God is True to His Word, 1 Kings 17

God is True to His Word, 1 Kings 17 - International Baptist Church

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Page 1: God is True to His Word, 1 Kings 17 - International Baptist Church

God is True to His Word, 1 Kings 17

Page 2: God is True to His Word, 1 Kings 17 - International Baptist Church

�“Elijah”—My God is Yah

�9th century B.C. prophet

�Called the “grandest” and most �Called the “grandest” and most

“romantic” character that Israel ever


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�Struggle against Baalism

�Prophetic Role�Prophetic Role

�Eschatological Relationship to Messiah

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Page 7: God is True to His Word, 1 Kings 17 - International Baptist Church

�God strengthens those who listen to his


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“God speaks by the Holy

Spirit through the Bible,

prayer, the church, and prayer, the church, and

circumstances to reveal

himself, his purposes, and

his ways.” Henry Blackaby

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A.God promises that one day every knee

will bow to him.

B.God promises help to those who help B.God promises help to those who help


C.God promises mercy if we confess our


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�God strengthens those who listen to his


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�God strengthens those who listen to his


�God stands behind his word.

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�Reason —Is it reasonable, and does it

make sense?

�Tradition —What have “those-who-

have-gone-before-us” said?

�Experience —Does it fit with what I

have gone through?

�Scripture –What does the Bible say?

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Your statutes are wonderful;

therefore I obey them. The

unfolding of your words gives unfolding of your words gives

light; it gives understanding to

the simple.

Psalm 119:129-130 (NIV)

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All Scripture is God-breathed and

is useful for teaching, rebuking,

correcting and training in correcting and training in

righteousness, so that the man

of God may be thoroughly

equipped for every good work.

2 Timothy 3:16-17 (NIV)

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Above all, you must understand that

no prophecy of Scripture came

about by the prophet's own

interpretation. For prophecy never interpretation. For prophecy never

had its origin in the will of man,

but men spoke from God as they

were carried along by the Holy

Spirit. 2 Peter 1:20-21 (NIV)

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A.The Bible is mostly true but has some

errors in translation.

B.The Bible is written by men, therefore B.The Bible is written by men, therefore

it’s thoroughly flawed.

C.The Bible is inspired by God and true

in its entirety.

D.The Bible is true in its broad strokes

but false in its details.

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�God strengthens those who listen to his


�God stands behind his word.

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�God strengthens those who listen to his


�God stands behind his word.

�God starts to work in and through

those to trust in his word.

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�What is your favorite way to “listen to

God speak”?



�Church (Fellowship)


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�What is your favorite way to “take in


�Listening to sermons

�Reading the Bible

�Doing a Bible study

�Discussing a Bible passage

�Memorizing and meditating

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�What is one area of your life where you

have difficulty trusting God?

�Forgiveness for the past

�Overcoming sinful habits

�Acting lovingly in family relationships

�Depending upon God to provide

�Accepting God’s plan for your life