GCSE Geography GCSE Geography Coursework Coursework

GCSE Geography Coursework. Sections - Max 6 Marks each Applied Understanding Methodology Data Presentation Data Interpretation Evaluation

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GCSE Geography GCSE Geography CourseworkCoursework

Sections - Max 6 Marks Sections - Max 6 Marks eacheach

• Applied Understanding• Methodology• Data Presentation• Data Interpretation• Evaluation

Levelled markingLevelled marking

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

1 - 2 MarksF - G Grade

3 - 4 MarksC - E Grade

5 - 6 MarksA - B Grade

Applied UnderstandingApplied Understanding

This is the theory behind the coursework

Applied UnderstandingApplied Understanding

• What is tourism?• Why has tourism increased over the past 50

years?• What is a ‘Honeypot’?• What are the advantages and disadvantages

of tourism? • Why is Malvern popular with tourists?• What is an AONB?• State the Hypothesis and the enquiry



This is what we did


• Follow the guidance on the table and develop it.

• Add in any theory regarding things like footpath erosion.

• Evaluate the methods. • Use any photographs of you

actually collecting the data, annotate them.

Data PresentationData Presentation

This is when where we use the data and put it in graphs, table and on maps

For each method For each method suggest how you could suggest how you could

present the data.present the data.• Footpath erosion• Hotel Guest survey• Tax discs• Questionnaire• Strip map• Bi polar

Data Interpretation

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

This is where I describe and explain my graphs and maps.

Data Interpretation

• The graph/ map/ table showing…(title of map/ graph /table).

• It shows… (describe the pattern).• This is because… (give reasons for the

pattern). • This can help me to answer the enquiry

question…(write relevant enquiry question).

Data Interpretation

• From the _________ showing ___________ I can see……(describe what the map/graph/table etc. shows – include figures in your description – go into as much detail as you can).

• One explanation for these results is…………• Another reason for…………………. is

…………………………..• This data suggest the hypothesis is (true/false). This is

because……….• My findings (do/do not) fit in with the theory. This is



• Write a summary of your key findings in this investigation. You can write these in bullet points.

• Read your conclusions – then read your hypothesis.’Malvern is a Tourist honeypot’. Do you accept or reject the hypothesis? Give reasons for your decision.


• Have you collected enough data? • Have you had any problems collecting this data? • Describe the disadvantages of the techniques used • Would your results have been improved if you had

collected more data, different data, data at a different time or data with a different method?

• How might you improve your methods if you repeated the study?

• Do you think your results are accurate?


• Identify which results support your hypothesis and give reasons

• Identify which results reject your hypothesis and give reasons

• Explain why your conclusions might not be applied to other similar examples

• Explain why your conclusions might be invalid or wrong • What needs to be done to:

– Increase the accuracy of results – Increase the reliability of methods – Increase the validity of the conclusions

To increase the accuracy of the

To increase the reliability of the

To increase the validity (how long this data will last) of the

Methods I would

Methods I would

Methods I would

Results I would

Results I would

Results I would

Conclusions I would

Conclusions I would

Conclusions I would

Coursework Support1.00 pm Tuesday and

Thursday3.15 Tuesday