GNEW 2004 • CERN, Geneva, Switzerland • March 16th, 20 Shawn McKee The UltraLight Program UltraLight: An Overview for GNEW2004 Shawn McKee University of Michigan

GNEW 2004 CERN, Geneva, Switzerland March 16th, 2004Shawn McKee The UltraLight Program UltraLight: An Overview for GNEW2004 Shawn McKee University of Michigan

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GNEW 2004 • CERN, Geneva, Switzerland • March 16th, 2004Shawn McKee

The UltraLight Program

UltraLight: An Overview for GNEW2004

Shawn McKee

University of Michigan

GNEW 2004 • CERN, Geneva, Switzerland • March 16th, 2004Shawn McKee

UltraLight Topics

• Introduction: What is the UltraLight Program?

• History

• Program Goals and Details

• Current Status and Summary

GNEW 2004 • CERN, Geneva, Switzerland • March 16th, 2004Shawn McKee

• UltraLight is a program to explore the integration of cutting-edge network technology with the grid computing and data infrastructure of HEP/Astronomy

• The program intends to explore network configurations from common shared infrastructure (current IP networks) thru dedicated optical paths point-to-point.

• A critical aspect of UltraLight is its integration with two driving application domains in support of their national and international eScience collaborations: LHC-HEP and eVLBI-Astronomy

• The Collaboration includes:— Caltech— Florida Int. Univ.— MIT — Univ. of Florida— Univ. of Michigan

What is UltraLight?

― UC Riverside― BNL― FNAL― SLAC― UCAID/Internet2

GNEW 2004 • CERN, Geneva, Switzerland • March 16th, 2004Shawn McKee

Some History…

• The UltraLight Collaboration was originally formed in Spring 2003 in response to an NSF Experimental Infrastructure in Networking (EIN) RFP in ANIR

• After not being selected, the program was refocused on LHC/HEP and eVLBI/Astronomy and submitted to “Physics at the Information Frontier” (PIF) in MPS at NSF

• Collaboration was notified at the end of 2003 that the PIF program was being postponed 1 year. Suggested that proposals be redirected to the NSF ITR program.

• ITR Deadline was February 25th, 2004. We are awaiting word of our proposal status…

GNEW 2004 • CERN, Geneva, Switzerland • March 16th, 2004Shawn McKee

HENP Network Roadmap

Table 1: Bandwidth Roadmap (Gbps) for Major HENP Network Links

Year Production Experimental Remarks

2001 0.155 0.622 – 2.5 SONET/SDH

2002 0.622 2.5 SONET/SDH; DWDM; GigE Integration

2003 2.5 10 DWDM; 1 & 10 GigE Integration

2005 10 2-4 10 Switch, Provisioning

2007 2–4 10 ~10 10 (and 40) 1st Gen. Grids

2009 ~10 10 (or 1–2 40) ~5 40 (or 20–50 10) 40 Gbps Switching

2011 ~5 40 (or ~20 10) ~5 40 (or 100 10) 2nd Gen. Grids, Terabit networks

2013 ~Terabit ~Multi-Terabit ~Fill one fiber

LHC Physics will require large bandwidth capability over a globally distributed network. The HENP Bandwidth Roadmap is shown in the table below:

GNEW 2004 • CERN, Geneva, Switzerland • March 16th, 2004Shawn McKee

eVLBI and UltraLight

• e-VLBI is a major thrust of UltraLight and can directly complement LHC-HEPs mode of using the network, allowing us to explore new strategies for network conditioning and bandwidth management.

• The e-VLBI work under this proposal will be multi-pronged in an effort to leverage the many new capabilities provided by UltraLight network and to provide the national and international VLBI community with advanced tools and services that are tailored to the e-VLBI application.

• e-VLBI stands to benefit from an UltraLight infrastructure in numerous ways:1. Higher sensitivity2. Faster turnaround3. Lower costs4. Quick diagnostics and tests5. New correlation methods

— e-VLBI will provide a different eScience perspective and validate the operation and efficiency of network bandwidth sharing between disparate scientific groups

GNEW 2004 • CERN, Geneva, Switzerland • March 16th, 2004Shawn McKee

UltraLight Architecture

UltraLight envisions extending and augmenting the existing grid computing infrastructure (currently focused on CPU/storage) to include the network as an integral component.

A second aspect is strengthening and extending “end-to-end” monitoring and planning

GNEW 2004 • CERN, Geneva, Switzerland • March 16th, 2004Shawn McKee

UltraLight Proposal Outline

C.1 UltraLight Project Vision .......................................................................................................................... 2 C.2 UltraLight Project Participants and Partners ............................................................................................. 3 C.3 Information Technology Challenges at the Large Hadron Collider .......................................................... 4 C.4 Information Technology Challenges in e-VLBI........................................................................................ 5 C.5 The UltraLight Managed, Integrated Information System ........................................................................ 6

C.5.1 Expanding the Scope of the LHC Computing Model................................................................... 6 C.5.2 The UltraLight Computing Model................................................................................................ 6 C.5.3 An LHC Physics Scenario Illustrating the UltraLight Computing Model.................................... 7

C.6 Project Plan ............................................................................................................................................... 8 C.6.1 High Energy Physics Application Services .................................................................................. 8 C.6.2 e-VLBI Application Services ..................................................................................................... 10 C.6.3 Global Services .......................................................................................................................... 10 C.6.4 Testbed Deployment and Operation........................................................................................... 12 C.6.5 Network Engineering ................................................................................................................. 12 C.6.6 Education and Outreach ............................................................................................................. 13

C.7 Program of Work..................................................................................................................................... 13 C.7.1 Phase 1: Implementation of network, equipment and initial services (12 months) .................... 13 C.7.2 Phase 2: Integration (18 months)................................................................................................ 14 C.7.3 Phase 3: Transition to Production (18 months) .......................................................................... 15 C.7.4 Project Management................................................................................................................... 16

GNEW 2004 • CERN, Geneva, Switzerland • March 16th, 2004Shawn McKee

Workplan and Phased Deployment

• UltraLight UltraLight envisions a 4 year program to deliver a new, high-performance, network-integrated infrastructure:

• Phase I will last 12 months and focus on deploying the initial network infrastructure and bringing up first services

• Phase II will last 18 months and concentrate on implementing all the needed services and extending the infrastructure to additional sites

• Phase III will complete UltraLightUltraLight and last 18 months. The focus will be on a transition to production in support of LHC Physics and eVLBI Astronomy

GNEW 2004 • CERN, Geneva, Switzerland • March 16th, 2004Shawn McKee

UltraLight Network: PHASE I

• Implementation via “sharing” with HOPI/NLR

• MIT not yet “optically” coupled

GNEW 2004 • CERN, Geneva, Switzerland • March 16th, 2004Shawn McKee

UltraLight Network: PHASE II

• Move toward multiple “lambdas”

• Bring in BNL and MIT

GNEW 2004 • CERN, Geneva, Switzerland • March 16th, 2004Shawn McKee

UltraLight Network: PHASE III

• Move into production

• Optical switching fully enabled amongst primary sites

• Integrated international infrastructure

GNEW 2004 • CERN, Geneva, Switzerland • March 16th, 2004Shawn McKee

Equipment and Interconnects

• The UltraLight optical switching topology is shown

• UltraLight plans to integrate data caches and CPU resources to provide integration testing and optimization

GNEW 2004 • CERN, Geneva, Switzerland • March 16th, 2004Shawn McKee

UltraLight Network

• UltraLight is a hybrid packet- and circuit-switched network infrastructure employing ultrascale protocols and dynamic building of optical paths to provide efficient fair-sharing on long range networks up to the 10 Gbps range, while protecting the performance of real-time streams and enabling them to coexist with massive data transfers.

• Circuit switched: “Intelligent photonics” (using wavelengths dynamically to construct and tear down wavelength paths rapidly and on demand through cost-effective wavelength routing) are a natural match to the peer-to-peer interactions required to meet the needs of leading-edge, data-intensive science.

• Packet switched: Many applications can effectively utilize the existing, cost effective networks provided by shared packet switched infrastructure. A subset of applications require more stringent guarantees than a best-effort network can provide, and so we are planning to utilize MPLS as an intermediate option

GNEW 2004 • CERN, Geneva, Switzerland • March 16th, 2004Shawn McKee

MPLS Topology

• Current network engineering knowledge is insufficient to predict what combination of “best-effort” packet switching, QoS-enabled packet switching, MPLS and dedicated circuits will be most effective in supporting these applications.

• We will use MPLS and other modes of bandwidth management, along with dynamic adjustments of optical paths and their provisioning, in order to develop the means to optimize end-to-end performance among a set of virtualized disk servers, a variety of real-time processes, and other traffic flows.

GNEW 2004 • CERN, Geneva, Switzerland • March 16th, 2004Shawn McKee

Logical Diagram of UltraLight Grid Enabled Analysis

• An “UltraLight” user’s perspective of the system:

Important to note that the system helps interpret and optimize itself while “summarizing” the details for ease of use

GNEW 2004 • CERN, Geneva, Switzerland • March 16th, 2004Shawn McKee

Summary and Status

• UltraLight promises to deliver the critical missing component for future eScience: the integrated, managed network

• We have a strong team in place, as well as a detailed plan, to provide the needed infrastructure and services for production use by LHC turn-on at the end of 2007

• Currently we are awaiting the results of the ITR process• We will need to augment the proposal with additional

grants to enable us to reach our goal of having UltraLight be a pervasive and effective infrastructure for LHC physics and eVLBI Astronomy

GNEW 2004 • CERN, Geneva, Switzerland • March 16th, 2004Shawn McKee


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