The shows that I decided to watch were 30 Rock and Martin, both sitcoms but nearly a decade apart from each other in syndication. The show 30 Rock's main theme deals with the subculture of the entertainment world's view of women behind the scenes (Heslin 2013). The main character is a female head writer (Liz Lemon) who tries to balance out her work life and personal life but determines that in the end society forces her to choose one. Liz is a strong minded person who orchestrates actors, writers and staff behind the scenes of a live sketch comedy. To me, this shows the positive message that a woman can take control in a business environment and succeed. In my estimation there are several other gender messages. For one Liz's boss (Jack Donaghy) mentors her in becoming a better business woman, which in a indirect way shows that the need for a woman to have strong male figure in her life. It is also interesting that Jack tries to instill classic U.S. values such as group superiority of management into the liberal thinking Liz who believes in equality for all. The other show I watched, Martin, has a very strong male character who is a radio personality who uses comedy as a veil of his true emotions and doesn’t like to show his true emotions to his family or friends until it is absolutely necessary. This gives the message that a strong male should mask his emotions unless it is his only strategy to get what he wants. Reference Henslin, J. (2013). Culture. In Essentials of sociology: A down-to-earth approach (Tenth edition, Pearson new international ed., p. 51,55). Edwardsville.

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The shows that I decided to watch were 30 Rock and Martin, both sitcoms but nearly a decade apart from each other in syndication. The show 30 Rock's main theme deals with the subculture of the entertainment world's view of women behind the scenes (Heslin 2013). The main character is a female head writer (Liz Lemon) who tries to balance out her work life and personal life but determines that in the end society forces her to choose one. Liz is a strong minded person who orchestrates actors, writers and staff behind the scenes of a live sketch comedy. To me, this shows the positive message that a woman can take control in a business environment and succeed. In my estimation there are several other gender messages. For one Liz's boss (Jack Donaghy) mentors her in becoming a better business woman, which in a indirect way shows that the need for a woman to have strong male figure in her life. It is also interesting that Jack tries to instill classic U.S. values such as group superiority of management into the liberal thinking Liz who believes in equality for all.

The other show I watched, Martin, has a very strong male character who is a radio personality who uses comedy as a veil of his true emotions and doesn’t like to show his true emotions to his family or friends until it is absolutely necessary. This gives the message that a strong male should mask his emotions unless it is his only strategy to get what he wants.

ReferenceHenslin, J. (2013). Culture. In Essentials of sociology: A down-to-earth approach (Tenth edition, Pearson new international ed., p. 51,55). Edwardsville.