Leader in design and fabrication of production equipment. Separators Indirect Heaters FWKO Dehydration Units Well Testers Heater Treaters Gas Dehydration Units LACT Units Patented Electrostatic Heater Treater Desalter Patented Horizontal Glycol Gas Dehydrator. We serve customers domestically in the USA and internationally in Asia and Latin America. Glycol Dehydration Unit Available for Rent One (1) Vertical Inlet Scrubber 1440 Psig Design Pressure Two (2) Horizontal glycol contactors 1440 Psig Design Pressure 250,000 Btu/Hr Reboiler Two (2) 9015 PV Kimray pumps One (1) Glycol Flash tank Capable of treating 0-7 MMSCFD Natural Gas at 800 Psig and 100 o F Skid mounted on oil field skid 7’-6” wide x 40’ Long and weighing about 30,000 Lbs Can be put in operation in one (1) day by connecting the inlet & outlet gas, the hydrocarbon condensate outlets and the steam outlet. WWW.PRIMENERGY-PRODUCTION.COM P O BOX 582132 TULSA, OKLAHOMA 74158 Tel 918.835.1011 Fax 918.835.1058 Primenergy Production Equipment LLC

Glycol Dehydration Unit For RENT - PRIMENERGY

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Leader in design and fabrication of production equipment.


Indirect Heaters


Dehydration Units

Well Testers

Heater Treaters

Gas Dehydration Units

LACT Units

Patented Electrostatic Heater Treater Desalter

Patented Horizontal Glycol Gas Dehydrator.

We serve customers domestically in the USA

and internationally in Asia and Latin America.

G l y c o l D e h y d r a t i o n U n i t Av a i l a b l e f o r R e n t

One (1) Vertical Inlet Scrubber 1440 Psig Design Pressure Two (2) Horizontal glycol contactors 1440 Psig Design Pressure

250,000 Btu/Hr Reboiler Two (2) 9015 PV Kimray pumps

One (1) Glycol Flash tank

Capable of treating 0-7 MMSCFD Natural Gas at 800 Psig and 100oF Skid mounted on oil field skid 7’-6” wide x 40’ Long and weighing about 30,000 Lbs Can be put in operation in one (1) day by connecting the inlet & outlet gas, the hydrocarbon condensate outlets and the steam outlet.

W W W . PR I M EN ER G Y -P R O D U C T I O N . C O M P O BOX 582132 TULSA, OKLAHOMA 74158 Tel 918.835.1011 Fax 918.835.1058

P r i m e n e r g y P r o d u c t i o n E q u i p m e n t L L C