Global English test N°1 I-Reading Comprehension: (15 points) Awatif Morsy will never forget the day she heard that a new school was open in her village. “Someone came to the house asking for the names of the children who weren’t attending class,” she recalls. “My mother gave them my name. I was so excited.” Like most eight year-olds in the village of Beni Shara’an, Awatif’s life until that important day was divided between back-breaking work in the fields or at home. To girls like her, the new school- a single classroom on the ground floor of a converted house- was a dream come true. Not everyone in the village was so enthusiastic, at least initially. Some farmers complained that the school would deprive them of the cheap labour the children provided. Even Awatif’s own step-father, Abdelwadoud, was unconvinced. “What does a girl need to study for?” he would ask. Happily, that wasn’t the view of Farouk Abdel Naim, the elderly merchant who was persuaded to donate the premises for the school to use. “I’ve come to believe that a girl’s education is more important even than a boy’s,” Mr. Abdel Naim says. “A man can always make something out of his circumstances, but a girl can’t. She needs to be educated in order to get on in life”. Ten years on, it’s hard to find anyone in Beni Shara’an who doesn’t share that opinion. The school- which has now expanded into three classes- is today seen as a wise investment from which the community is getting tangible rewards. Take the example of the shopkeeper Ahmed Abdel Jabar, himself illiterate. “Until Rawia went to school, my store accounts were in a complete mess,” he recalls. “But before long, she was taking care of all the books for me, as well as helping her elder sister to read and write.” Rawia is disabled, but her father says she’s the most capable of his four daughters. “I can say that to me, Rawia is no longer just a girl; she’s more precious than ten sons.” While the drive to get more Egyptian girls into school is bringing benefits in places like Beni Shara’an, the impact has been felt nationally. From 227 community schools set by UNICEF

Global English Test N

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Global English test N°1

I-Reading Comprehension: (15 points)

Awatif Morsy will never forget the day she heard that a new school was open in her village. “Someone came to the house asking for the names of the children who weren’t attending class,” she recalls. “My mother gave them my name. I was so excited.” Like most eight year-olds in the village of Beni Shara’an, Awatif’s life until that important day was divided between back-breaking work in the fields or at home. To girls like her, the new school- a single classroom on the ground floor of a converted house- was a dream come true.

Not everyone in the village was so enthusiastic, at least initially. Some farmers complained that the school would deprive them of the cheap labour the children provided. Even Awatif’s own step-father, Abdelwadoud, was unconvinced. “What does a girl need to study for?” he would ask. Happily, that wasn’t the view of Farouk Abdel Naim, the elderly merchant who was persuaded to donate the premises for the school to use. “I’ve come to believe that a girl’s education is more important even than a boy’s,” Mr. Abdel Naim says. “A man can always make something out of his circumstances, but a girl can’t. She needs to be educated in order to get on in life”.

Ten years on, it’s hard to find anyone in Beni Shara’an who doesn’t share that opinion. The school- which has now expanded into three classes- is today seen as a wise investment from which the community is getting tangible rewards. Take the example of the shopkeeper Ahmed Abdel Jabar, himself illiterate. “Until Rawia went to school, my store accounts were in a complete mess,” he recalls. “But before long, she was taking care of all the books for me, as well as helping her elder sister to read and write.” Rawia is disabled, but her father says she’s the most capable of his four daughters. “I can say that to me, Rawia is no longer just a girl; she’s more precious than ten sons.”

While the drive to get more Egyptian girls into school is bringing benefits in places like Beni Shara’an, the impact has been felt nationally. From 227 community schools set by UNICEF and its partners since 1990 has emerged a campaign setting girls’ education as one of Egypt’s top development priorities.

A-Choose the right answers from the list given (2pts)

1. This text is probably taken from

a.  an interview.b.  a play.c.  a newspaper.

2. The text is about

a. The Egyptian project for building schools in Beni Shara’anb.  The importance of the education of girls in Beni Shara’anc.   Daily life of girls in Beni Shara’an

B.Are these sentences true or false? Justify (4 pts)

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1. Awatif was 8 years old when the new school opened.2. All the people in Beni Shara’an were happy about the school at first.3. The Egyptian government built the new school in Beni Shara’an.4. The shopkeeper sent his daughter to school.

C. Answer these questions (4pts)

1. How did Awatif spend her days before the school opened? 2. What was Abdelwadoud’s reaction to sending girls to school? 3. Why does Rawia’s father consider her more precious than 10 sons?          4. What was the effect of schools like Beni Shara’an’s on girls’ education in Egypt?

D. Find in the text words or phrases that mean the same as: (3pts)

1. convinced (paragraph 2)2. real (paragraph 3)3. advantages or profits (paragraph 4)

E. What do the underlined words in the text refer to? (2pts)

1. them :2. his: 

II-LANGUAGE: (15points)

A-Rewrite the following sentences as suggested: (4 points)

1. The driver wasn’t careful. That was why he had that terrible accident. If ... 2. People should take care of the environment.The environment ...             3. What a pity! I can’t visit your country.If only ...   4. The weather was bad. Nevertheless, the football match wasn’t stopped.Despite ...

B-Fill in the blanks with the appropriate phrasal verbs from the list: (2 points)

Turn down – get on well with – come across- pass out  –   

1. I ...  an old friend while I was walking down the street the other day.2. She ... when she heard of her father's death.3. The company will certainly ... your application if you don’t have the required qualifications. 4. All Leila's colleagues respect her because she ... everybody.

C- Put the words between brackets in the correct form using these affixes: (3points)

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1- (Developed) ... countries usually have problems with education.2- The teacher asked us to (read) ... the text to check our answers.3- (Globalisation) activists ... are against any (use) ... of the world’s economy to exploit poor countries4- He met his (wife) ... at the super market.5- Some of our children's mistakes are (forgive) ...

D-Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form: (2points)

Ahmed: “I (not see) ... kamal for ages. What’s up with him?”Jamal: “Oh yes. He finally (get) ... a visa to Canada and (buy) ... a plane ticket last week. I think by the end of this month, he (fly) ... to Montreal”

E-What do these sentences express: (4 points)

Statements: What they express:

1- I'm sorry to say this, but the coffe tha you brought me is too cold to be drunk.


2- Could you possibly help me with my homework?


3- That's exactly what I think. ...

4- You must be my Barbara's new friend. I saw you with her yesterday.


III- WRITING: (10points)

Some people think that surfing the net is just a waste of time while others believe that the internet is a source of  valuable information.Write an essay

talking about the positive and the negative effects of the internet.

III- WRITING: (10points)

These are just guiding suggestions which you ought to develop further.


Definition of the internet: the internet is a collection of various services and resources: chatrooms, e-mail, business tools.....Thesis:Almost all households have access to the internet; however, before people connect to the internet, they need to be aware not only of its advantages but also its disadvantages.

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Disadvantages: Many people fear the internet because of many reasons.1.It might be dangerous to children especially in chatrooms where you are pretty uncertain about the person they are chatting with. 2. Artists are also concerned with the disadvatages of the internet as their work is easily plagiarized by hackers3. Another major disadvantage of the Internet is privacy. Electronic messages sent over the Internet can be easily snooped and tracked, revealing who is talking to whom and what they are talking about4. Viruses are another problem for surfers of the internet.Today, not only are humans getting viruses, but computers as well. Computers are mainly getting these viruses from the Internet Advantages:Despite all of the terrible disadvantages of the Internet, there are numerous advantages. In fact, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. 1. A great deal of elders are shut in their homes due to health problems. 2. The most common thing the Internet is used for is research. Children and students are among the top people who use the Internet for research.3. Entertainment is another popular reason why many people surf the Internet. Downloading games, going into chat rooms, or just surfing the Web are some of the uses people have discovered.4. Another popular thing to do on the Internet is to check out the news5. Shopping online has also become a huge success and is considered a great advantage of the Internet.


In conclusion, today society is in the middle of a technological boom. People can either choose to take advantage of this era, or simply let it pass them by. The Internet is a very powerful tool. It has many advantages; however, people need to be extremely aware of the disadvantages as well.

Global English test N°2


The defining feature of distance learning is that you do not need to attend the awarding university institution in person. This style of study is not new. The University of London established its external programme in 1858 to make the degree accessible to students who, for one reason or another, could not come to London to study, and it now offers a range of undergraduate and postgraduate qualifications to almost 24,500 students in over 157 countries around the world. Now, a growing number of other UK institutions are developing distance learning programmes to offer students the chance of studying without leaving home. Distance learning suits people for many different reasons. For Petrakis, “Family and financial circumstances prevent me from studying abroad for extended periods, but I could manage a couple of short visits”. For Teresa, “I now have two small children, it is impossible for me to attend University. I would, therefore, like to study at home”.

Finding the finance to study may be difficult, “Due to financial constraints; I could not further my education in any conventional way, and so I joined the bank, my present employer. My ambition is to improve my career prospects by obtaining a university degree”. Said, George Morgan.

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For some people whose job requires regular travel or irregular working hours, distance learning may be the only way they improve their qualifications and seek promotion. In most cases, students have choice of when to study and how quickly they progress through the programme.

Academic support given to a distance learning student varies from programme to programme and from institution to institution, however, the focus is on self-study. Students may receive basic academic guidance through specially written study guides. Many programmes provide an extensive range of materials including videos, computer disks and audio tapes. Some institutions have introduced programmes of study which can be delivered to a student’s home by internet.

Academic support is not the only support required. Without the support of family, colleagues and friends, studying for a qualification as an external student would be a great deal harder. John Chetcuti says “my wife’s support throughout all these years has been precious. Had it not been for her support when I was down in the dumps I probably would not have persevered to the end”.


1. The University of London started developing distance learning programmes in the 19th century.2. The Internet is used to mail distance learning materials to students.3. Distant learners need only the academic support.


1. Why was it more convenient for Teresa to take a distance learning programme?2. Why does Morgan wish to get a university diploma?3. What type of teaching materials do distance learning programmes prepare for their students?4. Whose help was crucial to John Chetcuti?

C.   FIND IN THE TEXT WORDS OR EXPRESSIONS THAT MEAN THE SAME AS     (8 points)1. Degrees or diplomas (paragraph 1)2. Demand (paragraph 3)3. Assistance (paragraph 5)4. of great value (paragraph 5)


1. Petrakis is unable to go to university abroad.2. Programmes of distance learning give a variety of learning materials.


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1. It (paragraph 1)  2. They (paragraph 3)

ІІ -LANGUAGE (15 marks )


1. She was always late to work. Consequently she was dismissed. If……………………………………………………………………………2. they must finish the work before they get paid. The …………………………………………………………….            3. I didn't apologize for my faults.I wish …………………………………………………………………………   4. Although she is extremely beautiful, nobody has asked her for marriage..In spite of ………………………………………………………………………..


Look after - look up - fill in - let out

1. I………………  a loud cry as I was badly hurt. 2. You need to........................this word in a good dictionary.3. The company will certainly ask you to ………….a form before they gve you the job. 4. In most families women ...................the children while the men go to work.


 cultural – sustainable - tool - autonomous- co-exist - tolerant

1. America is a homogeneous society where different minority groups......... .2. …………….difference is not the problem. the problem is whether we are willing to be ........... towards other cultures.3. Internet is a an amazing of ............ learning.

D.PUT THE WORDS BETWEEN BRACKETS IN THE CORRECT FORM using the appropriate prefix or suffix (3points)

post-, pro-, anti-, -able, ex- ,-ible, inter-

1.(environmental) ....................activists fight against nuclear and industrial wastes.2. Her school results are (satisfactory)..................... That's why her father is scolding her. 3. All these problems are (dependent) ..................... Each problem is connected to another one.   ІІІ-WRITING (10 marks)

write an essay about different forms and tools of learning stating the ones that

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appeal to you

Global English test N°3


More and more adolescents in Britain are becoming more independent of their parents at a younger age. Twenty years ago it was quite unusual for the average 15 year-old to go away for the summer holidays without his or her parents. These days 40 percent of 15 year-olds spend their holidays either alone or with friends of their own age. They enjoy themselves more. Many pay for their holidays with their own money, which they earn by doing a variety of holiday jobs. This prevents parents from complaining because of financial problems.

More adolescents are spending their summer holidays abroad, too. Language study holidays are popular. The best way to speak a foreign language you are studying is to go to the country and speak it.

One reason for adolescents spending more time abroad is that travel has become easier. Charter flights are cheaper and there are other travel reductions for students and young people.

Another reason is that adolescents don’t rely on their parents any more. They prefer to live their lives their own way. They also have more responsibilities. They can now vote at the age of eighteen and more of them are leaving home in order to work or study before they are twenty.


1. Twenty years ago, adolescents didn’t use to travel alone.2. Less than half of the British adolescents spend their holidays with their parents.


1. What do many adolescents do to pay for their holidays?2. Why do British adolescents go away from home at an early age?


1. it          (paragraph 2)2. them    (paragraph 4)

D. FIND IN THE TEXT WORDS OR EXPRESSIONS THAT MEAN THE SAME AS (1 POINT)1. get         (paragraph 1)2. stops      (paragraph 1) 



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1. Moroccans usually eat couscous on Fridays.    Couscous………………………………………………………..2. We find mass media everywhere in the industrialized world.    Mass media……………………………………………………..


chat show – sitcom – editorial – network – audience

1. The local drama group gave a really good performance of ‘Hamlet’. Unfortunately, there was a thin ________ on the first night.2. Today there is a special ________ in Tel Quel magazine about illegal immigration.


1. Bayti is a Moroccan association that has offered much help to (home) children.2. Untidy people are not nice to know. They are always dirty, forgetful and (care).

D.What do these statements express:  (1 POINT)

Statements What they express

1.Sorry, I didn’t mean to break your window.


2. I’m sorry to bother you, but the food is too salty.



Write an e-mail to your friend about the film you have just seen.

This is global English test N°4

Learning from morning till night!

Geoff Hardy-Gould explains the benefits of living and learning with your English teacher.

The traditional method of learning English in most speaking countries is to live with a host family and attend a language school every day. In the past few years, however, a new way of learning has been growing in popularity: living and learning in an English teacher’s home. Instead of going to school the student has individual lessons at home on what is known as a “homestay” course.

This type of course is highly attractive as the student is exposed to English from morning to night. Learning takes place in formal lessons, but there are also additional opportunities for language practice at meal times, and while on social activities with the teacher in the afternoon and at weekends. The combination of one-to-one teaching and total immersion

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means that the students can improve quickly and gain a valuable insight into how English is used naturally. The course can also be a fascinating window onto life and culture in an English speaking country.

What makes a course in a teacher’s home special is the relationship that develops between the student and the teacher. They get to know each other well, which can make the course highly enjoyable as well as being helpful in the learning process. Language mistakes made outside lessons can be corrected immediately or discussed in more detail in a following lesson. The student has the teacher’s undivided attention and will have little or no contact with other students. As a result, they are unlikely to speak their mother tongue for the duration of the course, quite unlike the experience most students have at a language school.

In spite of their higher cost, homestay courses are attractive to wide range of clients, including business professionals, children and retired people. Clients also included people with disabilities, who find that their needs are more easily met in the home of environment. Normally, courses are for one or two students, although some teachers can accommodate larger groups or families.

Most homestay teachers are aged between 40 and 60. They will have a spacious house or apartment and be skilled at welcoming foreign guests into their home.

The Guardian WeeklyJune 20, 1999.


A. Answer these questions: (6 pts)

1. How are homestay courses different from the traditional method of learning?2. Why can homestay students learn quickly?3. Do homestay students have the opportunity to use their native language? Explain.

B. Pick out from the text the expressions which show that: (3 pts)

1. Homestay teachers are mature professionals.2. Homestay courses are expensive.3. Homestay courses are not popular.

C. Are these statements true or false? Justify. (3 pts)

1. In a homestay course, the student lives with a host family and goes to a language school everyday.

2. There are no formal lessons in homestay courses.3. A homestay course can be attended by more than one student.

D. What do the underlined words in the text refer to? (1points)

1 – which (line 10): ...             2 – their (line 15): ...

E. Find in the text words or expressions which mean the same as: (2pts)

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1 – Understanding (paragraph 2): ...2 – Experienced (paragraph 5): ...

II - LANGUAGE: (10 points)

A. Re-write these sentences beginning as suggested. (4pts)

1- They chose him representative of the school in the national competition.

 He ...

2-I didn’t have enough money on me at that time. So, I didn’t buy all the necessary things.

 If ...

3- The coach said: “We have been training hard to qualify for the next round”.

The coach revealed that they ...

4- Although the man is very old, he is keen on daily exercise.

 In spite of ...

B. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form. (1.5pts)

1. Many American soldiers wish they (not/join) ... the war on Iraq in 2003.2. By the year 2010, Morocco (receive) ... ten million tourists.3. I started (get) ... ready for the exam early because there were so many lessons to


C. Fill in each blank with one word/expression from the list below: (1.5pts)

consequently – whom – nevertheless – which – whose – therefore – although – thanks to

1. The Red Cross helped the people ... houses had been bombed in the war.2. She was very hardworking. ... she was dismissed from her job.3. The country could overcome the economic crisis ... the wise policy of its prime


D. Fill in each blank with a suitable word. The first letter is given to help you. (2pts)

1. Students have free a ... to universities in Morocco. They don’t have to pay to enter a university.

2. Women should have an equal s... with men. Gender d... is an obstacle to development.3. The government is making a great effort to fight adult i... . They say all adults

E. What would you say in the following situations? (1pt)

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Your friend damaged your CD player. Complete the exchange expressing complaint and apology.You: ... Your friend: ...

III – WRITING: (15 points)

Do you remember your first day at school? Do you remember how it was?

Write a descriptive essay in which you portray your first experience at primary school and how you feel about it.


Two teenagers capsized in the sea off the south coast of England and called Japan on a mobile phone to ask for help.That was when brother and sister Ken and Emily Booth were on a sailing holiday near Southampton. But because of huge waves their small boat capsized and they were thrown into the sea.

Ken, 17, and Emily, 16, spent 30 minutes trying to right the capsized dinghy, but without success. They couldn’t get back into the dinghy, and they couldn’t attract the attention of passing ships. After they had been in the water for about 40 minutes, the situation was getting serious, and they felt very cold. Then Emily remembered her mobile phone in its watertight container in her pocket and reached for it.

But she didn’t think of dialling 999, the emergency number. Instead she phoned their father, who was 6,000 miles away in Tokyo on a business trip. Emily explained: ‘I thought it would be quicker to phone someone I knew and tell them our position. I dialled Dad’s number and contacted the coastguard.’

About ten minutes later, after they had held on to the dinghy for nearly an hour, they heard a helicopter. Next, everything happened very quickly, and ken and Emily were picked up and carried to safety.

Afterwards, the coastguard said that the teenagers were lucky to be alive and very, very lucky that the mobile phone had worked. ‘Anyone in trouble should contact the coastguard direct on 999,’ he added.


1. Answer these questions from the text: (3pts)

a. How were the teenagers rescued?b. Why did their dinghy capsize?c. How far is Tokyo from Southampton?

2. Find in the text words or expressions which mean the same as: (3pts)

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a.(n) small sailing boatb.(v) turned over in the waterc.(n) opposite of danger.

3. What do the underlined words refer to? (2pts)

a. they: ...b. it: ...

4. Fill in each column in the chart below with one linking expression from the text:(2points)

Reason Sequencing adverb Contrast Addition

... ... ... ...


1. Fill in each blank with one word from the list: (2pts)

higher – sighted – graduates – rooted – labour – backgrounds.

  a. University ... spend a lot of time looking for a job.  b. ... -saving machines have made Man’s life easier.  c. People from different  cultural  ... can co-exist and live in peace if they believe in tolerance.  d. A short-... person is someone who can’t see very well.

2. What would you say in the following situations? (2pts)a. Ask your brother to help you with a maths exercise....b. Your teacher wants you to do an exercise, but you don’t know what you’re supposed to do. Express lack of understanding and ask for clarification....

3. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form: (2pts)

 a. Susan gave up (go) ... to the gym a year ago. b. My friends (listen) ... to music when they heard an explosion outside. c. I managed (solve) ... the problem by myself. d. Emily said she (dial) ... her father’s number .

4. Join each pair of sentences using the words given: (2pts)

 a. Jo trains regularly. Yet, she is too fat. (although)

 b. Nancy is nice. Nevertheless, she doesn’t get on well with her husbund.(in spite of)

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5. Make compound adjectives that match the definitions below: 2pts) a. A person with a kind heart: b. An exercise that cosumes too much time

Global English test N°6

In many countries woodland are under threat from continued house and road building, but the biggest problem is neglect. Seven thousand years ago, most of Britain, for example, was covered with trees. Since then, these forests have been systematically cleared to provide land for agriculture and housing and to use as fuel. Around 1900 only 4% of the country was woodland; measures have since been taken to enlarge forests which now make up 10% of the British landscape. Even so, this compares poorly with the European Union average of 25%.

Many of us take trees for granted, yet they make significant contributions to many areas of our daily life. They provide areas for recreation and relaxation. A US survey indicates that hospital patients recover more quickly and require less powerful medicine if they have a view of trees.

Trees can give an important insight into the history of an area. Rows of trees crossing an open field may have once marked where a hedgerow used to be, and single trees may have been used as a local landmark.

Trees also convert carbon dioxide and water in the atmosphere into oxygen. The oxygen produced from 30 to 40 square metres of leaves is sufficient for one person per day. They provide vital habitats and wood stuffs for birds, animals, insects and other plants. They supply timber for building as well as wood pulp for paper production.

Trees in towns help to reduce pollution level by moving dust, smoke and fume particles from the air and trapping them in their leaves, branches and stems. They can also reduce wind speeds by 85% and noise by 40%.


A. Are these sentences true or false? Justify: ( 2 points)

1. Trees increase the effect of pollution.     2. Patients with a view of trees spend less time in hospitals.

  B. Answer these questions from the text: (2 points)

1. What industrial elements do trees provide? 2. What would happen to animals and birds if there were no trees?

C. Complete these sentences from the text: ( 2 points)

1. Housing and road building ... 2. Forests in the European Union ...

  D. Find in the text words or expressions that mean the same as: (2 points)

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1. Carelessness (paragraph 1) = ... 2. Understanding (paragraph 3) = ...

ІІ .LANGUAGE   (8 points)

  A. Put the sentences into the passive voice: (3 points)

1. The tourist is taking pictures.2. Drivers have to respect the law.3. People have sent millions of e-mails during the last two years.

B. Put the following words in the appropriate forms: (2 points)

 1. Nadia is (determine) ... to pass the exam as she is preparing for it seriously.  2. The (develop) ... of all the economic sectors depends on private investments.

C.Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word from the list (1 point)


1. I don’t know which one to choose. It’s really a difficult ...2. Meditel and Ittissalat Almaghreb always ... with each other for more customers.

D.Fill in the blanks with the adequate phrasal verb from the list(2 points)

Take up – think over – put off – look up-make up

1. Because of the heavy rain, the football match was ... for another day.2. Can I have your dictionary, please? I’d like to ... some words.3. During adolescence, young people may ... bad habits like smoking or drugs addiction.4. This problem is very complex. I must ... it ... to find a solution.

ІІІ. WRITING ( 4 points )

Women's participatioon in the building of a society has become of paramount importance.Write an essay explainig this importance and

showing the benefits that we can get from the empowerment of women.

This is global English test N°7.. I-READING COMPREHENSION: (15 points)

 The International Conference on Population and Development ICPD calls for four major programmatic actions.

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1-The Eradication of Illiteracy: a number of demographic and health studies have provided some evidence to show that wherever a woman has achieved an eighth grade education, she has half the number of  pregnancies as her uneducated sister. There must be a concerted effort to ensure that every child in the world has an opportunity for at least a basic education. And special attention must be given to extending this opportunity to girls. For mainly it is the girl child who has been denied and deprived of the fundamental human right of a basic education.

2-Full Employment Opportunities for Women :studies have also shown that wherever women are empowered to participate in the paid economy of a country , they opt for a smaller family size than women who don’t have paid employment; they become a more important part of family decision making , and they achieve gender equality that matters more. There is no rational explanation or excuse for gender inequality or inequity in a world where women perform two-thirds of the world’s work, earn only ten per cent of the world’s income, and own less than one per cent of the world’s property. This problem has to be addressed.

3-Reduction of Infant Mortality: where parents can be reasonably assured that their children will survive beyond age five, they again opt to have fewer pregnancies. Substantial progress has been made in the area of reducing infant and child mortality and morbidity. We have seen some of the impressive declines in fertility rates in the very same countries that have made the greatest progress in lowering infant and child mortality.

4-Universal Access to the Knowledge and Affordable Means by which to Prevent Unintended Pregnancies: family planning options should range from natural methods, for those for whom they work, to more medically approved methods. More research is required to develop an even wider variety of safe, effective means of mobilization on the matter. As family planning methods are available, we can go a long way toward assuring that couples have only the number of children they want to have and are able to nurture and care for. The key to stabilizing our human numbers can be summed up in a single sentence “every child, a wanted child.”

Accomplishment of  these goals will see world population leveling off at around eight billion, or even less, rather than what some demographers believe could be 9.5 billion or higher. A concerted effort by national governments as well as by civil society to transform the Cairo ICPD rhetoric into reality will lead to the improvement of the quality of life on this planet. Such an effort is essential to the realization of development goals for those countries currently on course to double their populations within the next 25 to 30 years.

A- Say whether these statements are true or false: (3 points )

1. The more educated women are,the less pregnancies they have.2. Nowadays, all girls are allowed to go to primary school. 3. Men and women earn the same income for the same amount of work.

B- Answer these questions according to the text: (3 points)

1. Why should we focus mainly on providing basic education for girls?2. How does the reduction of infant mortality lead to less pregnancies?3. What is the result of achieving the four development goals mentioned in the text?

C- Find in the text words which mean the same as: (3 points)

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1. Elimination (paragraph 1):2. Choose (paragraph2)3. Child ( paragraph 4):

D-What do these words refer to? (3 points)

1. she (paragraph 1): 2. this (paragraph 2): 3. they (paragraph 3):   

E- Complete the following sentences according to your understanding of the text: (2 points)

1. Studies show that literate women have half ………………………………………….2. Girls have been denied ………………………………3. Family planning methods include both……………………………………………….

II-LANGUAGE: (15 points

A- Match the two words to form two collocations   : (1.5 points)  

1. highly2. cultural

3. health

a. technologyb. aspectsc. cared. skilled

B-Fill in the blanks with the appropriate phrasal verbs from the list: (3 points)

take off - hand in - ask out - put on - lock in - call in - check in - find out.

1. It‘s cold. Why don’t you …..your jacket?2. Mr Gibson always …….his wife ……… to the restaurant on weekends.3. Alan was the first student to ………the solution to the problem.

C- Rewrite the following sentences as suggested: (3 points)

1. She was lazy. That was why she didn’t do her homework.If…

2. A group of scientists will do a new experiment on global warming.A new experiment on global warming…

3. “We found a new evidence. We will tell the press in due time. “The detectives announced that…

D-Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form: (3 points)

1. Mr Nassiri was tired. He (work)…………..……. all day long.2. By next week, Leila (send) …..... all the invitation letters for her wedding party.3. She had already  prepared dinner when her husband (arrive) ..........

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E- Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words from the list   : «   who, where, whom, which, whose, when   »(1.5points)

1. Many people ……..are intolerant fail to see the importance of human relationships.2. People need to belong to a family …….can support them during the hard times.3. A democratic country is an ideal place……….people can develop their potential.

F Join the following sentences using the words in brackets   : (3 points)

1. Latifa was usually late for work. Her boss dismissed her. (as a result)2. Many people leave their country. They don’t want to die during civil wars.(so as not)3. He has so many problems these days. He is always smiling . (although)

III- WRITING: (10 points)

1. You have read an article about gender equality in a magazine. Write a letter to the editor of the magazine giving your opinion about the importance of equality between men and)

III-writing: (10 points) his is global English test N°8


Kip, nap ,doze ,forty winks ,shut-eye and snooze are all expressions we use to describe that mysterious state, sleep. We all do it ,we can’t get by without it and by the time we reach old age most of us have spent 20 years sleeping .Yet ,nobody knows why we do it.

Most scientists reckon that by resting our bodies, we allow time for essential maintenance work to be done .Any damage that there is can be put right more quickly if energy isn't being used up doing other things . Injured animals certainly spend more time asleep than usual while their wounds are healing. And quite a few illnesses make us feel drowsy so our body can get on with curing us.

Sleep is controlled by certain chemicals .These build up during the day , eventually reaching levels that make us tired. We can control the effects of these chemicals to some extent .Caffeine helps to keep us awake while alcohol and some medicines make us sleepy.

By using electrodes ,scientists are able to study what goes on in people’s heads while they sleep .They have discovered that when we first drop off everything slows down. The heart beats more slowly and our breathing becomes shallow. After about 90 minutes our eyes start to twitch and we go into what is called REM sleep. REM stands for Rapid Eye Movement ,and it’s a sign that we’ve started to dream .

You have dreams every night ,even if you don’t remember them.There are all sorts of theories about why we dream .One is that it gives the brain a chance to sort out the day’s activities , filling everything away in the right place. Another is that the brain gets bored while we’re asleep and organizes its own entertainment - a sort of late - night cinema !

A lot of people say they have to have eight hours ‘ sleep every night while others seem to manage on a lot less . One thing’s for sure , we all need some sleep and going without it can

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have some very strange effects .An American disc-jockey ,who stayed awake for 200 hours to raise money for charity ,thought things were bursting into flames all around him after 120 hours without sleep .He survived the ordeal but was depressed for three months afterwards.

Humans are unusual in the way they sleep. Most animals have a sleep during the day and tests have shown that a siesta can be beneficial for us too. It’s even been recommended that airline pilots should have a nap during long flights so that they are more alert for the tricky business of landing.

So next time you nod off after Sunday lunch in front of the telly ,don’t feel embarrassed about it .Science ,after all, is on your side .  

A.Choose the best answer : (1 pt)The text is :    a.  a report b. an articlec. a narrative

B.Are these statements true or false ? Justify (4 pts)

 1.Human beings can go without  sleep…………………………………………………… 2.Body chemicals that cause tiredness are not fully controllable. ……………………… 3.The heart beats increase noticeably while sleeping………………………………….. 4.During dreams ,the brain is said to list the day’s events in a disorderly way. ……….

C.Answer the following questions : (3 pts)

 1.When do wounded animals need much sleep ?......................................................... 2.How can scientists know about the brain’s reactions during sleep ?......................... 3.What happened to the American D.J ?

D.Complete these sentences : (2pts)

 1.According to scientists we start to dream ………………………………………………. 2.Pilots on long distance flights would be more attentive to landing if………………….

E.Find in the text words meaning almost the same as :(4pts)

 1. permit :……………………………….. / 2. diseases :…………………………………. 3. find out :……………………………… / 4. strange :………………………………….

F.What do the underlined words in the text refer to? (1pt)

1.Another :……………………………(parag.5)2.They :……………………………….(parag.7)

Language (15 points)A.Rewrite these sentences as recommended : (2pts)

 1.They have promised Kathy a post in the accounting department .  Kathy…………………………………………………………………………… 2.”Our benefits have gone down last month”.  The manager revealed……………………………………………………….

B.Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets :(3 pts)

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 1.In twenty years ‘time ,the temperature of the globe (go)……………………up by three degrees.This  will threaten the planet as well as the species. 2.Ryan (teach)……………………in Brazil before he (go)……………….back to his home country.

C.Write the words between brackets correctly: (2 pts)

 1.I can’t stand (watch)………………………..genocides diffused on T.V. 2.The committee has agreed (compensate)……………………for the damages caused by the periodic floods. 3.Most (literate)………………………Moroccan women are striving to learn and become productive citizens in society. 4.Overseas firms are highly encouraged to (investment)…………………..in Morocco.

D.Fill in the blanks with the correct phrasal verbs from the list(3pts)

1.Last week ,I……………………..amazing old coins in my grandfather’s drawer.2.The Mayor ……………………Tom’s project to recycle trash as he wasn’t professionally convincing.3.The orphan was…………………………by his rich aunt  who took charge of him after his parents ‘death.( Carry on, bring up , turn down , turn off ,come across , bring about )

E.Fill in the blanks with the right linking words from the list:(2 pts)

 1.The tennis match was cancelled ……………………heavy rain. 2…………………………her hard training ,her performance is still unsatisfactory.(however, due to , because ,despite ,as a result)

F.Match the following words to form collocations : (2pt)

1.renewable 2.nuclear 3.non-profit 4.common

a.good b.organisations c.energies d.threat

G.What do you say in the following situation ?(1 pts)

Your friend : I am having an awful headache these days. What do you think I should do ?You :…………………………………………………………………………...(give advice)

Writing (10 points)Your friend is suffering from insomnia .S/he can’t sleep and keeps awake all night. S/he is asking for your advice .Write him /her a letter suggesting ways to fight this problem.