GLIMPSPE by Ms. Villamer

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  • 8/3/2019 GLIMPSPE by Ms. Villamer



    Data from a 2006 study in the

    Philippines indicate a four-percent

    incidence (thats more than three

    million!) of ADHD in children. Attention

    Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a child-hood

    onset, clinically heterogeneous disorder of

    inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. Brain

    abnormalities were caused by frontolimbic

    dysfunction. These investigators suggested that

    weak frontal cortical inhibitory control over limbic

    functions could lead to ADHD. A review of the

    neurologic literature showing similarities in

    disinhibited behavior between adult patients with

    frontal lobe damage and children with ADHD

    provided further evidence that the frontal lobes

    could be involved in the pathophysiology of thedisorder. Two sources of data have tested the

    frontolimbic hypothesis of ADHD:

    neuropsychological studies and neuroimaging


    Myths About Attention Deficit

    Hyperactivity Disorder

    Myth Fact

    All kids withADHD are


    Some children withADHD are

    hyperactive, but many

    others with attention

    problems are not.

    Kids with ADHD

    can never pay


    Children with ADHD

    are often able to

    concentrate. But no

    matter how hard they

    try, they have trouble

    maintain focus when

    the task at hand is

    boring and repetitive.

    Kids with ADHD

    choose to be

    difficult and

    could behave

    better if they

    wanted to.

    Children with ADHD

    may do their best to be

    good, but still be

    unable to sit still, stay

    quiet or pay attention.

    They may appear

    disobedient, but that

    doesnt mean they are

    action out on purpose.

    Kids will

    eventually grow

    out of ADHD.

    ADHD often continues

    into adulthood, so

    dont wait to outgrow

    the problem.

    Medication is the Medication is often

    Which one of these children may have


    a. The hyperactive boy who talks

    nonstop and cant sit still.

    b. The quiet dreamer who sits at her

    desk and stares off to space.

    c. Both A and B.Anwer: C

  • 8/3/2019 GLIMPSPE by Ms. Villamer


    best treatment

    for ADHD.

    prescribed but it might

    not be the best option.

    Effective treatment

    includes education,

    behavioral therapy,

    support at home and

    school, exercise and

    proper nutrition.

    Children with ADHD are easily recognized

    in clinics, in schools, and in the home. Its

    normal for children to occasionally forget

    their homework, daydream during class,

    act without thinking, or get fidgety at the

    dinner table but inattention, impulsivity,

    and hyperactivity are not.

    Disorganized Their inattention leads to

    daydreaming, distractibility, and difficulties

    in sustaining effort on a single task for a

    prolonged period. Their impulsivity makes

    them accident prone, creates problems

    with peers, and disrupts classrooms. Their

    hyperactivity, often manifest as fidgeting

    and excessive talking, is poorly tolerated

    in schools and is frustrating to parents,

    who can easily lose them in crowds and

    cannot get them to sleep at a reasonable


    The ADHD Island] I have been

    thinking a lot about the isolation that

    seems to come along for children who are

    struggling with ADHDs presence in their

    lives. Sometimes the isolation comes in

    the form of escapism, sometimes it feels

    as though youre banished from life all

    together, sometimes you choose to

    withdraw and wallow, and then theres just

    the isolation that can come about when

    you realize you have to create the best life

    and environment you can for your self.

    Outcast Children with ADHD find it

    difficult to make and keep friends because

    their peers often dont understand their

    behavior and judge them. They disrupts

    situations, often gains punishments so

    they may find it easier not to bother trying

    to fit in.

  • 8/3/2019 GLIMPSPE by Ms. Villamer


    To enhance their talents and crafts after-

    school and weekend activities and sports

    are especially good for kids with Attention

    Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder.

    Parents should support their children with

    whatever activities they wanted to


    Most children, ADHD or not love being

    outside. Nature sports like biking and

    hiking are good for high energy kids.

    Kids will be constantly moving

    and using large muscle groups,

    keeping him focused. For thosechildren with ADHD who loves music,

    mothers can enroll their children on a

    music class since music exercises on

    both sides at the same time trains their

    mind to multitask better.

    Michael Phelps is an American

    swimmer who has, overall, won 16

    Olympics medals- six gold and two bronze

    at Athens in 2004, and received eight gold

    in Beijing in 2008, becoming the most

    successful athlete at both of these

    Olympics Games Editions. He was

    diagnosed with ADHD at the age of

    9. The constant movement during

    swimming keeps up with your kids

    energy level and the self discipline

    the sport requires is good for the3m


    Joining theatre will also help

    the child to improve and

    sharpens their concentrations

    by means of line memorization, regular

    practices and the rush of being on stage.



    Gifted Have you heard about all the

    famous people with ADHD? Well many of

    the stories are true. Some of the most

  • 8/3/2019 GLIMPSPE by Ms. Villamer


    talented, creative and successful people

    in this world have ADHD.

    Did you know that one of the most

    famous people with ADHD was AlbertEinstein? It wasnt called Attention Deficit

    Disorder back then. But the thought of

    him having it makes many wonder

    what our lives would be like today if

    Einstein, one of the greatest minds

    of the last century, had been

    prescribed Ritalin. Would he have

    been creative enough to come up with the

    theory of relativity or discover the law of

    the photoelectric effect? Maybe so, but

    who knows?

    Creative Children who have ADHD can

    be marvelously creative and imaginative.

    The child who daydreams and has ten

    different thoughts at once can become a

    master problem-solver, a fountain of

    ideas, or an inventive artist. Children

    with ADHD may be easily

    distracted, but sometimes they

    notice what others dont see.

    Flexible Because children with

    ADD/ADHD consider a lot of options at

    once, they dont become set on one

    alternative early on and are more open to

    different ideas.

    Enthusiasm and Spontaneity

    Children with ADHD are rarely boring!

    Theyre interested in a lot of different

    things and have lively personalities. In

    short, if theyre not exasperating you (and

    sometimes even when they are), theyre a

    lot of fun to be with.

    Energetic and Drive When kids with

    ADD/ADHD are motivated, they work or

    play hard and strive to succeed. It actually

    may be difficult to distract them from a

    task that interests them, especially if the

    activity is interactive or hands-on.


    So the next time you think of

    ADHD as a curse, a disease or

    the worst thing that could have

    ever happened to you or your

    child, think again! Youre in good

    company with a lot of famous
