Emergency Management GIS for Comprehensive Emergency Management

GIS for Comprehensive Emergency Managementesribulgaria.com/.../07/gis-for-emergency-management-II.pdfGIS provides the capability to meet every aspect of the emergency management decision

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Page 1: GIS for Comprehensive Emergency Managementesribulgaria.com/.../07/gis-for-emergency-management-II.pdfGIS provides the capability to meet every aspect of the emergency management decision

Emergency ManagementGISforComprehensiveEmergencyManagement

Page 2: GIS for Comprehensive Emergency Managementesribulgaria.com/.../07/gis-for-emergency-management-II.pdfGIS provides the capability to meet every aspect of the emergency management decision

GIS for Emergency Mitigation

You need to know where your vulnerabilities are before an emergencystrikes.Ageographicinformationsystem(GIS)givesyoutools to proactively identify risks andtakeaction.Powerfulmappingand analysis capabilities help you plan ahead and be prepared.

Planning and AnalysisGIS technology provides the capa-bility to map and analyze hazards of all types and visualize their potential impacts. When natural or man-made hazards are fused with critical infrastructure, population densities, and other community values, vulnerabilities can be better understood.

Whenhazardshavebeenidentifiedandmapped,theirseverityand proximity to community values drive mitigation strategies. You can begin to prioritize plans using GIS-based intelligence.

The NOAA weather warnings and watches let the EOC know if there are any forecasts of severe weather that could impact the jurisdiction.

Hydrogen sulfide plume modeling and area of dispersion using ArcGIS.

GIS can help identify community values at risk to drive mitigation priorities.

Page 3: GIS for Comprehensive Emergency Managementesribulgaria.com/.../07/gis-for-emergency-management-II.pdfGIS provides the capability to meet every aspect of the emergency management decision

GIS for Emergency Management

Terrorist attacks; devastating natural disasters; budgetary con-straints; and a greater mandate for collaboration among local, state, and federal agencies are just a few of the challenges you face today.

Emergency management organizations are responsible for reducing vulnerabilities and establishing an effective response. Identifying hazards, analyzing community values at risk, develop-ing mitigation and response plans, maintaining situational aware-ness, managing resources, and supporting response and recovery are complex responsibilities.

Many Data Sources

GIS Applies the Geographic Approach


Creating theCommon Operating


Share Communicate Collaborate

Turn into ActionableIntelligence

Integrateand Analyze

GIS technology gives you the capability you need to overcome chal-lenges and meet mission requirements. It provides powerful yet easy-to-use tools for the four phases of emergency management:

• Mitigation

• Preparedness

• Response

• Recovery

GIS enables emergency management professionals to collect vast amounts of data that can be quickly transformed into actionable information. You can reduce response times, gain comprehensive situational awareness, and improve communication.

GIS provides the capability to meet every aspect of the emergency management decision support cycle—from acquiring, analyzing, and managing disparate data to supplying coordinated action. This results in better decisions, greater efficiency, and more effective communications.

Page 4: GIS for Comprehensive Emergency Managementesribulgaria.com/.../07/gis-for-emergency-management-II.pdfGIS provides the capability to meet every aspect of the emergency management decision

GIS for Emergency Preparedness

Emergencymanagersfacethedifficulttaskofdevelopingcom-prehensive plans to prepare for all types of disasters. They are responsible for protecting emergency staff and the public as well as property and natural resources. GIS technology builds and enhances emergency preparedness by providing in-depth data management, optimizing situational awareness, and supporting emergency personnel.

Data ManagementTo achieve comprehensive preparedness, a great deal of informa-tion must be gathered and maintained in advance of an event.

ArcGIS® is a flexible information platform that enables

• Fullintegrationwithotherinformationsystems

• Astandards-basedarchitecturefortrueinteroperability

• Storageandanalysiscapabilityforalltypesofdata

• AccuratecatalogingofGISdataandservices

Situational AwarenessGaining an accurate understanding of events on the ground as an emergency unfolds is paramount to an effective response. GIS aids in quickly establishing full situational awareness by linking people, processes, and information together using geography.

GIS supplies

• DecisionsupportthroughaGIS-basedcommonoperatingpicture

• Theestablishmentofcommunicationsandcollaborationamong participating departments and agencies

• Resourcemanagementforrapiddeploymentofemergencypersonnel, supplies, and equipment

• Accesstolivedatafeedsandgeoprocessingservices

Supporting Emergency Operations and StaffEmergency management mobilizes services and resources to sup-portfirstresponders.TheEmergencyOperationsCenter(EOC)supports incident management operations as well as continuity of government operations. The staff uses GIS to support the response mission at all levels by

• Acquiringandtrackingresourcesfrommultiplelocations

• Providingpublicwarnings,notifications,andgeneralinformation

• Evacuatingaffectedpopulationsandprovidingsheltersupport

• Maintainingincidentstatusanddamageassessment

•Preparingmapsandstatusreportsforcommunityleadersanddecision makers

This vulnerability assessment was generated for a hazard mitigation plan. It is published both in paper form and as an overlay in the common operating picture.

Learn more about GIS for emergency management atwww.esri.com/publicsafety.

Page 5: GIS for Comprehensive Emergency Managementesribulgaria.com/.../07/gis-for-emergency-management-II.pdfGIS provides the capability to meet every aspect of the emergency management decision

GIS for Emergency Response and Recovery

Field OperationsGettingaccurateinformationfromfieldopera-tions back to the command center can be a difficultchallenge.MobileGISgivesyoutheadvantage you need. Field crews can easily capture data and have it instantly sent back for incorporation in the common operating picture. Commanders get a more accurate, dynamic understanding of conditions on the ground. Newdatacanbesenttofieldteamssotheyhave the best information possible for staying safe and protecting lives. Whether it’s response or recovery, mobile GIS gives you the capabil-ity you need for getting the right information, wherever it may be.

Recovery OperationsGIS is essential for both short-term and long-term recovery. It supplies a central information repository for damage assessment. It allows you to

• Collectassessmentdatafromfieldpersonnel.

• Assessimpactsviaacommonoperatingpicture.

• Determinerecoveryresourcesfrombothpublicand private sectors.

• Selectthebestpossiblelocationsforpublicassistancesites.

• Buildcontinuityplansforreestablishinggovernmentoperations.

• Determinealternatetransportationroutes.

• Monitorreconstructionefforts.

• Publishrecoveryprogressmapsforthepublicand government organizations.

Situational awareness can be obtained with this common operat-ing picture illustrating a chemical plume that identifies road closures and critical infrastructure.

ArcGIS is used to display areas damaged by a tornado as well as a chemical plume from a facility.

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