GENRE Genre is a category or style of music, arts, and literature, genres are formed by conventions that change as genres develop or new sub-genres are formed.

Genre presentation

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Page 1: Genre presentation

GENREGenre is a category or style of music, arts,

and literature, genres are formed by

conventions that change as genres develop

or new sub-genres are formed.

Page 2: Genre presentation

Audience expectation of genre

Audience buy into different genres, whether it is film, music

or other forms of genre due to the expectation they already

have about the particular genre in question.

For example, a person going to see a horror film expects

there to be conventions, such as, fast pacing editing,

creepy non-diegetic music, low key light and feel a sense of

being scared and fear

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Chosen Genre

My chosen genre for my moving image coursework is


Expectations of this genre include:

• fast pace editing

• low key lighting

• non-diegetic mood setting soundtrack

• Jagged, sketchy font

• Creepy or unusual imagery

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Examples of thriller opening sequences

• Seven: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEq-4fua3lM

• The opening sequence of seven includes many

conventions of my chosen genre for example it uses the

jagged, sketchy font, and low key lighting. The soundtrack

used helps to create the eerie mood setting, creating an

atmosphere of mystery and suspense for the audience.

The low key lighting and imagery is used successfully

creates a feeling of danger with the fast pace editing

entices the audience but creating a sense of suspense

and tension.

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Psycho http://www.artofthetitle.com/title/psycho/

• The opening sequence of Psycho uses many of the

conventions of the thriller genre. During the sequence a

fast paced non-diegetic soundtrack, creating high level of

suspense, this suspense is reinforced by the fast paced

editing of the text and strips. The text however is plain

which fits with the simple yet affective style of the opening

sequence, of the white strips on the black background.

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Shutter Island https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obvksJ7-4hQ

• The opening of shutter island uses many connotations of

thriller. It uses the low key lighting to create a dangerous

atmosphere with this also being reinforced by the jagged

font used. The fast paced editing successfully creates

tension, with the non-diegetic soundtrack supplies

suspense for the sequence all working to successfully

engage the audience, This is also shown in the imagery

used showing connotations to mystery and danger.

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• In conclusion connotations of this genre are used to

create feelings suspense, danger, mystery and tension to

engage the audience in the film.

• So for my opening sequence to be successful I need to

used all the connotation, such as fast pace editing and

low key lighting, or at least most to create a successful

opening sequence of a thriller, that the audience can

engage in.