Registered Charity Number: 1142813 Issue July 2018 Supporting the work of your church

Glenda Edwards Â’ch Trysorydd lleol Am fwy o cysylltwch ... · Glenda Edwards Yr Eglwys yng Nghymru 4 ydd Llawr, 2 Sgwâr Callaghan Caerdydd. CF10 5BT 029 2034 8216 [email protected]

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Page 1: Glenda Edwards Â’ch Trysorydd lleol Am fwy o cysylltwch ... · Glenda Edwards Yr Eglwys yng Nghymru 4 ydd Llawr, 2 Sgwâr Callaghan Caerdydd. CF10 5BT 029 2034 8216 rhoiynsyth@eglwysyngnghymru.org.uk

Why use Gift Direct?

Your giving supports ...

it means you, the giver are always in control.

it is easier for the giver and for the church.

it means no frantic search for the correct money or hurried writing of cheques before church.

it is reliable, as your gift arrives each month direct to your church’s bank account.

it means Gift Aid can be claimed and paid direct to your church if you are a tax payer.

… Clergy and training across the Diocese.

… Ministry; shown by every person visited, every confirmation course run, every assembly taken, every bereaved family comforted. It supports each baptism offered; each sermon preached; each Eucharist celebrated and each person shown the love of Christ through care, comfort and compassion.

… the work of the Church here in this community; in all parts of the Diocese and also overseas

For further information contact: Your local Treasurer or Glenda Edwards The Church in Wales 4th Floor, 2 Callaghan Square, Cardiff. CF10 5BT 029 2034 8216 [email protected]

Pam defnyddio Rhoi yn Syth

Bydd eich rhodd yn cynnal ...

chi, y rhoddwr, sy bob amser yn rheoli.

mae’n haws i’r rhoddwr ac i’r eglwys.

dim chwilio gorffwyll am yr arian iawn nac ysgrifennu sieciau ar frys cyn mynd i’r eglwys.

mae’n ddibynadwy - â eich rhodd bob mis yn syth i gyfrif banc eich eglwys.

gellir hawlio Cymorth Rhodd a’i dalu’n syth i’ch eglwys os ydych yn drethdalwr.

… Clerigion a hyfforddiant ledled yr Esgobaeth.

… Gweinidogaeth; fe’i gwelir ym mhawb yr ymwelwyd â hwy, pob cwrs conffyrmasiwn a fu, pob gwasanaeth ysgol a gymerwyd, pob teulu trallodus a gysurwyd. Bydd yn cynnal pob bedydd a gynigir, pob pregeth a draddodir, pob Cymun a weinyddir a phawb y dangosir iddynt gariad Crist mewn gofal a chysur a thrugaredd.

Registered Charity Number: 1142813 Issue July 2018

Supporting the work of your church

Cefnogi gwaith eich eglwys

Elusen Gofrestredig Rhif: 1142813 Rhifyn Gorffennaf 2018

2 2

Am fwy o cysylltwch: Â’ch Trysorydd lleol neu Glenda Edwards Yr Eglwys yng Nghymru 4

ydd Llawr, 2 Sgwâr Callaghan

Caerdydd. CF10 5BT 029 2034 8216 [email protected]

… gwaith yr Eglwys yn y gymuned hon, ym mhob rhan o’r Esgobaeth a thramor. 

Page 2: Glenda Edwards Â’ch Trysorydd lleol Am fwy o cysylltwch ... · Glenda Edwards Yr Eglwys yng Nghymru 4 ydd Llawr, 2 Sgwâr Callaghan Caerdydd. CF10 5BT 029 2034 8216 rhoiynsyth@eglwysyngnghymru.org.uk

Why use Gift Direct?

Your giving supports ...

it means you, the giver are always in control.

it is easier for the giver and for the church.

it means no frantic search for the correct money or hurried writing of cheques before church.

it is reliable, as your gift arrives each month direct to your church’s bank account.

it means Gift Aid can be claimed and paid direct to your church if you are a tax payer.

… Clergy and training across the Diocese.

… Ministry; shown by every person visited, every confirmation course run, every assembly taken, every bereaved family comforted. It supports each baptism offered; each sermon preached; each Eucharist celebrated and each person shown the love of Christ through care, comfort and compassion.

… the work of the Church here in this community; in all parts of the Diocese and also overseas

For further information contact: Your local Treasurer or Glenda Edwards The Church in Wales 4th Floor, 2 Callaghan Square, Cardiff. CF10 5BT 029 2034 8216 [email protected]

Pam defnyddio Rhoi yn Syth

Bydd eich rhodd yn cynnal ...

chi, y rhoddwr, sy bob amser yn rheoli.

mae’n haws i’r rhoddwr ac i’r eglwys.

dim chwilio gorffwyll am yr arian iawn nac ysgrifennu sieciau ar frys cyn mynd i’r eglwys.

mae’n ddibynadwy - â eich rhodd bob mis yn syth i gyfrif banc eich eglwys.

gellir hawlio Cymorth Rhodd a’i dalu’n syth i’ch eglwys os ydych yn drethdalwr.

… Clerigion a hyfforddiant ledled yr Esgobaeth.

… Gweinidogaeth; fe’i gwelir ym mhawb yr ymwelwyd â hwy, pob cwrs conffyrmasiwn a fu, pob gwasanaeth ysgol a gymerwyd, pob teulu trallodus a gysurwyd. Bydd yn cynnal pob bedydd a gynigir, pob pregeth a draddodir, pob Cymun a weinyddir a phawb y dangosir iddynt gariad Crist mewn gofal a chysur a thrugaredd.

Registered Charity Number: 1142813 Issue July 2018

Supporting the work of your church

Cefnogi gwaith eich eglwys

Elusen Gofrestredig Rhif: 1142813 Rhifyn Gorffennaf 2018

2 2

Am fwy o cysylltwch: Â’ch Trysorydd lleol neu Glenda Edwards Yr Eglwys yng Nghymru 4

ydd Llawr, 2 Sgwâr Callaghan

Caerdydd. CF10 5BT 029 2034 8216 [email protected]

… gwaith yr Eglwys yn y gymuned hon, ym mhob rhan o’r Esgobaeth a thramor. 

Page 3: Glenda Edwards Â’ch Trysorydd lleol Am fwy o cysylltwch ... · Glenda Edwards Yr Eglwys yng Nghymru 4 ydd Llawr, 2 Sgwâr Callaghan Caerdydd. CF10 5BT 029 2034 8216 rhoiynsyth@eglwysyngnghymru.org.uk

Questions about Gift Direct answered Do I have to pay tax in order to use the scheme?

No you don’t have to pay tax, you can just choose to make your donations via Direct Debit and instruct us not to reclaim tax. You should clearly mark your form if this is the case.

Do I need to instruct my bank? You will only need to contact your bank if you have been making donations via Standing Order. (You will need to cancel the Standing Order otherwise you will have two amounts being taken from your account). The Provincial Office should be notified of any changes once you have completed the Direct Debit forms.

Can I still make donations directly to my church? You can if you wish make donations to your church by Standing Order, weekly envelope or cheque. If these Gifts are to be tax effective you will need to have a Gift Aid Declaration in favour of your church. You should speak to your Gift Aid Secretary about this.

How will my Gift Aid Secretary know that I am making donations to the church? The Provincial Office informs Gift Aid Secretaries on a monthly basis of donations and tax refunds being paid into the church account, and who has made those donations.

Can both a husband and wife use the scheme? Yes if both a husband and wife pay tax they can use the scheme. However, they will be required to have separate Gift Direct commitments even if the donations are collected from the same joint bank account. The Church in Wales cannot accept a Gift Direct commitment in joint names.

How can I increase or decrease my donation? You simply need to instruct the Provincial Office in writing quoting your Gift Direct reference number. This is your donation to amend as you wish; you stay in control at all times.

What if I change church? If you change church and wish to redirect your giving you simply inform the Provincial Office of your wishes in writing quoting your Gift Direct reference number.

What do I do if I stop paying tax? You will need to instruct the Provincial Office in writing as soon as possible. It is up to you to decide if you want to cancel the Direct Debit or simply instruct the Provincial Office not to reclaim tax.

How do I amend my monthly donation? You simply need to instruct the Provincial Office of the new amount you wish to donate. There is an option to increase your donation annually in line with the Retail Price Index. If you chose this option we will still contact you in writing prior to the new increased amount being implemented. You stay in control of your donations at all times.

Can I make my Gift Direct donations by Standing Order? No. The Gift Direct system is a Direct Debit system and so unfortunately is not able to receive donations by Standing Order.

Joining Instructions 1. Everything you need is in this leaflet. 2. Fill out the Gift Direct Commitment Form and the Direct Debit Form on pages 7 and 8. 3. Pull out the envelope section of this book. Moisten the glue area on page 6 and seal

(you may want to add some tape at the sides). There is no need for a stamp, the postage is free.

Talk to someone in The Church in Wales If you have any questions in relation to the Gift Direct scheme, please contact:

Glenda Edwards 029 2034 8216 [email protected]

or write to: The Church in Wales, 4th Floor, 2 Callaghan Square, Cardiff. CF10 5BT

Gift Direct is administered by the Representative Body of the Church in Wales, which is a registered charity. Registered Charity Number 1142813

About Direct Debits All banks and building societies offer the guarantee printed below.

The Direct Debit Guarantee This Guarantee is offered by all banks and building societies that

accept instructions to pay Direct Debits.

If there are any changes to the amount, date or frequency of your Direct Debit The Representative Body of The Church in Wales Registered Charity Number 1142813 (the RB) will notify you ten working days in advance of your account being debited or as otherwise agreed. If you request the RB to collect a payment, confirmation of the amount and date will be given to you at the time of the request.

If an error is made in the payment of your Direct Debit, by the RB or your bank or building society, you are entitled to a full and immediate refund of the amount paid from your bank or building society; If you receive a refund you are not entitled to, you must pay it back

when the RB asks you to.

You can cancel a Direct Debit at any time by simply contacting your bank or building society. Written confirmation may be required. Please also notify us.

Ateb cwestiynau am Roi yn Syth Oes rhaid imi fod yn talu treth i ddefnyddio’r cynllun?

Na; does dim rhaid ichi fod yn talu treth; gallwch ddewis roi trwy Roi yn Syth a’n cyfarwyddo i beidio â hawlio ad-daliad treth. Os felly, dylech nodi hynny’n glir ar y ffurflen.

Oes rhaid imi roi cyfarwyddyd i’m banc? Dim ond os buoch yn rhoi trwy Orchymyn Sefydlog. (Bydd yn rhaid ichi ganslo’ Gorchymyn Sefydlog neu fe dynnir dau swm allan o’ch cyfrif.) Dylid rhoi gwybod i Swyddfa’r Dalaith unwaith yr ydych wedi cwblhau’r ffurflenni Debyd Uniongyrchol.

A allaf fi barhau i gyfrannu yn uniongyrchol i’m heglwys? Os dymunwch, gallwch roi i’ch eglwys trwy Orchymyn Sefydlog, amlen wythnosol neusiec. Os yw’r rhoddion hyn i hawlio ad-daliad treth rhaid ichi gwblhau Datganiad Cymorth Rhodd er budd eich eglwys. Dylech drafod hyn gyda’ch Ysgrifennydd Cymorth Rhodd.

Sut y bydd fy Ysgrifennydd Cymorth Rhodd yn gwybod fy mod i’n rhoi arian at yr eglwys? Bydd Swyddfa’r Dalaith yn rhoi gwybod yn fisol i bob Ysgrifennydd Cymorth Rhodd am y rhoddion a’r ad-daliadau treth a delir i gyfrif yr eglwys a phwy a’u gwnaeth.

A all gŵr a gwraig ddefnyddio’r cynllun? Gallant; os yw’r gŵr a’r wraig yn talu treth gallant ddefnyddio’r cynllun. Fodd bynnag, bydd angen iddynt gwblhau ffurflenni Cymorth Rhodd ar wahân, hyd yn oed os cesglir y rhoddion o’r un cyfrif banc. Ni all Yr Eglwys yng Nghymru dderbyn ymrwymiad Cymorth Rhodd ar y cyd rhwng dau.

Sut y gallaf fi gynyddu neu leihau fy rhodd? Yn syml, trwy hysbysu Swyddfa’r Dalaith mewn ysgrifen gan gynnwys eich cyfeirif Cymorth Rhodd. Eich rhodd chi yw hon, a gallwch ei newid fel y mynnoch; chi sy’n rheoli bob amser.

Beth os byddaf fi’n newid eglwys? Os byddwch yn newid eglwys ac am ailgyfeirio eich rhodd, rhowch wybod i Swyddfa’r Dalaith mewn ysgrifen gan gynnwys eich cyfeirif Cymorth Rhodd.

Beth os byddaf fi’n peidio â thalu treth? Rhaid ichi hysbysu Swyddfa’r Dalaith cyn gynted ag y bo modd. Chi sydd i benderfynu a ydych am ganslo’r Debyd Uniongyrchol neu dim ond am gyfarwyddo’r Swyddfa i beidio â hawlio ad-daliad treth.

Sut y gallaf fi newid fy rhodd fisol? Yn syml, trwy hysbysu Swyddfa’r Dalaith o’r swm newydd yr ydych am ei roi. Gellir dewis cynyddu eich rhodd yn flynyddol yn unol â’r mynegai Prisiau Adwerthol. Os dewiswch hynny fe fyddwn yn cysylltu â chi mewn ysgrifen cyn y telir y swm newydd. Chi sydd wrth y llyw bob amser gyda’ch rhoddion.

A allaf fi roi fy rhoddion Rhoi yn Syth trwy Orchymyn Sefydlog? Na. Trefn Ddebyd Uniongyrchol yw’r drefn Rhoi yn Syth. Felly, yn anffodus ni all dderbyn rhoddion trwy Orchymyn Sefydlog.

Sut i Ymuno 1. Mae popeth y mae arnoch ei angen yn y ffurflen hon. 2. Cwblhewch y ffurflen ymrwymo i Gymorth Rhodd ar dudalen 7 a’r ffurflen Debyd

Uniongyrchol ar dudalen 8. 3. Tynnwch allan adran amlen y llyfryn hwn. Glychwch y man gludiog ar dudalen 6 a’i

selio (fe all y byddwch am osod tâp ar yr ochrau). Does dim angen stamp; mae’r postio am ddim.

Trafod â rhywun yn Yr Eglwys yng Nghymru Os oes gennych unrhyw gwestiynau am y cynllun Rhoi yn Syth, cysylltwch â:

Glenda Edwards 029 2034 8216 [email protected]

neu ysgrifennwch at: Yr Eglwys yng Nghymru,4

ydd llawr, 2 Sgwâr Callaghan, Caerdydd. CF10 5BT

Gweinyddir Rhoi yn Syth gan Gorff Cynrychiolwyr yr Eglwys yng Nghymru,

sy’n elusen gofrestiedig. Elusen Gofrestredig Rhif 1142813

Am Ddebydau Uniongyrchol Mae pob banc a chymdeithas adeiladu yn rhoi’r warant a argreffir isod.

Y Warant Debyd Uniongyrchol Cynigir y Warant hon gan bob banc a chymdeithas adeiladu sy’n

derbyn cyfarwyddyd i dalu Debydau Uniongyrchol.

Os bydd unrhyw newid i swm, dyddiad neu amlder eich Debyd Uniongyrchol, bydd Corff Cynrychiolwyr yr Eglwys yng Nghymru, Elusen Gofrestredig Rhif 1142813, yn eich hysbysu ddeng niwrnod gwaith cyn y debydir eich cyfrif neu fel y cytunwyd yn wahanol. Os gofynnwch i Gorff y Cynrychiolwyr gasglu taliad, fe gewch gadarnhad o’r swm a’r dyddiad ar adeg y gofyn.

Os gwna Corff y Cynrychiolwyr neu eich banc neu gymdeithas adeiladu gamgymeriad wrth dalu eich Debyd Uniongyrchol, y mae gennych hawl i ad-daliad llawn ac ar unwaith gan eich banc neu gymdeithas adeiladu Os derbyniwch ad-daliad nad oes gennych hawl iddo, rhaid i chwi

ei dalu’n ôl i Gorff y Cynrychiolwyr pan ofynnir i chwi.

Gallwch ganslo Debyd Uniongyrchol unrhyw bryd trwy gysylltu â’ch banc neu gymdeithasadeiladu. Fe all y bydd angen cadarnhad ysgrifenedig. Rhowch wybod i ninnau hefyd, os gwelwch yn dda.

3 4 3 4

Page 4: Glenda Edwards Â’ch Trysorydd lleol Am fwy o cysylltwch ... · Glenda Edwards Yr Eglwys yng Nghymru 4 ydd Llawr, 2 Sgwâr Callaghan Caerdydd. CF10 5BT 029 2034 8216 rhoiynsyth@eglwysyngnghymru.org.uk

Questions about Gift Direct answered Do I have to pay tax in order to use the scheme?

No you don’t have to pay tax, you can just choose to make your donations via Direct Debit and instruct us not to reclaim tax. You should clearly mark your form if this is the case.

Do I need to instruct my bank? You will only need to contact your bank if you have been making donations via Standing Order. (You will need to cancel the Standing Order otherwise you will have two amounts being taken from your account). The Provincial Office should be notified of any changes once you have completed the Direct Debit forms.

Can I still make donations directly to my church? You can if you wish make donations to your church by Standing Order, weekly envelope or cheque. If these Gifts are to be tax effective you will need to have a Gift Aid Declaration in favour of your church. You should speak to your Gift Aid Secretary about this.

How will my Gift Aid Secretary know that I am making donations to the church? The Provincial Office informs Gift Aid Secretaries on a monthly basis of donations and tax refunds being paid into the church account, and who has made those donations.

Can both a husband and wife use the scheme? Yes if both a husband and wife pay tax they can use the scheme. However, they will be required to have separate Gift Direct commitments even if the donations are collected from the same joint bank account. The Church in Wales cannot accept a Gift Direct commitment in joint names.

How can I increase or decrease my donation? You simply need to instruct the Provincial Office in writing quoting your Gift Direct reference number. This is your donation to amend as you wish; you stay in control at all times.

What if I change church? If you change church and wish to redirect your giving you simply inform the Provincial Office of your wishes in writing quoting your Gift Direct reference number.

What do I do if I stop paying tax? You will need to instruct the Provincial Office in writing as soon as possible. It is up to you to decide if you want to cancel the Direct Debit or simply instruct the Provincial Office not to reclaim tax.

How do I amend my monthly donation? You simply need to instruct the Provincial Office of the new amount you wish to donate. There is an option to increase your donation annually in line with the Retail Price Index. If you chose this option we will still contact you in writing prior to the new increased amount being implemented. You stay in control of your donations at all times.

Can I make my Gift Direct donations by Standing Order? No. The Gift Direct system is a Direct Debit system and so unfortunately is not able to receive donations by Standing Order.

Joining Instructions 1. Everything you need is in this leaflet. 2. Fill out the Gift Direct Commitment Form and the Direct Debit Form on pages 7 and 8. 3. Pull out the envelope section of this book. Moisten the glue area on page 6 and seal

(you may want to add some tape at the sides). There is no need for a stamp, the postage is free.

Talk to someone in The Church in Wales If you have any questions in relation to the Gift Direct scheme, please contact:

Glenda Edwards 029 2034 8216 [email protected]

or write to: The Church in Wales, 4th Floor, 2 Callaghan Square, Cardiff. CF10 5BT

Gift Direct is administered by the Representative Body of the Church in Wales, which is a registered charity. Registered Charity Number 1142813

About Direct Debits All banks and building societies offer the guarantee printed below.

The Direct Debit Guarantee This Guarantee is offered by all banks and building societies that

accept instructions to pay Direct Debits.

If there are any changes to the amount, date or frequency of your Direct Debit The Representative Body of The Church in Wales Registered Charity Number 1142813 (the RB) will notify you ten working days in advance of your account being debited or as otherwise agreed. If you request the RB to collect a payment, confirmation of the amount and date will be given to you at the time of the request.

If an error is made in the payment of your Direct Debit, by the RB or your bank or building society, you are entitled to a full and immediate refund of the amount paid from your bank or building society; If you receive a refund you are not entitled to, you must pay it back

when the RB asks you to.

You can cancel a Direct Debit at any time by simply contacting your bank or building society. Written confirmation may be required. Please also notify us.

Ateb cwestiynau am Roi yn Syth Oes rhaid imi fod yn talu treth i ddefnyddio’r cynllun?

Na; does dim rhaid ichi fod yn talu treth; gallwch ddewis roi trwy Roi yn Syth a’n cyfarwyddo i beidio â hawlio ad-daliad treth. Os felly, dylech nodi hynny’n glir ar y ffurflen.

Oes rhaid imi roi cyfarwyddyd i’m banc? Dim ond os buoch yn rhoi trwy Orchymyn Sefydlog. (Bydd yn rhaid ichi ganslo’ Gorchymyn Sefydlog neu fe dynnir dau swm allan o’ch cyfrif.) Dylid rhoi gwybod i Swyddfa’r Dalaith unwaith yr ydych wedi cwblhau’r ffurflenni Debyd Uniongyrchol.

A allaf fi barhau i gyfrannu yn uniongyrchol i’m heglwys? Os dymunwch, gallwch roi i’ch eglwys trwy Orchymyn Sefydlog, amlen wythnosol neusiec. Os yw’r rhoddion hyn i hawlio ad-daliad treth rhaid ichi gwblhau Datganiad Cymorth Rhodd er budd eich eglwys. Dylech drafod hyn gyda’ch Ysgrifennydd Cymorth Rhodd.

Sut y bydd fy Ysgrifennydd Cymorth Rhodd yn gwybod fy mod i’n rhoi arian at yr eglwys? Bydd Swyddfa’r Dalaith yn rhoi gwybod yn fisol i bob Ysgrifennydd Cymorth Rhodd am y rhoddion a’r ad-daliadau treth a delir i gyfrif yr eglwys a phwy a’u gwnaeth.

A all gŵr a gwraig ddefnyddio’r cynllun? Gallant; os yw’r gŵr a’r wraig yn talu treth gallant ddefnyddio’r cynllun. Fodd bynnag, bydd angen iddynt gwblhau ffurflenni Cymorth Rhodd ar wahân, hyd yn oed os cesglir y rhoddion o’r un cyfrif banc. Ni all Yr Eglwys yng Nghymru dderbyn ymrwymiad Cymorth Rhodd ar y cyd rhwng dau.

Sut y gallaf fi gynyddu neu leihau fy rhodd? Yn syml, trwy hysbysu Swyddfa’r Dalaith mewn ysgrifen gan gynnwys eich cyfeirif Cymorth Rhodd. Eich rhodd chi yw hon, a gallwch ei newid fel y mynnoch; chi sy’n rheoli bob amser.

Beth os byddaf fi’n newid eglwys? Os byddwch yn newid eglwys ac am ailgyfeirio eich rhodd, rhowch wybod i Swyddfa’r Dalaith mewn ysgrifen gan gynnwys eich cyfeirif Cymorth Rhodd.

Beth os byddaf fi’n peidio â thalu treth? Rhaid ichi hysbysu Swyddfa’r Dalaith cyn gynted ag y bo modd. Chi sydd i benderfynu a ydych am ganslo’r Debyd Uniongyrchol neu dim ond am gyfarwyddo’r Swyddfa i beidio â hawlio ad-daliad treth.

Sut y gallaf fi newid fy rhodd fisol? Yn syml, trwy hysbysu Swyddfa’r Dalaith o’r swm newydd yr ydych am ei roi. Gellir dewis cynyddu eich rhodd yn flynyddol yn unol â’r mynegai Prisiau Adwerthol. Os dewiswch hynny fe fyddwn yn cysylltu â chi mewn ysgrifen cyn y telir y swm newydd. Chi sydd wrth y llyw bob amser gyda’ch rhoddion.

A allaf fi roi fy rhoddion Rhoi yn Syth trwy Orchymyn Sefydlog? Na. Trefn Ddebyd Uniongyrchol yw’r drefn Rhoi yn Syth. Felly, yn anffodus ni all dderbyn rhoddion trwy Orchymyn Sefydlog.

Sut i Ymuno 1. Mae popeth y mae arnoch ei angen yn y ffurflen hon. 2. Cwblhewch y ffurflen ymrwymo i Gymorth Rhodd ar dudalen 7 a’r ffurflen Debyd

Uniongyrchol ar dudalen 8. 3. Tynnwch allan adran amlen y llyfryn hwn. Glychwch y man gludiog ar dudalen 6 a’i

selio (fe all y byddwch am osod tâp ar yr ochrau). Does dim angen stamp; mae’r postio am ddim.

Trafod â rhywun yn Yr Eglwys yng Nghymru Os oes gennych unrhyw gwestiynau am y cynllun Rhoi yn Syth, cysylltwch â:

Glenda Edwards 029 2034 8216 [email protected]

neu ysgrifennwch at: Yr Eglwys yng Nghymru,4

ydd llawr, 2 Sgwâr Callaghan, Caerdydd. CF10 5BT

Gweinyddir Rhoi yn Syth gan Gorff Cynrychiolwyr yr Eglwys yng Nghymru,

sy’n elusen gofrestiedig. Elusen Gofrestredig Rhif 1142813

Am Ddebydau Uniongyrchol Mae pob banc a chymdeithas adeiladu yn rhoi’r warant a argreffir isod.

Y Warant Debyd Uniongyrchol Cynigir y Warant hon gan bob banc a chymdeithas adeiladu sy’n

derbyn cyfarwyddyd i dalu Debydau Uniongyrchol.

Os bydd unrhyw newid i swm, dyddiad neu amlder eich Debyd Uniongyrchol, bydd Corff Cynrychiolwyr yr Eglwys yng Nghymru, Elusen Gofrestredig Rhif 1142813, yn eich hysbysu ddeng niwrnod gwaith cyn y debydir eich cyfrif neu fel y cytunwyd yn wahanol. Os gofynnwch i Gorff y Cynrychiolwyr gasglu taliad, fe gewch gadarnhad o’r swm a’r dyddiad ar adeg y gofyn.

Os gwna Corff y Cynrychiolwyr neu eich banc neu gymdeithas adeiladu gamgymeriad wrth dalu eich Debyd Uniongyrchol, y mae gennych hawl i ad-daliad llawn ac ar unwaith gan eich banc neu gymdeithas adeiladu Os derbyniwch ad-daliad nad oes gennych hawl iddo, rhaid i chwi

ei dalu’n ôl i Gorff y Cynrychiolwyr pan ofynnir i chwi.

Gallwch ganslo Debyd Uniongyrchol unrhyw bryd trwy gysylltu â’ch banc neu gymdeithasadeiladu. Fe all y bydd angen cadarnhad ysgrifenedig. Rhowch wybod i ninnau hefyd, os gwelwch yn dda.

3 4 3 4

Page 5: Glenda Edwards Â’ch Trysorydd lleol Am fwy o cysylltwch ... · Glenda Edwards Yr Eglwys yng Nghymru 4 ydd Llawr, 2 Sgwâr Callaghan Caerdydd. CF10 5BT 029 2034 8216 rhoiynsyth@eglwysyngnghymru.org.uk

The Representative Body of

The Church in Wales

Gift Direct

4th Floor

2 Callaghan Square


CF10 5BT

Page 6: Glenda Edwards Â’ch Trysorydd lleol Am fwy o cysylltwch ... · Glenda Edwards Yr Eglwys yng Nghymru 4 ydd Llawr, 2 Sgwâr Callaghan Caerdydd. CF10 5BT 029 2034 8216 rhoiynsyth@eglwysyngnghymru.org.uk

Deciding what to give There is no easy formula - we are commanded to love God... and our neighbour as ourselves. We give the first day of the week to God in our Sunday worship but it requires a whole new set of priorities to put God first in our finances. Love is generous, love is kind and love is selfless - we see that in all God gives to us... How will we respond? About Gift Aid If you are a tax payer, please indicate this on the Gift Direct Commitment form. It will make a huge difference because the Government will increase the value of all your giving if you do. Currently the extra is 25p for every pound that you give. All you have to do is fill out the forms on pages 7 and 8. Please make sure you include your post code.


Page 7: Glenda Edwards Â’ch Trysorydd lleol Am fwy o cysylltwch ... · Glenda Edwards Yr Eglwys yng Nghymru 4 ydd Llawr, 2 Sgwâr Callaghan Caerdydd. CF10 5BT 029 2034 8216 rhoiynsyth@eglwysyngnghymru.org.uk

GIFT DIRECT COMMITMENT FORM Complete the sections marked with a *

* I want to Gift Aid my donation of £ .................................... per month (or any sum I may subsequently specify) via Direct Debit as a Gift Aid Donation

* PARISH NAME: ........................................................................................ Please tick the appropriate box below: * I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax and / or Capital

Gains tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year it is my responsibility to pay any difference.

or I do not pay sufficient tax and therefore I do not want you to reclaim tax on my donations.

* I wish The Representative Body of the Church in Wales to automatically increase my donation each April in line with the previous calendar year’s RPI increase: Please Delete: Yes / No

* DONOR DETAILS: Title: ....................... Forenames: ................................................ Surname: ................................................................................................ Home Address: ................................................................................................ ................................................................................................ .............................................. Postcode: ...............................

* Language preference for correspondence: English Welsh bilingual * Correspondence method (please notify us of any changes): Email: .................................................................................................... or Post (as above): Yes / No

I authorise The Representative Body of the Church in Wales, Registered Charity Number 1142813, to collect from my bank account on (or after) 6th of each month the amount shown above or such sum as I may subsequently specify. Within a month of its receipt the Church in Wales will forward your donation (and subsequent reclaimed tax if appropriate) to the parish you have indicated.

* Signed: ................................................................... Date: ................................ Please notify the Church in Wales’ Gift Aid Department if you: Want to cancel this declaration Change your name, home address or email address No longer pay sufficient tax on your income and/or capital gains.

If you pay Income Tax at the higher or additional rate and want to receive the additional tax relief due to you, you must include all your Gift Aid donations on your Self-Assessment tax return or ask HM Revenue and Customs to adjust your tax code.

OFFICE USE – 07/18: Parish Number: .............. DG Number: ................ Donor ID: .................


Page 8: Glenda Edwards Â’ch Trysorydd lleol Am fwy o cysylltwch ... · Glenda Edwards Yr Eglwys yng Nghymru 4 ydd Llawr, 2 Sgwâr Callaghan Caerdydd. CF10 5BT 029 2034 8216 rhoiynsyth@eglwysyngnghymru.org.uk

Instruction to your Bank or Building Society to pay by Direct Debit

Please fill in the whole form using a ball point pen and send it to:

Representative Body of The Church in Wales, 4th Floor, 2 Callaghan Square, CARDIFF. CF10 5BT

Registered Charity Number 1142813. Originator's Identification Number: 8 3 6 4 4 6

Name(s) of Account Holder(s):

Bank / Building Society Account Number: Branch Sort Code:

Name and full postal address of your Bank or Building Society

Instruction to your Bank or Building Society Please pay The Representative Body of The Church in Wales (“the RB”) Direct Debits from the account detailed in this Instruction subject to the safeguards assured by the Direct Debit Guarantee. I understand that this Instruction may remain with the RB and, if so, details will be passed electronically to my Bank / Building Society. Signature(s): ...........................................................................................................

Date: ........................................................................................................................



To: The Manager

Name of Bank / Building Society: ............................................................................

Address: ..................................................................................................................


........................................................................ Postcode ........................................  

The Representative Body of the Church in Wales takes Data Protection seriously. Information on how your data is held and how it is processed can be found at:

https://www.churchinwales.org.uk/privacy-notice. If you have any queries or require additional information please contact the Legal Department

[email protected] or by telephone on 029 2034 8200