Journal of Glaciolog)" Vol. 23 , No . 89, 1979 GIANT GROOVES MADE BY CONCENTRATED BASAL ICE STREAMS* By R. P. GOLDTHWA IT (Institut e of Polar Studies, Ohio St ate University , Columbus , Ohio 432 10 , D .S .A. ) ABSTRACT. G lacia l grooves a re kn ow n on a ll the Aat-Iying li mestone islands in weste rn L a k e E ri e. Th e la rgest megag r oove complexes a r e o n K e ll eys Isla nd , each 2- 6 m deep, 5-20 m wide, a nd 100-4 00 m long before qua rr ying. Ea ch megag r oove Aoor is rolling w ith second-ord er round ed ri dges a nd "s in e-shaped" grooves 10- 90 cm deep, and 5-40 m long . Further mo re, these are gouged laterally by sharply c ur ving and n es ting gouges up to 10 cm deep. All groo ves ex hibit third- order striation up to 1-2 mm deep and 5- 200 cm long made by indi v idu al tools of de bris tra veling mostly 240- 2 60 °. Ice of th e Erie lobe was und er co mpr ess i ve Row as it rose fr om 9 m below pr ese nt lake level to 12 m above. Some so rt of i ce vor ti ces (fi xed e dd ies in th e basal ice str ea m) are pos tul ated to ma ke the scoo p marks a nd ridge end s. Fas t-m oving ice ra th er th an wa ter or a slurr y is favored beca u se th ere are no percu ss ion marks. Very likely, a till mat of interf e ring e ngr av ing po int s is re quir ed. A str o ng co nvergence ( 2 X to 10 X ) of stri ae int o th e d eep est grooves indi ca tes squ eezing toge ther of the de bri s t oo ls a nd in crease in local ice velocity. Int ergl ac ia l subarea l str ea ms m ay well h ave shap ed the initial trough up whi ch th ese i ce str eams conce ntr ated, b ecause dendritic tributary gr ooves int ersec t, and main groov e sets cur ve as mu ch as 10° or 20°. Furth e rm ore, sharp 100- 180 ° m ea nd er cur ves a re pr ese r ved at the bott om of th e d eep es t gr ooves. Hiram-a ge cl ay-till with rare err a ti cs half fill s th e o rigin a l g rooves ; it shows th at this g roo ve c uttin g was completed before 15 5 00 1 4C years a go . RESUME. Ca mlel ures gian t es et fl ux concell t res de glace . Les rainur es gl ac ia ires sont co nnu es s ur tout es les il es plates ca lca ires d e [,Ou est du L ac Eri e. Les plus gr a nd s complexes d e gr an d es cannel ur es de Kell eys Isla nd ont 2 a 6 m de profo nd e ur , 5 a 20 m de large ur et 1 00 a 4 00 m de lo ngue ur ava nt de deboucher. Le pl an cher de cha qu e gran de ca nn el ur e est ondule par des striur es "s inusoidal es" cl e seco nd Ol' dr e de 10 a 90 cm de profon de ur et cl e 5 a 40 m d e lon gueur. En o utre , elles so nt creusees lateralcment par d es rigoles a bords a igus et e mboit ees a ll a nt jusqu 'a 10 cm cl e pro fo nd e ur. To ut es les ca nnelur es montr e nt d es stri es de tr oisieme or dre jusqu'a 1 ou 2 mm de profonde ur et 5 a 200 cm de lon gu e ur , creusees par d es "o util s" indi viduels de de bri s voyag ea nt dans la dir ec tion de 240 a 26 0°. Le lobe de glace Erie etait so umi s a un ecoulc me nt co mp ress if lors qu ' il s'e l eva it depuis 9 m en d essous du ni veau actuel du lac jusqu 'a 12 m au-d ess us. Il fa ut admet tr e quel ques vo rt ex de gl ace (to ur bill ons fix es dans le co ur a nt de fond de gl ace) po ur exp li quer les tr aces de creuse me nt. Une glace a mou ve ment rapide plut at qu e de l'eau ou un ebo ulem e nt es t a me ttr e en cause par ce qu ' il n'y a pas de tr ace d e choc, se ul ement un e lo ngue stri e. Tres prob ablement, il fa ut admcltre un tap is morainique de blocs pointus gr ave urs ench eve tr es. Un e fort e co n ve rg ence (2 X a 10 x) d es stri es dans les ca nn elur es les plus pr ofondes indique nt qu ' il y a eu accumulati on d es d eb ris mo ra iniqu es se rvant d'o util s et accroisseme nt d e la vitesse locale de la g lace. De petits co urs d' e au interglaciaires peuvent bien avo ir fo rme la rigole initi a le que ces coura nt s de gl ace, con ce ntr es a ca u se d es ca nnelur es du es aux ap pon s de ndritiqu es, reco upe nt, les ca nnelur es prin cipales prese nt e nt d es courbur es a ll an t jusq u 'a 10 ou 20°, d es meandres tr es aigus avec courb es de 100 a 180 0 furent co nserves dans le fo nd des ca nn el ur es les plus pr ofond es. De l'a rgil e morainique de l 'age d'Hiram avec de rar es blocs e rratiqu es o nt re mpli a moitie les ca nnelur es initiales : ce qu i montr e qu e le d eco upage d es ca nnelur es etait acheve il y a plus d e 15500 ans 14 C. Z USAMM ENFASSUNG . GrossTillllell 1lIld kml zentTieTte Eiss tTome. Glaziale Rinnen sind a uf a li en Aac hgelagerten Inseln im westlichen Eriesee beka nnt. Die ausge pr a gt en Gross ri nnenk o mpl exe au f Kell eys Isla nd waren 2 bis 6 m tief, 5 bi s 20 m briet und 100 bis 400 m lan g, b evo r sie als Ste inbru cke ge nut zt wur de n. De l' Bocl en jeder Gross rinn e ist dur chse tzt vo n se kun daren "s inu sfo rmi gen" Rinnen vo n 10 bis go cm Ti efe un cl 5 bis 40 m L i ng e. Ausser dem sind sie se it lich ausgehohlt dur ch engkurvige und in e in a ncl ergreife nd e M eissel rillen b is 10 cm Ti cfe. Alle Rinnen zeige n eine tertiare Ri ef elung bis 1 odeI' 2 mm Tief e uncl 5 bis 20 0 cm Lange, erzeugt dur ch einzelne Griffel des Sc hutt es, d el' meist 240- 260 ' wande rt e. Das Eis d es Erie-Lo bus befa nd sich in kompress iven Fli essen, als cs vo n 9 m unt er dem he utigen Seespiegel a uf 12 m da ru be r a nstieg. Z ur Er ze ug un g de l' Ausho hlun ge n muss eine A rt vo n Eiswirbeln (feste Stru del im Eiss tr om am U nt erg rund ) angenomme n werdcn. Sc hn ell bewegtem Eis wird de l' Vorzug vo r vVasser ode I' einer Zeme nt b ruhr gegeben, we il ke in e Schl agsp ur en zu fi n clen sind, led iglich lange Riefen. Se hr wahr- scheinlich wa r ei ne Sc hutt ma tt e mit darin eingeschlossenen Graviel 'S pit ze n e rf orcle rli ch . Ein e starke Kon ve rgenz (2 - bis 1O-l ac h) de l' Ri efen in die ti efs ten Rinn cn de ut et a uf e in e Zusa mmenclra ngun g del' Schuttwerkzeu ge und auf eine Z unahme del' lokalen Ei sgeschwin digkeit hin . Kl eine Str ii me im Ei s konnten den ursprun glichen Trog ausgefo rmt haben, auf de n sich di ese Eisst rome da nn konzcntriert en, we il baum- formige tertiare Rinn en kreuzen, die Schar del' Ha uptrinn en KUJ' ven bis zu 10 " ode I' 20 " ausfuhrt un d in de n tiefsten Rinn en scha rf e Maa n de rkur ve n \'on 100° bis 180 0 e rh a lt en sind. T ona blage rungen de l' Hir am-Zeit mit we ni gem Gesc hiebe fullten di e urspri'lllg li chen Rinn en z ur Halfte; da raus folgt, d ass das Ein sc hn ciden del' Rinn en bereits vor 15500 14C J a hren abgeschlossen war. * C ontributi o n N o. 3 62, In stitut e of Polar Studi es, Oh io State U ni versity, Columbus, Ohio 4 32 10 , U.S.A. 2 97

GIANT GROOVES MADE BY CONCENTRATED BASAL … · GIANT GROOVES MADE BY CONCENTRATED BASAL ICE STREAMS* ... grooves except one beautiful example near the North Bay ... and south of

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Page 1: GIANT GROOVES MADE BY CONCENTRATED BASAL … · GIANT GROOVES MADE BY CONCENTRATED BASAL ICE STREAMS* ... grooves except one beautiful example near the North Bay ... and south of

J ournal of Glaciolog)" Vol. 23, No. 89, 1979



(Institute of Polar Studies, Ohio Sta te University, Columbus, Ohio 432 10, D .S .A. )

ABSTRACT. G lacia l grooves a re known on all the Aa t-I ying li mestone islands in western La ke E rie. The la rgest megagroove complexes a re o n K elleys Isla nd , each 2 - 6 m deep, 5-20 m wide, and 100- 4 00 m long before quarrying. Each megagroove Aoor is rolling w ith second-order rounded ridges a nd "sine-shaped" g rooves 10 - 90 cm d eep, and 5 - 4 0 m long. Furthermore, these are gouged la te ra lly by sharply curving and nesting gouges up to 10 cm deep. A ll grooves exhibit third-order stria tion up to 1-2 mm deep and 5 - 200 cm long made by individual tools of d ebris traveling mostly 240-2 60° .

Ice of the E rie lobe was under compressive Row as it rose from 9 m below present lake level to 1 2 m above. Some sort of ice vorti ces (fi xed edd ies in the basal ice stream ) are postula ted to make the scoop m arks and ridge ends. Fas t-moving ice ra ther tha n water or a slurry is favored because there are no percuss ion marks. Very likely, a till mat of interfering engraving points is required. A strong convergence ( 2 X to 10 X ) of stri ae into the d eepest grooves indicates squeezing together of the debris tools a nd increase in local ice velocity. Interg lacia l subareal stream s may well have sh a p ed the initia l trough up which these ice streams concentra ted, b ecause dendriti c tributary grooves intersect, and main groove sets curve as much as 10° or 2 0 ° . Furthermore, sharp 100 - 180° m eander curves a re preserved a t the bottom of the d eep est grooves. Hiram-age clay-till with ra re erra tics half fills the o rigina l g rooves ; it shows that this groove cutting was completed before 15 5 00 14C years a go.

RESUME. Camlelures giantes et flux concelltres de glace. Les ra inures glac ia ires sont connues sur toutes les il es plates calca ires de [,Ouest du Lac Erie. Les plus gra nds complexes d e grandes can nelures de Kelleys Island ont 2 a 6 m de profondeur, 5 a 20 m de la rgeur e t 100 a 4 00 m de lo ngueur avant de d e bou cher. Le plancher de ch aque gran de cannelure est ondule pa r d es striures "sinusoidales" cle second Ol'dre de 10 a 9 0 cm de profondeur et cle 5 a 40 m d e longueur. En outre, el les sont creusees la tera lcment par d es rigoles a bords a igus et emboitees allant jusqu'a 10 cm cle profo ndeur. Toutes les cannelures montrent d es stries de troisieme ordre jusq u'a 1 ou 2 mm d e profondeur e t 5 a 200 cm de longueur, creusees par d es "outils" individuels d e debris ~no rai niques voyageant dans la direction de 240 a 260 ° .

Le lobe de g lace Erie eta it soumis a un ecoulcment compress if lorsqu ' il s'e levait depuis 9 m en dessous du niveau actuel du lac jusqu'a 1 2 m a u-dessus. Il fa ut a dmettre quelques vortex de glace (tourbillons fixes da ns le coura nt de fond de glace) pour expliqu er les traces de creusem ent. U ne glace a m ouvement rapide pluta t que d e l'eau ou un eb oulement est a m ettre en cause parce qu ' il n 'y a pas d e trace d e choc, seulement une longue stri e. Tres proba blement, il fa ut a d mcltre un ta p is m orainique de b locs pointus graveurs enchevetres. Une forte con vergence (2 X a 10 x ) des stri es d a ns les cannelures les plus profondes indiquent qu ' il y a eu accumula tion d es debris mora iniques se rvant d'outil s e t accroissement d e la vitesse locale de la g lace. De petits cours d'eau interglacia ires peuvent bien avoir fo rme la rigole initia le que ces courants de glace, concentres a cause d es cannelures dues a u x appon s dendritiques, recoupent, les cannelures principales presentent des courbures a llant jusqu'a 10 o u 2 0 ° , des meand res tres a igus avec courbes de 100 a 18 0

0 furent conserves dans le fond des cannelures les plus profondes. De l' a rgil e m orainique de l 'age d ' Hiram a vec de ra res blocs erratiques ont re mpli a moitie les cannelures initia les : ce qu i montre que le decoupage des cannelures e ta it acheve il y a plus d e 15500 a ns 14C .

ZUSAMM ENFASSUNG . GrossTillllell 1lIld kmlzentTieTte EisstTome. Glaz iale R in n en sind auf alien Aach gelagerten Insel n im wes tli chen Eriesee beka nnt. Die ausgepragte n Grossri nnenkomplexe auf Kelleys Isla nd waren 2 bis 6 m ti ef, 5 bis 2 0 m briet und 1 0 0 bis 400 m lang, b evor sie als Steinbrucke genutzt wurden . D el' Boclen j eder Gross rinne ist durchsetzt von sekundaren "sinusfo rmigen" Rinnen von 10 bis go cm Ti efe u ncl 5 bis 4 0 m L i nge. Ausserdem sind sie seitlich ausgehohlt durch engkurvige und ineina nclergreifende M eissel rillen b is 10 cm Ticfe. Alle Rinnen zeigen e ine tert ia re Riefelung bis 1 odeI' 2 mm Tiefe uncl 5 bis 200 cm Lange, erzeugt durch e inzelne Griffel des Schuttes, del' meist 2 4 0 - 260' wanderte.

Das Eis d es E ri e-Lobus befa nd sich in kompress iven Fliessen, als cs von 9 m unter dem heutige n Seespiegel auf 12 m da ru ber a nstieg. Zur Erzeug ung del' Aushohlungen muss eine Art von E iswirbel n (feste Strudel im Eisstrom am U ntergrund) a nge nommen werdcn . Schnell bewegtem Eis wird del' Vorzug vor vVasser odeI' einer Zementb ruhr gegeben, we il keine Schlagspuren z u fi nclen sind, led ig lich la nge Riefen . Sehr wahr­scheinlich war eine Schuttmatte mit dar in eingesch lossenen Grav iel'S pitzen erforclerli ch . Eine starke K onvergenz (2- bis 1O-lach ) de l' Riefen in die ti efs te n Rinncn deutet a uf eine Zusammenclra ngung del' Schuttwerkzeuge und auf eine Zunahme d el' lokalen Eisgeschwindigkeit hin . Kleine Strii me im Eis konnten den ursprunglich en Trog ausgefo rmt h a ben, auf de n sich diese Eisst rome d a nn konzcn tri ert en , weil baum­formige tert ia re Rinnen kreuzen, d ie Sch ar del' Hauptrinnen KUJ'ven bis zu 1 0 " ode I' 20" ausfuhrt und in de n tiefsten Rinnen sch a rfe Maanderkurven \'on 100° bis 1 8 0 0 e rhalten sind . T o na blagerungen d el' Hiram-Zeit mit wenigem Geschiebe full ten die urspri'lllgli chen Rinnen zur Halfte; dara us folgt, dass das Einschnciden d el' Rinnen bereits vor 15500 14C J a hren a bgeschlossen wa r.

* Contribution N o. 3 62, Institute of Polar Studies, Ohio Sta te U ni versity, Columbus, Ohio 4 32 10 , U .S.A.

2 97

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T he spectacular grooves crossing the gentle stoss slope and broad crest of Kelleys Isla nd in western Lake Erie (Fig. I) have evoked " theories of formation" from m any geologists since 1840 . Quarrying of the uniform pure limestone (Middle Devonia n ; Columbus Form a tion), in w hich they were engraved, started in 1833 and dwindled to small-holding opera tions after W orld War 1. T his provided long-continued rock exposures but it destroyed all large surface grooves except one b eau tifu l example near the North Bay (west-north-west) of the island


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Fig. I. Contour map ~f Kelleys Island, Ohio, based on the U. S. Geological Survey's 1959 7! minute quadrangle. Contour interval 3 m by interpola tion. Shaded zones show where quarrying removed grooves or striae. Glacial movement arrows are shown where the lakes ide end of"Great Groove" alld the remaining groove at Glacial Grooves State Park reached N orth Bay. In the cellter lesser grooves are re-buried. T he arrows 011 the north-eas t shore show two sets of striae common to the smooth limestone surface all along that east shore.

(F ig. I ). This was given to the Sta te of Ohio in 1925 ; bu t it was not fu ll y exposed unti l recently (1972- 73) by the Ohio Historical Society through one of its b enefactors and geology student labor from Ohio State University.

T he earliest theorists used terms su ch as " diluvia l boulder action" because the flood idea died slowly. T hen G. K. Gilbert ( 18 73), N. H. Winchell (1873), Cha rl es Whittlesey (1879), a nd T. C. Chamberlin (1888) all expressed clear glacia l origins. The striae in all parts of the grooves, plus the eastern and nor thern erratics in the filling till , and the up-hill sweep of

Page 3: GIANT GROOVES MADE BY CONCENTRATED BASAL … · GIANT GROOVES MADE BY CONCENTRATED BASAL ICE STREAMS* ... grooves except one beautiful example near the North Bay ... and south of


striae have convinced most skeptics of this. However, Gilbert was impressed by the "smoothed pits and bowls", so he postulated water falling through the thick ice. Since I 959, with the discovery of water deep below thick (2000 m ) and cold continental ice, many aspects of the water hypotheses have been reviewed. What did happen to that basally melted water from ice which lasted at least 10 000 '4C years over this area? Could a slurry of g lacial till and melt water under very high pressures produce these smooth up-hill gouges?

These a re not the only glacial grooves in the world, although they once were titled " the largest" . A larger area of more drumlinoid forms was discovered in air photographs of a comparable limestone terrain in northern MacKenzie Valley (Smith, 1948). Most grooves in intensively g laciated areas are like the single or second-order grooves here (Gjessing, 1966). Each flute is explainable or related to a weak rock zone (concentrated groove) or a rock hard to abrade (s heltered ridge). Not so here.

This whole western Lake Erie area is prone to glacial fluting. There are secondary grooves and ridges nearl y as deep ( I m ) on the mainland near the top of Marblehead Peninsula 7.5 km to the south-south-west, and south of Put-in-Bay on South Bass Island, I I km west-north-west, or 14 km north near the south end of Pe lee Island (Fig. I). All are 240- 260° except on Pelee Island where they are nearer 270°. All are in uniform Columbus limestone that crops out as a band 10 km wide from these islands south through central Ohio. Here it stands 24 m above the fissile sha le lake bottom of the Erie Basin. Clearly, these are associated with the broad compressional rise of ice out of the Lake Erie Basin over a uniform limestone rock vulnerable to deep carving.

Fig. 2. Megagroove with "sine" groove;. L ooking west in the direction rif inferred ice flow at Glacial Grooves Stale Park, Kelleys I sland. The second-order sculplure shows both grooves and rouTlded ridges, l O- 90 cm in amplitude, described by CaT/liD' (19/0) as "Corinthian columns stacked side by side". Note the overhang on the right and the decided bend in Ihe grooves in mid picture. The dark foregrollnd was the original "park" exposed early this century; the long lighter stretch beyond was dug out in 1972.

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The giant grooves on Kelleys Island consist of four size orders of abrasion:

I. Each megagroove itself is or was 5 - 20 m wide and 100- 400 m long. Between megagrooves and throughout the limestone region there is mostly a smooth flat striated rock surface under till. The deepest central points in each megagroove, however, are 2 - 6 m below this smooth surface. The one megagroove left in the Glacial Grooves State Park is 130 m long (Fig. 2) but old pictures show that it extended both 50 m farther west (at 12-15 m elevation above Lake Erie) and 100 m east down to lake level. At least one parallel adjacent groove was found buriedjust south of this by borings (C. W. Albrecht) and geophysics (H. C. Noltimeier). Others to the north , including the "Great Groove", were quarried away. Measurements of azimuths over the years vary between 240°

and 260° . The m egagrooves do curve up to 20 ° .

Fig. 3. Scoop marks at the head of a "sine" ridge, Kelleys Islalld, November 1976. Isolated scoops and undercutting to the right and left of Dr r. Lavrushin . Others ill the lower right wrap around the stoss ridge end. Third-order striae radiate (diverge ) up over the ridge. Corals are visible fa intly in the ridge head.

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2 . The floor of each m egagroove consists of 5- 9 second-o rder sub-grooves o r "sine" grooves. They a re separa ted by rounded ridges which fo rm a "sine" curve in cross-section (Fig. 2 ) . T he individua l second-ord er grooves and ridges a re IO-gO cm in amplitude and extend 5- 40 m a long the megagroove floor , b u t never the full length of a ny megagroove. T hese ridges are in terru pted, gouged o n the sides and even cut off, by sweeping smooth la teral depressions at azimuths up to 0 7 0 0 or 0 9 0 0 a cross the mega­groove trend. Ea rl y literature called them "scoop m a rks" (Fig. 3) .

3. All over the "sine" -groove fl oor, sides, a nd ridges ther e a re striae a nd o ther individua l tool-po int marks usua lly a millimeter or two wide bu t u p to a centimeter wide in places. These third-order striae a re about I mm deep. T hey a re commonl y traceable for 10 - 100 cm (Figs 3 a nd 4) ' They ma rk the pa th of the las t large tool over that line of surface.

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Fig. 4. Vertically descending gouge with striae, Kelleys Island, May 1972. T his truncates slllail grooves alld ridges in the upper right but it joins and deepens a "sine" groove in the main trend to the west (lift center). A plastic cover was used ill the upper lift to try to preserve the high polish during the firs t winter oJ exposure.

4. A high g loss or polish is typical of ma n y glaciated surfaces in qua rries through central Ohio, wherever post-g lacia l solutions h ave not pitted o r roughened rock surfaces under till. Alternatively, som e a re encrusted with calcium carbonate re-deposited from the till a bove. Actually, when first uncovered , the glacial g rooves, i.e. the Glacia l Grooves State Park, had a high gloss or pa tina which rapidly dull ed in a year a nd chipped off in flakes and grains within 5 years (Fig. 4 ) ' Since this g loss can be produced a rtificially in rock polishing machines using fine rouge powder , a nd since a clay-till did partia lly fill each groove, it is d educed tha t the fine clays of the till m atrix did this polishing.

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The second-order "sine" ridges are cut away on their sides in many places by all kinds of smooth curved gouges, which also bear some third-order tool-made striae inside. In other words, the scraping tools swept in to each curved gouge after the "sine" ridge was essentially formed. This is the last d estructional event under ice because gouges sharply cross-cut the uniform ridges (Fig. 3) . This action lasted long enough and was vigorous enough to make gouges I -IQ cm deep.

Figure 4 shows a large gouge produced by a vertically d escending current of ice or slurry. Such a gouge broadens and its striations curve westward always into the trend of the mega­grooves. This shows that the tools were swept along finally in the general flow of the ice or slurry. From the length of the striae and absence of percussion marks, we may deduce that the moving agent was a very viscous plastic; it held its tools in a firm grip for many centimeters.

Fig. 5. Criss-crossillg striae on the tail "dowlI-glacier" end oJ olle ' ·.rille" ridge, just e{lst oJ the )lVe.rt Quarry in central Kelleys Island. Striae " clilllb" out oJ the grooves on the right and Iq!t and cross near Ihe pen and pick handle (25 cm long ). The rounded ridge becomes lower in IheJoreground (bottom).

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Some mix of ice near its pressure-melting point, and angular rock debris with hard " tool" points, fits the requirements of basal abrasion be tter than a water and mud slurry unless the la tter is conceived of as sticky and thick.

The head ends of the second-order sine-shaped ridges, as seen from the easterly (down-hill) direction, look like the end of a large half water melon or a huge half-cigar (Fig . 3). Third­order engraved st ri ae radiate up over it and especiall y around either side into the associated narrower grooves. In fact , the second-order grooves are sharpest, narrowest, and deepest where many striae converge just east of the head of a ridge. This convergence into troughs suggests that 2- 10 times as much debris-armed ice or slurry passed through each deep loca l groove position as rose a long adjacent ridges. This can onl y mean 2- 10 times the velocity; if the m ai n ice moved S- 1O mId a t the surface, * these m igh t well have moved or " squirted" more than 10- 100 mId or 7 cm/min. These were concentrated local streams just at the sole of the g lacier.

T his deduction of basal lateral concentrations of tools is born out by the up-hill or tail end of some second-order "sine" ridges as wel l. In a ll cases the ridge decreases in ampli tude (lowers gradua ll y) in 10- 40 m. The individua l tool striae in adjacent grooves "climb" gradually up on to the ridge from the sid es, even criss-crossing striae from the other side (F ig. S) . In other words, the redistribution of engraving tools takes place 10- 40 m down-glacier. Fast-moving ice or slurry must dilate and the ridge flattens out where erosion evens out. Presumably, the speed of basal slip becomes uniform too.

Symmetrical with the sharp rounded stoss end of some ridges are a series of sharp curved gouges 1 - 10 cm deep and 10- S0 cm long (Fig. 3) . They o utline the ground plan of the " water-melon structure" 20- 100 cm "ahead" of its position, and they "nest" a round it. These suggest a possible retrogression of the down-hill head end of the water-melon ridge as vigorous a brasion of oncoming ice or slurry rounded it off.


No one feature of the g rooves causes more speculation tha n the secondary ridges ; why are there any "water-melon ends" giving rise to rounded ridges at a ll ? T. Hughes (unpublished manuscript) fi rst proposed plucking by the ice a long natural joints. This Devonian limestone is systematically and broadly jointed with the principal system nearly vertical but cutting diagonall y across the grooves (3 ISO and 04SO). Any thick plucked blocks, especia ll y on a protruding high and facing oncoming ice, could deAect currents of ice or si urry to either side to initiate the bordering trenches. The blunt end would become rounded and recede. It may be ass umed tha t basal motion is by plast ic deformation rather than regelation of features so large.

Many students in cl ass visits from 1947 to 1977 suggest that a la rge erratic traveling in the basa l ice became wedged crosswise in some narrower parts of uniform "sine" grooves. The plastic ice- d ebris mix (or slurry of till ) swirl ed a round and under the boulder, concentrating scour in gouges and na rrow grooves, but leaving a ridge in the protected a rea behind the boulder. H owever, during excavation of about 2S0 m 3 of till from the groove in the Glacia l Grooves State Park, a total of only 203 stones could be found , and not one was big enough to be wedged crosswise.

Shaw a nd Freschauf ( 1973) turned to kinematic waves or heli cal turning of the basal ice to form som e secondary ridges. Certainl y, where the rounded ridges a re systematic and un­interupted, as at the long-exposed east end of G lacia l Groove State Pa rk (F ig. 2) one can envision a very regul ar longi tudina l standing wave parallel to motion.

* Common in Antarctic and Greenland ice streams (Cameron, 1965) .

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Lavrushin and Goldthwait (1978), in reviewing this locali ty, came back to one of the earliest suggestions, viz. that the ridge ends must be of ha rder "less-scratchable" rock. In most glaciated areas, such as Baffin Isla nd, Alaska, Greenland, and Spitsbergen, the lesser ridges 10- 100 cm wide a rise where a tougher li thology has been abraded severely and stands up. H ere a number of careful early workers denied any difference in " ha rdness" from ridge to groove. Yet we found most of the water-melon ends a re full of Zaphrentis corals. Con­ceivably, under pressures of nearly 100 atmospheres, this coralline form of calcite was slightly more resistant to abrasion.

H allet (1976) introduced a new possible factor. Water abrasion had oft en been considered , and certa inly the creation of water, where the ice sole must be at the pressure-melting point , is a well-accepted glaciologica l principle. However, solution of limestone to calcium bicar­bonate might be a new fac tor under ice, notably on compressional slopes. But the corolla ry, which is calcite deposition on the lee slopes to westward of the ridges, has no t been demons­trated here. Could it occur in such large-scale gross topography?


Few if any observing geologists over the last century would argue that the megagrooves were not at least partly g lacia l in origin; the surface is completel y scored with long striae, whose azimuth is down the length of Erie Basin, and a ll recorded grooves were a t leas t half­fill ed with till, bearing erratics from eastern Ontario, a nd perhaps New York .

There is abundan t evidence, however , that all major grooves were located in former small stream courses which fl owed eastward down the dip of Columbus limestone (VerSteeg and Yunck, 1935). Presumably, these were in terglacia l ka rst stream courses (lapies). Some evidence was more explicit during quarrying (Fig. 6) ; there were sharp meanders and plunge basins at the deepest parts of each megagroove. One small " meandering section" is still preserved near the middle of Glacial Grooves State Park. This is why Gilbert (1873) seized upon moulins from wa ter falling through the thick ice as a n explanation for their origin.

Other compelling evidence that these were once stream courses is that some show shallower side megagrooves entering in dendritic pattern at angles of 10- 25°. * And all megagrooves bend 5- 10 ° as one looks down their axes (Fig. 2). In other words, the basal glacier ice or slurry was d eflected in crooked chan nels with pre-existing tributa ry courses. This was a local streaming into local creek beds climbing up to the crest of the broad rock divide. These were not the broad streams of surface ice such as d escribed in Vanderford Glacier (Cameron, 1965) in Antarctica.

Altogether , this m akes for a compressional situa tion where basal ice near o°C at minimum viscosity accelerated to pass over a restriction much as in Carol 's (1947) roche moutonnee observations. Locally, volume of ice discha rge at the base of the glacier probably exceed ed the discharge rate near the ice surface of the glacier. T. Hughes (unpublished manuscript) suggested that this is a concentrated kinematic instability likely over large ice-covered bed projections, where the b asal temperate (o °C) ice layer reduces to zero thickness at the highest sites; so the ice freezes on to these highest points (Lliboutry, 1966) . .


Many studies of tills , both in southern Ontario north of Lake Erie (Dreimanis and Reavely, 1953) and east from Cleveland (White, 1960), define one widespread late Wisconsinan-age till, the Port Stanley or Hiram till. C . C. Rich (unpublished studies) found that it also covers earlier tills in north-western Ohio. Little , if any, sliding abrasion can accompany deposition

* Seen now at the northwesternmost foot-bridge crossing in Glacial Grooves State Pa rk.

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Fig. 6. M eandering nzegagroove base. An 1875 photograph of one groove quarried away . North Quarry of Kelleys IsLand, probably north-west oJ GLacial Grooves State Park. ( T his is one oJ the m{//!y orig inaL photographs at the H istoricaL Society and Orton M useum, CoLumbus, Ohio. )

of such compact till , so m egagrooves and "sine" grooves must precede it. Muskopf (un­published ) m a de a careful study of the compact till which ha lf-fill ed the megagroove excavated in 1972, a nd found it identical to the Hira m till in clay content (35- 40%) , carbona te content (21- 25!% ), a nd brown color (7.5 YR 4/4). It is similar in type of clay (68 % illite, 27 % vermiculite ) a nd in stone count. So, the grooves were comple ted before this re-advance of ice covered northern Ohio, which came a fter the Erie interstade 15 500 14C years ago (Dreimanis and Goldthwait, 1975)'

In Glacia l Grooves State Pa rk and in the gia nt grooves excava ted las t century, the Hiram till was cover ed by 5- 80 cm of lamina ted fine sa nds and coarse silts. T his is interpreted as lacustrine sediment and is common to a ll the wes tern basin , less than 70 m a bove Lake Erie. In the wes tern two-thirds of the Lake Erie Basin , glacial la kes M a umee, Arkona, Whittlesey, W arren , a nd W ayne are dem onstra ted to have had water surfaces well above the highest parts of a ll isla nds in western Lake Erie . All lakes, especially the las t two, left silts. R a diocarbon da tes of 13600-1 I 300 years * apply to a ll these except the first (Ma.umee) stage . T he wea thering a nd pitting of the upper groove wa lls began when ice d a ms disappeared and water receded to a level lower than today, which was no later tha n I I 000 years ago .

* The three youngest dates a re disputed by evidence a t T oronto, N iaga ra Falls, and Buffalo.


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The till itself, both in the grooves and in the region, is fresh and unleached. The deepest leaching is hardly 60 cm in soils of well-drained tills in the region. The surface of the bedrock beneath the till is fresh, polished, and unleached, whether buried 0.5, I, or 2 m deep. Such thin soils in drift and fresh bedrock never characterize any penultimate ( Illinoian) glaciated area, so these grooves were at least freshened and finished within the late Wisconsinan glaciation. The invasion of the last ice is generally dated by lacustrine and organic deposits, which were over-run at Garfield Heights, Toledo, and Port Talbot about 24 000- 25 000 years ago (Dreimanis and Goldthwait, 1975)' The glacial grooves could have been shaped out of pre-glacial stream beds any time between 24000 and 15000 14C years ago.

Possibly some surface abrasion occurred during all these 8 500 years. At I mm/year, * this might even have accomplished the whole job. But most visiting geologists, impressed with the magnitude of the erosion, have suggested that the bulk of the erosion was during the 4500

years of thickest ice, a period lasting from 2 I 500 to 17 000 14C years ago (Dreimanis and Goldthwait, 1975)' Early in a long glacial cycle is an unlikely time for erosion as the ground is often deeply frozen during cold summers of ice advance and ice is inferred to be everywhere frozen to its base (Goldthwait, [CI973] ) . There is no basal slip. It takes centuries for Earth heat to drive the zero isotherm up to the base of the glacier once it covers frozen land. Any turbulence that may produce the second-order swirling cuts has never been observed in erosion near existing glacier margins nor in tunnels up to 400 m back from the ice edge (Goldthwait, 1960) .

If Greenland and Antarctica are representative examples, the actual depth of ice 300-500 km back from the Wisconsinan ice margin was at least I 500 to 2 000 m; and these may be conservative depths if one postulates a peripheral snow-feeding center over the Lake Erie Basin. Does such visco-plastic ice with any mix of debris, under the confining pressures of 100 bar and at its pressure-melting point, have any properties which allow it to gouge out pure lImestone? Hence the jetting action appears to be generated by vortices set into motion by the deep meandering topography of rather small pre-glacial valleys .


Boulton, G. S. [CI974.] Processes and patterns of glacial erosion. (In Coates, D. R ., ed. Glacial geomorphology. Binghamton, N.Y., State University of New York, p. 41-87. (Publications in Geomorphology.))

Cameron, R . 1. 1965. The Vanderford submarine valley, Vincennes Bay, Antarctica. (In Hadley, J. B., ed. Geology and paleontology of the Antarctic. Washington, D.C., American Geophysical Union, p. 211-16. (Antarctic Research Series, Vol. 6. ))

Camey, F. 1910. Glacial erosion on Kelleys Island, Ohio. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, Vol. 20, p.640-45·

Carol, H. 1947. The formation ofroches moutonnees . Journal of Glaciology, Vol. I, No. 2, p. 57- 59. Ch am berlin, T . C. 1888. The rock-scorings of the great ice invasion. U.S. Geological Survry. 7th Annual Report,

1885- 86, p. 147- 248 . Dreimanis, A., and Goldthwait, R . P. 1975. Wisconsin glaciation in the Huron, Erie, and Ontario lobes. Geological

Society of America. Memoir 136, p. 71 - 106. Dreimanis, A., and Reavely, G . H. 1953. Differentiation of the lower and upper till along the north shore of

Lake Erie. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, Vol. 23, No. 4, p. 238- 59. Gilbert, G. K. 1873. Surface geology of the Maumee valley. Geological Survey cif Ohio. Report, Vol. I, p. 539- 40. Gjessing, J. 1966. On 'elastic scouring' and 'subglacial erosion'. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift, Bd. 20, Ht. 1- 2,

1965-66, p. 1-37· Goldthwait, R. P. 1960. Study of ice cliff in Nunatarssuaq, Greenland. U.S. Snow, Ice and Permafrost Research

Establishment. Technical Report 39 . Goldthwait, R . P. [cI973 .] Till deposition versus glacial erosion. (In Fahey, B. D., and Thompson, R. D., ed.

Research in polar and alpine geomorphology. Proceedings: 3rd Guelph Symposium on Geomorphology, 1973. Norwich, University of East Anglia, Geo Abstracts Ltd.; Guelph, Ontario, University of Guelph, Dept. of Geography, "Geomorphology Symposium", p. 159- 66.)

HaBet, B. 1976. Deposits formed by subglacial precipitation of CaC03• Geological Society of America. Bulletin, Vol. 87, No. 7, p. 1003- 15.

• A near-margin erosion-rate recently measured (Boulton, [CI974]).

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L avrushin, Yu., and Goldthwait, R. P . 1978. Krupnaya ekzaratsionnaya rytvina o. K elli (oz. Eri ), yeye proiskhozhdeniye i mikrorel'yef [Large exaration trough at K elleys Island (La ke Erie), its origin and micro­relief]. GeomorJologiya, 1978, No. 2, p. 79- 84.

Lliboutry, L. A. 1966. Bottom temperatures and basal low-velocity layer in a n ice sheet. J ournal oJ Geophysical Research, Vo!. 7 I , No. 10, p. 2535- 43.

Muskopf, J. Unpublished. Studies of till from Kelley 's Island, Ohio. [B.Sc. thes is, Ohio State University, 1973.] Shaw, J., and Freschauf, R. C. 1973. A kinematic discussion of the forma tion of glacial Rutings . Canadian

Geographer, Vo!. 17, No. I, p. 19-35. Smith, H . T. U . 1948. Giant glacial grooves in northwest Canada. American Journal qf Science, Ser. 4, Vo!. 246,

No. 8, p . 503-14. VerSteeg, K ., and Yunck, G. 1935. Geography and geology of Kelley 's Island . Ohio Journal oJ Science, Vo!. 35,

No. 6, p. 42 I -33 . White, G. W. 1960. Classification of Wisconsin glacial deposits in northeastern Ohio. U.S. Geological Survey.

Bulletin I 12 I -A. Whittlesey, C. 1879. Ancient glacial action, Kelly's Island, Lake Erie. Proceedings oJ the American A ssociation

Jor the Advancemerzt oJ Science, Sect. B, Vo!. 27, p. 239-45. Winchell, N. H. 1873. The surface geology of north-western Ohio. Proceedings oJ the American AssociationJor the

Advancement oJ Science, Sect. B, Vo!. 2 I , p. 152- 86.