GDP118 Sp2011 BetterMouse Trap

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GDP118 Sp2011 BetterMouse Trap

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Medicine1. Poison2. Needle 3. Pills4. Injection5. Disease6. Virus7. Urine8. Vaccine9. Sterilizer10. Sulfuric acid11. Anesthetic

Energy1. Fire2 Electricity3. Water4. Wind5. Solar6. Gas

Sticky1. Gum2. Bond3. Glue4. Tape5. Honey6. Sticker7. Candy8. Spider web9. Clay10. Mud

Enemy1. Snake2. Cat3. Fox4. Owl

What mouse likes1. Darkness2. Seed3. Drain4. Food Scraps5. Gnawing6. Jumping7. Garbage8. Soap9. Cheese10. Humid place11. Hole 12. Disgust

Motion1. Fly2. Stop3. Rotate4. Turn5. Run6. Dance7. Punch8. Kick9. Swing10. Walk11. Eat12. Chew13. Jump14. Up15. Down16. Left17. Right18. Roll

Tools1. Tongs2. Strap3. Knife4. Cage5. Net6. Hammer7. Saw8. Nail9. Box10. Scissor11. Drill 12. Boomerang13. Spear14. Bomb15. Spoon16. Bottle17. Bowl18 Pulley19. Beads20. Bulb21. Rope22. Pipe23. Tray24. Bag

Materials1. Glass2. Wood3. Metal 4. Rubber5. Plastic6. leather7. Rock8. Liquid9. Powder10. Gel11. Sponge12. Paper13, Foil

Attribute Techniques

1. Sulfuric acid-Hammer-Strap2. Bomb-Net-Soap3. Bottle-Darkness-Seed-Poison4. Clay-Food Scraps-Fire-Pipe5. Injection-Drain-Run-Knife6. Jumping-Rock-Dance-Cheese-Hole7. Water-Sponge-Nail8. Water-Electricity-food scraps-Rope-Plastic bag-Metal Tray 9. Punch-Metal-Box-Soap10. Hole-Injection-Gas11. Gel-Bond-Fire12. Paper-Food scraps-Bulb13. Bulb-Bomb-Rope-Cheese14. Foil-Fire-Hole15. Sponge-Water-Rubber16. Rubber-Gum-Nail-Up17. Bowl-Rock-Rope-Pulley18. Needle-Jumping-Glass19. Spider web-Roll-Water20. Spoon-Swing-Electricity21. Gnawing-Anesthetic-Wood22. Plastic-Fire-Water-Cheese23. Wind-Tape-Disgust-Scissor24. Honey-Boomerang-Saw25. Powder-Anesthetic-Saw26. Broken glass-Honey-Net27. Pipe-Darkness-Disgust-Snake28. Net-Rock-Cheese-Hole

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Food scraps







1. Clay-Food scraps-Fire-Pipe

2. Net-Cracked Rock-Cheese-Hole

3. Water-Electricity-food scraps-Rope-Plastic Bag-Metal Tray

Water in plastic bag


Mouse likes food scraps, so put them on clay, then mouse would not move up to the hub. And mouse will push the fire button in the clay. It will fire and the clay will be hard.

Make a hole and put cheese inside. And then put net around the hole using small rocks. When a mouce wants to eat the cheese the net will be dropped and the mouce will be buried by rocks.

Metal Tray

-Set up a plastic bag with water hanging from the celling and put food scraps on the plastic bag. Prepare a metal tray and put electric wire on the tray.

I like this mouse trap the most. A mouse might want to eat food scraps, so it will gnaw the plastic bag then it will be torn by the mouse’s teeth and water drops in the metal tray. When the mouse lands on the tray it will get an electric shock.

Doodles and Five Diffrent Ideas

food scraps

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4. Foil-Fire-Hole-Food Scraps-Button

5. Pipe-Darkness-Disgust-Snake


Food Scraps






Because a mouse like dark hole and food scraps, prepare fake hole that made of by foil. When a mouse walks on the button and goes into the hole, fire works.

A mouse also likes dark pipe where is disgusting. But a snake eats a mouse, so put a snake in the pipe and wait what happens.

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Antonia Lowe  

“Suck It Rodents”  













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1. “SUCK IT RODENTS”‐ Set out the bait by the rodent’s entrance hole (Bait smells attractive to rodents) Set vaccume tube on the other side of the hole. Silent vaccume tube will suck up curious rodents and they are trapped in the belly of the vaccume. 

2. “ROBO‐GUARD” – A robotic snake that does routine rounds of your garage/infested area. Snake operates like a real snake but is programmed to only eat rats and mice so it won’t harm or destroy anything or anyone in your living space.  

3. “MOUSE PARTY” Set out the doll‐shaped house. Press play and little squeaky noises will alert mice that there is a party inside the mini house. Mice will come in to party and have so many drinks that they won’t have enough balance to go back to their homes and will be trapped in the party house forever. 

4. “MOUSE BUFFET” Similar to “mouse party”, You will set out a house and turn on the noise but instead of giving the mice free drinks, they get free food instead and are too fat to get back out the front door and are therefore trapped forever. 

5. “SELF‐DISPOSING RAT KILLER” You set up a little box on the ceiling that drips gasoline on the rats as they walk under it. They then walk over a panel that has a flame set beneath it. They then catch fire and there is no dead mouse to clean up, you only have to sweep up a pile of ashes. 

6. “MEOW MEOW SPEAKERS” These are small speakers that you set up in different corners of your garage/infested area that let out little meows and purrs and cat noises that will scare the mice from ever coming back again. This is a plus because you don’t have to dispose of any dead rats or have poison lying around your house. 




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The Balloonmeister

By Ashley Tudor

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Random Associations

!   Balloons, Rubber, Tires, Car, Gasoline

!   Clouds, Rain, Waterfalls, Mud, Dirt

!   Helium, Element, Science, Cage, Glass

!   Water, Pools, Floatation Devices, Safety, Lifeguards

!   Feather, Pillows, Beds, Sleep, Night

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What If..

!   What if I strapped a rocket to the mouse?

!   What if I lured the mouse to the trap with peanut butter?

!   What if I lured the mouse with a picture a mouse lounging on a chair in paradise?

!   What if the mouse flies off of a waterfall in a hot air balloon?

!   What if the mouse bounces off of the head of a cat and through the air?

!   What if a mouse hooks onto the wing of a plane?

!   What if a mouse uses a leaf as a parachute to float through the air?

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What if cont..

!   What if the mouse lands on a pillow?

!   What if the mouse uses a bouncy ball as a trampoline?

!   What if the mouse is trapped by a large cat mouth?

!   What if the mouse is propelled into outer space?

!   What if the mouse is lured to the trap by some psychedelic picture?

!   What if the mouse floats through the water?

!   What if the mouse is blown through the air?

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What if cont..

!   What if the mouse rode a scooter?

!   What if the mouse could drive a car?

!   What if the mouse climbed a tree and hoped over the danger to the cage?

!   What if the mouse was shot with adrenaline?

!   What if the mouse drank red bull and grew wings?

!   What if the mouse could surf ?

!   What if the mouse grew ten times larger?

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What if cont..

!   What if the mouse could make himself invisible?

!   What if the mouse could fly to the moon?

!   What if the mouse could make himself a chameleon

!   What if the mouse could turn himself into a mole and burrow underground?

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Solution # 1- Rocketeer

This is my first mouse trap. The mouse starts on the spatula. It gets fired over the waiting cat and on to the rocket. The rocket then carries it over the cat and to safety on the pillow under the cage.

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Solution # 2-Balloonmeister

This is my second mouse trap. The mouse will start by bouncing up and down on the rubber ball. It will then bounce up on to the cloud. From there, it will hitch a ride on the hot air balloon. The mouse will then fall to its safety onto the pillow under the cage.

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Solution # 3-Pyromania

This is my third mouse trap. The third mouse trap follows the ad “Red Bull gives you wings”. The mouse starts by drinking the red bull. The mouse then sprouts wings. He is then able to fly over the fire and to his safety on the pillow on the other side.

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Solution # 4- The Great Escape

This is my fourth mouse trap. The mouse starts by getting on top of the tire. He rolls down the hill and into the water. As the waterfall approaches, the mouse grabs the balloons as his tire continues down the waterfall. He then is able to float to safety on the pillow.

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Solution # 5- Up, Up, and Away

This is my last mouse trap. The mouse starts by getting on the skateboard. He goes up the ramp. While going up the ramp, the mouse slowly gains speed. The mouse hops on a leaf which he navigates through the wind. He then tumbles slowly through the air to the pillow bellow to his safety.

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Solution # 2 AKA The Balloonmeister

I thought that solution 2 was the best solution. I thought that each step was carefully explained as where in the other solutions they weren’t as carefully mapped out. The Ballonmeister allows the mouse to arrive to the pillow unscathed and in a timely fashion.

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Dazed and ConfusedBy Cole Parnell

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Brainstorming/Thought Process

Mouse Trap



Peanut Butter










Surprise Claws

Pain Hairy

Pinches Fast

Death Pouncing

Boobie Hunting

Goonies Purring

Bears Evil


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Brainstorming/Thought Process Continued...

Attributes1. Wooden2. Metal Trap3. Cheese4. Small5. Behind Things6. Half Bird Cage7. Pulley System8. Board Game9. Mice10. Injuries11. Death

What-Iffing1. What if they were bigger?2. What if the board game actually caught mice?3. What if there were mouse hunters?4. What if there were trained mouse-killer cats?5. What if you could trick a mouse into safely leaving?6. What if there was mouse persuasion?7. What if you could hypnotize a mouse?8. What if blow darts were more effective?9. What if you had pre-house mouse traps?10. What if there were mouse bombs?

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5 different Solutions1. Mouse Hunting Cats- You would hire a service to bring in trained lethal weapon cat assassins.2. Subliminal Messaging Every time a mouse hits a laid out trip-wire a voice sounds that says, “you do not like cheese and you want to leave”. 3. Peanut butter lazy river/moat- Put a moat or lazy river around your entire house and have it filled with peanut butter for the ultimate trap.4. Mouse Mines- Surround the perimeter of your house with mouse mines. Once the mine is triggered by a mouse stepping on it a small firework ends him. 5. Dazed and Confused- A reeses peanut butter cup attracts the mouse. Once the mouse steps onto the platform a miniature watch lowers and starts to swing. Once the mouse is hypnotized on the 5th swing it triggers a noose to be tightened around the mouses ankle. The mouse is then catapulted through the window in the distance. It’s complex yet humane.

The Final Solution

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The Better TrapThe “Balanced Bate Device”Dana Bose

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method type material usabilitypoison electric wire/wireless product distributioneletricute booby trap spring age requirementcapture trick bate assessabilityharm chase expiration pricekill trap string complexitycage scare glue portable

da Vinci’s attributes

- poison, trick, bate- Something that looks like something that the mice would eat but is actually poison.- electric, harm, agr requirement-An electric device that has the potential to harm people so requires an age requirement-complex, booby trap, string, cage-A complex device that traps the mouse in a cage by grabbing it with a string


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Brainstorming!Word Associations...

Words:1. Rodent2: exterminate3: Cheese4: Trap5: Rat

Rodent Exterminate Cheese Trap ratsmall kill hungry corner snakedecaying hire scent cage hamsterfur pay fake experiment grosstail van bait intruder darkquiet uniform traditional catch nighthole tools eat chase cities smell job follow snap holegarbage pest orange quick pinkfeet control expire jump earssneaky posion find disquise sciencequick rade search maze experiementcreature end taste camoplage testrid life flavor hide familypet find smell capture tiny

1-decapying, van, control, experiement2-orange, hole, eat, dark, cities3-smell, rade, end, snap4-creature, disguise, pest, family5-fake, pet, life, hide6-capture, small, control, job7-rid, eat, intruder, fake8-earts, quiet, pay, jump9-kill, science, quick, life10-uniform, orange, hole, smell, night, garbage11-flavor, rid, smell, tiny, snap, 12-van, decaying, scent, traditional

-fake, snake, chase, trapA electronic fake snake that would chase the mouse into a cage-disguise, dark, night, trick-Trap that makes an area dark to trick the mouse into entering in to trap it

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1- What if mouses made more noise?-They’d be easier to locate-They would hear eachother more- People would want them gone even more2- What if a mouse saw a fake mouse -They’d approach it, thinking it was real- They’d know right away it was fake, and know that humans were trying to trick them- They’d try to mate with it-They’d be afriad of it3- What if a mouse trap was garenteed to kill it?- Animal rights activists would work to abolish it- A dead mouse would smell, and attract new mouses4- What if there was a fake snake that could chase mice?- It could chace them into a trap- It would require batteries- The mice would be too smart to fall for it- It would scare them to death, problem solved!5- What if a mouse trap used poison?- People wouldn’t buy it becuase they’d be scared of it- It would be important that it is only used by someone old and smart enough to do it properly- It would come with a mask

Brainstorming!What if? ...

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solutions...1- Fake snake that chases the mouse and will chase it into a cage.2- Noise maker that sticks to the mouse paired with a con-traption that covers light in a certain area. You hear when the mouse walks into the area and it gets trapped. 3- Tunnel that leads to a clear area so you can see when the mouse goes in it then your able to block it off.4- Container with ramp leading to an opening and has a treat hanging in the center, out of the mouse’s reach. The mice try to reach it and fall in.5- Electric zapper that electrics the mice. It is set off by measuring the mouse’s weight and body temperature.6- Ramp that leads to elevated tube that balances on the platform with a treat on one end and a cage beneath it.

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Ramp that leads to elevated tube that balances on the platform with a treat on one end and a cage beneath it.




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Esther CardenasMouse Trap

Use two plastic hands, together like clapping motion that would trip only if the cheese is touched or it feels movement. Set the cheese in both sides of the hands so the mice can get it from either side. Once the mice tries to get the cheese on either side and there is movement . Then the hands will close on the mice which would trap the mice either smashing it or just trapping in between the two plastic hands.Then it the hands will release cold substance that would freeze the mouse right away. Fast so it kills it instantly.Then the package will come included with trays so that when you open the hands and release the mice you can throw him away without touching it.

Set a lil net with a cheese on top of it when the mice tries to get the cheese. Would trip the net to trap the mice and hold it there. It would have to be a strong net that the mice cannot bite into.

Thinking also put a piece of magnet inside a piece of a cheese, has to be small enough for the mice not to see it but swallow it . It has to be a very strong too, and then have a wall around of magnet so when he swallows the cheese he also sticks to the wall.Then he would be trapped.

Cup of water bucket throw a cheese on it if it floats that the point of it. A ramp would be directed the mice to the cheese to get to the top of the bucket or cup . If not then use a really thin net over the bucket or cup with the cheese on it . As soon as the mice would try to get the cheese it would drop into the cup or bucket of water. Drowning the mice but it would be with something that would kill them right away so that they donʼt feel it. Like a toxic substance as soon as they touch it they just die instantly so that they donʼt suffer.

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Mouse GuideJanneline De Lao

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1. Disguise Senses2. Ruler Sneeze Tip3. Ash Leftover Cycle4. Illusion Stick Night5. Tasting Face Measurement6. Pencil Chase Intolerant7. Unknown Sleep Entrance8. Chase Needle Ticket9. Allergy Handcuff Bank10. Mask Door 11. Patience Fur Pierce12. Identity Speed Fire13. Massage Card Expression14. Catch Donation Swipe15. Tongue Tail 16. Color Room Food17. Free Turkey Moon18. Treat Police Toe19. Help Extra Temper20. Wine Magic English21. Box Rebbery Admission22. Polish Calm Scale23. Dairy Light Care24. Hospital Catch Noise25. Needle Fragile Bank

Mind Mapping

Thought Process

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What If’s1. What if mice begins to hate cheese?

• We wouldn’t use cheese as bait on our mousetraps.• Tom and Jerry would have to be remade. • Would we have less mice in our houses because of that?• There would be a study dedicated to finding out what their new favorite food is.• Would mice hate every kind of cheese?

2. What if mice only existed in very clean places?• Restaurant kitchens would be graded based on the number of mice in them.• Mice would be treated with care.• We would purposefully buy mice for our houses to impress our guests.• Five-star hotels would become Five-mouse hotels.• A mouse would be the national symbol for cleanness.

3. What if mice were adorable?• Baby cribs would be full of mouse dolls.• We would find people carry mice in their bags instead of puppies.• Kids would go up to attic to hang out more often.• There would be less screams a day in the world.• People would walk towards mice instead of away from them.

4. What if mousetraps were illegal?• There would be more screams a day in the world.• People would eventually become immune to mice running around.• People would find their own way to “trap” mice.• New jails would have to be built just for moustrap prisoners.• People with rat-free houses would be suspected a lot.

5. What if mice were the size of a cat?• Heart attack rate for women would increase significantly.• Mice would no longer be scared of cats.• Cattraps would be invented.• Would they still be as fast?• Would we still be using some kind of mousetraps?

6. What if mice were extremely dangerous?• We would live each day in fear.• Insomnia would be very common.• We would stop eating cheese.• Cats would have never become our pets.• We would be taking classes on how to fight against mice.

7. What if mice had ten legs?• They would be crawling on the ceiling and walls.• They would be perceived with even more disgust.• Would it still be called a mouse?• Would we still have pet rats?• Seeing a mouse would be everyone’s worst nightware.

8. What if mice were very slow?• We would be catching mice with our hands instead of mousetraps.• We wouldn’t find rats as threatening.• Girls would scream longer since they wouldn’t disappear as fast.• We would always have to watch out where we take each of our steps.• They would have a hard time surviving in a house with kids or dogs/cats.

9. What if mice were too smart for mousetraps?• Would we ever be able to catch them?• Would they be smart enough not to be used as test animals?• We would be caught in human traps made by mice before they are in mousetraps• Mousetraps would require high technology and tricks.• There would be many studies done in which mice behavior is examined.

10. What if mice were kids’ favorite pets?• Half of the toys in Toys R Us would be mice or mice-related.• Dogs might be replaced by mice as our pets.• Would mice be big enough to endure carelessness of little children?• Mousetraps would be used to catch mice for our children instead.• Cats would threaten mice even more out of jealousy.

11. What if mousetraps never existed?• We would be happily coexisting with mice.• No one has then throught of a mouse as something that needs to be captured.• What would be the societal position mice hold in the animal world?• Would fishing exist?• We would have a lot more mice living in this world today.

12. What if mice were great cooks just like in Ratatouille?• Bravo would have Top Chef Mice series, and I would be watching it.• Moms would raise mice in their own kitchen.• Ikea would have a mice shelf in their kitchen section.• Police would be busy trying to locate continous cases of stolen mice.• Every mouse would have a name.

13. What if it was illegal to hurt or kill mice using mousetraps?• There would be many mice buried in our backyard, illegally.• Many people would be serial killer.• Standard mousetrap would involve casing mice instead of catching them.• A mouse would be superior creature.• What if we hurt them by accident?

14. What if mice had the ability to find their way back home?• Every mousetrap would be made to absolutely kill mice.• We would have special fence to prevent them from entering the house.• We would have a special bin next to recycling bins desginated for mice.• Every morning, we would be nervous to open the door and head out.• Ever home would be sold with their house mice.

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Creative Solutions(After noting the fact that the solutions could be something that does not work in the real world, I just let myself have fun)

1. Mouse GuideEmbedded in the carpet or wooden floor, mouse guide consists of tiny spikes that can only be felt and detected by mice. Giving them certain sensation that they enjoy when their feet touch such spikes, Mouse Guide allures the mice along the path once they get one foot on it. With a very subtle scent that also only can be smelled by mice, every mouse cannot help but be attracted towards Mouse Guide. It can be professionally embedded on the floor according to how the owner of the house wants. The path then leads the mouse to a container that will trap it once it enters through the hole.

2. Spraying RobotWith technology development that does not seem to cease, Spraying Robot was specifically designed to catch mice. The software programmed in the robot detects the location of each mouse and its movement by analyzing changes in wavelengths. It has wheels and other moving devices on the bottom to help itself navigate on any type of surface. Once it has reached the targeted mouse, it sprays anesthetic that momentarily puts the mouse to sleep, and Spraying Robot then picks up the mouse and stores it inside its body part and move onto next.

3. Fake-Real MouseJust as its name, this invention is made to truly trick mice. With the texture, shape, and smell almost idential to that of a real mouse, it is to trick other mice in the same house into eventually gathering around it. By placing it in the area where mice are most likely to live, it will come in contact with a number of mice naturally. When a mouse touches any part of Fake-Real Mouse, it instantly gets stuck to it. The stickiness, however, wears off once the mouse loses its movement allowing more space for other mice.

4. Liquid DropsLiquid Drops are sold in any common store and can be bought very easily. Similar to regular eye drops, one only needs to squeeze the bottle gently for usage. It is intended to make a path on the floor with drops making a line. Although it does not have any type of effect on human even after a large amound of intake, it is very poisonous to mice. It may seem as though it dried off soon after it is made into a path on the floor, but it still triggers the sensory system of a mouse and does not lose its effectiveness. Depending on how much a mouse licks on it, it can either be unconcious or dead.

5. SliderSlider is a combination of a door on the floor and a little slide that leads from it. The door can be made of wood that is same as the one used for the floor or with carpet glued on it in order to make it invisible for aethetic purpose. The door has a program installed into it that allows it to open only when it detects four feet of a mouse. By reading the shape of the foot and weight of the mouse, it ensures security as it will not open for anything else unless it is specifically progammed into it. When the door opens, the rat gets dropped into the tunnel that leads to the bin outside.

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Final SolutionMouse Guide

These are the spikes embedded on the wooden or carpetet floor that only mice can feel and detect. Giving them certain sensation that they enjoy when their feet touch, the spikes allure the mice along the path.

It also has the subtle scent that only mice can smell, attracting them onto the path. It eliminates the need to manually placing a bait every time one wants to use a mousetrap. It will make sure the house stays mouse-free at all times.

The path ultimately leads the mouse into the container. The container traps the mouse in by shutting the door automatically once it is completely inside.

I chose this as my final solution because I thought it was creative in a simple way while being quite reasonable

The path of spikes can be professionally designed according to how and where the owner of the house wants.

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“Kitty Cat Death Mount”

A Better Mousetrap

By Kyle Humason

Creative thinking

April 24, 2011

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Brainstorming Technique #1: Random word association

For this, I started with a random word my friend Paul came up with, then we took turns

making a random word association in order to come up with a 20 word list. The results below

are 5 separate sets of random word association.

Brainsorming technique #2: Word Combinations

Then I made random connections using 1 word from each set in order to make the

following 5-word combos.

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The above techniques are my favorite to use because I am able to create a lot of

different ideas not only within the bounds of each set of words, but between words from

multiple sets of sets. I think I am able to come up with the most interesting ideas this way. Each

idea from each set is influence by the ideas of other sets as well which allow for free, creative

tweaking of the ideas.

Brainstorming Technique #3: Mindmapping

The follow is a mindmap I did which I think helped to generate some okay ideas. It’s not

my favorite techique however and applied to this project didn’t work particularly well but it

helped me come up with some pretty outrageous ideas anyways.

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My Top Five Possible Moustraps

1. Swordfish, Crazy, Booze, Tunnel, Slippery (This would be a kit you could purchase at ACE)

a. This invention all begins with a tunnel. Once it is recognized that there is a

rodent problem, you install a series of crazy tunnels connecting known points of

mouse-origin. These are tunnels that range from 2in to 8in in width, and made of

flexible pvc/pvc joints. You then wait for the mouse to enter said tunnel and set

off the pressure sensitive inner-lining of the tunnels. By this point you will have

assembled your booze keg above the main entrance of the tunnel, located a few

feet above all tunnel tubing in order to allow gravity to force the booze to fall

through the tubes. The mouse is then forced through the gravity powered,

slippery, booze-filled tunnels, to whatever exit point you set up and into the

spear of a swordfish. Rat skewers anyone?

2. Arrow, Crazy, Airway, Gnarly, Pokey

a. Inspired by Indiana Jones, this invention involves air-powered arrows fired from

personally designated points throughout one’s home. Each arrow is barbed like a

pokey fishhook and drawn into firing tubes which work much like paintball guns

utilizing a firing pin and O2 cartridges to propel the arrows from the barrels.

These devices can be purchased individually or as sets and mounted anywhere in

one’s home whether it be on a wall, ceiling, floor, or in a wall, ceiling or floor.

Each is equipped with a motion/heat sensitive sight to target the mouse and an

auto-fire system to shoot the arrows at the opportune moment. For personal

safety, they can be turned on and off by the home-owners flick of a switch.

3. Longer, Box, Table, Shred, Beach

a. This technique uses an intriguing looking box which, to a mouse, would appear

to be filled with cheese. This draws the mouse into the lengthy box before it

realizes what it’s true fate may be. Once inside, a motion sensor shuts the

entrance off with a steel plate, trapping the mouse inside. It has nowhere to go

but onward. Eventually it will find the end of the long box, located where the box

opens up to a tabletop on the beach. This is not just any table top however. It is

covered in spinning, roaming saw blades and covered by a Plexiglas case. This is

where the mouse will be ended. Eventually the tide rises and fills the box

through small holes in the roof of the case, and drains through the bottom when

the tide goes out, cleaning the case.

4. Ten, Crazy, Chinese, Greasy, Dip

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a. This is relatively self-explanatory. You hire ten crazy Chinese people with buckets

of grease to chase the mouse and splatter it with thumb tacks dipped in the

gross grease. They get stuck and injured and the kind Chinese people clean it up

in the end as well.

5. Shorter, Acid, Squirt guns, Fast, Pokey

a. This is similar to the arrow design, but substitute the air-powered arrows with

Squirt Guns filled with acid and needles. Each fires a poisonous, acid filled,

hypodermic needle with precision aim into the mouse. It quickly dies of the acid


Alternate Ideas/Additions

1. Gang Box

a. This is a box full of gangsters that gets shipped straight from the streets. Each

Gangster is strapped with Gats and pops a few rounds into any mouse they see

without hesitation.

2. Cat Arrows

a. Take the air-powered arrow, mount it to a cat, add a video feed and a remote

control and you have the best moving mousetrap game ever. The remote allows

you to fire the arrow when the mouse is in the video’s crosshairs.

3. Cat Fireworks

a. Take the above idea and replace arrows with contact-explosives.

4. Slingshot Gunpowder

a. This is just fun because you get to shoot gun-powder fireworks from a slingshot

at a mouse.

Final Mousetrap invention

I chose to use invention 2 as the final mousetrap. I call it the “Kitty Cat Death Mount.”

Combining the inspiration from Indiana Jones, and my love for remote controlled devices

strapped to things, I came up with this solution. The effectiveness varies based on the cat, the controller

and the mouse. The following image shows the device in its two main parts and what it is comprised of.

This is the belt strap and mounting plate. This is wrapped and strapped around the cat’s waist. It

is flexible enough to allow plenty of comfort for the cat but is tight enough to not spin around the cat.

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This is the arrow cannon mount. You can see the mounting plate which attaches to the belt. This

also illustrates the rotating/self-stabilizing base for the arrow cannon.

This last view is a bird’s eye view of the mount/arrow cannon. You can also see the camera on

top of the canon which sends a live video feed to your TV or any portable video device. The heat sensor

on the side also helps with auto-tracking of the mouse. This is useful for when the cat is on the chase

and bouncing around a bit. The stabilizer takes care of most of this issue.


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Frog Scanner Mouse Trap

Nikki Woods

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What If?What if the mouse was smart?it could get out of anythingWhat if the mouse could climb well?The trap would have to be really deep or metal.What if the mouse didnt like cheese? Then we would hope it likes peanut butter.What if we didnt want to hurt the mouse?Then we would have to make the trap humain.

trapcagemetalwire Chickeneggscracksmoke

Mousefurryhungryscurryfeetboot steel hard


mouse holedark tinyholereachfingerbiterabies


Random Assoiations:

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5 Main Ideas:Idea # 1:-trap-furry-finger-hole-game = The Finger Trap Game!-By using the random assosiation technique picking these words, I remembered a game from when I was younger called the finger trap. If you applied this finger trap to the end of a closed end cone the mouse would be able to get inside the cone but not out. Idea # 2:-hungry- line-hook-fishing-sharp = Fish For Mice!-Hooking bait onto a fishing line hook, you wait for the mouse to get hungry and bite the line. Then you real up your mouse!Idea #3:chicken-hungry-bite-hole-determination= Crazy Chicken -You raise a chicken to eat mice, you put him inside the walls of your house and block the mouseholes. the determined chicken will eat them all!Idea #4Metal-sharp-rope-boot-guns-You set up a trap that has 2 metal poles, and when the mouse touches the trig-ger a sharp boot chops its head off. Idea #5 ( GOLDEN IDEA!)Cage-scurry-catch-scanner-toad-You have a robot toad/frog who sprays out the scent of food (peanut butter!) the mice will attract to it. Once the scanner on the frog picks up the signal of the mice it will send out its sticky tounge snatching it into its mice bowl stomache!

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Frog Scanner Mouse Trap;

Step 1: frog scans mouse, Step 2: Detects and grabs

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Step 3: mouse is caughtStep 4: mouse is inside frog container for you to set free, outside of your home.

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Building a better mouse trap

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Mind Mapping

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free association/random word

Build a betterMousetrap

bear trap

mouse on a motorcycle


dynamite house cat

cigarette day

the second amendment

spike strip oil slick


mud pit

felix boat races

boat rave


tetanus shot chicken


pocket poker

blow out hot fuzz

security system

bald tires




colt .45

trigger switchswamp monsters

lions clawstoxic gas


rusty nail

internet providers

missionary retirement home

spike pitnapalm

Snake pit



mushed peas

bald menlazers

• Spike pit filled with toxic gas• Lazars that emit radiation• Spinning tires cover in lions claws• Rusty napalm shooting syringes• Mushed peas poisoned with salmonella• minature poker game that blows up• varment boat rave that sinks in a lake of swamp

monsters• gun triggered to fire

• mud pit filled with spikes• spike strips on the mouse highway• rusty nails inside of mouses helmet• cancer emiting lazers• triggered shot gun that shoots napalm and lions

claws• trained mouse killing chikens• put a curse on the rodent retirement home

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More Thumbnails

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5 Solutionstrip wire guillotine

Dead end mouse rollercoaster

Hire a Private Pirate rat mercinary

High suction silent fan placed

in mouse hole Tiny rug covering hole to cat pit

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mud hidden hole

Miniature Persian rug

cat pit

mouse steps in mud, then tries to wipe his feet on the minature persian rug but falls into pit of


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The Better Mouse Trap

by Ruwani Horanage

“ The Unexpected”

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Creative Thought Process

Sharping things:• Knife• Wood stick• Medal• Wire• Blade• Sharp light

Attractive:• Yummy smell• Yummy to eat• Food• Cheese• Smell of the food

Device:• Wood trap• Medal trap• Chemical trap (pill, poison• Electrical device• Nets

Ideas:• Pill put on food• Spray for rat• Poison put on food or water• Electrical device shooter• Have lot of cats• Unexpected holes in the floor that catch them in a net

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What if Questions

1. What if the trap is unexpected?

2. What if killing them should be nice and peaceful?

3. What if the atmosphere around them have traps? Such as holes in the middle?

4. What if all the food that the like put poison on them and leave it in the floor?

5. What if its easy as any other technology stuff?

6. What if we use technology to trap them?

7. What if we can live peacefully with the mouse after all they are living this why kill


8. What if we can create motion sensor equipment to trap or kill mouse and other

little animals that bug us?

9. What if around the world trap and kill all mouse and rats so we wont have that

species anymore?

10. What if we don't bother do anything about the mouse situation let them be?

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Five Solutions:

1. Cheese in the middle surround by whole but its covered by soff wood partials, when some small animal to step on it they will fall into water that is covered by poison.

2.Inside food poison mixed with.

3.Cover the house and spray it anti mouse poison stuff

4. Mouse motion sensor, laser light that zap them when they move around.4. Mouse motion sensor, laser light that zap them when they move around.

5. Big size cheese and when the mouse bites it it spray poison on them.

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Laser light zap, kills them before they can run away

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1. Ground trap- A mouse scurries along the hard wood floor and falls into the ground trap. The floor covers over it. 2. vacum trap- a device of suction and pressure, picking up the mouse and placing him outside. It works at nights so its never in your way during the day. 3. Wall trap- place where you see mouse holes or cracks. It allows the mouse to come in and when it is captured a light turns on so you can realease it outside. 4. Cracker Box- set out during nights, its a plasic box with cracker crumbs and folds in to capture the mouse.5. Robot Cat- Looks like an ordinary cat but catches the mouse and takes it outside.

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The Robot Cat

-can chase -no killing-can catch -no mess-can release -no more mice

The Robot Cat is something special. The kids can enjoy the toy as well as you. The non shedding mice catcher is gentle and smart.

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Terri Wright MacRaeA Better Mouse TrapConcepts

From the Mindmap I determined through connections:

1. Mouse/rats cause fear to some people2. People (I) donʼt like to deal with it3. Itʼs a household problem at times4. Would like an easy solution5. Solution should avoid having to handle the pest6. Solution should be easy and humane (since I donʼt even want to kill it anyway but feel

itʼs necessary to avoid overpopulation)7. Solution should be sanitary, green, biodegradable

I also talked to several people to gather ideas incuding my husband, son, and his friend (all very mechanical-minded people) who helped support my general horror at having to deal with any rodent issues by brainstorming.


1. electric rat trap that kills rats and then shoots into space in rocket that disintegrates2. vacuum trap that suffocates3. Get a cat that eats mice4. catch in cage and relocate (but this would eventually increase rodent population!)5. combination solution of electric trap, vacuum trap, and compression for disposal

Final Product Idea: Snuff ʻN Seal Rat Vac

Mousetrap consists of an electrocution chamber, and a vacuum chamber.As soon as the rat is electrocuted an air compressor goes off and sucks the rat into a bag; removes the air and then compacts it and seals it into a disposable, biodegradable bag ready for disposal.

Presentation of idea:

As storyboard with sketches for possible commercial - see following pages of pdf.

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Terri Wright MacRaeA Better Mouse TrapConcepts

From the Mindmap I determined through connections:

1. Mouse/rats cause fear to some people2. People (I) donʼt like to deal with it3. Itʼs a household problem at times4. Would like an easy solution5. Solution should avoid having to handle the pest6. Solution should be easy and humane (since I donʼt even want to kill it anyway but feel

itʼs necessary to avoid overpopulation)7. Solution should be sanitary, green, biodegradable

I also talked to several people to gather ideas incuding my husband, son, and his friend (all very mechanical-minded people) who helped support my general horror at having to deal with any rodent issues by brainstorming.


1. electric rat trap that kills rats and then shoots into space in rocket that disintegrates2. vacuum trap that suffocates3. Get a cat that eats mice4. catch in cage and relocate (but this would eventually increase rodent population!)5. combination solution of electric trap, vacuum trap, and compression for disposal

Final Product Idea: Snuff ʻN Seal Rat Vac

Mousetrap consists of an electrocution chamber, and a vacuum chamber.As soon as the rat is electrocuted an air compressor goes off and sucks the rat into a bag; removes the air and then compacts it and seals it into a disposable, biodegradable bag ready for disposal.

Presentation of idea:

As storyboard with sketches for possible commercial - see following pages of pdf.

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