- fri Fifty-ninth Week Broadcasting February 5, 1922 KDKA Edition. Vol. I. No. 6 • \ •' W V "V r *?< r*uy*n VV«»A» i^ iS 'N ^ * /v' rt .■ :■ ' : SV 'N 1 - £& : ' V / • ■ .--V !•: s. yimw*. V-. ■ :, :> . :* 'm <■ V: VN /•> // /.:• ./* . . \X v V v \ n S k .v X< V \> /\ . >VUn ' ' v\ fW '.V'N- * % '< /> ''A •»«• *& § & '$ > *'v f§F;^ <a^x *8 *-v- ' •£»<>> V- & 9 & .W . • -• :,&$& w K ' • :• > , x ' •*'. v i ' ■•■ ' < /. ' ,:\'ry. y >N v\ ' :w. 'V V-,:. 8& S W S n x :$m y ■" ,^y< MF * : ^ •<# ■M i _ v , , s g»sswrs&a ^ ^ 6 .%:^ >♦ ? ' •; *•#*** at*: yrioKf« > M /-' Gertrude Sykes King Lucia Lee Rugg Two Pittsburgh Sopranos Who Recently Sang from KDKA www.americanradiohistory.com

Gertrude Sykes King Lucia Lee Rugg Two Pittsburgh Sopranos

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Page 1: Gertrude Sykes King Lucia Lee Rugg Two Pittsburgh Sopranos




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F ifty -n in th W eek B road castin g February 5, 1922 K D K A E d i t io n . V ol. I. N o. 6

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G ertrude Sykes King Lucia Lee Rugg

Two P ittsburgh Sopranos W ho Recently Sang from K D K A


Page 2: Gertrude Sykes King Lucia Lee Rugg Two Pittsburgh Sopranos



P u b lish ed W eekly by th e W e stin g h o u se E lectr ic & M a n u fa c tu r in g C o., E ast P ittsb u rg h , P a .,

to in crea se in te r e s t an d e n jo y m e n t in R adio B road castin g


Editor-in-ChiefM anaging Editor

Musical EditorEditor

Please address all com m unications to the E d ito r, D ept, of Publicity , W estinghouse E lectric & M anufactu ring Co., E ast P ittsburgh , Pa.

T h e K DK A K id d iesB y D . M . H ope

When the curtains of night are drawn o’er the land And the stars take their place in the sky.Before the fond m others have put them to sleep. By singing some sweet lullaby;T he kiddies delight to be listening in,A t the close of the long weary day.To hear Uncle Wiggily stories th a t cheer Broadcasted from K D K A .

T he sandm an m ay beckon them earnest, bu t vain, U ntil after the sto ry is through.Oh! T he wonderful things Uncle Wiggily does,And som ething each night th a t is new.Exciting adventures, the well-meant advice To squirrel boys and rabbit, a t play,Beware of the weasel, the fox and the wolf—’Tis wonderful K D K A .

T he rheum atiz crutch painted red, white and blue. Clover candy, now, scenting the air.T he soap th a t d istracted the wicked old wolf,And drove him aw ay to his lair.N o m atter, the things th a t seem to s ta r t wrong, T here, always, will tu rn up some way For U ncle’s escape to his home and N urse Jane— T hey tell us from K D K A .

W hen w rapped in sound slum ber in lullaby land, These tales, in their dream s, they m ust hear,W ith, no doubt, a smile on each chubby face And Old Uncle W iggily near.T is well, th a t this comes to the tired little tots.

And m ay i t continue alway,T heir blessings you have, and each little heartIs thankfu l to K D K A.

Brownsville, Pa. Jan . 10th. 1922.

10:45 A . M .

3:00 P.M .

7:30 P.M .

8:00 P.M .

8:00 P.M .

8:30 P.M .

8:00 P.M .

8:00 P.M .

8:30 P.M .

PR O G R A M F O R T H E W EEKThis program is prepared some tim e in advance of thesr.

dates, and is subject to change. P rogram s in detail are pu lished daily in all P ittsbu rgh papers.

S u n d ay , February 5, 1922Services from F irst P resbyterian Church o{

P ittsburgh, Pa. Dr. M aitland AlexanderM inister.

Radio Chapel a t s ta tio n K D K A conducted by Rev. Wm. A. Logan, A lpha Lutheran Churcj) \ of T urtle Creek, Pa. *

Services from C alvary Episcopal Church Shady Avenue, P ittsbu rgh , Pa. Rev. E. J Van E tten , Rector.

M onday, February 6, 1922 L etter from Roger Babson, economist and

business au thority .“The W om an in Business” , by Miss Suzanne

B eatty, a noted P ittsb u rg h lawyer.A varied program of Vocal and Instrumental

solos and duets by John R ichard, tenor; Anna Reilly, soprano, and Gizella Pallos, pianist.

T uesday February 7, 1922“W orking Your W ay T hrough School”, bv

H erbert G. Lytle, P residen t of T he Pittsburgh Academy.

Song review by Y vette Rugel, soprano, who is appearing a t the D avis T heater, Pittsburgh.

Popular en te rta in m en t by the Lyric Four, male quarte t. M iss Lugenbill, pianist.

Several selections will also be played on the Steinway D uo-A rt C oncert G rand Piano.

W ednesday, F ebruary 8, 1922Message from the N ational Safety Council. Several readings will be given by James

Francis Dooley, m onologist, who is appearing a t the D avis T h ea te r of P ittsb u rg h , this week. Readings by D ouglas M allock, T he Poet.

A varied program , consisting of vocal solos, duets and q u arte ts , given by M rs. Lillian R. Rogers, soprano; R u th M iriam Seaman, con­tra lto ; Charles B illiter, tenor, and Joseph A. Rogers, baritone; assisted b y M rs. Marie Younkin Rogers, p ian ist.

T h u rsd ay , F ebruary 9, 1922.Looking on the B righ t S ide” , by M rs. J. E.

W ebster, League of W om en Voters.Selections from opera by m usicians from

the E rnest L u n t S tudio .Friday, F ebruary 10,M922

C hildren’s s to ry by M iss Louise Guiraud, C hildren’s D ep t., C arnegie L ib rary , Homewood.

“ Functions of a C ham ber of Commerce, by M arcus R auh, P residen t C ham ber of Com­merce of P ittsb u rg h .

Selection of vocal solos, d u e ts and readings by R obert Johns, b arito n e ; George Thomas, tenor; H u b ert T erry , reader.

8:00 P.M 8:00 P.M I

8:00 P.M 8:30 P.M

8:00 P.M .

8:30 P.M .

«« )

8:00 P.M .

8:30 P.M .

8:30 P .M .

8:00 P .M .

8:30 P .M .

S atu rd ay , F eb ru ary 11, 1922.“ F undam entals of the 1921

Laws— Ind iv iduals ,” by M r. R . C orporation A udit C om pany. C oncert by the T ech Glee C lub.

(C o n tin u e d o n P a g e F o u r)

Income Tax L. Wickline,

Westinghouse S t a t i o n KDKA was f i rs t to give regul ar B r o a d c a s t i n g Programswww.americanradiohistory.com

Page 3: Gertrude Sykes King Lucia Lee Rugg Two Pittsburgh Sopranos

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NEWS F eb ru ary 5, 1922 Three


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Top Row, Left to R ig h t:—R ichard K ountz, p ianist, organist and composer; M ay Beegle, concert m anager, to whom P ittsburgh is indebted for the prom ised appearance a t Syria M osque, M arch 9, 10, 11, of the Chicago G rand O pera Com pany, whose program for the en tire season a t Chicago was broadcasted from the W estinghouse S tation , K Y W ; Lena M ae Fryer, soprano; M arion Swan, nine-year old p ian ist; V incent K roen, tenor.

Bottom Row :—M rs. W ebster H innau, soprano; M ax Shapiro, violinist and teacher; M rs. H arry F. T hom a, p ian ist; M ax Kroen, baritone; A rth u r G oetz, p ian ist; M rs. John C. M cCullough, pianist.

Here They Are at Last little baby, bu t he may not be the most fatherlyWe have been requested m any tim es to show the looking in the group.

picture of “ th a t nice young m an w ith the beau ti­ful voice, who announces the program s eachevening from K D K A ” . So here it is.

You m ay have thought there was only one, or a t most two, b u t really there are four regular an­nouncers a t S tation K D K A . We hope you will like their faces as well as you have enjoyed their voices.

Perhaps it will be interesting to know th a t these men are carefully trained for this work and are required to a tten d a rehearsal each day they are on duty.

One of these men is m arried and has a beautiful

As we have no means of indicating how theirvoices differ you will have to decide for yourself which one you have been admiring.

H . H . S ta r tz m a n H . F . F in u c a n e T . F . H a rn a c k , H . W . A rlin

7 1 * 3 ^yWestinghouse R a d i o S e t s a r e b e s t t o r e c e i v e Westinghouse B r o a d c a s t i n g


Page 4: Gertrude Sykes King Lucia Lee Rugg Two Pittsburgh Sopranos

Four February 5, 1922RADIO



Rev. Wm. A. Logan L u theran C hurch. T u rtle Creek

Rev. S. N. H utchison E ast L iberty P resbyterian Church

Thousands attend Radio Religious Services every Sunday, and we feel safe in saying that these are the largest audiences reached b}' any minister of the Gospel. Yet every person in this vast multitude receives an individual service. Let us mention a few of these persons.

Here is a sweet old lady, crippled and confined to the house permanently. On Christmas she heard a sermon for the first time in thirty years. Do you think she is a booster for Radio Broadcast­ing?

A young man with tears in his voice tells us that his wife has been in the hospital for nine months and has been greatly comforted by the religious services she has been able to receive by means of Radio Broadcasting.

A family living on a farm, isolated from all churches during the long winter months, has regular church services every Sunday by Radio.

The sick, the infirm, the lame, the blind,—all are given opportunity to take part in these services, without any attendant inconveniences.

Add to these the thousands of persons who are reached by these uplifting messages who never think of attending regular church services, and a faint conception may be formed of the tremendous possibilities for good offered through Radio Broad­casting.

10:45 P.M

3:00 P.M

7:00 P.M

7:30 P.M

PROGRAM FOR THE WEEK(Continued from Page 2)

S u n d ay , F ebruary 12, 1922Services of the F irs t P resbyterian Church,

Sixth Avenue, P ittsb u rg h , Pa. Dr. Maitland Alexander, M inister.

Radio Chapel a t S ta tio n K D K A by Dr. S. H. Goldenson of the Rodef Shalom Congrega­tion, F ifth and M orewood Avenues, Pittsburgh Pa.

“Lincoln” an address by D r. G. A. Hubbell, President of the Lincoln M em orial University a t H arrogate, T enn.

Services of the C alvary Episcopal Church, Shady Avenue, P ittsb u rg h , Pa. Rev. E. J. Van E tten , M inister.

K D K A ’s W eek D a y S c h e d u le10:00 to 10:15 A. M . M usic 12:30 to 1:00 P .M . M usic *2:00 to 2:15 P. M . M usic *4:00 to 4:15 P .M . M usic

*On Saturdays no broadcasting done a t these periods.8 :00 P. M 7:30 P. M

7:45 P. M

8:30 to 9 9:00 to 9 9:05 to 9 9:55 to 10

Special Speakers as announced.. Uncle W iggily B edtim e S to ry from the Pitts­

burgh Sun and M usic for the Kiddies, and Grown-ups who still enjoy them .

Special News, G overnm ent M arke t Reports, Sum m ary of New Y ork S tock Exchange, W eather R eport

:00 P. M . M usical P rogram :05 P. M . News (U nited Press Service):30 P. M . M usical P rogram :00 P. M . A rlington tim e signals

K D K A ’s S is te r S ta t io n sKYW—360 m eters— C h icago , 111.

M arket R eports,6:00 P .M . F inancial News 7 :30 P.M. M usical Program 8:00 to 9:00 P .M ., C en tra l Time eachevening.

WJZ—360 m eters—N ew ark, N. J .H ourly news, N ew ark S unday C all News Service 11:00 A.M. to 6:00 P .M . on the hour, every weekday. Newark Sunday Call News Service, daily 7:55 P.M. G overnm ent W eather Forecast, D aily 10:55 A.M.» 5:00 P .M . and 10:03 P .M .M arine News—W eekdays except S a tu rdays, 2:05 P.M. Children’s H our, T uesday and F riday , 7:00 P .M . Arlington Tim e, daily 9:55 P .M .Music, daily 8:20 to 9:15 P. M .

WBZ—360 m eters—S p rin gfie ld , M ass.Concerts Sunday, M onday, W ednesday and Friday at8:00 P .M .

K D K A fans who are successful in hearing the program from any of the o ther sta tions will confer a favor by report­ing the circum stances to the R adio D ivision, D epartm ent of Publicity, W estinghouse E lectric & M anufactu ring Company. E ast P ittsburgh , Pa.

