Gerald R. Ford Republican Ford’s background… U of Michigan Football star WW II - U Navy 12 terms in the House of Representatives Served on the Warren Commission Nixon appoints Ford VP The 1st person appointed V.P. & President under the 25th Amendment. The only President to serve without being elected President

Gerald R. Ford Republican Ford’s background… U of Michigan Football star WW II - U Navy 12 terms in the House of Representatives Served on the Warren Commission

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Page 1: Gerald R. Ford Republican Ford’s background… U of Michigan Football star WW II - U Navy 12 terms in the House of Representatives Served on the Warren Commission

Gerald R. FordRepublican

Ford’s background…

•U of Michigan Football star

•WW II - U Navy

•12 terms in the House of Representatives

•Served on the Warren Commission

•Nixon appoints Ford VP

•The 1st person appointed V.P. & President under the 25th Amendment.

•The only President to serve without being elected President or V.P.

Page 2: Gerald R. Ford Republican Ford’s background… U of Michigan Football star WW II - U Navy 12 terms in the House of Representatives Served on the Warren Commission

Objectives…• Summarize Ford’s response to the

economic problems of the era.

• Identify the major reasons for Americans losing faith in the federal government.

“The trouble with Gerry Ford is that he used to play football without a helmet”


Page 3: Gerald R. Ford Republican Ford’s background… U of Michigan Football star WW II - U Navy 12 terms in the House of Representatives Served on the Warren Commission

The 1970s Recession• The cause…

- In protest of the Arab-Israeli conflict OPEC embargoed oil exports to the


- High oil prices trigger inflation and a deep recession

Inflation rose form 6% in 1973 10% in 197414% in 1980

Page 4: Gerald R. Ford Republican Ford’s background… U of Michigan Football star WW II - U Navy 12 terms in the House of Representatives Served on the Warren Commission

• A term used to describe a sluggish economy…

-Price inflation

-Slow economic growth

-Rising unemployment


Stagflation Stagnation & Inflation

The economy was bad and Ford lacked a clear vision for putting the economy back on track.

Page 5: Gerald R. Ford Republican Ford’s background… U of Michigan Football star WW II - U Navy 12 terms in the House of Representatives Served on the Warren Commission

Ford’s plan to rejuvenate the economy…

• Stimulate economic growth• Stabilize interest rates• Raise taxes• Limit government spending

W.I.N. Whip Inflation Now

• Fight inflation by saving & spending less • Backfired: Americans stopped spending & the

economy slows even more

Page 6: Gerald R. Ford Republican Ford’s background… U of Michigan Football star WW II - U Navy 12 terms in the House of Representatives Served on the Warren Commission

The Nixon Pardon Sept, 1974

• GRF gives RMN a full pardon• A corrupt bargain?... • Justification: Spare the country a painful trial• Nixon’s employees were not given pardons..

Most went to prison

“My fellow Americans, our long time nightmare is over. Our constitution works. Our great republic is a

government of laws, not of men” –Gerald R. Ford

Page 7: Gerald R. Ford Republican Ford’s background… U of Michigan Football star WW II - U Navy 12 terms in the House of Representatives Served on the Warren Commission

The War Powers Act (1973)• Designed to control the

president's power to commit the US to a war without the permission of Congress.

• The president has 48hrs to inform Congress of a troop movements.

• Troops can remain for 60 days without Congress declaring war.

Page 8: Gerald R. Ford Republican Ford’s background… U of Michigan Football star WW II - U Navy 12 terms in the House of Representatives Served on the Warren Commission

The Fall of Saigon April, 1975

• The American embassy in Saigon is evacuated

• This marks the end of the Vietnam War• Vietnam falls to communism

Page 9: Gerald R. Ford Republican Ford’s background… U of Michigan Football star WW II - U Navy 12 terms in the House of Representatives Served on the Warren Commission

What is the overall intention of the War Powers Act...

To limit the power of the U.S. President in engaging in a conflict by requiring that he report troop movements and seek

Congressional permission after 60 days.

Page 10: Gerald R. Ford Republican Ford’s background… U of Michigan Football star WW II - U Navy 12 terms in the House of Representatives Served on the Warren Commission

 In the 1970s, the combination of

rising prices, high unemployment & slow economic growth was


STAGFLATIONHigh inflation, slow economic growth & high


Page 11: Gerald R. Ford Republican Ford’s background… U of Michigan Football star WW II - U Navy 12 terms in the House of Representatives Served on the Warren Commission

President Ford’s most controversial act as

President was to…

Pardon Nixon for Watergate