Adrián Muñoz Calvo Educación física escolar UE M BRITISH CULTURE THRU!H "H#SICAL E$UCATI%


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Play of Papúa New Guinea

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7/18/2019 Gemo

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Adrián Muñoz Calvo  Educación física escolar






7/18/2019 Gemo

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British culture through physical education


Independent State of Papua New Guinea is located in the north of 

Australia, west of the Solomon Islands and southwestern of Pacic

Ocean, in a region dened since nineteenth century as Melanesia It

is, with Indonesia, the only country in Oceania with land !order

!ecause are neigh!oring countries

 "he southeastern part of the country was coloni#ed in $%%& !y the

British colony of 'ueensland (Australia)

*th No+em!er of $%% the protectorate of British New Guinea was


British New Guinea was transferred to the authority of the

-ommonwealth of Australia in $./0, !ased on the Papua Act of $./1,and renamed the "erritory of Papua


 "he Gemo is a traditional game of A!original culture

 "he Indigenous, adults li2e children, played many and +aried games

of !alls, which were thrown, caught, !eaten, rotated, in di3erent

ways, with +arious o!4ects and purposes

 "hey did drills of wars and struggles in which di3erent s2ills li2e

dodge, catch, aim, grapple, were re5uired

 "hose same s2ills were in demand in many di3erent games shooting,

racing and 6pillapillas6 which used multiple forms of throwing spears

and stic2s (including di3erent types of !oomerangs), they made darts

with plant lea+es grasses, 4umped the 6rope6, countless gures made

with string, the children imitated the animals and the adults in their

household acti+ities, sur+i+al and ceremonies, and adults imitated the


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British culture through physical education


9is sur+i+al acti+ities also gi+e source to games that had a teaching

role such as clim!ing trees, drawing on the sand and trac2 footprints

Mounted on ta!les !ar2 tree they glided o+er water, mud, and sand:they are throwing mud !alls: playing with animals and with its many

and +aried pets: had songs and games dances: the +er!al games

called 4o2es, nic2names, and stories or tales, etc

Also were part of their fol2lore and, among its many toys they had

+arious types of tops, dolls, !oats, shields, weapons, etc

In order games and toys that re5uired creati+ity in their design and

how to use resources to meet not only the needs of fun, !ut also the

training and training for sur+i+al

;eatures of the games<

• It was played only for the fun it pro+ides

• =arely winner is rewarded, it winning was not the most important

• All those who wanted to participate could

• Possi!ly as a result of the pre+ious two, the less s2illed also

participated and en4oyed the acti+ity

•  "he rules were easily understood !y e+ery!ody and gi+en the

game character, 4udges rarely needed•  "he competition e>isted !ut was not uppermost in the game

•  "hrough play social relations narrowed internal and e>ternal

•  "he game had a place and a deniti+e role in culture A!origine It

ser+ed as a respite from wor2 and as a means !y the important

+alues which could !e learned


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British culture through physical education



Material: material is notnecessary

Organization: Groups of ten to twel+epeople

Part of the session: warm?up Length of the game: $1 minutes


• "he players are di+ided in two teams, each one of which defends atree

• Both trees ha+e an identication

• A player plays his own tree and !ecomes in the carrier of the 6gemo6(spirit)

• "his player shouts 6Gemo6 and run to touch the tree contrary team

• If an opposing player touches it, this player !ecomes the carrier ofthe gemo

• "he gemo can !e passed !etween players of the same team, for it isenough that the

player who carries it touch another player of his team• "he aim of !oth groups is that a player of his team, the gemo carrier,touch the

opposing team tree 

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British culture through physical education


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