Global Leaders in Aviation Finance Jan 2015

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  • 7/25/2019 Global Leaders in Aviation Finance Jan 2015


    Global Leadersin Aviation Finance

  • 7/25/2019 Global Leaders in Aviation Finance Jan 2015


    Why IrelandSince the creation of Guinness Peat Aviation

    (GPA) in the 1970s, Ireland has been acentre of excellence in aviation finance

    and leasing, with an extensive number of

    skilled arrangers, managers and advisors

    based here. More than half of the worlds

    leased aircraft are leased from Ireland.

    Most significant transactions in the sector

    have involved Irish leasing companies. The

    industry looks set to grow further, with very

    large orders being placed by Irish lessors.

    The Irish Governments ongoing commitment to maintaining

    competitiveness is evidenced in the recent introduction of

    the Aviation Act, which came into force in July 2014. This

    Act, should enable investors to benefit from Alternative A

    type protection in the Cape Town Convention. These changes

    combined with the deep pool of expertise and attractive tax

    regime, continue to make Ireland the preferred choice.

    Ireland as a location for fleet

    procurement & managementAirlines can yield significant savings by locating fleet

    procurement and management operations here. Ireland is

    already home to a number of airlines operating captive lease

    and fleet procurement businesses.

    Ireland as a location forvendor finance

    Ireland is an ideal location for vendor financing operations,

    with a number of manufacturers having established

    operations here. The combination of expertise in international

    finance and aviation make Ireland a very compelling country

    in which to base vendor financing programmes.

    Choose KPMG

    Based in Ireland, KPMG has been the leading adviser to

    the international leasing industry for over 30 years and is

    globally recognised as the Aviation Finance and LeasingCentre of Excellence with an incomparable scale and depth

    of experience within the sector.

    We provide a range of audit, tax and advisory services and

    can assist across a range of issues. No matter what stage

    your company is, we have the expertise to help you.

    KPMG Ireland is the leading transaction advisory

    firm in the global aviation finance market

    We are the only professional services firm identified in

    the AirFinance Power 30 list of companies that makean essential contribution to aviation finance. To qualify,

    all companies had to meet one test: if they went out of

    business would the market feel a significant loss?

    We have the biggest concentration of aircraft leasing

    clients of any firm in the world, including the major

    deal-makers and deal-doers in the global aviation finance


    We have advised on transactions in over 150 countries.

    The experience within our team is secondto none

    KPMG Ireland is recognised as being the Centre of

    Excellence in the provision of services to the aviation

    finance and leasing sector.

    We have approximately 150 people, including over 15

    partners heavily involved in the sector.

    We have drawn on broad client experience to develop

    and enhance our service offerings.

    We have developed in-depth financial, taxation, strategic

    and operational capabilities in your marketplace.

    When you are advising practically everylessor in Ireland, you are a key player

    AirFinance Journal Power 30

  • 7/25/2019 Global Leaders in Aviation Finance Jan 2015


    Our services include

    Tax servicesCorporate and financing structures

    Leasing structures

    Transfer pricing

    Local and international tax on acquisitions, sales, and leases

    Tax reporting & disclosures

    Tax opinions

    Investor tax

    Due diligence

    Tax clause reviews

    Employee tax

    Audit servicesObjective reviews and audits

    Assessment of risk

    Recommendations for operational improvements

    Accounting opinions and comfort letters

    Technical accounting advice

    Stock exchange and regulatory reporting

    Investor-financier mandated reviews

    Securitisation services

    Advisory servicesDue diligence

    Financial modelling

    Risk models

    Data migration


    Mergers & acquisitions

    Transaction structure

    Corporate restructuring

    Strategic reviews

    Internal audit

    Risk and compliance services

    Performance and technology services

    IT systems design and implementation

    Governance and controls

    Forensic services


    Aer Sale




    Aergo Capital


    Air Lease Corp

    Airbus Financial Services


    Airplanes Group



    Alize Worldwide Ltd


    Amentum Capital Limited

    Apollo Aviation Group

    ASL Aviation Group



    Banc of America Leasing



    Blade Engine Securitisation



    CDB Leasing

    Century Tokyo Leasing


    CHC Helicopter

    Cheung Kong

    CIT Aerospace


    Doric Asset Finance



    Eirtech Aviation

    EirTradeEngine Lease Finance

    FLY Leasing

    Fuyo General Lease Company

    Galaxy Aviation




    Hong Kong Aviation


    ICBC Leasing

    Intrepid Aviation


    Jackson Square

    Kahala Aviation

    KG Aircraft Leasing

    Killick Aerospace

    Korean Air

    Lease Corporation


    Lighthouse Aviation


    Magellan Air


    Milestone Aviation

    Mitsubishi UFJ


    NEC Leasing

    Nord LB

    Nordic Aviation



    Odyssey Aviation

    ORIX Aviation

    Rotor Engines Securitization


    Sky Holdings

    Standard Chartered

    TFM Aviation

    Triton Aviation/

    Worldstar AviationVolito Goldman Sachs

    Willis Lease

    Our clients include

  • 7/25/2019 Global Leaders in Aviation Finance Jan 2015


    Killian CrokeLead Audit PartnerAviation Finance and LeasingT: +353 (1) 410 2446E: [email protected]

    2015 KPMG, an Irish partnership and a member firm of the KPMG net work of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (KPMG International), a Swiss entity. All rights

    reserved. Printed in Ireland. The KPMG name, logo and cutting through complexity are registered trademarks of KPMG International Cooperative (KPMG International), a Swiss entity. January 2015 (558).

    KPMG AviationFinance andLeasing


    Tax Audit

    To find out more about how

    we can assist, call one of

    our professionals today.

    Ian NelsonAudit PartnerT: +353 (1) 410 1989

    E: [email protected]

    Jed KellyTax DirectorT: +353 (1) 410 1370E: [email protected]


    Brian DalyTax PartnerT: +353 (1) 410 1278E: [email protected]

    Michael DaughtonAdvisory PartnerT: +353 (1) 410 2965E: [email protected]

    Paul DobeyHead of Risk ManagementT: +353 (1) 410 1152E: [email protected]

    AlanBoyneTransaction Services PartnerT: +353 (1) 410 2645E: [email protected]

    John BradleyPartnerInternational Executive ServicesT: +353 (1) 410 1798E: [email protected]

    Ivor ConlonAudit PartnerT: +353 (1) 410 1454E: [email protected]

    Seamus HandHead of Financial Services TaxT: +353 (1) 410 1437E: [email protected]

    Denis CaseyTransaction Services DirectorT: +353 (1) 410 1418E: [email protected]

    Barrie OConnellAudit PartnerT: +353 (21) 425 4577E: [email protected]

    Tom WoodsPartnerHead of Aviation Finance and LeasingT: +353 (1) 410 2589E: [email protected]

    Declan KeaneLead Advisory PartnerAviation Finance and LeasingT: +353 (1) 410 1335E: [email protected]

    Darina BarrettPartnerHead of Financial Services MarketsT: +353 (1) 410 1376E: [email protected]

    Gareth BryanTax PartnerT: +353 (1) 410 2434E: [email protected]

    Eoin OLideadhaCorporate Finance PartnerT: +353 (1) 410 1349E: [email protected]

    Patrick FarrellRisk Consulting PartnerT: +353 (1) 700 4029E: [email protected]

    Colm RogersTax PartnerT: +353 (1) 410 2166E: [email protected]

    Sean OKeefeAudit PartnerT: +353 (1) 410 1241E: [email protected]

    Conor OBrienHead of Tax & Legal ServicesT: +353 (1) 410 2027E: [email protected]

    Ailbhe KennyAudit DirectorT: +353 (1) 410 2404E: [email protected]

    Kieran OBrienAdvisory DirectorT: +353 (1) 410 2456E: [email protected]