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    Globalisation, economic geography and thestrategy of multinational enterprises

    Peter J Buckley1 andPervez N Ghauri2

    1Centre for International Business, University of 

    Leeds, Maurice Keyworth Building, Leeds, UK;2Manchester School of Management, UMIST,

    Manchester, UK 


    Peter J Buckley, Centre for International

    Business, University of Leeds, Maurice

    Keyworth Building, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK

    Tel:   þ44 113 343 4646;

    Fax:   þ44 133 343 4754;

    E-mail: [email protected] 

    Received: 21 July 2003

    Revised: 1 December 2003

    Accepted: 1 December 2003

    Online publication date: 4 March 2004

    AbstractThe intention of this paper is to review the literature linking ownership andlocation strategies to economic geography and theories of globalisation and toexplore new areas of research. This paper examines globalisation in terms of conflicts between markets and economic management, and suggests that the

    differential pace of globalisation across markets presents a number of challenges to policy makers in local, national and regional governments, andin international institutions. In examining the changing location and ownershipstrategies of MNEs, it shows that the increasingly sophisticated decision makingof managers in MNEs is slicing the activities of firms more finely and in findingoptimum locations for each closely defined activity, they are deepening theinternational division of labour. Ownership strategies, too, are becomingincreasingly complex, leading to a control matrix that runs from wholly ownedunits via FDI through market relationships such as subcontracting, includingjoint ventures as options on subsequent decisions in a dynamic pattern. Theinput of lessons from economic geography is thus becoming more important inunderstanding the key developments in international business. The conse-quences of the globalisation of production and consumption represent political

    challenges, and reaction against these changes has led to a questioning of theeffects of global capitalism as well as to its moral basis. These four issues areclosely intertwined and present a formidable research agenda to which theinternational business research community is uniquely fitted to respond.

     Journal of International Business Studies  (2004)  35,  81–98.doi:10.1057/palgrave.jibs.8400076

    Keywords:   globalisation; economic geography; strategy; multinational enterprises;location strategy

    IntroductionThe analysis in Buckley (2002) suggested that internationalbusiness research succeeded when it focused on, in sequence, a

    number of big questions which arise from empirical developmentsin the world economy. The agenda is stalled because no such bigquestion has currently been identified. This calls into question theseparate existence of the subject area. This paper suggests that theanalysis of globalisation, with a focus on economic geography,arising from the changing strategy and the external impact of multinational enterprises (MNEs) on the world economy can bethat ‘big question’. Researchers also need to take on boardchallenges to global capitalism and to understand the roots of current discontent.

    The intention of this paper is to review the literature linkingownership and location strategies to economic geography and

     Journal of International Business Studies (2004) 35,  81–98& 2004 Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. All rights reserved 0047-2506 $25.00

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    theories of globalisation and to explore new areasof research. Thus, the paper focuses on the relation-ship between the evolving strategies of MNEs, thechanging economic geography of the world econ-omy and globalisation. The first section charts the

    conflicts between markets and government policiesas markets integrate across national borders. Mar-kets are globalised by the actions of MNEs. This is adeliberate process, but it is proceeding at adifferential pace in different types of market. Thedrivers of this process – the location and ownershipstrategies of MNEs – are examined in the secondsection. These strategies revolve around the abilityof MNEs to subdivide their activities more preciselyand to place them in the optimal location. At thesame time, more sophisticated and wider controlstrategies ranging from full ownership to market

    relationships are used to coordinate global activ-ities. This, it is argued in the third section, makeseconomic geography more important than ever.Where an activity is placed it interacts with itsimmediate hinterland and this has profound con-sequences for changing economic power anddevelopment. Finally, the article examines protestsagainst globalisation that leads to the concludingresearch agenda.

    Conflict of markets with national policies inthe global economy

    As Sideri (1997, 38) says ‘globalisation is essentiallya process driven by economic forces. Its immediatecauses are: the spatial reorganisation of production,international trade and the integration of financialmarkets’. It is not therefore uniform across eco-nomic space – ‘the segmentation of the manufac-turing process into multiple partial operations

    which combined with the development of cheaptransportation and communication networks, hasbrought the increasing division of production intoseparate stages carried out in different locations’.The strategies of multinational firms are therefore

    crucial to the causes and consequences of globalisa-tion.

    We can examine globalisation as a conflictbetween markets and management (policies).Figure 1 identifies three levels of markets – financialmarkets, markets in goods and services and labourmarkets. Each of these is moving at a differentspeed towards global integration. Financial marketsare already very closely integrated internationally,so that no individual ‘national capital markets’ canhave a sustainable independent existence. How-ever, attempts at national regulation do persist

    (Laulajainen, 2000) and the role of localities in thefinancial markets still provides differentiation (Bergand Guisinger, 2001; Tickell, 2000). Despite this, itis legitimate for analytical purposes to hypothesisea single integrated global capital market. Regionaleconomic integration (REI) is becoming increas-ingly effective in integrating goods and servicesmarkets at the regional level. The relationshipbetween company strategy and policy-makingwithin regional blocs such as the EU is a fascinatingarea for the development of new research streams(Chapman, 1999; Raines and Wishlade, 1999; seealso, Wood, 2003 on the Industrial Midwest of America). Labour markets, however, are function-ally separate at the national level and here integra-tion is largely resisted by national governments(Buckley et al., 2001).

    While the largest MNEs are already perfectlyplaced to exploit these differences in the interna-









    Capital flows





    Conflict of nationalpolicies (locationalpolicies)

    Integration,Harmonization andprotection regionalpolicies

    National employmentTraining and fiscalpolicies


    Figure 1   Internationalisation of firms – conflict of markets.

    Globalisation, economic geography and the strategy of MNEs   Peter J Buckley and Pervez N Ghauri


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    tional integration of markets (Buckley, 1997), REIoffers both large and small firms the opportunity toenjoy the advantages of a large ‘home’ market,whether it is their native home or their adoptivehome. The operation of international capital

    markets (which allow firms to drive their capitalcosts down to a minimum) has largely transcendedpolicy on regional integration, although eachregion would hope to retain its own regionalfinancial centre. It is primarily in the arena of thecreation and fostering of regional goods andservices markets that firms are enabled to exploiteconomies of scale across several countries, andthat REI offers the most substantial size-of-countrybenefits. However, regional integration thatencompasses countries with differential labourmarkets is becoming increasingly beneficial. This

    regional integration enables costs to be reduced bylocating the labour-intensive stages of productionin the cheaper labour economies within theintegrated area. Firms that serve just one regionalmarket, as well as those that serve several of theregional goods and services markets of the worldthrough horizontally integrated foreign directinvestment (FDI), are able to complement this withvertically integrated FDI in quality-differentiatedlabour markets. Vertical integration also reflects thespatial distribution of supplies of key inputs andraw materials. The MNE achieves advantagesthrough both vertical and horizontal integration.Each strategy is promoted by the ‘size-of-countrybenefits’ of REI in goods and services markets,which reduce or eliminate artificial barriers to tradebetween the members. This maximises the abilityof firms to exploit intra-regional differences infactor abundance, including differentiated humancapital.

    At industry level, globalisation can be shown tohave an increasing impact. Gersbach (2002) definesglobalisation at the micro-level as ‘the exposure of aproductivity follower industry in one country tothe productivity leader in another country’ (p. 209).The transmission mechanisms of change acrosscountry borders are trade and FDI. Gersbach founda strong relationship between globalisation andproductivity differences with the most efficientproducers. He concludes that globalisation mattersand that its influence spreads beyond a singleregion (e.g., Europe, North America).

    More attention has been paid to vertical relation-ships (the supply chain). The differentiation of labour markets is most acute between advanced andless-developed countries that are typically not part

    of the same regional bloc. The managers of MNEsare increasingly able to segment their activities andto seek the optimal location for increasinglyspecialised slivers of activity. This ability to separateand relocate stages of production has led to a boom

    in manufacturing in China and service activities(e.g., call centres) in India. MNEs are also increas-ingly able to coordinate these activities by means of a wide variety of mechanisms from wholly ownedFDI through licensing and subcontracting to mar-ket relationships. The more precise use of locationand ownership strategies by MNEs is the veryessence of increasing globalisation.

    In parallel with the growth of the globalisation of production, globalisation of consumption hasaccelerated and it is perhaps this which has excitedmost opposition. The alleged globalisation of tastes

    provokes nationalistic protectionist sentiments andis here analysed in terms of the balance of strategieswithin MNEs between ‘local’ and ‘global’ pressureson the firm.

    The process of globalisation is thus not onlyreorganising power at world level but also atnational and subnational levels (Alden, 1999;Dunning and Wallace, 1999; Graham, 2003; Mirza,1998; Oxelheim   et al., 2001; Peck and Durnin,1999; Pike, 1999; Yeung, 2003). As domestic firmsmove part of their production to other countries,technology, knowledge and capital become moreimportant than land, the traditional source of statepower, and this redefines the function of the state(Rosecrance, 1996; Sideri, 1997). The loss of sovereignty to supra-national regional institutionsis more acceptable than to international institu-tions that are more remote. The EU is an example of such regional integration and governance (Bres-sand, 1990). Social programmes within the EU areenforcing major redistributions of revenue betweenthe individual nations. The nation state as thepossessor of the sense of identity is being replacedby subnations and internal regions as governmentis devolved.

    A recent study by Subramanian and Lawrence(1999) found that national locations remaineddistinctive. Policy barriers at the borders, differ-ences in local cultures in their widest sense andnature and geography contribute to distinctiveness.This, together with the ability of incumbents tokeep outsiders at a disadvantage (Buckley   et al.,2001) and the first entrant benefits of local firms,reinforces the differentiation of national econo-mies. International competition remains imperfectand international price differences persist because

    Globalisation, economic geography and the strategy of MNEs   Peter J Buckley and Pervez N Ghauri


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    arbitrage is costly. Domestic market conditionslargely determine prices and wages. Multinationalcompany affiliates remain firmly embedded in theirlocal economy and such local firms identify closelywith the national government. Subramanian and

    Lawrence (1999) conclude that national bordersstill matter. Borders continue to engender and tocoincide with important discontinuities stemmingfrom government policies, geography and societaldifferences. The authors stress information discon-tinuities that coincide with national boundariesand so create search and deliberation problems fortrading and manufacturing firms. These issues alsoaccount for the alleged ‘home bias’ of multina-tional firms. FDI is the key tool by which multi-nationals bridge cross-border discontinuities.

    The two contrasting paradigms of a world made

    up of self-contained national economies and a‘borderless world’ are incomplete and capture onlypart of a complex and subtle story. Lenway andMurtha (1994) examine the role of the state as astrategist along four dimensions: authority   vsmarkets, communitarianism vs  individualism, poli-tical   vs   economic objectives and equity   vs   effi-ciency. They state that international businessscholarship ‘places a benchmark value on efficientinternational markets and tends to regard states ascauses of deviation from this ideal’ (p. 530).

    Globalisation and corporate governanceTwo key issues interact to provide governanceissues arising from the globalisation of business.The first is the existence of unpriced externalities.These impose costs (e.g., pollution) on the localeconomy and environment. The second is theremoteness of production and service activitiesfrom their ultimate owners or controllers (e.g., theshareholders). These two factors interact becausethe mechanism for correcting negative externalitiesbecomes difficult to implement because of remote-ness and lack of immediate responsibility.

    Perceived difficulties of global governance inmultinational firms are exacerbated by the currentcrises in governance of firms in the West. Theshareholder return-driven environment which pre-vails today is very much the creature of the mergerwave of the 1980s (Buckley and Ghauri, 2002). Thefeeling that corporations are outside social controlsand that current forms of governance benefit onlyexecutives (and owners) rather than other stake-holders contribute to the concerns outlined in theprevious section.

    MNE – host country relations in middle-incomecountries have fully emerged onto the world stage,leaving behind a group of largely inert less devel-oped countries that have so far been bypassed byglobalisation. Large, emerging countries, which

    contain significant middle class markets, cheaperand well-educated labour and stabilising politicalregimes (India, China, Brazil) are no longer seenjust as new markets for old products (Prahalad andLieberthal, 1998) but as significant locations requir-ing reconfigurations of the economic geography of MNE’s operations. Not only do MNEs adapt pro-ducts to local markets – but local markets alsoprovide ideas for new global products (Murtha et al.,2001). Increasing location ‘tournaments’ to attractFDI (Oxelheim and Ghauri, 2003), may havereduced the benefits to the host countries as have

    the increasing skill of the managers of MNEs inmaking their investments more ‘footloose’. Corre-sponding skills on the part of host countries tomake FDI ‘sticky’ are not developing at the samerate. Differences within developing countries maylead to divergence between those which candevelop the velocity to catch up and those whichwill fall behind as the world economy becomesmore interdependent.

    Location and ownership strategies of 

    multinational firmsThe traditional MNE was a vertically, as well ashorizontally, integrated firm. In consequence, eachdivision of the firm was locked into linkages withother divisions of the same firm. As global competi-tion intensified, there was growing recognition of the costs of integration of this kind. Commitmentto a particular source of supply or demand of anyproduct, intermediate good or service is relativelylow cost in a high-growth scenario, since it isunlikely that any investment will need to bereversed. It is much more costly in a low-growthscenario, where production may need to beswitched to a cheaper source of supply or salesdiverted away from a depressed market. The desirefor flexibility therefore discourages vertical integra-tion – whether it is backward integration intoproduction or forward integration into distribu-tion. It is better to subcontract production and tofranchise sales instead. The subcontracting of production is similar in principle to a ‘puttingout’ arrangement, but differs in the sense that thesubcontractor is now a firm rather than just a singleworker.

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    Disintermediation and reintermediationDisintegration was further encouraged by a low-trust atmosphere that developed in many firms.Fear of internal monopoly became rife as explainedabove. Production managers faced with falling

    demand wished that they did not have to sell alltheir output through a single sales manager. Salesmanagers resented the fact that they had to obtainall their supplies from the same small set of plants.Each manager doubted the competence of theothers and ascribed loss of corporate competitive-ness to selfishness and inefficiency elsewhere in thefirm. Divisions aspired to be spun off so that theycould deal with other business units instead. Onthe other hand, managers were wary of the risksthat would be involved if they severed their linkswith other divisions altogether. The result is that a

    much more complex strategy set faces decision-makers in multinational firms.

    Strategy, e-commerce and networksThese changes are challenges for ‘old economy’companies including the integration of on-linefunctions with existing brand and back officeinfrastructure. Business-to-business and buildingonline links with suppliers and customers implythe redesign of business process networks. Smallercompanies may find it easier to operate interna-tionally because it is easier to reach customers, butthere are still information problems, logistics andmanagement control. Products still have to bedelivered to customers. This is not just a matter of transport costs, but also regulatory differencesbetween countries, cultural distance and otherfactors.

    A natural way to cope with these pressures is toallow each division to deal with external businessunits, as well as internal ones. In terms of internalisation theory, internal markets become‘open’ rather than ‘closed’. This provides divisionalmanagers with an opportunity to bypass weak orincompetent sections of the company. It alsoprovides a competitive discipline on internaltransfer prices, preventing their manipulation forinternal political ends and bringing them more intoline with external prices. There are other advan-tages too. Opening up internal markets severs thelink between the capacities operated at adjacentstages of production. The resulting opportunity tosupply other firms facilitates the exploitation of scale economies because it permits the capacity of any individual plant to exceed internal demand.Conversely, it encourages the firm to buy in

    supplies from other firms that have installedcapacity in excess of their own needs.

    The alignment of internal prices with externalprices increases the objectivity of profit measure-ment at the divisional level. This allows divisional

    managers to be rewarded by profit-related paybased on divisional profit rather than firm-wideprofit. Management may even buy out part of thecompany. Alternatively, the firm may restructure bybuying in a part on an independent firm. The neteffect is the same in both cases. The firm becomesthe hub of a network of inter-locking joint ventures(Buckley and Casson, 1996; Buckley and Casson,1988). Each joint venture partner is responsible forthe day-to-day management of the venture. Theheadquarters of the firm coordinates the linksbetween the ventures. Internal trade is diverted

    away from the weaker ventures towards the stron-ger ones, thereby providing price and profit signalsto which the weaker partners need to respond.Unlike a pure external market situation, thepartners are able to draw upon expertise at head-quarters, which can in turn tap into expertise inother parts of the group.

    A network does not have to be built around asingle firm, of course. A network may consist of agroup of independent firms instead (Ghauri, 1999).Sometimes these firms are neighbours, as in theregional industrial clusters described by Best (1990),Porter (1990) and Rugman  et al. (1995). Industrialdistricts, such as ‘Toyota city,’ have been hailed asan Asian innovation in flexible management,although the practice has been common in Europefor centuries (Marshall, 1919). As tariffs and trans-port costs have fallen, networks have become moreinternational and ‘virtual’. This is demonstrated bythe dramatic growth in intermediate product tradeunder long-term contracts. For example, an inter-national trading company may operate a networkof independent suppliers in different countries,substituting different sources of supply in responseto both short-term exchange rate movements andlong-term shifts in comparative advantage.

    By establishing a network of joint venturescovering alternative technological trajectories, thefirm can spread its costs while retaining a measureof proprietary control over new technologies. Theadvantage of joint ventures is further reinforced bytechnological convergence, for example, the inte-gration of computers, telecommunications andphotography. This favours the creation of networksof joint ventures based on complementary tech-nologies, rather than on the substitute technologies

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    described above (Cantwell, 1995). Joint venturesare important because they afford a number of realoptions (Trigeorgis, 1996) which can be taken up ordropped depending upon how the project turnsout. The early phase of a joint venture provides

    important information that could not be obtainedthrough investigation before the venture began. Itaffords an opportunity later on to buy more fullyinto a successful venture – an opportunity that isnot available to those who have not taken anystake. It therefore provides greater flexibility thandoes either outright ownership or an alternativeinvolving no equity stake (Buckley  et al., 2002).

    Global knowledge diffusionAs Buckley and Carter (2002) point out, problemsin the global organisation of MNEs are frequently

    presented as oppositions. Typical are global vs local,centralise   vs   decentralise, standardisation   vs  adap-tation and efficiency vs responsiveness. These issuesare not independent of knowledge management.Global/local issues centre on the costs of managingknowledge flows and the combination of general‘company-wide’ knowledge and separable, spatiallyfixed local-specific knowledge. Spatial questions areone part of dealing with knowledge-intensiveorganisations, but spatial issues are bound up witha whole set of temporal, organisational, strategicand process issues (Buckley and Carter, 2002, 46).As Murtha et al. (1998) show, strategy emerges frommind-sets which are changing over time – globaland local issues are capable of synthesis. The role of management knowledge is a crucial and under-researched phenomenon of globalisation. Globalmanagement of knowledge does enable the separa-tion of key activities that can therefore be managedin different ways. This has led to strategies of outsourcing, mass customisation and deduplicationof functions, which can be spatially separated,bundled and differentiated and consolidated,respectively. Murtha   et al. (2001) examine theprocess of global knowledge creation and dissemi-nation in a fascinating, detailed industry case studyof the type that can be replicated and extended.

    The goal of a modern sourcing strategy is toobtain the optimum combination of inputs fromthe variety of opportunities open in the globalmarket. Normally, this will be geographicallydiverse and the means of procurement will bevaried. Thus, both the location factor (where theinputs are acquired) and the internalisation/exter-nalisation choice of means of procurement willvary with circumstances and will change over time.

    The ability of firms to ‘mix and match’ theirsourcing strategy has been greatly enhanced bythe use of the internet for procurement and theincreasing use of ‘outsourcing’, whereby externaloffers can be compared to internal courses of 

    supply, and the scope of the firm’s internal activityadjusted accordingly. These strategies enableincreased specialisation and localisation to enhancethe division of labour globally and for individualfirms to benefit from this by creating a globalbusiness network, which encompasses many loca-tions for activities with mixed ownership/con-tracting modes of procurement. The reduced needfor colocation locationally diversifies the firm’sproduction base.

    Similarly, the market servicing strategy comprisesa mix of exporting, licensing/contracting and

    investment activities, again suggesting a mix of ownership and location strategies in differentspatial and temporal circumstances. Here, too,different functions (more housing, distributionand advertising) can be either centrally and globallyorganised or differentially localised. Ownership toomay be fully internal, joint venture/alliance oroutsourced.

    The interaction of the supply and demand side isyet to be fully studied, but it is safe to assume thatlarge markets exercise a locational pull on inputs,and key input sources encourage local marketing.MNEs thus seek optimal locations for raw materials,intermediate goods, services ‘brain arbitrage’ andassembly plants. They also seek entry and exitstrategies for markets as they wax and wane overtime. This is a suitably complex subject for detailedanalysis.

    Global/local operationsIn the strategic decisions of multinational firms,there has always been a tension between thepressures to globalise and the need to stay localand to serve individual customers (Ghauri, 1992).The advantages of global operations are cost-based,maximising economies of scale and reducingduplication, thus achieving efficiency. The advan-tages of localisation are revenue based, allowingdifferentiation to reach all customer niches andachieving responsiveness. The tension can besummed up in the phrase ‘the cost advantages of standardisation vs   the revenue advantages of adap-tation’ (Table 1).

    Much of the strategy of the multinational firmcan be explained by the attempts of managementto reconcile these pressures (Devinney et al., 2000).

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    Over time, firms have (been advised to) switch theirorganisation so as to balance these pressures – oneexample is the ‘transnational’ type of organisationadvocated by Bartlett and Ghoshal (1989). How-ever, pressures in different industries push firmstowards a strategic imperative (scale in electronics,local demand differences in consumer goods) and

    different functions require different balances of global/local orientation (finance, production, salesfunctions). The ‘hub and spoke’ model below is akey method of attempting to reconcile theseconflicts. Global and Local oppositions are shownin Table 1. Cultural differences are of greatimportance in determining the extent of thisbalance.

    The globalisation of markets has been a majorfactor in the growth of volatility (Buckley andCasson, 1998). A feature of many global markets isthe use of regional production and distributionhubs, where several neighbouring countries areserviced from the same location. The regional hub,like the IJV, can be understood as a strategy thatoffers superior flexibility. Just as an IJV offers a

    compromise ownership strategy, a regional huboffers a compromise location strategy. As the hub isnearer to each market that is the home location, itreduces transport costs, and offers better informa-tion capture too. Yet, because it is close to several

    markets, it avoids exclusive commitment to anyone. If one market declines, production can beswitched to other markets instead, provided theshocks affecting the national markets are indepen-dent (or less than perfectly correlated, at any rate)and the hub provide gains from diversification.These are real gains that only the firm can achieve,as opposed to the financial gains from unrelatedproduct diversification, which have proved disap-pointing in the past because they are best exploitedthrough the diversification of individual shareportfolios instead.

    Location and ownership strategies revisited: ‘huband spoke strategies’The two strategies of IJV and hub can be combined(Figure 2). Since one (the IJV) is an ownershipstrategy and the other a location strategy, they can,if desired, be combined directly in an IJV produc-tion hub. Closer examination of the issues suggeststhat this is not normally the best approach,however. The model suggests that a combinationof a wholly owned production hub supplying IJVdistribution facilities in each national market is a

    better solution. A hub facility is too critical toglobal strategy to allow a partner to becomeinvolved, because the damage they could do is fartoo great. Even with a wholly owned hub facility,

    Table 1   Global and local operation

    Global Local  

    Cost Revenue

    Efficiency Responsiveness

    Centralisation Decentralisation

    Standardisation Adaptation












    Wholly Owned




    Figure 2   ‘Hub and spoke’ strategies: an example.

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    substitutability between plants is achieved. Custo-mers will be able to dictate which parts, subassem-blies or ‘add-ons’, they require in the final assemblyand the distributed manufacturing function willreassemble (Figure 3), where production is pushedfrom the hub into the spoke. Brand owners willcontrol design, engineering and marketing whileoutsourcing large areas of production to partssuppliers, and they may well contract out finalassembly. Thus ‘built to order’ products will beproduced close to the final customer. Globalisationimplies location near the customer, not a singlelarge-scale plant. It is the high fixed costs of existing factories which compel manufacturers toachieve large-scale production, and a reduction of fixed costs means that production can be moreeasily tailored to final demand.

    Geography of globalisationMuch has been made of the ‘death of distance’(Cairncross, 1997) and ‘the end of geography’ byauthors trumpeting the importance of the internetand the ascendancy of virtual space over physicaldistance. Recent evidence, however, suggests thatgeography still matters. As Castells (2001, 209) says‘...the internet backbone is global in its reach, butterritorially uneven in its layout in terms of capacity’. The internet is built on top of existinginfrastructure and relies on fibre optic cables. Thecreation of data centres, ‘web hotels’ and ‘serverfarms’ has become conglomerated in key urbancentres. Indeed, 49 of the servers for the top 100

    web sites are colocated in Exodus Communications,Santa Clara, Cal, USA (The Economist, 2001a, b).The storage of information has become morephysically concentrated, not less, and economiesof agglomeration, including the need for areliable power source, are creating these serverfarms, some of which come with their ownpower stations (iXguardian is building the biggestone in Europe just outside London,   Economist ,op. cit.). Sellers have a vested interest in determin-ing the location of users of the internet. Thedifference in laws and taxes governing theseconsumers is determined by geography, notnetwork topography, and firms deliveringgoods ordered over the internet stick with theold geographical (i.e., national) approach but aretaking it online with ‘geolocational services’,largely using local postcodes. Web content canthen be matched to the user’s location. As nationalregulations still apply, particularly to goods such orpharmaceuticals and services, especially financialservices, it is essential that companies stay withinthe law. So borders (national borders) are returningto the net.

    Location thus becomes a search parameter forservices. Filtering via precise targeting of customers(e.g., through mobile phones) is possible throughsatellite-based global positioning systems. TheEconomist concludes: ‘The internet means thatthe distance between two points on the network isno longer terribly important. However, where thosepoints are still matters very much. Distance is





    Core Functions

    OutsourcedParts Supplier








    Distributed Manufacturing


    Local Market Adaptation



    Figure 3   The global factory.

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    dying, but geography it seems is still alive andkicking’ (p. 20).

    Recently, technological advances have made iteasier to argue for the link between geography andgrowth. Innovation has surged in developing links

    between places on the Internet and real-worldlocations – stitching together the virtual andphysical worlds (The Economist, 2003). Geoloca-tional services are being developed both to locateend-users and to find the internet access pointnearest to a particular location. Thus, suitablyequipped laptops can access wireless internetservices close to a small base station (or ‘hotspot’).Anyone in the locality can then avail themselves of these services. Mapping of base stations confirmsthat these are located in areas of highest economicactivity. Again, virtual space reinforces existing

    spatial dispersion of activity, it does not substitutefor them. Internet pages are becoming ‘goecoded’or ‘geotagged’ to make geographical locationexplicit.

    Deepening spatial division of labour The evolving locational policies of MNEs have ledto a deepening of the spatial division of labour. Thisinteracts with changing ownership policies toproduce radically new outcomes for the worldeconomy (Ruigrok and Van Tulder, 1995). Thissection goes on to review three extant approachesto the deepening spatial division of labour (Dicken,2003; Yeung, 2001) and then suggests futureresearch developments.

     Approach 1: The New International Division of Labour (NIDL).

    The NIDL is not particularly new. It was fore-shadowed by the analysis of Hymer (1972) whodeveloped ‘the law of uneven development’. Hymerenvisaged a strict hierarchy in the world economywith ‘higher order functions’ (finance, design)being carried out in the advanced countries, withless-developed countries being relegated to the roleof ‘hewers of wood and drawers of water’. Frobelet al. (1980) foresaw the increasingly disaggregatedspatial nature of production under the control of MNEs. The increasing intensity of intra-firm trade,(priced at internally determined transfer prices;Emmanuel and Mehafdi, 1994; Hirshleifer, 1986;Rugman and Eden, 1985; UNCTAD, 1999), whichaccounts for over half of world trade, is a con-comitant of this fine spatial division. The ability of MNEs to create new specialised roles – largelycorporate services – and to relocate them in

    favourable locations is a further innovation trackedby the NIDL approach.

     Approach 2: Global commodity Chains (GCCs).Gereffi   et al. (1994, 2) define GCCs as ‘sets of 

    inter-organisational networks clustered round one

    commodity of product, linking households, enter-prises and states to one another within the worldeconomy. These networks are situationally specific,socially constructed and locally integrated, under-scoring the social embeddedness of economicorganisation’. Buyer-driven chains are distin-guished from producer-driven chains. Buyer-drivenGCCs are dominated by large retailers and brand-name manufacturers or trading companies thatorganise decentralised production networks indeveloping countries for export. Typical industrysettings include labour-intensive consumer goods

    industries organised by OEM (original equipmentmanufacturing) arrangements. Producer-drivenGCCs are controlled by global oligopolies whereTNCs control capital and knowledge-intensiveproduction (Yeung, 2001). Empirical work on GCCsincludes Dicken and Hassler (2000) and Gereffi(1999), while Jenkins (1987) applies this to devel-opment issues.

     Approach 3: Regional Networks.The role of regions and regional integration in

    the spatial organisation of the world economy isclearly critical as was shown above. Considerablework has been undertaken on Asian productionnetworks which unfortunately took a wrong turnwith the ‘flying geese model’ where it was allegedthat the leading goose (Japan) would pull others inthe flock (the smaller economies of Asia) along inits slipstream. Not only is this an inaccuratedescription of the way geese fly (different geeseassume the leadership for different periods), itignores vertical linkages across and between theseeconomies and those of the rest of the world, it alsooverplays the benign effects of leadership andunderplays power relationships (see Bernard andRavenhill, 1995; Edgington and Hayet, 2000; Hart-Landsberg and Burkett, 1998; Hatch and Yama-mura, 1996; Hill and Fujita, 1996; Tsui-Auch, 1999).There is a parallel here with the French ‘filière’approach which has not permeated and influencedmainstream English language literature (Raikeset al., 2000).

    However, regional networks in Asia are importantboth theoretically (Markusen and Venables, 2000)and empirically as well (for instance, Yeung (2001)on Singapore firms in South East Asia and Ghauriand Prasad (1995) on Asian networks).

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    Geographical analyses of globalisationThe NIDL, global commodity chains and (regional)production networks all fit well with the interna-tional business research agenda. The progress of research in this area depends on inter-disciplinarity

    and connectivity.Economic geography has a long history (Clark

    et al., 2000; Krugman, 1991, 2000) and is currentlyenjoying a renaissance (Scott, 2000). The impor-tance of the new geography is attested to by theconcern for ‘the new geography of competition’ formobile investment (Raines, 2003) and the increas-ingly complex interplay between states, economicregional blocs such as the EU and subnationalregions such as states in the USA and semi-autonomous regions such as Catalonia or Scotland(Oxelheim and Ghauri, 2003; Phelps and Alden,

    1999; Phelps and Rains, 2003).Economic geographers have made many signifi-cant contributions to the analysis of globalisationthat can, with profit, be noted by internationalbusiness scholars. Regional integration and thedivision of world markets into trade and invest-ment blocs have been extensively analysed bygeographers (for summaries on Asia, North Americaand Europe see Abo, 2000; Holmes, 2000; andAmin, 2000). However, the incorporation of realgeographical features such as climate, coastline,river transport, soil quality and terrain has perhapsbeen underplayed and this represents a real oppor-tunity for future development. This links physicalgeography and economic development. A researchagenda of this kind is proposed by Mellinger  et al.(2000) and Buckley and Casson (1991) included‘geographical factors that influence entrepôt poten-tial’ in their analysis of factors in the long-runeconomic success of a nation (p. 33). The linksbetween economic geography and development arealso worthy of attention in the literature on ‘spil-lovers’ from MNEs to the local economy. Many of these spillovers are enhanced by geographicalproximity (in the formation of clusters of support-ing industries, for instance) and this factor is notoften explicitly included in the examination of spillovers.

    Aspects of the strategy of MNEs can also beenhanced by a deeper understanding of spatialissues. Geographical models can illuminate strate-gic decisions both through the use of models(Storper, 2000) and empirically as well (Wrigley,2000). Local labour markets, which are a keyattraction for efficiency-seeking FDI, are also geo-graphically configured and analysis here also

    benefits from the insights of economic geography(Hanson, 2000). As we have seen above, the strategyof MNEs cannot be fully comprehended without anunderstanding of the role of knowledge manage-ment including both its spatial and temporal

    aspects (Auderetsh, 2000; Schoenberger, 2000).One of the most brilliant analyses of the manage-ment of knowledge across time and space was, of course, made by Raymond Vernon (1966) in hisanalysis of the product cycle. There is much herefor international business researchers to build on.

    One of the most celebrated analyses combiningeconomics and geography in the analysis of national economic strategies is that of MichaelPorter (1990, 2000) building on a previous synth-esis of work with a strong spatial element in theanalysis of competitive advantage (Porter, 1985).

    The essence of concentrations of mutually suppor-tive industries – clusters or industrial districts – goesback to the work of Alfred Marshall (1919, 1930)who seized on the ability of firms in close proximityto capture the external economies which mightotherwise not be appropriated (Asheim, 2000).There are close connections here with mainstreamwork in international business notably John Dun-ning’s OLI paradigm, with a focus on the L forlocation (Dunning, 2000, 1995, 1977). The abilityof foreign MNEs to tap into local clusters and tocreate their own spatially distinct growth poleshave long been a major features of internationalbusiness analyses of the dynamics of growth.Perhaps the most developed of this stream of analysis is its links with ‘clusters of innovation’and ‘national systems of innovation’ (Cantwell,1989). The geography of innovation is an area of great potential and one to which internationalbusiness scholars will continue to contribute(Antonelli, 2000; Feldman, 2000; Lundvall andMaskell, 2000; Maskell, 2000).

    The geographic sources of competitiveness of international firms have attracted sporadic atten-tion (Birkenshaw and Hood, 2000; Dunning, 1996;Frost, 2001), particularly as regards creative sub-sidiaries, but have not, as yet, become a mainstreampreoccupation of international business theory.However, attention to foreign (decentralised) R&Dand patenting activity has been studied (Almeida,1996; Belderbos, 2001; Cantwell, 1993; Cantwelland Janne, 2000; Dalton and Serapio, 1999; Jonesand Davies., 2000; Pearce, 1999) as has the inter-nationalisation, geographic locational advantagesand competitiveness of service firms (Dunning andMcKaig-Berliner, 2002; Nachum, 1999).

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    Despite this considerable research progress in theeconomic geography of globalisation, there are stillareas of great opportunity for further developmentand innovation. One of these is the geography of culture (Thrift, 2000) where international business

    scholars drawing on their long tradition of work inthis area (Hofstede, 1997, 1980; Ronen and Shen-kar, 1985) have an unrivalled ability to contribute.The spatial boundaries of ‘a culture’ are of enor-mous practical and theoretical interest, particularlywith regard to their alignment or non-alignmentwith national, linguistic and other frontiers (Brau-del, 1995; Shenkar, 2001).

    A second key area of potential development is thefurtherance of the research agenda of the ‘Janusface of globalisation’ and in particular its geogra-phical aspects. Spatially, do the benefits of globali-

    sation accrue to the rich (capital exporting)countries or to the poor (host) countries? (Edenand Lenway, 2001). As MNEs became more sophis-ticated in exploiting the spatial division of labourby slicing their activities even more finely, thequestion of who benefits becomes more pressingand the answer more sophisticated. The counter-vailing power of NGOs also requires further analysis(Doh and Teegan, 2003).

    Demographic changes and migration are two of the other under-researched phenomena in examin-ing the deepening spatial division of labour. Thecomparative advantage of international businessscholars has always been their ability to combinedifferent approaches and to see the big picture. Thistype of creative connectivity is needed in pushingforward the frontiers of research on the geographyof globalisation and the role of MNEs.

    Challenges to globalisationMarket capitalism, as described above, has inherentglobal tendencies. These stem directly from thecentral role of trade in a market system. Thetendency of trade to promote globalisation can beseen in the empires of classical antiquity, as well asin the globalisation that occurred in the Age of High Imperialism before World War I (Prior, 2000).This age was the culmination of almost a millen-nium of incremental development, in which localmarkets became integrated into regional tradingsystems, and these trading systems were in turnintegrated across continents as a consequenceof trans-oceanic voyages of discovery. This inte-gration of markets is a defining characteristic of globalisation.

    Market capitalism also encourages the globalisa-tion of finance and promotes the mobility of labour. Large financial markets offer investorsgreater liquidity, and more competitive pricing of stocks and shares, combined with greater legal

    security. This leads to the agglomeration of eco-nomic power in major metropolitan centres wherefinancial dealings predominate. Peripheral regionsof the integrated economy are plundered for theirraw materials, or farmed intensively to feed theurban areas, or relegated to unskilled labour-intensive work. This is simply the imperative of efficiency seeking in a world of constant change.

    This discussion provides a suitable framework forexamining some of the major complaints levelledat the World Trade Organisation at their 1999Seattle meeting. The substance of the complaints

    appears to be that:   the progressive reduction of trade and invest-

    ment barriers leads to loss of jobs;   an accelerating pace of technological change

    leads to greater insecurity of jobs and to theend of the lifetime employment system;

      inadequate environmental standards lead toincreases in pollution which are incompatiblewith sustainable development;

      greater income inequality emerges, both withincountries and between them, creating new socialand political divisions;

     destruction of local communities is caused by anextension of global linkages;

      cultural diversity is reduced, because culture ishomogenised by standardisation on modernWestern values;

     national sovereignty is threatened, and the powerof the state is undermined; and

      deregulation of industry and services leads toincreased uncertainty, and to greater opportu-nities for stock-market speculation.

    Little can be done to address some of theseobjections because they hit directly at the logic of the capitalist process (Rugman, 2000). For example,the dynamics of the market system mean that oldjobs are destroyed at the same time that new jobsare created, and as this process accelerates, jobsbecome progressively more insecure. Many of theseobjections can be addressed fully only by changeswhich would dramatically reduce the long-runefficiency of the capitalist system. It is perfectlypossible, for example, to insist that the metropoli-tan trading centres be deglomerated, thereby redis-tributing entrepreneurial profits to more peripheral

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    regions. However, the costs of transporting anddistributing commodities would increase, and con-sumers as a whole would be worse off. Similarmeasures could be applied to deglomerate R&Dfrom major clusters like Silicon Valley to a host of minor ones, but again there would be efficiencylosses in terms of innovations foregone. Moreover,it is likely that plans for enforced deglomerationwould quickly become distorted by local politics, sothat any redistribution of income would mainlyfavour corrupt officials.

    Indeed, contrary to the claims of the Seattleprotestors, globalisation confers important bene-fits. As Table 2 indicates, the opening up of tradefrees domestic workers from the need to producefor subsistence and allows them to specialise, if they wish, on export production. Provided theywork in a free society, they will switch to exportproduction only if they perceive a benefit fromdoing so. There is little direct evidence that localproducers are systematically duped into producingfor export markets through selfish manipulation,although it is often alleged by critics of free tradethat this is what local money lenders and exportmerchants do.

    While some of the objections are invalid, how-ever, others have substance to them. The moralambiguities of the capitalist system generate arange of problems connected with negative extern-alities of one sort or another. No set of marketcontracts can cover all of the issues involved incoordinating a complex global economic system –except at prohibitive transaction cost. It is wrong tosuggest that nothing can or should be done about

    these problems. Consider, for example, the issue of financing mineral industries in developing coun-tries. In a world where entrepreneurial greed wasconstrained by Protestant guilt, profits in resource-based industries would be voluntarily sacrificed torender development more sustainable. Bankerswould think twice before lending large sums of money to inexperienced borrowers, such as thegovernments of less-developed countries. In a moresecular society, issues of sustainability and manip-ulative lending practices can be addressed throughstatutory regulation, but this requires a high levelof inter-governmental cooperation. The institu-tions of inter-governmental cooperation are oftenslow and bureaucratic, creating considerable impa-tience among activists awaiting a policy response. Itis inherently wasteful to operate a capitalist systemthat encourages selfish profit-seeking behaviour,and to then establish a cumbersome inter-govern-mental bureaucracy to restrict it. Regulating profitseeking through self-restraint is, in principle, amuch cheaper option, provided that the moralinfrastructure is in place.

    Secular ideologies provided an outlet forcreative talents throughout much of the 20thcentury, and their demise leaves a seriousvacuum. The protesters at Seattle were strugglingto find a relevant language in which to expresstheir discontent. Their demonstrations showedthat they did not trust existing internationalinstitutions to make the changes that theybelieve are required. They sensed intuitively thatthere is a lack of restraint by those who holdeconomic power – namely by those who influence

    Table 2   Winners and losers from the globalisation of capitalism

    Winners Losers Factor  

    Labour    Labour in newly industrialising


    Labour in mature industrial


    Reductions in transport costs and

    tariffs for manufactured goods

    Profit earners    Owners of successful globalised

    firms or of the firms that supply


    Owners of firms that fail to

    globalise or of firms that are


    on them

    Reduced communication costs

    facilitate international transfer of 

    proprietary knowledge

    Government    Non-interventionist governments

    with strong respect for property


    Interventionist governments with

    weak respect for property rights

    Reduced transport and

    communication costs give increased

    scope for international specialisation

    and exploitation of agglomeration

    economies, providing firms with a

    wider choice of political regimes

    from which to operate

    Source : Buckley and Casson (2001, p. 320).

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    key decisions about future policy regimes in theglobal economy. In this sense their attitudes simplyreflect the low-trust culture that modern capitalismhas created.

    Admittedly, many of their criticisms are not new

    – they echo the criticisms of international capital-ism advanced by socialists in the past. Some of theirclaims may also be misguided. It was shown above,for example, that low-wage workers in developingcountries can benefit substantially from globalcapitalism. However, there is always a tendencyfor people who are making a point to support theirposition with as many arguments as they can find –good as well as bad. Groups that wish to engage incollective action often have to promote an eclecticposition in order to mobilise support as widely aspossible.

    The analysis in Buckley and Casson (2001a, b)suggests that the protesters’ accusations of bad faithagainst modern capitalist enterprises may havesubstance. Some marketing techniques systemati-cally probe for ignorance and lack of self-awarenessamong the consuming public. Popular brands aretargeted at poor consumers, offering them subjec-tive rewards, such as higher status, at a price theycannot afford to pay. Children and young peoplemake easy targets, especially when advertisementscan be skilfully designed to undermine parentalveto power. When people find the time to relax,and reflect on their experience as consumers, theirhigher nature intuitively alerts them to the pro-blem. However, they cannot easily articulate theirfeelings because they have been brought up tobelieve that they are rational all of the time. Even if the products they buy seem useless in retrospect, ithas to be admitted that shopping for them seemedlike fun at the time (see Frank, 1999). Shoppingbecomes an end in itself – exercising the impulse tobuy being the immediate source of pleasure – andthe product is just the excuse. Products have to bethrown away because otherwise storage spacewould limit indulgence in the shopping experience.On this view, it is when shopping palls, and themeaninglessness of the impulse to buy becomesobvious, that protests become attractive instead.People become angry when they finally have to facethe fact that they have been systematically manipu-lated by the producers of the branded trivia of themodern capitalist system.

    Moral arguments are rarely clearcut, however.Here is Lord Desai, no lover of capitalism: ‘globa-lisation is nothing but the resurgence of capitalismin the late 20th century. As FDI spreads to the poor

    countries of Asia, many of the people living theredecide to quit their life of rural idiocy and joinsweat shops in town. This may seem horrible tomoralists of non-governmental organisations, but itis betterment for those making the decision to

    move. No doubt a concern for their rights indeveloped countries will price them out of theirjobs. Thus does altruism of the rich often kill thepoor by kindness’ (Desai, 2003, 23).

    However, it is not the poor who protest (in Seattleor elsewhere). The worry is that it is the benefici-aries of global capitalism who are its fiercest critics.

    Conclusion – a research agendaThere are serious issues surrounding the notion of globalisation. There are also some myths. Empiricalevidence is often disassociated from polemical

    writings on the subject. There is a great opportunityin front of international business scholars toconfront assertions about globalisation with facts(or stylised facts).

    This paper has examined globalisation in terms of conflicts between markets and economic manage-ment and suggested that the differential pace of globalisation across markets presents a number of challenges to policy makers in local, national andregional governments and in international institu-tions. In examining the changing location andownership strategies of MNEs, it has shown that theincreasingly sophisticated decision making of man-agers in MNEs is slicing the activities of firms morefinely and in finding optimum locations for eachclosely defined activity, they are deepening theinternational division of labour. Ownership strate-gies, too, are becoming increasingly complex,leading to a control matrix that runs from whollyowned units via FDI through market relationshipssuch as subcontracting, including joint ventures, asoptions on subsequent decisions in a dynamicpattern. The input of lessons from economicgeography is thus becoming more important inunderstanding the key developments in interna-tional business. The consequences of the globalisa-tion of production and consumption representpolitical challenges and reaction against thesechanges has led to a questioning of the effects of global capitalism as well as to its moral basis.

    These four issues are closely intertwined andpresent a formidable research agenda to which theinternational business research community isuniquely fitted to respond. This agenda canencompass work from the empirical to the theore-tical. Empirical issues include: the careful mapping

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    and spatial analysis of FDI flows, the spatial andtemporal spread of MNEs, and the geographicaldeterminants of strategy. The underplaying of physical geography (rivers, coastlines, climate, soiltypes) from explanations of FDI and MNE strategies

    needs to be corrected. The external effects of MNEs(linkages, spillovers) need to be more closely relatedto the analysis of strategy so that IB researchers cancontribute more to the literature on developmentand underdevelopment.

    Theoretical avenues include the full incorpora-tion of spatial issues in the strategy of MNEs, theintegration of the role of new institutions such asNGOs and fuller attention to the political implica-

    tions of the activities and changing organisation of MNEs. The management of space and time byMNEs should be in the forefront of the analysis of globalisation.

    AcknowledgementsThe analysis in this paper draws on three earlier pieces– Buckley and Casson (1998, 2001a, b) and Ghauriand Buckley (2002). We are grateful for comments onan earlier version at the JIBS Conference, DukeUniversity, NC, USA, 6–8 March 2003, from StefanieLenway, and from three anonymous referees and theeditor of   JIBS, Arie Lewin.

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    About the author Peter J Buckley   is Professor of InternationalBusiness and Director of the Centre for Interna-tional Business University of Leeds (CIBUL), UK.Professor Buckley has published extensively on thetheory of the MNE, methods of foreign marketentry and development, the management of coop-erative strategies and on theoretical and empiricalaspects of joint ventures and alliances. He currently

    serves as the President of the Academy of Interna-tional Business (AIB).

    Pervez Ghauri   completed his Ph.D. at UppsalaUniversity in Sweden. Where he also taught forseveral years. At present he is Professor of Interna-tional Business at Manchester School of Manage-ment, UMIST, UK. Pervez Ghauri has publishedmore than 15 books and numerous articles oninternational business topics. He is also Editor of International Business Review, the official journalof European International Buisness Academy


     Accepted by Arie Lewin, Editor in Chief, 1 December 2003. This paper has been with the author for one revision.

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