50 Main Rd GEMBROOK 3783 Ph: 03 5968 1313 Fax: 03 5968 1548 email: [email protected] www.gembrookps.vic.edu.au Gembrook Primary School Mission Statement A view to the future Diary Dates Gembrook Primary School is a welcoming and respecul community that provides modern, flexible learning spaces that support a personalised, engaging and challenging learning program so that students will achieve the social, emoonal, academic and physical growth to succeed in a global society. 9 September 2015 10 September PFA Footy Day Hot Dog Lunch 12 September PFA Shopping Trip 14-18 Sept SLC Camp at Woorabinda (cost: $260) 14 September Water Safety Presentaon (F-4) 15 September Foundaon Parent Forum 7pm in school library 18 September PFA Meeng 1.30-2.00pm Last Day of Term 3. Early pick-up @2.30pm 5 October Curriculum day-no students at school 29 October Curriculum day-no students at school Vision: To provide every student with every opportunity to be the best they can be. Value: Respect. Notes that have gone home: Forest Classroom Expressions of interest (gr 5/6) Sexuality Educaon Payment / Permission (gr 5/6) Swimming (JLC & MLC) Due now Camp Woorabinda (Grades 5 &6) Due Now Parent Survey (whole school review) sll open All noces are available on the school website: www.gembrookps.vic.edu.au Camp Woorabinda Payments (grades 5 & 6) Final payment due on Wed 9 September Payment for JLC & MLC Swimming due by end of term PFA Shopping Tour (seats still available) DATE: Saturday 12 September 2015 COST: $60 per adult, $30 per child (under 16) DEPARTURE TIME: 7.30 am, from G.P.S car park RETURN TIME: approx. 6.30 pm G.P.S car park Price includes coach transport to and from all of the outlets, two course restaurant lunch (main course and desert) plus cold drinks and nibbles throughout the tour. Get a group of friends together and join in the fun. Sign up at the school office. List of outlets in newsletter Today Footy Day Come dressed in your footy gear Thurs 10 Sept Gold coin donation Fundraiser for Felistas our World Vision child No late orders for hot dogs Charlie & Jessie make muffins for the Produce Market 1T Host the Produce Market

Gembrook Primary School - cpb-ap-se2.wpmucdn.com...Sep 09, 2015  · 12 September PFA Shopping Trip 14-18 Sept SL amp at Woorabinda (cost: $260) ... Candy Stripes-baby clothing, children’s

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Page 1: Gembrook Primary School - cpb-ap-se2.wpmucdn.com...Sep 09, 2015  · 12 September PFA Shopping Trip 14-18 Sept SL amp at Woorabinda (cost: $260) ... Candy Stripes-baby clothing, children’s

50 Main Rd GEMBROOK 3783 Ph: 03 5968 1313 Fax: 03 5968 1548 email: [email protected] www.gembrookps.vic.edu.au

Gembrook Primary School

Mission Statement

A view to the future

Diary Dates

Gembrook Primary School is a welcoming and

respectful community that provides modern, flexible

learning spaces that support a personalised,

engaging and challenging learning program so that students

will achieve the social, emotional, academic and physical

growth to succeed in a global society.

9 September 2015

10 September PFA Footy Day Hot Dog Lunch

12 September PFA Shopping Trip

14-18 Sept SLC Camp at Woorabinda (cost: $260)

14 September Water Safety Presentation (F-4)

15 September Foundation Parent Forum 7pm in school library

18 September PFA Meeting 1.30-2.00pm Last Day of Term 3. Early pick-up @2.30pm

5 October Curriculum day-no students at school

29 October Curriculum day-no students at school

Vision: To provide every student with every opportunity to be the best they can be.

Value: Respect.

Notes that have gone home:

Forest Classroom Expressions of interest (gr 5/6)

Sexuality Education Payment / Permission (gr 5/6)

Swimming (JLC & MLC) Due now

Camp Woorabinda (Grades 5 &6) Due Now

Parent Survey (whole school review) still open All notices are available on the school website: www.gembrookps.vic.edu.au Camp Woorabinda Payments

(grades 5 & 6)

Final payment due on Wed

9 September Payment for JLC & MLC Swimming

due by end of term

PFA Shopping Tour (seats still available) DATE: Saturday 12 September 2015

COST: $60 per adult, $30 per child (under 16)

DEPARTURE TIME: 7.30 am, from G.P.S car park

RETURN TIME: approx. 6.30 pm G.P.S car park

Price includes coach transport to and from all of the

outlets, two course restaurant lunch (main course

and desert) plus cold drinks and nibbles throughout

the tour. Get a group of friends together and join

in the fun. Sign up at the school office.

List of outlets in newsletter


Footy Day Come dressed in your footy gear

Thurs 10 Sept

Gold coin donation Fundraiser for Felistas our World Vision child

No late orders for hot dogs

Charlie & Jessie

make muffins for

the Produce


1T Host the

Produce Market

Page 2: Gembrook Primary School - cpb-ap-se2.wpmucdn.com...Sep 09, 2015  · 12 September PFA Shopping Trip 14-18 Sept SL amp at Woorabinda (cost: $260) ... Candy Stripes-baby clothing, children’s


Kym’s comment

Dear families & friends Gembrook Primary School Communication Gembrook Primary School uses many forms of communication. Ways of communication include: the school newsletter, email, student diaries, school website, Tiqbiz, learning centre term newsletters, announcements at assemblies and the school Fa-cebook page. I encourage you to explore these forms of com-munication so you can keep up with all that is happening at Gembrook Primary School. Girls Footy Day Today, the senior girls played a few friendly games of football with the senior girls from the other local EDEC (Emerald and District Education Community Schools). Traditionally the girls have a most enjoyable day getting very muddy! It is another wonderful opportunity to meet the girls who will be going to Emerald Secondary College next year.

Kinder @ Gembrook The kinder kids will be joining us tomorrow (Thursday 10 Sept)for footy day. We are looking forward to having them visit our school. This will be the first of many visits as part of their tran-sition to school program. Footy Day Thursday 10 September Thursday will be footy colours Day. The PFA have sent notices home regarding the Hot Dogs, though orders are now closed. There will be a parade in the morning and footy activities dur-ing the day. Gold stars and special rewards for all Cat Fans! Father’s Day Raffle and Gift Stall Thank you to the PFA team for organising some great gifts for our student shoppers to purchase for their dads last week. It is always a thrill to watch the younger students making this very important purchase. We hope all dads had a great day! The

PFA team collected over $400 dollars. Thank you and well done! The raffle raised a further $300. Thank you to everyone who purchased tickets. The first prize went to the Keyser fami-ly, the second to the Armstrong family and the third to the Kee family. Congratulations! Thank you to the Gembrook Post Office, Forest Edge and Spencers Store for donating these priz-es. Book Fair The book fair was a huge success. Thank you to the many fami-lies who bought books. As a result of the success of the fair we were able to purchase many new books for the school library and classrooms.

First Aid Incursion Last week we had a first aid incursion for all our students. The

incursion was a valuable experience. The presenters go to

many schools and I was very pleased when they commented

on the great listening and participating skills of all our stu-

dents. Well done girls and boys!

Have a great week.



Page 3: Gembrook Primary School - cpb-ap-se2.wpmucdn.com...Sep 09, 2015  · 12 September PFA Shopping Trip 14-18 Sept SL amp at Woorabinda (cost: $260) ... Candy Stripes-baby clothing, children’s

DATE: Saturday 12 September 2015

COST: $60 per adult, $30 per child (under 16)

DEPARTURE TIME: 7.30 am, from G.P.S car


RETURN TIME: approx. 6.30 pm G.P.S car park

Price includes coach transport to and from all of the

outlets, two course restaurant lunch (main course and

desert) plus cold drinks and nibbles throughout the

tour. Get a group of friends together and join in the

fun. Sign up at the school office.


1. Converse: footwear / sportswear

2. Candy Stripes-baby clothing, children’s and tweens wear for girls and boys.

3. Kambrook / Breville- small to medium electrical appliances ie; toasters, slow cookers, irons, juic-

ers, blenders and lots more.

4. Natio Cosmetics- one the most popular outlets stocking cosmetics, lotions, cleansers, moisturisers,

gift packs, mens products, ect. As seen in Myer stores. Lots of bargains!

5. Raglan –fantastic range of womens and mens wear with labels that are found in boutiques and de-

partment stores

6. Social Club Books- great outlet stocking books for the whole family. Novels, hobbies, children’s,

cooking ect.

7. Glam & Co- fun, vibrant and fashion forward jewellery and accessories

8. Bags / luggage

9. Bambis: kitchen / homeware

This weekend Seats are still available!

Page 4: Gembrook Primary School - cpb-ap-se2.wpmucdn.com...Sep 09, 2015  · 12 September PFA Shopping Trip 14-18 Sept SL amp at Woorabinda (cost: $260) ... Candy Stripes-baby clothing, children’s

The first items discussed were the curriculum days. The 30th October has been changed to the 29the due to the changed availability of the presenter. The 5th of October will also be a curriculum day to plan for the Whole School Review day on the 16th of November. In addition to the curriculum day to prepare for the review there will be a Foundation parent forum on Tuesday 15th September at 7pm. The review process occurs every three years and this will be an opportunity to talk about priorities for the school and to share your experience of the transition program. Our major fundraiser, Run Gembrook, is planned for October 25th and is still in need of volunteers to help organise the event. Daniel McCoey, the school council president, provided feedback about the EDEC and Dandenong Ranges School Council dinners and was particularly impressed by the connectivity of the schools in our area. In October our local Landcare group, the Cardinia Hills Landcare and Ragwort group, will hold

an information day on Bush Tucker which will involve the ecowarriors and the planting of bush

tucker plants.

School Councillor Profile

Claire Coffen

My name is Claire and my daughter Eva is in Foundation. Our family enjoys spending time with friends and family. We also enjoy spending time outside gardening or going on a picnic. Our favourite spot around Gembrook is the walking track along Station Road. The views are fantastic. We enjoy living in Gembrook because it has a country town feel but is still close to work, shopping and family. We like the community feel of Gembrook Primary School and are impressed by the facilities. I joined Gembrook School Council to have a say about what happens in our school and to support my child’s education.

Page 5: Gembrook Primary School - cpb-ap-se2.wpmucdn.com...Sep 09, 2015  · 12 September PFA Shopping Trip 14-18 Sept SL amp at Woorabinda (cost: $260) ... Candy Stripes-baby clothing, children’s

Remember to shut down the laptop properly and always carry it with two hands

If you’re using the

internet and you

come across some-

thing that makes

you feel uncom-

fortable, tell your

teacher or



Page 6: Gembrook Primary School - cpb-ap-se2.wpmucdn.com...Sep 09, 2015  · 12 September PFA Shopping Trip 14-18 Sept SL amp at Woorabinda (cost: $260) ... Candy Stripes-baby clothing, children’s

As you know, our school has been participating in the Woolworths Earn & Learn program. The program has now finished for this year, so a big thanks to everyone who supported our school. We're now at the important stage of the program where the Sticker Sheets are collected and lodged as our Earn & Learn claim. We will then be able to get new educational equipment for our school. The more we collect, the more we can redeem. So this week, please send in your Woolworths Earn & Learn Sticker Sheets and any loose Earn & Learn stickers you may have. Remember to check your handbag, the car glove box or they maybe stuck on the fridge. Every little bit helps. Thanks again for all your support!

Earn & Learn

Program has


Hey everyone

The Inside Out program with the Grade 2 girls has been a great experience. Over this term

we've explored Anger, Fear, Disgust, Sadness, Joy…. and Trust. The girls have kept all of the

secrets I've shared with them which has shown great unity and growth amongst the girls.

This will be my final entry for the term as I'm joining the Grade 5's & 6's on camp next week.

I thought it was appropriate to now share with you all the biggest secret the girls kept and

that is that I am going to be a father in March 2016! My wife Bec (who grew up in Cockatoo)

is currently 14 weeks pregnant. I can't wait till next year to bring our first born to Gembrook

Primary & introduce him/her to all the wonderful kids & parents at this wonderful school.

Kind Regards,

John Chambers


Page 7: Gembrook Primary School - cpb-ap-se2.wpmucdn.com...Sep 09, 2015  · 12 September PFA Shopping Trip 14-18 Sept SL amp at Woorabinda (cost: $260) ... Candy Stripes-baby clothing, children’s

It’s time to be sun


and start wearing

your hats to school

Page 8: Gembrook Primary School - cpb-ap-se2.wpmucdn.com...Sep 09, 2015  · 12 September PFA Shopping Trip 14-18 Sept SL amp at Woorabinda (cost: $260) ... Candy Stripes-baby clothing, children’s

Art Exhibition by Gembrook P.S. Students

Page 9: Gembrook Primary School - cpb-ap-se2.wpmucdn.com...Sep 09, 2015  · 12 September PFA Shopping Trip 14-18 Sept SL amp at Woorabinda (cost: $260) ... Candy Stripes-baby clothing, children’s




Ashlee P

Charlie G

Pete K


Name Reason Grade Teacher Ben You have been kind and thoughtful this week. Thank you for using your ICT

knowledge to help others. 1T Mrs Tregidga

Finn You are always ready to have a go and learn new skills using your laptop. Thanks for such a positive attitude! 12L Mrs Liston

Natalie You did a great job researching and presenting information using ICT. You are a star! 12B Mrs Bigwood

Gemma You always shut down and place your computer in the correct place. Thank you for setting a great example. 34H Mr Hevern

Dannie You showed great persistence in publishing your personal story. Well done!

56FE Mrs Everett and Mr Fraser

Jett For his positive attitude and willingness to assist his peers on computer programs. Brilliant Jett

45A Mrs A

On Special Friends Day, students in FH and their friends and families listened

to the picture story book 'The Rainbow' by Felicia Law. During the story we

learned about how rainbows appear during weather conditions when there is

both sunshine and rain. The seven colours we see in the rainbow are red, or-

ange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. With our special friends and fami-

lies, we made our own rainbows to display in the classroom. We had a great time

making them and a fantastic day overall on Special Friends Day!


Page 10: Gembrook Primary School - cpb-ap-se2.wpmucdn.com...Sep 09, 2015  · 12 September PFA Shopping Trip 14-18 Sept SL amp at Woorabinda (cost: $260) ... Candy Stripes-baby clothing, children’s
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Please note: All families, irrespective of income,

are eligible for a 50% reduction. Please ensure you have registered through

Centrelink for the Childcare Rebate (CCR) &

Childcare Benefit (CCB) to enable you to claim

a fee reduction.

Page 12: Gembrook Primary School - cpb-ap-se2.wpmucdn.com...Sep 09, 2015  · 12 September PFA Shopping Trip 14-18 Sept SL amp at Woorabinda (cost: $260) ... Candy Stripes-baby clothing, children’s

OSHC Activities for Term 4

Come and have fun with us and learn new skills in our Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) program. All

students are welcome—come along and enjoy the activities and spend time making new friends. Collect an

OSHC enrolment pack from the school office or download an enrolment form from the school

website: www.gembrookps.vic.gov.au. Register with Centre Link for a child-care rebate

Come and join Tanya at Gembrook Kids Before School Care for breakfast and fun activities

Create exciting masterpieces with Jess in Gembrook Kids Art & Craft on Monday afternoons

Join Kaitlyn at Gembrook Kids Tuesday & Thursday After School Care for fun & games

Develop resilience, respect and fitness with Dylan at Gembrook Kids Martial Arts / Taekwondo on

Wednesday afternoons

Enjoy developing creative cooking skills with Tanya at Gembrook Kids Cooking on Friday


New for Term 4

Page 13: Gembrook Primary School - cpb-ap-se2.wpmucdn.com...Sep 09, 2015  · 12 September PFA Shopping Trip 14-18 Sept SL amp at Woorabinda (cost: $260) ... Candy Stripes-baby clothing, children’s

We have been working on various skill based drawing techniques this term. We incorpo-

rated a special birthday, the glorious cakes from the produce market and 'cakes in art'

to our own making. We applied our knowledge of shading a shape to that of a cake in

painting, using white and black to shade. We made clay cakes too and described them us-

ing Art language.

This term we are focussing on our cooking skills in OSHC Lucky Dip. The chil-

dren enjoy looking through the cook books to find something yummy. This

week the children have chosen to cook hamburgers with the lot.

Join us on Friday afternoons for lots of fun!! Limited spaces available.

Tanya Armstrong

Page 14: Gembrook Primary School - cpb-ap-se2.wpmucdn.com...Sep 09, 2015  · 12 September PFA Shopping Trip 14-18 Sept SL amp at Woorabinda (cost: $260) ... Candy Stripes-baby clothing, children’s
Page 15: Gembrook Primary School - cpb-ap-se2.wpmucdn.com...Sep 09, 2015  · 12 September PFA Shopping Trip 14-18 Sept SL amp at Woorabinda (cost: $260) ... Candy Stripes-baby clothing, children’s
Page 16: Gembrook Primary School - cpb-ap-se2.wpmucdn.com...Sep 09, 2015  · 12 September PFA Shopping Trip 14-18 Sept SL amp at Woorabinda (cost: $260) ... Candy Stripes-baby clothing, children’s
Page 17: Gembrook Primary School - cpb-ap-se2.wpmucdn.com...Sep 09, 2015  · 12 September PFA Shopping Trip 14-18 Sept SL amp at Woorabinda (cost: $260) ... Candy Stripes-baby clothing, children’s
Page 18: Gembrook Primary School - cpb-ap-se2.wpmucdn.com...Sep 09, 2015  · 12 September PFA Shopping Trip 14-18 Sept SL amp at Woorabinda (cost: $260) ... Candy Stripes-baby clothing, children’s
Page 19: Gembrook Primary School - cpb-ap-se2.wpmucdn.com...Sep 09, 2015  · 12 September PFA Shopping Trip 14-18 Sept SL amp at Woorabinda (cost: $260) ... Candy Stripes-baby clothing, children’s
Page 20: Gembrook Primary School - cpb-ap-se2.wpmucdn.com...Sep 09, 2015  · 12 September PFA Shopping Trip 14-18 Sept SL amp at Woorabinda (cost: $260) ... Candy Stripes-baby clothing, children’s
Page 21: Gembrook Primary School - cpb-ap-se2.wpmucdn.com...Sep 09, 2015  · 12 September PFA Shopping Trip 14-18 Sept SL amp at Woorabinda (cost: $260) ... Candy Stripes-baby clothing, children’s
Page 22: Gembrook Primary School - cpb-ap-se2.wpmucdn.com...Sep 09, 2015  · 12 September PFA Shopping Trip 14-18 Sept SL amp at Woorabinda (cost: $260) ... Candy Stripes-baby clothing, children’s
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Say No to Ivy Campaign Yesterday a large skip was placed in the car-

park at Gembrook Park for residents to dis-

pose of Ivy and Tradescantia.

This coincides with 'weedbuster week'

Weeds need to be tippped out of bags into

the skip.

It is for green waste only.

Once full, the skip will be removed.

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Newsletter Advertising The School Council has recommended the following charges for advertising:

$10 per business card per term (businesses belonging to school families only)

$25 quarter page for 2 weeks (for businesses outside school community)

$25 quarter page per term (school families only)

Please contact the school office if you would like to place an add in the school newsletter