G lobal J oint R esearch G lobal J oint R esearch G l o b a l J o i n t R e s e a r c h S I C O R P J - R A P I D C H I R P B e l m o n t F o r u m E I G C O N C E R T - J a p a n e - A S I A Japan Science and Technology Agency

Global - JSTGlobal Joint Research SICORP Strategic International Collaborative Research Program In our world of rapidly expanding globalization, various cross-border problems are arising

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Page 1: Global - JSTGlobal Joint Research SICORP Strategic International Collaborative Research Program In our world of rapidly expanding globalization, various cross-border problems are arising

GlobalJoint Research

GlobalJoint Research

G l o b a l J o i n t Resear






B e l m o n t F o r u m

    E I G C ONCERT-Japa



JapanScience and Technology Agency

Page 2: Global - JSTGlobal Joint Research SICORP Strategic International Collaborative Research Program In our world of rapidly expanding globalization, various cross-border problems are arising

G loba l Jo in t Resea rch

S ICORPStrategic International Collaborative Research Program

In our world of rapidly expanding globalization, various cross-border problems are arising. For example, problems associated with the environment, energy, natural disasters, and infectious diseases cannot be tackled by any single country alone. To overcome these problems and maintain sustainable development, international cooperation is now a worldwide demand.Moreover, the advance of science and technology around the world is spectacular. Amid intense competition, in order for Japan to sustain and continue to develop its world-class science and technology capabilities, it is more important than ever before for the government to play its role in strategically supporting the international expansion of science and technology.JST aims to contribute solutions to challenges facing the world today through collaboration with a broad range of countries.



e-ASIAJoint Research Program

Programs in SICORP

J-RAPID Belmont Forum

Other Programs

Page 3: Global - JSTGlobal Joint Research SICORP Strategic International Collaborative Research Program In our world of rapidly expanding globalization, various cross-border problems are arising

Researchers( Japan )

Researchers( Counterpart country )

fund fund

Program Scheme

Notification( country and fieldof cooperation )


Multilateral international collaboration programs can vary by funding mechanism. For details, please consult the homepage or JST Department of International Affairs.

Japan Science and Technology Agency


CounterpartFunding Agency

In order to achieve JST’s global policy, JST has been implementing “top-down type” programs that provide support to international research projects with countries and regions and in fields of cooperation designated by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) on the basis of inter-ministerial coordination.


proposal proposal


Notification( implementation

policy )

Japan( MEXT*)

Ministry ofCounterpart Country*MEXT: Ministry of Education, Culture,

Sports, Science and Technology

Page 4: Global - JSTGlobal Joint Research SICORP Strategic International Collaborative Research Program In our world of rapidly expanding globalization, various cross-border problems are arising

Accelerate scientific and technological development through international collaboration

Active international collaboration is key to the excellence of mutual scientific and technological endeavors. Aiming at further development of science and technology, JST is enhancing active international research collaborations through solid partnerships with counterpart countries.SICORP is the equal partnership program which provides research funding to projects selected through an open joint call and joint selection procedure. JST’s operation of SICORP is implemented under the supervision of a Program Director (PD) and Program Officer (PO).

Measuring the spreadof local societaloutcomes from the formation ofinternational partnership based on hubs

This program supports long-term (up to 10 years) cross-funding of science and technology Japan's identifiable support. Bringing about outcomes and achievements of future international research exchange. Through the creation of international joint research hubs in important S&T diplomacy countries and regions for, Japan in order to solve global and common-regional problems through the expanding networks, personnel exchange, innovation and implementation for future societies.

Putting to use the lessons learned fromurgent research and investigation oflarge-scale disasters towards restorationand future disasters

J-RAPID acts as a bridge to primary research investigation through the flexible support of urgently required actions for data collection and problem-solving in the wake of disasters and unexpected events.It's features include: 1) Rapid program deployment enabling the commencement of early research investigation; 2) Program adminstration through cooperation with disaster-affected national government organisations; 3) Research investigation by a collaborative team including local as well as international researchers.The result is not only contribution to academia but also direct influence on restoration of the affected region, with the additional goal to advance disaster resilience in many other countries including Japan.

Collaboration Hubs for International Research Program(CHIRP)


Bi lateral col laborat ion

SICORP Strategic International Collaborative Research Program

Other Programs Infrastructure Development for Promoting International S&T Coop eration


Research period : 3 - 5 years Funding : ¥5 - 100 million per project per year to the Japanese side FY2009 -

Drone training for master's students at the Tribhuvan University.

Research period : 5 years Funding : ¥5 - 100 million per project per year to the Japanese side FY2015 -

Analysis via a prototype capillary electrophoresis device

T h em e


Molecular Photocathodes for CO2 reduction and H2 evolution(PhotoCAT)

Japan    Osamu ISHITANI (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Professor)France   Vincent ARTERO (CEA Grenoble, Senior Researcher)

Research period : 6 months - 1 years Funding : ¥several million per project per year to the Japanese side FY2011 -

T h em e


Identification of temporary evacuation sites and relocation of dangerous settlements in the Dolakha District: an approach by hazard mapping

Japan    Teiji WATANABE (Hokkaido University, Professor)Nepal    Lalu PAUDEL (Tribhuvan University, Professor)

IIT HyderabadIIT Hyderabad

IIT デリー校IIT Delhi

IIT Bombay

: ASEAN Countries: India



)aisenodnI(IPIL )aisenodnI(IPIL

Page 5: Global - JSTGlobal Joint Research SICORP Strategic International Collaborative Research Program In our world of rapidly expanding globalization, various cross-border problems are arising

The e-ASIA Joint Research Program

Connecting and Coordinating European Research and Technology Development with Japan

CONCERT-Japan began as a project platform for international cooperation activities under the EU's Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7). After ending in December 2014, it continued under its successor EIG CONCERT-Japan, with 9 European countries and 10 funding agencies as of 2017 partnering with Japan to further collaborative research.Through the exchange of S&T policy information, research exchange, network building and joint calls, the program supports the funding of projects in a variety of fields.

Aim to further develop science and technology cooperation between Europe and Japan

EIG CONCERT-Japan Research period : 3 years Funding : ¥6 million per project per year to the Japanese side FY2014 - 

EIG CONCERT-JapanConsortium

Japan Science and Technology Agency

Le Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique

Regional Centre for Information and Scientific Development

Slovak Academy of Sciences

Research Council of Norway

Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness

Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey


Czech Academy of Sciences

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic

A high level group meeting of the worldwide organizations involved in funding global environmental change research

Belmont Forum Research period : 1 - 5 years Funding : ¥3 - 10 million per project per year to the Japanese side FY2012 -

Addressing the need to fund research on global climate change, government bodies/funding institutions and organisations around the world are participating in this international program (16 countries and 20 insititutions as of 2017). Through partnership with Future Earth, a environmental research program with aims to deliver a global sustainable society, the Belmont Forum supports actions towards the SDGs and other international collaborative research. Its joint multilateral calls are held in various areas through the cooperation of three or more countries.

Mult i lateral col laborat ion

This program supports international collaborative research focusing in the Asia region, aiming to strengthen science and technology development while facilitating research networks by working towards solutions to common regional problems.

Solving common problems in the Asia region through equal partnership

e-ASIA JRP Research period : 3 years Funding : ¥6 - 13 million per project per year to the Japanese side FY2012 -


Member Organization 1

MemberOrganization 2

MemberOrganization 3


Leader PI

Multilateral Joint Research Team


T h em e


C budget of ecosystems and cities and villages on permafrost in eastern Russian Arctic (COPERA)Japan    Atsuko SUGIMOTO (Hokkaido University, Professor)Russia    Mikhail PRISYAZHNY( North-Eastern Federal University, Associate professor)USA    Kenji YOSHIKAWA  (University of Alaska Fairbanks, Professor)

Permafrost and flood investigating in the Indigirka river and surrounds, Sakha Republic, Russia in July, 2017 (left and right photos are of roughly the same region).





Page 6: Global - JSTGlobal Joint Research SICORP Strategic International Collaborative Research Program In our world of rapidly expanding globalization, various cross-border problems are arising

7, Gobancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 102-0076 JAPANTel. +81-3-5214-7375 Fax. +81-3-5214-7379http://www.jst.go.jp/inter/english/index.html

Department of International Affairs

Printed on 2017.12

Australia Marine Science Department of Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary Education (DIICCSRTE) SICP 2009 - 2011

Brazil Biomass and Biotechnology *2 The National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) SICP 2011 - 2016

CanadaEnvironmental Science and Technologies and Energy

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC)SICP 2012 - 2015

Epigenetics of Stem Cells *2 SICORP 2013 - 2017


Science and Technology for Environment Conservation and Construction of a Society with Less Environmental Burden National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)/Ministry of Science and Technology(MOST) SICP 2004 - 2015

Climate Change, Earthquake Disaster Mitigation Ministry of Science and Technology(MOST) SICP 2009 - 2014

Highly Efficient Energy Utilization Ministry of Science and Technology(MOST) SICORP 2013 - 2015

Research and Development to Find Solutions to Environmental and Energy Issues in Urban Areas Ministry of Science and Technology(MOST) SICORP 2016 - 2018

Croatia Materials Science Ministry of Science, Education and Sports (MSES) SICP 2010 - 2013

Denmark Life Science Danish Agency for Science Technology and Innovation (DASTI)) SICP 2008 - 2013

Finland Functional Materials, Medical Science *2 Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation (Tekes)/Academy of Finland (AF) SICP *1 2013 - 2017


ICT including Computer Science The National Center for Scientific Research(CNRS)/The French National Research Agency(ANR) SICP 2005 - 2010

Life Science The National Center for Scientific Research(CNRS) SICP 2009 - 2014

Information and Communication Science and Technologies (ICT) The French National Research Agency(ANR) SICORP 2010 - 2013

Molecular Technology The French National Research Agency(ANR) SICORP 2014 - 2019


Nanoelectronics German Research Foundation (DFG) SICP 2007 - 2012

Computational Neuroscience *2 German Research Foundation (DFG)/Federal Ministry of Education and Research(BMBF)

German Research Foundation (DFG)

SICP 2013 - 2016

Nanoelectronics SICORP 2009 - 2014

Federal Ministry of Education and Research(BMBF)Optics and Photonics SICORP 2018 selection

IndiaMultidisciplinary ICT

Department of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science and Technology (DST)SICP 2007 - 2013

SICP 2014 - 2017Biomedical Research *2

SICP 2009 - 2016Israel

Lifescience *2Ministry of Science, Technology (MOST)

SICORP 2015 - 2020ICT for a Resilient Society

SICORP 2011 - 2015Mexico Life Science The National Council on Science and Technology (CONACYT)

SICP *1 2009 - 2016New Zealand Bioscience and Biotechnology Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)

SICP 2008 - 2012Korea Bio Science National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF)

SICP 2010 - 2015

2015 - 2018Singapore Functional Applications in Physical Sciences Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR)


SICP 2005 - 2015South Africa Life Science *2 National Research Foundation (NRF)

SICP 2009 - 2014Spain Multidisciplinary Materials Science )OCENIM(ssenevititepmoC dna yrtsudnI ,ymonocE fo yrtsiniM

SICP 2005 - 2013Sweden

Mutidisciplinary BIO Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems (VINNOVA)/Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF)

SICORP 2016 - 2021Innovative Solutions, Community Design and Services for Elderly People Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems (VINNOVA)

SICP 2009 - 2016Switzerland

Life Science *2 Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich (ETHZ)

SICORP 2018 selection

2010 - 2015

Research on Hydrogen as a renewable energy carrier Swiss National Science Foundation(SNSF)


2004 - 2014

Thailand Biotechnology National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA)


2008 - 2013UK

Bionanotechnology, Bionanotechnology, Structural Genomics and Proteomics, Systems Biology Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)


2014 - 2016

Advanced Materials )CRSPE(licnuoC hcraeseR secneicS lacisyhP dna gnireenignE


2017 selection

Advanced Health Research *2 Medical Research Council (MRC)


2004 - 2012

Marine Sensors Proof of Concept )CREN(licnuoC hcraeseR tnemnorivnE larutaN ehT


2011 - 2016USA

Science and Technology for a Secure and Safe Society

National Science Foundation (NSF) SICORP

2014 - 2017

Metabolomics for a Low Carbon Society


2011 - 2014

Big Data and Disaster Research


2011 - 2014EU


European Commission Directorate-General for Research & Innovation (EC DG RTD)SICORP

2013 - 2016Superconductivity


2016 - 2019Development of New Materials for the Substitution of Critical Metals


2009 - 2013Power Electronics


2012 - 2015SICORPJapan-China-Korea Global issues and issues of concern in Northeast Asia that are critical to the region China (DOIC・MOST) / Koria (NRF)

Counterpart country/Region Research area Counterpart agency Program Period *3

Partners and Research AreasBilateral collaboration

Genomics of Biodiversity : Exploring the Formation Mechanisms and Conservation of Biodiversity National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) SICORP 2015 - 2020

Belmont Forum



Nanotechnology and Materials / Biomass and Plant Science

Multilateral collaborationProgram Research area Period *3 Program Research area Period *3

ASEAN Countries

2012 - 2015Infectious Diseases*2 2013 - 2016

Infectious Diseases *2 2015 - 2018

Functional Materials 2015 - 2020

Intelligent infrastructure for Transportation, Health Research *22016 - 2019

2018 - 2020

Disaster Risk Reduction and Management, Bioenergy

Efficient Energy Storage and Distribution / Resilience against Disasters

2015 - 2020

2016 - 2021

Photonic Manufacturing

EIG CONCERT-JapanFood Crops and Biomass Production

Efficient Energy Storage and Distribution

2013 - 2014

2014 - 20162016 - 2019

2017 selection

Food Security and Land-Use Change(type1, type2) 2014 - 2017

Arctic Observing and Research for Sustainability 2015 - 2019

Scenarios of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services 2015 - 2016

Climate Predictability and Inter-Regional Linkage 2016 - 2019

Sustainable Urbanisation Global Initiative2017 selection

- Food-Water-Energy Nexus -

Transformations to Sustainability 2017 selection

H27 - H32

National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA)

Department of Science and Technology (DOST)

Ministry of Population and Environment (MoPE)

USA, New Zealand, Thailand, Nepal

The Great East Japan Earthquake

Thai flood disaster

Typhoon Yolanda

Nepal earthquake

Kumamoto Earthquake

Disaster supported (name) counterpart agency Period *3

Collaboration Hubs for International Research Program


Counterpart country/Region Research area Period *3

J-RAPIDCounterpart agency

V4 2015 - 2018Advanced Materials

Region Research area Period *3Counterpart agency

2011 - 2012



2015 - 2016


International Visegrad Fund (IVF), Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic (MEYS), Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA), National Center for Research and Development of Poland (NCBR), Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAS)

Environment/Energy, Bioresources, Disaster prevention

Information and Communications Technology

Department of Science & Technology(DST)

USA (NSF / NIH / NCAR), UK (ADMLC), France (ANR), Indonesia (LIPI)

*1:The predecessor to SICORP, SICP, ended awards to new projects in 2013, and projects awarded from 2014 were managed under SICORP.*2:New and ongoing awarded projects from FY2014 will be implemented in SICORP.*3:Dates are for fiscal year

Materials (Nanotechnology) , Advanced Interdisciplinary

Research towards Innovation, Health Research