We are all excited and a little nervous to be embarking on this virtual learning journey. We know our staff, students, and families will have many questions as we get started, but as a strong school community we will all put our best foot forward and show everyone that Achilles Warriors CAN LEARN VIRTUALLY Anywhere!We will support each other and provide the high quality instruction that our students deserve. As always we will be here for one another no matter the platform or circumstance. If there is anything we can do to support your student this school year please ask. The office will be open daily from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM for phone calls. You can e-mail the administrators anytime and expect a response within 24 hours. Teachers will also provide specific schedules to our families and ways to make contact. We are all in this together and we will make this a great year. Katina Keener, Principal Mary Beth Preas, Assistant Principal We are so excited to introduce our new Little Free Library to the Achilles Community. Little Free Library is a nonprofit that inspires a love of reading, builds community, and sparks creativity by fostering neighborhood book exchanges worldwide. We are extremely pleased that the Abingdon Ruritan Club chose to partner with GCPS to create several Little Free Libraries for our schools. If you drive by Achilles Elementary you wont be able to miss this eye catching library that is painted to resemble a barn. It is surrounded by lively farm animals and will be filled with colorful books for elementary age children. The program is designed for taking a book and sharing a book. We ask that if you choose to participate, you share in keeping our library supplied. Simply return book(s) or donate a book as you come back to choose new ones. We hope that you will find our Little Free Library helpful to building literacy in your home. Scholastic research shows that 53% of kids identify school as their main source of books, but unfortunately this source isnt available due to schools being 100% virtual at this time. So we hope this serves as a nice alternative to keep students reading. Please remember to Take a Book and Share a Book and to practice safe handling of materials. We hope that you, as our community, will take as much pride in this new addition, as we do!

Give your child a special reading spot. · encourage your child to see reading as a way to discover the world. 4. Surround your child with reading material. Try to make sure there

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Page 1: Give your child a special reading spot. · encourage your child to see reading as a way to discover the world. 4. Surround your child with reading material. Try to make sure there

We are all excited and a little nervous to be embarking on this virtual learning journey. We know our staff, students, and

families will have many questions as we get started, but as a strong school community we will all put our best foot forward

and show everyone that “Achilles Warriors CAN LEARN VIRTUALLY Anywhere!” We will support each other and provide the

high quality instruction that our students deserve.

As always we will be here for one another no matter the platform or circumstance. If there is anything we can do

to support your student this school year please ask. The office will be open daily from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM for

phone calls. You can e-mail the administrators anytime and expect a response within 24 hours. Teachers will also provide

specific schedules to our families and ways to make contact. We are all in this together and we will make this a great year.

Katina Keener, Principal Mary Beth Preas, Assistant Principal

We are so excited to introduce our new Little Free Library to the Achilles Community. Little Free Library is a nonprofit that inspires a love of reading, builds community, and sparks creativity by fostering neighborhood book exchanges worldwide. We are extremely pleased that the Abingdon Ruritan Club chose to partner with GCPS to create several Little Free Libraries for our schools.

If you drive by Achilles Elementary you won’t be able to miss this eye catching library that is painted to resemble a barn. It is surrounded by lively farm animals and will be filled with colorful books for elementary age children. The program is designed for taking a book and sharing a book. We ask that if you choose to participate, you share in keeping our library supplied. Simply return book(s) or donate a book as you come back to choose new ones.

We hope that you will find our Little Free Library helpful to building literacy in your home. Scholastic research shows that 53% of kids identify school as their main source of books, but unfortunately this source isn’t available due to schools being 100% virtual at this time. So we hope this serves as a nice alternative to keep students reading.

Please remember to Take a Book and Share a Book and to practice safe handling of materials. We hope that you, as our community, will take as much pride in this new addition, as we do!

Page 2: Give your child a special reading spot. · encourage your child to see reading as a way to discover the world. 4. Surround your child with reading material. Try to make sure there

Please contact Deborah Bone at (804) 642-9160 or [email protected] with any questions.

Christy Phillips

1. Give your child a special reading spot. Make sure your child's reading spot is quiet and comfortable. This spot would also make a great place for your child to complete his/her homework.

2. Read aloud to your child. Young children w ho are learning to read w ill enjoy listening to stories, and older children still enjoy listening to their favorite stories. Take turns reading different parts of the story, and ask your child questions as your read through the story.

3. Read everywhere. Reading is not just reading books! Reading is everywhere! Take time to read recipes, menus, road signs, cereal boxes, newspapers, magazines- anything with words on it. This will encourage your child to see reading as a way to discover the world.

4. Surround your child with reading material. Try to make sure there is age-appropriate reading material around the house, on devices, in the car, and on-hand any time your child has to wait, such as at the doctor's office.

5. Read consistently. Set aside a time each day for you and your child to read. I t can be as little as 15 minutes or as long as an hour, but the consistent practice will encourage a lifelong love of reading.

Page 3: Give your child a special reading spot. · encourage your child to see reading as a way to discover the world. 4. Surround your child with reading material. Try to make sure there

What position do you have at Achilles? Nurse

Worst part of your job? Leaving my 3 babies.

Where were you born? I was born in Newport News, VA

What did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be a Nurse!

Marital/Family Status? I have been married 11 years.

First Job? Cashier at local grocery store.

Hobbies? I love boating and the beach...anything w ith my k ids.

Favorite movie? “ Sweet Home Alabama! ”

Favorite food? Mexican!

Something you could not live without? Chocolate!!

Your worst habit? Biting my nails.

Your pet peeve? Lying!!!

Last smart thing you did? Taking this job!

Last dumb thing you did? Who knows?!?

Dream Vacation? Bora Bora

What words or phrases do you overuse the most? “ You know what I’m saying?”

If you had 15 minutes on national television, what would you talk about? The golden rule!! I feel

like it’s been lost these days!!

If you could have one wish come true, what would it be? Of course w in millions of dollars so I can

go to Bora Bora!

What position do you have at Achilles? 4th Grade Teacher

Worst part of your job? Being under appreciated.

Where were you born? I was born in Danville, Pennsylvania

What did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be a lawyer and help

children and families.

Marital/Family Status? I am married to James Cook, 6th grade math special education teacher at Page Middle and we have two kids - Carabella (2) and Jameson (1).

First Job? My first job was babysitting!

Hobbies? I love spending time w ith family, w orking out, cleaning, organizing, and reading personal development books!

Favorite book/movie? Favorite book is “Grace, Not Perfection” and favorite movie is “Remember the Titans”

Favorite food? I don ’t really have a favorite food.

Something you could not live without? I can ’t live without - my water cup staying full and coffee!!!

Your worst habit? Cleaning and organizing!

Your pet peeve? Not keeping your w ord, dirty floors and disorganization.

Last smart thing you did? Found the importance to invest time in myself.

Last dumb thing you did? Took on too many house hold projects at once!!!

Dream Vacation? Spending two weeks w ithout any phone/ internet service, responsibilit ies, or concerns, with my family, on a beach!!!!

What words or phrases do you overuse the most? You ’ll be alright, I love you, it’s going to be okay.

If you had 15 minutes on national television, what would you talk about? I w ould talk about the importance of knowing your own value and worth - your opinion of yourself is the only one that matters.

If you could have one wish come true, what would it be? I would w ish for all individuals to see their worth and purpose in life.

Page 4: Give your child a special reading spot. · encourage your child to see reading as a way to discover the world. 4. Surround your child with reading material. Try to make sure there

1. Count everything! Count how many forks, spoons, and knives fit in the dishwasher. Count by 2s when counting how many socks are in the laundry. Practice counting forward and backward and practice skip counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s. Older students who are learning multiplication can also count by 3s, 4s, 6s, 7s, 8s, or 9s.

2. Play board games! Board games such as Chutes & Ladders and Uno are great for supporting math learning. There are also many board games for older students that reinforce logical thinking or spatial reasoning concepts, such as Clue or Gravity Maze.

3. Practice estimating! Estimating is an important sk ill that supports a strong math foundation. Have your child estimate how long it takes them to get dressed or how many steps it takes to walk to the end of the driveway.

4. Cook or bake together! Cooking and baking are fun activities that involve a lot of math. Fractions (1/2 cup of flour), measuring (pour 1 cup of sugar), and elapsed time (the brownies need to cook for 22 minutes) are all used when cooking.

5. Create and solve your own story problems! Use real-world situations to create and solve story problems. “You have four cookies. If you eat two, how many cookies will you have?” or “It’s 10:43am and the drive to the store takes 23 minutes. What time will we arrive at the store?”

Jessica Brown

What position do you have at Achilles? Sp. Ed. math teacher for grades 3, 4, 5. Worst part of your job? Getting up early!

Where were you born? I was born in Newport News.

What did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be a Veterinarian.

Marital/Family Status? Single

First Job? My First job was a sw im instructor at the YMCA.

Hobbies? I like to garden and exercise.

Favorite food? Sushi

Something you could not live without? Sweet Tea!

Your worst habit? My worst habit is pick ing off nail polish !

Your pet peeve? People chew ing w ith their mouth open.

Last smart thing you did? Use food therapy w ith a child w ith autism.

Last dumb thing you did? Forgot my age!

Dream Vacation? Going to ROME!

What words or phrases do you overuse the most? “Literally”

If you had 15 minutes on national television, what would you talk about? The importance of

cleaning the oceans!

If you could have one wish come true, what would it be? I w ish I could speak every language!

BOX TOPS MAKES IT EASY. No more clipping. No more sending Box Tops to school. All you need is your phone. Download the ALL-NEW Box Tops app,

shop as you normally would, then simply scan your store receipts to find participating products. The app will automatically credit your school's Box Tops earnings online.

Twice a year, your school will receive a check and can use that cash to buy whatever it needs!

Page 5: Give your child a special reading spot. · encourage your child to see reading as a way to discover the world. 4. Surround your child with reading material. Try to make sure there
Page 6: Give your child a special reading spot. · encourage your child to see reading as a way to discover the world. 4. Surround your child with reading material. Try to make sure there


The Community Connection section is presented by Gloucester Community Engagement through the community schools initiative. Gloucester County Public Schools neither sponsors/endorses organizations listed in Community Connections & information included is solely

from the organizations. Gloucester County Public Schools shall not be liable for any loss/damage as a result of information included in the Community Connection section.

Voting During Covid Citizens are encouraged to protect their health during this election season. Here’s how you can vote this election:

1. Voting at the Elections and Voter Registration office at 6467 Main St

Sept. 18-Oct. 30, Mondays-Fridays, 8:00 am—4:30 pm

Oct. 24 & 31, Saturdays 9:00 am—5:00 pm

2. Voting by mail

Voting by Mail/Absentee: Apply by Oct. 23. Ballots can be returned by

mail, in the secure Ballot Drop Box or returned in-person to the

Elections and Voter Registration Office.

3.Voting on Election Day

At your normal polling locations from 6am-7pm. Click here for precinct


For more information contact the Gloucester Registrar’s Office at 693-3659

Gloucester Sales

Tax Referendum

Gloucester residents will see this local referendum

on November’s ballot:

"Should Gloucester County be authorized to levy a general retail sales tax at a rate not to exceed (1% ), provided the revenue from the sales tax shall be used solely for capital projects for the construction or renovation of schools in Gloucester County and that the sales tax shall expire by July 31, 2040?"

For more information about the referendum and

what it means to the county, click on the image to

the left.

Page 7: Give your child a special reading spot. · encourage your child to see reading as a way to discover the world. 4. Surround your child with reading material. Try to make sure there


The Community Connection section is presented by Gloucester Community Engagement through the community schools initiative. Gloucester County Public Schools neither sponsors/endorses organizations listed in Community Connections & information included is solely

from the organizations. Gloucester County Public Schools shall not be liable for any loss/damage as a result of information included in the Community Connection section.

Complete your

census online

Hurry!! Counting Ends Sept. 30

Sarah White


[email protected]


Interested in Scouts?

Pack 133

Tuesdays/6:30 PM

White Marsh Area

9306 Guinea Rd

[email protected]

Pack 175

Thursdays/7 PM

Bellamy Church

4870 Chestnut Fork Rd

[email protected]