Genesis Chapter 6 (The N ephilim, or “Giants”)  PM: Alright….good day to you, GOD Bless you say welcome to the Shepherd’s Chapel. Welcome to this family Bible study hour. We’re going to be dealing with the “fallen angels”, this chapter has been skipped over by many people. This chapter is disc ussed very little by so called “churches”. Never skip a chapter due to controversy. Know now we’re down to Noah in genealogy, and his three sons , and from the time of Enoch, and even before Enochwickedness began to grow among men. Why? You’ll f ind out in th is chapter, and verse one reads. Genesis Chapter 6 verse 1: And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them.”  PM: Now it’s important, you with Companion Bibles but you’ll note that the word “men” here is actually singular with article, meaning we’re talking about Adam.  Genesis Chapter 6 verse 2: That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.”  PM: Underline “the sons of GOD” in your mind, the sons of GOD” are alway s when used in this sense speaking of angelic beings. Now many people get up tight when people talk about angels co-habiting with woman. You got to rememb er, there are three parts to the bodies, the soul, body, and sp irit. Angelic spirits c ould visit us a t this time, but they also have a bod y that partook of angels food, which what manna was, which means it even sustained the flesh body for 40 years in the wilderness. It’s very simple when GOD said let’s make them exactly as we do. The body make up for this eart h-age and this

Genesis Chapter 6 (The Nephilim, or “Giants”)

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8/4/2019 Genesis Chapter 6 (The Nephilim, or “Giants”)

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Genesis Chapter 6 (The Nephilim, or “Giants”) 

PM: Alright….good day to you, GOD Bless you say welcome to the

Shepherd’s Chapel. Welcome to this family Bible study hour. We’re

going to be dealing with the “fallen angels”, this chapter has been

skipped over by many people. This chapter is discussed very little by

so called “churches”. Never skip a chapter due to controversy.

Know now we’re down to Noah in genealogy, and his three sons , and

from the time of Enoch, and even before Enoch—wickedness began

to grow among men. Why? You’ll find out in this chapter, and verse

one reads.

Genesis Chapter 6 verse 1: “And it came to pass, when men began 

to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto 


PM: Now it’s important, you with Companion Bibles but you’ll note

that the word “men” here is actually singular with article, meaning

we’re talking about Adam. 

Genesis Chapter 6 verse 2: “That the sons of God saw the 

daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of 

all which they chose.”  

PM: Underline “the sons of GOD” in your mind, “the sons of GOD”

are always when used in this sense speaking of angelic beings. Now

many people get up tight when people talk about angels co-habiting

with woman. You got to remember, there are three parts to thebodies, the soul, body, and spirit. Angelic spirits could visit us at this

time, but they also have a body that partook of angel’s food, which

what manna was, which means it even sustained the flesh body for 40

years in the wilderness. It’s very simple when GOD said let’s make

them exactly as we do. The body makeup for this earth-age and this

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heaven-age: is as it appears. We’re going to document this if we may

what these “sons of GOD” are supposed to do. GOD created the

woman to bear children, that is to say giving each entity an

opportunity to pass through this earth-age to love GOD or satan, and

these particular angelic beings: They saw that woman were beautifuland they lusted after them. Rather being born of woman they came

and seduced woman. Think seriously about “the sons of GOD”, you

with Companion Bibles are fortunate indeed because you have an

appendix of the sons of GOD as well as their offspring, which you will

find in Appendix 23, 25, and 26:


http://www.levendwater.org/companion/append25.html http://www.levendwater.org/companion/append26.html 

Now I want to take to the particular book of Job. We’re just going to

talk about Job a little bit in the 38th chapter, were Job for 38 chapter

has listened to his three friends and GOD finally said to Job in verse

2, “Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge?”  Job

had been listening to these three knuckleheads which are totally

without knowledge and GOD said why don’t you listen to me Job? 

This is where Job fell down. He didn’t consider the greatness of OurFather, and Father told him to stand up an act like a man. GOD said, Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou 

hast understanding.”   That takes man and makes him look small and

very humbling. The reason why this needs to be noted because you

need to realize “where” was before the flesh man was created, so you

know that we’re talking about “the sons of GOD”. Verse 6 and it

reads,” Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? or who laid the 

corner stone thereof .”   GOD is asking Job, who laid the cornerstone ofthis Erets (The Earth)? Verse 7… “ When the morning stars sang 

together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy? ”  This was a happy time

before satan rebelled and all souls where there, they rejoiced and they

were happy.

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We’re going to the book of Jude now and do you remember when the

angels were in holding for destruction? Do you know why GOD had

already judged to destruction? Well, it’s written in Jude and they’re 

the same angels we are that are mentioned in Genesis called “the

sons of GOD”. Verse 6 in the Book of Jude, “And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in 

everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.”  

Estate means “Heaven” and they came to world and took wives. He

continues on and so that you know that they’re without spot and they

have nothing, that’s to say “the fallen angels” and their progeny.

Those that left first estate, it sealed their death sentence. You

remember Enoch that one that was transformed in the lineage of

Adam? He’s mentioned here also, so you know we’re talking aboutGenesis 6. Verse 14… And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam,

prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of 

his saints.” 

That’s exactly how it will be in the end when satan and his ange ls are

kicked out on this earth again. So now you know they’re “the sons of 

GOD” but they were fallen angels. They’re mentioned more than onetime and before the book of Genesis is complete and you will see they

are also called “Raphium” because there was a second influx of these

angelic beings. Ok let’s return to that 6th chapter . The sons of GOD

are angelic beings that left their habitation, that’s why they’re called

Nephilim as you will see in the Hebrew. Verse 3 of Genesis 6 and it


Genesis Chapter 6 verse 3: “And the LORD said, My spirit shall not 

always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall 

be an hundred and twenty years.”  

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PM: The “he” here is emphatic because the man here has the

particle, so you know it’s talking about Adam who CHRIST would

come through. Don’t ever think for a second that satan did not know

which people it would be, through which woman would give birth to

messiah. He knew and was trying again to destroy that woman as hehad in the impregnation that brought forth cain. The “he” makes it

emphatic and “he” also is flesh. Noah would have been 820 years old 

when this was given and 120 years later he died at 930 years old. We

consider this another meaning, which is a length of generation that he

gives man. Verse 4… 

Genesis Chapter 6 verse 4: “There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in 

unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the 

same became mighty men wh ich were of old, men of renown.”  

PM: Remember who “the sons of GOD” are. It’s easy to see what

was going on between woman and the fallen angels (mature topic).Same mighty men of old means they had the ability as much as the

angels knew what happened in the 1st earth age (meaning of old).

Let’s take the word “giants” in the Hebrew. It’s (H5303; Nĕphiyl ,   ):Prounced Na-Feel. Note that the prime is 5307, but it means properly

a feller that is a bully or tyrant-giant. Now let’s go the prime: 

(H5307naphal;      ): Pronounced Naw-Fa(fel). It’s a primitive root

to fall in great variety of applications. Naturally these fallen angels

fell to this earth. This should lock in who these angelic being were

and how that GOD in the first four verses in that great book of Jude

already has them in holding after the flood; whereby when they are

cast out with satan in Revelation 12:7, “7,000” (which is the number)

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will die instantly, which is written in Revelation Chapter 11. They will

have fulfilled their purpose in testing men. Verse 5… 

Genesis Chapter 6 verse 5: “And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the 

thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.”  

PM: In other words this just didn’t start in the sixth chapter , it was

back when the time cain was conceived and they began to talk

against the LIVING GOD. The evil went on day and night. It’s reallybad when GOD can only destroy it with a flood to get rid of the

ungodly misfits, that is to say the progeny of woman and “giants”.  

We certainly can see it was bad in this time. Now what you want to

realize in Matthew 24; Jesus said when the time he returns it’s going

to be just like the days of Noah. They’re going to be giving and taking

in marriage and dancing with fallen angels. That happens when satan

and his angels are cast out “defacto” in spirit and body (Revelation

12:7) to test this generation. It would be for the same reason that

Paul would say in 1st Corinthians Chapter 11 verse 10, that woman

should keep their heads covered because of the angels. They’re

coming back ladies and gentleman. Verse 6… 

Genesis Chapter 6 verse 6: “And it repented the LORD that he had 

made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.”  

PM: In other words “man” had never been flesh, now he was like an

animal in that sense. Certainly the animalistic traits came forth when

you put the supernatural among them. Wait till you see the

supernatural work their miracles stated in Revelation 13:11. Verse 7… 

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Genesis Chapter 6 verse 7: “And the LORD said, I will destroy man 

whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and 

beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it 

repenteth me that I have made them.”


PM: Ultimately that will come to pass when we’re changed into

spiritual bodies. When the Lion lays with Lamb and Bear eats hay

with the cow. Verse 8… 

Genesis Chapter 6 verse 8: “But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.”  

PM: Noah meaning “comforter” in the Hebrew tongue and certainly

GOD found comfort. Yes it will happen when GOD takes man from the

flesh again, which will be at the 7th trump. Verse 9… 

Genesis Chapter 6 verse 9: “These are the generations of Noah: 

Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah 

walked with God.”  

PM: Note Noah walked with GOD. What does the word “perfect” 

mean here in the Hebrew tongue? It’s ( H8549; tamiym,    ):Pronounced Tay-Mim and it means he was without spot or blemish

and here you can see the coming through of The CHRIST Child, that

he had to be a sacrifice without spot or blemish. So we that woman

was saved to bring forth Messiah, satan fell in trying to destroy that

perfect line because you need to know what “generations” mean. It

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doesn’t mean generation like you may think. Let’s see what the

“generations” mean in the Hebrew tongue. It is:

(H8435; towlĕdah,    ): Pronounced Toe-Led-Oh(Ah). It comes

from the prime root 3205. Let’s go there to really get the

understanding (plural only). It means to “Beget”.  Now here’s the

prime root…To bear youg; causatively to beget (so you can see the

child birth), medically to show lineage. It means specifically to show

lineage. Now you can see their pedigree (genes) meaning Noah had a

perfect lineage: Which means they had not inter-mixed with the fallen

angels. They had a spotless pedigree basically. Satan tried to

destroy that lineage because it would be this man “ha-adam” through

Noah in those genes that would bring forth The CHRIST Child.

Always go the prime of definitions. Verse 10… 

Genesis Chapter 6 verse 10: “And Noah begat three sons, Shem,

Ham, and Japheth.”  

PM: These are not in order, which means there is a hidden acrostic.

Verse 11… 

Genesis Chapter 6 verse 11: “The earth also was corrupt before 

God, and the earth was filled with violence. “  

PM: It was really bad and with those supernatural entities, satanalmost succeeded. Verse 12… 

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Genesis Chapter 6 verse 12: “And God looked upon the earth, and,

behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the 


PM: Now this takes in the 6th day creation, the 8th day creation (All

Flesh). That’s all the races created in some way had been tainted in

large part by what happened. Verse 13… 

Genesis Chapter 6 verse 13: “And God said unto Noah, The end of 

all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.”  

PM: It means to destroy them from the earth. This will come to pass

at the 7th trump the human part of that will take place. The millennium

the rest of it will take place, which is to say the animal kingdom.

Verse 14… 

Genesis Chapter 6 verse 14: “Make thee an ark of gopher wood; 

rooms shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt pitch it within and 

without with pitch.”  

PM: This word “pitch” in the Hebrew tongue is:

(H3722; Kaphar,    ): Pronounced Calf-Ar(er). It’s the only word

in the Hebrew language used for atonement. It means to cover it over

and protect whereby it will save you from the flood. This particular

word was used here was the covering we have in CHRIST for the flood

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of the end times, mentioned in Revelation Chapter 12: Which is a not

a flood of water but a flood of lies that this same destroyer satan that

brought this wickedness into the world, will flood the religions with

lies to get them even to believe a lie and you had better be covered

over or pitched over with the Ark of the end times. Verse 15… 

Genesis Chapter 6 verse 15: “And this is the fashion which thou 

shalt make it of: The length of the ark shall be three hundred 

cubits, the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty 


PM:  You’re going to have three decks (10 foot to the deck). A cubit

believed by some scholars at this time that the cubit would be

anywhere from 17.5 up to the sacred cubit, which was about 25

inches. You might multiply 300 times 25 or 17.5 inches and you can

see you have a pretty long Ark. Verse 16… 

Genesis Chapter 6 verse 16: “A window shalt thou make to the ark,

and in a cubit shalt thou finish it above; and the door of the ark 

shalt thou set in the side thereof; with lower, second, and third 

stories shalt thou make it.”  

PM: Spiritually speaking there are three levels, how often there are

three levels in GOD’s teachings. There are three earth ages and three

in the GODHEAD. It’s amazing how perfect GOD’s plan is and even in

this ark of salvation we see GOD’s plan is always perfect. Verse 17… 

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Genesis Chapter 6 verse 17: “And, behold, I, even I, do bring a 

flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh, wherein is the 

breath of life, from under heaven; and every thing that is in the 

earth shall die.”  

PM: And I even I makes it emphatic. Verse 18… 

Genesis Chapter 6 verse 18: “But with thee will I establish my 

covenant; and thou shalt come into the ark, thou, and thy sons,

and thy wife, and thy sons' wives with thee.”  

PM: Remember they had perfect genes of Adam, they hadn’t mixed.

There were no hybrids among them, and they were all adamic

whereby CHRIST could come of that family. That makes 8 adamic

souls. We know that people lived because the kenites and the other

races are still with us. Verse 19… 

Genesis Chapter 6 verse 19: “And of every living thing of all flesh,

two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them alive

with thee; they shall be male and female.” 

PM: Make sure you mark in your mind that EVERY LIVING THING OFALL FLESH was brought into the Ark. Are the kenites flesh? Of

course they are. Are the other races flesh? Of course they are. They

are living right? They were living beings (Man and Woman). Verse


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Genesis Chapter 6 verse 20: “Of fowls after their kind, and of 

cattle after their kind, of every creeping thing of the earth after his 

kind, two of every sort shall come unto thee, to keep them alive.”  

Genesis Chapter 6 verse 21: “And take thou unto thee of all food 

that is eaten, and thou shalt gather it to thee; and it shall be for 

food for thee, and for them.”  

PM: In other words GOD always plans ahead. Should you think about

your Ark of the end times? We know we got a 5 month period. Surely

everyone has their pantry supplied for at least 30 days.

Genesis Chapter 6 Verse 22: “Thus did Noah; according to all that 

God commanded him, so did he.”  

PM: Do you want to know a verse that will bring you blessings? We

just read it. Do you want to know why Noah found grace? It didn’t

mean he was perfect, it was only his pedigree was perfect…But he

found grace which is unmerited favor. Thus did to Noah all that GOD

commanded him, so did he. He obeyed GOD and when you obey

GOD, GOD is going bless you. What you want to gain out of this is

the fallen angels blew their chance for salvation when they left their

habitation. In other words through satan they were trying to disruptthe plan of salvation of The Living GOD. 

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