Green Living Monthly November 2011 • greenlivingmonthly.com Now Open: Spokane Public Market Buying Locally, Sustaining Spokane GETTING READY FOR COLD SEASON Winter Wiggles & Waistlines

GLM November 2011

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Our goal is to bring useful local information and tips to individuals, organizations and businesses that every day are joining the collective movement towards more responsible stewardship of our environment and planet.

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Green LivingMonthlyNovember 2011 • greenlivingmonthly.com

Now Open: Spokane Public MarketBuying Locally, Sustaining SpokaneGETTING READY FOR COLD SEASON

Winter Wiggles & Waistlines

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November 2011 • GreenLivingMonthly.com • 3

Vol. 1 Issue 4November 2011

Contributing Writers:

EditorChris Ellis

[email protected]



December 2011Deadline:

Wednesday November 16

Green Living


Our goal is to bring useful local informa-tion and tips to individuals, organizations and businesses that every day are joining

the collective movement towards more responsible stewardship of our environ-

ment and planet.


PublisherDana R. Michie

[email protected]


As we get close to the holidays, I can’t but reflect on Thanksgivings’ and Christmases’ past. For us all, there were good ones, great ones, sad ones, lonely ones and everything in-between. One thing they all had in common though, was that they almost always turned out differently than I had anticipated.I think one most memorable and lovely Thanksgiving in my past was the year we ended up having fifteen people instead of the planned three. It was very last minute. There was a variety of reasons including a break-up, a flight cancellation due to snow, a road trip cancelled because of the weather, and someone who had decided to spend the holidays alone abandoned that idea for some good food, wine and company. And they all brought friends. In the 11th hour before this dinner, they all came. I had the basics, but not enough for fifteen people. They arrived all carrying baskets of food, wine, flowers, smiles and hugs. We did not plan it, and in hindsight, probably wouldn’t have chosen it. We were looking forward to a nice

Frog Artist,Kristi Stout


Chris Ellis


[email protected]


3 Buy Locally Substain Spokane5 What is Holistic Dentistry PART 3: Auto Immune Disorders6 Get ready for cold season7 Let’s talk turkey (chicken,rather)8 Now Open: Spokane Public Market10 Organic Kids: Wild Organic Foods & Outdoor Adventure11 Know your local Farmer: What is in a Label11 Recipes for Thanksgiving and Beyond12 Reduce Recycle, Reuse & Repurpose: Turkey Place Holders13 Organic Pets: Winter Wiggles and Waistlines14 Event Calendar

Cover ImageErika Prins www.erikaprins.com

quiet family time. But I would not have changed that one for the world. We ate, we drank, and we talked until two in the morning sharing plans and dreams for the coming New Year.It seems just when you least expect it, good things can happen. Here’s wish-

ing you and yours a blessed and magi-cal Thanksgiving!

Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. Hebrews 13:2

Kevin Dudley, Greater Spokane, Inc.

Cori ReevesCarol Byrnes,

Diamonds in the RuffDr. Armand DeFelice

Maree KoolstraTrish Vieira,

Spokane’s Family FarmDr. Alycia Policani ND

Design Spokane Public Market, Carine Mossay

The staff at Green Living Monthly, while respecting the opinions and views of our writers and advertisers; don’t always agree and/or support those views. We feel it is important for everyone to “do the re-search” on controversial topics. Please feel free to send your letters to the editor to [email protected].

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4 • GreenLivingMonthly.com • November 2011

Being green and organic and sustainable and lots of other traits are in style, thanks to a lot of peo-ple, groups and businesses. You may have adjusted your everyday behav-ior to be green and sustainable, but have you adjusted your purchasing behavior?

I’m talking about keeping Spokane’s economy self-sustaining by buying locally.

We know out of area online re-tailers make it easy to buy goods. It’s 2011, after all. But if you want to help our economy sustain itself, con-sider actually going out to our great shops and purchasing in person. It’s much more personable, and you’re helping our local economy as well.

Here’s a brief illustration:One day, you withdraw some money from Numerica Credit Union, for example. You take that money and you go buy a nice new bike from Two Wheel Transit. Two Wheel Transit uses its revenues to pay its employees, and the employees use that money to buy, say, a meal at Rocket Bakery. The bakery uses its revenues to pay its employees as well, and you can start to see how our money cycles its way through our community. Money to an out of area online retailer does not.

“When people buy locally, that dollar gets turned around so many times in our local community,” said Deena Moe-Caruso of Finders Keep-ers, a Designer Dress Boutique and jewelry retailer.

The same way we want our en-vironment to be here for future gen-erations, we want our economy to be strong and secure for future genera-tions. Buying locally can help.

You may have seen the green “Buy Local” signs in windows of businesses all around Spokane. Greater Spokane Incorporated start-ed its Buy Local campaign in early 2009 in response to the poor econ-omy. Taxable retail sales were way down, which hurt our city’s ability to fund vital services. Encouraging

folks to buy local would not only help our city’s economy, but also educate people on the value of buy-ing locally.

Spokane’s the perfect size. It has chain stores and small, family-owned stores. Buying locally doesn’t mean ignoring the big chain stores. Spend-ing money there puts money in the pockets of its employees too. It’s getting people to reconsider whether buying a new book from Amazon.com or Auntie’s Bookstore is best benefitting our community.

The Buy Local campaign has morphed into something bigger than it was in 2009. Businesses in Spokane are taking the reins and turning it into something that they can hold onto – which is good. When the business community promotes a

self-sustaining economy, it unites the community.

“A lot of the local businesses that you do business with in our

community are also big supporters of our community,” Caruso said. She is part of a group that created a spin-off of GSI’s Buy Local campaign called, “Buy Local, Give Local.”

“It branched from the original buy local program at GSI,” she said. “As it continued to grow and the message was out there to buy local, the core group of us in the downtown area decided to put together a promo-tion to help create awareness in the community that our local businesses are the ones that are giving back and supporting the community.”

What the group does is create events and specials that are based around giving a percentage of a company’s sales back to a local non-profit.

Moe-Caruso says she’s seen a lot of success in the local businesses uniting to buy locally and give local-ly. Her business in particular part-nered up with the Ronald McDon-ald House of Spokane and donated $2,513 to the organization.

Each month there is a differ-ent nonprofit that benefits from our community buying locally. The group has a growing Facebook page simply titled, “Buy Local, Give Lo-cal.”

This is just one illustration of how buying locally sustains a com-munity. This group can claim two achievements – buying locally and giving back locally. If the commu-nity didn’t buy from the local busi-nesses, the local nonprofit couldn’t benefit.

And benefitting is something our entire community can do if we all buy locally.

By Kevin DudleyMarketing and Communications Coordinator at Greater Spokane Incorporated

Buying Locally, Sustaining SpokaneA brief glance at what buying local in Spokane would look like and the impact it makes on the local businesses

DeFelice Holistic Family Dentistry

DeFelice Holistic Family Dentistry

Energetically biocompatible, scientifically natural Dentistry- delivered with loving care!

Armand V. DeFelice, DDSLoretta A. Rosier, DDSLouise C. DeFelice, DDS

4703 N. Maple Street Spokane, WA

(509) 327-7719

Check out our new website at:


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November 2011 • GreenLivingMonthly.com • 5

What is Holistic Dentistry? PART 3

Dr. Armand graduated from the University of Washington School of Dentistry and opened his own dental practice in 1959. He has been at this current location since 1966.

Dr. Armand has advanced certification in orthodontics, TMJ and facial pain, holistic dentistry, CRA, neural therapy, nutrition and occlusion. His passions are providing biocompatible dental materials, mercury removal and enhancing structural balance.

Dr. Armand has written a manual of his own original work on the diagno-sis and detoxification of mercury toxicity by muscle response testing”, and has taught seminars on this to the Holistic Dental Association.

An auto-immune disorder may be defined as one in which the human body “ATTACKS” or “DESTROYS” itself. Normally the body “DEFENDS” itself and this process is “IMMUNITY.” Many research scientists observe changes in blood, and fluids and in tissues that they cannot explain by the knowledge they possess; they are totally perplexed; and so they “label” these resulting syndromes as “auto-immune disorders”, i.e. self-destructing disorders. This does not make common sense! The word auto-immune is a contradiction in itself.

The word “syndrome” is nothing more than a compilation of symptoms. For example the names Fibro-myalgia and Chronic Fatigue are syndromes in which each of them possesses approximately ten symptoms which are similar, but several more that are different. In the case of Fibro-myalgia there are more symptoms that de-scribe “sore musculature,” while in chronic fatigue there are more symptoms that describe “tiredness” etc.

Now, let us present some little known facts. Dr. Hans Nolte MD, from Germany, has shown that:

1. Plutonium (the most toxic poison known) has 20-26 electromagnetic wave lengths2. Mercury (the second most toxic poison known) has 13-20 electromagnetic wave lengths3. Fluoride has 5 electromagnetic wave lengths4. Arsenic has one electromagnetic wave length5. Aluminum has one electromagnetic wave length6. Cadmium has one electromagnetic wave length7. Lead has one electromagnetic wave lengthThese last four are ones that everyone is so concerned with for contaminat-

ing our environment – but basically they are nothing compared to the multifarious wavelength activities of plutonium, mercury and fluoride. Amalgam dental filling material is composed of 55% mercury! – plus various amounts of copper, tin and zinc. Approximately 95% of the United States population has mercury fillings in their mouths that are vaporizing off mercury continually twenty-four hours a day, an inch and one-half from their brain (this vapor can be measured by a Jerome Mercury Vapor Analyzer instrument from 20 feet away); sixty percent of our population has fluoridated water to drink and bathe in. Furthermore, the area we live in, the Inland Empire, has a tremendous amount of contamination from the mines and smelters (that use mercury in the processing) generated during the last 100 plus years. The smelter in Trail B.C. had been dumping three box cars of toxic “slag” and heavy met-als into the Columbia River for over 100 years. The Spokesman Review this June printed several articles detailing the Spokane Tribe’s concerns and fear of radiation from the uranium mines killing their people. Do you know that the Inland Empire has the highest incidence of Multiple Sclerosis in the world!

Also, Ferry County – located in Northwest Washington State, near Trail B.C, has double the incidence of bowel problems and breast cancer than the rest of the state.

Mercury has been found to suppress the bodies immunity down to 25% (on the average) to as low as 8% - thus allowing bacteria, virus, parasites, fungus, yeast, protozoa and amoeba to overgrow.

Mercury, plutonium and fluoride affects the body adversely in a myriad of dif-ferent ways and manifestations; causing the body to torque or twist; causes the cra-nial bones to distort and not work properly; and the many joints of the body to be sub-luxated. Mercury etc. is implicated in some way in any disease that you can name. All of the cells of the body are affected adversely in some way by the presence of these elements. Dr. Yoshiaki Omura MD. PHD, professor at Columbia Univer-sity, renowned researcher and lecturer worldwide, has found mercury present in all cancerous tissues.

Dr. Max Daunderer MD states that cancer cells are the result of damage from dental and fungal toxins. “We have been looking at things backwards for 100 years.”

Dr. Tulio Simoncine MD from Rome has shown that cancer is a result of the fun-gal overgrowth allowed by the presence of mercury suppressing the immune system.

These eminent researchers (and many others) agree with this.Dr. Otto Warburg PH.D.Dr. Omar M. Amin PH.D.Dr. Body Haley PH.D.Dr. Andrew Hall Cutler PH.D.

Dr. Fredrick Berglund PH.D. MD.Dr. Hal Huggins D.D.S. M.S.Dr. Gary Strong D.D.S.Dr. Murray Vimy D.M.D.Dr. Lars Friberg PH.DDr Vasken Aposhian PH.DDr. David Eggleston D.D.S.Dr. Gustav Drasch PH.DDr. Tom McGuire D.D.S.DAMS (Dental Amalgam Mercury Syndome)IAOMT (International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology)IABDM (International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine)Bio-Probe Inc.Clifford Consulting and Research

There are many other contributing factors that affect the human body along with mercury, plutonium and fluoride, such as pesticides and insecticides, scars, structural problems, emotional problems, spiritual problems, nutritional problems. etc. But you must realize that mercury is the “number one problem” affecting the body ad-versely and must be addressed and eliminated from your body in order for you to get well and stay healthy.

HOW DO WE GET RID OF THIS INSIDIOUS HORRIBLE PROBLEM?The best answer is by a multifaceted solution.a. We must eliminate the main source of the problem, which is the mercury-

amalgam filling in the teeth.b. We must detox the “body” of the mercury, plutonium and fluoride.c. We must eliminate the adverse electrical effects of the mercury fillings on

the body, as well as the deleterious effects of scars, cavitations and other problems.

d. We must provide nutriment for the body.

2925 N. Monroe Spokane, WA 99205

Classes for whole families and their pets start monthly.

Kids welcome!Questions? Please email!

[email protected] mail (509) 325-RUFF

or call Carol: (509) 328-6959

Auto-Immune DisordersBy Dr. Armand DeFelice, DDSDeFelice Holistic Family Dentistry

Page 6: GLM November 2011

6 • GreenLivingMonthly.com • November 2011

Smoke from burning leaves and wood is as

harmful as cigarette smoke and can

contribute to birth defects, cancer and lung

disease. Not only is outdoor burning dangerous,

but it is illegal in most communities and can

carry large fines. Chip or compost your yard

waste instead of burning. And

NEVER burn your garbage. This fall,

start really protecting your family.

For clean healthy alternatives to

burning, visit our website.





It’s upon us…no two ways around it: Cold Season. Change of weather, staying in-doors with less fresh air, kids back in school and people around us in closed quarters, all contribute to the sharing of bugs. It’s com-mon to get one or two colds during this time.

What I’m about to say is not medical advice (there’s my disclaimer.) I’m just a regular person who chooses natural remedies as my first line of defence. The first route I choose to follow when I feel a cold coming on is with drug-free, holistic and natural rem-edies. So far, in my life, they have served me well. I have gone for several years without getting any cold or flu, and when I have, they run a shorter term and are less debilitating.

First, I’ll give you the layman’s defini-tion of the difference between a cold and the flu, or between a bacterial infection (cold) and a virus (influenza or flu). Bacterial in-fections contain their own DNA and all they need to reproduce themselves. The symptoms with bacterial infections are: a bacterial in-fection tends to be more localized ie: in your head, your nose, your throat. It produces a non-clear (ok, gross…yellowish or green) discharge.

Viruses, on the other hand, contain a

limited amount of DNA and no way to re-produce themselves. They need a host (you!) They invade other (healthy) cells and inject their genes into those cells to replicate their own little evil selves (it’s micro-biological warfare!) Viruses tend to be more systemic: your whole body aches, you’re cold and run-ning a fever, your nose discharges a clear fluid, and you’re just plain miserable. Viruses like a cooler environment. So, when your body runs a fever it is trying to rid itself of this ugly invader (pretty cool, huh?) So, downing your fever (unless its dangerously high,) is something I don’t do. Many times I let my fever go, it spikes, and I’m all better again. I will even take hot baths to try and sweat out the ugly perpetrators; this also helps with the body aches.

There is no cure for the common cold (that’s common knowledge.) Keeping that in mind, drugs can only mask symptoms, they cannot cure you. Antibiotics may work on bacterial infections, but they may also de-stroy “friendly fauna,” that may help in your healing process. Antibiotics do not work on viruses. I keep a “medicine basket” arsenal fully equipped during this time. Here are some things in it:

Astragalus: a powerful immune-en-hancing Chinese herb. Used for thousands of years, I have found that at the first “tickle” in my ears or nose, making a tea of astragalus and drinking as much of it as I can, will ward off the onset of a cold or flu. You can order this on the Internet and many natural food stores carry it. I prefer the “bark” type herb, making it into a tea vs. in pill form.

GETTING READY FOR COLD SEASONready or not here it comes!By Chris Ellis GLM EDITOR

Cold SeasonContinued on page 7

“natural remedies” can be made from ingredients found at natural food stores as well as some ingredients can be found at your local market

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November 2011 • GreenLivingMonthly.com • 7

Dr. Alycia Policani graduated from Eastern Washington University in 1996, with a B.S. in Hu-man Biology and went on to National College of Naturopathic Medicine, where she achieved her doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine in 2000. She has ten years of experience in private practice as sole proprietor of Evergreen Naturopathic. Dr. Policani practices as a primary care physician with emphasis on women’s health, menopause, and thyroid disease, using science based natural medicine. Dr. Policani grew up in Spokane, pur-suing many outdoor activities that allowed her to

develop a deep appreciation for nature, ultimately leading her down the path to naturopathic medicine. When she is not at the office you can find her horseback riding, gardening, hiking or traveling with her husband and son.


We’ve all seen it; organic, free range, vegan fed, all natural, yada, yada, yada. But is that organic chicken breast really worth $5.99 per pound? Is it re-ally any better for us than the 0.49₡ per pound generic brand chicken at Wal-mart? Are the $6.00 per dozen vegan, organic eggs really from happy chick-ens? The difference lies in how the food is processed. Most of the food in the United States is industrialized. Huge, conglomerate farms and feed lots out-putting thousands, if not millions, of pounds of food per year. The animals are rushed to slaughter weight as quickly as possible so as to turn a faster dollar. This is the reality of the food industry. A huge factor in this process is corn. Corn is a huge commodity and our farmers are subsidized to produce a massive sur-plus every year. Many industries have evolved to get rid of the surplus of corn, such as high fructose corn syrup and other food additives, ethanol, CAFO’s (Concentrated Animal Feeding Opera-tions), to name just a few. The problem is that animals did not evolve eating corn. They eat grass. Even chickens eat grass as part of their foraging diet. As a result, animals forced to eat corn in CAFO’s become very ill and would die if not for the medications and hormones in their feed. They pump them full of these substances to keep them alive long enough to reach slaughter. That’s irony for you. Here is the other problem with

a corn diet; it causes very high levels of Omega 6 fatty acid and low levels of Omega 3 fatty acid in the meat and eggs of the animals fed this diet. This leads to heart disease. Studies of other hunter gatherer societies around the globe do not find anywhere near the same levels of heart disease as we find in the United States. The difference? Our animals are fed corn and their animals are 100 per-cent grass fed, as nature intended. What does any of this have to do with organic chicken? Well, organic foods are indus-trialized in our country as well. Picture huge houses full of chickens in close confines, just like in the non-organic industry. Because organic chickens are not allowed medications and hormones, growers are allowed to keep these chick-

ens confined for the first 5 weeks of their lives. This time period is when they are most vulnerable to disease. The problem is that the chickens learn the confines of their habitat during this time. Even though they are provided doors at each end of the chicken house to access the outside, after 5 weeks, they don’t use them. They have learned not to and con-sidering the fact that they are slaughtered at 8 weeks, they don’t get much of an op-portunity to learn to roam outside. Yet, they are still called free range. And they are still fed a corn diet, albeit organic corn. This results in the same skewed ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 fatty ac-ids that lead to heart disease. The same goes for your vegan fed free range eggs. Chickens are omnivores. Eating bugs is what leads to high Omega 3 levels in their eggs and therefore heart disease prevention. Vegan diet usually means organic corn and is not the best case sce-nario for the consumer. Bottom line is that yes, organic is healthier for you due to the decreased exposure to hormones, medications, pesticides and other toxins. We definitely should continue to vote for the organic production of our foods with our dollars. But we need to be savvy and educated about what the terms actu-ally mean and how they can impact our health, both negatively and positively. What’s the best choice for our health and the environment? Supporting our local sustainable farmers. The foods they raise are truly free range and organic. Yes, they are more expensive but what is your health and quality of life worth? How much do you pay for health insurance medications and supplements monthly? If we truly used food as our medicine, as our bodies were designed, that $5.99 per pound chicken starts to look like a good deal. If you’d like more informa-tion on this subject The Weston A. Price Foundation and Michael Pollan’s “The Omnivore’s Dilemma” are a good start. Rocky Ridge Ranch, P.E.A.C.H. farms, and Quail Ridge Ranch are just some of the many local sustainable farmers pro-ducing quality meats, eggs and produce in our area.

Echinacea, Elderberry, good ol’ Vitamin C and zinc are also strong cold remedies. I take these (and lots of them) in pill form. By the way, Vitamin C is a natural antihistimine. So, in taking large doses during a cold/flu, you will feel your sinuses (and even your skin) begin to dry up.

Goldenseal: it contains the chemical berberine, a natural antibiotic; good for a bac-terial infections.

For aches and pains: White Willow Bark: it contains salicin…the same chemical as in aspirin, only in its natural form.

Neti pot: this little device that looks like a a small tea pot has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine. It is used to flush your nasal cavities. Use salt water and pour through your nostrils. It will clear out any built-up mucus and junk. These are readily available at health food stores.

Mushrooms strengthen your immune system; particularly shiitake, reishi and maitake. You can add them to recipes, saute them in olive oil and garlic, or take them in pill form.

Ginger: in root form, grated into a tea. It tastes spicy and delicious and will warm you up.

Chicken Soup: I don’t know why, but it works…or at least it makes you feel a lot bet-ter. I use astragalus as my base broth and put in soy chicken, organic celery & carrots and organic butter noodles.

A hot washcloth with eucalyptus oil sprinkled on it: I place this over my nose and face and breath deeply. It clears my nasal pas-sages and soothes an aching chest.

My personal favorite; Grandma’s Night Night remedy: Hot water, lemon, honey and brandy. (Who needs Nyquil? Which, by the way, contains a combination of sedating anti-histamines, hypnotics and alcohol. You know, "The nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, cough-ing, aching, best-sleep-you-ever-got-with-a-cold medicine.” I can see why.)

Some say that herbs and homeopathic remedies do not work. Yet, most docs want to know everything you’re taking, including herbs. Herbs DO do things; why else would they be asking? So, do tell your doctor if you’re going to take herbs especially if you are on other medications.

These are only a few cold/flu medi-cines. If you Google “natural remedies” for colds and flu, you will find a plethora of in-formation, much of it dating back thousands of years. Colds and influenzas have been around for a long, long time and I can’t but believe that over those hundreds or thousands of years, different cultures did not figure out how to palliate or cure them!

And lastly, I think everyone will agree that if you feel the onset of a cold or flu, one of your most potent remedies is REST!

Have a healthy winter!

Cold SeasonContinued from page 6

“Mushrooms strengthen your immune system; particularly shiitake, reishi and maitake”

Let’s Talk Turkey(or chicken rather)

By Dr. Alycia PolicaniEvERGREEn naTuROPaTHIC

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8 • GreenLivingMonthly.com • November 2011

he Spokane Public Market officially opened its doors September 24th. The 21,000 square foot building (formerly the Roses n’ More warehouse) promises to give Spokane a

locally grown indoor market equivalent to Seattle’s iconic Pike Place Market. Locally grown to Spokane Public Market means grown in the State of Washington and its surrounding counties.

The Spokane Public Market has succeeded in creating a year-round indoor market as an educational and cultural center in the heart of downtown Spokane. Hosting vendors such as local farmers, arti-sans, food producers, cooks, ranchers, coffee roasters and a whole lot of talented people will most definitely promote an economic stimu-lus to Spokane and promote sensitivity to our environment.

This holiday season, Green Living Monthly celebrates buying local. With the huge variety of locally produced foods, fish, meats, breads, cheeses, coffees, chocolates, artisan jewelry, bakery good-ies, natural personal care and cleaning products, fresh cut flowers, and unique and stunning gifts, the Spokane Public Market can meet all your holiday needs.

Reminiscent of the historical Christmas markets of Europe, wan-dering through the Spokane Public Market is an awakening of the senses. The smells of coffee and chocolate and lavender waft through the air. There is much chatter and laughter amongst the vendors and their patrons, and an exhilaration. Perhaps this is because by shop-ping here, you know you are supporting your neighbors while getting healthy foods and unique products and gifts.

Located at 24 W. 2nd, between Browne and Division, it shares the building with Sun People Dry Goods and the Marketplace Wine Bar and is in the neighborhood with dozens of other specialty shops. Park your car once, go at it on foot and make a day of shopping, visiting with your neighbors, eating and toasting to a day of community.

TNow Open: Spokane Public MarketStory • Chris Ellis Photos • Erika Prins

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November 2011 • GreenLivingMonthly.com • 9

Opposite Left: Inland Fish & Seafood Co., Thom’s hand-brewed coffee, and avigon Es-sentials, a natural line of clean-ing products and personal care. Left: The market had a large variety of produce. Top: Locally grown fibre. Left: Locally made vases and other had crafted item are for sale. Above: The smell of flowers and freshly baked goods created an inviting atmosphere.PHOTOS: www.erikaprins.com

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10 • GreenLivingMonthly.com • November 2011

Spokane's Family Farm...."Where milk comes from"

Tours and Classes Available! Call for Scheduling.

Large Selection of Organic & Natural

Foods at Low Prices!

Over 100 Bulk Foodsto Choose


My family loves the outdoors; we love to hunt and fish and hike. There is a certain thrill we get looking for and eat-ing wild foods, but it’s an even bigger thrill to spend time together. Last week-end we went quail hunting with our new dog, Max the Hunting Dog. We had so much fun tromping around and watching the dog scare up the birds. While on our hike we came across wild plum trees. Most of the plums were too high for us to reach. My husband would shake the trees and we would gather up all the plums that rained on to the ground. Those plums were so sweet and juicy, I would say the best we have ever eaten, better than the plums from the tree in our yard that we lovingly tend and prune and water. We gathered about 30 lbs of plums from the trees. Preparing all those plums looked to be a tedious and time consuming job until the kids asked (re-

ally, they asked) if they could help. We washed, cut, and pitted all those plums in 45 minutes competing all the while to see who could do the most. Those, now sacred plums, proudly sit on my canning shelves in the form of sauce, jelly, and syrup.

A couple of weeks ago my father-in-law shot a nice buck. When he called to tell me that he and my hubby would be late for dinner I knew he had bagged his deer. I told my kids to hop in the car and that Grandpa had shot a deer. They were as excited as I was. We showed up to Grandpa’s house just as they were emerging from the woods and the kids helped drag the deer the rest of the way. Venison is one of our favorite foods. There is something so basic yet amazing about hunting and eating your own food, to know where your food came from. This year, my hubby and I and one son hope to all get our deer and fill up our freezers.

As the old saying goes, a bad day fishing is better than a good day work-ing. My family loves to fish. My kids will talk fondly about our fishing trips months later. It doesn’t matter if we fished for two hours and came home with eight fish or if we fished for four hours and got skunked. I think the kids love the cocoa and treats that I bring as much as they love the fishing. But I know that what they love the most is the time we spent as a family doing some-thing active.

Outdoor activities are good for your health and family


Fishing is just one of the many outdoor activities the Koolstra children enjoy.

Wild organics and outdoor adventures

By Maree KoolstraMother of six


Continued on page 12

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Often times ‘picking up a few things’ from the produce aisle at the lo-cal grocery store means arriving home with the usual commonly named fruits and vegetables. Here in America we are familiar with staple produce items such as “potatoes”, “tomatoes”, or “let-tuce”. These are readily available and commonplace for most of us. When we begin to ‘know our farmer’, we not only enjoy tastier and more nutritious, local produce, but along with that will come very unique and adventuresome options such as, heirloom tomatoes, or exot-ics like gold and purple potatoes. When you shop at your local farmer’s market or CSA think of your produce in terms of romantic names such as “Kentucky Wonder” instead of beans, or “Blue Hubbard” instead of squash, or even “Golden Bantam” for sweet corn. And who could dispute that ” Brandywine” just sounds like a better tasting tomato. Even the very sound of these varieties invokes excitement and induces saliva-tion in the homemaker’s kitchen.

When buying local you will notice

tags or terms to better describe what your farmers are selling. To make things simple let’s clarify some of these terms and phrases. We have all heard of Certi-fied Organic, which may or may not be somewhat different than just organic, which simply stated, organic is…’ some-thing derived from living matter’ either plant or animal. The Certified Organic labeling which was originally designed to recognize products that use less harm-ful pesticides and GMO agents to name a few of its regulated standards, has been under pressure for integrity issues. Some of the certification issues at hand include lobbyist loop holes, misrepresentation of the term organic and manipulation to dupe the public into buying over priced goods, not to mention downright fraud. Certified Organics labelling originally was a terrific idea and intended to assure quality, prevent fraud and promote com-merce. In order to be a serious, Local Shopper, make sure the Certified Organ-ic label does not replace you doing your homework, or the consumer’s education of what is authentic, wholesome, natural or less processed. In short, answering this simple question may help illuminate the way….If you choose to eat a Certi-fied Organic doughnut, isn’t it still just that…a processed doughnut? Suffice to say, I believe it is wiser, more nutritious, not to mention safer, when you get to know your local farmer. Your farmer will be able to provide you with such delicious wonders as authentic grass fed beef, fresh “King of Denmark” spinach, and of course Spokane’s Family Farm all natural cream - on- top milk!

Know Your Local Farmer

This mixed variety of heirloom tomatoes made a very flavourful canned salsa and spaghetti sauce. Mare than 600 varieties of heirloom tomatoes seeds are available from either local seed stores or from over the internet.

What is in a label?Buzz words to help us know what we are consuming. By Trish VieiraSpokane Family Farm


Tired of dried out turkey? Try brining it first! It’s easy with foolproof results! This recipe makes enough brine for a large turkey. (This brining solution works for pork and chicken, too)

2 1/2 gallons cold water 2 Cups Kosher salt (do nOT use iodized salt here) 1 Cup sugar 2 bay leaves torn into pieces 1 bunch fresh thyme or 4 Tablespoons dried 1 whole head of garlic, peeled 5 whole allspice berries , crushedPlace the water in a large pot that can easily hold the liquid and the meat you intend to

brine.add all ingredients and stir until all the sugar and salt are dissolved. Place the meat in

the pot and refrigerate. alternatively, you can use a large heavy duty plastic freezer-type bag and keep in an ice chest cooler for 4-24 hours.

Tuscan Pumpkin Soup • Serves 4-6 • Prep time: 20 min • Cook time: 30 min 1 sugar pumpkin, about 4 pounds 4 tablespoons olive oil 2 tablespoons butter 1 onion roughly chopped 2 starchy potatoes roughly chopped (try Yukon Gold or russets) 4 cups chicken stock ¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon ½ cup heavy cream salt and pepper to taste

light cream to serve (optional)1. Cut the pumpkin into quarters or eighths. Scoop out the seeds and fibers, then peel

the pumpkin pieces and roughly chop the flesh.2. Heat the oil and butter in a large heavy saucepan until it is foaming. add the onion

and cook gently, stirring frequently for about 5 minutes until softened but not browned. add the chopped pumpkin, garlic and potatoes and cook gently, stirring frequently for about 5 more minutes.

3. Pour in the stock, add the cinnamon, season with salt and pepper to taste, and bring to a boil. Half cover the pan and simmer gently for 30 minutes or until the vegetables are soft.

4. use an immersion blender or pour the soup in small batches into a food processor and blend until smooth, then return to the pan. add the cream and reheat, stirring frequently. You can add water to thin slightly if necessary. Taste for seasonings.

5. Pour the soup into warmed bowls and drizzle with light cream and grind fresh pepper over the top.

Green Beans with Caramelized Shallot Butter • 8 servingsLooking for a twist on the traditional green bean casserole? Try this! Caramelized shallot butter: 5 tablespoons unsalted butter (4 tablespoons softened) 4 shallots, coarsely chopped (about 1 cup) 1 ½ pounds green beans, trimmed and cut into 2-inch lengths Salt and freshly ground pepper1. To make the caramelized shallot butter, heat 1 tablespoon of the butter in a medium

skillet over medium-low heat. add the shallots and cook, stirring occasionally, until the shal-lots are lightly browned and tender, adjusting the temperature as need to avoid scorching, about 20 minutes. Transfer to a small bowl and cool. add the softened butter and stir to com-bine. (The shallot butter can be prepared up to 3 days in advance, covered and refrigerated. Bring to room temperature before using)

2. Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil over high heat. add the green beans and cook until just tender, about 5 minutes. Reserve 1/3 cup of the cooking water. Drain the green beans. Return them to the cooking pot and add the shallot butter and the reserved cooking water. Mix until the butter melts. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Transfer to a warmed serving bowl and serve hot.

Orange Pecan Wild Rice • Serves 6(Recipe from The Barefoot Contessa “Back to Basics” cookbook) 1 cup wild rice 1 ¼ cups chicken stock, preferably homemade (“Kitchen Basics” brand is a great alternative) 2 tablespoons unsalted butter Kosher salt 1 cup seedless green grapes, halved ½ cup scallions, sliced in rounds, white and light green parts (2-3 scallions) 1 cup pecan halves, toasted and coarsely chopped 1 tablespoon grated orange zest 2 tablespoons freshly squeezed orange juice 1 teaspoon freshly ground pepperPlace the rice, chicken stock, 1/1/4 cups water, 1 tablespoon of the butter, and 1 tea-

spoon salt in a medium saucepan and bring to a boil over medium heat. Cover the pot and lower the temperature to simmer (I pull the pan halfway off the burner) and cook for about 1 hour until the rice is tender and the grains begin to burst open. Stir the rice occasionally while it is cooking, scraping the bottom of the pan to prevent it from sticking. Tune off the heat and allow the rice to steam for about 5 minutes.

Stir the remaining tablespoon of butter into the rice, then add the grapes, scallions, pecans, orange zest, orange juice, I teaspoon salt and the pepper and toss well. Taste for seasonings and serve hot.

Recipes for Thanksgiving and beyond!

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12 • GreenLivingMonthly.com • November 2011

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Love up your pets and save money too! Every Wednesday is customer appreciation day and

everyone saves 10% on all your pet and garden needs.

*Discount does not apply to sale items

I love making memories with my family that hit all of their senses, to in-grain into them the majesty and wonder of family. They touch the trees and plants as we hike around. We smell the fresh air and the unique scents of a river, lake, or forest. The amazing taste of the food we hunted, fished, or picked. When we see an eagle flying over us or trees sway-ing in the breeze it makes for memories that are able to be relived over and over. Have you been in a field or a forest and just listened? When I can settle six kids down for a few minutes to really hear the silence, they find out that silence is the rustling of trees, the call of an elk, the splash of a fish, and the beating of their hearts as we are joined together as a fam-ily with no outside distractions.

Make each guest feel special with their own personalized place marker. Kids (and adults) will love to create these for each Thanksgiving guest.

Directions:For the Body: Put a small piece of clay on the underside of the pinecone to steady

it on the table. The *pinecone will be the turkey’s body. *Or use an Orange- see below.

Feathers: use your imagination – use real feathers, construction paper or craft foam, leaves or twigs. Cut out “feathers” and insert into the pinecone. Place your feathers how you like them, then go back and put a little bit of glue on the ends and insert back into the pinecone to hold in place.

For the Face: use a smaller pinecone, acorn, pipe clean-er or construction paper. Don’t forget the googly eyes! Cut a small piece of red construction paper for the turkey’s wattle. Let the glue set.

Nametag: Write each person’s name on one of the “feathers” or on a pretty piece of paper and in-sert into the pinecone.

To avoid staining a tablecloth with the clay, put the turkey on a small plate.

In December Green Living Monthly, with your help will explore ways to Reduce, Recycle, Reuse & Repurpose everyday items. We would ask you, our

readers to give us your ideas on how you R,R,R & R common items. Email us @ email [email protected] with your ideas, hints and suggestions

on how you Reduce, Recycle, Reuse & Repurpose”.

Reduce, Recycle, Reuse & Repurpose with Recycle Rita

Thanksgiving “Turkey” Place markers

Continued from page 10

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November 2011 • GreenLivingMonthly.com • 13


As cold winter weather descends and darkness comes early, opportuni-ties for outdoor exercise may not be as plentiful as they were during the warmer

months. We aren’t the only ones who are prone to put on a couple of extra pounds over the winter season. Don’t forget to adjust your dog’s diet when he spends more time curled up under a blanket with you on the couch than swimming at the lake. “You are what you eat” applies to our companion animals as well as us, and good nutrition is the first line of defense against illness and disease. Cancer, allergies, and even behavior problems can be food related. Diet and weight can have a direct impact on structural problems. Lean and physically fit pets live longer, healthier lives.

Low-cost equals low-quality when it comes to pet food. Don’t cut costs when it comes to choosing what to feed your dog. Low cost foods contain fillers and chemicals and use cheap protein sources like meat byproducts or corn to meet the minimum daily requirement of protein on the ingredients list. Corn is hard to digest and ends up in the yard, not in your dog. Take care of your dog the same way you take care of your family. Feed high quality, human grade organic foods. Ask your vet about how much you should reduce your pudgy dog’s regular ration and in its place add a little organic squash, pumpkin or green veggies as a healthy low-cal filler so he doesn’t start scavenging to fill the empty spot.Stretching Body & Mind

Winter weather confines many owners and pets to indoor activities and sparks a variety of problems from bored behavior to weight gain. Diamonds in the Ruff offers a great class taught by Dr. Sonni Gilbert, DVM of Animal Pain Management called “Stretching and Strengthening - a core exercise class for your dog.” This class focuses on teaching owners and pets how to get the most out of bad weather through massage, stretching and various techniques using exercise balls. Your pet will learn how to engage their “core” muscles to create strength and reduce injuries. You will learn the basic anatomy and muscle groups for massage and flexibility training.

Cabin fever? Mental exercise is just as important as physical exercise! After a

Keeping your pets physically fit and mentally exercised!

Winter Wiggles & Waistlines

By Carol A. Byrnes,Certified Professional Dog Trainer-Knowledge assessed

long day waiting for you to get home from work and school, your dog craves your attention. He not only needs to get out and stretch his legs, he also needs to exercise his brain cells. Tricks, games and problem solving activities are the answer. Brain toys and food puzzles are good ways to let him expend mental energy while you make dinner and unwind after a long day. There are several wonderful specialty stores for pets in town that carry top of the line, green choices for innovative toys and healthy, organic diets. My personal favorites are Prairie Dog Pet Mercantile, Urban Canine, Nature’s Pet Market and Pet Vittles. Diamonds in the Ruff students can select from a variety of treats and toys at Diamonds in the Ruff which are provided by SpokAnimal as a fundraiser to help shelter animals.Winter Puppy Challenges In spite of your better judgment, are you planning to get the family a puppy for Christmas? With a careful plan to keep the puppy safe and not overwhelmed, it can be done. Winter puppies are harder to housetrain and socialization opportunities are not as easily accessible for winter puppies as they are for summer puppies. Puppies that aren’t exposed to new things during the primary socialization period during the first few months of life often grow up to be fearful dogs. This time of year, enrolling in a good positive puppy class isn’t just a good idea, it’s essential, not just for teaching basic skills, but for the safe exposure to people, places, things and other puppies. Your puppy shouldn’t be exposed to unvaccinated dogs or the ground where unvaccinated dogs may have been, but he doesn’t need to complete his entire vaccination series to attend a well-run puppy class in a disinfected room with other vaccinated puppies. The window for optimal socialization closes as he reaches pre-adolescence approximately 16-20 weeks.

We love our dogs for the fun and the novel outlook on life that they share with us. Invest quality time to grow a healthy, fulfilling relationship with your best friend. He’ll give it back to you tenfold!

Carol A. Byrnes, Certified Professional Dog Trainer-Knowledge assessed


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November 4-6, 2011Spokane, Washington, Spokane Falls Community College

The INPC conference will bring together permaculture people from around the Inland Northwest as well as interested people in the Spokane area. The event will feature over 60 workshops, hands-on activities and discussion groups. Applying permaculture to the

city of Spokane will be one of the discussions. There will be a free, public presentation Thursday night by Jan Spencer at the Salem Lutheran Church, 425 W. Broadway. On Friday there will be field

trips. Friday evening to Sunday afternoon INPC will be held at the Spokane Falls Community College. Details can be found at <http://

inlandnorthwestpermaculture.com>. or contact Michael Pilarski, (509) 486-4056, [email protected]


AT SUN PEOPLE DRY GOODS Glow-On: DIY Winter Skin Soothers Workshop - Saturday, November 5th from 10:00 a.m. to NoonCost: $30. Preregistration Required - only 20 spaces available. Register at the store or online at www.sunpeopledrygoods.com

Join us in making your own luxuriously soothing winter skin care kit (that you get to take with you!) while learning about the benefits of avoiding manufactured products. It’s fun and educational and you’ll leave with some holiday gift ideas as well.

Monique Kovalenko is a lover of simplicity and is constantly engaged in learning new ways to bring more of it into her life. She feels strongly that it need not be complex and confusing to move to a more sustainable lifestyle when this lifestyle is inherently simple. Frustrated at often hearing that making wiser lifestyle choices is difficult and time-consuming Monique enjoys any opportunity to share with others easy steps to get started (and things to avoid) from her own experiences.

Film Showing of “Establishing a Food Forest” - Sunday, November 6th from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.FREE. No Preregistration Required. Everyone is welcome to attend!

Join permaculturist, Geoff Lawton as he demonstrates how to grow a food forest from start to finish. As one of the first wave of designers and teachers in Australia, Lawton has been implementing permaculture for years.

Soapmaking 101 Workshop - Saturday, November 12 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and Sunday, November 13th from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.Cost: $55. Preregistration Required - only 10 spaces available. Register at the store or online at www.sunpeopledrygoods.com

Join Gayle Kruger of Violet Moon Soaps for this two-day workshop while we explore the art of making fine handcrafted soap. Make and take home 4 lbs. or roughly (12) 4 1/2 oz. bars of soap. Gayle will be using organic oils of palm, coconut and olive, along with a variety of essential oils to choose from. Soap-making is a messy craft, bring an apron and clothes you don’t mind getting oil stains on. Must be 15 years of age.

Gayle Kruger - Whether its rolling enchiladas, felting wool, sewing or crafting bar soap, Gayle Kruger has always had her hands busy. She calls herself a crafter of the senses; if it smells good, feels good, tastes good, or of course, looks good, she is interested. The process excites her, that is why she loves to teach all the mediums she has explored. Gayle fell in love with the art of soap making when she apprenticed at the “Greencastle Soap Company” under Soap Master Sandra Tarbox. There, she got to create,

explore and teach the fine art of handcrafted, cold-processed soap. She is happy to share her knowledge and get you making soap at home for your family.

Intro to Beekeeping Workshop - Saturday, November 19th from 10:00 a.m. to NoonCost: $20. Preregistration Required - only 15 spaces available. Register at the store or online at www.sunpeopledrygoods.com

Local beekeeping expert Jim Miller of Miller’s Homestead will discuss all aspects of sustainably keeping bees. This class is a great introduction for people that are interested in keeping bees but aren’t really sure what all is needed to get started. Jim will focus on natural beekeeping methods and will also cover the wonderful world of honey!

Jim Miller has been a beekeeper for about 20 years and is Certified Master Beekeeper through Washington State Beekeepers Assoc. Currently he has 30 hives that are maintained following the standards of the National Certified Naturally Grown Apiary which follows organic practices. He also has a small business supplying beekeeping equipment. Every year during the fall and winter months he teaches Basic Urban Beekeeping to about 150 students. Come join Jim and learn the basics of Urban Beekeeping.

Transitioning to LED; A Beginners Guide - Saturday, November 19th from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.FREE. Preregistration Required - only 20 spaces available. Register at the store or online at www.sunpeopledrygoods.com

Elizabeth Pece of Escent Lighting will cover the latest innovations and technology in residential lighting with an emphasis on how to successfully blend incandescent, low voltage, compact fluorescent, and LED technology in your home. Also important is the upcoming incandescent bulb phase out beginning in 2012 - learn how you can make small changes to successfully adapt to the new energy regulations for home and business.

Elizabeth Pece is a lighting designer with Escent Lighting. A graduate of WSU’s Interior Design program, she loves all aspects of design, but especially how lighting brings life to the spaces we use. Living the Lighting Dream!

Film Showing of “Blue Vinyl” - Sunday, November 20th from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.FREE. No Preregistration Required. Everyone is welcome to attend!

With humor and a piece of vinyl siding firmly in hand, Peabody Award-winning filmmaker Judith Helfand and co-director and award-winning cinematographer Daniel B. Gold set out in search of the truth about polyvinyl chloride (PVC), America’s most popular plastic.

Title: Permaculture: Beautiful Yards - Healthy neighborhoodsDate: november 3, 2011Time: Potluck: 6:30 Presentation: 7:30Place: Salem Lutheran Church, 1428 W. Broadway, Spokane, WaTel: 328-6280 Come hear how to transform your suburban landscape into asus-

tainable oasis! Jan Spencer has been transforming his 1/4 acre sub-urban property in Eugene, Oregon,since 2000, and will be sharing stories, helpful hints, and photos Thursdaynov. 3, at Salem Luther-anChurch, 1428 W Broadway, Spokane, Wa 99201. The evening will begin

With a potluck from 6:30-7:30 PM, Jan’s presentation at 7:30, and information tabling by local organizations connected to the support of sustainability in the Inland northwest before and after the presenta-tion.

Permaculture Your Yard

Page 15: GLM November 2011

November 2011 • GreenLivingMonthly.com • 15

Downtown Spokane Farmers’ Market Wednesdays- 8am - 1pm Saturdays - 8am - 1pm

Deer Park Farmers Market 412 W Crawford 10:00 am - 6:00 pm Wednesday - Saturday


FLEA-MARKETCottage industry advertising for as little

as $50 Mo. Call for details. 467-3826

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Locally Owned Aveda Concept Salon

Color Service for New GuestsO�er expires December 31, 2011

FESTIVAL OF FAIR TRADE: Let your holiday shopping make a positive difference in the world! This year’s Festival will feature sweatshop free handcrafts, clothing, jewelry and pottery from Nepal, Mexico, Chile, Guatemala, Pakistan, Spain and other far corners of the world. Your purchase of Fairly Traded products supports artisan cooperatives, small farmers and sustainable economic development in some of the world’s lowest income regions.FREE ADMISSION

When: Thanksgiving Weekend, Nov.25, 26 & 27th at 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m.

Where: The Community Building 35 W. Main, Downtown Spokane

Website: www.festivaloffairtrade.comFor more information, contact Kim at Kizuri 509.464-7677

Announcing the 4th event in 2011 Green Business Networking Luncheon series

Topic: McKinstry — Before & AfterGuest Speaker: Kim Pearman-Gillman, Business Development Director for McKinstryEvent Date: Monday, November 21, 2011, 11:30 AM – 1:15 PM, lunch and speaker at noonEvent Location: Spokane Convention Center, 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd., downtown Spokane

Tickets are $18 and available in advance from Sustainable Re-sources (509-209-2861) or at the door (cash or check only). Credit or debit card ticket purchases may be made online through Brown Paper Tickets until Wednesday, nov. 16 at http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/207097.

This epic story is about the journey from neglected railroad barn to a campus for green technology. McKinstry gets a new demonstration site to showcase their energy expertise, and Spokane gets 100s of new jobs, a major anchor in the university District, and a great place to work if you like to kayak during lunch!

We all saw what Kim Pearman-Gillman helped create at Steam Plant Square in that historic renovation for avista, and now she’s at it again working alongside her teammates at McKinstry on the rede-velopment of another historic Spokane treasure, the 1907 SIERR (Spokane Inland Empire Railroad) streetcar facility and shops --McK-instry’s new Inland nW home. Moving from historic to high perform-ance--for the last year they’ve been busy renovating their new Eastern Wa headquarters into a state-of-the -art, energy efficient showcase that incorporates various energy efficiency, sustainable and renewa-bles technologies--setting a new standard for making saving historical buildings financially feasible. amazing, but true!

This luncheon event series is hosted by Sustainable Resources and sponsored by avista utilities, Spokane Teachers Credit union, unico Properties LLC, Eco Depot, and Sunshine Disposal & Recy-cling.

Sustainable Resources InW (formerly SLIP, Sustainable Local In-vestment Partners) is an educational non-profit dedicated to promot-ing sustainable practices that make our community stronger for the long run.

Do you know of a market or event that should be on our ca-lander? Please send us an email or give us a call. [email protected] or 467-3826.

As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. ~John Fitzgerald Kennedy

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