01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 Graphic Design Fundamentals Project Term 1 A Global Corporation Be More Confident 5 - 10 Year Old Children wants to pass the message targeting Costas Archondous Karl 3

GDF Project

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A global corporation want to pass the message 'be more confident' to a the target audience of '5-10 year old kids'.

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Graphic Design Fundamentals ProjectTerm 1


Global Corporation

Be More Confident

5 - 10 Year Old Childrenwants to pass the message


Costas ArchondousKarl 3

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The briefResearch

Global Corporation:

What is a global corporation?

What common features do global corporations have? How does that reflect to their understanding from the target audience?

Why the specific target audience?

How can it target kids?-are there any already established practices? themes? norms? to befollowed

What global corporations are al-ready advertising to kids? How are they doing it?

Be More Confident

What is confidence?

The difference between the mean-ing of confidence in adults and children?

How does the target audience un-derstand confidence?

Are there any specific confidence boosting formats already in use?How do they differ when targeting children and adults?

How do fonts relate to confidence?

5 - 10 Year Old Children

What are the general characteris-tics of the target audience?

What is its expected daily activi-ties?

What are their interests (generalizing)?

Where/How can they be reached?

How does the media target the target audience?

Do fonts/typefaces alter the meaning or the understanding of a message for our target audience?

Main Focus Area

Additional Focus


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Global CorporationsCommon Features

What makes a good logo:SimplicityMemorable DesignAppeal to Target AudienceConsistencyClassic & Timeless Design

Mail Colors:RedBlueUse of negative space

Why target children?

Purchasing Power

Influence parents buying decisions

Adult Customers of the


Pester PowerBrand Name


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Global CorporationsTargeting Themes

1) Ads Directed at Children 2) Ads Directed at Adults 3) Ads Directed at Both


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Be More ConfidentChildren VS Adults

Children usually need help building self-esteem and confidence in:• Learning - School• Believing and expressing their

own opinions • Facing Challenges• Being part of a group• Sports• Overcoming fears

Confidence in adults is relatable to:• The workforce and climbing up

the corporate ladder• The achievement of personal

goals and physical challenges• Physical appearance

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Be More ConfidentTypefaces

Web suggestions on fonts that help inspire confidence

Street Brush



Pamela Henderson, Joan Liese, and Joseph Cote of Washington State University conducted research into how consumers react to various typefaces or fonts. Their purpose was to explore how marketers and advertisers can use fonts to convey specific messages and emotions in logos and advertising.

Fonts that are likeable, warm,attractive, interesting, emotional,feminine, delicate.


Lucida Handwritting

Informal Roman

Fonts you better stay away from.




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5 - 10 Year Old ChildrenGeneralize

There is a big divide between the interest of children closer to 5 to the ones closer to 10 years old. In addition there is no exact midpoint where one can specify when these interest, likes and dislikes change. Children closer to the age of 10 begin will try and imitate adult behaviour, while children closer to the age of 5 are all about fun and games.

Through researching how marketers target this age group there are certain recurring themes.

The use of bright colors, a clearly defined contrast between them and big playful clear fonts tend to appear on the majority of the me-dia used to target children.

Additionally a fantasy setting, the use of animals (illustrated and real) as well as superhero themes are also recurring.

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5 - 10 Year Old ChildrenFormats

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5 - 10 Year Old ChildrenTypefaces

“Typography Design for Children” - ProjectProfessor Sue Walker - Department of Typography and Graphic Commu-nicationUniversity of ReadingIn short: Find out what typography works for children through perfor-mance and preference test in regards to typefaces and the use of hori-zontal/vertical space.

Results:• Serif and Sans Serif share same

legibility• Infant characters seem more

familiar to children, hence easier to read

• A large x-height is easier to read

• No condensed or expanded typefaces

• Generous leading (4-6pts)• Ample contrast between type

and background.• Decorative headlines - jumping

baseline• Word-spacing, character spac-

ing and vertical spacing are not as important to children as typeface and type size.

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Research OutcomesWhat to work on

Vivid Colors -

Strong Con-trast

Fantasy settings


Team Work

Facing Challenges/


Being part of a group

Sense of Adventure

and Exploration

Animals/Creatures Real and Animated

Recurring Themes

-All Variables

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IdeasDhiarrea of the Mind

Dominant Idea

A child standing on his bed at night time defying the boogie monster under his bed - facing his fears.

Concept ChallengeA dragon destroying a city, while everyone runs away the child stands up to face the dragon. Faceless kid could be anyone.

PostersFacing Monsters

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IdeasDhiarrea of the Mind

Dominant IdeaA by standing in front of a class ready to narrate/an-swer a question. Camera switches between and closes in on the face of the boy and the rest of the class. While class looks hostile and boy seems nervous a girl smiles back at him and he finds the confidence to carry on with the answer.

Based on:LearningConfident in ones knowledge and abilitiesProving that you can be part of or be able to stand out within a group

Concept ChallengeA bull goes crazy in a bullring. Door opens and the matador walks in. Camera shows a kind of stare-down between the matador and the bull. The matadors face can’t be seen till after the bull charges at him, where it is revealed that a child is the matador.

Based on:Facing a challengeOvercoming your limitsConfident in ones knowledge and abilities

Scene / Short ClipStare Down Western Style

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Ideas... for further development

Night time clearly shown - increase fear of the dark sensation.

Gun will go away.Child will hold a power stance pose. Possible additions:Cape (superheroes)Warrior outfitWizard outfit

Boogie monster cowering under the bed.

Desk lamp

Slogan will change probably to something like “Just Face it”. Spin off on Nike “Just do it”

Teddy bear will be replaced by the Nike sign Using Nike as a company came forth because of the possible spin off on the slogan, and since they don’t directly advertise to children they can use this as a means to create brand loyalty. Confident children tend to be more active, as Nike is all about the action it can work in the long run.

Desk. The purpose is to increase depth perseption. More furniture will be added on the other side of the im-age.