A Guide to O.S.S./State Department Intelligence and Research Reports Germany and Its Occupied Territories During World War II

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Page 1: Germany and Its Occupied Territories During World War II · PDF fileGermany and Its Occupied Territories During World War II. ... Germany and Its Occupied Territories ... July 1, 1942:

A Guide to

O.S.S./State DepartmentIntelligence and Research Reports

Germany and ItsOccupied TerritoriesDuring World War II

Page 2: Germany and Its Occupied Territories During World War II · PDF fileGermany and Its Occupied Territories During World War II. ... Germany and Its Occupied Territories ... July 1, 1942:

A Guide to

O.S.S./State Department

Intelligence and Research Reports

IVGermany and Its

Occupied Terr i tor iesDuring lilorld Illar II

Edited byPaul Kesaris


UNIVERSITY PUBLICATIONS OF AMERICA, INC.5630 Connecticut Ave. Washington, D.C. 20015

Copyright O 1977 by University Publications of America, Inc.All rights reserved.

ISBN 089093 120-8

Page 3: Germany and Its Occupied Territories During World War II · PDF fileGermany and Its Occupied Territories During World War II. ... Germany and Its Occupied Territories ... July 1, 1942:


1 The Problem of German Occupation of Northwest Africa.December 3, 1941. 197 pp.

2 The Native Problem in North Africa. January 6, 1942. 66 pp.

3 What the People of North Africa Are Hearing. November 11,1942. 14 pp.

4 Spanish Morocco and the Tangier Zone. November 20, 1942.2 vol. 323 pp., 1 map.

5 The Italians in Tunisia with Special Reference to Their Poli-tical Usefulness for the Psychological Warfare of the UnitedNations. May 8, 1943. 50 pp.


6 Survey of Albania. July 29, 1942. 62 pp.

7 Guide to Albania. July 6, 1943. 104 pp.

8 Albanian Gauleiters, Quislings, and Traitors. 1943. 4 pp.

9 Albania—Cities and Towns. September 10, 1943. 37 pp. 5maps.

10 Albania—Resources and Trade. September 10, 1943. 32 pp.1 map.

11 Albania—Communications and Transportation. September10, 1943. 51 pp. 1 map.

12 The Problem of Albania. December 20, 1943. 27 pp.

13 German Military Government over Europe 1943-44: Albania.December 1, 1944. 14 pp.


14 The Brenner: Railroad. November 27, 1942. 23 pp.

15 The Attitude of the Austrian People towards the Moscow"Declaration on Austria." April 14, 1944. 70 pp.

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Reel IIAUSTRIA [continued]

1 Roads and Motor Transport in Austria. June 19, 1944. 68 pp.4 maps.

2 The Austrian Committee of Liberation in Rome. 1944. 23 pp.

3 Postal and Telecommunications Services in Austria. Novem-ber 15, 1944. 109 pp. 1 map.

4 The Communist Party in Austria. December 23, 1944. 21 pp.

5 The Roman Catholic Church in Austrian Political Life. Janu-ary 11, 1945. 74 pp.

6 Population Displacement of Austria as of 1/1/45. 1945. 11 pp.

7 Social Security in Austria. March 27, 1945. 157 pp.

8 Wage and Salary Earners in Austria. 1945. 26 pp.

9 The Social Structure of Austria 1933-44. August 31, 1945.46 pp.


10 Strategic Aims of Axis versus American Broadcasts. March30, 1942. 31 pp.

11 The Military Strength of the Axis in Europe. May 12, 1942.15pp.

12 Axis Capabilities and Intentions Regarding the Mediter-ranean. November 20, 1942. 228 pp. 3 maps.

13 Preliminary Report on Cyanogen Chlorine (CNCL) as a Pos-sible Axis War Gas. May 12, 1943. 10 pp.

14 Hydrocyanic Acid (HCN) as a War Gas. May 29, 1943. 19 pp.

15 Axis Ground Force Requirements of Petroleum, 1942. June9, 1943. 30 pp.

16 Axis Airforce Requirements of Petroleum, 1942. June 9,1943. 25 pp.

17 Axis Strategic Oil Planning and its Effects on the Enemy'sOperational Position. August 11, 1943. 10 pp.

18 Steel Consumption in Axis Europe in 1943. August 14, 1943.26pp.

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Reel IIIAXIS [continued]

1 Health in Axis Europe. October 8, 1943. 112 pp.

2 Industrial and Civilian Consumption of Liquid Fuels andLubricants in Axis Europe during 1943. January, 1944. 79 pp.

3 The Use of Substitute Fuels in Axis Europe, 1943. January,1944. 83 pp.

4 Notes on Prices and Availability of Consumer Goods in AxisEurope. February 16, 1944. 47 pp.

5 A Summary of Recent Indications of Dispersion in the AxisAircraft Industry. July 12, 1944. 40 pp. 3 maps.

6 European Axis Manpower Summary: The Over-All Man-power Position. September 7, 1944. 11 pp.

7 European Axis Manpower Summary: The German ArmedForces and Satellite Forces. March 29, 1945. 28 pp.


8 A Comparison of the Balkan Situation 1918 and 1943. October10, 1943. 12 pp.

9 Major Aircraft Production and Aircraft Repair Facilities inthe Balkan Area (Including Hungary). November 10, 1943.16 pp.

10 Lists of Pro- and Anti-German Figures in Bulgaria, Hungaryand Rumania. January 8, 1944. 26 pp.

11 The New German Policy in the Balkans. February 8, 1944.26pp.

12 The Role of the Local Dynasties in the Balkans. April 26,1944. 83 pp.

13 Developments since D-Day in Balkan Resistance and Collab-oration. August 1, 1944. 8 pp.

14 The Role of Communism in the Balkans. September 12, 1944.117pp.

15 Macedonia and the Federation Movement in the Balkans.December 6, 1944. 20 pp.

16 The Danube River and its Control since 1938. January 20,1945. 85 pp.

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17 The Fate of the Estonian Swedes. October 31. 1943. 10 pp.


18 Memoranda on Belgian Collaborationist Organizations. Sep-tember 22, 1943. 5 pp.

19 Population Displacement October 31, 1943. 25 pp.

20 The Belgium Underground. 1944. 29 pp.

21 The Belgian Fascist Parties and Their Paramilitary Forma-tions. May 3, 1944. 26 pp.

22 Characteristics of Belgium National Life and Politics. May16, 1944. 45 pp.

23 Education in Belgium. August 18, 1944. 35 pp.

24 The Belgian Police and Gendarmes. August 22, 1944. 27 pp.

Reel IVBELGIUM [continued]

1 German Military Government over Europe 1943-1944: Bel-gium. January 9, 1945. 153 pp.


2 Strategic Survey. December 16, 1942. 209 pp. 17 maps.

3 Supplement to British Handbook on Bulgarian Railways1939-43. May 5, 1943. 43 pp. 10 maps.

4 Biographical Handbook of Bulgaria. July 27, 1943. 117 pp.

5 The Anti-German Opposition in Bulgaria. February 29, 1944.36 pp.

6 Bulgaria's Annual Capacity to Pay Reparations. September30, 1944. 56 pp.

7 Population Development of Bulgaria. October 20, 1944. 65 pp.


8 Czechoslovakia: Area, Population, and Administrative Dis-tricts Before and After Munich. December 3, 1943. 59 pp.1 map.

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9 German Military Government over Europe 1939-1943: Meth-ods and Organizations of Nazi Controls: Protectorate of Bo-hemia-Moravia. February 11, 1944. 69 pp.

10 Present Transportation Situation in Czechoslovakia. October12, 1944. 12 pp.

11 German Military Government over Europe: The Protector-ate of Bohemia-Moravia. November 3, 1944. 81 pp.

12 German Military Government over Europe: Slovakia. Jan-uary 3, 1945. 40 pp.

13 Czechoslovak Government Plans for the Transfer of theSudeten Germans. May 5, 1945. 42 pp.


1 Study of Propaganda Themes in Denmark. December 10,1941." 8 pp.

2 Survey of Denmark. April 10, 1942. 231 pp. 1 map.

3 Danish Organizations: Political and Military. September 28,1943. 5 pp.

4 Further Developments in German Occupation Policy. Octo-ber, 1943. 16 pp.

5 The Resistance Movement in Denmark. May 11, 1944. 48 pp.

6 German Military Government over Europe: Denmark. Jan-uary 27, 1945. 91 pp.


7 The Fate of Freemasonry in Europe since the World War.February 28, 1942. 7 pp.

8 The Situation in the Mediterranean. April 22, 1943. 68 pp.

9 Information on Patriot Forces. June 29, 1943. 63 pp.

10 Food in Occupied Countries. July 1, 1943:I Belgium. 32 pp.

II France. 35 pp.III Netherlands. 30 pp.IV Norway. 36 pp.

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11 The Effect of the Strategic Bombardment of Europe. Septem-ber 1, 1943. 87 pp.

12 Estimate of the Number of Volksdeutsche of Military Age inEurope Outside the 1939 Borders of Germany. September25, 1943. 10 pp.

13 Possible Targets for S.O. Operations in Europe. October 11,1943. 91 pp. 4 maps.

14 Report on Looting and Damaging of Art Works in Europe.October 22, 1943. 19 pp.

15 The Contribution of Axis-Controlled Europe to the European-Axis War Potential. November 6, 1943. 17 pp.

16 German Military Government over Europe 1939-43: Methodsand Organizations of Nazi Controls: The Technical and Econ-omic Troops in Occupied Europe. November 8, 1943. 23 pp.

17 German Military Government over Europe 1939-43: Methodsand Organization of Nazi Controls: German Military and Po-lice Tribunals in Occupied Territories. October 25, 1943.27pp.

18 Use of Radio Receivers by Resistance Groups in Europe.December 4, 1943. 37 pp.

19 German Military Government over Europe 1939-43: Methodsand Organizations of Nazi Controls: The Nazi Party in Occu-pied Europe. December 7, 1943. 47 pp.

20 German Military Government over Europe 1939-43: Methodsand Organization of Nazi Controls: German Labor Controls inOccupied Areas. January 21, 1944. 23 pp.

Reel VIEUROPE [continued]

1 Acts of Dispossession and Applicable Invalidating Laws.February 22, 1944. 18 pp.

2 Some Notes on European Experience in the Bombing of Air-plane and Bali-Bearing Plants. August 3, 1944. 71 pp.

3 Arms Traffic: Legislative Survey. August 25, 1944. 14 pp.

4 Political Orientation of the European Resistance Before theAllied Invasion of France. October 4, 1944. 34 pp.

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5 The European Iron and Steel Industry: Raw Materials, Pro-duction, and Trade. October 15, 1944. 191 pp. 1 map.

6 German Military Government over Europe: Military andPolice Tribunals in Occupied Europe. December 22, 1944.42 pp.

7 German Military Government over Europe: The S.S. andPolice in Occupied Europe. January 1, 1945. 42 pp.

8 Right of Political Refugees to Asylum in Non-BelligerentCountries. January 15, 1945. 43 pp.

9 German Military Government over Europe: Technical andEconomic Troops in Occupied Europe. January 19, 1945.30 pp.

10 German Military Government over Europe: Economic Con-trols in Occupied Europe. August 28, 1945. 160 pp.


11 Finland and the Second World War. April 18, 1942. 118 pp.

12 Strategic Survey of Finland. April 25, 1942. 68 pp.

13 Political Situation in Finland. May, 1943, 31 pp.

14 Population Displacement of Finland. December 31, 1943.35 pp.

15 The Finnish Situation. February 15, 1944. 21 pp.

16 Finland's Capacity to Pay the Russian Reparations Demands.June 24, 1944. 45 pp.

17 Information on the Finnish Crisis. July 1944. 5 pp.

18 Potential Pro-Allied Political Leadership in Finland. Septem-ber 25, 1944. 16 pp.

19 Population Shifts in Finnish Karelia. December 7, 1944.17pp.


1 Statement of the Morale of the French People, August toDecember 1941. December, 1941. 21 pp.

2 The Position of Admiral Darlan. December 26, 1941. 7 pp.

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3 DeGaulle et Les Communistes (in French). 17 pp.

4 French War-Guilt Trial of Riom. April 22, 1942. 21 pp.

5 French Attitudes toward the British (Spring 1942). May,1942. 14 pp.

6 Survey of France. July 1, 1942:Vol. I. Population, Social Conditions, Politics, and Econ-

omy. 195 pp.Vol. II. Appendix. 332 pp. 2 maps.

7 The Military Significance of the Recognition of DeGaulle.September 8, 1942. 19 pp.

8 Attitudinal Atmosphere of the French People Provided byRadio Propaganda 11/1/41 to 2/2/43. February 2, 1943.28pp.

9 General Catreux and the French Colonial Empire. March 3,1943. 67 pp.

10 German Exploitation of French Industry. May 31, 1943. 7 pp.

11 Special Operations—Southern France. June 25, 1943. 143 pp.8 maps.

12 The Gendarmerie in France Prior to 1940 with Emphasis onIts Military Police Functions. August 25, 1943. 23 pp.

13 French Underground Forces. September 1, 1943. 10 pp.

14. Brief Memo on the Leaders, Organization and Membershipof Certain French Parties and Political Formations. Septem-ber 9, 1943. 17 pp.

15 Memoranda on French Collaborationist Organizations. Sep-tember 15, 1943. 7 pp.

16 Anti-American Sentiment in Metropolitan France. Septem-ber 28, 1943. 4 pp.

17 Morale of the German Troops in France, Belgium, and theNetherlands. October 21, 1943. 7 pp.

18 The French General Councils and the Occupation Adminis-tration of France. November 4, 1943, 34 pp.

19 Direction of French Collaborationist Thought 1943. Novem-ber 10, 1943, 53 pp.

20 Activities of Banque H. Worms et Cie. and Its AssociatesMar. 1942-Aug. 1943. November 15, 1943. 61 pp.

21 Church Section for the O.S.S.-P.W.E. French Basic Hand-book. December 2, 1943. 21 pp.

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22 A Study of the French Upper Bourgeoisie for M.O. Purposes.January 8, 1944. Ill pp.

Reel VIIIFRANCE [continued]

1 Psychological Warfare Significance of Recent Shifts in theFrench Social Structure. January 11, 1944. 26 pp.

2 Survey of French Underground Movements. January 28,1944. 70 pp.

3 Food Resources of Southern France. February 15, 1944.154 pp.

4 Postwar Plans of the French Resistance Movement. February17, 1944. 28 pp.

5 Housing Position in Occupied Areas: France. March 14, 1944.27pp.

6 Fake Resistance Movements in France: Some Recent Devel-opments. March 28, 1944. 10 pp.

7 German Military Government over Europe 1939-43: Methodsand Organization of Nazi Controls: France. March 31, 1944.96PP.

8 Means employed by the German and Vichy Authorities toEvacuate French Civilians from Strategic Areas. April 20,1944. 10 pp.

9 The Administration of Justice in France. May 5, 1944. 90 pp.

10 Change in the Military Resistance in France: Spring, 1944.May 27, 1944. 7 pp.

11 Prospects of the F.C.N.L. Social Policy. May 31, 1944. 16 pp.

12 Biographical Study of Henri Queville. June 23, 1944. 6 pp.

13 The French Police. June 30, 1944. 37 pp.

14 An Estimate of Current French Foreign Policy. June 30,1944. 4 pp.

15 The Department as a Unit of Administration in France.August 10, 1944. 25 pp.

16 State Control of Agriculture and Industry under Vichy.August 16, 1944. 51 pp.

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17 Education in France. August 18, 1944. 34 pp.

18 The French Commune as a Unit of Government. August 23,1944. 27 pp.

19 French Pro-Fascist Groups. August 30, 1944. 43 pp.

20 The Social Legislation of Vichy. August 31, 1944. 42 pp.

21 The French Consulative Assembly. September 1, 1944. 63 pp.

22 Resolutions of the French National Council of Resistance.September 14, 1944. 79 pp.

23 Problems and Trends in F.C.N.L. Colonial Policy. September25, 1944. 52 pp.

24 German Military over Europe 1943-44: France. December 27,1944. 113 pp.

25 The Distribution of Political Strength in the 1940 FrenchParliament and Departmental Councils. January 23, 1945.49pp.


1 The War and German Nutrition. December 5, 1941. 13 pp.

2 The German Military and Economic Position. December 12,1941. 232 pp. 1 map:

a. Manpower Resources. 15 pp.b. Food and Agricultural Position. 41 pp.c. Mineral Position A. Survey. 24 pp. 1 map.d. Mineral Position B. Steel-Hardening Alloys. 24 pp.e. Mineral Position C. Petroleum. 43 pp.f. Transport Situation. 62 pp.g. Morale. 20 pp.

3 German-Chinese Relations, 1933-1941. 18 pp.

4 Worms and Cie (Industrialists and Trusts in Germany). Feb-ruary 17, 1942. 36 pp.

5 Civil Service Officials in the German Army. March 2, 1942.13 pp.

6 German New Order in Europe. March 2, 1942. 91 pp.

7 Oil and German Strategy. March 5, 1942. 12 pp.

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8 Greater Germany: Economic Estimate. March 5,1942.115 pp.

9 The German Rubber Position. March 11, 1942. 24 pp.

10 Design of Propaganda in Germany: Foreign Newsreels.March 19, 1942. 11 pp.

11 Current German Attitudes and the German War Effort.March 19, 1942. 45 pp.

12 The Radio Propaganda Atmosphere of the German Republic.March 21, 1942. 21 pp.

13 The German Copper Position. March 27, 1942. 32 pp.

14 Goebbels' Statements as Indicators of German Attitudes.April 15, 1942. 27 pp.

15 The Significance of German Ration Reductions of April 1942.April 16, 1942. 22 pp.

16 Procedures for Developing Morale in the German ArmedForces. May 11, 1942. 45 pp.

17 Prediction of German Military Offensives from Speeches ofLeaders. June 12, 1942. 8 pp.

18 German U-Boat Strength 1942. June 24, 1942. 23 pp.

19 German-Japanese Blockade-Running. July 24, 1942. 11 pp.

20 The Strengthening of the German War Economy. July 281942. 20 pp.

21 German Espionage and Sabotage Schools. August 3, 1942.2pp.

22 Germany's Labor Reserves: Women. August 31, 1942. 14 pp.

23 German Iron and Steel Position. September 1, 1942. 21 pp.

24 An Estimate of German Stocks of Explosives. September 21,1942. 19 pp.

25 Public Order, Police and the Elite Guard in Germany. Novem-ber 13, 1942. 117 pp.

26 Military and Civilian Controls in German War Economy.December 4, 1942. 12 pp.

27 The Medical Experience of the German Army in the WorldWar: Non-Battle Casualties. December 12, 1942. 25 pp.

28 German Aircraft Production. December 24, 1942. 73 pp.

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Reel XGERMANY [continued]

1 German Tank Strength: Production and Losses. 1942. 49 pp.10 foldouts.

2 The Reorganization of the German Administration of Justicein 1942. 9 pp.

3 German Defensive Capabilities. 1943. 13 pp.

4 Survey of Greater Germany. Section III. History, Population,Ethnic Groups, Language, Characteristics, Living Conditions,Labor Conditions, Education, Religion, Public Order, Press,Propaganda, Censorship. February 15, 1943. 320 pp.

5 Survey of Greater Germany. Section III. Appendix. Febru-ary 15, 1943. 38 pp.

6 Survey of Greater Germany. Section IV. Government,N.S.D.A.P. (National Socialist Party), Power (politics),Stability of the Regime, and Foreign Policies. July 17, 1943.120 pp.

7 Survey of Greater Germany. Section IV. Appendices. August1, 1943. 146 pp.

a. The Structure of the German Government. 22 pp.b. The Structure of the N.S.D.A.P. 12 pp.c. Reich Governors. 2 pp.d. Biographies of Nazi Leaders. 108 pp.

8 Nazi Use of Films in Psychological Warfare. February 22,1943. 25 pp.

9 The German Air Force Today. May 31, 1943. 26 pp.

10 Estimate of the Effe.ct on the German Labor Force of Mobil-ization Decrees of Early 1943. June 16, 1943. 5 pp.

11 Banks, Industry and the Nazi Party. 9 pp.

12 Eastward Movement of German Industry. July 14, 1943.16pp.

13 The Effect of Aerial Bombardment of the Ruhr on Axis WarPotential. July 29, 1943. 37 pp. 1 map.

14 The Free Germany Manifesto and the German People. Au-gust 6, 1943. 20 pp.

15 The Armed Forces and the Trial of War Criminals. August10, 1943. 39 pp.

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16 Possible Political Changes in Nazi Germany in the Near Fu-ture. August 10, 1943. 14 pp.

17 The Ruhr and the R.A.F. August 20, 1943. 10 pp.

18 Strength and Disposition of German Anti-Aircraft Artillery.August 21, 1943. 9 pp.

19 A Reconsidered Estimate of Foreign Civilians Working inGermany. August 21, 1943. 8 pp.

20 Supplies of Miscellaneous Civilian Goods and Services inGermany. August 23, 1943. 18 pp.

21 The Relation between Aggression and Business Structure inGermany. August 25, 1943. 36 pp.

22 Changes in the Reich Government. August 26, 1943. 12 pp.

23 German Reactions to Wartime Conditions: A QuantitativeAnalysis of Trends and Geographic Differences. August 27,1943. 26 pp.

24 Changes in Standards of Physical Fitness in the GermanArmy, 1939 to 1942. August 30, 1943. 15 pp.

25 German Situation in 1918 and 1943. August, 1943. 7 pp.

Reel XIGERMANY [continued]

1 German Manpower in the Summer of 1943: The Armed For-ces and the Civilian Labor Force. September 4, 1943. 18 pp.

2 The Political Attitude of the German Catholic Bishops. Sep-tember 6, 1943. 12 pp.

3 Changes in Deferable Occupations in Germany. September11, 1943. 10 pp.

4 Effect of Allied Bombing Program on German Air Position.September 13, 1943. 9 pp.

5 Speer's Appointment as Dictator of the German Economy.September 13, 1943. 15 pp.

6 Morale in Germany. September 16, 1943. 7 pp.

7 Possible Patterns of German Collapse. September 21, 1943.12pp.

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8 The Underground Movement in Germany. September 27,1943. 27 pp.

9 The Foreign Laborer in Germany as Morale Operation Tar-get. September 30, 1943. 25 pp.

10 The German War Economy 1918 and 1943: A Comparison.October 5, 1943. 41 pp.

11 Scope and Activities of the National Socialist Party in theGerman Reich. October 7, 1943. 132 pp.

12 Effect of Allied Bombing Program on German Air Position.October 8, 1943. 6 pp.

13 Conditions under Which Germany Might Welcome a SeparatePeace with Russia. October 12, 1943. 9 pp.

14 Intelligence Requirements in Respect to Germany. October18, 1943. 12 pp.

15 Age Distribution of Killed in the German Army. October 19,1943. 18 pp.

16 Significance of Prussian Militarism for Nazi Imperialism:Potential Tensions in U.N. Psychological Warfare. October20, 1943. 16 pp.

17 The Effect of the Italian Surrender Upon Germany. October20, 1943. 9 pp.

18 Strength, Cost, Capabilities, and Requirements of GermanGround Defenses against Air Attack. October 30, 1943. 39 pp.

19 German Air Force Defensive Capabilities and Requirements.November 9, 1943. 13 pp.

20 German Imported Key Materials. November 16, 1943. 41 pp.

21 German Morale in Association with a Possible Invasion ofWestern Europe. November 17, 1943. 6 pp.

22 New German Air Force Weapons and Equipment. November18, 1943. 15 pp.

23 German Social Stratification. November 26, 1943. 19 pp.

24 Changes in the German Plan for the Distribution of Air-RaidEvacuees over Greater Germany and Their Significance.November 27, 1943. 15 pp.

25 The German Political Emigration. December 3, 1943. 63 pp.

26 The Process of German Collapse. December 4, 1943. 9 pp.

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27 Economic Controls in Nazi Germany. December 10, 1943.182 pp. 1 map.

28 Report on German Morale at the End of 1943. December 14,1943. 14 pp.

29 German Plans to Destroy Territories as They Retreat. De-cember 17, 1943. 5 pp.

30 German Anti-Friction Bearing Positions. December 28, 1943.25pp.

31 The German Long Range Projectile. January 4, 1944. 14 pp.

32 Labor Relations in the Weimar Republic. January 7, 1944.4pp .

33 The Problem of German Trials of U.S. Airmen. January 14,1944. 6 pp.

34 Germany Misinterpretation of the Unconditional SurrenderPolicy and Its Effect on German Morale. February 3, 1944.8pp.

35 Study of German Military Government as Exercised in theProtectorate of Bohemia-Moravia. February 11, 1944. 65 pp.

36 The German Housing Position 1939-43. February 12, 1944.72pp.

37 The German Air Position. February 19, 1944. 52 pp.

Reel XIIGERMANY [continued]

1 The Dusseldorf Conference of Industrialists March 15-16,1939. February 29, 1944. 34 pp.

2 German Air Force Scale of Effort in 1943. March 1, 1944.33 pp.

3 Entailed Estates Law and the German Peasant. March 9,1944. 59 pp.

4 Motor Vehicle Production in Germany and Occupied Europe.April, 1944. 58 pp.

5 German Women as Special Target for Morale Operations.April 4, 1944. 9 pp.

6 The Regional Incidence of Disease in Germany. April 21,1944. 19 pp.

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7 News Distribution System of Germany. May 29, 1944. 37 pp.

8 German Air Force Opposition to the Strategic Bombing inthe First Four Months of 1944. June 1, 1944. 29 pp.

9 The Social and Political Effects of Air Raids on the GermanPeople. June 9, 1944. 20 pp.

10 Ratio of Officers Killed to Other Ranks Killed in the GermanGround Forces. 6 pp.

11 The German Communist Party. July 10, 1944. 85 pp.

12 Economic Consequences of Partitioning Germany. July 10,1944. 11 pp.

13 Manpower Shortage and the German Collapse in 1918. July11, 1944. 24 pp.

14 Control over Distribution of Industrial Materials and Prod-ucts in Germany. July 12, 1944. 72 pp.

15 The Major German Cartels, 1930-44. July 14, 1944. 294 pp.

16 Preliminary Analysis of the Question of a Partition of Ger-many. July 14, 1944. 28 pp.

17 Price and Rent Control in Germany. July 22, 1944. 21 pp.

18 A Quantitative Appraisal of Interest Groups in Germany.July 24, 1944. 18 pp.

19 A Hundred Major German Industrial Corporations. July 25,1944. 25 pp.

Reel XIIIGERMANY [continued]

1 The Attempt on Hitler's Life and Its Consequences. July 27,1944. 31 pp.

2 Central Industrial Region of Germany. August 4, 1944.603 pp. 18 maps.

3 German Plans for Underground Operations Following Sur-render. August 9, 1944. 28 pp.

4 The Problem of the Nazi Underground. August 21, 1944.59 pp.

5 The Strength of the German Armed Forces. September 1,1944. 18 pp.

Page 19: Germany and Its Occupied Territories During World War II · PDF fileGermany and Its Occupied Territories During World War II. ... Germany and Its Occupied Territories ... July 1, 1942:

6 An Evaluation of the Goebbels Program for Total Mobiliza-tion of Germany. September 1, 1944. 6 pp.

7 Inter-Regional Trade in Germany. September 8, 1944. 27 pp.1 map.

8 European Axis Manpower Summary: Interest Groups inGermany. September 9, 1944. 18 pp.

9 European Axis Manpower Summary: The German ArmedForces. September 11, 1944. 17 pp.

10 German Manpower and Casualties. September 27, 1944.20 pp.

11 Concentration Camps in Germany. October 3, 1944. 42 pp.1 map.

12 The German Merchant Marine. October 5, 1944. 88 pp.

Reel XIVGERMANY [continued]

1 Manual of German Health Services. October 10, 1944. 293 pp.

2 The Clandestine Nazi Movement in Postwar Germany. Octo-ber 13, 1944. 25 pp.

3 The Pattern of Illegal Anti-Democratic Activity in Germanyafter the Last War: The Free Corps. October 13, 1944. 36 pp.

4 The Problem of Inflation in Germany. October 16,1944. 78 pp.

5 Foreign Labor in Germany. October 24, 1944. 233 pp.

6 Public Revenue from Other than Tax Sources and the Statusof Public Owned Enterprises. October 27, 1944. 19 pp.

7 German Capabilities, November 1944. November 18-19, 1944.16pp.

8 German Insurance Companies—Suggested Controls. Decem-ber 15, 1944. 70 pp.

9 Problems of German Reparations. December 30, 1944. 48 pp.

10 Pre-Fascist Groups in Germany. April 4, 1945. 36 pp.

11 German Military Government over Europe: Western Terri-tories Incorporated in the Reich. April 17, 1945. 38 pp.

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12 European Axis Manpower Summary: German PopulationDevelopment and Vital Statistics: January 1939 throughJanuary 1945 by Regions. April 25, 1945. 17 pp.

13 Conflict of Political Interests in the Making and Enforcementof German Disarmament Terms, 1918-35. April 26, 1945.29pp.

Reel XVGERMANY [continued]

1 Principal Nazi Organizations Involved in War Crimes: Pur-pose and Objectives. June 5, 1945. 28 pp.

2 Principal Nazi Organizations Involved in War Crimes: Crim-inal Responsibilities in Connection with the Purge of 1934.June 15, 1945. 23 pp.

3 Principal Nazi Organizations Involved in War Crimes: Leg-islative Agencies Involved in War Crimes. August 28, 1945.32pp.

4 Principal Nazi Organizations Involved in War Crimes: TheGestapo. August 6, 1945. 55 pp.

5 Principal Nazi Organizations Involved in War Crimes: TheNazi Party.

Vol. I July 24, 1945. 50 pp.Vol. II September 6, 1945. 154 pp.Vol. Ill September 10, 1945. 63 pp.

6 Nazi Plans to Dominate Europe. August 7, 1945. 99 pp.

7 Nazi Master Plan; Domestic Crimes. August 13, 1945. 70 pp.Appendix. September 5, 1945. 15 pp.

8 Nazi Master Plan; The Criminal Conspiracy against the Jews.August 13, 1945. 35 pp.

9 Nazi Master Plan; The Persecution of the Christian Churches.July 6. 1945. 96 pp.

10 Nazi Master Plan; The Illegal Annexation of Territory byNazi Germany. July 6, 1945. 41 pp.

11 Nazi Master Plan; Nazi Spoliation of Property in OccupiedEurope. July 24, 1945. 113 pp.

12 Nazi Master Plan; Principal Nazi Organizations Involved inthe Commission of War Crimes, Nazi Racial and Health Pol-icy. August 15, 1945. 56 pp.

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13 Nazi Master Plan; Agencies Involved in the Commission ofCrimes against Foreign Labor. August 3, 1945. 100 pp.

14 Nazi Changes in the Law of Real Property. June 17, 1945.36pp.

15 Nazi Changes in Criminal Procedure. July 10, 1945. 56 pp.

16 Nazi Changes in the Field of Family and Inheritance Law.July 16, 1945. 41 pp.

17 Leadership Principle and Criminal Responsibility. July 18,1945. 22 pp.

18 The German Food Estate. September 25, 1945. 50 pp.

19 Himmler and the Machinery for German Resettlement. Sep-tember 25, 1945. 8 pp.

20 Biographical Notes on Certain Nazi Propagandists. Decem-ber 12, 1945. 29 pp.


1 Notes on Yugoslavia and Greece: Territorial Questions. Jan-uary 9, 1942. 28 pp.

2 Population Movements in Greece. July 31, 1943. 17 pp.

3 German Military Government over Europe 1939-43: Methodsand Organizations and Nazi Controls: General GovernmentGreece. November 15, 1943. 18 pp.

4 Greece: Geographical and Social Background. 62 pp.

5 Greece: Government and Administration. 78 pp.

6 Greece: Legal Affairs. 49 pp.

7 Greece: Industry and Commerce. 80 pp.

8 Survey of Greece. February 10, 1944. 102 pp. 9 maps.

9 Information on the Aegean Islands. February 10, 1944. 24 pp.

10 The Greek Crisis of April-May 1944. May 24, 1944. 22 pp.

11 Situation in Occupied Greece, 1943-44. September 21, 1944.26 pp.

12 Political Implications of Greece's Foreign Indebtedness.November 28, 1944. 23 pp.

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13 German Military Government over Europe 1941-44: Greece.December 1, 1944. 54 pp.

14 British Policy toward Greece, 1941-44. February 9, 1945.58pp.


15 The Karolyi Government of Hungary. 12 pp.

16 Strength and Disposition of the Hungarian Army, October1943. October 1943. 6 pp.

17 The Present Situation in Hungary. November 27, 1943. 33 pp.

18 The Means of Influencing Public Opinion in Hungary. No-vember 27, 1943. 9 pp.

19 Who's Who in Hungary from the Standpoint of United Na-tions P.W. Operations. November 27, 1943. 63 pp.

20 Industrial Targets in Hungary. November 27, 1943. 75 pp.1 map.

21 Germany and the Employment of Hungarian Troops on theWestern Front and in the Balkans. December 28, 1943. 6 pp.

22 Hungary's Annual Capacity to Pay Reparations. September27, 1944. 16 pp.

23 The Juresek Plan for Agricultural Planning in Wartime Hun-gary. October 3, 1944. 64 pp.

24 The Hungarian Coup d'Etat of October 15, 1944. October 15,1944. 11 pp.

25 The Jews in Hungary. October 19, 1944. 45 pp.

26 American Policy toward Hungary. October 23, 1944. 32 pp.

27 The Hungarian Resistance Movement. January 12, 1945.14pp.


1 Report on Some Deficiencies in Italy's Supplies of StrategicWar Materials. February 3, 1942. 28 pp.

2 Survey of Italy. August 7, 1942. 113 pp. 9 maps.

3 Sicily: Political and Social Factors. 32 pp.

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4 Population Movements in Italy. June 30, 1943. 19 pp.

5 The Italian Fishing Industry. 43 pp.

6 The Italian Lumber Industry. August 14, 1943. 61 pp. 1 map.

7 Italian Propaganda Organization. October 12, 1943. 38 pp.

8 Food Processing in Italy. October 15, 1943. 128 pp. 1 map.

9 Political Dilemma in Italy. October 15, 1943. 20 pp.

10 Mussolini Against Germany, A Collection of Mussolini's Anti-German Opinions, 1914-1938. October 16, 1943. 58 pp.

11 Spies, Agents Provocateurs, or Questionable Characters Con-nected with Italy. October 22, 1943. 26 pp.

12 Guide to Italian Postal and Telecommunications Services.October 23, 1943. 49 pp. 2 maps.

13 Food Distribution in Italy. October 27, 1943. 117 pp. 1 map.

14 Guide to Italian Railroad Administration. November 8, 1943.47pp.

15 Prisoners of War in Tunisia and Sicily: A Study in GermanMorale and P.W. Operations. November 11, 1943. 8 pp.

16 Basic Political and Social Information on Central Italy. No-vember 13, 1943. 52 pp.

17 Sicilian Separatism with Particular Reference to the Reportof Lord Boennell of Rodd. November 19, 1943. 17 pp.

18 Water Supply of North Italy. November 22, 1943. 55 pp.6 maps.

Reel XVIIIITALY [continued]

1 Health and Sanitation in North Italy. November 22, 1943.152 pp.

2 Spies, Agents Provocateurs, or Questionable Characters Con-nected with Italy. November 30, 1943. 10 pp.

3 Electric Power in North Italy. December 6, 1943. 227 pp.

4 Public Utility Gas Systems in North Italy. December 6, 1943.76pp.

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5 Terrain, Hydrography, Climate, and Vegetation of NorthItaly. December 20, 1943. 24 pp. 3 maps.

6 Food Resources of North Italy. January 1, 1944. 145 pp.

7 The Radical Trend in German-Occupied Italy. January 1944.7pp.

8 The Italian Textile Industry. January 6, 1944. 135 pp. 1 map.

9 The Italian Social Republic. March 15, 1944. 36 pp.

10 The Organization of the Catholic Church in Italy. April 5,1944. 69 pp.

11 German Administrative Control in Northern Italy. July 24,1944. 17 pp.

12 The German De Facto Annexation of Northeastern ItalianProvinces. September 1, 1944. 35 pp. 1 map.

13 German Military Government over Europe: Italy. November16, 1944. 18 pp.

14 Spies, Agents Provocateurs, or Questionable Characters Con-nected with Italy. February 10, 1945. 5 pp.

15 The Contributions of the Italian Partisans to the Allied WarEffort. March 31, 1945. 21 pp.


1 Netherlands Cabinet Difficulties. December 18, 1941. 11 pp.

2 Survey of the Netherlands. July 14, 1942. 132 pp.Vol. II Appendices. 195 pp. 4 maps.

3 Food in the Netherlands. April 10, 1943. 46 pp.

4 Memoranda on Dutch Collaborationist Organizations. Sep-tember 22, 1943. 4 pp.

5 Notes on Recent Health Developments in the Netherlands.February 5, 1944. 12 pp.

6 A Manual of Operations for Dutch Underground Workers.February 17, 1944. 11 pp.

7 The Dutch National Socialist Party and Its Para-MilitaryFormations. June 29, 1944. 17 pp.

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8 The Public Safety System of the Netherlands. July 11, 1944.27pp.

9 Problems of the Netherlands Government-in-Exile. July 28,1944. 17 pp.

10 Party Politics in the Netherlands. August 16, 1944. 37 pp.

11 Education in the Netherlands. October 18, 1944. 33 pp.

12 German Military Government over Europe, 1940-44: TheNetherlands. November 30, 1944. 173 pp.

13 Effects of the Flooding of the Netherlands. February 9, 1945.86 pp. 1 map.


14 Quisling as Minister-President of Norway. February 9, 1942.6PP .

15 German Apprehensions in Norway. August 10, 1942. 10 pp.

Ifi Norwegian Foreign Policy in London July 1942-January 1943.January 26, 1943. 18 pp.

17 Norway -Strategic Areas. July 28, 1943. 30 pp.

18 Norwegian Organizations: Political and Military. October 1,1943. 5 pp.

19 German Military Government over Europe 1939-43: Methodsand Organization of Nazi Control: The Nazi Occupation ofNorway. October 23, 1943. 75 pp.

20 German Military Government over Europe: Norway. April3, 1945. 127 pp.


1 German Occupied Poland. March 18, 1942. 64 pp.

2 Attitudes of the Polish Underground Press toward Polish-Russian Relations. March 7, 1944. 8 pp.

3 Labor in the Incorporated Polish Provinces and the GeneralGovernment. November 3, 1943. 15 pp.

4 Rations in Poland. November 3, 1943. 12 pp.

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5 German Military Government over Europe, 1939-1943: Meth-ods and Organization of Nazi Controls: General GovernmentPoland. November 11, 1943. 59 pp.

6 Underground and Guerrilla Warfare in Poland. 1943. 50 pp.

7 Possible Terms of an Agreement Regarding Poland. July 14,1944. 11 pp.

8 General Zeligowaki, A Polish Advocate of Pan-Slavism.August 4, 1944. 12 pp.

9 German Military Government over Europe: Eastern Terri-tories Incorporated in the Reich. February 12, 1945. 60 pp.

10 German Penetration of the European Oil Industry: Poland.March 15, 1945. 45 pp.

11 German Military Government over Europe: 1939-45: TheGeneral Government. April 16, 1945. 80 pp.

12 Political Forces in Eastern Galicia and Volhynia before WorldWar II. July 23, 1945. 49 pp.


13 The Iron Guard Party: Rumania. 11 pp.

14 Strategic Survey of Rumania. 193 pp.

15 lulin Maniu, Rumanian Statesman. November 23,1943.13 pp.

16 Population Displacement of Rumania. December 31, 1943.58 pp.

17 U.N. Military Government for Rumania. February 25, 1944.36 pp.

18 Report on the O.S.S. Bucharest Mission September 1944.October 2, 1944. 24 pp.

19 Economic and Social Changes in Roumania. December 6,1944. 48 pp.

20 German Penetration of the European Oil Industry: Control ofRumanian Companies during the War. January 15, 1945.78pp.


21 Outline for S.O. Participation in the Sardinian Operations.September 4, 1943. 74 pp.

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1 The German Position in Scandinavia. April 22, 1942. 19 pp.

2 Strategic Position of Scandinavia: 1942. August 1,1942. 29 pp.

3 Recent Political Developments in Scandinavia. September30, 1942. 13 pp.


4 Neutral Sweden and the Belligerents in the Third Year ofthe War. December 27, 1941. 11 pp.

5 Swedish Opinion of the Finnish Problem. January 28, 1942.12PP.

6 Survey of Sweden. November 3, 1943. 118 pp.Vol. II. Appendices. 190 pp.

7 The Swedish Ball Bearing Negotiations. August 7, 1944.74pp.


8 Supply Requirements for the German Army in the RussiaCampaign. March 1942. 42 pp.

9 Gains of Germany and Her Allies through the Occupation ofSoviet Territory. March 14, 1942. 166 pp.

10 The German Supply Problem on the Eastern Front. June 22to December 6, 1942. April 25, 1942. 180 pp.

11 An Estimate of the Consumption of Petroleum on the EasternFront by the German Army and Air Force. May 15, 1942.41 pp.

12 The Kursk Orel Campaign, July 5 to August 10. August 13,1943. 9 pp. 1 map.

13 Information on Collaborationist Organizations in OccupiedRussia. September 24, 1943. 5 pp.

14 Sub Carpathian Russia under Hungarian Rule. February 21,1944. 30 pp.

15 Military and Political Mobilization in German Occupied East.February 25, 1944. 16 pp.

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Reel XXIIU.S.S.R. [continued]

1 German Military Government over Europe: Ostland and theUkraine. April 18, 1945. 197 pp.


2 Yugoslavia Survey. December 1, 1942. 242 pp. 13 maps.

3 Population Movements in Yugoslavia. June 30, 1943. 52 pp.

4 Survey of Yugoslavian Relief Agencies. August 12, 1943.60 pp.

5 Electric Power in Yugoslavia. October 31. 1943. 48 pp. 2maps.

6 The Yugoslavian Partisan Movement. November 26, 1943.16pp.

7 Handbook of Yugoslavia Population Statistics. December1943. 157 pp. 5 maps.

8 Yugoslavia Government-in-Exile. 1943. 11 pp.

9 Radio and Special Wireless Services of Yugoslavia. January8, 1944. 16 pp.

10 Captured Chetnik Documents. June 15, 1944. 166 pp.

11 The New Yugoslav Government. July 11, 1944. 15 pp.

12 Transportation in Yugoslavia: Railroads. November 17, 1944.69 pp. 1 map.

13 German Military Government over Europe 1941-44: Yugo-slavia. December 1, 1944. 33 pp.

14 Yugoslav Partisan Personalities. 51 pp.

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Subject Index

The following is a guide to the major subjects of the tuienty-two reels arid, is usually limited to one reference and, sometimes,one cross-reference for each report. The Roman numeral refers tothe reel, and the Arabic numeral refers to the order of reportsii-ithhi that red; hence, 11:7 is the seventh report in the secondred,

AegeanGreece XVI:9

AfricaCommunications 1:4Government 1:4Industry 1:4Italians 1:5Military 1:4Politics 1:4-5Population 1:2,4Propaganda 1:3,5Psychological Warfare 1:5Spanish Morocco 1:4Tangier 1:4Transportation 1:4United Nations 1:5

AgricultureFrance VIIL16Germany IX:2.6; XII:3; XIII:2; XV:18Hungary XVI :23

Air DefenseGermany X:18; XI:18-19

AircraftAxis HI:5Halkans 111:9Germany IX:28; XI:37

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AirforeeAxis 11:16Germany X:9; XI:4,12,19,22,37; XII:2,8

AlbaniaCities 1:9Communications 1:11Customs 1:7Collaboration 1:8Economy 1:6Government 1:13Law 1:7Military Government, German 1:13Occupation 1:12-13Politics 1:6Population 1:6-7Quislings 1:8Resistance 1:12Resources 1:10Social Conditions 1:6Trade 1:10Transportation 1:11

Alsace-LorraineGermany XIV:11

Anti-GermanBulgaria IV:5Italy XVII-.10

Armed ForcesAxis 111:7Germany IX:5,16; X:15; XI:1,15; XIII:5,9Hungary XVI-.16.21

Arms TrafficEurope VI:3

ArtEurope V:14

AttitudeAustria 1:15France VII:5,16Germany IX:11,14

AustriaAttitude 1:15Brenner 1:14

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Catholic Church 11:5Communications 11:3Communist Party 11:4Government-in-Exile 11:2Labor 11:8Politics 11:4-5Population 11:6Population Displacement 11:6Postal Service 11:3Railroads 1:14Religion 11:5Social Security 11:7Social Structure 11:9Transportation 11:1

AxisAircraft 111:5Airforce 11:16Armed Forces 111:7Consumer Goods 111:4Fuels 111:2-3Gas Warfare 11:13-14Health 111:1Industry 111:5Lubricants 111:2Manpower 111:6-7Mediterranean 11:12Military 11:11-12,15-17; 111:7Petroleum 11:15-17Propaganda 11:10Steel 11:18United States 11:10

BalkansAircraft 111:9Collaboration 111:13Communism 111:14Danube 111:16Dynasties 111:12Federation Movement 111:15Government 111:8Macedonia 111:15Military 111:8Occupation 111:11Personalities IV:4Politics 111:8Resistance 111:13

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BalticEstonian Swedes 111:17

BanksFrance VII:20Germany IX:4; X:ll

Banque H. Worms et CieFrance VII:20Germany IX:4

BelgiumCollaboration 111:18Education 111:23Fascist Party 111:21Government 111:22; IV:1Occupation IV:1Police 111:24Politics 111:21-22Population Displacement 111:19Underground 111:20

Blockade RunningGermany IX:19

BohemiaGermany XI:35

BourgeoisieFrance VII:22

BrennerAustria 1:14

BulgariaAnti-German IV:5Economy IV:2Military Government, German IV:1Personalities IV:4Politics IV:2,4Population IV:2Population Displacement IV:7Railroads IV:3Reparations IV:6Social Conditions IV:2

CartelsGermany XII:15

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Catholic ChurchAustria 11:5France VII:21Germany XI :2Italy XVIII:10

Catreux, GeneralFrance VII:9

CensorshipGermany X:4-5; XII:7

ChetnikYugoslavia XXIMO

ChinaGermany IX:3


Albania 1:9


Italy XVIII:5

CollaborationAlbania 1:8Balkans 111:13Belgium 111:18France VII:15,19-20,22Greece XVI:11Netherlands XIX:4Norway XIX:14U.S.S.R XXI:13Yugoslavia XXII:10

ColoniesFrance VII:9

CommunicationsAfrica 1:4Albania 1:11Austria 11:3Germany XIII:2Italy XVII:12

CommunismBalkans 111:14

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Communist PartyAustria 11:4France VII-.3Germany XII:11

Concentration CampsGermany XIII:11

Consumer Goods

Axis 111:4Germany X:20

CopperGermany IX:13

CustomsAlbania 1:7

CzechoslovakiaGovernment IV:9,11-12Government-in-Exile IV-.13Military Government, German IV:9,11-12Occupation IV:9,11-12Population IV:8Sudeten Germans IV:13Territory IV:8Transportation IV:10

DanubeBalkans 111:16

Daiian, AdmiralFrance VII:2

DebtsGreece XVI:12

DeGaulle, CharlesFrance VII:3,7

DenmarkEconomy V:2Government V:6Military V:3Military Government, German V:6Occupation V:4,6Politics V:2-3Population V:2Propaganda V:lResistance V:5

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Social Conditions V:2

DisarmamentGermany XIV:13

DynastiesBalkans 111:12

Economic TroopsEurope V:16; VI:9


Albania 1:6Bulgaria IV:2Denmark V:2Europe VI:10Finland VI:12France VII:6Germany . . .IX:2,6,8,20,26; XI:5,10,27; XII:12; XIII:2; XIV:4Greece '. XVI:4.8,HIta ly XVII:2Netherlands XIX:2Poland XX:1Rumania XX:14,19


Belgium 111:23France VIIL17Germany X:4-5Netherlands XIX:11

Ethnic Groups

Germany X:4-5

EuropeArms Traffic VI:3Art V:14Economic Troops V:16; VI:9Food V:10Freemasonry V:7Government V:16-17,19-20; VI:6-7,9-10Industry V:15; VI:5Labor V:20Law VI:1Looting V:14Manpower V:12Mediterranean V:8Military V:15,17Military Government, German V:16-17,19-20; VI:6-7,9-10

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National Socialist Party V:19Occupation V:16-19; VI:6-7,9-10O.S.S. Special Operations V:13Patriot Forces V:9Police VI:7Radio V:18Refugees VI:8Resistance V:9,18; VI:4SS VI:7Steel VI:5Strategic Bombing V:ll; VI:2Technical Troops V:16; VI:9Tribunals V:17; VI:6Underground V:9Volksdeutsche V:12

ExplosivesGermany IX:24

Fascist PartyBelgium 111:21France VIII:19Germany X:6-7,ll,16; XI:11; XV:5Netherlands XIX:7Rumania XX:13

Federation MovementBalkans 111:15

FinlandEconomy VI:12Government VI:15Military VI:11,15Politics VL12-13,15,17-18Population VI:12Population Displacement VI:14,19Reparations VI:16Social Conditions VI:12War VI:11

FishingItaly XVII:5

FloodingNetherlands XIX:13

FoodEurope V:10France VIII:3

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Germany IX:2; XV:18Italy XVII:8,13; XVIII:6Netherlands XIX:3

Foreign LaborGermany X:19; XI:9; XIV:5; XV:13

Foreign PolicyFrance VIII:14Germany IX:3; X:6; XI:13Greece XVI:14Hungary XVI:26Netherlands XIX:16Poland XX:7Scandinavia XXI:4-5Sweden XXI:7

FranceAgriculture VIII:16Attitude VII:5,16Hanks VII:20Banque H. Worms et Cie VII:20Bourgeoisie VIL20Catholic Church VII:21Catreux, General VII:9Collaboration VII:15,19-20,22Colonies VII:9Communist Party VII :3Darlan, Admiral" VII:2DeGaul le , Charles VII:3,7Economy VII :6Education VIII:17Fascist Party VIII:19Food VIII:3Foreign Policy VIII:14French Committee of National Liberation VIII:11,23French Consultative Assembly VIII:21General Councils VII:18German Troops VII:17Government VII:1; VIII:7,9,15-16,18,20,24 25Government-in-Exile VIII :21Housing VIII:5Industry VII:10Justice, Administration of VIII:9Military VII:7Military Government, German VIII:7,24Morale VII:1,8,17Occupation VII:18; VIII:7-8,24

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O.S.S. Special Operations VII:11Police VII:12-13Politics VII:6,14; VIII:25Population VII-.6Population Displacement VIII:8Propaganda VII:8Psychological Warfare VIII:1Querille, Henri VIII:12Religion VII:21Resistance VIII:4,6,10,22Riom Trial VII:4Sabotage VII:22Social Conditions VII:6Social Structure VIII:1Underground VII:13; VIII:2United Kingdom VII:5United States VII:16Vichy VIII:8,16,20

Free CorpsGermany XIV:3

Free MasonryEurope V:7

French Committee of National LiberationFrance VIII:11,23

French Consultative AssemblyFrance VIII:21

FuelsAxis 111:2-3

Gas WarfareAxis 11:13-14

General CouncilsFrance VIMS

GestapoGermany XV:4

German TroopsFrance VII:17Germany X:24; XII:10

GermanyAgriculture IX:2,6; XII:3; XIII:2; XV:18Air Defence X:18; XI:18-19

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Aircraft IX:28; XI:37Airforce X:9; XI:4,12,19,22,37; XII:2,8Alsace Lorraine XIV:11Armed Forces IX:5,16; X:15; XI:1,15; XIII:5,9Attitude IX:11,14Banks IX:4;X:11Banque H. Worms et Cie IX:4Blockade Running IX:19Bohemia XI:35Cartels XII:15Catholic Church XI:2Censorship X:4-5; XII:7China IX:3Communications XIII:2Communist Party XII: 11Concentration Camps XIIIillConsumer Goods X:20Copper IX:13Disarmament XIV:13Economy IX:2,6,8,20,26; XI:5,10,27; XIL12;

XIII:2;XIV:4Education X:4-5Ethnic Groups X:4-5Explosives IX:24Fascist Party X:6-7,ll,16; XI:11; XV:5Food IX:2;XV:18Foreign Labor X:19; XI:9; XIV:5; XV:13Foreign Policy IX:3; X:6; XI:13Free Corps XIV:3Gestapo XV:4German Troops X:24; XII:10Goebbels, Josef IX:14Government IX:26; X:2,6-7,21-22; XI:7,25,27;

XIV:1,6;XV:3,19Health X:24; XII:6; XIV:1Hitler, Adolf XIII:1Housing XI:36; XII:17Imports XI:20Industry IX:6,8-9,23,28; X:l.11-12,21; XI:12,30;

XII:1,4,14-15,19; XIII:6Inflation XIV:4Insurance XIV;8Intelligence XI:14Japan IX:19Jews XV:8Justice, Administration of X:2Labor IX:22; X:4-5,10; XI-.1.3.32

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Language X:4-5Law XII:3,17; XV-.14-16Manpower IX:2; XII:13; XIII:8-10; XIV:12Medicine IX:27Merchant Marine XIII: 12Military IX:2,5,16-18; X:3,15,21,24-25;

XI:1,15-19,22,29,31,35;XII:2,8,10; XIII:5-6; XIV:7,11

Military Government, German XI:35; XIV:11Mobilization XIII:6Morale IX:2,16; XI:6,9,17,21,28,34; XII:5,9National Socialist Party X:6-7,ll,16; XI:11,16; XV:5Nutrition IX:1Occupation XI:35; XIV:11Personalities X:7; XV:20Petroleum IX:2,7Police IX:25; X:4-5Politics X:6-7,16,25; XI:2,23; XII:9,11,18; XIII:2; XIV:10Population X:4-5; XIV:12Population Displacement X:23; XI:24; XV:19Postwar Plans XII:12,16; XIII-.3-4; XIV:2Press X:4-5; XII:7Prisoners of War XI:33Propaganda IX:10,12; X:4-5,8,14; XI:9; XV:20Property XV:14Psychological Warfare XI: 16Purge XV:2Race Policy XV:12R.A.F X:17Rationing IX:15Religion X:4-5; XI:2; XV:9Reparations XIV:9Resources IX:2; XII:14; XIII:2Rockets XI:31Ruhr X:13,17Social Conditions XIII:2Social Structure XI:23Speeches IX:17Speer XI:5Spy Schools IX:21SS IX:25Steel IX:2,23Strategic Bombing X:13; XI:4,12,24; XII:8-9Submarines IX:18Tanks X:lTaxes XIV:6Trade XII:1; XIII:7

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Transportation IX:2; XIII:2Underground XI:8; XIII:l,3-4; XIV:2United Kingdom XII:1War IX:1,7,11,17,20,26; X:l,3,13,17,23,25;

XI:7,10,15,26,29; XII:8,10,13War Crimes X:15; XV:1-13,17Women IX-.22; XII:5

Goebbels, JosefGermany IX:14

GovernmentAfrica 1:4Albania 1:13Balkans 111:8Belgium 111:22; IV:1Czechoslovakia IV:9,11-12Denmark V:6Europe V:16-17,19-20; VI:6-7,9-10Finland VI:15France VII:1; VIII:7,9,15-16,18,20,24-25Germany IX:26; X:2,6-7,21-22; XI:7,25,27;

XIV:1,6;XV:3,19Greece XVI:5-6,10Hungary XVI:15,17,23-24Italy XVII:14; XVIII:9Netherlands XIX:1,9-10Norway XIX:14Poland XX:1Rumania XX:13,17Yugoslavia XXIIi l l

G overrun ent-in-ExileAustria 11:2Czechoslovakia IV:13France VIII:21Netherlands XIX:9-10Norway XIX:16Yugoslavia XXII:8

GreeceAegean XVI:9Collaboration XVI:11Debts XVI:12Economy XVI:4,8,11Foreign Policy XVI:14Government XVI:5-6,10Industry X VI:7

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Law XVI:6,11Military XVI:3,13Military Government, German XVI:3,13Occupation XVI:3,11.13Politics XVI:8,10,12Population XVI:4,8Population Displacement XVIi2Propaganda XVI:11Quislings XVI:11Social Conditions XVI:8Territory XVI:1,4Trade XVI:7United Kingdom XVI:14

HealthAxis 111:1Germany X:24; XII:6; XIV:1Italy XVIII:!Netherlands XIX:5

Hitler, AdolfGermany XIII:1

HousingFrance VIII:5Germany XI:36; XII:17

HungaryAgriculture XVI:23Armed Forces XVI:16,21Foreign Policy XVI:26Government XVI:15,17,23-24Industry XVI:20Jews XVI :25Karolyi, Count XVI:15Military XVI:16,21Personalities XVI:19Politics XVI-,19,24Press XVI:18Propaganda XVI:18Reparations XVI:22Resistance XVI:24,27Strategic Bombing XVI-.20United Nations XVI:19United States XVI:26War XVI-.21

ImportsGermany XI:20

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IndustryAfrica 1:4Axis 111:5Europe V:15;VI:5France VII:10Germany IX:6,8-9,23,28; X:1,1M2,21; XI:12,30

XII:1,4,14-15,19; XIII:6Greece XVI:7Hungary XVI:20Italy XVII:5-6,8; XVIIL8Netherlands XIX:2Poland XX:10Rumania XX:20

InflationGermany XIV:4

InsuranceGermany XIV:8

IntelligenceGermany XI:14Rumania XX:18

Iron Guard PartyRumania XX:13

ItaliansAfrica 1:5

ItalyAnti-German XVIL10Catholic Church XVIII:10Climate XVIII:5(Communications XVII:12Economy XVII:2Fishing XVIL5Food XVII:8,13; XVIII:6Government XVII:14; XVIII:9Health XVIII:!Industry XVII:5-6,8; XVIII:8Lumber XVII:6Military XVIII-.13Military Government, German XVIII:9,11-13Morale XVIL15Mussolini, Benito XVII:10Occupation XVIII:7,9,11-13Politics XVII:2-3,9,16Population XVII:2,16

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Population Displacement XVII:4Postal Service XVIM2Prisoners of War XVII:15Propaganda XVII:7Public Utilities XVIII:3-4Religion XVII:16Resistance XVIII:15Resources XVII:1Sicily XVII:3,17Social Conditions XVII:2-3Spies XVILll, XVIII:2,14Terrain XVIII:5Textiles XVIII:8Transportation XVIII:14Water Supply .XVII:18

JapanGermany IX:19

JewsGermany XV:8Hungary XVI:25

Justice, Administration ofFrance VIII:9Germany X:2

Karolyi, CountHungary XVI:15

Kursk-OrelU.S.S.R XXI:12

LaborAustria 11:8Europe V:20Germany IX:22; X:4-5,10; XI:1,3.32Poland XX:3

LanguageGermany X:4-5

LawAlbania 1:7Europe VI:1Germany XII:3,17; XV:14-16Greece XVI:6,11

LootingEurope V:14

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LubricantsAxis 111:2

LumberItaly XVII:6

MacedoniaBalkans 111:15

Maniu, lulinRumania XX:15

ManpowerAxis 111:6-7Europe V:12Germany IX:2; XII:13; XIII:8-10; XIV:12

MedicineGermany IX:27

MediterraneanAxis 11:12Europe V:8

Merchant MarineGermany XIII:12

MilitaryAfrica 1:4Axis 11:11-12,15-17; 111:7Balkans 111:8Denmark V:3Europe V:15,17Finland VI:11,15France VII:7Germany IX:2,5,16-18,26; X:3,15,21,24-25;

XI:1,15-19,22,29,31,35;XII:2,8,10; XIII:5-6; XIV:7,11

Greece XVI:3,13Hungary XVI:16,21Italy XVIII:13Netherlands XIX:12Norway XIX:15,18-20Poland XX:5,9,11Scandinavia XXI:1U.S.S.R XXI:8-12,15; XXII:1Yugoslavia XXII:13

Military Government, GermanAlbania 1:13

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Bulgaria IV:1Czechoslovakia IV:9,H-12Denmark V:6Europe V:16-17,19-20; VI:6-7,9-10France VIII:7,24Germany XI:35; XIV:11Greece XVI:3,13Italy XVIII:9,11-13Netherlands XIX:12Norway XIX:19-20Poland XX:5,9,HU.S.S.R XXI:14; XXII:1Yugoslavia XXIM3

MobilizationGermany XIII:6U.S.S.R XXI:15

MoraleFrance VII:1,8,17Germany IX:2,16; XI:6,9,17,21,28,34; XII:5,9Italy XVII:15

Mussolini, BenitoItaly XVII:10

National Socialist PartyEurope V:19Germany X:6-7,ll,16; XI:11,16; XV:5

NetherlandsCollaboration XIX:4Economy XIX:2Education XIX:11Fascist Party XIX:7Flooding XIX:13Food XIX:3Foreign Policy XIX-.16Government XIX:1,9-10Government-in-Exile XIX:9-10Health XIX:5Industry XIX:2Military XIX:12Military Government, German XIX:12Occupation XIX:10-12Police XIX:8Politics XIX:2,7Population XIX:2

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Social Conditions XIX:2Underground XIX:6War XIX:13

NorwayCollaboration XIX:14Government XIX:14Government-in-Exile XIX:16Military XIX:15,18-20Military Government, German XIX:19-20Occupation XIX:19-20Politics XIX:18Quislings XIX:14War XIX:17

NutritionGermany IX:1


Africa 1:1Albania 1:12-13Balkans 111:11Belgium IV:1Czechoslovakia IV:9,1M2Denmark V:4,6Europe V:16-19; VI:6-7,9-10France VIL18; VIII:7-8,24Germany XI:35; XIV:11Greece XVI:3,11,13Italy XVIII:7.9,H-13Netherlands XIX:10-12Norway XIX:19-20Poland XX:1,3,5,9,11U.S.S.R XXI:9,14-15; XXII.-lYugoslavia XXII:13

O.S.S. Special Operations

Europe V:13France VII:11Sardinia XX:21

Fan-SlavismPoland XX:8

Patriot ForcesEurope V:9

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Balkans 111:10Bulgaria IV:4Germany X:7; XV:20Hungary XVI:19Rumania XX:15Yugoslavia XXII:14

PetroleumAxis 11:15-17Germany IX:2,7Poland XX-.10Rumania XX:20U.S.S.R XXL11

PolandEconomy XX:1Foreign Policy XX:7Government XX:1Industry XX:10Labor XX:3Military XX:5,9,11Military Government, German XX:5,9,11Occupation XX:1,3,5,9,11Pan-Slavism XX:8Petroleum XX:10Politics XX:12Rationing XX:4Underground XX:2,6War XX:6

PoliceBelgium 111:24Europe VI:7France VII:12-13Germany IX:25; X:4-5Netherlands XIX:8

PoliticsAfrica 1:4-5Albania 1:6Austria 11:4-5Balkans 111:8Belgium 111:21-22Bulgaria IV:2,4Denmark V:2-3Finland VI:12-13,15,17-18

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France VII:6,14; VIIL25Germany X:6-7,16,25; XI:2,23; XII:9,11,18;

XIIL2; XIV:10Greece XVI:8,10,12Hungary XVI:19,24Italy XVII:2-3,9,16Netherlands XIX:2,7Norway XIX:18Poland XX:12Rumania XX:13-14Scandinavia XXI:3Sweden XXI:6Yugoslavia XXII:2,4


Africa 1:2,4Albania 1:6-7Austria 11:6Bulgaria IV:2Czechoslovakia IV:8Denmark V:2Finland VI:12France VII:6Germany X:4-5; XIV:12Greece XVI:4,8Italy XVII:2,16Netherlands XIX:2Rumania XX:14Sweden XXL6Yugoslavia XXII:2,7

Population DisplacementAustria 11:6Belgium 111:19Bulgaria IV:7Finland VI:14,19France VIII:8Germany X:23; XI:24; XV:19Greece XVI:2Italy XVII:4Rumania XX:16Yugoslavia XXII:3

Postwar PlansGermany XII:12,16; XIII:3-4; XIV:2

Postal ServiceAustria 11:3Italy XVIL12

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Germany X:4-5; XII:7Hungary XVI:18

Prisoners of WarGermany XI-.33Italy XVIL15

PropagandaAfrica 1:3,5Axis 11:10Denmark V:lFrance VII:8Germany IX:10,12; X:4-5,8,14; XI:9; XV:20Greece XVIrllHungary XVI:18Italy XVII:7

PropertyGermany XV:14

Psychological WarfareAfrica 1:5France VIII: 1Germany XI-.16

Public UtilitiesItaly XVIII:3-4Yugoslavia XXII:5

PurgeGermany XV:2

Querille, HenriFrance VIII:12

QuislingsAlbania 1:8Greece XVII:11Norway XIX:14

Race PolicyGermany XV:12

RadioEurope V:18Yugoslavia XXII:9

R.A.F.Germany X:17

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Austria 1:14Bulgaria IV:3Yugoslavia XXII:12

RationingGermany IX:15Poland XX:4

Red CrossYugoslavia XXII:4

RefugeesEurope VI:8

ReligionAustria 11:5France VII:21Germany X:4-5; XI:2; XV:9Italy XVII:16

ReparationsBulgaria IV:6Finland VI:16Germany XIV:9Hungary XVI:22

ResistanceAlbania 1:12Balkans 111:13Denmark V:5Europe V:9,18; VI:4France VIII:4,6,10,22Hungary XVI:24,27Italy XVIII:15Yugoslavia XXII:6,10,14

ResourcesAlbania 1:10Germany IX:2; XII:14; XIII:2Italy XVII:1

Riom TrialFrance VII:4

RocketsGermany XI:31

RuhrGermany X:13,17

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RumaniaEconomy XX:14,19Fascist Party XX:13Government XX:13,17Industry XX:20Intelligence XX:18Iron Guard Party XX-.13Maniu, lulin XX:15Personalities XX:15Petroleum XX:20Politics XX:13-14Population XX:14Population Displacement XX:16Social Conditions XX:14,19United Nations XX:17

SabotageFrance VII-.22Sardinia XX:21

SardiniaO.S.S. Special Operations XX:21Sabotage XX:21

ScandinaviaForeign Policy XXI:4-5Military XXI:1Politics XXI:3War XXI:l-2

SicilyItaly XVII:3,17

Social ConditionsAlbania 1:6Bulgaria IV:2Denmark V:2Finland VI:12France VII:6Germany XIII:2Greece XVI:8Italy XVIL2-3Netherlands XIX:2Rumania XX:14,19Sweden XXI:6Yugoslavia XXII:2

Social Security

Austria 11:7

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Social StructureAustria 11:9France VIIL1Germany XI:23

Spanish MoroccoAfrica 1:4

SpeechesGermany IX:17

SpeerGermany XI:5

SpiesItaly XVII:11; XVIII:2,14

Spy SchoolsGermany IX:21

SSEurope VI:7Germany IX:25

SteelAxis 11:18Europe VI:5Germany IX:2,23

Strategic BombingEurope V:ll; VI:2Germany X:13; XI:4,12,24; XII:8-9Hungary XVI:20

SubmarinesGermany IX:18

Sudeten GermansCxechoslovakia IV:13

SwedenForeign Policy XXI:7Politics XXI:6Population XXI:6Social Conditions XXI:6

TangierAfrica 1:4

TanksGermany X:l

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TaxesGermany XIV:6

Technical TroopsEurope V:16; VI:9

TerrainItaly XVIII:5

TerritoryCzechoslovakia IV:8Greece XVI:1,4

TextilesItaly XVIII:8

TradeAlbania 1:10Germany XII:1; XIII:7Greece XVI:7

TransportationAfrica 1:4Albania 1:11Austria 11:1Czechoslovakia IV:10Germany IX:2; XIII:2Italy XVIII:14Yugoslavia XXII:12

TribunalsEurope V:17; VI:6

UndergroundBelgium 111:20Europe V:9France VII:13; VIII:2Germany XI:8; XIII:l,3-4; XIV:2Netherlands XIX:6Poland XX:2,6

United KingdomFrance VII:5Germany XII:1Greece XVI:14

United NationsAfrica 1:5Hungary XVI:19Rumania XX:17

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United StatesAxis 11:10France VII:10Hungary XVI:26

U.S.S.R.Collaboration XXI:13Kursk-Orel XXI:12Military XXI:8-12,15; XXII:1Military Government, German XXI:14; XXIL1Mobilization XXI:15Occupation XXI:9,14-15; XXII:1Petroleum XXI:11War XXI:8,10-12

VichyFrance VIII:8,16,20

VolksdeutscheEurope V:12


Finland VI:11Germany IX:1,7,11,17,20,26; X:l,3,13,17,23,25

XI:7,10,15,26,29; XII:8,10,13Hungary XVI:21Netherlands XIX:13Norway XIX:17Poland XX:6Scandinavia XXL1-2U.S.S.R XXI:8,10-12

War CrimesGermany X:15; XV:1-13,17

Water SupplyItaly XVIL18

WomenGermany IX:22; XII:5

YugoslaviaChetnik XXII:10Collaboration XXIL10Government XXIL11Government-in-Exile XXII:8Military XXII:13Military Government, German XXIL13Occupation XXII:13

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Personalities XXII:14Politics XXII:2,4Population XXII:2,7Population Displacement XXII:3Public Utilities XXIL5Radio XXIL9Railroads XXII:12Red Cross XXII.-4Resistance XXII:6,10,14Social Conditions XXII:2Transportation XXII:12

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The G.S.S./State Department Intelligence a-idReseanch Reports series includes:

I Japan and Its Occupied TerritoriesDuring World War II

II Postwar Japan, Korea, andSoutheast Asia

III China and India

IV. Germany and Us Occupied TerritoriesDuring World War II

V. Postwar Europe

VI. The Soviet Union

VII. The Middle EastUPA