GLOSSÁRIO ÁREA: INSTRUMENTOS DE CORDAS FRICCIONÁVEIS SUB-ÁREA: VIOLINO Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro Departamento de Letras / CCE Curso de Formação de Tradutores Inglês-Português - 2007.1 Disciplina: Terminologia Professora: Adriana Ceschin Rieche Agosto de 2007 ALUNOS: FRANÇOIS BAYARD NEVES HELENA GEORG BENNETT

Glossário Musica

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Pontifcia Universidade Catlica do Rio de Janeiro Departamento de Letras / CCE Curso de Formao de Tradutores Ingls-Portugus - 2007.1 Disciplina: Terminologia Professora: Adriana Ceschin Rieche Agosto de 2007


TERMO L1 1. bass bar (np)

DEFINIO L1 It is a brace running from the foot of the neck to a position under the bridge, which bears much of the tension of the strings.

CONTEXTO L1 the proportions of the present bass bar were more or less adopted about the beginning of the last century W. Henry Hill & Brothers Antonio Stradivari His Life and Work pag-191 the maple of the back of the former instrument is in one piece Strad-pag.66

TERMO L2 barra harmnica (SN)

CONTEXTO L2 ... a barra harmnica vibra em ressonncia com o tampo... (S1)


2. back (n)

The side of the instrument that is opposite to the top, being joined to it by the ribs.

fundo (s.m.)

... o tampo e fundo do violino so recursos acsticos incrveis... (S2)

3. bar (n)

A musical measure.

the illustration, here in Anna Magdalena Bachs hand, of bars 23_5, gives almost no bowings Pleeth-pag.64

compasso (s.m.)

"... cada grupo de tempos, isto , cada compasso, separado do seguinte por uma linha..." (S3)

4. belly (n)

The upper part of the instrument opposite to the back.

it is very rare to find curves of the back and belly of any of his instruments in exact agreement Strad-pag.197

tampo superior (SN)

... no tampo superior do violino que de abeto, existem dezenas de anis... (S4)

top (L1), porm em desuso.

5. bow (n)

It is a rod having horsehair drawn tightly between its two raised ends used in playing stringed instruments. The act of playing an instrument with a bow.

the bow used in stringed instrument playing had an outward curve Pleeth-pag.264 one cannot talk about bowing strokes on paper Pleeth pg. 56

arco (s.m.)

... inicialmente abaulado para fora, o arco favorecia as articulaes da msica barroca... (S5)

6. bowing (n)

arcada (s.f.)

foram gravadas nove amostras com opes de arcadas diferentes... (S6)

7. brazilwood (n)

The tree Caesalpinea echinata from which the bow is made of.

select octagonal brazilwood stick with good weight and balance (S9)

pau-brasil (s.m.)

... Franois Tourte projetou o primeiro arco de violino com a madeira do pau-brasil... (S7)

8. bridge (n)

It is a thin, upright piece of wood used in stringed instruments that supports the strings above the soundboard.

Stradivaris bridges were of various designs W. Henry Hill & Brothers Antonio Stradivari His Life and Work pag-205

cavalete (s.m.)

... o cavalete deve ser adaptado artesanalmente ao instrumento... (S8)

9. cello (n)

The largest instrument of the violin family and with a deeper tone than the viola.

if any instrument has a deep and visceral appeal it is the cello Pleeth-pag.ix

violoncelo (s.m.)

... o violoncelo tem um som cheio e penetrante... (S10)

10. chinrest (n)

It is a piece used to hold the violin or viola with the left side of the jaw.

this line of reasoning leads to emotive arguments both for and against the use of a chinrest (S11) various writers have stated that he made double basses; but so far, our researches do not enable us to confirm this assertion Strad-pag.226

queixeira (s.f.)

... puxar a queixeira e encost-la no queixo, para manter o violino horizontalmente... (S12) ... o contrabaixo, instrumento essencial para fazer a ponte entre a harmonia da msica e a sua parte rtmica... (S13)

11. double bass (np)

The largest of the stringed instruments and with the deepest tone, belong to the family of the viola.

contrabaixo (s.m.)

12. double-stops (n)

To produce two notes simultaneously in a stringed instrument.

Brahms had intended double-stops, he knew well enough how to write them Pleeth-pag.73

notas dobradas (SN)

... tcnica pura com nfase no estudo de notas dobradas... (S14)

13. ebony (n)

The wood originated from this tree of the genus Diospyros used in the manufacture of the fingerboard, saddle and nuts of stringed instruments.

in some cases the top was veneered in ebony or na italian wood... Strad-pag.205

bano (s.m.)

... o violino feito com as seguintes madeiras: abeto no tampo, bordo para o fundo, laterais e brao e bano para o espelho... (S15)

14. end button (np)

The button to which the tailpiece is attached to the bottom of a violin or viola.

... the leather strap is often too thick to remain attached to the end button of the instrument (S16) although cellist tend to regard the endpin as an integral part of their instrument, it was not until this century that it came into use Pleeth-pag.263

boto (s.m.)

... o instrumento tem bom acabamento, espelho e boto em bano... (S17)

15. endpin (n)

The thin, usually adjustable leg of a cello or double bass.

espigo (s.m.)

... este espigo no produz nenhum tipo de vibrao enquanto voc toca... (S18)

spike (L1) - sinnimo tambm encontrado, porm em desuso.

16. f-holes (n)

Holes in the form of an f which serve to the purpose of letting the sound reach out of the instrument.

generally speaking, violins had f-shaped sound holes Pleeth-pag.211

efes (s.m.) (pl.)

... os efes tm grande influncia no timbre e no funcionamento geral dos instrumentos... (S19)

sound holes (L1) ou ouvidos (L2) tambm so sinnimos deste termo.

17. fine tuners (np)

They are small metallic pieces that are attached to the tailpiece. Works with screws to do the fine tuning of the strings.

fine tuners extend the basic concept to an infinite number of pitches Pleeth-pag.25

micro-afinadores (s.m.)

... o micro-afinador um pequeno acessrio metlico que se prende no estandarte... (S20)

18. fingerboard (n)

It is a strip of wood on the neck of a stringed instrument against which the strings are pressed in playing.

Stradivaris violin fingerboars were of several different lengths W.Henry Hill & Brothers Antonio Stradivari His Life and Work pag. 204 academic fingerings are not the end of the road, they are a point of departure Pleeth-pag.26 as composes began modulating to foreign keys, musicians found themselves confronted with increasingly insurmountable problems Pleeth-pag215 violins were generally without frets, whereas the viols were usually fretted Pleeth-pag.211

espelho (s.m.)

... o espelho tem importncia primordial no bom ou mau funcionamento do instrumento... (S21)

19. fingering (n)

To mark a score with indicators of which fingers are to play the notes.

dedilhado (s.m.)

... complexo dedilhado que peculiar para a realizao de uma obra... (S22)

20. foreign key (np)

The result of a modulation in tonality

tonalidades distantes (SN)

as menos suaves so as modulaes abruptas entre tonalidades distantes." (S23)

distant keys sinnimo em ingls

21. frets (n)

Ridges set across the fingerboard of early stringed instruments, such as the viola de gamba.

traste (s.m.)

... a viola da gamba qualquer um dos instrumentos de corda com traste desenvolvido no sculo XV... (S24)

trastos portugus



22. frog (n)

The nut of a instrument bow.


a German silver plate will extend down the back end of the frog and around to the slide (S25) The ornaments here appear as grace notes and mordents (S27)

talo (s.m.)

... a extremidade do polegar deve estar na extremidade do talo... (S26) ... a apojatura representada por uma ou duas pequeninas notas que antecedem a nota principal... (S28) ... essa pedrinha uma resina, uma cera, que vai causar o atrito entre a crina do arco e as cordas do seu violino... (S29)

23. grace notes (np)

A musical note is not counted in rhythm.

apojatura (s.f.)

24. horsehair (n)

The hair taken from the mane of the horse and which is used in the bow.

this tendency is further enhanced by lesser tension on the horsehair Pleeth-pag.264

crina de cavalo (SN)

25. inlaid (n)

A decorative pattern set into an instrument.

We have seen two violins, the work of Nicol Amati, which were gracefully embellished with inlaid ornament Strad-pag.71

entalhe (s.m.)

... os pequenos entalhes encontrados ao lado dos efes foram feitos... (S30)

26. intonation (n)

The act of adjusting a note to its right pitch.

basic intonation derives from a more or less logical division of the string Pleeth-pag.25

afinao (s.f.)

... possui um parafuso que ao gir-lo, permite preciso na afinao da corda... (S31)

27. maple (n)

The wood originated from this tree of the genus Acer used in the manufacture of the back, sides, neck and bridge of the stringed instruments.

we find that maple had all but supplanted the softer woods Strad-pag.160

bordo (s.m.)

... o violino feito com as seguintes madeiras: abeto no tampo, bordo para o fundo, laterais e brao e bano para o espelho... (S32)

28. mordent (n)

A melodic ornament in which a principal tone is rapidly alternated with half or full step below. Pieces of wood used to strengthen and join the inner parts of the top and bottom of stringed instruments.

the ornaments here appear as grace notes and mordents (S33) the Alard is original, and in the mortise of the head are written the initials P.S Strad-pag.60

mordente (s.m.)

... no que diz respeito ornamentao, cabe notar que Schubert utiliza o mordente... (S34) ... devem ser feitos em blocos de madeira leve e macia... (S35)

29. mortise (n)

bloco (s.m.)

30. mother-of-pearl (n)

The pearly internal layer of certain mollusk shells, used to make decorative objects.

he inlaid the Medici arms, delicately executed in mother-of-pearl Strad-pag205 Fetes by Debussy is usually played with a very soft mute (S42)

madreprola (s.f.)

"... talo do arco tem uma pea corredia, normalmente feita de madreprola..." (S36) ... articulao em legato e o uso da sordina propiciam uma espcie de tranqilidade... (S37)

31. mute (n)

It is a small metal, rubber or wooden device that, when attached to the bridge, gives a softer more mellow sound.

sordina (s.f.)

32. neck (n)

It carries the fingerboard and join the instrument to the scroll.

the necks of Stradivaris violins were of the same dimensions as those of the Amatis Strad-pag.202

brao (s.m.)

... o brao colado firmemente na caixa de ressonncia do instrumento... (S38)

33. nut (n)

34. peg (n)

A ridge of ebony at the top of the fingerboard or neck or a stringed instrument, over the which the strings pass. One of the pins of a stringed instrument that are turned to tighten or slacken the strings so as to regulate their pitch. Part of the neck of a stringed instrument where the pegs are inserted.

the Royal arms are inlaid on the nut Strad-pag.208 now, similar pegs were also inserted, and their object was to hold the Picth./Strad pag.203 originally the pegbox walls were too thin at the base and were not load supported by the neck (S41)

pestana (s.f.)

... a pestana muito alta dificulta o dedilhado sobre as cordas... (S39) ... as cravelhas devem girar suavemente nos furos... (S40)

cravelha (s.f.)

35. pegbox (n)

cravelhal (s.m.)

... a voluta e o cravelhal, compem a "cabea" do violino... (S43)

36. purfling (n)

The ornamental edging of stringed instruments.

at times Stradivari inlaid a line of purfling composed of ivory and ebony along the edge Strad pag.205

filete (s.m.)

... o sulco no poder ser muito profundo, para no comprometer o corte onde ser colado o filete... (S44)

37. ribs (n)

The sides of an instrument between the back and the top.

he was well aware of the increased difficulties of bending the ribs when made from handsome wood

ilharga (s.f.)

... as ilhargas separam o tampo superior do inferior... (S45)

sides (L1) ou faixas (L2) tambm so sinnimos deste termo.


38. rosewood (n)

The wood originated from this tree of the genus Aniba used in the manufacture of the end button and pegs of stringed instruments. A resin derived from various pine trees used to increase friction on the bows of stringed instruments. A piece made of ebony upon which the tailpiece is supported.

ebony and rosewood are used for fittings such as fingerboards and pegs (S46) it may annoy the Cellists when they see you borrowing their Rosin all the time (S48) these ebony violin saddles are installed into the edge of the violin under the tailpiece's tailgut (S50)

pau-rosa (s.m.)

... seu brao feito em bordo com escala em paurosa... (S47)

39. rosin (n)

resina (s.f.)

... com o tempo a crina estica e perde sua habilidade de reter resina... (S49) ... se a pestana inferior ficar muito alta o instrumento vai ficar sob presso... (S51) "... a partitura, escrita pelo compositor em 1773 em Viena, quando o gnio tinha 17 anos, foi dividida por sua viva..." (S52)


40. saddle (n)

pestana inferior (SN)

41. score (n)

It is a hand-written or printed form of music put into paper.

in symphonic writing a score comes into existence because a composer uses different instruments Pleeth-pag.83

partitura (s.f.)

42. scroll (n)

The part of a string instrument where the strings are wound.

he invariably carved both faces of the scroll with strict accuracy, and also maintened absolute similitude between them W.Henry Hill & Brothers Antonio Stradivari His Life and Work pag.201

voluta (s.f.)

... a voluta e o cravelhal, compem a "cabea" do violino... (S53)

43. shoulder rest (np)

It is an acessory used in violins and violas that add height to the shoulder preventing the instrument from slipping. The resonant chamber of an instrument.

the distance between your collar bone and chin should be equal to the combined height of shoulder rest (S54) the essential thing about the perfect sound box is that it must be circular (S56)

espaleira (s.m.)

... h pessoas que no precisam usar espaleira, pois seu corpo j adequado ao violino... (S55) ... o brao colado firmemente na caixa de ressonncia do instrumento... (S57) Sounding board sinnimo em ingls

44. sound box (np)

caixa de ressonncia (SN)

45. sound post (np)

It transmits vibrations between the top and the back of the instrument.

more speculative are the questions relating to the width of the sound post, about which there can be no conclusive answers The Cello, William Pleeth pag.259

alma (s.f.)

... o som produzido pelas cordas transmitido ao corpo oco do violino, denominado caixa de ressonncia, pela alma... (S58)

46. spruce (n)

The wood originated from this tree of the genus Picea used in the manufacture of the sounboard, bass bar and soundpost.

the species of spruce which the Cremonese so ably utilised no longer exists Strad-pag.164

abeto (s.m.)

... no tampo superior do violino que de abeto, existem dezenas de anis... (S59)

47. stick (n)

A slender piece of wood that goes from the frog to the tip of the bow.

the modern bow, with the curve of its stick opposing that of the bridge, has a natural tendency to spring away from the string Pleeth-pag.264

vareta (s.f.)

... a curvatura da vareta era convexa... (S60)

48. stringed (bowed) (np)


It is an instrument, such as a violin, viola, cello or double bass in which sound is produced by pluking or bowing taut strings.

the bow used in stringed instrument playing had an outward curve Pleeth-pag.264

instrumento friccionveis (SN)



... os instrumentos de cordas so importantes na histria da msica ocidental... (S61)

49. tailgut (n)

String that loops around the button fixing the tailpiece to the bottom of the instrument.

saddles are installed into the edge of the violin under the tailpiece's tailgut (S62)

rabicho (s.f.)

... quando preso ao instrumento atravs do rabicho serve como suporte s cordas e pode abrigar um ou mais microafinadores... (S63)

tailpiece wire sinnimo em ingls

50. tailpiece (n)

A triangular piece to which the lower ends of the strings of stringed instruments are attached.

... tailpieces invariably matched fingerboards regarding inlaying, etc W. Henry Hill & Brothers Antonio Stradivari His Life and Work pag-205

estandarte (s.m.)

... o cavalete talhado de modo que a superfcie que fica de frente para o estandarte seja absolutamente plana... (S64) ... o capotasto est entre as mais difceis inovaes que o classicismo e o romantismo criaram... (S65) ... o arco leve na ponta e impede o violinista de "segurar" o som... (S67)

51. thumb position (np)

The name given to technique by which cellist or bass player his thumb upon fingerboard.

the the uses the

there are many situations in thumb position when the fingers should be able to move away from the thumb Pleeth-pag.29 this clamp holds the tip end of the bow stick secure while gluing a bow tip to the stick (S66) melodic trills may use a terminating turn or anticipatory note (S68)

capotasto (s.m.)

52. tip (n)

The edge of the bow.

ponta do arco (SN)

53. trill (n)

The rapid alternation of the two tones either a hole or a half tone apart.

trinado (s.f.)

... a tcnica do trinado uma das mais difceis, e no est acessvel a todos... (S69)

54. turn (n)

A musical ornament consisting of two or more notes played in rapid succession above or below the principal note.

melodic trills may use a terminating turn or anticipatory note (S70)

grupeto (s.m.)

... notamos apenas a utilizao de um grupeto e um trinado nas interpretaes... (S71)

55. viola (n)

An instrument of the violin family slightly larger than the violin and having a deeper tone.

we cannot accept Stradivari as the originator of the smaller type of viola Strad-pag.95

viola (s.f.)

... a viola um instrumento musical da famlia do violino... (S72)

Infor ma es gram aticai s:

56. viola da gamba (np)

The bass of the violin family, with the range of the cello.

the viola da gamba was imported from Spain,where Arabic influences prevailed Pleeth-pag.212

viola da gamba (SN)

... a viola da gamba surgiu no final do sc. XV na Espanha sob a influncia de um instrumento rabe chamado rabab..." (S73)

57. violin (n)

The smallest instrument of the violin family played with a bow and having four strings.

as regards the dimensions, it differs from any violin seen by us dated before 1684 Strad-pag.39

violino (s.m.)

... o violino tem longa histria na execuo da msica... (S74)

58. violinmaker (n)

One who designs and crafts violins and other instruments of the violin family.

despite their reputation as master craftspeople, violin makers don't actually choose the best materials (S75)

luthier (s.m.)

"... todo luthier deve estudar e pesquisar sobre os Instrumentos antigos..." (S76)


59. wolf eliminator (np)

It is a small metal piece that when attached to the strings keep the sound from distorting.

The only real way to eliminate a wolf tone is to use something called a wolf eliminator (S77)

tira lobo (s.m.)

... normalmente apenas um Tira-Lobo j resolve o problema... (S78)


n = noun


m. = masculino

a. = adjective v. = verb np = noun phrase acr. = acronym

f.= feminino s. = substantivo a. = adjetivo v. = verbo SN = sintagma nominal acr. = acrnimo

FONTES DE CONSULTA: - LIVRO CELLO WILLIAM PLEETH - ANTONIO STRADIVARI HIS LIFE & WORK W.HENRY HILL, ARTHUR F. HILL & ALFRED E. HILL (strad) - LAROUSSE MUSICAL - SITES DA INTERNET DESCRITOS ABAIXO DE CADA TERMO, COM O OBJETIVO DE FACILITAR A CONSULTA. LISTA DE SITES CONSULTADOS (AGOSTO / 2007)(S1) - www.tuliolima.com/02_liuteriainstrumento.htm (S2) www.luthieriabrasileira.art.br/index.php?area=violinorabeca (S3) www.mvhp.com.br/teclado5.htm (S4) www.rosildopernambuco.com.br/pg22.html (S5) www.terartemusica.com.br/concertosbankboston/2002/notas/festetics_noites_poa.html (S6) www.proceedings.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=MSC0000000102005000100012&lng=en& (S7) www.sonsdafloresta.org/madeira/pbrasil.html (S8) www.tuliolima.com/02_liuteriainstrumento.htm (S9) www.internationalluthiers.com/bows.php (S10) www.ad.org.br/jahn/j_instcorda.asp (S11) www.stringsmagazine.com/issues/Strings121/yourinstrument.htm (S12) - www.tiosam.com/enciclopedia/?q=violino (S13) www.hiendlmayer.mus.br/contrabaixo.html (S14) www.emb.com.br/estruturadmpedg/Nucleos/Nucleos_Tabelas/N_Piano.htm (S15) http://forum.cifraclub.terra.com.br/ (S16) www.patentstorm.us/patents/5377573-description.html (S17) www.plander.com/cordas.html (S18) http://www.paulogomes.com.br (S19) www.tuliolima.com/02_liuteriainstrumento.htm

(S20) http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Violino (S21) www.tuliolima.com/02_liuteriainstrumento.htm (S22) www.violaobrasil.com.br (S23) www.overmundo.com.br/download_banco/doristi-teoria (S24) pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viola_da_gamba (S25) http://www.internationalluthiers.com/bows.php (S26) pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Violino (S27) http://bach.org/bach101/instrumental/frenchsuite_816.html (S28) - www.cifras.com.br/forum1/viewtopic.php?t=9968 (S29) http://forum.cifraclub.terra.com.br/forum/13/83636/p4 (S30) www.arcoecorda.com/cello/construcao.htm (S31) - pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Violino (S32) - http://forum.cifraclub.terra.com.br (S33) - http://bach.org/bach101/instrumental/frenchsuite_816.html (S34) - http://dpiano.blogspot.com/2007_05_01_archive.html (S35) http://www.luthieriabrasileira.art.br/index.php?area=violino (S36) pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viola_da_gamba (S37) - www.musica.ufmg.br/permusi/port/numeros/14/Num14_cap_02.pdf (S38) - www.tuliolima.com/02_liuteriainstrumento.htm (S39) - http://www.tuliolima.com/02_liuteriainstrumento.htm (S40) - http://www.tuliolima.com/02_liuteriainstrumento.htm (S41) www.stringrepair.com/Double_Bass_Prescott_Double_Bass_Neck_Graft.htm (S42) www.tomcrownmutes.com/articles.html (S43) http://www.tuliolima.com/02_liuteriainstrumento.htm (S44) http://www.luthieriabrasileira.art.br/index.php?area=violino (S45) www.arcoecorda.com/luthier/construcao1.html (S46) http://gwynethwilbur.ca/violinmaking.htm (S47) www.musitec.com.br/revista_artigo.asp (S48) www.talkbass.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-57968.html (S49) - www.carlosbrasil.com/brasil.htm (S50) www.stewmac.com/shop/Nuts,_saddles/Violin_nut,_saddles/Violin_Saddle.html (S51) http://forum.cifraclub.terra.com.br (S52) www1.folha.uol.com.br/folha/ilustrada/ult90u56748.html (S53) www.tuliolima.com/02_liuteriainstrumento.htm (S54) www.violinmasterclass.com/stance_qt.php?video=stance_shoulder&sctn=Shoulder%20and%20Chin%20Rest (S55) pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Violino (S56) www.links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0027-4666(19320101)73%3A1067%3C62%3ADOTV%3E2.0.CO%3B2-A (S57) www.tuliolima.com/02_liuteriainstrumento.htm (S58) pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Violino

(S59) www.rosildopernambuco.com.br/pg22.html (S60) - www.carlosbrasil.com/brasil.html (S61) pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Instrumento_de_cordas (S62) - www.stewmac.com/shop/Nuts,_saddles/Violin_nut,_saddles/Violin_Saddle.html (S63) www.tuliolima.com/02_liuteriainstrumento.htm (S64) http://forum.cifraclub.terra.com.br/forum/13/64526/ (S65) - http://suggia.weblog.com.pt/arquivo/cat_criticasimprensa.html (S66) http://www.internationalluthiers.com/bows.php (S67) www.ccb.pt/ccb/cgi-bin/ccbnav.php?CurCatId=7&CurTemId=4&CurEveId=2999&programa=1 (S68) www.bach-cantatas.com/Topics/Trill.html (S69) - http://martinezemanuel.blogspot.com/2007_05_20_archive.html (S70) www.bach-cantatas.com/Topics/Trill.html (S71) http://libdigi.unicamp.br/document/?down=vtls000404219 (S72) pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viola (S73) www.emb.com.br/estruturadmpedg/Nucleos/Viola_da_Gamba.htm (S74) www.atelierlabussiere.com/historia.htm (S75) www.nature.com/news/2007/070409/full/070409-3.html (S76) http://trombeta.cafemusic.com.br/trombeta_erro.cfm?erro=sem_parametro (S77) www.davidgage.com/z_gallery_guide.htm (S78) http://www.paulogomes.com.br