gestures Thisskopp/download/gesture... · 2003. 10. 15. · gestures This con tribution describ es ho w the dev elop ed systems can b e com bined to enable the gesture imitation game

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Page 1: gestures Thisskopp/download/gesture... · 2003. 10. 15. · gestures This con tribution describ es ho w the dev elop ed systems can b e com bined to enable the gesture imitation game

Imitation games with an arti�cial agent�

From mimicking to understanding shape�related

iconic gestures

Stefan Kopp� Timo Sowa� and Ipke Wachsmuth

Arti�cial Intelligence GroupFaculty of Technology� University of Bielefeld

D������ Bielefeld� Germanyfskopp�tsowa�ipkeg�techfak�uni�bielefeld�de

Abstract� We describe an anthropomorphic agent that is engaged inan imitation game with the human user� In imitating natural gesturesdemonstrated by the user� the agent brings together gesture recognitionand synthesis on two levels of representation� On the mimicking level�the essential form features of the meaning�bearing gesture phase strokeare extracted and reproduced by the agent� Meaning�based imitation re�quires extracting the semantic content of such gestures and re�expressingit with possibly alternative gestural forms� Based on a compositional se�mantics for shape�related iconic gestures� we present �rst steps towardsthis higher�level gesture imitation in a restricted domain�

� Introduction

Intuitive and natural communication with a computer is a primary researchgoal in human�computer interaction� This vision includes the usage of all com�municative modalities� e�g�� speech� gesture� gaze� and intonation� and has ledto extensive work on processing a user�s multimodal input as well as on creat�ing natural utterances with humanoid agents� To address these problems withregard to gesture� we employ a scenario in which the human user is engaged inan imitation game with an anthropomorphic agent� Max� The human user meetsMax in a virtual environment where he is visualized in human size� The agent�stask is to immediately imitate any gesture that has been demonstrated by theuser�

Imitation tasks are of particular interest as this capability can be considereda key competence for communicative behavior in arti�cial agents� Just like ininfant development of communicative skills� two important steps towards thiscompetence would be the following� First� the agent�s capability to perceive thevarious behaviors in his opposite�s utterance and to mimic them in a consistentway �mimicking�level�� Second� and higher�level� to understand the meaning ofthe perceived utterance and re�express its content with his own communicativemeans� i�e�� in his own words and with his own gestures �meaning�level��

Our previous work was directed to processing multimodal utterances of theuser and to synthesizing multimodal responses of Max� both including coverbal

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gestures �� � � This contribution describes how the developed systems can becombined to enable the gesture imitation game on both aforementioned levels�see Fig� for an overview��

Gesture recognition Gesture synthesis

Interpretation Formation

gesture description real time−animation



sensordata (MURML)


Fig� �� Levels of gesture imitation bottom�up� form�based and meaning�based

On the mimicking level� Max employs a body�centered representation of thegesture as an interface between his recognition and production systems� Imita�tion therefore includes formally describing a gesture�s meaningful �stroke� phasein terms of its mandatory spatiotemporal features which transcends the directtransfer of low�level body con�guration parameters like in motion capture� Thiskind of gesture imitation has been successfully realized for a certain range ofgestures and is described in more detail in Section �� Beyond mimicking� a rec�ognized gesture can be conceptualized on the meaning level yielding a modality�independent representation of its content �idea unit�� From this representationa gestural imitation can be generated that preserves the original communicativeidea but may very well result in di�erent realizations� e�g�� dependent on theavailability of expressive resources� For a domain limited to object shape de�scriptions by iconic gestures� we present a spatial representation for a gesture�simaginal content in Section �� First steps towards automatically building suchrepresentations� i�e�� interpreting gestures� as well as forming particular gesturesfor them are described�

� Related work

In spite of its signi�cance for the cognitively plausible development of human�computer communication� imitation scenarios have not been adopted in previoussystems and especially not so with respect to gestures� There is a large body ofresearch on gesture recognition viewed as pattern classi�cation� Systems basedon this paradigm segment the input data stream from the sensing device and con�sider gestures as atomic pieces of information that can be mapped one�to�one onsome application�dependent meaning� Popular computer vision methods includetraining�based approaches like Hidden Markov Models and Arti�cial Neural Net�works� as well as explicit feature�based methods � � Multimodal approachesthat include gesture and speech additionally consider the context�dependencyof gesture semantics� Usually� some form of multimodal grammar is employed

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to unify gesture and speech tokens in a common complex of meaning � � A se�mantic aspect which is particularly important in natural gestures is iconicity�However� most current systems do not provide any means to model gestural im�ages explicitly based on their inner structure� One noteworthy exception is theICONIC system that maps object descriptions with coverbal gestures on possi�ble referents based on an explicit comparison of form features and their spatialcon�guration � �

Similar to most recognition approaches� gesture generation in conversationalagents �e�g� �� � usually relies on a �xed one�to�one mapping from commu�nicative intent to prede�ned animations that are drawn from static libraries onthe basis of speci�c heuristics� Although the animations can be parametrizedto a certain extent or concatenated to form more complex movements� this ap�proach obviously does not resemble a real �transformation� of meaning intogesture� Cassell et al� � present a system for planning multimodal utterancesfrom a grammar which describes coverbal gestures declaratively in terms of theirdiscourse function� semantics� and synchrony with speech� However� gesture pro�duction again does not associate semantic features with particular gesture fea�tures �i�e�� handshape� orientation� movement� that would constitute a literallycontext�dependent gesture �cf� �� p� �� �� A fully automatic gesture creation wastargeted by only few researchers� Gibet et al� � apply generic error�correctingcontrollers for generating sign language from script�like notations� Matari�c etal� � stress the problem of determining appropriate control strategies and pro�pose the combined application of di�erent controllers for simulating upper limbmovements� For Max� we emphasize the accurate and reliable reproduction ofspatiotemporal gesture properties� To this end� motor control is planned directlyfrom required form properties and realized by means of model�based animation�

� Mimicking� Form�based imitation

By gesture mimicking we mean the reproduction of the essential form proper�ties of a demonstrated gesture by an articulated agent� This kind of imitationshould be independent from the agent�s body properties �e�g�� measures� propor�tions� level of articulation� and� furthermore� should not need to take subsidiarymovement features into account� As depicted in Fig� � mimicking therefore in�cludes �� recognizing gestural movements from sensory input� ��� extractingform features of the gesture stroke and specifying them in relation to the ges�turer�s body� and ��� synthesizing a complete gesture animation that reproducesthese features in its stroke phase� This section describes the methods developedfor all three stages and their combination in Max in order to enable real�timegesture mimicking�

��� Feature�based representation of gesture form

A gesture�s form features are described by a subset of MURML� a markuplanguage for specifying multimodal utterances for communicative agents � �

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MURML de�nes a hand�arm con�guration in terms of three features� �� the lo�cation of the wrist� ��� the shape of the hand� and ��� the orientation of the wrist�compositionally described by the extended �nger orientation�direction and thenormal vector of the palm �palm orientation�� Feature values �except for hand�shape� can be de�ned either numerically or symbolically using augmented Ham�NoSys descriptions� Handshape is compositionally described by the overallhandshape and additional symbols denoting the �exion of various �ngers�

A gesture is described in MURML by specifying its stroke phase that is con�sidered as an arbitrarily complex combination of sub�movements within the threefeatures� e�g�� moving the hand up while keeping a �st� To state the relation�ships between such features� simultaneity� posteriority� repetition� and symmetryof sub�movements can be denoted by speci�c MURML elements constituting aconstraint tree for the gesture �see Figure � for an example��

�constraints��parallel��symmetrical dominant��right arm� symmetry��SymMST�center��� � � � � �������parallel��static slot��HandShape� value��BS�at���static slot��ExtFingerOrientation� value��DirAL���static slot��HandLocation� value��LocChinLocCCenterRight LocNorm��

�parallel��symmetrical��static slot��PalmOrientation� value��DirD� scope��left arm� ��static slot��PalmOrientation� value��DirD� scope��right arm� �


Fig� �� Example speci�cation of a static two�handed� symmetrical gesture

Each feature is de�ned over a certain period of time to be either �� static�i�e�� a postural feature held before retraction� or ��� dynamic� i�e�� a signi�cantsub�movement �uently connected with adjacent movement phases� For complextrajectories� dynamic constraints are made up of segments� which can be furtherdi�erentiated for hand location constraints either as linear or curvilinear�

Like in HamNoSys� symmetric two�handed gestures are de�ned in terms ofthe movement of the dominant hand and the type of symmetry obeyed by thefollowing hand� We de�ne eight di�erent symmetries made up of combinationsof mirror symmetries w�r�t� the frontal� transversal� and sagittal body planes��SymMST� in Figure � denotes mirror symmetries w�r�t� the sagittal and thetransversal plane�� Regardless of the symmetry condition� handshapes are iden�tical in both hands and the wrist orientation vectors are always switched intransversal direction �left�right�� Exceptions from this rule can be described ex�plicitly by combining respective movement constraints with the symmetricalnode �as in Figure � for palm orientation��

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��� Gesture recognition and feature extraction

The gesture recognition stage transforms sensory data into a MURML formrepresentation �Fig� ��� We employ a �DOF tracking system and data�glovesto capture hand motion as well as posture information� Data from the devicesis processed by a chain of software modules which are tightly integrated in theimmersive virtual reality environment � � The modules compute form and move�ment features of MURML as well as cues for gesture segmentation� A specializedsegmentation module processes such cues to divide the data stream into gesturephases based on the approach by Kita et al� � � A movement interval� includ�ing hand motion and posture changes� is segmented at points where an abruptchange of the movement direction occurs and the velocity pro�le signi�cantlychanges� An alternation of direction includes the transition between movementand holds� For each phase� a form description frame is created that includes therelevant features� The resulting frame sequence is searched for typical pro�lesthat indicate a gesture phrase� for example� a phase in which the hand rises�followed by a hold� and then a lowering phase� is regarded as a preparation�stroke�retraction phrase� The hold in the middle would then be tagged as themeaningful phase and encoded in MURML�

phase segmenter

phase framesequence

profile recogn.

tagged framesequence


sensor devices

raw data


form features

segmentation cues

segmentation module

stroke (MURML)

Fig� �� Stages of the recognition process

��� Gesture synthesis

On the gesture synthesis stage� Max is able to create and execute gesture anima�tions from MURML descriptions in real�time� An underlying kinematic skeletonfor the agent was de�ned comprising �� DOF in �� joints� all subject to realisticjoint limits� This articulated body is driven by a hierarchical gesture generationmodel� shown in Figure �� that includes two stages� �� high�level gesture plan�ning and ��� motor planning� During gesture planning �see � �� the expressivephase of a gesture is de�ned by setting up a fully quali�ed set of movement con�straints� This stage optionally includes selecting an abstract gesture templatefrom a lexicon� allocating body parts� expanding two�handed symmetrical ges�tures� resolving deictic references� and de�ning the timing of the stroke phase�During lower�level motor planning �described in � �� a solution is sought to con�trol movements of the agent�s upper limbs that satisfy the constraints at disposal�A kinematic model of human hand�arm movement is employed that is based on�ndings from human movement science and neurophysiology� Each limb�s motionis kinematically controlled by a motor program that concurrently employs low�level controllers �local motor programs� LMPs�� LMPs animate sub�movements�

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i�e�� within a limited set of DOFs and over a designated period of time� by em�ploying suitable motion generation methods� During planning� specialized motorcontrol modules instantiate and prepare LMPs and subjoin them to the motorprogram�s�� Our system provides modules for the hand� the wrist� the arm� aswell as the neck and the face of the agent� Depending on body feedback duringexecution� blending of single gesture phases emerges from self�activation of theLMPs as well as the transfer of activation between them and their predecessorsor successors� respectively�


Motor program

gesture selection

constraint qualification

Gesture planning



left arm

left hand

left wrist



Motor program


Motor planning and execution



(MURML)plan expansion

body allocation


Body model


Fig� �� Overview of the gesture generation model

Gesture recognition and synthesis have been connected by way of transferringthe essential form features of a gesture encoded in MURML� That way� Max isable to mimic gestures in real�time standing face�to�face to the user �see Fig� �for examples�� The recognition capabilities of the agent are currently limited tomeaningful hold phases or turning points combined with arbitrary handshapes�e�g�� as in pointing gestures�� Dynamic movements and especially curvilineartrajectories pose particular problems for gesture segmentation as well as featureextraction and are subject of ongoing work�

Fig� �� Form�based gesture imitation� The form of a demonstrated gesture upperpicture is mimicked by Max lower picture

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� Understanding� Meaning�based imitation

The recognition and generation systems described so far realize a �rst�level ab�straction of upper limb movements to their essential form features �cf� Fig� ��On this basis� we can approach meaning�based gesture imitation by derivingthe idea unit behind the gesture from its form features �interpretation�� for�mally representing this semantics� and re�expressing it in possibly alternativegestures �formation�� To this end� plausible �sense�preserving� transformationsbetween gesture morphology and meaning are needed� This section� �rst� de�scribes a spatial representation for the semantics of iconic gestures for a domainlimited to object shape descriptions� Experimentally derived� heuristic rules arepresented for the mapping between this representation of gesture meaning andthe feature�based descriptions of gesture form� Finally� �rst steps towards im�plementing this mapping in both directions� i�e�� interpreting as well as formingshape�related iconic gestures� are described�

��� Imagistic representation of object shape

We conducted an empirical study to unveil the semantic features of shape andto determine the mapping between form and meaning of gestures in an objectdescription task � � We observed that most gestures re�ect an abstract imageof their object which represents its extent in di�erent spatial dimensions� Weintroduced the term dimensional gestures for this particular class� Such gesturesare often reduced to convey just one or two dimensions� a phenomenon thatwe call dimensional underspeci�cation� Following the object�s structure� gesturaldescriptions mostly decompose objects into simple geometric shapes that aredescribed successively� Sometimes such descriptions contain an abstract sketchof the whole object before going into details� Successive dimensional gesturestend to coherently retain the spatial relations between the objects they repre�sent� Groups of them may form complex elusive images in gesture space thatre�ect the qualitative arrangement of objects and their parts� For example� themain body of a riddled bar introduced by an iconic gesture may serve as aframe of reference for gestures indicating the position of the holes� Therefore�the spatial representation should cover larger semantic units spanning severalgestures to allow for analyzing or synthesizing spatial coherence� We have cho�sen a structured� �D representation called imagistic description tree �IDT� tomodel these properties� Each node represents an object�s or part�s basic spatialproportions� The approach is derived from a semantic representation schema fordimensional adjectives � �� An object schema consists of up to three orthogonalaxes describing the object�s extent� An integrated axis covers more than one di�mension� A �D�integrated axis can be regarded as the diameter of some objectwith a roundish cross�cut� and a �D�integrated axis as the diameter of a sphere�

� The original implementation as a graph structure � �� allowed an arbitrary numberof axes and spatial relations� It was modi�ed to be compatible with Lang�s morerestricted object schemas ��� which simpli�es the recognition process�

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Axis proportions and �meanings� can be qualitatively speci�ed by the followingattributes�

max de�nes the perceptually most salient axis which is commonly associatedwith the object�s length� It is always disintegrated�

sub de�nes an integrated or disintegrated axis which is perceptually less salient�It is associated with the object�s thickness� its material� or substance�

dist de�nes an interior extent� e�g�� of non�material �parts� like holes�

Each axis� extent may be speci�ed quantitatively with a length� To inte�grate verbal information� each schema contains names for the part it de�nes�e�g� �head� and �shank� for a screw� The tree structure models a part�of re�lation together with the spatial relation of a child node relative to its parentspeci�ed by a homogeneous transformation matrix� Thus it is possible to rep�resent decomposition and spatial coherence� Fig� � shows an IDT for a stylizedscrew� It contains an underspeci�ed schema for the whole object as root nodeas well as part schemas for the �head�� the �shank�� and the �slot� as a part ofthe head� The letters a� b� and c mark the spatial dimensions� Integrated axesare marked with parentheses� e�g� �b c�� Attributes and quantitative values arelisted below the axes�


6.0 0.2 0.2

iT = position/orientation transformation matrix

"head" "shank"

< a (b c) > max sub 6.5 4.0

< a >max10.0


< (a b) c > sub 6.0 3.5

< a b c > max



Fig� �� Imagistic description tree for a stylized screw

��� The mapping between form and meaning

The gesture interpretation and formation stages concern the mutual conversionbetween a MURML form description and the semantic layer represented as anIDT� Indications for this mapping were obtained from the empirical study� Itprovides information about the form features used to gesturally encode spatialaxes� Table illustrates the combination frequencies of spatial features and formfeatures in a corpus of ��� gestures judged as iconic� Note that the sum over allcells of the table exceeds ��� since several features may be present in a singlegesture� The �rst column shows the number of gestural expressions of linear axes�

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i�e� length� breadth� or width� the second one of the diameter of objects with acircular cross�cut� The third column lists cases in which a round shape� e�g� ahole� is indicated� The last two columns refer to indications of rounded corners oredges and the hexagonal shape of one of the stimulus objects� Axis� diameter� andround shape properties can be modeled with the imagistic description approach�whereas the model provides no means to describe the latter two� This weakness isacceptable since it a�ects only a small portion of the semantic object propertiesindicated by gestures �less than �� of all descriptions��

linear diameter round r� edge�corner hexagonal

movement �� �� �� � �

distance �� ��

hand aperture �� �

palm orientation �

curved�round handshape ��

index �nger direction

Table �� Frequency of gesture form attributes expressing geometrical attributes

Generally� the relation between gesture form and meaning is a many�to�manymapping� However� Tab� shows that a rather concise set of � still not unambigu�ous � heuristic rules can be derived if a compositional� feature�based approach isused on both the form� and the meaning�level� These rules are listed in Tab� ��

� form feature axis type axis orientation axis degree

linear movement disintegrated orientation ofmovement segment

length of segment

� circular movement �D�integrated movement plane diameter of the circle

� two�handed staticposture� palmsfacing each other��at handshape

disintegrated di�erence segmentbetween palms

distance betweenpalms

� two�handed staticposture� palmsfacing each other�rounded handshape

�D�integrated plane by di�erencevector betweenpalms and extended�nger orientation

distance betweenpalms

� precision�gripposture thumb andother �ngers facingeach other

disintegrated vector betweenthumb tip and �ngertip closest to thumb

hand aperture

� �at handone�handed gesture

disintegrated extended �ngerorientation


Table �� Rules for the conversion of form� and meaning�based representations

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Complex images emerge either from the parallel use of features in a singlegesture� or from their sequential expression in successive gestures� Since in the�rst case simultaneous form features must not occupy the same motor resources�the elementary mappings from Tab� � are composable in the following ways�

� � �� linear movement� two�handed symmetrical posture� �at hands� ��� linear movement� two�handed symmetrical posture� rounded handshape� � �� linear movement� precision�grip� � � �� two�handed symmetrical posture� precision�grip

Other combinations seem possible� but have not been observed in our corpus�Sequential arrangements of features� i�e�� the distribution of an object schemaacross more than one gesture phrase� appear when incompatible form featuresare employed� An example is the description of a cube with three two�handedgestures of type �� indicating successively its width� height� and length�

��� First implementation steps

The realization of meaning�based gesture imitation is an ongoing challenge inour lab� However� the imagistic shape representation provides an already oper�ational basis for formalizing a gesture�s imaginal content and the heuristic ruleso�er hints on how gestural form features can be associated� First steps towardsutilizing these rules to automatically build an imagistic description tree fromgiven gesture descriptions in MURML �interpretation� as well as to transformsuch a tree into MURML de�nitions �formation� have been taken� We expectthat their combination will enable Max to recognize the image behind a sequenceof iconic gestures and to create a di�erent gestural depiction on his own�

Gesture interpretation For gesture interpretation the rules from Tab� � arebasically implemented �from left to right�� If a suitable form feature occurs inthe MURML description� the corresponding axis type� its orientation and degreeare inserted into the imagistic model� There are several possibilities for insertiondepending on the feature arrangement strategy� Axes concurrently recognized�i�e� in a single dimensional gesture� always belong to one object schema� An axisexpressed in sequence to another either completes the current object schema� orit opens up a new one� Furthermore� the algorithm has to decide where spatialcoherence ends and a new gestural image begins� In its current state� the systemassumes the beginning of a new image description if the hands return to a restposition after performing several gestures�

Gesture formation Starting from an imagistic description tree� gesture forma�tion must cope with sequencing gestures that � in combination � are to expressmultiple object schemas with possibly multiple object features� Regarding thisproblem on a higher level� we assume that an object is described from its gen�eral spatial properties to more speci�c ones� This strategy resembles a depth��rst

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traversal of the imagistic description tree which� in addition� increases the spatialcoherence in elaborating an object schema by describing its descendant schemas�e�g�� the slot of the screw in Fig� � appears in relation to the head�� For each ob�ject schema� a gestural expression is formed by iterating through its axes �fromthe dominant to the smaller ones�� determining form features for each axis� andcombining them if possible in accord to the aforementioned composition rules�Form features are selected according to the heuristic rules in Tab� �� The am�biguity of this choice can be partially resolved based on the degree of the axis�e�g�� feature � is selected for an axis of small degree rather than feature or��� In case feature selection is still ambiguous� the choice is done by chance� Foreach selected form feature� the corresponding movement constraints in MURMLare created and adapted to the particular properties of the axis� e�g�� hand aper�ture to axis degree� If the movement constraints of two or more axes cannot becombined due to con�icting consumption of body resources� separate gesturesare instantiated as children of a sequence node in the MURML tree� All ges�tures formed for single object schemas are added into a single utterance� i�e� asingle gesture unit� for the entire description tree� Currently� the composabilityof features of di�erent axes is ignored during feature selection�

� Conclusion

We have presented an approach for enabling arti�cial agents to imitate in a im�mediate� game�like fashion natural gestures demonstrated by a human user� Theimitation scenario demands the connection of gesture recognition and synthesismethods� We propose two levels of gesture imitation� where representations ofdi�erent degrees of abstraction are employed� On the mimicking�level� a gesturalbody movement of the user is reduced to the essential form features of its mean�ingful phase� These features proved successful for form�based gesture imitationwhen appropriate models are employed for both gesture recognition and synthe�sis� Gesture mimicking is demonstrable � so far limited to static gestures � in areal�time imitation game with Max� Building on the form�level abstraction� wefurther presented novel steps towards processing the meaning of iconic gesturesthat depict geometrical objects� A spatial representation for the semantics ofsuch gestures was described along with experimentally derived rules that for�malize the ambiguous mapping between form and meaning in an implementableway� Realizing this mapping in both directions is subject of ongoing work� In fu�ture work� we intend to include speech in the meaning�based imitation process�This would� for example allow the user to refer to an object using one modality�e�g�� saying �bolt�� and getting it re�expressed by Max using the other modality�e�g�� con�rming the bolt�s shape with iconic gestures��


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