Georgia 2010 Conference for College and University Auditors August 2 – 3, 2010 Georgia Capitol Hill Campus Atlanta, Georgia

Georgia 2010 Conference for College and University Auditors August 2 – 3, 2010 Georgia Capitol Hill Campus Atlanta, Georgia

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Georgia 2010 Conference for College and University Auditors August 2 – 3, 2010 Georgia Capitol Hill Campus Atlanta, Georgia

Page 2: Georgia 2010 Conference for College and University Auditors August 2 – 3, 2010 Georgia Capitol Hill Campus Atlanta, Georgia

DISC Assessment:

A TOOL used to learn more about your behavior and other’s.

The DISC tool reveals there are NO right or wrong places to be, rather each style has their own way of bringing value to an organization and it is important to underdstand that we NEED each style within a team.

Each Style has it’s own strengths and areas of development.

Respecting each style and Understanding how to communicate with each style is a key essential in working effectively together.

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DISC stands for:





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DRIVER: Dominant, Director Key to Motivation: Challenge Basic Intent is to Overcome any challenge at any cost. EMPHASIS: Controlling the environment by overcoming opposition to

achieve desired goals/results. GREATEST FEAR: Loss of control TASK Responsive TELL Assertive Direct, positive, straightforward and sometimes appears blunt Likes to be in control and in charge Thrives on challenge, pressure and tough assignments Self-sufficient individual and demanding of self and others. Self-starters

who get things done when things get tough. Thrive on competition and dislike routine and prone to changing careers or jobs until they find the challenge they need to feel successful.

View Time as Money Make Decisions and live with the responsibility of that decision

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INFLUENTIAL: Expressive Key to Motivation: Recognition for all they do Basic intent is to Persuade people to do something, a job, task, cheering the

team on. Natural energy and enthusiasm. EMPHASIS: Creating the environment by motivating and aligning others to

accomplish results GREATEST FEAR: Lack of Recognition and Admiration PEOPLE Responsive TELL Assertive Friendly, outgoing, persuasive, and appears confident Interested in people, poised and meets NO strangers Thrives on social contact and freedom from control and detail. They do not

like helicopter managers and demand commitment from others Gets along well with most people. Not so much with the Cautious Style. Relationship Oriented. Builds teams and likes to have fun with the team

members. View time as “Party” and “never enough of it”

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STEADY: Amiable Key to motivation: Need to feel appreciated Basic Intent is to Support one or a team. ASK Assertive PEOPLE Responsive Amiable, easy – going, warm hearted, and friendly Even – tempered, low – key, emotionally mature, and

undemonstrative Thrives in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere without much pressure Dislikes “change” and “deadlines”, works steadily and patiently.

Get’s things done “in time” not before. Relationship Oriented, wants to make sure individuals are Okay and

they are still friends. View time as “On time” nothing early and nothing late

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Conscientious: Cautious or Analytical

Key to Motivation: Protection and Security Basic Intent is to Be Correct (ideal is they are always right) EMPHASIS: Structuring the environment to produce products and services that

meet high standards. GREATEST FEAR: Being Wrong, Making a mistake. ASK Assertive TASK Responsive Precise, attentive to details and facts, cautious Thrives on order, pre-determined methods and tradition (the best practices, same

way of doing things…) Prefers an atmosphere with room for careful strategic planning and with no sudden

“changes” Adapts to situations to “avoid” conflict and antagonism, accommodating of others.

Avoids pressure. This style documents everything that they do and do what is expected of them.

View Time as “I need more time”. This style will not have a project done until the moment it is due. They will extend time as far as they can because of their greatest fear of being wrong or making a mistake.

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STRENGHTS of each style: Driver: decision maker, bottom line, direct, Just do it

attitude. Gets the job done through a bottom line goal oriented focus.

Influencer: excellent motivator, hard worker, pulls teams together, benefits the organization with a positive attitude, hard work and motivating others. Gets the job done through focused attention on a project, influencing others to do work on a team and focusing on the big picture.

Steady: analytical and a strong people person. Get the job done through gathering details while taking people into consideration. Friendly and dedicated.

Cautious: Analytical, Detail oriented, gathers facts when others might miss a detail they are focused on the details. Cross every T and dot every I. Get the job done through facts.

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Now …

Let’s look at more specifics about each style in order to communicate effectively with individuals who have these behaviors.

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Results of the Coaches being leaders:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2B3yhh4mvI Remember the Titans Coach teaching and leading by example… watch the response of the captains and the team as a whole.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rWHUVKCT54s&feature=related Coach Herb Brooks gives a speech that all leaders should use with their organizations.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4QaduCTaA9M Jim Craig the goalie speaking on the results of Coach Herb Brooks coaching.

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In summary: What name are you wearing on your jersey? What is the Name of your continuing education? Not

the other CE’s in Georgia. Yours? Focus on your area of CE, what your community needs and how your team can meet those needs.

What is your potential personally and how can you bring that potential where you work?

How can you inspire or motivate your employees to be an effective team.

Are you willing to have a shared dream, be a leader (coach) who has the right game plan, and have a team who executes the game plan.