ftbteaKO s « * t wornic« st tj(KJs«m conoettlnifTrittJ sit trains tor tho Wwjt. S«IED T3.Anrsli.oa p & ( rwstaHmn b*r tworp itWFO^tsod Kirwstpfj, fcrriting at 121pg*^Jn BffiPDtta **KT x>Arxx<legist* w*ffl^aTTfrinp;**Montrcsl »t »A, b» cunofeti st vylt l tf?Su« far jUotifwo 2T«v lorian4^tiif«M i(h^ln« JOUT Rxrm« *^* & v xu s t n , ^ st won- trml st J* so p. to «-uitRfifiibfi y t u trait *f r Qntf- o a d i rtbt (1 otfc^; ^ i itpf tjirdnj^f tmin SV>ntttil Utqmti rosatl i^rtiatd 3U3TO liiAiy st tVi5s ro / « -war **• tim** tresl strfl W p m Tiismtommrs*. qmoKurc A^P fjin^npft ptocrtfT?; CHICAGO, mhve AIOKEE ADl*Upt)[titS^M? Smtltw^mlJi^swlSttd, XortEtir^t. o* mt lauijts* ItriuttkrooH'bfi'oijtVofliwsUna i*r**j-<rttr JixBfr tttf^t Uf Xtelxoitaudti{aldKt>wlUiont elwDttav Askfarkid«4tfisiyotE:ttfik«UFfts4 nisOrtftl Teankllsltway ttwshottJltt* lo tlio Wf?#t ?or&rttwp*tttrul*^Jpply*tth* vfim of Q< T It, wrnorpiVuM SJiJ l)UW »lr«s^ fitrt>»f < UKO » 0»WKWM5Mt|itM Ajtt* O^timatatifir jp^innomiOT a*-* -wsn**w ^. HVII W& Ageni fc w , si ir jotsdstayxt nlnLtycunta .. ,-.. paid at ittodsto of tlilirjio fbd on a certain, taort- «a«o bcarir f, dale tUolJUiday of jrarofr 166 ose cIltcd.'by'^.OKtluc ^ ^V , UlBUeuanl LUzA hla. Tflfo ot II o town ofl»orfiflIr St, Iflrrento comity sna Sto^-of Ms* Y rfc, taAdonixsra IrtCh yood of the same plac* ^ndrccprdcaftL-tlia-oiHofiof tlio clcrt or tho county of etUivfrcnco on thf/14 u day of Mardi 3I^B InJ.).lior41A of n or^geu ftt'pato 10 and-nairoceodutrssfcl^^ror fn equity Mvinff bocrftattn to foreclo»o said mortcpjjc ^ ^ow *i CEcforc«4i Uca Is IiajcU^ M«n tnat in p rsuinco pf a p wcr of solo coi Ulrica in ^ald jn.DTtaab'* an IjOf U o jstfttnte In authcaXu mgdosndV iroviccd tl o pwuuiSCg-d'cEi.rlljr.d i and coici^d tjy BSidnwrtfiaao to-wit , \I1 that-twe orparccloflaniJnUnataiatn town an I yiHiiso of "NorWlk 1 BV T^awreaU) connly oinl_ . Stalqcf^ii-wyorlr 1 oundedao folio 1 ** I/e^nuin^ .ira atofio monument standing on iUff IionlL ot-tbc, Iiickcfc river -iio, nanio oclnc IIIG-I orHrprcat corner of PUIncas AbnUtt trjlcrm tneue? rantitnjir ecia,tix. 17«t*jafcacliaiua *Oiilka totliocCJter or tLhbifeJi- •wy thf^co nortUsWnr Bai^-li-> li ? ra -y' fi3& « c a r ^S ch»lnKsnd201inisfi?toi»liddci.dcilo flHvld "Bid Wit tlionccfjdori-t ilio Ipiat lino of said ^luwoil iandtOtlicJWcla.triT«c«liiRl Rtt«»arL thanco upAndaloiiRihoJaukof Baldrherlt) (iieplaco pf betlnnirg nsoryiPg tl erpframall tlxat land and, •wStor-prlvilej ofornerlydQodcdiAiA a.aianr,j»iTjy iXJs jranaoBSnd.coniractpdtoE.\f ttfcjljruroysa d H"ErSlnneousnli A. MuniBOii Also all itUat oil tt p-cco or parcel o^^andJritiwta in wild to*n co rnfy and SiaUs 6t in*. Jlorrip tract n flliajjn led asfoll Bccfnnl (fSttLei-orll. rent c6rner.pfJMiinca« \t»-atoj; e fur a st low wsttr jnarltonllittOinlcoflfcicitot rlvt-r/'and TOU unff from thence on tl -wmt h , i, a nald ^irm sotith lfl*i»est inJislns-,lihnl a fa t riiUdlleo tbfthifiii way^tUfjiwriortlr Si* iasfc. 0. cliJix to jtactoffc rlvor thinifo down wild tivtr t l o - . *ra or-Jdsrlr, to thoJlrwtstatton 1 a t«o w-sb jot tva U_i;s. VI ili^n*full-afrpublic noctljiq sttliuls*\ oCuift *(t jr It-Srinckfrhoi* tit t S * vljlago of Noifoll. St KOTICE. P TTHStrAHT^Oinprosrof SUHmuu.VQOk»i •or-'* rogatc or tlu county of St* XsnrroM*, stA Sccordlug'to tbsststntS In snch ctfss SDSHJIS. sitf. providod^notico li hereby fiTen.to sl£ penusui "hsT Iig clalnif«g»£hit jlh* null oC aTosans 3ls»lsy Isto of _LotadSm in «s,Id coonty. yTrVtstd, lhs>< thoy arc jbQnJre4 to: «xkibit-tt«.4Baua -vitk tits vflnchera timxcof to tn« subsctibw «xocm(or#: M Tiisxcsidence in 3^otsdatBr to s l d isoimXy. e n or - before the 1st day of-January; o,sxL I Tfated JluiaSi 18,0 61-6m -' IEP MAWE«r f tor * NOTICE- "nnnsUAhXtosn order of "Worth Ofcsnrtwrtain X BpLculSutrOgstsoX ttw oonnkj. <aC St* X*w jpuoe juld socordlng-to the Stsl»i« in sock oasc madd and provided Hattc* ta heretiy grfStt <o sU poriions3is>ing claims mgslnsfctha ««Utsv.Hf JUs* sua* Bridge l*Ut of lot^dsm, in said ooosty, dcoeaaod -iSat th£y are xsotiixcd to axhihat ttui^ same Trtth t h o Touchers iienrtoi id ihs-suhserih- i cr pxecntor Aa st the American Hooss in ^ots- ^ dsm iu said Connty on, at before tnsrleth dsy of October noxt- Datel. April 10th, i r B 4(imnT ' p.l> •RBTTKtg.^iecntor ( NOTICE. •faTJE^UAKTtQ sn order xjfBtillmsiiJoote aarro-^ Ji gs.ttfo'thecunn^ypfStXs>Tnooe^6tsc«oH . in^ta tno SUtnte-iiLsnch cassxosrts^siiAKOTMliad.1 &o ics.5%hetciiy^yen-iosUperscoslisrihgiiiehM *gsinat ai«esUta«f. Jesse ft gruftssia' Ws-of P^ts-. datny in said, county,. docsesooV iuat they"s£e re- ixufred to tftlnbit the ssoie; -with the *yuZh«r*. tbercof to tho euoscribcr exst-uirisv ke^ st^the rcaldcQUj-oi Joliu JL Urjuich -inVotmiBmf in msMt Coupiy on or. before the; 1st day of Septenalter next. , t Dslod l o t s a s B r - I c b •Ut.TfiTff* , J ifif-eni JASi. t ^IUOCSLuJ.teeeiiir.ix. - If&ds^oJVWovcHib-r, Jfa"C s^ 0 oUoiJt iu t-o fortr oon Dsttd ATVasMfJ IS ur 4 UltrnlUU XOCKWOOp Xcxt&se** J B Brirwie-lx*fi* Aitprafcy C 15* A B" Hon Urit-ys, J> 31 J '' "* s A IT Bop urnw. D 31 1» Jiu« tllebiloUzut A lAfttTEItOGATESCQOItT lidd et OKdeei bnr^lXL«ndfbe41uic4untr-oC ^ ZAwrenco, on tlib SfitlL^lAy or Aeguit, 1 ^ JSr ji™t,-BllIEMA\ltoaiE,g«rre«»te, « in tlioutonUutiitn ot livti TC.tetboiy .djiiln Istnitor to ot Aleneon^ Qjoeon, dec^ued ioifhuibdrity-toTnorlgage |eu« o^ MUJMI. eeuto ta pay dtbtR. 'f UnKettttng ami filing tile ptUlton of ierl It TtitCBrary ttamlmitntor - !^ oTAlsnien 1 'Orb »pn,tk-oiaui«l /oreutfcority'toiaQxtgaci, IUH it •"etutlie reel c«Ul« of.tne aud deoeewdtortktp»y> JirjlcrordMieo%rlt}|i|.Jtif , (.wrp -mldvrfeatb- tJ* »bt>VY*t , olllliN]4cJotonttio IJil d«r of AegiBt B « 1 d u l l HOI st -pnb Ic sunt. Jn o» t t o fow *dlr«U o4U>05!U )ayo (JfWiiloe- i l l » » t t u t aU6«'lnUu!rp«''.>iH . t!UI(Bcso^4 B 3f«>- IrirT- lt>Colttj r » l 4 *jut$,('Htf' jrsEBlfe* fn- ((ilu JuJnscuti reo^t o-iM.i^^t«jl5 ^*rttit*e» Ml <t« HI M ! \J.« ic f»lawi5)j«t4t >iirrA<r)ul aim- J»I*I tijaU-mt ff;ilio^r£tf-wrrcntt e»uuty N S Wind i M f IWt X^jtarc 4«isticrt)o ftli«J! Bwll<rfi)a.iil!l»l UtJI* I' airf cr*'rlU«?!l tewaWHO *? HBtirtJS-TftSKa H niri t, in.tail««t « « > i rflr »!»-}» »rats !-i» rjow.ro »ii t W«l«ay«3 fn » » I S t e ^ - M »j*-tK!»r N at*1V »cUiifi«rS->Tl)eJ tilMMA.-' »*fl fcet»nt4uit'v« U6b«ia£J It 1 tlaln tsd^T IIUKw 4« c«4 v^t'^ tli WgltiHtfj' ItaVU «i|no n*afi? if *r*» At«Ji»H!»«<im»r'»it»»al"ifJwli!j.ta«« In t u * tftwn. ifwl|#tf */imtyj«lrt^»t«*t»>^i4»l* ntt^nfc ^MttJf nsllt . r i w m S * I tewlt Trslfrip^ft^A* YoJ.nl-* I yinw |it?fl«llBt II Xttf jtrtrlihi tJU toiiS ftoi'lilt.taim (.01(0^ n if> • » « t * t I «tte !r)rHiwo' l »iiiif«r ^osilwt by « 'Vi W^« t* r*MTien*Tir« Kt*utnt-wlwltei»«d^»Ml. r»t«$« «.» 8 -sHin-rlT fn,i s( Ssj l» taiotxtf CWJJ «l Jw «HO » ills BMI I li~,l/ «•«;•* errwiw' ii.BS.ill f Ki*« rrltoH.tHlitOaJ.lU'K (b»#, wftteriy rtwn.* rfwuJ*fcrfcitfty-'j^o^'t ^y lllewi» •n^K^c (ten »N t itsr}' •!«•* tte .«t««i«» 1IBM( »wji"it«i djattoa.WiM.it II J ervln. nuttai' Vf^ntfiftjf^in. & l4tt I lt?Fi«orJit o^nt«J brlur^d <i «t« r, tiMt "is*ft^Kift^Jtt ufHiUjtt^'r'nt.". 1 to »)vj j.1 oiVT^-tiu ujau; tartan e»iK»iJi^nif tflMf vt On -*x 5tlorwwWt5tb& iWc t.r t.?^ AU-B/f* e^iw s.llii nitnieH!tl« dobti Kit Dnr«r«d_Hut *11 olinooe fntecE!«^d fir the estetooftlie ealtl deoeaeed apbeer' »f trattut-«nrrunto.^r-tao. eojutr of 8t; X«w " «uoe nitiisbMQS.ispsdeu.Mttrsvja •efAeonntj; » on. BMfluIayD-CKtdtcr 18 « Mloelvat * ai., jtben.4U."t thciMito »bow cuiee wi^ju^lwrltyiilieald not be crttoi to IboAtlil Adniinitlitttor to>noi:t|m|« r^tawftrueQicftriinclr. of ttto. reel Relate of lilil ii-<:eam%ftbi>UMl itroMmir to iter hit 4rtt« K, and,u.iinai« time sa t place UftgiTen ttfc»-ered> ^ Itor^tir tttfeaei d«c«i«ea-to nfteentead eefektUn' tfiftlre^ilwe- &-3V iim,t.Xl«1001»V«arr«»«U T UErtajlCdttlioaUi^OiKlniTfort.to E«ttt I-c«t«fA«iol.lW«^ .nttJeilnfeo Xetvjlsp- jltfeiia If Uapri.rooldy'n VK3&.faelr»»ttor eiwtneit. y. tiUI i«f iimat Oaatf ittt, M Ti'ti»l». in Out '.cuaacur, irn-y'15 «wr .»>cItri^3o»«i m A cer^i n feetrnteentr lit ^nrltlwe. jpaiwrtiec ii be KArJ4»* *W aod l « t * i M n t S j l < » * r c > » " sny j'oot ttw »warf letadaw tu ii^eanur- o'"b rjiafcnai' »«4««t4of ><w Turk <awntai, ]eU0ilnil»/»>d«<opUcaUotito the tkmoeate et oVccefityt^t t«4iifnMt*MtaeeMUeira>u«t "Courier \ For 1876. POSTAGE FREE 1 FullEitJOrtsof count MOCHomai. JDUCATIONM DBINII, rAIM VND DAIRY MIETIIIIS, AMD Alt LOCAL MATTEBS OP PtTBtilO ISTBBEST. tamtotlieotii I* JrJeior»i; emity BEHt Wi«)?¥IiS5«i«BI8, iMton,* llin, Held by ilwlor. mn. is*wjy NOTICE. P tfBsrjANStoeti order of mtltttmi »>ot», Sur-. sotteteof tbo.eetnity ofS^L«v.reuooriuid eo. our llnnte tlie^tKttttfrin ettenceMetuede end pro. »W». Uniiaeol«.U«»bj'iitven^t»UI-v«r»oii«. Swing. e(l»lm»mt»lu»tUi«<!«t»tft orOaeMttTO JiennHten.. letoof-llouevulei In e«ld.' r eo"nntyi'sroc«iiieflv-tii»r tterweteiirurcd h>„<utn<Mt tttnaeme, witU'tlte oQlcaln M»ii>.>ii»,tn«l'HWmt)', tmorbsrnretlia 93d d«ot!h>i)toiutar,nrt<t, next. D.tM..>ie»..i.fcM»H!liM.ima. > «Ma. i,.o. winiuirjsy.Ktr, " What id tbo oblof n»« of brtavtl^'' asked an oxammak at a recant aonobl wbibiUon " Tbo obidf n'aomt.^roaai'* anaworod tha nrohlb) apparantly astoh- istiqd «t tbo Bimplioltyof tho .iiiquiry, " u to B^ircad bttttWiaaiato-ou iti" Em ent. we met a Xir#. l»Sott»«rtiiSow.yo Vorkani eodlon lerWort on ierietleinanln ererrtdra inao«ii»da, to miroaiNew Hit lUryibr&ftnteUefon. Adoiei*>^0**WlHMDti TVeet,ato*kHoIm,N.Y. _ a r ::;;A'',. •..••.«•• •> < CHICKEMX ANO EQOI AH ltm*e ot fktf^M-mj?.$i*&ffl:$h»t'*J. A U«,llUacUH.,-IR.JUBle*U»«p.. Subscribe At Once !| Onlv $1^0 per vr. 75 cents for 6 months; 12J pts.per.mO. FATt 4 BWIBT, Fropa. Prices to Suit the Times. See aeaeeeteerltavlriaixttnointiionwtwlin.a Sew Btook of Oootle, wui eontlnno .tee. bealnMi at MA a QlwraW or Wr.tootfa Block, RUi O * POTSDAM, K-Y. , MPAlIUHOWoll.ud Promptly done at M*E. TnjiSBR, Agfef roteaam, April at 18T8. O.U S A til 8. •».- Ci.iilfoitl, Baymond.St., Potadam, ' " t'' keopeafttllUQoorMwe r luoluAlnir . ^ f .. * Gironlar, Cross-cut, Mill and Drag, All Kinds of SMALL. ASfVS. hQW'PRIQSB MVSIG BOOKS E«ii3ri ,«linplineillMtr.uei)tin'booiie ere Aoapltsloolliwlloiiof raiislijfot a tomo er »ios(«nr .ofch*4U*.*(!Orisla"Un"g.f)f -VloiUinr lilute or liuHi* .CorniitcECisvittQt;aaviPllhft»dVioUncclio p DUflhle Bs^.toirpBrhspsplaiiov'l*. — WiSNBR^S BiND'0F5l?0DR-$1.00 V4ZXOMZE MOQMS FOS STVJDr Ritter ? s History of Music, 21r»,«». «1JS0. QftlaeotteUortQlenlatO' and- intereetlogr blstory coutatueUioinbttaueabf aU,tbtt'bae eiee been Written oniUe'RUbJeat^and le alntoet a noeeeilty forinuil&al.etudenta, Koore'aErioyolopedia of Mono $6 00 App. to Mopro'a Enolgpedia. 90-ota. Dwtioiiary. ofSua. Information. $1SS Of tltcee.^aneefni.booai,.. flie Jlret li nneh tbe •HrittBt, aoaioiiulnian lmmon«« »moUiit of infer. ;iuatlon on«Te»leet. enbJeete? jreai-. Aoiiendlx baa aotlMil of.wllit ll«» tr»n.Dlr*t lljit* tile flrlt pub- ,]lt»BoB.of Uiolarge.iioiite.enUistKe f Dletlon»ty• , iMtt».ub«unaiof »Uttl«t 11 ta tbo great >£» 'eyiiloiiedu;" Ifu^eeriden>edlikiniue« aa-poeelble. Xtttii)rb(iok.oiit,lioat'.tr«,(orrrtall price OLrvSsErrsoHiOO.v oiiA«.it.nrxsoir*oo.. floeton. ^^;?njroadi1rar.H.T. 4«Kl>rXfi09' ; ll 00. 8noMeeoretot»«k'«*allitr,I'iiiladelplila In prcsontingftdtiBoription of th&" Silver lioed Orgaujnnd pointing onttUo peculiar cbaraatonsttis- of, ita cbnalrnohon mid tono, *o aaV tho nltcntion of nil wlio nro intcrcated in tho.pro(}roaa of art, ttad eapoomlly ot tlioao who intend to purohtieo an mfltrumcut. The Peculiar Merit of tbo Silyor Rocd Organ oonawtn In lift Purity Si edncis Pawa lit ilUttnct/ and fulltnti QuaUti/^f Tina iti Qiuckiuis$ of linymnsa to Ragul Jfm^oi mjr tbo porfect t.»fco with wblcb it blunda with tbo voioo and otbor musical lustrumunta and is controllod by tho porforwor.—nnd the reuuou ymtii is ntru«navsr over nny nnd all otbor Itctd mutiutnents IH( rirat— The Reeds era mttdo byftoombimvtian of Sihot with, otbor motala, in oortain exact propor tionswluob bug oxpononoOPflnd most aovero testa have brought to tbo highest atuto of pcrleotion Second— The Metal , thua obtained is of floor grain 91m bo rolled thinner nnd batder, and 1a mora olastio than that of ybiob tbo oomnion *oofla nro wade, nnd beoanso they ere tbm, bard and mora elastic t|to response to the tonoh is qmoker and the tones ftromoro tolling JCho Silver Eood Organ, bytcnaan of tho oompojntion of ita rctds and their consmjuont susceptibility to icooivo a true voicing and dclicato flnisb, M the only Organ whiolfraturna on instant moons response to rapidJlngor ing and whoso tones., from highest to lowest, possess on ccpial and admirable pnnty, swoetneaa and power Having that tolling quality, tho upper tones aro sot bidden or ovorpowered by tbo baas bat blending with thorn they bft tbo mcl ody entirely abovo tho deepest tones, winding through tbo texture of harmony, leading tbo car anoniugiiy to tbo thought of tho musical composition. The Stops are skillfully applied and aro competent nnder good bnndi, to givo oxpresaion to ovory human emotion By an IJfGHmom IJfVENSHOlf, operated by a pedal, tho Stops-may bo wstanlly tJiravm uut or in tbna placing them nnder perfect onnttpl, enabling tlio norformer to go from soft to loud, and nice vtsrtq, witbont removing tbo liandk from tbo keys ot breaking tho smooth current of harmony. _ HuiBtopaehottia Patented, thaBilwrJSteea u Patented, tbo Same " Silver Heed Organ" i» teenredby the law of Copyright, and all nro nnder the entire oontrol of the Silver Seed Organ Factory at Potsdam, N T, For fnrihat pnrticnlara.call at the Faotory- onfall Island, opposite the Epis oopal Ohuroh, Or addrcaa A. M. BRUSH. Potsdam, N . Y . Shingles for Sale. AiVit or seed" Oedtoe Shlnglea for ule ohoan by ACAIUIOH, Itf Atn.1V. I-O. lUB-BUflon, 1'oUauo MILL AND OANO SAWS, MOWINB MACHINESECTIOMS.SC, HADE TO ORDER. •.'..".• AH kiucls of SAWS'KEPAIBBi>i: ati4 Satiafactiori'.Qnaraateod.. ; f ILES of all kinds for sale. RE-OWFILMS qf:att &nuti far sola andMxhittig^or old Jlkt, •SJiiop.oppotite lie'Wet'er-irortai' -Blacksmith Coal, ' AiWAIS ON HAND. JpiOir-JSiEiile. Two- Jerae^ lerd Book Bull Calves. xinreepiotitliKold; itirlcee to suit tlio hard.ttniee •:t8tf. : j-AeiiESJinnaaEU. Jon.litn, 18;«. itoekholm N T, •Ifyen Wenttojenaifarai, winUoselie lloflieandlot "; WintA'SeriiantJBIrl, •Wa8«6fleU*,J>Iano|. i'Wanttn-KontaStore,- WanttS-SilUMoree, T¥.dt"toSellar.tont, •w*attoTiend'i,cn6r, Wiultrt0Boja'B6r»o) » WantwUtfyaBonee,:.. JwaniiaBelija'ceHiagei, Wan^WBentAnoSae. , 'Wttit'toJlorroWafonoj', Wanta,DO.Mloeri«w. , ^ »aK«oS»U»<l«i-«* AnaiCM Wantto IBM »atrayed'Aetem, Vfaet to JTnd any one'e Addrees WaUVto Bella Piece ol Tamtlnre •W.Ut to SOU a Boeona Jiand Oerrlafe. WentioTteaeaytUngyeh hatelMt, Want te Xind en Owner forenytbtoa'-jroand. Ten can make tteMOrany other walk***"- Marble Works! MARBLE, AMERICAN AND lTALrAN a MONUMENTS. KIXBTft OIKHS. Smlptori HOWARD'S Centennial Meet Market, ,lwo«V*cr»*inAtfil thptltfce*fii*Eiui**frnr- ^se» Kiflieailee yf-rs fa •TIWSVFJKM* f>ftrA. f j^ijr»"an t?* <;ir*W!"li'S3X>MJ R* trr*. OfpOsllo tho book store be* ^)eoa tberong>b j . cleaned pslntcdandrcnttodaudle novtho^Mr 1 lilecelntoimtobny choiceetcaxaand roeeta|an Oornod Dcef CAU on Howartt and make trial 47-Sm CALIFORNIA. Ike Cbleaie * Nortk-waeUrn Railway *m- bramt antler on* aiaaacnsieat ih* tiratt XranklUllMytiDMaCtli* weatand no«h- weet, and, win ta» nutnerooe llranohee and oonntcUtras, (i)rm» the aliortett en I qniokot route between CWuago and all pcintetn flltn- ol», WlaooMia,Horther* Mlelile^n, Mmneeo- ta, Iow», JNebrMlta, Callfaml* and tie WeaV ewTorntorle*. tta Omaba aad CaUfomiiline i« tlio tlioriot andlwet route for all pomta In Northern blinds, Itiwe, Dakota, Revraeka, Wjomtng,Ciilor»4o, Ulaii.Ne'tade.Callfoml* Oregon, t-blna, Japan and iuatralla. Iu Chicago, Marltaon end St Panl Xise In the short lino fee Northern Wleoonsin and Minnesqta, end for Jfadieon, St Paul, Min- neepoUe, Bututh and all points fn the Great Northwest Its Winonaand St Peter lone la Ibeonly route _f>r Wlnooe.dloclieeter, Owe- tonna, Maakato, St Pctor.Aew Ulm, andall point* in ^eutliern and Central JUipneaota, Ita GreenBay *ndSarqoette line Is tie only line for JaneatUIe, Watertawn, Fon Da Lac, Othkoeh, Appleton, Green Baj, Eeoanaba, Negaunee, Marquelte, Houghton, Hadcoek noil the £ake Superior Country Its Freepottand Dubuqne line la the only route for Elglo, fioekford, Free- port, and all points via import Its CMoago and. Jlilwankee lane lathe old Lake Shore Route, and la the only one paeeinf through Eranirton, Lake forest. Highland l'ark, Wanisgan, Kacine, Kenosha to Wllmnkee, 3 , Pullman Palace Cars are ran on all urtragh trams on this road This Is the oaly"£inerunnlng.thean oars be tween Chicago and Milwaukee dr Chicago and St. Paul oV Chicago andWintma. At Omaha our Blecpera connect vith tho Orerl&nd sleepers on the tfnton Paelfio 2hul> roadfbrall'pointB'weatof'thQMissonTi xrrer On the arriralaf the trains front the east or south, the trains of tho Chicago & North \Vcetorn radroad le&vo Chicago as Ibllovs For Council Bluffs, Omaha and California. Xm) "through travns daily, "with Pullman Palace Drawing Itoomand SlccpuigCars through to. CounoU-Bluffs. Fcr St. Paul and jMinneapolis, two through trains daily, with Pnllman Palaoe can at- tached on both trains. ForGreen Bay and Lake Superior, two trains daily.TiiUi Pullman Palace cars attach- ed, and running through to Marquette. For Milwaukee,fourthrough trains dally Pullman cars on aught trains, Parlor Chair oars: on day trams. For Sparta and Winona and points in Mih. aeaota. One through train daily, -with Poll- man Sleepem-ta Winona. ~ For Ddbuque, Tin Frsoport, two through trains dady, with Pullman Cars on night trains. For Ddbaqneand La Crosse, via Clinton, two through trains daily, with Pullman oars on night tram to McGregor, Iowa, For Sioui City and'*Yankton, two trains dally"* Pullman. Cars to Missouri Valley Janetnm r For Lake Geneva, four, trains daily, Fcr Hnekferd, Storlmg.Kenosha, Janesnlle and other Mints, 70a can hare from two to teg trains daily > , JfewYorkQffioe.TJo ^S^Broadway; Boei tan Offioe.No 6 Bute street;, Omaha- office. 258 Farnhamstreet, BanFranoleoo ofHoe, 121 Jtontgomeiyetraet, Chicago Ticket office, nil Cliarkstreet, under Shermaa^ house, comer Canal sad Madison streets; Kinne street depot, comer W Klnna and. Canal street, Wells etreet depot, oorner Wells and Kinue stieets. •*• " Forratee or lofbrrnation not attainable from your home ticket sgente, spply to w H tn'iMniv MABvniiniaHiTT Qe-ul-u Agt, Chicago. Oen Bunt Ohieago SOOTOIB. ? »iSltf\>T}*«t «nw»fa tfcsn icolii, Bsa- t'osale of llie ^ mtr ef IKt, tJu vfirt v tuul $& ardlbn-iotfeilliltiil I>IAUC1Icite«t*utt aid jieo. vfdeiy ru»ctiii&ii»lry^jmfnant , e *«w Mrel as caws asainst tie a--»ta f iiara^A f^iox, bit> of sn»j«ntis la MM -ino«, aentJmnO tints U «»•«:>• « niiou u emdfcH: tbi; sine »ith ft» youthcra ttftrurf Ii t«i «^)«M^««e. at t_e caws asainst tie attate f V*a1i3. f^iox, bit> of sn»j«ntis la MM -ino«, aentJmnO ihsl U «»•«:>• « niiou u emdfcH: tbi; sine »it!i ft» youthcr* ttftriirf 11 t«i mrjeMJUnie. et t_e t^nw«efWi(ifirl »!i»»( sstMsesae i .ttoidt. u nM esirttr enor heiliretlti}.2i/U lurof Jauvm-y,ue!i^ isaeei. i>*\KKt«B.tw unojiotiv notioa Tsiecuttr*. (X<lM»burf In. the *aia ioailiyv en 4K* lets jiajf of tfrtober r*7» *t U •oeiees.-Jn t*iJer*»- n if a. tbjmais* Uicr*toattewl li* probOa of aaU <i!*cn BBder tlie nana and eeal of oMee et wirjata DWAieate. .at. ipedtaabwravin (T. a.J aiiI<ieoiineyM%.|iasiemes, this^alts. a.yof Acj-u«-;f» Uu> jear«fo*XMil ngetiiiiipaaM'eltawsneeT.i-atawl.siffeil SITaaWOsTaV S PiKEltt rpvrtK^Dt, la»M-M Ceontr i (.>.-to.Mim,r-«aiiuB;T« *no»»««r,wiia»«.. iiodce Jo.«W'Xjoii»JlUrlc.I^»ldS^.r«ajr>wB. DO» Joa» Buesjlm,. nituiUrt anil t^rua l)«eS*aee^«ntaB>la*Iat Lumber! -WI&- A. Sherman Lumber Co., Moimfauiturers of Spruce, Pine and Hemlock POTSDAM, Nf.1T. Dr FselBimcoIloorIni,nal Ooiltb^ \orott* V lit r of Spr ice an I ?lne HCUsh a 1 XJn2ti.L.a L nubu of cdi qnnHUcn Superior Sang Sawed Lath Tiur ealtl at JfVholeSale or Retail. Oong 31111s at Sieeon-taUe, ono nitio p orth of ,. Uafcitiuin illljfjo A smJ(MA^ none rolls Jf 1 D1XQ3S BUEBSU, w * Stf- euzTivora-nf; mehwaTsrai ^e-iHMted, tSefeadaal*. _^ intoa»ooysnaave* , Psft,ejdanta>-.T*«Are,***** by rwibwj to.elijwijf^lie xoeiaMwt af tk> Bill tln-lii uiIaactliM whSkwasiMswlitrtaveeau* of i'w deuuy uf Bt. Tawreina, at Cantos. II t, tat msuamajr-* ^uir.J«tre,a«»»t*»«»7»» e*»J tif yon.r as»».t w m at ton l»a«, «e,'%»w»«a<» C.j.;'? w .Urtk-wllW^ t-ivoiy says anac-tka-sen- ..!«. Iwrior upon yco-tercliiiuaef Jtna'daf «t aues- mWitit; K yi>* nu td soanwer tb« 7 -daiajl« wilt »»piy ta itw ifmuylortw-CTUefiseiis<•'«<* tk« eiiuiclatnt. 4.V TAVPAIOtitEWtS mrtuat ^lWs«anv*,r iHTB'-iPaSKW' roaflt-^»««»«a,Ce<fft-« ~" ) tsi*rtnMOoprm»> ^ John r„iU,Uvqa, flalBlnT;--« lawa-i Srnld aolt-tlefttldanl ' , rotnesbuvenaeMA.~dcHndaaC TtfaneelWraaT suIainoncd.aiid^eriDtredJe answer l a s eerawlaint tCiieplainua luthUaeuan which will; b.Sled istth ifce (Heck of ih«, Conner of St. Lawwnoa.at Jitaemctiin (.anion tf,\',»ua.to»e-Te-» eopr bf^. ,-j'Otlr answee oiu the ahbeentwr, at- hi* eOeif at dolton si iswreBoK on, V y wlUiin ttKenry- days after tbe eerrlce of thlaanaunona. uvoo-you exriualre of tbe day ol aaea seeelet, anllr-ydafau.iaanaiicraaldeaninlain^ae hereby RjjirMl lliil jlalutlltwpitake JnasnustL aejafsat ~you lor one ^ttiudredaud.tulrlyw-lX' aoUara 1 and-SS ccnte with Uiterwt theraonalani Ha-ck»,lS7« 1 estate tba coihrof ti le action 1 £ aErncim» plo. Atiy ? . Coiton,ar y <*r 11 -.Thotummoaeaaaeomnlainlrtn QueaeUoir yraa UtaWta Uio osieeef lift CterKof SI, Jewrmfe 0iWntyonth0»«hdayo73nlT,l»-(lt ' * a- v •<' A,ir BirBDEK/riia. itty Grfaxn Bagsj, AtG W.I.E)ETE"» SO TONS HAY! FOR SALE BV CKa\S.W.UBETE Ian 1} 1875 271*. 7> Nine Per Cent Interest. SAl,T, SALTI r SALT! Salt in Barrels, Salt in Bags. The JBcettaitho Cheapest SALTjOf' all kinds, I f o r Sale by TJiJAa H0W». in ISM, anteasa tne neat Bswa JjiaCaohli«.,llrt»e;Oeiala«*o»eeeaw^uril-ort iislsasamt wTatiastresnTss^pajuaeklsite' "hareseaVeoM, set* sUfti *nl»x»»reUtesta*te* 0 IX Wheefor heretofore of th^ law firm ot Snowies £. Whoelor in Eotadam 21 T , Will tioan Money In sums ^if $ 3 0 0 °r upwardai on three or five years time,ton linprorodjraririlng£andefa Woot arnlowa. A t 9 per cent Int«r«rt,rslymU« ssaed- arm-uaiy—irtth tka- Prtswtyea wheat dtter, ui "tfce, Xsasti* em' Hoaaa ttofers to'Hon II«ni7^Kocn»lee,atroeaaa«i, II V. Address O I t Wheeler, Bos IMS, Ooenasl IllnOi Iowa. at-tf H.K. Baldwin. KOWOE. P ITBSnAnTtOan order of flUlunanToote Snrro. gate of the oonntyjMSL Lawrence andaeootd^ 108*10 the iterate ltf eneh case made and provided) notioels hereby Siren ioeUpereons.haTingolaittUl aninaC tie eeuls of JoMJhJB Drrle lata of Vseesna, la atld county deceased that they are required to inhibit the earns With ihe^vouohers thereof,- to Ule suoaoribertt at the omoe of the late.Joseph h Orrla ^n staseeiHt IS sal&Oonhtr, en or hefore r the aoth 4 e r of neeesnber neat. , -Dated, Ante Uth, ine: SMn 1* ALtOTC 0 » T » i s s > I . The Morris Run Blacksmith's Ooal, Best in Use Tor anlo by HT.K.BAI.DWIH, or A C sVUisnn I'olsOam -N 7 rriHLIcaptQorUi'-'JiUtooCMewYoi-* to Vlufo* JL UcynoitJs H-aiiemlsh Slieldfln -VBaflns lto*«r HitaiLv^t JD-LLetun UrUh Zhnton ISHen Ptnton^ Oliii Denton of jSitboI-rlUe Jt T -Cl*arii)SJt>*nto*i. of VoU6»m H "1 Nuwion-Biys* «c Xorlsb. '»: Y Xublnfl. Stafford or^illsboroagh X JT-,-' ciieBtor.X> Ronton of Norwood Mich., JfiStmiih^ JJei*tun 01 ^ttt&iKlsUsfeXhitts -mnd.ilts hefis. st J*w ofMUa Sheldon deceased whosej^rrtnns* nwtv borsiid places of rtitldencsare nnknoira to -petK tlonorsndsft^tsiustllllffftnoa csdr'Aof be ssosis tmlnodbylilm hclraatStw sad nsxk of kin be BtitiyThonisslste oTlAwrtnics ha ih* oojuaiyp** gt. Xswxecco rl6cesHtIt Jirsatittg^ ^ , yfiTLREAS Tftyil Smiths exeevior nasflksd 111 scoj^ijrtnatriun«itln. nritln|r. pttrpoi^lte t o b s tho ls«t WtU sua testsment. or 3et*r Thosass^ i, Isle orthrTtown af, tswzvntievln; ihsooiiwlTorstr Iiswrenctsn6>stit* of Hsir jots' doeussad^ -JiSeT t h i s daJ-TOsviB sopUcfttioiT'to t h e Bntttf£tm.ti€w t county of"St Xswr«noa tohsT«SsddhisrteT*sio«>*itlat vriUiig-proTed'snd recorded .wrs-WUDoriMl-sBtt 1 pqrao&sl -eatst* rou «rt% ilierefoxs hereby- dtatlrito spibssr Jieforetha ssidfiurrogkto st tb* resldstteo-ol Bml Binitli •imsr'McliiilvUie In said eotuiy on ihs, 13tk fl»yoi*JOctobei> 1S76 »t3o clockln th«irfUt- tioou then, anil Utatsto sttsntl UM>pnbsta Of aatd ^ilL « Glrennnder the hsnd •snoLsssl' of bfle« •M of oiirssldJBawDfpUe^t Ofldsnsbstt«jiSa [If ST ssid oonntrof StXswztues iils^S S»y of Anrt-lnihrj / yasr of onrXOM ono thcrassnd <^hthandraa^>n4^«Tsn* S UTIIESDECOTJIMJ-S. I^wrencisConntT, ^VaitlteynoIdB-TS Hetixx ItobextsoW ToihQ Bboro-nsmeddc/irndsnt -•*" *•—*" reaoired tq snaiMt tits complsint of AtvolslatiL harsln whicli will b«* filed In the <llerks offietf-o said Court at Canton JI Jf *nd to itens,»sopr of f j-ou^sniwerpnmsat^orfclltvlriry imhla tmnir days after the aervlco-of this SUBUAQM ssrohsaflva of thia tUy of Berries If jorl i5tdfc,to asswst} tsid complaint, UioplalntUX'^ill iaejnd£instti^«UilSt you-for onobnndrsd and «Ij{htaf>«i^it,d4U|sH s h d •> twentr four cents with intarsirt^rom the lMh day of Jnly -18 C JJoaId«a cost* -* ~ 3 it. uniKOKEBHorf, piffji Atty JJatod July 39 18 fl .»*»•* Tliti complaint horeiii m Aled>in the CSttsvs y offloa ol SL Xawrtutoa Cot(ntyr.'3( T / o n l b a l s s h day of Augnat, 1870V 7f > * Jit. BBmt3KKEaOKT, PUTs-Afty^ Dsted Ann W 187« v M# XUSCXIOH woracKt" -*rt Sfnaan 9, Otncw? \ •JPESXEZ^JSJ^RB^to ATssvBlh,at7ttJ X\ Statutes ot,thla Stat*, and-.of ike samsmd no V^, fto t mth * fil * ( ^*»nrof8ls4e; ths* tbe Osnw- oral Election SttthU SUts will be hold 1 B tUa Conntr on ihoXaesdsy sitocssdhitt ths" jtatt Voitt day of .Korembec n«t, st which, actios? «ks onV ccr* nsmcdln tho snhncwl notfos frill bs ittaiHsd. r XDWXBXit OHAFlir. fibattfl; SiAXst dv Ns^rToMC \ offiosofthiigtiscTBt^rrotWw^^ 1 ne ft iAt Shertf «/ ft* <>*iy tfj^ Jty#s*s»isf •.^.~ i i°^ < ?K K * H, ' b ( ' nrt » > tis*st*i*kClsMrsl sEMcUoa to ba'htld InthU State OIL tha Vttiadsy stecotidlng thrrfirat icoaday of MoTWbsr Bat SVleSSTg^ *" ^ d ^ » "* ^ A ODVernor,fn thdpiaoe o¥ 8eavneL7 TIMen A-IJIontenantaoTerner, ittihe Blaee ot'WIlBam JDOrehetmSr f ' *• A. Oanal Commliilonerj.l« the piaee of James fackeon 7r Aninaneetor of Slate Maona la the]>laee of Ban- Jtoin|a\|W,Olars,wpoui<ed. by the ttoVamor in the-Woe ofKese^irBatt, j r f w i i L AnAasoelaW Jidgeof.theOoortof Aj^alS tfer a foU ietm) r ln the flaceef Bonert Sart awolnttd. , bribe Ooteraer in the plana « atattta dierer.' dooeaeed All whose terms ottonlea wtUeTplietett sM last, I dsy'oflJao.mbnjwJtf , 'XWrty-llTeBectoraof W<«ld«ita»dVloe-Prsel.. dent ot the rslled.osaSC , 1ABe»fe«iiilaUTolnlh«l'dirtyAfth Oonsreeaiot.. the Suited State, for tb. Wmeteenth Ooosr*asl«n-' alDlatrlot,eettinoe«lof theoowitlas of JTrankUo.^ and SfcXawrenoe. oousiToreiciEBB-Aiao roMs^attafPi-o* &AniooioKrr ^ A ConntetOletJi to thepaji A Supertttand^nfrnf the I 9sa4Ar '••''Ssjsjs lemeA H-r^.'-T.~!^r—• 1 **' If Iws ptsee o| Course Boblneoni *. Jtmp.Jnatleea«BWe»s,Jn.«a»nlaer-of BsMs X J»clOionaiidAmhH>aldg.IneSw„ Two Coroner, ih ttnpftlcS or Blahaj«uWdfes_ A)lwbo«eetine«<Haol(Jwniaiplr»an,lhe last "^qmnsbesnesk, ^T*^ I " stietillenerabesM anjtoriowjiaw* etty Oeetlon Boards; Inneetets '»ad pan (sneers of Bleotlbn JineneetmllF dlreeted ft Hislir, sal bwsorms entlthW -An Acfci» prdrtde «« eob- nlHlasesoendueasiie the Olieelllnlllin. to the JDectan of th. Stats nseead KayM, MrsVWWek set prondes IW Inhml&Uis »s « i i n e k t ( e n a m l eleeelen ontb. mrmtlr day 'of Hemafcee neat, " , ,^?»^!^ Wl S•* , ^ tato 5™*'a l »• efaW-setf aUtnUon of thsaeate or*ew>rasVsa*jes*atoe*s no«d>MendMoaHte«ko£«pseiMle* Wlia ialA .^,' ^flbl'S.formtof palS«^alawtciefire». £'»''*«''eub»»»*d-proria»*la see* aeVln ^•w s^tssivvsTasjy a^ ssuafts^ - ""^esar- i*a^ . „

Goiil 1111*11* Insurance Agency. miwirtinyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031769/1876-08... · M*t}(i{l

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Page 1: Goiil 1111*11* Insurance Agency. miwirtinyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031769/1876-08... · M*t}(i{l


0»i» oflMturw.

t r i

*4. (

PfibA.'V,<Bltar«rK«A-* *?#*•'«.*• lfc*T»t*?i?t 0»!tynn;u'» AswoMoSfla Kb* '<6*»* ol Vmiam." To got tl»» MtAfeeis OH* putmuMhm **oi»W J» «MWAl Iiii>i»,ii»Kt«M dor* not grow saaett after th« blooming Jtatga, Men «r*»oit!ii!t#t.ly «oe&il 'Wflj» «« «»« Unfb, jfpr Ht» »w»* «««««••" W W * :

©witsw**^ »**-*»•• to W # § ! Jsad*, »ll1i>«««» n»la«d)jt . e*' !*#' M l / e n *» J«ta!U».ifiM«ii^rJ«M*1

»n3 frltoH (tit, *»m* M*lt<!fi!)g »tij oftw* til »*, Kto wool."

WJiLtl HyftiBIt » pft»tb», nil &» »ia4* trftpWW to*?"* tte«»W *» »flWBj»S<W (ft g«t the tiwrtja.n>»ttt»\ H« 8*« *» Htto rafauunsittwa Metritis oT&fc' otacr-vajfons«utholOMiiid*-lbf«?.l» to *f" «c«fc.Ml*!*WB(t fstfflewl* tattnal" iWMJwjl «or mtUtoif. M*» ««** M»* ^rowijwilb a nl«i» lw*L_*ft*M!«* {•ttkUoatcd ir Jtan«.»»%^-S6lK»»* -pAatlsrHtt, on). oenseriBftBMy «""» *nrwk in lli<«ir milk tmd tb» iflistniBS jlelite l«u t te»t tb*u ft" WMlft tf W*U riotUa will* > i«c» *£ri*ty et .«*«*. J« growing«»»lotf ilerviyatwit set 1»; i#> ibMi, M tlio *ttuUgli^efl*i»**! niatan it and develop Its- j»tt;ftto.wr rjisaittiei, A jiMtiiHs should net bo «*ptte1»'rtjo<]i)rte(1, ,«sA in tt» i»U' fti rosl rnt<s to, «ewo Jell to tfrekct the H»t» tf » «!•» mil «'• *ta*** 8* mold * » fintkr ciMtwa o*l&,0r*«WI>. Atatetetf»tuA «t «*»•«! ilrOTghtr «r-rifwl fwl < tw> *oy caw*, He keept-wore flow* Own bo «*« jtasrtttr*, noiSc tawktti.ru oat in ih* spring Mit tto ;9*i*H»tatt <)»«•» Had tliett' iUa|« item In 4he barn for- a * r ***» « * # « *stlio«-il », /(idKWte gttfKti old. bay «jr*^tofa, mill U»«-"«««wrJl(iH^ US* tljclr fluff of milk and.do (tataesm to jn»ta tanaiiUOo ilto pMlflro »Iter thofr Jt«rtiflion» «)£«tel((o 1» Hi« y*rd, Ho iwikMiwDwol n»(«toorH toi «oiU»g &#(J»*»iiirf«iUiinlrii)tt,TFitb « e«(»a Ww«Jn»w •tout tli{$#>fis*»j>»*t, so^ujf totti tin efiriitefi <»f»-iSliHiUo(j «(,*«(«l Oil «*(> flrllt Wlofciil JjflV, iMWilfg a^.intswilo{ twawooJwbotweon «aoSt *Wdfln(,*iii»Uigbofcf«rlfatet*o tiaiilioU isl MtAlfrAf) ww HB j>tpp»t«». nil t!(0 KVOlaiiA-ftt tlio ftr»t iwwlnij, Mid $oe* e>« niili ft JiftMow nil th« uiioooiipM bmUi«,Hili<wwtntr » • » w t i )1 *be

iwnfl* Ho oninilatit on aexo io two Mnnt wIlli W« PW Emwy »i!ed»«iW(irj fcttfttvnto ihfl wrDdp »»#»,- jjBtala M »pMl#j Ibe lutir «i»w« ticml ao onltt v»tWs> wi Itio wtcil* wefo.«« Wlloil t»y Ihtt MIMHWWO luwiiwiBga. , f


fitonry M t».

Y - .




FILL I I P If tawday, Aug, Slat, 1876.

n w A f a t U n i w » U » » l U i l i , ]Tr*W)U«U A«».rl««m M»w»»»» - riUMy)r«*tk*)W'MlA'1KlMtM.

in* kttmm VU.VK «at *«*»»» «w» ia«j(*t i« tuiwiln* w^ u w «•* ftw*****

miwirti iWMJiot. «RtH**Mlf«»i*6Slt(»l»B»«!*! ' '*» ,«"'*

tflttiim w«l (swtil» annua to ««)> t»i»» «s*«

Kia*'i)it»Mlitti< *8W' '

DRESS GOODS For the Season of 1876,

Xifitost Style*,


Goiil 1111*11* Ai««sp» on ;tJSi9*i36


HUn«*Mt»r.r *nd D « l » 1»


'iluiclitur of HIIJ GtSiteatw *«y*i "'VyolMYiMiflnllsna olmw Htat we

lutntw cil«wsry vwcik. for mow tiran Uit«ayi()>,«, wWUi no out* but ontsol Tm tsyu f wb» 1 H in n» nwisiaow a» ttju(Ifl>i(Wi« wut if*n> Uio liiotory; Jt»4dmrov)jr rflmii)a« ono> of tb« pt«o «ooilol VbMi it h MittN bat it bw W«a iltiPtl only in iiia nlmaa, »nd of cmu«i\ \m» not iw«»e»Miu<i»<!ly d«y »t <iijy titiid Kow> it no btul riod it tip ijjii | DM of tliti wooij wnt« alI«Bo«KMl,

jtni Hi) /mtfoea fuH of lfttia olwokiv wluohmalil bwo ubnoib l swt(t«a«ol tls« fltcai < IUIJI Urid ftjUUtAttaUidV *ft »bo«)11nV<rbi\a ouo «f lb« OTWW f#r jjoni Wtefe- lliu etfr »t>ct>fe4.iojunw (i»«)ioJite<')sovwjtbi»K;(ib<).Bttb(Kl«ijy giMtellydain, ilimilj be-po^Wowt Hie dtot ot uvitry tiolty joom, ana «)• «Ui« mlalit bo » bliwi! »«»'(, flij wgpa. M*t}(i{l<ir»ji!*Jitu)i tp j)!«fi« in Hi« W'tt. atnl if they lift atst *o« ijify, su tbKt tbsy BViiiiW))) fl«nd0!Kaiiouiptat«ly jtallsf olem (.dUlwitor btrtw.ihisy oomo in i»8t,i(tVrKb milk, utmim or button"

Gwrits aiii Pronsions

BifEHfR'S u.

ClUiipor tluw the Ciioip Store.


Eagle Mills XXX Family

^mm AT $1*08 per Satikl •wjileMn fdMr .«UB.JW(MCA«ttV txemp {0H«f.S»ll>. . AIM, I'ulrr, Ho* i>ro»M, a«li«n, Omi Mo«l, io

I IIMH two Just rw»lv«J »Iwili lot »f' DB, KBWM'.JMABaHOEA, ITCHES.


tti*vn oioil «lil(c-0tBlfi!liw tiiri»-y»ni Mil tol lir>«t« layMM. Bui woum tiiniriiiiwl l iW m, it to *>*t»l»lc «I»>IM( mmiiii)' w i l n w u

fo» uw.ninmi iiwnpl»iiil». Kwr» iwaw u«»ttt,lo ti«vs » WlUs of H lnHmlionHii,»»J nu t»vi>ler •IraiiUtMwmimittt. I'icWl:. afto l>« llottla,

I am Mlims at Rood

Japan Tea for 75 Cents, *»»<« »»nolr»ti*» »U» <ij( tHInta,, ..«j«t »#

aoct) (or ai)et*>»" MI?<W «!•« •«!!. (or 75<sti.


«tfl« >nd &vmhMM U »oit *1 lmlWIiij* *rran ItucoruM IK Market «oii Mulu ultHit on »wll> •WtutWlllll.

«»»- <i»M-4ftii 'la* («?t oar «t«dt.

KWtM! Unit «»««!«& Wlbrm. «u MtarkcfeBt.



C E N T l.'»rSntrt», t3oU»r«fOur», Ho»fory ol

«ll »ti)4it]Cim«ti>r «« »»«*» <* SttuMwutrj-»TI4 r»»uy.' Xiittnr Papwr,.(«»* » ew« vnriotr «f




STANDS, A c , Ac,


* « (wfliiiirrftJilBir wtwiifciftiifflipiiW' *4* «•

woJii «yeh»*aityi»«»?•"ti«»*#t*»t «»* Prio« Fo*luir«ir *»w«»'-.tta» »»y iE*t»%Uil.««t U^ W<irtiMM* »*w Ifeipk-fe* -««* IUWMI Oljt" » ' Wo*fc

«ii.OIV» u» • Call-

H. B O L T O N ' S wwr\\ NORWOOD

Insurance Agency.

xan u Collavn iSandijn excepted.)

GOISO PAST ^ Mnrjj TJCAUT —Leave O^donafanrtf at C i5 n. m

1 o u d s m Junction. J Ji * m » n l r o at Molouo IJJJli SI

Stui^—Irf*TO OgJenjibiirg IQiO M. m ^o l sdsm • Jitnctlmi JiOO m Axrlva at S t AVatU 6 45 p

in Uostoa 8 30p,xir tiprJiagiIeldC.3Us.nl. Troy 12.*^ s, in Albany 1^^ m.ta JTsw York 7 CO* m

AccoscxooiTiOK —X4aro Ogdeaalmrij (t,W p m. (Sleeping Car tq St. A3ban») Bot« JIB.anir?tIott-« 0 5 p in. writing str S t Allisui C40 Sv m rtniiJectinff wltli train srrlyiue In, llosion- 0^J7 fc m.^J!iflw7orli7 00 p ^n

£xi^zflR^-]>sT«B04toa.'ris'Lovell&0fJs. zn •* vta ntcfiInnyT3ff#. | n , r BprinvJleld S~DO s- m Troyi^aT* nfe-fconnoLtlnginU} fiatUalLXniB Itsying Now Yor^ 44)0 a m . ) strirtoe s* Bt-AJbsbitf ifip m

AooojofODiM05^~Lc*\o 8t AlbtM S.i^p>rnt, irttb JBlwpln^psEcttKliea rotedam Junction 4 GO a HL. srrlrci InOgflBiubur£ai(l i5s_iu.

NioirxJEtep»X«/—LCSTO 3o»(on «t U p m». v i s Ixmial (SI«ptDgC«r>J4k;TaNewyarJt:ftt 8 00 p m v i s B^cfngfisla fMeeptmr 0 - r ) lcs%e ^cw3f(irfcit4.oap to vlsTroy Troy 9 6Qp tii./(81stp]Di,C*r) 1Jmiamll-35*.ni. Barling ton,4 23s .w L w v e St Alb»u» ffl* s m Jltwcct^*/unction S 05 » m TOUd*m Jtuictbn-U , t s * jn ^srriv<tBtUgdenAliTire;st'Utk>p.>m

H n e o XJUOT—Xc*T(i 5I»lonaJMQp m ^oUdsro JnnritionfWfp m. nrriTosfeOjtdcAitJarg 8^0 p m *

Slfyptog-Cirssrcnmon nfglft frsinsLotnrGtit S t A]bsnflandLoifionsnd.BprizigfIeltlsna3i6ir S'ork'sUJroy __

Drawing Boon?iSitssriJ ran on SajTSxprfiaa - tnlnsbct in.engb J4fjsn»scirlItoaUin.

" J TT^HORAJIT. aeuH S a p t fit U t w n s VI April gp 1878

IK.H10 raniicr of tlio dbtsitbnUo 10/ tho procfecflfj orititfsalolif tiicical cststp pf S I t o Oluip

•SotlcolintJxebj gl7cn.f^attlia balance runaln ing of tlio procccdR Of Uia na.1o.6f tim xcii Latalo ok BUM CLipp lsts of 1 oEaOam i n ssluV.co.Hnty of fit. 3CS(nrcnco ay^aHecl Jstoly^niada n l c t tbiy drier ofUioSurrocntoof siIdooiatyV> TiIlzo.Clao»« Jil BtouUcn OroTCr iliosdmlnlBtra tfx j in i aartUia . tralot of sal 1 deceased SV«I WAiiwa by snld Snr rogslnaiuopt,thft.cr l itarsO^ th*»said. lecfs»pa Ja proportion to tlielr tc^pecti>ti dfbtn lu.cor'ISner ta law nt tLc Burro atotolKco li tlio city of Ot denalran; on tLctSOtii b y of fiofllemlior noxt » t 110 clotfcfn thT fOrcnobn. of that lay and ^na sunu day ondpcao aro cKonto creditors \ Iioua\ot nptharaoforacstabU^I od iLelrcJtluiX to i r c j t n t andcatajIlsUtliDaauH.

0.7W smVLSTAJ. J,OOT15 rSurrogaii


X*aflt!*9b iq5ipj*A3JtoCorapBoyr Capital (0*&*) » =





D l H S l K t l l l l l Of O o - P < t r « J l « l » » l t l l ,

-IkrWIOB l«iar«V* $<"><*> l * " !!<» wpwKWMlilb J\.iimtMm«tMtSi««iiiliw tho Am »w««„ol iwiti t »«nfonl,'«'««, «it 1I10I6U1 <l>y o( Juu<>. inn, ilittolvya Wm»tu«l«iiii«fiil.

^ififUui.fl^V.i#unti.llMli)S. -

0jUI6T0NJS,!«A«irO)«l. Mfi 8*tft will MiiUwmtUo ornstto <it t i»)»» «

bin an* omecmut mfrttirl <)mo»nii» Mr.'il&ulonl will amitoun In Um «*<* tommt o««jiU»t i>r

^A*S&e wJaSBsarr*


SoftES,Bi!Ai;;i)li,Bl!*NBiUliIi«-MATUU AND OoUTf AKI> A


H \ « l > W A M ?. \

In Ull lUV.riollt i .

JiOitiloh Ajwunmca Oorponition (OoW5 • ^>— AHmKlMBWiHW.CompiiW, oftfiartton) Ot

iTtgo nnii Oliontam Inaarwiiiii Oomtinuyj ol Plnnix, a y ...jinaBtma Tiro JtWnMiiceCo v (Srtrro pomfjany) Waturtown jBinnIiifo Ifi»aniqiio Co, BkrtfonJ, Cti Oapiial

I s a lso N o t a r y P u b l i c . 4®>OiHi!« over Aiawatx s SIOBB, comer Mam nnd Vooiiauic «treflt« «CM

810,000 000 00 JO 000,000 00

Asiote. 15 000 000 00

500 000 00 300 000 00 300 000 00

21 000,000 00

wnn rnrvsM

Farm and Freight Wagons,



NOTIOK, E VBsnntlUxHiamtorolsiipmMMiVatU, Burro.

g ^ U o l tiipCQOttiy-ar 8t.X«irrMU)eJuig jMord IDJTCO tlw StktaUiijL nlcb CM^nuut^i ftnd-proridad jiatioa ift iurabj given i o KULI^UCMW bkTinr cfaUnr «>4Li«t, Uut (f«tat« or P e t e B. patfixi, lata or W » ialniilld lu flsftL countr acceuwd tbftt UMT* «r« jreQuJral ta«xa|blt ^bft 141114 w i u UUL vAuolwn UiU«ar~ to the lubtbrllwn Addiizilitnitor ftud.

jLQmlnutnirlJc, ^ L iha TMl^«lioft of JoahMr41K Jlrowir I11 )>r!fcliville lo.kftlil LOUBIJ, M br buftuco ibolfiUx-dATOJB6(.nu.iober ncxt^"* ^.j

d i e d March 5 J W GEO a OjpaimT. Aimlr AUOSA.B COOKrA,u., .

H<!i>bM i«8, Tooln, Blaoiamiitha' Tools nml Stooli,

CwTioRO Mftlcora' Stock, PftrrainR Imiilomoutn

BiuWowHttrlwnro '* ». ——Boltinff, M M


M i l l H ' t t p p l i e w

A 7U14* fltoule Alvuy'n on llAlld. audi Ibr Sftl H

0«EAJ?,rn, tli«iICSBA3PJ38X I

No. 9, Market.St., Potsdam.

Tl 0 beat tMmtacluni. la'tilt WotM 1h« unaeMignea IIM been spjKimloa Agmt fcr lb* Mloof O10 Cilcbratiid " M i t O h O l i i W a g O n S , " inanafiKltamlrtrtaclni! Wlmnun »nil he winovory tirmef pml tcamstoif Iuiranfaf tlmbostllravy 4)o»We W»gon m»de, to look over Ills Stock before putcbasuig

I'noia very low and c«ry Wdjfon folly wmn>nt«l tsll on


Wood Mowing Machine and Ithaca Hay Bake. TRUMAN JONES,

ia.lt VoUimmi K. Y

AorsiirMi nml UmMnux

AXtodun Jnnntit (my* th»l poultry jisopwly ft'il Will noqiilro nil tbo f»lbe«» uracil lor mitUotiog pswpoww Jfi i tactnigkl or l!m o »t*kB «t tbo moat *W)r t1wn shonH bo ImliiiB, out, or liMloy m nl, «u»l(l«il lu milk or water— ) " o n e

the tern« la tbo tart,«*il wlliaxpo- **** a»toU»fattouliigj>rooii»*. l'bcy«hottbl b(i fcil tiuSy in tbo morning. At noon, Abrt nt»o in tlm otouftis jsnt boforo going to wont A plnutUttl nupply of jniifo ffoali wutor»jlonty of grt.vei, aM Dabb*ji« or turnip top*, ft UJ» fowls lira rwinirod twbo vary fflt, wiaio tmuaili (f* of frcab Binttois wot m»y bo nhojpiitl up nwi EOnUed with tbolr OtUo> foiia, nr tbiiy m»y b» bollod iu aiilk dlDiio m 1 iwuroil ovor tbo in«al> •£U1* WMilf.rii tlio flosb flrmor tb«u it otlioMliw would b«, Wbeo fit to lull, {ogling nUniiW bo titopnad for twolvo hour* or wow


IVIiltd sftJul so»p will Awa r«rpla Ink alntliw from tuiy thing.

UlltiKN TOUA'tO tlADC*.

*»ka{»ll-grow»g[r«ou tottwtooi, tako out tlio ittLms nml stow tbcm tilt soft; tiib flww tbrotigb ft oiw« Bnt tho pnlp npttioflto wsniKmofl wilb poppM( wi t wul inlaw, *M wnaa gwlitt »n(l»t«w »11 tiiKollidttill tliioli Itkcopn woll nmi issjh^lUnt for tfiwoninf er»Ti«s«.-^K. HP


T»kft»ba»h>oiof-er,««ftto!Bi»t(«!ii chop Cno,vnt«a Li)lnml«f una drain dry; wM ond nnnrtor of n pousii-«if wb4te-wustnnl ocsol oaoaniwtor <if * poiinit of wliolo allspice, rfx grooft p«pp«Wi ohoppud fluo IbroiS tftbl«*|»OMi''af; grattnlitltapieo, two of gronml ointw won nml gronud olovas, ono tolwap of wlc, mixw«.Utind jrnt lit « *tottfti»rj iM olio|»iloii of nciiWod liiWRm: bot,

-*6tnway to eool, after cold oovor tight •jod it 1J *e»dy for nw^. Sswan,

LatlM, wrtelit tboifdllowing witbbot indiBiinhon »ndfln«hedsib8cl«t, 'Waere. ever I go,' mid ira i.eldorly tl*t«leit tbo ottiot day, I Dndmoil w«ring Out their pld otothoa and Irttn; but tbo ladies, *!' niost irltbont oxcoptito, b i t s br»n-n«w and oiponai'vo drcosoa.'

Cheap Wood.

Thousand Oords

Of four loot UllI Wood will Im iwltt «1

SO e«nt« por Cord

On stir j . t i l i «l UKWIIXVIUA.



entlnily i Skin or . , , . . Sis.) eurtv» KnsumaUjm wl-<l«it> «nd coui«eriiet» ft predlsposfttai. to itiono atseitieii.-

It espwMly eoMKisM&a IT9ta,tf TO Van tADrtas on ncsmiiit of lu rum-, Wttfio nn(t-»itAUit»l««0 influence upon this coOTtiatroN.

fivory one possessing & «akc of Gi.RSNVSm.MWlt.aoAr, costing* s}or 50 (jem», »M.v KNJOV AT uaits AU. •nut IIBSKFJT nsistVAiiui raoM a «ert«n of OMIly S'UUUIUR l)A*l«i

It tllsinfeett clofltlnij and Hnisn bn>. preRimiod by ilttcnss, end prevenu oh-nosbi\«. dlionlen caused' by contact Willi tile person.

Bontlmft is eradicated and tlio bait wovenled from fallBtR out or pionia-tnrely turning gmy by its ajc.

I'liysidnnr. rccomnieinl lu <uc, Prici>s-25<ind60 Cents per Otika; per Box (8 0<ikcs);60c ami$U0. K. IWrhatorirtenlewiK so(wiit«Bwn>l»letl"'

ftlw. aold by till «niijBl»l«. "HUM HAW ATO WniSKEB mX,"

lllaelc or Jlrown, no Conn.

CH.CritteatflB, Ffttp'r, TSixtB Av.O.

PARTRID&B & ABBOTT, No. 63, Markot St., Fotodaiu

Hc»dquftrtM*/or buyer* of

Furniture! rorilciuiin.osomee. .

Ounttrsl Wsrc*rog«i*l'ot1 ...

OWifp,J^«>f itty Cvitjl** 'Jftiarumu; /.fwtr- Ons« WH*n-<?fctitf* ik (An 'feftwi jWito -fiyanttt-i M<.iMx'«*w sttd.flvo«r IWtiSltfTjfthfl hTMStV' fpWftity siifl pecnun*

ifttittSf onwd tiyUtt> nao oJlSK -w Ubft's. Atlum ofWllattliBtry, wlitoh

- ...T- ,. 4tfo*'*«6fcf• dry w p * ..„. .,iiWHU**VflU«v.csxrtft bcHluiU ft* I" tlio (*«a Wntt iliMt «jrtt(dleif u\it ltiosous It, eloanttiM the JiuiBi..»nd sUtiyn itrUMtmw tlm* romoviiitf tin ostiiw of'tho eamplslaft"

CONSlMKTI01|oatt 1» Gured iit<ive4t>ywind«a«oMi!jiUtiStutl»J»tln««*oo«lTW

Sono ttouulno-iiil<«»iil«»W "I. IIOTJB" on too »tM0l»MHl$t» botttoS-ttnfe tAtUf-

Oor lino ot rMILOB. DISISflftOOM «nd WAMBBH, KOm«t;H»81SiLUrBOtad oomoloto It

M wgll vt* tlm plntniul ond atMttpMt B odn for com

* S i « 5 n S * M » S . OUAUW. TAIlr IJ Dt HRS B00IC0A883,llt;BKADS,qitm8, *q I acli lojirt-BicmH»ftHl,nmt un VMtoty In 801» ««frt» • wide umriHn for 'rmlo oml Esatmioy, 0 ir itook of

M I R R O R S la of ro»r]re*BxUtil'«i(l SumttlMiii' " » ?' „ .It tttylen nnd.prloe»,froiu.the Wlutt I r u li jputo viemtaw to fl(ti«m.»1le»Hlood mirror

iaMl UAvtKK r<s»l,voit most nnennpM l»troi m> m »»ye«5(loitlit«a!rto It. one itoek of UltOAD OLOmtond ViftVEtCOVUnKD OAShJIW WAS SOT. ItOSBVf OOP Mid otbor Ow*ot» »ud WISill ol .11 rri«K,sii» «i\d SWIM I« mniiii mi orl r t »n> oiliw iti tboOounly. Wo trlmlu nay dwitod «tylo •ml WmiW 8bmu«*. *0„ If noodod We own • Orel roto fieereo, So bo tunO-by our euteinoM If Umydfiiiiroit.

Repairing and Upholstering. Elelnrofnrawiiiuidjletnni.gUin, Oord tftueli Wotamiot'Rtvoa'c«taioHbo'er »U oir uoode

OAtdJoud SKKUB. and -yon will bu «uro ionkeo »oiufl«ituiryou.wiint,«nd''Yftiuli you e n procure nowliuri) e l .n .

Itooran JuntBoutli ot llm VrlnUnn OlOce I'oUiUm, April Itli, WW. 39 tf



Silver Reed Organ TRIUMPHANT!

8&- Only One ChazigA of Can Between Ogfleniburg- and Ciucaeo

74 Mllss Shorter i o Batrolt t}um t y muf atStmr ro«t«.

frill sJosrs Pcescott Junc i l tm^ folloirs QQTSCtVfhSl!

DAY L n i t E S i U t 2.00p. m r s r r i r t f g s t D e t r o i t most miipuh » at 10 otj * m s a d Cfatcstjo aatao *.rujln{F»t«O0p m jfcfJnaectieKwiUiaUtrainaiop ta6 W sU

BiaHTEXntRW.ttauWs'io *rriTinBstDetroit urns SToiijjiH at JO in i in and ftbteaKO s « * t wornic« s t tj(KJs«m conoettlnifTrittJ s i t trains tor tho Wwjt.

S « I E D T3.Anrsli .oa p & ( r w s t a H m n b*r tworp itWFO^tsod Kirwstpfj, fcrriting at 121pg*^Jn

BffiPDtta **KT x>Arxx<legist* w* ffl^aTTfrinp;** Montrcsl

»t »A, b» cunofeti st vylt l tf?Su« far jUotifwo 2T«v lorian4^tiif«M i(h^ln«

5» JOUT Rxrm« *^* & v xu s t n , ^ st won-trml st J* so p. to «-uitRfifiibfi y t u trait *f r Qntf-o a J» d i rtbt (1 otfc ; i itpf tjirdnj f tmin SV>ntttil Utqmti rosatl i^rtiatd

3U3TO liiAiy st tVi5s ro / « -war **• tim**

tresl strfl W p m Tiismtommrs*. qmoKurc A^P fjin^npft


CHICAGO, mhve AIOKEE ADl*Upt)[titS^M? Smtltw^mlJi^swlSttd,


o* mt lauijts*

ItriuttkrooH'bfi'oijtVofliwsUna i*r**j-<rttr JixBfr tttf t Uf Xtelxoitaud ti{aldKt> wlUiont elwDttav

Askfarkid«4tfisiyotE:ttfik«UFfts4 n i sOrt f t l Teankllsltway ttwshottJltt* lo tlio Wf?#t

? o r & r t t w p * t t t r u l * ^ J p p l y * t t h * vfim of Q< T It, wrnorpiVuM SJiJ l)UW » l r « s ^ fitrt>»f <

UKO » 0»WKWM5Mt|itM Ajtt*

O timatatifir jp^innomiOT a*-* -wsn**w

. H V I I W& Ageni fc w ,

si ir jotsdstayxt

nlnLtycunta .. , - . . paid at ittodsto of tlilirjio fbd on a certain, taort-«a«o bcarir f, dale tUolJUiday of jrarofr 166 ose cIltcd.'by' .OKtluc^^V, UlBUeuanl LUzA hla. Tflfo o t II o town ofl»orfiflIr St, Iflrrento comity s n a Sto^-of Ms* Y rfc, taAdonixsra IrtCh yood of the same plac* ^ndrccprdca ftL-tlia-oiHofi of tlio c lcr t or tho county of etUivfrcnco on thf/14 u day of Mardi 3I^B InJ.).lior41A of n o r ^ g e u ftt'pato 10 and-nairoceodutrssfcl^^ror fn equity Mvinff bocrftattn to foreclo»o said mortcpjjc ^

^ow *i CEcforc«4i Uca Is IiajcU^ M « n tnat i n p rsuinco pf a p wcr of solo coi Ulrica in ^ald jn.DTtaab'* an IjOf U o jstfttnte In authcaXu mgdosndV iroviccd tl o pwuuiSCg-d'cEi.rlljr.d i and coici^d tjy BSidnwrtfiaao to-wit ,

\I1 that-twe orparccloflaniJnUnataiatn town an I yiHiiso of "NorWlk1 BV T^awreaU) connly oinl_ . Stalqcf^ii-wyorlr 1 oundedao folio1** I /e^nuin^

. i ra atofio monument standing on iUff IionlL ot-tbc, Iiickcfc river -iio, nanio oclnc IIIG-I orHrprcat corner of PUIncas AbnUtt trjlcrm tneue? rantitnjir ecia,tix.

17«t*jafcacliaiua *Oiilka totliocCJter or tLhbifeJi-•wy thf^co nortUsWnr Bai^-li->li?ra-y' fi3& «car S ch»lnKsnd201inisfi?toi»liddci.dcilo flHvld "Bid Wit tlionccfjdori-t ilio Ipiat lino of said ^luwoil iandtOtlicJWcla.triT«c«liiRl R t t « » a r L thanco upAndaloiiRihoJaukof Baldrherlt) (iieplaco p f betlnnirg nsoryiPg tl erpframall tlxat land and, •wStor-prlvilej ofornerlydQodcdiAiA a.aianr,j»iTjy iXJs jranaoBSnd.coniractpdtoE.\f ttfcjljruroysa d H"ErSlnneousnli A. MuniBOii

Also all itUat oil tt p-cco or parcel o^^andJritiwta in wild to*n co rnfy and SiaUs 6t in*. Jlorrip tract n flliajjn led asfoll ?« Bccfnnl (fSttLei-orll. rent c6rner.pfJMiinca« \t»-atoj; e fur a st low wsttr jnarltonllittOinlcoflfcicitot rlvt-r/'and TOU unff from thence on tl -wmt h , i, a nald ^irm sotith lfl*i»est inJislns-,lihnl a fa t r i iUdlleo tbfthifiii way^tUfjiwriortlr Si* iasfc. 0. c l iJ ix to jtactoffc rlvor thinifo down wild t ivtr t lo- . *ra or-Jdsrlr, to thoJlrwtstatton 1 a t«o w-sb jot tva U_i;s.

VI ili^n*full-afrpublic noctljiq sttliuls*\ oCuift *(t jr It-Srinckfrhoi* tit t S * vljlago of Noifoll. S t


PTTHStrAHT^Oinprosrof SUHmuu.VQOk»i •or-'* rogatc or t lu county of St* XsnrroM*, s t A

Sccordlug'to tbsststntS In snch ctfss SDSHJIS. sitf. providod^notico l i hereby fiTen.to sl£ penusui "hsT I i g clalnif«g»£hit jlh* n u l l oC aTosans 3 ls» lsy Isto of _LotadSm in «s,Id coonty. yTrVtstd, lhs>< thoy a r c jbQnJre4 to: «xkibit-tt«.4Baua -vitk tits vflnchera timxcof to tn« subsct ibw «xocm(or#: M Tiisxcsidence in 3^otsdatBr to s l d isoimXy. e n or-

before the 1st day of-January; o,sxL I Tfated JluiaSi 18,0 61-6m -' I E P M A W E « r f t o r

* NOTICE-" n n n s U A h X t o s n order of "Worth Ofcsnrtwrtain X BpLculSutrOgstsoX ttw oonnkj. <aC St* X*w jpuoe juld socordlng-to the Sts l» i« i n s o c k oasc madd a n d provided Hattc* ta heretiy grfStt <o sU poriions3is>ing claims mgslnsfctha ««Utsv.Hf JUs* sua* Bridge l*Ut of lot^dsm, i n said ooosty, dcoeaaod -iSat th£y are xsotiixcd to axhihat ttui^ same Trtth tho Touchers iienrtoi id ihs-suhserih- i

cr pxecntor Aa s t the American Hooss in ^ots- ^ dsm i u said Connty on, at before tnsrleth dsy of October noxt-

Date l . April 10th, i r B 4(imnT ' p.l> •RBTTKtg.^iecntor

( NOTICE. •faTJE^UAKTtQ s n order xjfBtillmsiiJoote aarro-^ Ji g s . t t fo ' thecunn^ypfStXs>Tnooe^6tsc«oH . i n ^ t a tno SUtnte-iiLsnch cassxosrts^siiAKOTMliad.1 &o ics.5%hetciiy^yen-iosUperscoslisrihgiiiehM *gsinat ai«esUta«f. Jesse ft gruftssia' Ws-of P^ts-. datny i n said, county,. docsesooV i u a t they"s£e re-ixufred to tftlnbit the ssoie; -with t h e *yuZh«r*. tbercof to tho euoscribcr exst-uirisv ke^ st^the rcaldcQUj-oi Joliu JL Urjuich -inVotmiBmf in msMt Coupiy on or. before the; 1 s t day o f Septenalter next. , t

Dslod lotsasBr-Icb •Ut.TfiTff* , J

ifif-eni JASi. t ^IUOCSLuJ.teeeiiir.ix. -

If&ds^oJVWovcHib-r, Jfa"C s^ 0 oUoiJt iu t - o fortr oon

Dsttd ATVasMfJ IS ur 4

U l t r n l U U XOCKWOOp Xcxt&se** J B Brirwie-lx*fi* Aitprafcy C 1 5 *

• A B" Hon Urit-ys, J> 31 J ' ' "* s A IT Bop u r n w . D 31 1» Jiu« tllebiloUzut

AlAfttTEItOGATESCQOItT l i d d e t OKdeei bnr^lXL«ndfbe41uic4untr-oC ^ ZAwrenco,

o n tlib SfitlL^lAy or Aeguit, 1 ^ JSr j i ™ t , - B l l I E M A \ l t o a i E , g « r r e « » t e , « i n tlioutonUutiitn ot l i v t i TC.tetboiy .djiiln

Istnitor to o t A l e n e o n ^ Qjoeon, dec^ued ioifhuibdrity-toTnorlgage | e u « o^ M U J M I . e e u t o ta pay dtbtR. 'f

UnKettttng ami filing tile ptUlton of ierl I t TtitCBrary ttamlmitntor-!^ oTAlsnien 1 'Orb »pn,tk-oiaui«l /oreutfcority'toiaQxtgaci, I U H i t

•"etutlie reel c«Ul« of.tne aud deoeewd tor tktp»y> JirjlcrordMieo%rlt}|i|.Jtif,

(.wrp -mldvrfeatb- tJ* »bt>VY*t,olllliN]4cJotonttio IJil d « r of AegiBt B « 1 d u l l HOI s t -pnb Ic sunt. Jn o» t t o fow *dlr«U o4U>05!U )ayo (JfWiiloe- i l l » »t t u t aU6«'lnUu!rp«'' .>iH . t!UI(Bcso^4 B 3f«>-IrirT- lt>Colttj r » l 4 *jut$,('Htf' jrsEBlfe* fn-((ilu JuJnscuti reo t o-iM.i^^t«jl5 ^*rttit*e» Ml <t« HI M !

\J.« ic f»lawi5)j«t4t >iirrA<r)ul aim-J»I*I tijaU-mt ff;ilio^r£tf-wrrcntt e»uuty N S W i n d i M f IWt X^jtarc 4 « i s t i c r t ) o

ftli«J! Bwll<rfi)a. i i l ! l»l U t J I * I' a i r f cr*'rlU«?!l t e w a W H O *? H B t i r t J S - T f t S K a H nir i t, in.tail««t « « > i rflr »!»-}» »rats !-i» rjow.ro »ii t W«l«ay«3 f n »»IS te^-M »j*-tK!»r N at*1V »cUiifi«rS->Tl)eJ tilMMA.-' » * f l fcet»nt4uit'v« U 6 b « i a £ J It 1 t l a l n t s d ^ T IIUKw 4« c«4 v^t'^ tli WgltiHtfj' ItaVU «i|no n*afi? if *r*»

At«Ji»H!»«<im»r'»it»»al"ifJwli!j.ta«« In t u * tftwn. i fwl |# t f */imtyj«lrt^»t«*t»>^i4»l* ntt nfc

^ M t t J f nsllt . r i w m S * I tewlt Trslfrip^ft^A* YoJ.nl-* I y i n w |it?fl«llBt II Xttf jtrtrlihi tJU toiiS ftoi'lilt.taim (.01(0^ n if> • » « t * t I « t t e !r)rHiwo'l »iiiif«r osilwt by « 'Vi W « t* r*MTien*Tir« Kt*utnt-wlwltei»«d^»Ml. r»t«$« «.» 8 -sHin-rlT fn,i s( Ssj l» taiotxtf CWJJ « l Jw « H O » i l l s BMI I l i ~ , l / « •« ; •* • e rrwiw' i i . B S . i l l f Ki*« rrltoH.tHlitOaJ.lU'K ( b » # , wftteriy rtwn.* rfwuJ* fcrfcitfty- 'j^o^'t y lllewi» •n K c (ten » N t itsr}' •!«•* tte .«t««i«» 1IBM( »wji"it«i djattoa.WiM.it II J ervln. nuttai' Vf ntfiftjf in. & l4tt I lt?Fi«orJit o nt«J brlur d <i «t« r, tiMt "is* ft^Kift^ -«Jtt

ufHiUjtt 'r'nt.". 1 to »)vj j.1 oiVT^-tiu ujau; tartan e»iK»iJi^nif tflMf vt On -*x 5tlorwwWt5tb& iWc t.r t.?^ AU-B/f* e^iw s.llii

nitnieH!tl« dobti K i t Dnr«r«d_Hut *11 o l inooe fntecE!«^d fir the estetooftlie ealtl deoeaeed apbeer' »f trattut-«nrrunto.^r-tao. e o j u t r of 8t; X«w "

«uoe nitiisbMQS.ispsdeu.Mttrsvja •efAeonntj; » on. BMfluIayD-CKtdtcr 18 « M l o e l v a t * ai . , jtben.4U."t thciMito »bow cuiee wi^ju^lwrltyiil ieald not be crttoi to IboAtlil Adniinitlitttor to>noi:t|m|«

r^tawftrueQicftriinclr. of ttto. reel Relate o f l i l i l ii-<:eam%ftbi>UMl itroMmir t o i ter hit 4 r t t « K , and ,u . i ina i« time s a t place UftgiTen i» ttfc»-ered> ^ Itor tir tttfeaei d«c«i«ea-to nfteentead eefektUn' tfiftlre ilwe-

&-3V i i m , t . X l « 1 0 0 1 » V « a r r « » « U

TU E r t a j l C d t t l i o a U i ^ O i K l n i T f o r t . t o E « t t t I-c«t«fA«iol . lW«^ .n t tJe i ln feo X e t v j l s p -

jltfeiia If Uapri.rooldy'n VK3&.faelr»»ttor eiwtneit . y. tiUI i « f iimat Oaatf ittt, M T i ' t i » l » . i n Out

'.cuaacur, irn-y'15 «wr .»>cItri^3o»«i m A cer^i n feetrnteentr lit ^nrltlwe. jpaiwrtiec i i be KArJ4»* *W aod l«t*iMntSjl<»*rc>»" sny j ' o o t ttw » w a r f letadaw tu ii^eanur-o'"b rjiafcnai' »«4««t4of ><w Turk <awntai, ]eU0ilnil»/»>d«<opUcaUotito the tkmoeate et oVccefityt^t t«4iifnMt*MtaeeMUeira>u«t

"Courier \

For 1876.








tamtotlieotii I* JrJeior»i; emity

BEHt Wi«)?¥IiS5«i«BI8, iMton,* llin, Held by ilwlor. mn.



PtfBsrjANStoeti order of mtltttmi »>ot», Sur-. sotteteof tbo.eetnity ofS^L«v.reuooriuid eo.

our llnnte tlie tKttttfrin ettenceMetuede end pro. »W». Uniiaeol«.U«»bj'iitven t»UI-v«r»oii«. Swing. e(l»lm»mt»lu»tUi«<!«t»tft orOaeMttTO JiennHten.. letoof-llouevulei In e«ld.'reo"nntyi'sroc«iiieflv-tii»r tterweteiirurcd h>„<utn<Mt tttnaeme, witU'tlte oQlcaln M»ii>.>ii»,tn«l'HWmt)', tmorbsrnretlia 93d d«ot!h>i)toiutar,nrt<t, next.

D.tM..>ie»..i.fcM»H!liM.ima. > «Ma. i,.o. winiuirjsy.Ktr,

" What id tbo oblof n»« of brtavtl '' asked an oxammak at a recant aonobl wbibiUon " Tbo obidf n'aomt.^roaai'* anaworod tha nrohlb) apparantly astoh-istiqd «t tbo Bimplioltyof tho .iiiquiry, " u to B ircad bttttWiaaiato-ou iti"

Em ent. we met a Xir#.

l»Sott»«rtiiSow.yo Vorkani eodlon lerWort on

ierietleinanln ererrtdra inao«ii»da, to miroaiNew


lUryibr&ftnteUefon. Adoiei*>^0**WlHMDti

TVeet,ato*kHoIm,N.Y. _ a r : : ; ; A ' ' , . • . . • • .«• •

•> < CHICKEMX ANO EQOI AH ltm*e ot fktf^M-mj?.$i*&ffl:$h»t'*J.

A U«,llUacUH.,-IR.JUBle*U»«p..

Subscribe At Once !|

Onlv $ 1 ^ 0 per v r .

75 cents for 6 months;

12J pts.per.mO.

FATt 4 BWIBT, Fropa.

Prices to Suit the Times. See aeaeeeteerltavlriaixttnoin tiionwtwlin. a

Sew Btook of Oootle, wui eontlnno .tee. bealnMi at M A a QlwraW or Wr.tootfa Block, R U i O * POTSDAM, K-Y. , MPAlIUHOWoll.ud Promptly done at

M*E. TnjiSBR, Agfef roteaam, April at 18T8. O.U

S A t i l 8 . • » . - C i . i i l f o i t l ,

Baymond.St., Potadam, ' " t''

keopeafttllUQoorMwerluoluAlnir . ^ f.. *

Gironlar, Cross-cut,

Mill and Drag,

All Kinds of SMALL. ASfVS.

hQW'PRIQSB MVSIG BOOKS E«ii3ri,«linplineillMtr.uei)tin'booiie ere

Aoapltsloolliwlloiiof raiislijfot a tomo er »ios(«nr .ofch*4U*.*(!Orisla"Un"g.f)f -VloiUinr lilute or liuHi* .CorniitcECisvittQt;aaviPllhft»dVioUncclio p DUflhle Bs^.toirpBrhspsplaiiov'l*. —


Ritter?s History of Music, 21r»,«». «1JS0.

QftlaeotteUortQlenlatO' and- intereetlogr blstory coutatueUioinbttaueabf aU,tbtt'bae eiee been Written oniUe'RUbJeat and le alntoet a noeeeilty forinuil&al.etudenta, Koore'aErioyolopedia of Mono $6 00 App. to Mopro'a Enolgpedia. 90-ota. Dwtioiiary. of Sua. Information. $1SS

Of tltcee. aneefni.booai,.. flie Jlret li nneh tbe •HrittBt, aoaioiiulnian lmmon«« »moUiit of infer. ;iuatlon on«Te»leet. enbJeete? jreai-. Aoiiendlx baa aotlMil of .wll i t ll«» tr»n.Dlr*t lljit* tile flrlt pub-,]lt»BoB.of Uiolarge.iioiite.enUistKe f Dletlon»ty•,

i M t t » . u b « u n a i o f »Uttl«t 11 ta tbo great > £ » 'eyiiloiiedu;" Ifu eeriden>edlikiniue« aa-poeelble.

Xtttii)rb(iok.oiit,lioat'.tr«,(orrrtall price OLrvSsErrsoHiOO.v oiiA«.it.nrxsoir*oo..

floeton. ^^;?njroadi1rar.H.T. 4«Kl>rXfi09';ll 00.


In prcsonting ft dtiBoription of th&" Silver lioed Orgaujnnd pointing onttUo peculiar cbaraatonsttis- of, ita cbnalrnohon mid tono, * o aaV tho nltcntion of nil wlio nro intcrcated in tho.pro(}roaa of art, ttad eapoomlly ot tlioao who intend to purohtieo an mfltrumcut.

The P e c u l i a r M e r i t of tbo Silyor Rocd Organ oonawtn In lift Purity Si edncis Pawa lit ilUttnct/ and fulltnti QuaUti/^f Tina iti Qiuckiuis$ of linymnsa to Ragul Jfm^oi mjr tbo porfect t.»fco with wblcb it blunda with tbo voioo and otbor musical lustrumunta and is controllod by tho porforwor.—nnd the reuuou ymtii is ntru«navsr over nny nnd all otbor Itctd mutiutnents IH( rirat—

T h e R e e d s era mttdo by ft oombimvtian of Sihot with, otbor motala, in oortain exact propor tionswluob bug oxpononoOPflnd most aovero testa have brought to tbo highest atuto of pcrleotion Second—

T h e M e t a l , thua obtained is of floor grain 91m bo rolled thinner nnd batder, and 1a mora olastio than that of ybiob tbo oomnion *oofla nro wade, nnd beoanso they ere tbm, bard and mora elastic t|to response to the tonoh is qmoker and the tones ftromoro tolling JCho Silver Eood Organ, bytcnaan of tho oompojntion of ita rctds and their consmjuont susceptibility to icooivo a true voicing and dclicato flnisb, M the only Organ whiolfraturna on instant moons response to rapidJlngor ing and whoso tones., from highest to lowest, possess on ccpial and admirable pnnty, swoetneaa and power Having that tolling quality, tho upper tones aro sot bidden or ovorpowered by tbo baas bat blending with thorn they bft tbo mcl ody entirely abovo tho deepest tones, winding through tbo texture of harmony, leading tbo car anoniugiiy to tbo thought of tho musical composition.

T h e S t o p s are skillfully applied and aro competent nnder good bnndi, to givo oxpresaion to ovory human emotion By an IJfGHmom IJfVENSHOlf, operated by a pedal, tho Stops-may bo wstanlly tJiravm uut or in tbna placing them nnder perfect onnttpl, enabling tlio norformer to go from soft to loud, and nice vtsrtq, witbont removing tbo liandk from tbo keys ot breaking tho smooth current of harmony. _

HuiBtopaehottia Patented, thaBilwrJSteea u Patented, tbo Same " Silver Heed Organ" i» teenredby the law of Copyright, and all nro nnder the

entire oontrol of the Silver Seed Organ Factory at Potsdam, N T, For fnrihat pnrticnlara.call at the Faotory- onfa l l Island, opposite the Epis

oopal Ohuroh, Or addrcaa

A. M. B R U S H . P o t s d a m , N . Y .

Sh ing le s for Sa le .

AiVit or seed" Oedtoe Shlnglea for ule ohoan by

A C A I U I O H , Itf Atn .1V. I-O. lUB-BUflon, 1'oUauo


HADE TO ORDER. •.'..".•

AH kiucls of SAWS'KEPAIBBi>i: ati4 Satiafactiori'.Qnaraateod.. ;

f ILES of all kinds for sale. RE-OWFILMS qf:att &nuti far sola

andMxhittig^or old Jlkt, •SJiiop.oppotite lie'Wet'er-irortai'

-Blacksmith Coal, • ' AiWAIS ON HAND.


Two- Jerae^ lerd Book Bull Calves.

xinreepiotitliKold; itirlcee to suit tlio hard.ttniee •:t8tf.: • j-AeiiESJinnaaEU. J o n . l i t n , 18;«. itoekholm N T,

•Ifyen Wenttojenaifarai, winUoselie lloflieandlot

"; WintA'SeriiantJBIrl, •Wa8«6fleU*,J>Iano|.

i'Wanttn-KontaStore,- • WanttS-SilUMoree, T¥.dt"toSellar.tont, •w*attoTiend'i,cn6r, Wiultrt0Boja'B6r»o)

» WantwUtfyaBonee,:.. JwaniiaBelija'ceHiagei, Wan WBentAnoSae. , 'Wttit'toJlorroWafonoj', Wanta,DO.Mloeri«w. ,

^ » a K « o S » U » < l « i - « * AnaiCM Wantto IBM »atrayed'Aetem, Vfaet t o JTnd any one'e Addrees WaUVto Bella Piece ol Tamtlnre •W.Ut t o SOU a Boeona Jiand Oerrlafe. W e n t i o T t e a e a y t U n g y e h h a t e l M t , Want t e Xind en Owner forenytbtoa'-jroand. Ten can make tteMOrany other w a l k * * * " -

M a r b l e W o r k s !



H O W A R D ' S

Centennial Meet Market,

,lwo«V*cr»*inAtfil thptltfce*fii*Eiui**frnr- se» Kiflieailee yf-rs fa •TIWSVFJKM* f>ftrA. f j ijr»"an

t ? * <;ir*W!"li'S3X>MJ R* trr*.

OfpOsllo tho book store be* ^)eoa tberong>bj. cleaned ps lntcdandrcnttodaudle n o v t h o ^ M r 1

l i l e c e l n t o i m t o b n y choiceetcaxaand roeeta|an Oornod Dcef CAU on Howartt and make trial 47-Sm

CALIFORNIA. Ike Cbleaie * Nortk-waeUrn Railway *m-

bramt antler on* aiaaacnsieat ih* tiratt XranklUllMytiDMaCtli* weatand no«h-weet, and, win ta» nutnerooe llranohee and oonntcUtras, (i)rm» the aliortett en I qniokot route between CWuago and all pcintetn flltn-ol», WlaooMia,Horther* Mlelile^n, Mmneeo-ta, Iow», JNebrMlta, Callfaml* and tie WeaV ewTorntorle*. tta

Omaba aad CaUfomiiline i« tlio tlioriot andlwet route for all pomta In Northern blinds, Itiwe, Dakota, Revraeka, Wjomtng,Ciilor»4o, Ulaii.Ne'tade.Callfoml* Oregon, t-blna, Japan and iuatralla. I u

Chicago, Marltaon end St Panl Xise In the short lino fee Northern Wleoonsin and Minnesqta, end for Jfadieon, St Paul, Min-neepoUe, Bututh and all points fn the Great Northwest Its

Winonaand St Peter lone la Ibeonly route _f>r Wlnooe.dloclieeter, Owe-tonna, Maakato, St Pctor.Aew Ulm, andall point* in eutliern and Central JUipneaota, Ita

GreenBay *ndSarqoette l i n e Is tie only line for JaneatUIe, Watertawn, Fon Da Lac, Othkoeh, Appleton, Green Baj, Eeoanaba, Negaunee, Marquelte, Houghton, Hadcoek noil the £ake Superior Country Its

Freepottand Dubuqne l i n e la the only route for Elglo, fioekford, Free-port, and all points via import Its

CMoago and. Jlilwankee lane lathe old Lake Shore Route, and la the only one paeeinf through Eranirton, Lake forest. Highland l'ark, Wanisgan, Kacine, Kenosha to Wllmnkee, 3 ,

Pullman Palace Cars are ran on all urtragh trams on this road

This Is the oaly"£inerunnlng.thean oars be tween Chicago and Milwaukee dr Chicago and St. Paul oV Chicago andWintma.

At Omaha our Blecpera connect vith tho Orerl&nd sleepers on the tfnton Paelfio 2hul> roadfbrall'pointB'weatof'thQMissonTi xrrer

On the arriralaf the trains front the east or south, the trains of tho Chicago & North \Vcetorn radroad le&vo Chicago as Ibllovs

For Council Bluffs, Omaha and California. Xm) "through travns daily, "with Pullman Palace Drawing Itoomand SlccpuigCars through to. CounoU-Bluffs.

Fcr St. Paul and jMinneapolis, two through trains daily, with Pnllman Palaoe can at­tached on both trains.

ForGreen Bay and Lake Superior, two trains daily.TiiUi Pullman Palace cars attach­ed, and running through to Marquette.

For Milwaukee, four through trains dally Pullman cars on aught trains, Parlor Chair oars: on day trams.

For Sparta and Winona and points in Mih. aeaota. One through train daily, -with Poll-man Sleepem-ta Winona. ~

For Ddbuque, Tin Frsoport, two through trains dady, with Pullman Cars on night trains.

For Ddbaqneand La Crosse, via Clinton, two through trains daily, with Pullman oars on night tram to McGregor, Iowa,

For Sioui City and'*Yankton, two trains dally"* Pullman. Cars to Missouri Valley Janetnm r

For Lake Geneva, four, trains daily, Fcr Hnekferd, Storlmg.Kenosha, Janesnlle

and other Mints, 70a can hare from two to teg trains daily > ,

JfewYorkQffioe.TJo ^S^Broadway; Boei tan Offioe.No 6 Bute street;, Omaha- office. 258 Farnhamstreet, BanFranoleoo ofHoe, 121 Jtontgomeiyetraet, Chicago Ticket office, nil Cliarkstreet, under Shermaa house, comer Canal sad Madison streets; Kinne street depot, comer W Klnna and. Canal street, Wells etreet depot, oorner Wells and Kinue stieets. •*• " Forratee or lofbrrnation not attainable from your home ticket sgente, spply to w H tn'iMniv MABvniiniaHiTT

Qe-ul-u Agt, Chicago. Oen Bunt Ohieago


?»iSltf\>T}*«t «nw»fa tfcsn icolii, Bsa-t'osale of llie ^ m t r ef IKt, tJu vfirt v tuul $&

ardlbn-iotfeilliltiil I>IAUC1Icite«t*utt a id jieo. vfdeiy r u » c t i i i & i i » l r y ^ j m f n a n t , e *«w Mrelas caws asainst tie a--»ta f iiara^A f iox, bit> of sn»j«ntis la MM -ino«, aentJmnO tints U «»•«:>• « niiou u emdfcH: tbi; sine »ith ft» youthcra ttftrurf Ii t«i « )«M ««e. at t_e

caws asainst tie attate f V*a1i3. f iox, bit> of sn»j«ntis la MM -ino«, aentJmnO ihsl U «»•«:>• « niiou u emdfcH: tbi; sine »it!i ft» youthcr* ttftriirf 11 t«i mrjeMJUnie. et t_e t nw«efWi(ifirl »!i»»( sstMsesae i .ttoidt. u nM esirttr enor heiliretlti}.2i/U lurof Jauvm-y,ue!i

isaeei. i>*\KKt«B.tw unojiotiv notioa Tsiecuttr*.

(X<lM»burf In. the *aia ioailiyv en 4K* lets jiajf of tfrtober r*7» *t U •oeiees.-Jn t*iJer*»-nif a. tbjmais* Uicr* to attewl l i * probOa of aaU

<i!*cn BBder tlie nana and eeal of oMee et wirjata DWAieate. .at. ipedtaabwravin

(T. a.J aiiI<ieoiineyM%.|iasiemes, this^alts. a.yof Acj-u«-;f» Uu> jear«fo*XMil ngetiiiiipaaM'eltawsneeT.i-atawl.siffeil


SPiKEltt rpvrtK^Dt, la»M-M Ceontr i (.>.-to.Mim,r-«aiiuB;T« *no»»««r,wiia»«..

iiodce Jo .«W'Xjoi i»J lUrlc . I^»ldS^.r«ajr>wB.

DO» Joa» Buesjlm,. nituiUrt anil t^rua l ) « e S * a e e ^ « n t a B > l a * I a t

Lumber! - W I & -

A. Sherman Lumber Co., Moimfauiturers of

Spruce , P i n e

a n d H e m l o c k

POTSDAM, Nf.1T. Dr FselBimcoIloorIni ,nal Ooiltb^ \orott*

V lit r of Spr ice an I ?lne HCUsh a 1 XJn2ti.L.a L n u b u of cdi qnnHUcn

Superior Sang Sawed Lath Tiur ealtl at

JfVholeSale or Retail. Oong 31111s at Sieeon-taUe, ono nitio p orth of

,. Uafcitiuin illljfjo A smJ(MA^ none rolls Jf 1

D1XQ3S BUEBSU, ™ ™ w * Stf-

euzTivora-nf; mehwaTsrai e-iHMted, tSefeadaal*. _^ „ in toa»ooysnaave*,Psft,ejdanta>-.T*« Are,*****

by rwibwj to.elijwijf^lie xoeiaMwt af tk> Bill tln-lii uiIaactliM whSkwasiMswlitrtaveeau* of i'w deuuy uf Bt. Tawreina, at Cantos. II t , tat msuamajr-* ^uir.J«tre,a«»»t*»«»7»» e*»J tif yon.r as»».t w m at ton l»a«, «e,'%»w»«a<» C.j.;'? w .Urtk-wllW^ t-ivoiy says anac-tka-sen-..!«. Iwrior upon yco-tercliiiuaef Jtna'daf «t aues-mWitit; K yi>* nu td soanwer tb«7-daiajl« wilt »»piy ta itw ifmuylortw-CTUefiseiis<•'«<* tk« eiiuiclatnt.

4.V TAVPAIOtitEWtS mrtuat ^lWs«anv*,r iHTB'-iPaSKW' roaflt-^»««»«a,Ce<fft-« ~"

) tsi*rtnMOoprm»> ^ John r„iU,Uvqa, flalBlnT;--« lawa-i Srnld aolt-tlefttldanl ' ,

rotnesbuvenaeMA.~dcHndaaC TtfaneelWraaT suIainoncd.aiid^eriDtredJe answer las eerawlaint tCiieplainua luthUaeuan which will; b.Sled istth ifce (Heck of ih«, Conner o f St. Lawwnoa.at Jitaemctiin (.anion tf,\',»ua.to»e-Te-» eopr bf . ,-j'Otlr answee oiu the ahbeentwr, at- hi* eOeif at dolton si iswreBoK on, V y wlUiin ttKenry- days after tbe eerrlce of thlaanaunona. uvoo-you exriualre of tbe day ol aaea seeelet, anllr-ydafau.iaanaiicraaldeaninlain^ae hereby RjjirMl lliil jlalutlltwpitake JnasnustL aejafsat

~you lor one ttiudredaud.tulrlyw-lX' aoUara1 and-SS ccnte with Uiterwt theraonalani Ha-ck»,lS7« 1 estate tba coihrof ti le action

1 £ aErncim» plo. Atiy ? . Coiton,ar y

<*r 11 - .Thotummoaeaaaeomnlainlrtn QueaeUoir yraa UtaWta Uio os ieeef lift CterKof SI, J e w r m f e 0 iWntyonth0»«hdayo73nlT , l» - ( l t ' *

a- v •<' A,ir BirBDEK/riia. itty

Grfaxn B a g s j , AtG W.I.E)ETE"»


CKa\S.W.UBETE Ian 1} 1875 271*.


Nine Per Cent Interest.

SAl,T, S A L T I


S A L T ! Salt in Barrels, Salt in Bags.

The JBcettaitho Cheapest SALTjOf' all kinds,

I for Sale by

TJiJAa H0W». in ISM, anteasa tne neat Bswa JjiaCaohli«. , l lrt»e;Oeiala«*o»eeeaw^uril-ort iislsasamt wTatiastresnTss^pajuaeklsite' "hareseaVeoM, set* sUfti *nl»x»»reUtesta*te*

0 IX Wheefor heretofore of th^ law firm ot Snowies £. Whoelor in Eotadam 21 T ,

Will tioan Money In sums if $ 3 0 0 °r upwardai on three or five years time,ton linprorodjraririlng£andefa Woot arnlowa.

A t 9 per cent Int«r«rt,rslymU« ssaed-arm-uaiy—irtth tka- Prtswtyea

wheat dtter, ui "tfce, Xsasti* em' Hoaaa

ttofers to'Hon II«ni7^Kocn»lee,atroeaaa«i, II V. Address O I t Wheeler, B o s IMS, Ooenasl IllnOi Iowa. *»

at-tf H . K . Ba ldwin .


PITBSnAnTtOan order of flUlunanToote Snrro. gate of the oonntyjMSL Lawrence andaeootd^

108*10 the iterate ltf eneh case made and provided) notioels hereby Siren ioeUpereons.haTingolaittUl aninaC t ie e e u l s of JoMJhJB Drrle lata of Vseesna, la atld county deceased that they are required to inhibit the earns With ihe^vouohers thereof,- to Ule suoaoribertt at the omoe of the late.Joseph h Orrla ^n staseeiHt IS sal&Oonhtr, en or heforerthe aoth 4er of neeesnber neat. , -Dated, Ante Uth, ine:

SMn 1* ALtOTC 0»T»iss>I .

T h e Morr i s R u n Blacksmith's Ooal,

Best in Use Tor anlo by

HT.K.BAI.DWIH, or A C sVUisnn

I'olsOam -N 7

rriHLIcaptQorUi'-'JiUtooCMewYoi-* to Vlufo* JL UcynoitJs H-aiiemlsh Slieldfln -VBaflns lto*«r HitaiLv^t JD-LLetun UrUh Zhnton ISHen Ptnton^ Oliii Denton of jSitboI-rlUe Jt T -Cl*arii)SJt>*nto*i. of VoU6»m H "1 Nuwion-Biys* «c Xorlsb. '»: Y Xublnfl. Stafford o r ^ i l l s b o r o a g h X JT-,-' ciieBtor.X> Ronton of Norwood Mich., JfiStmiih^ JJei*tun 01 ^ttt&iKlsUsfeXhitts -mnd.ilts hefis. s t J*w ofMUa Sheldon deceased whosej^rrtnns* n w t v borsi id places of rtitldencsare nnknoira to -petK tlonorsndsft^tsiustllllffftnoa csdr'Aof be ssos is tmlnodbylilm hclraatStw s a d nsxk of kin be BtitiyThonisslste oTlAwrtnics ha ih* oojuaiyp** gt. Xswxecco rl6cesHtIt Jirsatittg^ ^ ,

yfiTLREAS Tftyil Smiths exeevior nasflksd 111 scoj^ijrtnatriun«itln. nritln|r. pttrpoi^lte to b s tho l s«t WtU sua testsment. o r 3 e t * r Thosass^ i, Isle orthrTtown af, tswzvntievln; ihsoo i iwlTors tr I iswrenctsn6>st i t* of Hsir j o t s ' doeussad^ -JiSeT this daJ-TOsviB sopUcfttioiT'to the Bntttf£tm.ti€w t county of"St Xswr«noa tohsT«SsddhisrteT*sio«>*itlat vriUiig-proTed'snd recorded .wrs-WUDoriMl-sBtt1

pqrao&sl -eatst* r o u «rt% ilierefoxs hereby- dtatlrito spibssr

Jieforetha ssidfiurrogkto s t tb* resldstteo-ol B m l Binitli •imsr'McliiilvUie In said eo tu iy on i h s , 13tk fl»yoi*JOctobei> 1S76 » t 3 o clockln th«irfUt-tioou then, anil Utatsto sttsntl UM>pnbsta Of aatd ^ i l L «

Glrennnder the hsnd •snoLsssl' of bfle« •M of oiirssldJBawDfpUe^t Ofldsnsbstt«jiSa

[If ST ssid oonntrof S t X s w z t u e s i i l s ^ S S»y of Anrt-lnihrj /yasr o f onrXOM ono thcrassnd <^hthandraa^>n4^«Tsn*

SUTIIESDECOTJIMJ-S. I^wrencisConntT, ^VaitlteynoIdB-TS Hetixx ItobextsoW

ToihQ Bboro-nsmeddc/irndsnt -•*" *•—*" reaoired tq snaiMt tits complsint of Atvo l s la t iL harsln whicli will b«* filed In the <llerks offietf-o said Court at Canton JI Jf * n d to i t e n s , » s o p r of f j -ou^sniwerpnmsat^orfcl l tv lr iry i m h l a t m n i r days after the aervlco-of th is SUBUAQM ssrohsaflva of thia tUy of Berries If jorl i5tdfc,to asswst} t s id complaint, UioplalntUX'^ill iaejnd£instt i^«UilSt you-for onobnndrsd and «Ij{htaf>«i^it,d4U|sH s h d •> twentr four cents with intarsirt^rom the lMh day of Jnly -18 C JJoaId«a cost* -* ~

3 it. uniKOKEBHorf, piffji Atty JJatod July 39 18 fl . » * » • * Tliti complaint horeiii m Aled>in the CSttsvs y

offloa ol SL Xawrtutoa Cot(ntyr.'3( T / o n l b a l s s h day of Augnat, 1870V 7f> *

J i t . BBmt3KKEaOKT, PUTs-Afty^ Dsted Ann W 187« v M#

XUSCXIOH woracKt" -*rt Sfnaan 9, Otncw? \

•JPESXEZ^JSJ^RB^to ATssvBlh,at7ttJ

X \ Statutes ot,thla Stat*, and-.of ike samsmd n o V ^ , f t o

tm t h * f i l * ( ^ * » n r o f 8 l s 4 e ; ths* tbe Osnw-

oral Election SttthU SUts wil l b e hold 1 B t U a Conntr on ihoXaesdsy sitocssdhitt ths" jtatt Voit t day of .Korembec n « t , s t which, a c t i o s ? «ks onV ccr* nsmcdln tho snhncwl notfos frill b s ittaiHsd.

r XDWXBXit OHAFlir. fibattfl;

SiAXst dv Ns^rToMC \

offiosofthiigtiscTBt rrotWw^ 1 ne ft iAt Shertf « / ft* <>* iy tfj^ Jty#s*s»isf • . ^ . ~ i i ° ^ < ? K K * H , ' b y » ( ' n r t » > t is*st*i*kClsMrsl sEMcUoa to ba'htld InthU State OIL tha Vttiadsy stecotidlng thrrfirat icoaday of MoTWbsr B a t

SVleSSTg^ *" ^ d ^ » "* ^ A ODVernor,fn thdpiaoe o¥ 8eavneL7 TIMen A-IJIontenantaoTerner, i t t ihe Blaee ot'WIlBam

JDOrehetmSr f ' *• A. Oanal Commliilonerj.l« the piaee of James

fackeon 7r Aninaneetor of Slate M a o n a l a the]>laee of Ban-

Jtoin|a\ |W,Olars,wpoui<ed. b y the ttoVamor in t h e - W o e o f K e s e ^ i r B a t t , j r f w i i L

AnAasoelaW J idgeof . theOoorto f A j ^ a l S t f e r a foU ie tm) r ln the f laceef Bonert Sart awolnttd . , bribe Ooteraer in the plana « atattta dierer.' dooeaeed

All whose terms ottonlea wtUeTplietett s M l a s t , I d s y ' o f l J a o . m b n j w J t f ,

'XWrty-llTeBectoraof W<«ld«ita»dVloe-Prsel.. dent o t the r s l l e d . o s a S C , 1ABe»fe«iiilaUTolnlh«l'dirtyAfth Oonsreeaiot..

the Suited State, for tb. Wmeteenth Ooosr*asl«n-' alDlatrlot,eettinoe«lof theoowitlas of JTrankUo. and SfcXawrenoe. oousiToreiciEBB-Aiao roMs^attafPi-o*

&AniooioKrr ^

A ConntetOletJi to thepaji A Supertttand^nfrnf the I

9sa4Ar '••''Ssjsjs lemeA

H-r^.'-T.~!^r—• 1 **' If Iws ptsee o| Course Boblneoni *. Jtmp.Jnatleea«BWe»s,Jn.«a»nlaer-of BsMs

X J»clOionaiidAmhH>aldg.IneSw„ Two Coroner, ih ttnpftlcS o r B l a h a j « u W d f e s _ A) lwbo«eet ine«<Haol(Jwniaiplr»an, lhe last

" ^ q m n s b e s n e s k , ^ T * ^ I " s t i e t i l l e n e r a b e s M anj tor iowj iaw* e t t y

Oeetlon Boards; I n n e e t e t s '»ad pan (sneers of Bleotlbn J ineneetmllF dlreeted ft H i s l i r , s a l b w s o r m s entlthW -An Acfci» prdrtde « « eob-n l H l a s e s o e n d u e a s i i e the Olieelllnlllin. to the

JDectan of t h . Stats nseead K a y M , MrsVWWek set prondes IW Inhml&Uis » s « i i n e k t ( e n a m l eleeelen o n t b . mrmtlr day 'o f Hemafcee neat ,

" , , ^ ? » ^ ! ^ W l S • * , ^ t a t o 5 ™ * ' a l » • e f a W - s e t f aUtnUon of thsaeate or*ew>rasVsa*jes*atoe*s

n o « d > M e n d M o a H t e « k o £ « p s e i M l e * Wlia ialA .^,' ^ f l b l ' S . f o r m t o f p a l S « ^ a l a w t c i e f i r e » . £ ' » ' ' * « ' ' e u b » » » * d - p r o r i a » * l a see* a e V l n

^ • w s^tssivvsTasjy a ^ ssuafts^

- ""^esar -

i*a^ . „