Geographical Information Services Team Aerial Photo’s Aerial Photo’s Aerial Photo’s Aerial Photo’s Stockton have led a consortium comprising neighbouring Authorities, Police, Fire, Harbour Master and local environmental organisations in the procurement of high quality ortho-rectified aerial photography. We have already received sets of high quality map-accurate images from 1999 and 2008 to compliment the 2000, 2005 and WWII vintage images of the area that we already held. The final deliverable will be brand new images covering the whole of the Tees Valley, expected to be captured in Spring and delivered in Summer 2012. Aerial photography will be viewable through a range of GIS applications, and can be used to capture data, monitor change, help people visualise a site, or confirm the situation on the ground at a point in time. We have negotiated for the imagery to be licensed for all corporate business use – just contact the GIS team for more information. Change of Address 2 GeoPlace 2 Evtreez 2 New starter 2 GIS day 2011 3 3 Inside this issue: Inside this issue: Inside this issue: Inside this issue: Issue 6 Issue 6 Issue 6 Issue 6 GIS Talk GIS Talk GIS Talk GIS Talk—December 2011 December 2011 December 2011 December 2011 Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas!! It’s that time of the year again, and the winter snow is due to hit us at any time. Be sure to check GIS to locate salt bins near you, and gritting routes to ensure the snow doesn’t stop you getting all that Christmas shopping done!! Base map update Base map update Base map update Base map update New Mastermap and raster data is now being used within maps@stockton and MapInfo based systems including Park- Map. You will notice updates such as the Infinity Bridge! The data isn’t all on desktop GIS yet, but will be in the near future! We will continue to update base mapping as usual throughout 2012. As part of the aerial photography procurements we are going to get brand new height data (contours, digital elevation and terrain moels). This will be great for modelling flooding, viewsheds, slope and aspect. New tools allow us to create 3D images and models to help people visualise the landscape. Expect new height data to be available from summer 2012. Ups and Downs Ups and Downs Ups and Downs Ups and Downs GIST for Fun! GIST for Fun! GIST for Fun! GIST for Fun! Where is it always 90 degrees, but never warm? For the answer turn over to page 2! ArcMap Faq’s Christmas Quiz 3 GIS Team Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council Gloucester House 72 Church Road Stockton-on-Tees TS18 1TW Tel: 01642 526016 Email:[email protected] GIST

GIST xmas 2011

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Aerial Photo’sAerial Photo’sAerial Photo’sAerial Photo’s Stockton have led a consortium comprising neighbouring Authorities,

Police, Fire, Harbour Master and local environmental organisations in the

procurement of high quality ortho-rectified aerial photography. We have

already received sets of high quality map-accurate images from 1999 and

2008 to compliment the 2000, 2005 and WWII vintage images of the area

that we already held. The final deliverable will be brand new images

covering the whole of the Tees Valley, expected to be captured in Spring

and delivered in Summer 2012.

Aerial photography will be viewable through a range of GIS applications,

and can be used to capture data, monitor change, help people visualise a

site, or confirm the situation on the ground at a point in time.

We have negotiated for the imagery to be licensed for all corporate

business use – just contact the GIS team for more information.

Change of Address 2

GeoPlace 2

Evtreez 2

New starter 2

GIS day 2011 3


Inside this issue:Inside this issue:Inside this issue:Inside this issue:

Issue 6Issue 6Issue 6Issue 6 GIS TalkGIS TalkGIS TalkGIS Talk————December 2011December 2011December 2011December 2011

Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas!!

It’s that time of the year again, and the winter snow is due to hit us at any time.

Be sure to check GIS to locate salt bins near you, and gritting routes to ensure the

snow doesn’t stop you getting all that Christmas shopping done!!

Base map updateBase map updateBase map updateBase map update New Mastermap and raster

data is now being used within

maps@stockton and MapInfo

based systems including Park-

Map. You will notice updates

such as the Infinity Bridge! The data isn’t all on desktop GIS yet, but will

be in the near future! We will continue to update base mapping as usual

throughout 2012.

As part of the aerial photography procurements

we are going to get brand new height data

(contours, digital elevation and terrain

moels). This will be great for modelling flooding,

viewsheds, slope and aspect. New tools allow us

to create 3D images and models to help people

visualise the landscape. Expect new height data to

be available from summer 2012.

Ups and DownsUps and DownsUps and DownsUps and Downs

GIST for Fun!GIST for Fun!GIST for Fun!GIST for Fun! Where is it always 90

degrees, but never warm?

For the answer turn

over to page 2!

ArcMap Faq’s

Christmas Quiz 3

GIS Team

Stockton-on-Tees Borough


Gloucester House

72 Church Road


TS18 1TW

Tel: 01642 526016

Email:[email protected]


Page 2: GIST xmas 2011

Dan’s the (GIS) man Dan’s the (GIS) man Dan’s the (GIS) man Dan’s the (GIS) man

Our Arboriculturalists Stuart Hibbert and Mark Nozedar, have overseen the purchase of a new Tree

Asset Management System, Ezytreev.

Ezytreev will allow the Tree and Woodland Officers to efficiently manage, analyse and manipulate tree

data. Ezytreev is an integrated tree inventory system enabling the officers to trace the full history of

any SBC owned tree or woodland, including associated inspections, enquires and tree works simply

through the tree detail record. Multiple digital photos and other documents i.e. PDF’s emails etc can

also be associated with each tree. Although the system is office based, handheld devices allow the

officers to take the tree data and maps on-site and data can be transferred back to the office giving

real time data. The hand devices are capable of displaying aerial photos as well as GIS overlays and

maps. The inbuilt GPS system will help plot the accurate location of the trees. Ezytreev can also store

incoming correspondences and generate customisable letters and work orders. The data captured via

Ezytreev can be used in ArcGIS ensuring people without the software as still able to view the tree


For more information see http://www.ezytreev.com

GIS TalkGIS TalkGIS TalkGIS Talk————December 2011December 2011December 2011December 2011 Page Page Page Page 2222

From the 1st January, Janet Luddington, the Council’s Gazetteer Officer will be moving across to

Gloucester House to join the GIS Team. Location information is at the heart of many of the services

the Council delivers, and the Local Land & Property Gazetteer (LLPG) helps to provide a master list of

all addresses and properties in the Borough. Using the Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) in

a database means that each property has a single code which assists with better service delivery for

our customers. Daily updates from the LLPG to back office and customer relationship management

(CRM) systems help to provide efficient and cost-effective customer service.

Janet and the team will be working to further integrate the LLPG into NAG.

If you would like more information on the LLPG, please contact Janet Luddington;

Telephone: 01642 526088

email: [email protected] or email: [email protected]

Change of Address Change of Address Change of Address Change of Address It’s all change in the world of addressing. Postal Address File (PAF) products such as Ordnance Sur-

vey’s AddressPoint and Address Layer 2, and National Land and Property Gazetteers (NLPG) have

been combined to create a single national address gazetteer (NAG). Users will be able to obtain ex-

tracts from NAG, branded as Addressbase. Older address systems are likely to be withdrawn in 2012

so all internal systems that hold address data should be matched to Addressbase. If you currently

use an older address product please speak to David Renn so we can design a sensible migration strat-

egy. For more details see



Welcome to Daniel Hardwick who joined the

GIS team in September! Daniel had previously

worked in the Business Support Team,

providing technical support for Technical Ser-

vices, where he gained skills with GIS soft-

ware such as ParkMap and Accident Statistics.

Introducing GeoPlace… Introducing GeoPlace… Introducing GeoPlace… Introducing GeoPlace… GeoPlace is a public sector limited liability partnership between the Local Government Association

and Ordnance Survey. GeoPlace is to be the recognised centre of excellence for spatial address and

street information management in Great Britain.

GeoPlace's role is to create and maintain the National Address Gazet-

teer Database and the National Street Gazetteer for England and

Wales, providing definitive sources of publicly-owned spatial address

and street data. Through agreement with Scotland's Improvement

Service Company, the plan is to extend the coverage to Scotland.

GIST for Fun ... GIST for Fun ... GIST for Fun ... GIST for Fun ...

The answer!! The answer!! The answer!! The answer!! North & South poles!

Page 3: GIST xmas 2011

ArcMap FAQ’s ArcMap FAQ’s ArcMap FAQ’s ArcMap FAQ’s Maps@Stockton tips Maps@Stockton tips Maps@Stockton tips Maps@Stockton tips

Page Page Page Page 3333 GIS Talk GIS Talk GIS Talk GIS Talk ---- December 2011 December 2011 December 2011 December 2011

How do I insert a legend on


Go to ‘Layout View’ on ArcMap, press

‘Insert’ > ‘Legend…’

In the pop up window remove all Legend

Items from the window on the right pane by

clicking on ‘<<’

Navigate to the layers you want to display

the legend for on the left pane and click on

it so its highlighted. Click on ‘>’ to move it

into the ‘Legend Items’ pane. Click on next

and amend the legend title as required and

select next . Pick a border by clicking on the

down arrow eg. 1 point and change the

background colour to white. Next.

Amend the name as necessary and next >

finish. Use the black ‘Select Elements’ arrow

to move the legend to the desired location.



The GIS team celebrated GIS day on Wednesday 16th


Our mascot, Gismo has spent the past 12 months as our special envoy.

Not forgetting that geographic information is merely a representation of

the real world he has travelled the planet on holiday with our GIS users.

We asked staff via the SBC Notice Board if they could guess how far he

had flown in that year! The end result…(apart from a golden tan!)… He

travelled for a total of 65,926 air miles!!

Thank you to everyone who took part in the competition and congratulations to Elaine Foster who

guessed the closest (67,888).

To celebrate this event the team decorated cookies and held a competi-

tion to see which one was decorated the best! Pictures were put on the

SBC Notice Board and staff were asked to vote for their favourite.

The winner was Paula Wilkes, who took the biscuit for decorating 10

cookies representing the coun-

tries that Gismo had travelled in

his ‘world wide adventure’.

David was disqualified for

cheating - the rules stated

cookies not brownies!!

GIS Day 2011GIS Day 2011GIS Day 2011GIS Day 2011 Mission complete!!


Go to ‘print’ at the top of the M@S page.

There is 5 printing options;

• Portrait

• Portrait (No legend)

• Landscape

• Landscape (No legend)

• Advanced

The legend shows any themes you currently

have selected.

If you want to add text to your map, select

‘Advanced’, select portrait or landscape, then

insert any text in the ‘Comments’ box.

Christmas Quiz Christmas Quiz Christmas Quiz Christmas Quiz Keep an eye on the Notice board for our maps@stockton

Christmas quiz 2011!!

This year its based on Christmas hits, use maps@stockton along

with our clues to see if you can get them all!

Merry Christmas from everyone at the GIS Team!