Geometric and Negative Binomial Distributions

Geometric and Negative Binomial Distributions · 2008. 10. 1. · Geometric Distribution Negative Binomial Distribution Geometric Distribution – Number of Failures to First Success

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Page 1: Geometric and Negative Binomial Distributions · 2008. 10. 1. · Geometric Distribution Negative Binomial Distribution Geometric Distribution – Number of Failures to First Success

Geometric and Negative Binomial Distributions

Page 2: Geometric and Negative Binomial Distributions · 2008. 10. 1. · Geometric Distribution Negative Binomial Distribution Geometric Distribution – Number of Failures to First Success

Geometric Distribution Negative Binomial Distribution

Geometric Distribution – Number of Failures to FirstSuccess

When flipping a coin, we count the number of tails before the first headsappears.

When setting off fireworks, we count the number of successfully firedfireworks before the first dud appears.

When rolling two dice, we count the number of rolls before the dice sum toseven.

Number of Failures to First Success(or equivalently, number of success to first failure)

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Page 3: Geometric and Negative Binomial Distributions · 2008. 10. 1. · Geometric Distribution Negative Binomial Distribution Geometric Distribution – Number of Failures to First Success

Geometric Distribution Negative Binomial Distribution

Geometric Distribution – Number of Failures to FirstSuccess

When flipping a coin, we count the number of tails before the first headsappears.

When setting off fireworks, we count the number of successfully firedfireworks before the first dud appears.

When rolling two dice, we count the number of rolls before the dice sum toseven.

Number of Failures to First Success(or equivalently, number of success to first failure)

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Page 4: Geometric and Negative Binomial Distributions · 2008. 10. 1. · Geometric Distribution Negative Binomial Distribution Geometric Distribution – Number of Failures to First Success

Geometric Distribution Negative Binomial Distribution

Geometric Distribution – Number of Failures to FirstSuccess

When flipping a coin, we count the number of tails before the first headsappears.

When setting off fireworks, we count the number of successfully firedfireworks before the first dud appears.

When rolling two dice, we count the number of rolls before the dice sum toseven.

Number of Failures to First Success(or equivalently, number of success to first failure)

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Page 5: Geometric and Negative Binomial Distributions · 2008. 10. 1. · Geometric Distribution Negative Binomial Distribution Geometric Distribution – Number of Failures to First Success

Geometric Distribution Negative Binomial Distribution

Geometric Distribution built from Bernoulli rv’s

Let Y1, Y2, . . . be iid Bernoulli(p) random variables, i.e.

Yi =

{1, w.p. p0, w.p. 1− p.

Let X be the random variable that counts the number of failures of the Bernoullitrials before the first success.Therefore

if Y1 = 1 then X = 0if Y1 = 0 and Y2 = 1 then X = 1if Y1 = 0, Y2 = 0, and Y3 = 1 then X = 2...


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Page 6: Geometric and Negative Binomial Distributions · 2008. 10. 1. · Geometric Distribution Negative Binomial Distribution Geometric Distribution – Number of Failures to First Success

Geometric Distribution Negative Binomial Distribution

Geometric Distribution built from Bernoulli rv’s

Let Y1, Y2, . . . be iid Bernoulli(p) random variables, i.e.

Yi =

{1, w.p. p0, w.p. 1− p.

Let X be the random variable that counts the number of failures of the Bernoullitrials before the first success.Therefore

if Y1 = 1 then X = 0if Y1 = 0 and Y2 = 1 then X = 1if Y1 = 0, Y2 = 0, and Y3 = 1 then X = 2...


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Page 7: Geometric and Negative Binomial Distributions · 2008. 10. 1. · Geometric Distribution Negative Binomial Distribution Geometric Distribution – Number of Failures to First Success

Geometric Distribution Negative Binomial Distribution

Geometric Distribution built from Bernoulli rv’s

Let Y1, Y2, . . . be iid Bernoulli(p) random variables, i.e.

Yi =

{1, w.p. p0, w.p. 1− p.

Let X be the random variable that counts the number of failures of the Bernoullitrials before the first success.Therefore

if Y1 = 1 then X = 0if Y1 = 0 and Y2 = 1 then X = 1if Y1 = 0, Y2 = 0, and Y3 = 1 then X = 2...


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Page 8: Geometric and Negative Binomial Distributions · 2008. 10. 1. · Geometric Distribution Negative Binomial Distribution Geometric Distribution – Number of Failures to First Success

Geometric Distribution Negative Binomial Distribution

Probability Mass Function of the Geometric Distribution

P(X = k) = p(k)= P(Y1 = 0, Y2 = 0, . . . , Yk = 0, Yk+1 = 1)= P(Y1 = 0)P(Y2 = 0) · · ·P(Yk = 0)P(Yk+1 = 1)= (1− p)(1− p) · · · (1− p)p

= (1− p)kp

= qkp

The geometric decay of the pmf gives rise to the name geometric distribution.

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Page 9: Geometric and Negative Binomial Distributions · 2008. 10. 1. · Geometric Distribution Negative Binomial Distribution Geometric Distribution – Number of Failures to First Success

Geometric Distribution Negative Binomial Distribution

Summing the pmf

Let’s check that the pmf sums to one.∞∑


p(k) =∞∑


(1− p)kp

= p∞∑


(1− p)k


1− (1− p)= 1

And the cdf is computed as

F(x) = P(X ≤ x) =x∑


qkp = px∑



= p(

1− qx+1

1− q

)= p

(1− qx+1


)= 1− qx+1

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Page 10: Geometric and Negative Binomial Distributions · 2008. 10. 1. · Geometric Distribution Negative Binomial Distribution Geometric Distribution – Number of Failures to First Success

Geometric Distribution Negative Binomial Distribution

Summing the pmf

Let’s check that the pmf sums to one.∞∑


p(k) =∞∑


(1− p)kp

= p∞∑


(1− p)k


1− (1− p)= 1

And the cdf is computed as

F(x) = P(X ≤ x) =x∑


qkp = px∑



= p(

1− qx+1

1− q

)= p

(1− qx+1


)= 1− qx+1

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Page 11: Geometric and Negative Binomial Distributions · 2008. 10. 1. · Geometric Distribution Negative Binomial Distribution Geometric Distribution – Number of Failures to First Success

Geometric Distribution Negative Binomial Distribution

Mean and Variance of the Geometric Distribution

E(X) =∞∑


kpqk = p∞∑



= p(0 + q + 2q2 + 3q3 + · · ·

)= pq(1 + 2q + 3q2 + · · · )

From the usual geometric series,1

1− q= 1 + q + q2 + q3 + · · ·

take the derivative of both sides with respect to q to get1

(1− q)2 = 1 + 2q + 3q2 + · · ·

Therefore E(X) is computed to be

E(X) = pq(

1(1− q)2


pqp2 =

1− pp

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Page 12: Geometric and Negative Binomial Distributions · 2008. 10. 1. · Geometric Distribution Negative Binomial Distribution Geometric Distribution – Number of Failures to First Success

Geometric Distribution Negative Binomial Distribution

Mean and Variance of the Geometric Distribution

E(X) =∞∑


kpqk = p∞∑



= p(0 + q + 2q2 + 3q3 + · · ·

)= pq(1 + 2q + 3q2 + · · · )

From the usual geometric series,1

1− q= 1 + q + q2 + q3 + · · ·

take the derivative of both sides with respect to q to get1

(1− q)2 = 1 + 2q + 3q2 + · · ·

Therefore E(X) is computed to be

E(X) = pq(

1(1− q)2


pqp2 =

1− pp

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Page 13: Geometric and Negative Binomial Distributions · 2008. 10. 1. · Geometric Distribution Negative Binomial Distribution Geometric Distribution – Number of Failures to First Success

Geometric Distribution Negative Binomial Distribution

Mean and Variance of the Geometric Distribution

E(X) =∞∑


kpqk = p∞∑



= p(0 + q + 2q2 + 3q3 + · · ·

)= pq(1 + 2q + 3q2 + · · · )

From the usual geometric series,1

1− q= 1 + q + q2 + q3 + · · ·

take the derivative of both sides with respect to q to get1

(1− q)2 = 1 + 2q + 3q2 + · · ·

Therefore E(X) is computed to be

E(X) = pq(

1(1− q)2


pqp2 =

1− pp

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Page 14: Geometric and Negative Binomial Distributions · 2008. 10. 1. · Geometric Distribution Negative Binomial Distribution Geometric Distribution – Number of Failures to First Success

Geometric Distribution Negative Binomial Distribution

Memoryless Property of the Geometric Distribution

The geometric distribution is the only discrete distribution that has thememoryless property.(The exponential distribution is the only continuous distribution that has thememoryless property.)If we have observed j failures, then the probability of observing at lease k morefailures is independent of the event that j failures were just witnessed.

P(X ≥ j + k|X ≥ j) = P(X ≥ k)

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Page 15: Geometric and Negative Binomial Distributions · 2008. 10. 1. · Geometric Distribution Negative Binomial Distribution Geometric Distribution – Number of Failures to First Success

Geometric Distribution Negative Binomial Distribution

Memoryless Property of the Geometric Distribution

The geometric distribution is the only discrete distribution that has thememoryless property.(The exponential distribution is the only continuous distribution that has thememoryless property.)If we have observed j failures, then the probability of observing at lease k morefailures is independent of the event that j failures were just witnessed.

P(X ≥ j + k|X ≥ j) = P(X ≥ k)

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Page 16: Geometric and Negative Binomial Distributions · 2008. 10. 1. · Geometric Distribution Negative Binomial Distribution Geometric Distribution – Number of Failures to First Success

Geometric Distribution Negative Binomial Distribution

Memoryless Property of the Geometric Distribution

The geometric distribution is the only discrete distribution that has thememoryless property.(The exponential distribution is the only continuous distribution that has thememoryless property.)If we have observed j failures, then the probability of observing at lease k morefailures is independent of the event that j failures were just witnessed.

P(X ≥ j + k|X ≥ j) = P(X ≥ k)

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Page 17: Geometric and Negative Binomial Distributions · 2008. 10. 1. · Geometric Distribution Negative Binomial Distribution Geometric Distribution – Number of Failures to First Success

Geometric Distribution Negative Binomial Distribution

Other Parameterizations of the Geometric Distribution

Instead of number of failures until the first success, we may be interested in thetime to the first success. In other words,

if Y1 = 1 then X̃ = 1if Y1 = 0 and Y2 = 1 then X̃ = 2if Y1 = 0, Y2 = 0, and Y3 = 1 then X̃ = 3...


In this parametrization, pX̃(k) = pX(k − 1) = pqk−1 for k = 1, 2, . . ..The expected value of X̃ is

E(X̃) =∞∑


kpqk−1 =1q


kpqk =1q

E(X) =1p

And there are other parameterizations like in section 4.5.3 (p.158).

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Page 18: Geometric and Negative Binomial Distributions · 2008. 10. 1. · Geometric Distribution Negative Binomial Distribution Geometric Distribution – Number of Failures to First Success

Geometric Distribution Negative Binomial Distribution

Other Parameterizations of the Geometric Distribution

Instead of number of failures until the first success, we may be interested in thetime to the first success. In other words,

if Y1 = 1 then X̃ = 1if Y1 = 0 and Y2 = 1 then X̃ = 2if Y1 = 0, Y2 = 0, and Y3 = 1 then X̃ = 3...


In this parametrization, pX̃(k) = pX(k − 1) = pqk−1 for k = 1, 2, . . ..The expected value of X̃ is

E(X̃) =∞∑


kpqk−1 =1q


kpqk =1q

E(X) =1p

And there are other parameterizations like in section 4.5.3 (p.158).

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Page 19: Geometric and Negative Binomial Distributions · 2008. 10. 1. · Geometric Distribution Negative Binomial Distribution Geometric Distribution – Number of Failures to First Success

Geometric Distribution Negative Binomial Distribution

Other Parameterizations of the Geometric Distribution

Instead of number of failures until the first success, we may be interested in thetime to the first success. In other words,

if Y1 = 1 then X̃ = 1if Y1 = 0 and Y2 = 1 then X̃ = 2if Y1 = 0, Y2 = 0, and Y3 = 1 then X̃ = 3...


In this parametrization, pX̃(k) = pX(k − 1) = pqk−1 for k = 1, 2, . . ..The expected value of X̃ is

E(X̃) =∞∑


kpqk−1 =1q


kpqk =1q

E(X) =1p

And there are other parameterizations like in section 4.5.3 (p.158).

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Page 20: Geometric and Negative Binomial Distributions · 2008. 10. 1. · Geometric Distribution Negative Binomial Distribution Geometric Distribution – Number of Failures to First Success

Geometric Distribution Negative Binomial Distribution

Other Parameterizations of the Geometric Distribution

Instead of number of failures until the first success, we may be interested in thetime to the first success. In other words,

if Y1 = 1 then X̃ = 1if Y1 = 0 and Y2 = 1 then X̃ = 2if Y1 = 0, Y2 = 0, and Y3 = 1 then X̃ = 3...


In this parametrization, pX̃(k) = pX(k − 1) = pqk−1 for k = 1, 2, . . ..The expected value of X̃ is

E(X̃) =∞∑


kpqk−1 =1q


kpqk =1q

E(X) =1p

And there are other parameterizations like in section 4.5.3 (p.158).

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Page 21: Geometric and Negative Binomial Distributions · 2008. 10. 1. · Geometric Distribution Negative Binomial Distribution Geometric Distribution – Number of Failures to First Success

Geometric Distribution Negative Binomial Distribution

Coupon Collector ProblemSuppose there are n distinct action figures in a set, and suppose a random actionfigure from this set is placed in every Wheaties cereal box. How many boxes ofWheaties are you expected to buy to have a full set of action figures? Let T bethe number of boxes opened when finally one has collected all of the actionfigures. Let Ti denote the number of boxes opened to collect the ith distinctaction figure after already having found i− 1 distinct action figures. Thus

T = T1 + T2 + · · ·+ Tn

and soE(T) = E(T1) + E(T2) + · · ·+ E(Tn)

Notice that Ti follows the geometric distribution (as parameterized in theprevious slide) with p = n−(i−1)

n . ThereforeE(T) = E(T1) + E(T2) + · · ·+ E(Tn)



nn− i + 1



n− 1+ · · ·+ n

1= n



+ · · ·+ 1n

)︸ ︷︷ ︸

Harmonic numbere.g. when n = 50, E(T) = 225Arthur Berg Geometric and Negative Binomial Distributions 9/ 11

Page 22: Geometric and Negative Binomial Distributions · 2008. 10. 1. · Geometric Distribution Negative Binomial Distribution Geometric Distribution – Number of Failures to First Success

Geometric Distribution Negative Binomial Distribution

Coupon Collector ProblemSuppose there are n distinct action figures in a set, and suppose a random actionfigure from this set is placed in every Wheaties cereal box. How many boxes ofWheaties are you expected to buy to have a full set of action figures? Let T bethe number of boxes opened when finally one has collected all of the actionfigures. Let Ti denote the number of boxes opened to collect the ith distinctaction figure after already having found i− 1 distinct action figures. Thus

T = T1 + T2 + · · ·+ Tn

and soE(T) = E(T1) + E(T2) + · · ·+ E(Tn)

Notice that Ti follows the geometric distribution (as parameterized in theprevious slide) with p = n−(i−1)

n . ThereforeE(T) = E(T1) + E(T2) + · · ·+ E(Tn)



nn− i + 1



n− 1+ · · ·+ n

1= n



+ · · ·+ 1n

)︸ ︷︷ ︸

Harmonic numbere.g. when n = 50, E(T) = 225Arthur Berg Geometric and Negative Binomial Distributions 9/ 11

Page 23: Geometric and Negative Binomial Distributions · 2008. 10. 1. · Geometric Distribution Negative Binomial Distribution Geometric Distribution – Number of Failures to First Success

Geometric Distribution Negative Binomial Distribution

Coupon Collector ProblemSuppose there are n distinct action figures in a set, and suppose a random actionfigure from this set is placed in every Wheaties cereal box. How many boxes ofWheaties are you expected to buy to have a full set of action figures? Let T bethe number of boxes opened when finally one has collected all of the actionfigures. Let Ti denote the number of boxes opened to collect the ith distinctaction figure after already having found i− 1 distinct action figures. Thus

T = T1 + T2 + · · ·+ Tn

and soE(T) = E(T1) + E(T2) + · · ·+ E(Tn)

Notice that Ti follows the geometric distribution (as parameterized in theprevious slide) with p = n−(i−1)

n . ThereforeE(T) = E(T1) + E(T2) + · · ·+ E(Tn)



nn− i + 1



n− 1+ · · ·+ n

1= n



+ · · ·+ 1n

)︸ ︷︷ ︸

Harmonic numbere.g. when n = 50, E(T) = 225Arthur Berg Geometric and Negative Binomial Distributions 9/ 11

Page 24: Geometric and Negative Binomial Distributions · 2008. 10. 1. · Geometric Distribution Negative Binomial Distribution Geometric Distribution – Number of Failures to First Success

Geometric Distribution Negative Binomial Distribution

Coupon Collector ProblemSuppose there are n distinct action figures in a set, and suppose a random actionfigure from this set is placed in every Wheaties cereal box. How many boxes ofWheaties are you expected to buy to have a full set of action figures? Let T bethe number of boxes opened when finally one has collected all of the actionfigures. Let Ti denote the number of boxes opened to collect the ith distinctaction figure after already having found i− 1 distinct action figures. Thus

T = T1 + T2 + · · ·+ Tn

and soE(T) = E(T1) + E(T2) + · · ·+ E(Tn)

Notice that Ti follows the geometric distribution (as parameterized in theprevious slide) with p = n−(i−1)

n . ThereforeE(T) = E(T1) + E(T2) + · · ·+ E(Tn)



nn− i + 1



n− 1+ · · ·+ n

1= n



+ · · ·+ 1n

)︸ ︷︷ ︸

Harmonic numbere.g. when n = 50, E(T) = 225Arthur Berg Geometric and Negative Binomial Distributions 9/ 11

Page 25: Geometric and Negative Binomial Distributions · 2008. 10. 1. · Geometric Distribution Negative Binomial Distribution Geometric Distribution – Number of Failures to First Success

Geometric Distribution Negative Binomial Distribution

Coupon Collector ProblemSuppose there are n distinct action figures in a set, and suppose a random actionfigure from this set is placed in every Wheaties cereal box. How many boxes ofWheaties are you expected to buy to have a full set of action figures? Let T bethe number of boxes opened when finally one has collected all of the actionfigures. Let Ti denote the number of boxes opened to collect the ith distinctaction figure after already having found i− 1 distinct action figures. Thus

T = T1 + T2 + · · ·+ Tn

and soE(T) = E(T1) + E(T2) + · · ·+ E(Tn)

Notice that Ti follows the geometric distribution (as parameterized in theprevious slide) with p = n−(i−1)

n . ThereforeE(T) = E(T1) + E(T2) + · · ·+ E(Tn)



nn− i + 1



n− 1+ · · ·+ n

1= n



+ · · ·+ 1n

)︸ ︷︷ ︸

Harmonic numbere.g. when n = 50, E(T) = 225Arthur Berg Geometric and Negative Binomial Distributions 9/ 11

Page 26: Geometric and Negative Binomial Distributions · 2008. 10. 1. · Geometric Distribution Negative Binomial Distribution Geometric Distribution – Number of Failures to First Success

Geometric Distribution Negative Binomial Distribution

Negative Binomial Distribution

The negative binomial distribution generalizes the geometric distribution to givethe number of failures before the rth success occurs. The pmf is given as

P(X = k) = P( the first (k+r-1) trials contain (r − 1) successes)

× P((k + r)th trial is a success)


k + r − 1r − 1

)pr−1(1− p)k × p


k + r − 1r − 1

)pr(1− p)k

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Page 27: Geometric and Negative Binomial Distributions · 2008. 10. 1. · Geometric Distribution Negative Binomial Distribution Geometric Distribution – Number of Failures to First Success

Geometric Distribution Negative Binomial Distribution

William Gosset, “Student” (1876-1937)

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