Page 1 UN Cha Germa IVERSITY G Pro Germ Deutsc Hochs Ge Civilian Research aracteristi Res Natio n - Arab - Y OF SIEG Geotechnic Fa oject Direc Projec man Acad cher Akad schuldialo Proj D erman-Ara n Security h on the E cs of Soil ulting Imp onal and I Turkish D EN - SIEG cal Institu culty IV - ctor: Univ. ct Manage demic Ex demischer og mit der jekt ID 570 DAAD Prog ab-Turkish y in Times Effect of C s, Rocks a pact on th nternation Dialogue 2 GEN, GERM ute, Civil E Science a Prof. Dr.- er: Dr.-Ing. xchange r Austausc r Islamisch 078237 gram h Dialogue of Climat limate Ch and Groun e Security nal Infrast 014 - Sum MANY - CO Engineerin and Techn Ing. Richa Darwin E Service ch Dienst hen Welt e 2014 te Change ange on t ndwater a y of the tructure mmer Scho OORDINAT g Departm ology ard A. Her E. Fox, PE e he and the ool Turkey A TING PAR ment rrmann y RTNER

German Academic Ex change Service - Uni Siegen

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Page 1: German Academic Ex change Service - Uni Siegen

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Civilian Security in Times of Climate Change


An 11-day summer school attended by participants from 14 universities from Germany, Egypt and Turkey was held in Turkey in August - September 2014 and was sponsored by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Climate change factors were discussed as well as their disastrous effects on water infrastructure systems and the urgent need for rectification to ensure the health and safety of the civilian population.

More than fifty professors, scientific staff and students from took part in the exercise for the purpose of social, cultural and scientific exchanges among the participants of the "German - Arab - Turkish Dialogue 2014 Summer School Turkey". The program was coordinated by the Geotechnical Institute from the University of Siegen, Germany. These academic institutions have had a cooperative partnership for many years to further educational and scientific research projects. The gender of the participants was divided about equally between men and women and included engineers, geologists, urban planners, architects, geographers and chemists as well as political and social scientists.

One-day symposiums and workshops were conducted in the English language at three universities in Turkey, Yildiz Technical University and Istanbul Technical University in Istanbul and Pamukkale University in Denizli. Slide presentations were made by the participants that visualized and described various situations in which different aspects of climate change were shown to be affecting water infrastructure systems and endangering the lives and welfare of the general public in specific urban areas and countries as well as worldwide.

Although about 70% of the earth’s surface is water, the total volume is fixed and limited. Only about 3% of that quantity is fresh water and from that only about 1% is fit for human consumption. The global population is exploding and the consumption per capita is increasing drastically. The social impact of water issues and the political input through local, regional and international regulations and conflicts was discussed.

It was noted that the quality of life could be drastically improved for millions of persons in developing countries by making fresh water more available. The disastrous effects of climate change factors on water infrastructure systems and the urgent need for rectification to insure the health and safety of the civilian population were dramatically demonstrated.

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The apportioning of water for domestic/agricultural/industrial consumption requires concerted attention and appropriate action. Improved management of water for agriculture and irrigation was shown to be practical and economical. The necessity to properly care for and maintain the zone of natural resources from the groundwater, soil and vegetation was recognized as vital to the sustainability of an adequate healthy food supply for the current and future generations. The concept of a water footprint in everyday water consumption is enormous, for example that behind a 500 ml soft drink in a plastic bottle as much as thirty-five litres of water were used in the production of the ingredients and the manufacturing processes.

Technical excursions were made to examine first-hand and learn about some the water-related issues in Turkey. The danger of the contamination and pollution of drinking water sources was seen and evaluated. The efforts to monitor and control anthropogenic activities in this regard were discussed as well as the effects of climate change factors and influences. Cultural excursions were made to various historical/archaeological sites, not only for their usual historical importance, but also to identify geoenvironmental changes and to assess the damage and increased rate of deterioration on these ancient artifacts due to the impact of climate change.

The causes of climate change were not emphasized in the symposiums, but it was noted that in many scientific reports man-made carbon dioxide appears to be less of an influence on climate change than natural processes. Water vapor accounts for more than 98% of the greenhouse effect and is twenty times more powerful than carbon dioxide in this regard. The strong impact of carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas was well recognized, but media reports tend to over-emphasize this and minimize or ignore other important natural climate-change factors.

It is for policy makers to take positive action to establish rules and regulations that comply with the state-of-the-art scientific findings on current fresh-water issues. This must also include the sustainable utilization of our water resources in new facilities and the rehabilitation of water infrastructure to reduce or eliminate environmental pollution. The value of fresh water is becoming an expensive necessity for the expanding global population.

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DAAD Summer School Turkey 2014/ 24 August - 03 September 2014

The one-day symposiums and workshops were conducted in the English language at the three partner universities in Turkey, Yildiz Technical University and Istanbul Technical University in Istanbul and Pamukkale University in Denizli in the "German-Arab-Turkish Summer School Turkey 2014". Slide presentations were made by the participants that visualized and described various situations in which different aspects of climate change were shown to be affecting water infrastructure systems and endangering the lives and welfare of the general public in specific urban areas and countries as well as worldwide.

More than fifty professors, scientific staff and students from fourteen universities took part in the higher-education academic exercise for the purpose of scientific, social, cultural, historical and religious exchanges. There were fifty-eight registered participants with a female proportion of fifty-two percent. There were eight females from Germany (with thirteen participants), eight from Egypt (twenty participants) and fourteen from Turkey.

The first of the three planned symposiums was held on the Yildiz Technical University campus on Monday, 25 August, 2014, and the second one the following day at Istanbul Technical University. The photo section includes excerpts from some of the presentations along with a brief description of the subject issue.

Following the symposiums in Istanbul a bus excursion was made through central and western Anatolia. In addition to technical tours at significant geological sites, visits to some important archaeological and historical sites were also scheduled. A digital guidebook was prepared by ITU and sent to all participants prior to arrival, which included the proposed travel schedule with accommodation and extensive descriptions of the places to be visited.

The first stop was near Adapazari about seventy kilometres westerly from Istanbul in a geological area along the North Anatolian Fault that had been heavily damaged by two earthquakes in 1999, with a loss of life between seventeen and forty-five thousand. Horizontal displacements were more than five metres in some places, and there was extensive damage to local infrastructure - viaducts, tunnels, overpasses - as well as considerable damage in Istanbul. The estimated damage was equivalent to about twenty-three billion US Dollars. This was a dramatic example of the power of natural events, an impressive beginning for the field trips.

Further stops were made at thermal springs and baths, and at a thermal heat-exchanger plant in Kızılcahamam that used hot thermal water and exchanged it into heated water that was then distributed throughout the city. A visit was also made to a local bottling plant that bottled the thermal water for drinking. Further stops were made

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at a salt lake that produces most of the salt for consumption in Turkey, a soda lake that produced various products by the use of evaporation ponds, which were also important for the existence of flamingos. Stops were also made at a major fresh-water lake and recharging springs being threatened with pollution from surface runoff from fertilized agricultural lands in the region. Other places visited included geological faulting and slumping threatening adjacent apartment buildings, and infrastructure to control the outflow of water from lakes and drinking-water resources

In Cappadocia other geological features examined included rock-hewn cliff settlements in valley walls, hewn rock castles, underground cities hewn into rock as much as seven stories deep, and geo-engineering situations of the collapsing and disintegrating of such structures due to changes in climatic factors and conditions. Also in Cappadocia was the emergence of hot thermal water onto the surface and the conversion processes with the creation of the travertine sediments and deposits, and a tour of a travertine cave. There was also a tour of a marble factory producing commercial slabs of marble and travertine, and a look at how ancient technology was used to quarry and shape slabs. Tours were also made through some of the historical and archaeological ruins in the area.


2.1 Contributing Universities

The Geotechnical Institute at the University of Siegen has had a long-standing international partnership with universities in Turkey and Egypt. Many of the scientific staff on these faculties have studied in Germany, and have enjoyed a continued long-term academic and research association with the University of Siegen. There has been cooperation in numerous undertakings with mutual benefit, and this summer school enabled the introduction and participation of new-generation scientists both male and female in an intercultural multinational interdisciplinary dialogue. In addition to the University of Siegen, six partner universities and seven associate universities had participants in the summer school symposiums, technical field trips and archaeological excursions.

Partners in the DAAD German - Arab - Turkish Dialogue Summer School Turkey 2014:

University of Siegen, Siegen, Germany (Coordinating Institution) Port Said University, Port Said, Egypt Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey

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Page 7: German Academic Ex change Service - Uni Siegen

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o 2. Poster anical Univers

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Page 8: German Academic Ex change Service - Uni Siegen

Page 8

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Page 9: German Academic Ex change Service - Uni Siegen

Page 9

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Page 10: German Academic Ex change Service - Uni Siegen

Page 1

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Page 12: German Academic Ex change Service - Uni Siegen

Page 1

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Page 1



The phoweaker action h

In the compossuch stquite staCappad


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o 23. Viewation “Fairy C

oto above-underlying

have left this

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docia Regio

o 25. Underof the Ihlara

photo aboveyear-old tuf

eighty metreout 100 chu

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w of the Chimneys” in

left shows rock protec

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ollution, whorted spec is present

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a peculiar cted by a h

and unique l

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ellings in thappadocia.

ossible to sng the Ihlarmed by thee valley.

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geological harder cap-rlandscape.

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see dwellinra Valley. Te Melendiz R

hreatens thcted area.ke.

oto 24. Viewmations in C

formation rrock. Thous

settlements ll in use todetables as uit and vegeon the Wor

oto 26. Grons of Sagala

gs that werThis canyonRiver. There

he flora and. The ma

w of dwellingsCappadocia.

resulting frosands of ye

hewn intoday. A comthe undergetable storald Heritage

oup photo issos.

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this Worldh breeding

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The abokm. nor518, anattentio


Pamukkhot spriflowing ancient long, 60the temcarbonadepositedioxide hardens


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o 27. Some s

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00 metres wmperature raate, reacheed. The dein the air. C

s into traver

hoto showsya at an altiovered by er985 when an

summer scho

s “cotton casravertines water. The horapolis was wide and 16anges fromes the surfapositing co

Calcium carrtine.

participantitude of 145rosion in thn Anglo-Bel

ool participan

stle” in Turkwhich are teot springs ha

built on top0 metres hi 35 °C to

ace, carbonntinues untrbonate is d

ts in the arc50-1700 mee following lgian team b

nts in a trave

kish and is erraces of ave been up if the whiteigh. In this a100 °C. Wn dioxide dtil the carbodeposited by

chaeologicaetres. It was

centuries. began a ma

ertine therma

a natural sicarbonate sed as a spe castle, wharea, there hen the waegasses fro

on dioxide iy the water

al ruins of Ss devastateIt began to

ajor survey

l pool in Pam

ite in Denizminerals th

pa since thehich in total are 17 hot w

ater, supersom it, and n the wateas a soft je

Sagalassosed by an ea attract arcof the site.


zli Province.hat sedimene 2nd centuis about 2,water sprin

saturated wcalcium ca

r balances elly, but this

s about 100rthquake inhaeological

It containsnt from the

ury BC. The700 metresgs in which

with calciumarbonate isthe carbon

s eventually

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