GLOBAL COOLING Ashwin Bhakre Global Warming and Global Cooling are both big catastrophes happening to the earth right now. The people who believe in these catastrophes are divided into two groups, Liberals and Conservatives. Liberals for instance believe in global warming while the conservatives on the other hand believe more in global cooling. I put my faith in global cooling because of some hard scientific evidence. This decade for example has not been the best year for global warming. China has had its coldest winter in 100 years, Baghdad has seen its first snowfall in recorded history, North America has had the most snow cover in 50 years, Record levels of Antarctic sea ice, Record low temperatures in Minnesota and the list goes on … These are of course anecdotal evidence but in the following paragraph I will tell you more about global cooling and its scientific evidence.

Global cooling

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Page 1: Global cooling


Ashwin Bhakre

Global Warming and Global Cooling are both big catastrophes happening to the

earth right now. The people who believe in these catastrophes are divided into

two groups, Liberals and Conservatives. Liberals for instance believe in global

warming while the conservatives on the other hand believe more in global

cooling. I put my faith in global cooling because of some hard scientific evidence.

This decade for example has not been the best year for global warming. China

has had its coldest winter in 100 years, Baghdad has seen its first snowfall in

recorded history, North America has had the most snow cover in 50 years,

Record levels of Antarctic sea ice, Record low temperatures in Minnesota and the

list goes on … These are of course anecdotal evidence but in the following

paragraph I will tell you more about global cooling and its scientific evidence.

Global cooling is simply the cooling of the earth. It is caused by absence of

sunspot activity. All these scientists have proven that the sun's protective solar

wind (from sunspots) blows away deep-space cosmic rays. With fewer sunspots

there is less solar wind, more cosmic rays, and more cloud formation from those

cosmic rays. More cloud formation means more cooling effect on the planet. The

anecdotal evidence tells us a lot about the earth cooling down but what good is it

without scientific evidence? In the year 2008, global temperatures from satellite

and land-temperature gauges have cooled 0.65C up to 0.75C (see figure 1),

making it the fastest temperature change ever recorded. NASA satellites also

found that 2008’s Arctic Sea ice covered 2 million square kilometers (772,000

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square miles) more than the last three years average. It also was 10 to 20

centimeters (about 4-8 inches) thicker than in 2007. The list for this goes on too

as there are so many satellites, temperature gauges etc. but these all are saying

one thing “The Globe is cooling”. But as they all say not everything is 1 sided this

subject also has another side to it which is global warming.

(Figure 1) – The temperature drop from Jan 1 2007 to Jan 1 2008.

Global warming is also simply the warming of the earth. Scientist believe that

global warming happens due to excessive green house gasses (CO2) and the

cause of green house gasses is burning of fossil fuels, cutting down trees etc.

From many people’s perspective global warming is man-made. First of all, there

is no proof that significant man-made global warming is taking place. Computer

models from the U.N show that the first area that should be heated because of

the green house gasses is the troposphere. Highly accurate and carefully checked

satellites show that there has been no warming of the troposphere. There has

been a surface decrease of about half a degree Celsius but that is far below the

customary natural swings in surface temperatures (see figure 2). The rise in sea

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level is another change that people believe has happened because of global

warming. Observations show that sea level has risen in the last 18,000 years by

about 400 feet and is continuing to rise at a uniform rate, and is not accelerating,

irrespective of warming or cooling. In fact, sea level will continue to rise at a slow

rate of 8 inches per century, as it has been for the last few thousand years

proving that there is no global warming and even if there was it would not have

any effect on the sea level.

(Figure 2)- The temperature increase that people have exaggerated.

Renowned Environmentalist Al Gore has had the whole world shocked and

terrified about the effects of global warming through his book/movie “The

inconvenient truth”. His information was true about many things but why it was

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happening is the error that he made. He said that the glaciers on Mt. Kilimanjaro

have been melting because of global warming. The Kilimanjaro glacier has

actually been melting since the 1800’

s, so industrial carbon emissions/global warming can’t be the reason (some

scientists think it’s surrounding deforestation). Another example would be of the

Pacific Atoll islands. Al Gore said that they would be under the risk of sinking

under the ocean. Instead the water levels are going down in that area. Al Gore is

not the only person to make false conclusions. NASA was actually caught faking

"warming" data. They simply copied September temperatures and submitted the

same figures for October. They then claimed October was the hottest it's been in

decades. In a nutshell global warming was nothing more then an exaggeration.

I firmly believe that global cooling is the real deal instead of global warming

because of what I have read and personally experienced. Global cooling is

happening and it is causing a much more devastating effect on people’s lives. The

cold is making it hard for people to grow food and survive. This is where my

personal experience comes in because my family owns a very big farm in India

and it has been not a easy time for them because crops are not growing, animals

are dyeing and it is becoming very hard for people to survive. Now I would like

to conclude with a saying I really like “What we’ve got to do in energy

conservation is try to ride the global warming issue. Even if the theory of global

warming is wrong, to have approached global warming as if it is real means

energy conservation, so we will be doing the right thing anyway in terms of

economic policy and environmental policy.” - Timothy Wirth, former U.S. Senator


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Jennings, Terry. Changing climates . North Mankato, MN: Smart Apple Media,

2006. Print.


Koprowski, Gene J.. " FoxNews.com - Global Cooling Is Coming -- and Beware the

Big Chill, Scientist Warns." FoxNews.com - Breaking News | Latest News | Current

News. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Dec. 2010.



" DailyTech - Temperature Monitors Report Widescale Global Cooling."

DailyTech. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Dec. 2010.



SUTTIE, JIM, and Scripps Howard News Service. "Globe may be cooling on Global

Warming | ScrippsNews." ScrippsNews | News, Washington, Sports, Home, Garden,

Food, Business, Entertainment. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 December. 2010.


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KutWrite. "Global Warming is Fake - How YOU can Tell." HubPages. N.p., n.d.

Web. 09 December. 2010. <http://hubpages.com/hub/Global-Warming-Fake-


"Global Warming." Daryl Cagle's Professional Cartoonists Index. N.p., n.d. Web. 09

December. 2010.
