Get to the Root of It! Get to the Root of It! Tutorial 2 Tutorial 2 In all things are you blessed, O Lord In all things are you blessed, O Lord The Thanksgiving Hymn The Thanksgiving Hymn ՅՅՅՅՅՅՅՅՅ ՅՅՅՅՅՅՅ ՅՅ ՅՅՅ ՅՅՅՅՅՅՅՅՅ ՅՅՅՅՅՅՅ ՅՅ ՅՅՅ Hamenayni Orhnyal es Der Hamenayni Orhnyal es Der Year of Church and Home - 2007 Year of Church and Home - 2007

Get to the Root of It! Tutorial 2

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Get to the Root of It! Tutorial 2. In all things are you blessed, O Lord The Thanksgiving Hymn Յամենայնի Օրհնեալ ես Տէր Hamenayni Orhnyal es Der Year of Church and Home - 2007. Let's Listen to It. notes. Let's Learn It. In all things are you blessed, O Lord, We bless you, we praise you, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Get to the Root of It! Tutorial 2

Get to the Root of It!Get to the Root of It!Tutorial 2Tutorial 2

In all things are you blessed, O LordIn all things are you blessed, O Lord

The Thanksgiving HymnThe Thanksgiving Hymn

Յամենայնի Օրհնեալ ես Տէր Յամենայնի Օրհնեալ ես Տէր

Hamenayni Orhnyal es DerHamenayni Orhnyal es Der

Year of Church and Home - 2007Year of Church and Home - 2007

Page 2: Get to the Root of It! Tutorial 2

Let's Listen to ItLet's Listen to It


Page 3: Get to the Root of It! Tutorial 2

Let's Learn ItLet's Learn It

In all things are you blessed, O Lord,In all things are you blessed, O Lord,

We bless you, we praise you,We bless you, we praise you,

We thank you, we pray you, Lord our God.We thank you, we pray you, Lord our God.

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Addressed to Addressed to The Lord, our GodThe Lord, our God

DerDer ՏէրՏէր Lord Lord

AsdvadzAsdvadz ԱստուածԱստուած God God

MerMer ՄերՄեր Our Our

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DerDer 'Lord'Տէր 'Lord'Տէր

տի տի didi – – ''didignified, gnified, teateachercher''

այր այր aayyrr – 'man' – 'man'

di + ayr = di + ayr = DerDer 'Lord'Տէր 'Lord'Տէր

Cognate Cognate aayyrr – 'man'is related to the Greek/Eng. root – 'man'is related to the Greek/Eng. root aandndrroidoid 'study of man''study of man'

Armenian and English are distantly related languages. Armenian and English are distantly related languages. CogCognates help nates help us reus recogcognize related words. We will mark these notes on related words nize related words. We will mark these notes on related words with the with the Cognate Key symbol Cognate Key symbol ..

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Asdvadz Asdvadz Աստուած Աստուած ''God'God'

AsdvadzAsdvadz from Armenian from Armenian hasdad - hasdad - 'firm, established' 'firm, established'

Arm. Arm. hhasdadasdad and Eng. and Eng. ffastenasten are related words. are related words.

Compare: Arm. Compare: Arm. hhayrayr and Eng. and Eng. ffatherather. .

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mermer ourմեր ourմեր

Arm. Eng. German French LatinArm. Eng. German French Latin

mmeerr oouur r u unnseserr nnototrre e nnosteosterr

Whole phrase – Whole phrase –

Der Asdvadz MerDer Asdvadz Mer

Lord, God ourLord, God our

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zkez, zkenzkez, zken 'thou' զքեզ զքէն 'thou' զքեզ զքէն

hamenayni, orhnyal es Derhamenayni, orhnyal es Der

orhnemkorhnemk z-kezz-kez, , kovemkkovemk z-kezz-kez,,

kohanamkkohanamk z-kenz-ken, , aghachemkaghachemk z-kezz-kez

Der, Asdvadz merDer, Asdvadz mer..

z-z-kekezz զ զքեքեզզ

z-z-kekenn զ զքէքէնն

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z-kezz-kez, , z-kenz-ken, , koko , , 'thou, thy'զքեզ զքէն քո , , 'thou, thy'զքեզ զքէն քո

Lord's Prayer - Lord's Prayer -

Hallowed be Hallowed be thythy name. name.

Surp yeghitsi anun Surp yeghitsi anun koko

Սուրբ եղիցի անուն Սուրբ եղիցի անուն քոքո. .

Lat. tuo, Arm. Lat. tuo, Arm. koko, Eng. thou, Eng. thou

t-u-o => k-w-o => t-u-o => k-w-o => koko

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z-kez, z-kenz-kez, z-ken զզ քեզ քեզ զզքէնքէն

What does the What does the z-z- prefix mean? prefix mean?

Verb + Verb + Direct ObjectDirect Object

Orhnemk Orhnemk z-kezz-kez We bless you.We bless you.

Kovemk Kovemk z-kezz-kez We praise you.We praise you.

Aghachemk Aghachemk z-kezz-kez We pray you.We pray you.

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orhnemk, orhnyalorhnemk, orhnyal 'bless' 'bless'

օրհնօրհնեմքեմք orhnorhnemkemk wewe bless bless

օրհնօրհնեալեալ orhnorhnyalyal bless blesseded

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-emk mek-emk mek 'we'եմք մեք 'we'եմք մեք

OrhnOrhnemkemk օրհնօրհնեմքեմք

kovemkkovemk գով գովեմքեմք

aghachemkaghachemk աղաչ աղաչեմքեմք

mekmek – 'we'in Church Armenian – 'we'in Church Armenian

memennkk – 'we'in Modern Armenian – 'we'in Modern Armenian

'As 'As wewe forgive our debtors.' forgive our debtors.'

vorbes yev vorbes yev mek mek toghutoghumkmk merots bardabanats merots bardabanats

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-mk-mk - 'we'մք - 'we'մք

OrhneOrhnemkmk z-kez, kove z-kez, kovemkmk z-kez, z-kez,

kohanakohanamkmk z-ken, aghache z-ken, aghachemkmk z-kez z-kez

koh koh = 'satisfied',= 'satisfied', aakah kah = 'not satisfied, greedy'= 'not satisfied, greedy'

as in Englishas in English aamoral, moral, where prefixwhere prefix a-a- = 'not' = 'not'

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aghachemkaghachemk 'we pray'աղաչեմք 'we pray'աղաչեմք

aghotaghotkk աղօթաղօթքք means 'prayer(s)' means 'prayer(s)'kk is the plural markeris the plural marker

Cognate Cognate ArmArm.. agha agha, , Eng.Eng. oraoratory, tory, Lat.Lat. oraorare 'to pray're 'to pray'

aghoaghottemkemk => => aghaaghachchemkemkas in English as in English got yougot you => => gotchagotcha

Aghachemk zkez Der, Asdvadz merAghachemk zkez Der, Asdvadz mer..We pray you Lord, our God.We pray you Lord, our God.

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We pray togetherWe pray together

AghacheAghachemkmk աղաչե աղաչեմքմք ' 'we we pray'pray'

Hayr Hayr mermer Հայր Հայր մերմեր ' 'ourour Father' Father'

HavadaHavadamkmk հաւատահաւատամքմք ' 'wewe believe' believe'

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/ ի յ/ ի յ i/hi/h preposition 'in' preposition 'in'

hhamamenaynienayni – ' – 'inin allall things' things'

root root amam, extended root , extended root amamenaynenaynArm. root Arm. root amam as in English s as in English samame, e, assassememble 'all together'ble 'all together'

ii+amenayn++amenayn+ii => => hhamenaynamenaynii.. Preposition Preposition ii is related to Eng. is related to Eng. in in and becomes and becomes yy before vowels, later before vowels, later

pronounced pronounced hh (as in Ger. (as in Ger. JJohannesohannes, Arm. , Arm. HHovhannesovhannes).).

''on earthon earth as it is in heaven' as it is in heaven'vorbes hergins yev vorbes hergins yev hergrihergri

i+yergir+i => hergrii+yergir+i => hergri

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eses 'thou art'ես 'thou art'ես

Orhnyal Orhnyal eses, Der, Der օրհնեալ օրհնեալ եսես, Տէր, Տէր

'Blessed 'Blessed are youare you, O Lord', O Lord'

է է ee on arches of Armenian Churches, on arches of Armenian Churches,

means 'the One who is'means 'the One who is'

hayr mer vor hergins hayr mer vor hergins eses հայր մեր որ յերկինս հայր մեր որ յերկինս եսես

'Our Father, who 'Our Father, who artart in heaven' in heaven'

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Let's practice the wordsLet's practice the words

, . Յամենայնի օրհնեալ ես Տէր , . Յամենայնի օրհնեալ ես Տէրhamenayni orhnyal es Derhamenayni orhnyal es Der

In all things blessed are you, O Lord. In all things blessed are you, O Lord.

, . Օրհնեմք զքեզ գովեմք զքեզ , . Օրհնեմք զքեզ գովեմք զքեզorhne-mk z-kez kove-mk z-kezorhne-mk z-kez kove-mk z-kezbless-we you praise-we youbless-we you praise-we you

We bless you, we praise you,We bless you, we praise you,

, Գոհանամք զքէն , Գոհանամք զքէն աղաչեմք զքեզ Տէր աղաչեմք զքեզ Տէր :Աստուած մեր :Աստուած մերkohana-mk z-ken aghachemk z-kez Der Asdvadz merkohana-mk z-ken aghachemk z-kez Der Asdvadz merthank-we you-from pray-we you Lord God ourthank-we you-from pray-we you Lord God our

We give thanks to you, we pray you, O Lord, our GodWe give thanks to you, we pray you, O Lord, our God (( PsalmsPsalms ) )

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Let's practice singing itLet's practice singing it

notes (synchronize)notes (synchronize)

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You have just learned one of the oldest hymns from the You have just learned one of the oldest hymns from the Armenian Communion service. Armenian Communion service.

You don't need to be in church to sing this hymn. Sing it You don't need to be in church to sing this hymn. Sing it before or after meals at home or gatherings as an before or after meals at home or gatherings as an expression of thanks for God's bounty in addition to expression of thanks for God's bounty in addition to saying the Lord's Prayer. saying the Lord's Prayer.

Before long both will be second nature and no meal will Before long both will be second nature and no meal will seem complete without pausing to give thanks.seem complete without pausing to give thanks.