Get some paper and a pen! Get some water! Turn on your camera!!!!!!!

Get some paper and a pen! Get some water!

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Page 1: Get some paper and a pen! Get some water!

Get some paper and a pen!

Get some water!

Turn on your camera!!!!!!!

Page 2: Get some paper and a pen! Get some water!
Page 3: Get some paper and a pen! Get some water!

Today's lesson stars...

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the mudskipper

Page 5: Get some paper and a pen! Get some water!

the blue ringed


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the naked

mole rat

Page 7: Get some paper and a pen! Get some water!

the blob fish

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and many more awesome animals.......

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Last week we talked about the word adaptation.

What is an adaptation?

Something that helps an animal survive.

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An adaptation can be something an animal has got (body part).

An adaptation can be something an animal does.


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What are some adaptations of a polar bear?

Polar bears have white fur for camouflage.

Their fur is very thick to keep them warm.

Polar bears have sharp claws for catching their prey.

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What is camouflage?

When an animal is the same colour as the habitat.

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Some animals like the cuttlefish can change their colour in seconds to help them camouflage.

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What are some adaptations of a blue ringed octopus?

It's got 9 brains!!!

An octopus has 3 hearts.

The blue ringed octopus is very venomous.

An octopus can change colour in seconds to camouflage.

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What does venomous mean?

Venomous means an animals bite hurts other animals.

Venom is a liquid that can kill.

This octopus has enough venom to kill 26 people.

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Can you name some other venomous animals?


komodo dragonplatypus

lion fish

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Let's watch a video about mudskippers.

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What is special about the mudskipper?

They are fish with legs!

They can breathe through theirskin - not lungs.

They can see in all directions.

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Write about adaptations.

Write about one adaptation of each animal.

Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

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1. The frog has got _____________________________. 2. The dolphin has got _________________________.

3. The chameleon _____________________________. 2. The snail ________________________________.

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- Long, strong legs- Camouflage - Can jump high - Long tongue to catch insects

- a streamlined shape- very intelligent - they have a hole on their head to breathe air above the water.



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- can move their eyes two different directions- Special long tongue to catch flies- Can change colour to scare other chameleons

- a shell for protection- antennae to find food



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Adaptation - something special that helps an animal or plant to survive.

An adaptation can be a body part - what has it got?

An adaptation can be what an animal can do.

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Example - a tiger has:

- powerful jaw and sharp teeth- strong legs to run fast- camouflage - excellent hearing

These things help the tiger to survive.

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An adaptation canbe something an

animal does.

These are behavioural adaptations.

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Some animals - like this sloth, are nocturnal.

This means they sleep all day and wake up when it's dark.

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Nocturnal animals



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Some animals live in cold habitats during the winter.

These animals hibernate.

It's too cold to survive. What do they do?

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When animals hibernate they use less energy.It is like they are sleeping through the winter.

Animals eat and drink less and relax until it gets hotter.

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Some animals that live in cold habitats during the winter don't hibernate.

They escape the cold weather. How?

These birds migrate.

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Migration means going to a different country.

and when it gets cold in the new country.....

The birds migrate again.

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Some animals have made friends with other animals to help them survive.

These are called symbiotic relationships.

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Crocodiles dont have toothbrushes - plover birds clean their teeth for them. Plover birds get food!

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Octopuses and fish are friends - they hunt together.

But sometimes the octopus gets angry and hits the fish!

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dcOctopuses and fish are friends - they hunt together.Some spiders and frogs are friends.

Spiders keep frogs safe. Frogs eat small insects that would eat spider eggs.

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Draw your own animal.

Write about its adaptations. Where does it live?What does it have?What does it do?

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Some examples.

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Some examples.

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Make a crazy animal. Write about the adaptations.

At least three things.

1. It's got blah blah blah to blah blah blah blah blah.

2. It's got blah blah blah to blah blah blah blah blah.

3. It's got blah blah blah to blah blah blah blah blah.

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An adaptation can be what an animal can do.

Nocturnal - some animals sleep all day and wake up at night.

Hibernation - when animals rest during the winter until it gets warmer.

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An adaptation can be what an animal can do.

Migration - some birds fly to different countries when it gets too cold.

Friendship - different types of animal become friends to help them survive.

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Today we have studied:

Animal adaptations.

Behavioural adaptations.

Time for the Super Bomberman Bomb
