Global wealth group mipim r1 - v.7

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  1. 1. WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF REAL ESTATE www.wealthmigrate.com
  2. 2. 4 MIN DISRUPT AND SOLVE www.wealthmigrate.com
  3. 3. VIDEO OF INTRO 4 MIN DISRUPT AND SOLVE www.wealthmigrate.com
  4. 4. www.wealthmigrate.com Economic Forces Social Forces Technology Forces 3 MAJOR FORCES CHANGING THE WORLD!
  5. 5. BIG IDEA = CROWDFUNDING www.wealthmigrate.com
  6. 6. MORE THAN A BIG IDEAA COMPLETE DISRUPTER TOP 10 TRENDS for 2015 as key transformational and disruptive new technologies and business models www.wealthmigrate.com
  7. 7. SYSTEM IS BUILT FOR FAILURE Dont Trust the system People are tired of being poor, with 76% of people in USA being concerned about their future and only believing in the financial system. Little to no Transparency Your money is put in structures which are very complex and you have no idea what property you have invested in, have no control and most importantly dont have access to the actual numbers. Higher fees, lower returns, no Alignment The returns are low, due to the excessive fees of middlemen, who dilute the return and result in less than 1% of people in the Western World being able to retire wealthy. There are too many people between you and the property, with interests not aligned.
  8. 8. HOW DOES IT WORK? Natures laws, with technology www.wealthmigrate.com
  9. 9. EXAMPLES OF SUCCESS www.wealthmigrate.com
  10. 10. NOW THE 10TH BIGGEST GLOBALLY www.wealthmigrate.com
  11. 11. REAL ESTATE CROWDFUNDING INDUSTRY REPORT 2015 www.wealthmigrate.com
  12. 12. MORE THAN A BIG IDEAA COMPLETE DISRUPTER $250 billion in 2020 www.wealthmigrate.com
  13. 13. TECHNOLOGY - TSUNAMI OF DISRUPTION! www.wealthmigrate.com
  14. 14. www.wealthmigrate.com TO THE FUTURE