Monthly Newsletter Edition Volume 3, Issue 12 December 2012 onnection onnection onnection The The The GIPC GIPC GIPC True to the Bible, the Reformed Faith, and obedient to the Great Commission. December Calendar - Sundays - 9:30 a.m. Sunday School The Ten Commandments 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship Exodus: God, our Savior 6:00 p.m. Evening Worship Advent series Children’s Church, Nursery available Sun 12/2 Communion, AM Wed 12/5 Book Group for Women (9:30 a.m., Brown home) Wed 12/5 Prayer Meeting (6:30 p.m., GIPC) Wed 12/5 Poinsettia orders due Sat 12/8 “Second Saturday” Men’s Breakfast & Bible Study (8:00 a.m., Brown home) Sat 12/8 Women of GIPC Christmas Cookie Exchange & Open House (2:00-4:00 p.m., Browns) Wed 12/12, 12/19 Women’s Bible Study (9:30 a.m., Browns) Wed 12/12, 12/19 Prayer Meeting (6:30 p.m., GIPC) Sun 12/23 Service of Lessons and Carols (6:00 p.m., GIPC) Tue 12/25 Christmas Day Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance By Alexander S. Brown, Minister In this issue Committee Updates…………... 2 Missions Emphasis Highlights. 3 Bible Reading Plan…………... 4 December Fighter Verses…... 4 (Continued on the next page) B Y NOW I suspect most of you will have rolled out the Christmas decorations, bought a tree and will have your homes looking bright and decorated for Christmas. It’s a wonderful time of year – a season of great celebration. However, with those bright and cheerful decorations comes the sobering reality that this year is almost over. It’s hard to believe, but we are fast approaching the beginning of another year. As we do so, I want to jump ahead and get you thinking about your New Year’s resolutions. The problem with many New Year’s resolutions is that we often start them too late. By that, I mean that we often (or at least, I often) don’t give it much thought until January 1 st , and by then, of course, it’s too late – the year has already started, and I am already behind! To my perfectionist mind I then throw up my hands in resignation I’ve blown it for another year, I’ll just have to wait until next year and give it a go then. You may be a little more disciplined than I am, but I think many of us experience something similar when it comes to Resolutions concerning our Spiritual Disciplines. It is especially the case with Bible Reading plans if we wait until the first few days of the New Year to pick a plan and get started, the chart is already telling us how behind we are. So, in an effort to help us avoid that, I want to get us thinking now about what Spiritual Discipline goals we have for the New Year, and how we will implement them. You have a month head start! T HE FIRST thing that we need to do is decide what goals we want to set for ourselves. Now this will vary from person to person, just like with any discipline or habit, and I have to leave it up to you to determine what level is right for you. However, I think that a good place to start is a commitment to reading one chapter of Scripture and having a time of focused prayer every day. There are a myriad of resources available to help you get into the habit of daily Bible reading. We put in the monthly newsletter M’Cheyne’s Bible Reading Calendar, which remains one of the best guides to get you reading your Bible in a systematic, disciplined manner. There are many other resources out there, though, which can fit your level from the Bible Reading Plan for Shirkers and Slackers (which has no dates, and so removes the pressure to “keep up”), to Dr. Grant Horner’s Bible Reading System (which has you read chapters a day, from different parts of the Bible). The key is to pick one, and stick with it. At the end of the article I will put in some links to where you can find these online, and I will put some in the foyer look them over, pick one, and resolve now to stick with it in 2013.

GIPC onnection · GIPC onnection onnection TheGIPC True to the Bible, the Reformed Faith, and obedient to the Great Commission. December Calendar - Sundays - ... and so removes the

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Monthly Newsletter Edition Volume 3, Issue 12 • December 2012




True to the Bible, the Reformed Faith, and obedient to the Great Commission.

December Calendar

- Sundays -

9:30 a.m. Sunday School The Ten Commandments

10:30 a.m. Morning Worship Exodus: God, our Savior

6:00 p.m. Evening Worship Advent series

Children’s Church, Nursery available

Sun 12/2 Communion, AM

Wed 12/5 Book Group for Women (9:30 a.m., Brown home)

Wed 12/5 Prayer Meeting (6:30 p.m., GIPC)

Wed 12/5 Poinsettia orders due

Sat 12/8 “Second Saturday” Men’s Breakfast & Bible Study (8:00 a.m., Brown home)

Sat 12/8 Women of GIPC Christmas Cookie Exchange & Open House (2:00-4:00 p.m., Browns)

Wed 12/12, 12/19 Women’s Bible Study (9:30 a.m., Browns)

Wed 12/12, 12/19 Prayer Meeting (6:30 p.m., GIPC)

Sun 12/23 Service of Lessons and Carols (6:00 p.m., GIPC)

Tue 12/25 Christmas Day

Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance

By Alexander S. Brown, Minister

In this issue

Committee Updates…………... 2

Missions Emphasis Highlights. 3

Bible Reading Plan…………... 4

December Fighter Verses…... 4

(Continued on the next page)

B Y NOW I suspect most of you will have rolled out the Christmas decorations,

bought a tree and will have your homes looking bright and decorated for

Christmas. It’s a wonderful time of year – a season of great celebration. However, with

those bright and cheerful decorations comes the sobering reality that this year is almost

over. It’s hard to believe, but we are fast approaching the

beginning of another year. As we do so, I want to jump ahead and

get you thinking about your New Year’s resolutions.

The problem with many New Year’s resolutions is that we often

start them too late. By that, I mean that we often (or at least, I

often) don’t give it much thought until January 1st, and by then,

of course, it’s too late – the year has already started, and I am

already behind! To my perfectionist mind I then throw up my

hands in resignation – I’ve blown it for another year, I’ll just have to wait until next

year and give it a go then.

You may be a little more disciplined than I am, but I think many of us experience

something similar when it comes to Resolutions concerning our Spiritual Disciplines.

It is especially the case with Bible Reading plans – if we wait until the first few days of

the New Year to pick a plan and get started, the chart is already telling us how behind

we are.

So, in an effort to help us avoid that, I want to get us thinking now about what

Spiritual Discipline goals we have for the New Year, and how we will implement

them. You have a month head start!

T HE FIRST thing that we need to do is decide what goals we want to set for

ourselves. Now this will vary from person to person, just like with any discipline

or habit, and I have to leave it up to you to determine what level is right for you.

However, I think that a good place to start is a commitment to reading one chapter of

Scripture and having a time of focused prayer every day.

There are a myriad of resources available to help you get into the habit of daily Bible

reading. We put in the monthly newsletter M’Cheyne’s Bible Reading Calendar, which

remains one of the best guides to get you reading your Bible in a systematic,

disciplined manner. There are many other resources out there, though, which can fit

your level – from the Bible Reading Plan for Shirkers and Slackers (which has no

dates, and so removes the pressure to “keep up”), to Dr. Grant Horner’s Bible Reading

System (which has you read chapters a day, from different parts of the Bible). The key

is to pick one, and stick with it. At the end of the article I will put in some links to

where you can find these online, and I will put some in the foyer – look them over,

pick one, and resolve now to stick with it in 2013.

December 2012 • GIPC Connection • Volume 3, Issue 12 • Page 2

Prior Planning... (Continued from the previous page)

B UT IN addition to Bible Reading, it is important that we resolve to spend time

each day in prayer. Now, as we have said before, prayer can be something

surprisingly difficult for us to do – if you want to make a Christian feel bad, just ask

him how his prayer life is! However, it is not something that we can give up on,

because prayer is not just for our good but it is also for God’s glory. As John Piper

wrote, “Prayer is his delight because prayer shows the

reaches of our poverty and riches of His grace. Prayer is that

wonderful transaction where the wealth of God’s glory is

magnified and the wants of our soul are satisfied.”

So, how will you glorify God in prayer in 2013? One of the

most difficult things about prayer is finding a time and a

space in which to do it. But now is the time to start looking –

look at your schedule, and look at your living space, and

strategize. When do you have that free half-hour that you

could spend in prayer? Where can you go that you won’t be

disturbed? It might be sitting in a quiet corner, or it might be

going for a walk. I have often found my car to be a great prayer-spot, while I’m driving

I can pray out loud, without fear of being disturbed. The point is to look now, to find a

place and a time and put it on your 2013 calendar now – don’t let it get crowded out.

Set apart a time each day that you will be alone with your God.

I N ADDITION to prayer and Bible study, a great thing to commit to for 2013 is the

memorization of the Word of God. We will be continuing through the Fighter

Verses next year, and why not resolve to store up these verses in your hearts? The

Fighter Verse system requires you to memorize only one passage a week

– it’s not much, but it will be precious to you if you do it. The plan is

built on a year framework, so if you have not been memorizing up until

now, January is the perfect place to begin.

Again, this is something that will require a little strategy. How do you

memorize best? Some people do it by writing and re-writing the verse

over and over again; some do it by writing it on 3 x 5 note cards and carrying it around

with them, and reviewing at spare moments; some do it simply by reading and

rereading the passage in their Bibles. I have found that carrying a small notebook helps

me – it keeps all the verses in one place, which makes reviewing them easier.

Experiment this month. Find a way that works, and you’ll be in good shape when

January rolls around.

S UCCESS IN Spiritual Disciplines requires some forethought and planning. If we

begin now, and use December as a month of research and observation we will be

in a much better place to tackle 2013 than if we leave it until January. So, look over the

reading plans, analyze your schedule, and resolve now to be disciplined next year. ▪

Bible Reading Plan for Shirkers and Slackers (readings from a different genre every day)


Professor Grant Horner’s Bible Reading System (1 chapter from 10 different places every day)


A Bible Reading Record (no dates, just a list of chapters you can check off)


Chronological Bible Reading Plan


The Book of Common Prayer Daily Office (following the Liturgical Calendar)


GIPC Monthly Update—

Loan Balance

Loan Balance 1/1/12 $840,102

Principal Paid YTD $ 29,363

Loan Balance $810,739

December Payment:

Interest $ 2,342

Principal $ 2,910

Total Payment $ 5,252

Finance Committee


Phone: 912.638.2563

E-Mail: [email protected]

48 Hampton Point Drive Saint Simons Island, GA 31522


“Second Saturday”

Men’s Breakfast & Bible Study

Saturday, December 8th

8:00 a.m. at the Browns

All men are invited! Enjoy breakfast and a time of fellowship, study, discussion, and prayer.

Men’s Ministry

Set apart a

time each day

that you will

be alone with

your God.

Women in the Church

“Book Group for Women”

Wednesday, December 5th

9:30 a.m. at the Browns

The book we are reading and discussing is An Invisible Thread, the true story of an 11-year-old panhandler, a busy sales executive, and an unlikely meeting with destiny, by Laura Schroff and Alex Tresniowski.

“Christmas Cookie

Exchange & Open House”

Saturday, December 8th

2:00-4:00 p.m. at the Browns

All women are invited! For those who bring cookies, please bring one dozen to share and one dozen to exchange. The ‘exchange’ will take place at 3:00 p.m.

December 2012 • GIPC Connection • Volume 3, Issue 12 • Page 3

Highlights from GIPC’s 2012 Missions Emphasis

O N FRIDAY evening, November 9th,

Golden Isles Presbyterian Church

began the 17th Annual World Missions

Emphasis weekend— “Mission

Impossible: The Greatest Adventure.”

The weekend was led by keynote

speaker, Dr. Gary Waldecker, Leader of

MTW’s Missional Learning and

Development Team and guest

missionary, Peter Bakelaar, GIPC

supported Missionary to Japan.

Following the International Dinner, Dr

Waldecker launched the great adventure

with the instruction that “Missions” and

the “work of the church” are not two

different things, since every believer is

required by Scripture to “Go.” Jesus gave

us His followers, the church, a daunting

commission — an impossible mission —

to bring in the fullness of the kingdom

through us, His church.

From historic Israel, we learn that it is

the presence of God with them that

caused the surrounding nations to fear.

When God gets close, He makes Things

special. We are God’s elite Impossible

Mission Force sent to do the impossible

by the empowering power of the Holy

Spirit, God’s Presence with us. When

God gets close, He makes us special,

readying us to “GO.”

We need to put faith to work and

become engaged in the impossible

mission of the church. But by clutching

and hanging on to our small dreams, the

evil one distracts us from the mission,

and we can be blinded from seeing the

glory of Jesus at hand. Give them up,

believe, step out in faith and engage with

the Spirit of Christ to “Go.” Pray God to

move us out of ourselves to be the

Impossible Mission Force empowered by

His Spirit with us.

S ATURDAY MORNING we were blessed

to welcome Peter Bakelaar, our

MTW missionary serving with wife,

Diane and family in Nagoya, Japan for

22 years. Peter began the morning

session giving us the “what’s happening

now” from the frontline of world

missions in Japan. The Bakelaars are

working with the Nagoya Church

Planting Team which has planted four

churches and an international school. The

team is also engaged in other ministries

such as teaching, college outreach,

medicine, the arts and community


We learned of the continued support

being given to the victims of the 2011

earthquake and tsunami. The relief

efforts resulted in many open doors and

opportunities to present the gospel and

share the love of Christ in word and


Peter used an interesting array of visual

aids that brought home many insights of

the Japanese culture and of their

craftsmanship, creativity and problem

solving skills put into place for future


Currently, the Bakelaars are on home

leave in Illinois until June, 2013,

connecting with other supporting

churches. They request GIPC to pray for

their ongoing work, financial support,

safe travels and health for each family


T HE LAST session for the day was

The Incredible Journey. Dr.

Waldecker reminded us that all of God’s

people are members of His Impossible

Mission Force, and that God’s power is

unleashed among His people when we

take steps of faith and take Him at His


The Bible characterizes the Christian

life as an incredible journey, and Dr.

Waldecker guided us to see how God

sent His people moving, and that the

journey for each traveler was fulfilled in

Christ. He shared his observation that in

the Bible there are two types of travelers.

The first type are wanderers—those that

go about from place to place, not settled

down or having deep roots, and have no

meaning to life. The second type are

pilgrims—those who have a destination

in mind and are heading home.

The Old Testament journey in the New

Testament is get up and go! That’s the

journey now! In the New Testament the

essence of being a missionary is an

attitude and action of reaching out to

others in the power of Christ. The Lord

asks us to believe in Him that He has all

authority and has opened the way.

In the New Testament the people of

God were called the people of the way

because they were on a journey. We are

on the greatest adventure of all time.

The Lord has given us His power and

authority and HE says “GO! Reach out

to others, to whomever I put in your path.

I am giving you the whole earth. The

whole universe is yours. Take it!”

As we look to Christ, even in the midst

of our weakness, the Holy Spirit flows

out of us like rivers of living waters.

The Lord says He is hanging on to us.

We are tethered to Him. We are to

concentrate on reaching out to others. He

says, “I will take care of you.”

May God move us out of ourselves to

go on the journey He has set before us.

S U N D A Y WO R S H I P hour Dr .

Waldecker asked, “Are you on a

mission?” Jesus sat down to get us up

and moving that we might undertake the

work of missions— which is the mission

of the church.

In Hebrew 10:8-13 Jesus pronounced

that His work is finished. He finished His

work and sacrifice for sin and sat down.

Then in Hebrews 12:12-13 the Father

approved of His work and seated Jesus in

the place of honor, His right hand. God is

no longer angry at His people but we are

accepted by the Father in the Beloved.

Hebrews 10:12-13 Jesus sat down to wait

for the time of His return. To wait until

the time His enemies become a footstool,

and to wait until the fullness of His Spirit

to come and for souls coming in to be

saved. He is waiting to train us in

exercise of our faith. Then in Hebrews

7:25 Jesus sat down to pray for us to

become filled with His power to become

engaged in missions. And in Hebrews

6:19 He sat down to be an anchor for us.

Dr. Waldecker reminded us that anchors

do their work when they are out of sight.

The Missions Emphasis Weekend

sermons are all available online, and the

Mission Team encourages you to take the

opportunity to listen and hear again the

great messages the Lord provided for us

His people.


December 2012 • GIPC Connection • Volume 3, Issue 12 • Page 4






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Weeks beginning

DECEMBER 23 & 30

Use this time

for catching up,

review, and

planning ahead.




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DECEMBER “The law of his God is in his heart; his steps do not slip.”

(Psalm 37:31)

Family Worship

Old Testament Reading

Date Book Chapter

1 I Chronicles 29

2 II Chronicles 1

3 2

4 3,4 5 5-6:11 6 6:12-42 7 7

8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11,12

12 13 13 14,15 14 16 15 17

16 18 17 19,20 18 21 19 22,23

20 24 21 25 22 26 23 27,28

24 29 25 30 26 31 27 32

28 33

29 34

30 35

31 36

DECEMBER “The law of his God is in his heart; his steps do not slip.”

(Psalm 37:31)

Family Worship

New Testament Reading

Date Book Chapter

1 II Peter 3

2 I John 1

3 2

4 3 5 4 6 5 7 II John 1

8 III John 1 9 Jude 1 10 Revelation 1

11 2

12 3 13 4 14 5 15 6

16 7 17 8 18 9 19 10

20 11 21 12 22 13 23 14

24 15 25 16 26 17 27 18

28 19 29 20

30 21

31 22

DECEMBER “The law of his God is in his heart; his steps do not slip.”

(Psalm 37:31)


Old Testament Reading

Date Book Chapter

1 Micah 6

2 7 3 Nahum 1

4 2 5 3 6 Habakkuk 1

7 2

8 3 9 Zephaniah 1

10 2 11 3 12 Haggai 1

13 2 14 Zechariah 1

15 2

16 3 17 4 18 5 19 6

20 7 21 8 22 9 23 10

24 11 25 12-13:1 26 13:2-9 27 14 28 Malachi 1

29 2

30 3

31 4

DECEMBER “The law of his God is in his heart; his steps do not slip.”

(Psalm 37:31)


New Testament Reading

Date Book Chapter

1 Luke 15

2 16 3 17

4 18 5 19 6 20 7 21

8 22 9 23 10 24 11 John 1

12 2 13 3 14 4 15 5

16 6

17 7 18 8 19 9

20 10 21 11 22 12 23 13

24 14 25 15 26 16 27 17

28 18 29 19

30 20

31 21

Week beginning









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