GOA - WiFiStudy.com · 2019-11-25 · Calangute beach is popular for water sports. Other most popular beaches are Colva, Candolim, Baga and Anjuna. Literacy rate of Goa is 87.4 %

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Page 1: GOA - WiFiStudy.com · 2019-11-25 · Calangute beach is popular for water sports. Other most popular beaches are Colva, Candolim, Baga and Anjuna. Literacy rate of Goa is 87.4 %



Page 2: GOA - WiFiStudy.com · 2019-11-25 · Calangute beach is popular for water sports. Other most popular beaches are Colva, Candolim, Baga and Anjuna. Literacy rate of Goa is 87.4 %

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Page 3: GOA - WiFiStudy.com · 2019-11-25 · Calangute beach is popular for water sports. Other most popular beaches are Colva, Candolim, Baga and Anjuna. Literacy rate of Goa is 87.4 %

Location of Map of India

Image Source: Wikipedia

Page 4: GOA - WiFiStudy.com · 2019-11-25 · Calangute beach is popular for water sports. Other most popular beaches are Colva, Candolim, Baga and Anjuna. Literacy rate of Goa is 87.4 %

Basic Facts about Goa

● State: 30 May 1987

● Capital: Panjim

● Number of District : 2

● Governor: Satya Pal Malik

● Chief Minister: Pramod Sawant

● High court: Bombay High Court (Goa Bench)

● Chief Justice: Pradeep Nandrajog (Took oath on 7th April, 2019.)

● Members of the Legislative Assembly: 40

● Lok Sabha Seats : 2

● Rajya Sabha Seats : 1

Page 5: GOA - WiFiStudy.com · 2019-11-25 · Calangute beach is popular for water sports. Other most popular beaches are Colva, Candolim, Baga and Anjuna. Literacy rate of Goa is 87.4 %


It is surrounded by the Indian states of Goato the north and Karnataka to the east

and south, with the Arabian Sea forming its western coast.

Page 6: GOA - WiFiStudy.com · 2019-11-25 · Calangute beach is popular for water sports. Other most popular beaches are Colva, Candolim, Baga and Anjuna. Literacy rate of Goa is 87.4 %

Image Source: Maps of India

Page 7: GOA - WiFiStudy.com · 2019-11-25 · Calangute beach is popular for water sports. Other most popular beaches are Colva, Candolim, Baga and Anjuna. Literacy rate of Goa is 87.4 %

State Symbols

● State Animal: Gaur

● State Bird: Ruby Throated Yellow Bulbul

● State Flower: Red Jasmine

● State Tree: Matti

Page 8: GOA - WiFiStudy.com · 2019-11-25 · Calangute beach is popular for water sports. Other most popular beaches are Colva, Candolim, Baga and Anjuna. Literacy rate of Goa is 87.4 %

History of Goa

● In the 3rd century BC, Goa was part of the

Maurya Empire, ruled by the Buddhist emperor,

Ashoka of Magadha.

● In 1312, Goa came under the governance of the

Delhi Sultanate.

● The Vijayanagara monarchs held on to the

territory until 1469

● In 1510, the Portuguese defeated the ruling

Bijapur sultan Yusuf Adil Shah with the help of a

local ally, Timayya. They set up a permanent

settlement in Velha Goa.

● After India gained independence from the British

in 1947, India requested that Portuguese

territories on the Indian subcontinent be ceded to


● On 19 December 1961, the Indian Army invaded

with Operation Vijay resulting in the annexation

of Goa, and of Daman and Diu islands into the

Indian union.

● तीसरी शताब्दी ईसा पूर्व में, गोर्ा मौर्य साम्राज्य

का हिस्सा था, जो मगध के बौद्ध सम्राट अशोक

द्वारा शाहसत था।

● 1312 में, गोर्ा हिल्ली सल्तनत के शासन में आया।

● विजर्नगर के राजा 1469 तक इस के्षत्र में रिे

● 1510 में, पुतवगाहियोों ने सत्तारूढ़ बीजापुर के

सुल्तान यूसुफ आहिि शाि को एक स्थानीय

सियोगी हटमैया की मिि से िराया। उन्ोोंने िेलहा

गोिा में एक स्थायी हिकाना स्थाहपत हकया।

● 1947 में भारत को अोंगे्रजोों से आजािी हमिने के

बाि, भारत ने अनुरोध हकया हक भारतीय

उपमिाद्वीप पर स्स्थत पुतवगािी प्रिेशोों को भारत को

सौोंप हिया जाए।

● 19 विसंबर 1961 को, भारतीय सेना नेऑपरेशन

विजर् के साथ आक्रमण हकया हजसके

पररणामस्वरूप गोर्ा, और िमन और िीर् द्वीपोों का

भारतीय सोंघ में हर्िय िो गया।

Page 9: GOA - WiFiStudy.com · 2019-11-25 · Calangute beach is popular for water sports. Other most popular beaches are Colva, Candolim, Baga and Anjuna. Literacy rate of Goa is 87.4 %


● It is India's smallest state by area and the fourth-

smallest by population.

● The highest point is the Sonsogor, with an altitude

of 1,167 metres (3,829 ft).

● Goa has a coastline of 160 km (99 mi).

● Goa's seven major rivers are the Zuari, Mandovi,

Terekhol, Chapora, Galgibag, Kumbarjua canal,

Talpona and the Sal.

● Goa has more than 40 estuarine, eight marine, and

about 90 riverine islands.

● The total navigable length of Goa's rivers is 253 km

● यि के्षत्रफि के हिसाब से भारत का सबसे छोटा

और जनसोंख्या के हिसाब से चौथा सबसे छोटा राज्य


● उच्चतम हबोंिु सोनसोगोर िै, हजसकी ऊों चाई 1,167

मीटर (3,829 फीट) िै।

● गोर्ा में 160 विमी (99 मीि) की तटरेखा िै।

● गोर्ा की सात प्रमुख नहियााँ ज़ुअरी, मांडोोिी,

तेरखोल, चपोरा, गलवगबाग, ि़ु म्बरज़ुआ नहर,

तलपोना और सल िैं।

● गोर्ा में 40 से अहधक मुिाना, आि समुद्री और

िगभग 90 निी द्वीप िैं।

● गोर्ा की नहियोों की कुि नौगम्य िोंबाई 253 हकमी िै

Page 10: GOA - WiFiStudy.com · 2019-11-25 · Calangute beach is popular for water sports. Other most popular beaches are Colva, Candolim, Baga and Anjuna. Literacy rate of Goa is 87.4 %

General Facts

● Goa has the highest GDP per capita among all Indian states,two and a half times that of the


● It was ranked the best-placed state by the Eleventh Finance Commission for its infrastructure

and ranked on top for the best quality of life in India by the National Commission on

Population based on the 12 Indicators.

● Dudhsagar Falls which has a height of 310 m is one of the highest falls of India. It is on Zuari

river. The lush greenery of the nearby Bhagwan Mahavir Sanctuary attracts thousands of

visitors during monsoons.

Page 11: GOA - WiFiStudy.com · 2019-11-25 · Calangute beach is popular for water sports. Other most popular beaches are Colva, Candolim, Baga and Anjuna. Literacy rate of Goa is 87.4 %

General Facts

● Calangute beach is popular for water sports. Other most popular beaches are Colva,

Candolim, Baga and Anjuna.

● Literacy rate of Goa is 87.4 % which is very high than national average of 74.04 %. Goa is

4th most literate state of India.

● Tourism is Goa's primary industry: it gets 12% of foreign tourist arrivals in India.

● Goa state lies in Konkan region which comes in western part of India .

● The Marmagao harbour is virtually at the confluence of Mandovi and Zuari rivers.

● Konkani was adopted as official language in Oct 1993. It is written in Devnagri script.

● The first printing press of Asia was installed at St. Paul’s College in Goa in 1956.

● The first medical school of India was established in Panaji, Goa in 1842. However, It was

demolished in 2004.

Page 12: GOA - WiFiStudy.com · 2019-11-25 · Calangute beach is popular for water sports. Other most popular beaches are Colva, Candolim, Baga and Anjuna. Literacy rate of Goa is 87.4 %

Festivals of Goa

● Carnival

● Shigmotsav

● Sabado Gardo

● Beach Bonanza

● Konkani Drama Fest

● Easter

● Shigmo

Page 13: GOA - WiFiStudy.com · 2019-11-25 · Calangute beach is popular for water sports. Other most popular beaches are Colva, Candolim, Baga and Anjuna. Literacy rate of Goa is 87.4 %

Dances of Goa

● Mando

● Dulpod

● Dhalo

● Dekni

● Kumbi

● Fado

● Fugdi

Page 14: GOA - WiFiStudy.com · 2019-11-25 · Calangute beach is popular for water sports. Other most popular beaches are Colva, Candolim, Baga and Anjuna. Literacy rate of Goa is 87.4 %

● Bondla wildlife sanctuaries

● Modem National Park

● Dr.Salim Ali Bird Sanctuary

● Cotigoa wildlife sanctuaries

● Bhagwan Mahavir wildlife sanctuaries

Important National Park and Wildlife Sanctuaries in Goa

Page 15: GOA - WiFiStudy.com · 2019-11-25 · Calangute beach is popular for water sports. Other most popular beaches are Colva, Candolim, Baga and Anjuna. Literacy rate of Goa is 87.4 %

GI Tags of Goa

● Feni

Page 16: GOA - WiFiStudy.com · 2019-11-25 · Calangute beach is popular for water sports. Other most popular beaches are Colva, Candolim, Baga and Anjuna. Literacy rate of Goa is 87.4 %


Page 17: GOA - WiFiStudy.com · 2019-11-25 · Calangute beach is popular for water sports. Other most popular beaches are Colva, Candolim, Baga and Anjuna. Literacy rate of Goa is 87.4 %

Churches and Convents of Goa: 1986

Page 18: GOA - WiFiStudy.com · 2019-11-25 · Calangute beach is popular for water sports. Other most popular beaches are Colva, Candolim, Baga and Anjuna. Literacy rate of Goa is 87.4 %

Famous persons of Goa

● Dinanath Mangeshkar – was popular artist associated with Marathi Theatre. He was

the father of famous playback singers Lata Mangeskar, Asha Bhonsale and Usha

Mangeshkar. He was born in Mangeshi village of Goa.

● Anthony Gonsalves – was the eminent Musician and violinist of 1950s. He was born

in Majorda of Goa. The character of Amitabh Bachhan is dedicated to him in movie

Amar Akbar Anthony.

● Ravindra Kelkar – was not only an eminent konkani writer but also a great freedom

fighter. He was born in Cuncolim of Goa.

● Chandrakant Keni – was the notable journalist associated with konkani language. He

authored famous book “Ashadh Pawali”

● Remo Farnandez – is the famous musician and playback singer of Bollywood film


Page 19: GOA - WiFiStudy.com · 2019-11-25 · Calangute beach is popular for water sports. Other most popular beaches are Colva, Candolim, Baga and Anjuna. Literacy rate of Goa is 87.4 %

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Page 22: GOA - WiFiStudy.com · 2019-11-25 · Calangute beach is popular for water sports. Other most popular beaches are Colva, Candolim, Baga and Anjuna. Literacy rate of Goa is 87.4 %

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Step 5

Page 25: GOA - WiFiStudy.com · 2019-11-25 · Calangute beach is popular for water sports. Other most popular beaches are Colva, Candolim, Baga and Anjuna. Literacy rate of Goa is 87.4 %