1 Goal Approval through Re-licensing Goal Approval through Re-licensing EDUC 584 Session III May 2014 http://sewntppdp.wikispaces.com/ Mary Cieslewicz PI-34 Coordinator [email protected] 414-339-5353

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Goal Approval through Re-licensing EDUC 584 Session III May 2014 http://sewntppdp.wikispaces.com/. Your best strategies…. Review the Marzano Classroom Strategies Reading. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Goal Approval through Re-licensingGoal Approval through Re-licensing

EDUC 584 Session IIIMay 2014


Mary Cieslewicz

PI-34 Coordinator

[email protected]


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Your best strategies…

1. Review the Marzano Classroom Strategies Reading.

2. Write post it notes with one strategy per post it stating effective classroom strategies you implement with your eyes, hands and voice.

3. Share out: EYES A-K HANDS L-P VOICE Q-Z


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What are strategies with your eyes, hands, and voice?





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Session III Agenda


Evaluate PDP with a Peer

Goal Approval ProcessFinding Reviewers

Beyond Goal Approval--Step III: Annual Reviews--Step IVA: Evidence (writing assessment plan)--Step IVB: Final Summary and Reflection

Year 5-Final Verification

License application

Course Evaluation

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Find 3 Partners for tonight5

Introduce yourself to three people and sign them up as your…


Partner sign up sheet is last page in your packet.

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Objectives and Activities•Look at PDP, refresh your memory Look at PDP, refresh your memory and make final changes so you leave and make final changes so you leave ready for goal approval.ready for goal approval.

•Goal-exciting to youGoal-exciting to you

•Objectives-align with goalObjectives-align with goal


• Correspondence between Correspondence between Professional and Student Professional and Student learning activitieslearning activities

• Appropriate level of specificityAppropriate level of specificity

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Don’t lose sight of the purpose of your PDP


Focuses on the educator (you!) as a learner Focuses on the educator (you!) as a learner Demonstrates your learning through personal Demonstrates your learning through personal

achievements and student resultsachievements and student results Tells the story of your professional learning Tells the story of your professional learning Reveals your ability to reflect on the planning and Reveals your ability to reflect on the planning and

implementing of a desired goal and the results implementing of a desired goal and the results based on standards of performancebased on standards of performance

WORK TIME—self evaluate your PDPWORK TIME—self evaluate your PDP


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Verify your Plan8

Please open to Page 2 checklist in your packet. Find your Professional Partner, switch packets and

PDPs. Read each other’s PDP and complete the check list through STEP II (omit assessment) Then…

Please take turns sharing thoughts What stands out to you? What questions do you have? Is the plan too vague or too specific to accommodate a

change in assignment? What knowledge or resources can you share? Thank your partner when you are done

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PDP Goal Approval Process9

Between June 1 and January 1 get Goal Approval Request Team Members via e-mail. OPTIONS to locate

team member: 1. District colleagues who are reviewers 2. SEWNTP data base 3. DPI database

Reviewers must be trained and in correct categories. Your reviewers review your PDP on WECAN or QEI. Please

personally email reviewers your request that they review even though the site may generate an automatic email.

You do not mail your PDP Goal approval to DPI, but you must provide a copy or online evidence to your reviewers when you verify in year 5, so keep Goal Approval originals in a safe place

Demonstration of online reviewer selection

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Planning your Documentation (3-5 pieces of evidence) will prepare you to write Assessment Plan

Anticipate implementing your activities-- • What will you be learning?• How will you know that you have learned?• How will your learning connect with the goal and

standards you wrote into your plan?

Key question to keep in mind—• What evidence could you collect to demonstrate

your learning and the impact on your students?


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Anticipating Evidence: Chart your Evidence

Review Menu of Evidence (Workbook Page 4)Review Menu of Evidence (Workbook Page 4) Review Evidence Chart (Workbook Page 5)Review Evidence Chart (Workbook Page 5)

Select two Select two professional growth professional growth activities from your planactivities from your plan What evidence from each activity could you save to verify your What evidence from each activity could you save to verify your

professional growth?professional growth?For example, a picture of your room before and after could For example, a picture of your room before and after could

document ways in which you improved classroom environment.document ways in which you improved classroom environment.

Select two Select two student learningstudent learning activities from your planactivities from your plan What evidence from each activity could you save to verify the What evidence from each activity could you save to verify the

effect on student learning?effect on student learning?For example, student work samples spanning two years could For example, student work samples spanning two years could

show effect of lesson changes. (Work time) show effect of lesson changes. (Work time) 11

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Find your D Partner and Explain the evidence Find your D Partner and Explain the evidence


How and when will you collect the evidence/ How and when will you collect the evidence/ data of student and professional learning?data of student and professional learning?

In what format could you provide this In what format could you provide this evidence to your final reviewers? How would evidence to your final reviewers? How would you submit it electronically?you submit it electronically?

What data will the evidence provide? What data will the evidence provide? How will the evidence relate to your goal?How will the evidence relate to your goal? How will your evidence document or verify How will your evidence document or verify

your growth or student learning?your growth or student learning?

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Stay with your Partner:Connect Anticipated Evidence to PARTD. Plan for Assessing & Documenting


Look at Ben’s Plan for Assessing

1. Ben’s Activities for Objective 1 and 2 are numbered from 1-9

2. Read Paragraph 1 of Ben’s “Plan for Assessing,” and number the assessment strategies to match the objective activities.

3. Similarly, look for matches between Paragraph 2 and Ben’s Activities for Objective 2 .

4. Does Ben need an assessment for each activity? Could he use same assessment collect data for more than one activity?

5. Can you add or create an assessment that is not part of any activity?

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Thank your PartnerNow You are Ready to Write Your

Assessment Plan14

Use your Evidence Chart to inform your assessment plan.

Write a short narrative describing anticipated assessment of professional and student growth. At least two examples of each is recommended.

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Work on your PDPTake a break as needed

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Find your “P” (PLAN) Partner and find the answers to the Quiz in Ben’s PDP Quiz to WALK THROUGH Steps III and IV


Annual Review


Final Summary

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Quiz AnswersCompletion Dates


1. Look at dates filled in for completion of activities. Which Objective has earliest days for completion of activities?

  A. Objective I B. Objective II C. Objective III 

If you think about implementing a PDP does your answer make sense? 2. Does Ben have completion dates for all activities? A. Yes B. No 

When would you not have a completion date for an activity?

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Review Step III: ANNUAL REVIEW Checklist Steps (III.1)-(III.4)

18Annual Reviews are written each spring after goal approval.Annual Reviews are written each spring after goal approval.

Required components in the Second Annual ReviewRequired components in the Second Annual Review

Reflection on Reflection on professional learning professional learning (.1)(.1) Reflection on how the changes effect Reflection on how the changes effect student learning student learning

(.2)(.2) Inclusion of Inclusion of revisions/changesrevisions/changes as needed (.3) as needed (.3) Add completion Add completion dates dates of activities/objectivesof activities/objectives … …..and repeat in years 3 and 4 ..and repeat in years 3 and 4


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Annual Reviews19

3. Read Ben’s first Annual Review on page 5. Underline sentences where Ben talks about his learning. Circle sentences where he talks about student learning. If Ben only talked about his own learning in his reflection would a reviewer verify his annual review?

  A. Yes B. No 4. Ben has 3 annual reviews. This means he implemented a:  A. 5 year plan B. 4 year plan C. 3 year plan

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What to Talk About in an Annual…

Professional Professional LearningLearning Knowledge gainedKnowledge gained New skills performedNew skills performed Dispositions (values, Dispositions (values,

attitudes, beliefs) either attitudes, beliefs) either new, heightened, or new, heightened, or depleted due to this depleted due to this processprocess

Aspirations you Aspirations you discovereddiscovered


StudentStudent LearningLearning Student changes over Student changes over

timetime Evidence submittedEvidence submitted Formal and informal data Formal and informal data Tell a story using a case Tell a story using a case



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Step III-Ben’s REFLECTION YEAR 2(Knowledge-Dispositions-Skills-Behaviors-Change over time)

21 Teaching the Advanced Lit. class was much harder than I thought it

was going to be. Reading the texts was a powerful experience and one that opened my eyes. Richard Wright's Native Son is a book I will not soon forget. My understanding of social and race relations has increased greatly through this book and others…With regard to teaching the course, I struggled to engage students with the sometimes painful and graphic texts. I kept worrying about how much the students were learning. ..Students enjoyed the assignments we did. Specifically, students were asked to look at symbolism in Toni Morrison's Beloved. In groups of 4-5 they then created web-pages to share their ideas/insights. The web-sites were powerful and indicated to me that students truly understood the book on many levels… Students did a "frozen tableau" exercise with an excerpt from Toni Morrison's Beloved. They took an excerpt from the book and tried to envision it as a physical scene. This was an emotional and powerful learning experience.

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5. How many pieces of evidence does Ben describe on page 7 of his plan? A. 5 B. 7 C. 3

6. What is the minimum number of pieces of evidence you must have? A. 5 B. 7 C. 3

7. How many of Ben’s pieces of evidence describe student learning? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3

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Review Step IVA: EVIDENCE Checklist Steps (IV.A1)-(IV.A3)


Evidence:Evidence: 3-5 pieces of evidence 3-5 pieces of evidence Each piece of evidence is labeled and described Each piece of evidence is labeled and described (A.1)(A.1)

Quality, not quantityQuality, not quantityOngoingOngoing

Among the PIECES OF EVIDENCE find:Among the PIECES OF EVIDENCE find: Evidence of teacher professional growth Evidence of teacher professional growth (A.2)(A.2) Evidence of effect on student learning/student results Evidence of effect on student learning/student results



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IV A-Ben’s Documentation24

2. Sample student work from the course (web page created by students devoted to understanding "Beloved" on multiple levels -Symbolism in Beloved)

This piece of evidence is consistent with my goal because it shows improved student understanding of the content of the course and my ability to use multiple types of assessments for student learning.

3. Assignment I completed as a student in our local university course "The Many Voices of American Literature."

This piece of evidence is consistent with my goal because it shows my professional growth in my content area and my ability to communicate effectively.

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Procedures for Labeling Evidence Step IV A: PDP Documentation of Completion


Step 1:Step 1: Divide your evidence into two categories:Divide your evidence into two categories:1.1. Professional GrowthProfessional Growth2.2. Student LearningStudent Learning

Step 2:Step 2: Label each piece of evidence by number and category Label each piece of evidence by number and category (see below)(see below)

Example: Example: Evidence #1: Professional Growth: Curriculum GuideEvidence #1: Professional Growth: Curriculum GuideEvidence #2: Professional Growth: Summary of Mentor Evidence #2: Professional Growth: Summary of Mentor

Observations ObservationsEvidence #3: Student Learning: Student Work Pre & PostEvidence #3: Student Learning: Student Work Pre & PostEvidence #4: Professional GrowthEvidence #4: Professional Growth & & Student Learning: Student Learning:

Result of Student Surveys Pre & Post Result of Student Surveys Pre & Post


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8. If all pieces of evidence described student learning would a reviewer verify the plan?

A. YesB. No


9. In addition to describing the evidence, does Ben need to provide the actual evidence to reviewers?

A. YesB. No

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Reflection and Summary27

 10. Read Ben’s Reflection and Summary (P.39). The two big differences between an annual

review and final summary/reflection are that Ben must talk about collaboration and discuss how his plan addressed the teaching standards. Who did Ben mention as collaborators?

  A. Teachers in a grad course B. Mentor C. Department Head D. A and C 11. What four standards did Ben state his plan addressed?

A. 1, 2, 3, 4 B. 1, 4, 7, 8 12. Could Ben have discussed just two of the four standards in his final reflection and summary?  A. Yes. He only had to address two standards B. No. You must address each standard you selected when you wrote your goal. 

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Checklist Steps (IV.B4)-(IV.B6)28

Provide a summary and reflection of how you grew Provide a summary and reflection of how you grew professionallyprofessionally in the in the standards standards identified in your identified in your plan. (.B4)plan. (.B4)

Provide a summary and reflection of how your Provide a summary and reflection of how your growth had an effect on growth had an effect on student learningstudent learning. (.B5). (.B5)

Provide a summary and reflection of how you Provide a summary and reflection of how you collaboratedcollaborated with others. (.B6) with others. (.B6)

Fill in completion Fill in completion datesdates for all objectives and for all objectives and activities. (IV.7)activities. (IV.7)

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IV B-Final ReflectionProvides evidence of Reflection, Collaboration, Professional Learning,

and Student Learning29

In thinking about all that I have learned during my first five years of teaching, I realize how fortunate I was when I was asked to teach the Advanced Literature course. It forced me to acknowledge deficiencies I had with regard to content knowledge in my field. That really forced me to look at what I did in class and how that influenced the learning of my students. One of the most important lessons I learned, especially with the help of my department head and the teachers in my action research course, is to focus. Focusing on the most important content in all my classes has made a huge difference in how I teach and how my students learn.

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13. You are supposed to submit your plan to reviewers by January 15 of the final year. Can reviewers accept plans submitted after that date?

 A. No that is a DPI deadlineB. Yes. Accepting a PDP after January 15 is at the

discretion of a reviewer


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Your PDP Team at Verification31

Contact 3 persons trained to be on a PDP Team*Contact 3 persons trained to be on a PDP Team* Initial Educators: IHE, Administrator, PeerInitial Educators: IHE, Administrator, Peer Professional Educators: 3 Peers from your categoryProfessional Educators: 3 Peers from your categoryPDP Verification Teams must have online access to:PDP Verification Teams must have online access to:

Your completed PDP including 3-5 pieces of evidence Your completed PDP including 3-5 pieces of evidence you have uploadedyou have uploaded

*PDP team members do not have to be the same as your *PDP team members do not have to be the same as your goal approval team members.goal approval team members.


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Use the PDP Folder

Create a paper or electronic folder to keep up to date on the steps of the PDP

Mark your calendar with a date for writing your annual review—May is best.

Mark your calendar for a March PDP annual review class if you would like to go over the steps to verification (March 11, 2015)

Mark your calendar the last year with verification and relicensing deadlines


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Procedure for applying for new license33

Verifications sent electronically License application process:

http://tepdl.dpi.wi.gov/licensing/elo  Guide to creating a WAMS ID Step-by-step Onboarding Guide

Online licensing link from Onboarding with all materials created or uploaded online

$100 fee paid via credit card

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For links to helpful websites visit the helpful links page on the WIKI


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How do you feel now?

From One to Five…

how confident do you feel

about moving forward?

Thank you !I am here for questions for as long as you

need me. Please call or email with future questions.

Please complete the online course evaluation.