THE HAWAIIAN GAZETTE AN ISDEPESDEHT PAPEE, roMMi BT HENRY M. WHITNEY, Eitry Moraine AT riVE I'OLLARS PER ANNUM PA TABLE IS AftVASCE. Fare Ira llWtriWn.l'.MIi f 10.00. Tjnt In the new Post Office Building V - :.- - Mr.-- . :. Honolulu, II. !. Ta a Si at-- II mn.i DMMi sr art iittiKm. MKtm with petal, arbite. Tarn aaty Um la taa aaaa at Btrfct. 111 li to ta. aaahrtit bold TW to. tot? tfcy pinel. koM. A, I 441 snwfgaa; k o'er tkea, Tb. esaaart to Ueanaa dow (or toe. tt . i l.e,,rt.l:l' 11.:.. fwn. fair ..oe, Taat to. toto'd eawa to the plan up aaa; LAV. Car diss, fkraad. ta tbiue cop; Ttotf teat . Hut, twt glow, tew a call. n til. se tor. I a fcaeara Ojal tb gathering rlomn itoi I to rrJUat. tojrfcut thai ; citirK. villi matte power, out . Wl darLe- -t boor IhtoM, Kir tbe aad the Man . hicti. Bre tare rm theer I aatt lo earth and ky. gaaaxtsfa! a -- . to rake tt white. Ta.w el Ut aa aagl uf peare a! !...! - I .,. !, ( tied, TV a.aa.naui I tojto will all bar ad Vba 1 wah.ai mad aalyara TW ooraar af U Sowar U..I U.aawd fur me. - I aM I ... i - rarr. H taat ' iaa' hattoV that none mar too. Lzrezawaaal UB aba Uw, ami aaVt iatl.aarl"t of cat rnoeetae rweet. aTaa tapr arai mptarea, joy reflet., far talked together, thon aad I, Waa aarar ban fiat aad twuls were alga ; I larr toaraa. air cheeks to thy enowy tips. i a prayer ob tbr opening lipa; turn. U. raj weary heart. tbe. i ! r- - nicK a Sfl u... SJS 11 a. far upwar.l (ln-- ; Aad toy tbaaxaU aMdl aaafaa aruiel Soaar, Tbat baaaw aban ia a talrrr boaer. ; Buy liead tj ar I far u nrlr-ly- . at lajret.-- ' a:.l a Dutchman, "isklad, bit a pood deal its jaat right" "a. r..rt,ia. U..J. - n boys to be as oa tbe street after eight o'clock. Aad now ibey adulterate honey. This is a baMtry Irand TerreUavte Hail TLmk of ahUky freezing solid in Montana. Wta. tkey always did call it an ice drink out mere. WL I'. Spectator. Mrs. Heteea, of tbaiie King infamy, aceord-- : np to bar aara ajutemeot, if " sick ot tbe hoal A Fbilaoel4iia broker courted a young lady for - a- - 10 aaatW to k bf her baud onul bar braLbar borae-whipp- him into it An Indiana clergyman sued a newspaper for l.be:. anc dropped dead within a week. Tbe De- troit Free frmt aays these fellows will learn omeUiiog by and by. An aditor. down at Ilarrisborp, aays tbe Wil-- . amsport BuUtiin, bas got a flying machine. The ! ' goi knocked off the name in some way, but Ire goes rigfa: on using it just tbe same. A minister without boldness, is like a smooth file, a knife without an edge, a sentinel that is to let off bis gun. II men will be bold in must be bold to reprove. worst are the ditching cuts id coat tbe people dearest, as all men is oeoru of jadicatare par more for tbe wrongs laat are theaa than for tbe right Dj a hap: j contradiction, no system of pirer such a base view of human nature aj uiat ahicfa ia f adad on eelf-lor- So sure is avstt-ao- ta detrrade whatever it touches. When we oee the shameful fortunes amassed ia all quarters of the globe, are we not impelled to exeJa m that Judas' thirty pieces of silver bare troctiSed acroaa the CMttariea? Nobody, they aay, is a hero to his valet. Of coane, for a man mast be a hero to understand a aara. The valet, I dare say, has great respect for BOBM of kit own Hasp. bcr I read the aereral dates on the ol tkaw that died yetterday and some six hundred Tears apo, I consider that Great Day when we thai a!! of u; he cotemporariea, aud our t; father A'i'l:"'. Says a Wisconsin editor: "A young poetess ivude in a contribution entitled, ' Let as Love.' We win do oar beat, bat we hare been married o !ou- - ye..r. u w. auJ urea little out of prac- tice." For tbe first time in ber political history (and she's old as the most of as). China is in tbe awawtry market asking a loan. She wants S3.13S.-37- . it willin; to coact 95r. a dollar, and give 8 per cent, per annum as interest. Bat there are do takers. A Sacranento lawyer remarked to the Court : ll it cv c..i iiJ opinion. Judge, you are an old 1j!" The Judge allowed bis mildly beaming ere to (all n;on tbe a brief moment, then, in a roioe bosky with suppressed emotion, said : ll is mr candid opinion that you are fined $100." " Dar's de man. Mister Speaker dar's de man wot dona it " shoaled a colored member, rising suddenly from hit teat in the Arkansas Legis- lature, with one hand pointing to a man in tbe gallery, and with tbe other rubbing the sam-ta- ot hit craniam. " Dat ar cassed white man jM doae tp:i down on de top o my head." The last experiment in the swindling line is tbat of fellow who claims to be a regular oca-li- end awritt with an office in Boston, and is trareUng in tbe suburban towns telling fifty cent Fpactacio. f a- - $7.50 pair. lie warrants them to care deataett and blindness, and sayt they are charged wita galvanism in such a manner at to render cart speedy and permanent. tha it was ber property. He did Dot dit- - hi. misUke tome hoore afterward, and it oaly through the of the Stir ap the sleeping lion in tbe breast of Welebraaa and be trill burl the of the epithet, at nobody but he or an in- - OCtaw or Motcorite would erer think of aaag. For inttance, a Welch of York. F Ifyck. aay. of Ben Butler : Ymddang-aa- j Oad BaUer." bare thought a thou- - aajog very siiiiif- xpression in with Batler, bat somehow or other do it. Courier Journal. THE HAWAIIAN GAZETTE, A WEEKLY JOURNAL, DEVOTED TO HAWAIIAN PROGRESS. VOL. XI.-N- O. 23.1 TIirr-llnn-- In. A. T. Stewart bas aobecribcd $10,000 to the Centennial rand. Sirio-- . the brightest or the fixed gtars and par- ticularly noticeable in the erentn? at this pea Ron ia the eoulb-easter- n heavens, derivee itf name from Sirig, the Egyptian word for the rump of the Nile. It ia bo far distant ibat the liht which strikes the eye now, left it 22 years ago. aDd has tiavelpd across the intervening space at the rate of 1S4.000 miles each second. Am. paper. The pretty rice paper that looks so pure anil delicate i made in China from the pith of a tree ; oot at all as we make paper from poplar wood, but by simply catting it into thin slice. And thousands of years before Moses was born, the Egyptians made paper from the great papyros. or reed, by carefully peeling out the thin layer between the bark and the fleshy stem, and press- ing and drying the pieces into sheets. It is stated that Germany is discontinu- ing the use of bronze pans. At a recent trial at liruck. in Hungary, between Austrian puns and the new Kropp cast-ste- puns, the latter made 1252 hits, and the former only 212 hits at 27(10 paces. This result is said to have scaled tbe fate of the bronze puns, so far as the ordnance of the German army is concerned. A Baitw missionary in India proposes that men and women who go out as missionaries shall enlist for ten years only. He thinks by this plan lie missionary service would more effective, as many missions are ruinud by sick men hanging on, and by the retention of men too old for bard service. Furthermore, more would be willing to serve as missionaries than on the life plan. A Kixori.An dinner took place recently at the Crystal Palace. About 400 years ago, a citizen of St Clement's, Kastclieap, bequeathed to his fellow citizens a piece of land, the annual pro- ceeds of which were to be applied to defraying tbe expenses once a year of a meal consisting of bread and cheese, radishes and ale. One day a large party sat down to the humble repast, but after it had been disposed of it was quickly fol- lowed by a banquet which a Lucullus might have envied. A lot of candidates for positions in the gene- ral post-offic- e in London were obliged to make written statements as lo the medical histories of themselves and their families, and these are some of their sad but interesting expressions. "Father had a Bunstroke and I caught it of him f " My little brother died of some funny name :" "A Croat white cat drawed my Bister's breath and she died of it ;" "Apperplexity ;" " Farasles ;" "Hot-ralge- r in tbe heud ; " Kummitanic pains ;" "Short- ness of breath "Indigestion or the lungs;" " Toncertiua iu the throat f " Pistoles on the back." In North Germany tbe reclamation or the ex- tensive lowlands, that have heretofore remained uncultivated for lack of drainage, is now proceed- ing with vigor under the auspices of a company employing a large capital and effective steam Tbe governments always most machines. Each machine a canal dooe tomb make a lawyer white a a a New paper about n r . .1 a f r . i r inn zu ieei wiuc ana u leci ueep, anu irom iuu io 120 feet in length every 10 hours. The peat is delivered on the surfece of the ground alongeido the canal, where it is dried, cut into bricks, and sent to market. It is an excellent fuel. Iu Hot-lan- d and Friesland there are 1000 square miles of this bog land, now worthless, which will be ren- dered habitable and profitable as fast as the ca- nals are cut, to say nothing of the immense quan tities of fuel that will be obtained by the ditching operation. There is in Taris a ridiculous law by which a person on being run over while crossing the street is obliged, if not killed, to pay a fine for obstruct- ing the public highway, and a very peculiar and oppressive instance of its enforcement occurred the other day. A little child, tbe offspring of a poor couple residing in one of the minor streets running oat of the aveoue Josephioe, while play- ing in tbe middle of the street was knocked down and run over by a passing carriage and instantly killed. The bereaved pnreots, in addition to their sorrow for the loss of their child, were condemned to pay a use of lOOf- - for not having kept tbe child out of the street. Crait fob Catakbh. Although a catarrh of itself is not to be classed with the dangerous diseases, italways troublesome, and ifthebroochiat become affected a favorable termination, especially with aged persoot, is not always certain. A remedy for this affection, as suggested by Dr. Ilagrrar, is as follows : Five parts of carbolic acid, lix of aqua ammonia;. pecific gravity O.9G0. ten of distilled water, and fifteen of alcohol, aud to be mixed together in a bottle, half filled with cotton or asbestos, and snuffed up, from time to time, from tbe bottle. After a thorough trial of Ibis prescription, Dr. Drand stales that it shortens the first stage of tbe disease, prevents the second, and alleviates all the symptoms. He prefers, however, to apply it by inhalation through the mouth as well as the nose, by pouring a few drops on porous paper, and holding it in tbe hollow of the band before tbe face, with the eye closed. Improvements in Glass Spinning. Recent improvements in glass spinning by liruofaut. as set forth in a communication by Professor Her- mann, promise to develop a new branch of in- dustry. Prolonged experiments led to tbe dis- covery of a compound which affords threads sur- passing in fineness even the single cocoon fibres, and apparently as soft and elastic as silk. This substance bas been applied to a variety of uses bat ou account of the skill required in the work aioded Pittaborgh tbopmaa laid ,,, Bod the fatiguing character of the labor, Lit pocket-boo- k, containing a considerable turn of especially to the eyes, tbe articles may as yet mooey on the counter the other day. and forget- - be classed at curiosities. When felted, it forms titart etwa it beloored. prassed it upon one of excellent material for chemical filters. It it Lif lady enstowars, assaring her, in spite of her i adapted to figures for brocades, Arc. and to tbe till agency at bead Ci paper We the . we to be persons manufacture of clothing, ornaments, furniture covers, curtains, carpets, lace, collars, etc., and can be used in knitting and embroidering. In soft- ness the articles approach silk, and feel like the finest woolen, while they are warmer than tbe latter and exceedingly light. They are com- paratively free from mechanical wear, and are not affected by light, beat, moisture nor acids, and by reason of tbeir incombustibility, are peculiarly adapted to ladiea' garments. The annexed prices of a few articles will indicate tbe present stage of the manufacture: CufTs, $1.15; collars, JO cents to $2.50 ; watch chains, 25 cents to SI ; ladies' hats, complete, S4.75 to $26. Am. Paper. HONOLULU, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9, 1875. BUSINESS NOTICES. E. . II A I.I. cfc BOI. IMPOETEES AD DEALERS IN HARDWARE, Dry Oootir, PaiaU, Oil and General Merrbasdlja, 636-l- y Corner Fort aod Ktnc St.. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IK HARDWARE Cnllrry, Dry Goodn, Paint. and Oil., and Qrnrrnl Mrr- - rliatwi-.- -, .. I'. Kio. 1. II . "lit; Wo-l- y ik. o. H. cnnMin, HOMEOPATHIST, 63 FORT STREET, m; HONOLULU, H. I. to A. LEX. CaMFBELL, Morcliant Tailor. No. 8 Noonnn Street, II mini n In. KM l y A 1 .1 .1 . A IIII.I.I.tVHtHI, KAtVAlIIAK, HAWAII, Wlllcontian.- tbetlcneralMer. bandi..eaa.l Shipping bn.lneM at tbe alM're port, where they are prepared to foriii.h th Jnrtly celebrated Kawalbae Potato., an.l .nrli nlhrr are reqnireil by a hale.hiM, at the .h.irtenl notice and on the mint reitonable terra.. Firewuo.1 alway. 00 hand. lj II. HACKFEI.O Ai CO., GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS. Uueen Street, llonolnlo. II. I. f5My) T. A. SCfUJEFEIt, At.K.XT of Bremen Uoarrl uf t'tirlrrwrttra. of Dreeden BM.rd of L'nderwritera, Agent of Vienna Hoard of Unr.erariter.. CUinm aajojal In.uianre Cooipaniei within the jarisrliction of tbe abort- Hoard, of Underwriter, will hare to bo certi- fied to by the abort- - agent to make tbem ralid. 52aly Kl II AII I . ItM Ki:iMO, Merchant Street. Honolulu, J. Wo Austin's fonner OAitW, ovrr Henry M. Whitney's I'.ookHtnrr. ACCOUNTS AND BILLS COLLECTED, Drafting, Bookkeeping, Copying. CuatnmkuHiic Itturine amt (trttt rnl Com fully cxwtiffa. cion cart- - AIS IM U A CO., Sncceaaor. to Doaaett k Co., Corner Fort anil Queen ptroct. Lumber, Faints, Oil, Hails, Salt and Building (MT-ly- ) Materials, of every kind. i:. I, a ia vis. Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, Queen Street, Hi. in. lulu, II. I. 495-l- y ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO., IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Uunulnla, Oaho. II. I. pailyl E. . niTt'HCOCK, ATTORNEY-AT-LA- HILO, HAWAII. CM Bill. Promptly Collected. fiy CECIL HROW.H, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. And Ageut for takfDK Acknowledirraenbi of Iuetruiueuts for the Ialaud uf Oahu. Ko. S Kaahumauu Street, Uouutula, II. AJUPKBD S. HASTWELL, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. 499 Oltlc. Orer Ifoffm.nn'. Drug Store. ly EDM I ISO T. Attorney and Solicitor, AttTIIORIZi: TO I.i: FI!TI 8200 18 to 810.000. ou Morurauo t.f Pre, holdjl nt'low.-s- t rates of Interest. Ala Agent. In Loudou, and lu oil purla uf Auatralla. inUce on Fort Htreet, (oppoaitc Mr. Ira Richardson's Mbjre), Honolulu. COLAS. T. UIMCK, Notary Putollc, AMI Agent to take Acknowlederments for Labor f.i.M Interior Office. Honolulu. ly J Oil "! II. TI , Notary Public and Commissioner of Deeds For the State of California. Office at the llauk of Bishop Co., Kaatiumann Street, Honolulu. t?l-1- Dr. .'. IKOI SM ll. Office and Drug Store. Cor. of Fort and Merchant Sts, SM HONOLULU. 1) I IE . .11 O XX SHI T II , DEHTTIST, ir.Tinr resumeil practice, can lie fnuiel at Ills rexim. o.er K Mi . li a Cu.'v Drug Sture, corLcr of Fort and Hotel Sta. 806-I- y risos. u. ruici i. Stationer, News Dealer and Book- binder. Merchant Street, Il.m.. lulu. Also Rtenrll Cnttlne. ('aliriijilij anil CupyiDg, lirotuitl execute.! ou reaaon.l.le terms. .17-l- y IIO X.I.I I I SOAP .VOHKS, BY W. J. RAWLINS. The Proprietor of the above Works Is prepared to supply tits ctMotuf rs, and the public iu general, with tbe best quality Yellow Soap. Soft Sonp nl ways on hand. 77r Highest Price Paid for Soap Grea$c. 613 ly- - C. BREWER & CO., t II. A. P. CARTER, r. C. JONES, JR. J. 1. BBZWKU. SHIPPING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. W. . tStWaU Ai CO., Commission Merchants, Plantation and Insuranco Agent., S13 nonolalu, Hawaiian Island.. 77 AFO..U aV ACIII'CK. Importer.. Wholesale and Retail Dealer, in General Merchandise, AndChin.noo.ls, Id theFlre-pro- ftoreeu aTaaaai Street, auder tbe Public Uall. MMy A. W. PE1RCE &. CO., (Sncceuor. to C. L. Ricuaan. k Co.,) Ship Chandler, and General Commission Merchants. 121 Aftent, r..r tbe PuulnaSalt Worka. Hou.ilulu. Hawaiian Island.. it JOII T. WATKRIIOI XK, IMPORTER AND DEALER IH GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Queen Street, Honolulu, n. I. 621 ly C D. LBWRRS. J. O.D1CK.O. I I U I IIS ,V MCKSOf, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IH LUMBER, And all kind, of Building Material., I'ort Street, Uoaolula 496-lJ-- F. A. SCIIAEFI1K A. CO.. Importers and Commision Merchants 507J Honolulu. Hawaiian I. land.. ly F. X. UHVK11AII Co.. Importers and Commission Agent, and Wholesale Dealers in General Morchandiso 4U Qnaaa 81. nail to the OBVc of J. I. Dowett, F.o fir BOLLES ale CO., Ship Chandlers and Commission Merchants. Importers and Dealer, in General Merchandise, Qoaea Street, Honolulu, Hawaiian Island.. i Agents for the Kaunatakai, Moaaalaa, and Kakaaku gall Work.. SS ly SM. X. DO.EI.U CABIHET MAKER AND UPHOLSTERER King Street. Honolulu, oppo.it. Lewi.1 Cooper Shop. Will iuS buy and wil cond-ban- Kortiiture. ly C. K. WILLIAMS, MANUFACTURER, IMPORTER AND SEALER ta Fnrnitcreof eTerrdaacriptioa. Furnitore s on FortStreet, opposite Cha.e'.PhotagraphOallery. Work-ho- p at th. old atand on note! Street, near Fort. 508 Orders from th. other Islands pnaaptlyattended to. 1 II. K. Ncl.sTI'RE A BKOTHER, GROCERY. FEED STORE and BAKERY, Corner of Kinx and Fort streets. UONOLULU. Ml-l-y A. b. CL'iaoA5, A. 8 saiTBlrj. ri.i:;iiR , Co.. nAinu ad DULras in General Morchandiso, Cwner Queen and Kaahomann Sfreetr, SM ty Jin. & Niia.tnu St., corner Fort aud Hotel St. I. 1. L. a. W. u;m. friei. a. i.ai-m:- . groceries and provision dealers Family Grocery an Fred Store, 536-l- 6rFort Street, ITannlnln T II O M A H LACK, Sncc-.-.- ir to Johji Nelll. rVlachlnist, Lock and Cun Smith Pewlnn Mvchlne. replril: llealer In Sp.-r- r. it Good. A'-n- t br the Celebrated FI.i IIIKNCB SEWING MACIIINKS 4n. F. rt .street. Ilonolnlli. II. I. Ufi-l- HeCOleOAJ" .V Urn MERCHANT TAILORS. 490 St., opposite Mr. G. Kbodef' Store ly BARTLETT SALOON, ,VI I.I.I ATI III Ill's. Corner of llnl. and Fort .Streets. Tnr choicest Ajrn iiest of amis. an.l M'llllTN always uj be found at tbe liar. 492 ly IIVHta BROTHERS, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS In Ftuhinnahlr Clothing, Hats. C.ip, Doot, SIiom, anil erery rariely of Gentlemen'. Fnrni.hing Oood.. Snow'. Merchant Street. Ilonolola. f&17-l- E. MTKCIIZ, APOTHECARY AND DRUGGIST Corner Fort and Hotel Streets, Honolulu, Oahu. - Keeps open erery SATl'UDAY KVEXINO. 025-l- PaUSCBUSat .V W1CKE, OARINET MAKERS, HOTEL STREET, Next door to Strehx's Drug Store. Furniture made and repaired .t reiuon.hle rate.. Billianl Table, repaired and altered, l'iano. moved, Ac, Arc. aiV Order, from the other I.iands will be prouiptly to. BT If S. '. AI.I.O. COMMISSION ACiEMT. AUKNT XIU OI'llOONKGa Mary Ellen, Fairy Queen, Pauahi, Actire. 498 ly WiiMliinsrton U :tt tlnrl.ci. Next dour to Lov.-'- Blaaa llakery, Nuuanu Street, Uonoluln K. W. DUNNE, PHoraiEToa. Beef, Mutton and Yeal of the Best Quality. Al - Salt Pork, S.lt Beef, Superior Pork Sausages, alway. on blind and ivil.l at the Lowe.t Market Price.. o21 Meats delivered to all part, of the City. n i;ntoi'oi.n i .nAKKCT, C. WALLER, Proprietor I. u- Street, fX ly Honolulu. II. I". CIIL.CK.si .V CO., DEALERS IN DRY GOODS AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE, on Fort St., aboreQdd Fellows Tfall . SO K. MA4."II, X... -. I Fort Street O.I.I Fellow.' Hull. Importer-o- f and Dealer in Dry Goods and Clothing, Hats and Caps, FURXISMXQ GOODS, c, rfc, Ac. I 1 The III(-liei- it Price p.ii.l Tor (ilti:i:. ! ad pitY HIIiKN. MaTt WUB Itll.l COFFEE I S03-l- BISHOP & CO., B ANKBHS, HONOLULU, i i i HAWAIIAN ISLANDS DRAW BtC-U- OTt THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA, : : SAN FRANCISCO ASD Til EJK A0K3TS II New Yorkt Boston. Pari. Auckland THE ORIENTAL BANK CORPORATION, : : : LONDON ADD TUK1U UHAICUCa IX Hong Kong, Sydney, and Melbourne. And transact a General Banking Basin. (Sii-l- m TUOBO. II. UAVII1S, Late Jaxiox, Greek A Co. IMPORTER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT ASD AOS5T FOl Lloyd's and the Liverpool Uatlerwriters, llritiflh and ,n Marine Insurance Company, and Northern Asnrauce Company. 620-l- HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO. Stpft. STEAM ENGINES, Suffar "111.9. twallollcra. Clcrs, Iron, Brass and Lend Castiugs Machinery of Every Description, MjT Mane to Ordrr. "tfft Particular attention paid to Ship's Blacksmithing garJOB WORK axstemtajosi the shortest not ire. S03-l- U. CltilLtl.H. K Kl&ILIE. O. KKGKI.KE.ir fc ro., TIN, ZINC AND COPPER SMITHS, AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, Nuuanu Street, oetween Merchant and Queen tit HUSIXKSS NOTICES. JJaveconntantlyon hand. Stoves. Pipe,OaIvanisel Iron Pipe, Plain and HoseBlbhi, India Robber Hose bst in lengths of W and 50 feet. ;!.;; - sand pipe complete. andalsoa very large stock of Tinwareof every de scription. Particul.irattentlon s;Ucn to Order ifrom the other Islands will be carefully attended to. Thankful to the Citizens of II. .m. lulu and the Islands srenorally for their liberal patronage in the past, we hope by etrictattentlon to bnalness to merit th same fortbafuture 07 ly I. 9. CASTLE. J. B. ATHERTOff. J. P. COOKE CASTLE & COOKE, Shipping and Commission Merchants, IMPORTERS AKD Dealers in General Merchandise, No. 80 King Street, rjonolnlo, ITawaiiaD Islands. AGENTS FOR The Union Insurance Company of San Francisco. Tbe New England Mutual I.ifelnsurance Co., Boston. TheOre;an Packet Line, Dr. Jayne A Sou'. Celebrated Medicine., Wheeler A Wilson's Sewing M.. bines, 492 Iy Tbe Kohala Plantation, Tbe flaikn Plantation, W. II. Bailey'. Plantation, Wajaln. Plantation, Iiatuakua Plantation, R. C. K I B B Y No. 63 Fort Ktreet, (Oppositethe Furniture Ware Rooms of Mr. William.,) HVtlM. HAD 3IAXY Vi tus EX. perience in Watch Jobbing in all its Branches, Solicit, a .hare of the patronage of the citizen, of this Kiiurdom : fine work Delaf a specialty, and satisfaction guaranteed In all cases. Mr. E. HMITH havlnr withdrawn on acconnt of 01 health, I will continue to lieplate with BllTer both Herman Sliver and Britannia. Will also Repair Sewing Marhines, Manufacture Can eft. Set SbeJla In Gold or Silver ; In fthort, will mend any .mall thin, tbat la broken In Gold Mlver. Steel or Ivory. ladies are partleolarlr invited to call and examine the DOMESTIC BJawlSU MACHINE. S07-I- y H. C. KIBI1Y. Es Bill if ll li m. IS i! co ra T3 i 8 3 s Riflf ; ilJ'gj Ij 3 pc if?s si SS P I 5 BUSINESS NOTICES. O. II. aUTOIGdCK, Notary Fubllo, Ililo, ... ias-l- c. J. BARTOW. Amtcttaateer. Sale.room on Queen Street, one door from Kaabum.no MO-l- y WI Tt G It 49 .V CO.. a Bakora, IlMt Tilot Bread an.l Cracker, alway. on hand. Corner o Nnuaou and Beretaala StreebJ. 540 ly W. S. I.RIIIAI II A CO.. IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS In Faahionable Clothing, Hat., Cups, Baata. Shoe, .nil erery rariely of Gentlemen, snperior Furni.htng Good. Store In Makee'l Ulock, Queen Street, .Honolulu, U. I. iMl-ly- l A. P. EVERETT, Forwardiii; and (ommis-iio- Merchant, 405 Front Street, curn.-- or Clay, HAX FK,V4'IS'. r " Particular utujntlon ioi.l to Cotislnmcnta of iHland Ir.Mlnee. 491 ly HAWAIIAN SOAP WORKS, GREY & CO., Manufactnrers and Dealers in ALL KINDS OF SOAPS! Leleo, King St., Honolulu. BEEF, MUTTON AND GOAT TALLOW WANTED. Ijeir Orders and Bills left at Ira Ivichardson's Boot and Shoe Store, will meet with prompt attention. K,.iy PHOTOGRAPHS FOR SALE -A- LL KINDS AND SIZES! COSMOPOUTAN GALLERY ! 64 and 66 Fort Street. Tin: nrsT quality, vbeatent vaui. and at the Lowest Prices. ATiS- O- Iortrnita tnk-- In hftUr style and quality than at any oilier plact la the city, fur the LOW ritlCE of $3.50 PER DOZEN! BIT IK j not listen to any rpcommeudatlon.but come and oee for yourself. 5Jo-i- y n. I. CHASE. THE HAWAIIAN HOTEL ! PROFKIKTOK WILL MM KK NO Tilt: pains to m&ke thia ELEGANT IX O T3D X--. First-Clas- s in Every Particular! ROOMS CAN BE HAD BY THE WEEK OR NIGHT, wtili or without board. IFnll and T.nnc Konm. lo t for Pnbllc 501 fl t'otlnifH or Soi'lotioM. ly HIDES, SKINS, TALLOW. mill': UNDKR8IGNED CONTINUE TC X par the highest market price for I'ry Hiilel, (luat Baiat and Uuat Tallow. 529-3- C. BREWER A CO. TO WOOL GROWERS. DNDBBSIOMBD CONTINIIK TO TUB Wools at good prices. Wools coming to market this Spring particularly desired ta make freight jjjjjjaj C. BREW Kit A CO. PLANTATIONS. KAUPAKUEA PLANTATION NOW COMING IN and for sale SUGAR to suit purchasers by 529-3- AFONU 4 ACIIUCK. Pioneer Mill, Lahaina. CAMPBELL & TEUTON, Proprietor.. of superior quality, now coming in and for sale in quantities to suit by 529-:i- II. IIACKFELD t CO. WAILUKU PLANTATION. CROP NOW COMINO IN. FOR SALE NEW quantities to suit purchaser., by 529-:i- C. BREWER CO., Agents. MAKEE PLANTATION. new Crop of Nne;ar A Molasses OW COMING IN, AND FOR SALE IN QUAN-1- 1 tities to .tuit purchaser, by MJ-l- in C. BREWER A CO.. Areni. NEW PHOTOGRAPHS! A FEW PHOTOGRAPH VIEWS TAKES BT M II. MO BZiIiHR, I.ntelj from Tahlli, BE URTAIFTED AT THE 8TORE CAN the undersigned. Among them are tbes. : View of the City and Harbor of Honolulu, taa.a from Punchbowl unquestionably tbe finest picture of Uooololu eilaot. View of Port at, i Harbor of Papeete. View in Koolau, Oahu. Mountain Scenery in Koolau, Oahu. Poiat Venus, Tahiti. Australian Steamer at Wharf in Hooolulo. Diamond Head, Honolulu. McKeag-ue'- s Sugar Plantation, Koolaa. Tamarind and Cocoannt Trees. Hap of Tahiti and Moore. . These are all very finely taken, and can be had mounted or nnmoanted. For Sale by S04-2- B. il. WHIT.VET. California I.lme, Portland Cement, California Brick. For sale by IIOLI.ES A CO. From Boston Direct ! Por Syroii. r am ki:4 i; ( urro.v diik-xc- w. a to o MA MLLILAL ALSO Best Quality Ash Oars, 10 to 22 feet-- For Sale by t BOLLES CO. l"KA( HKS. 1'F.ARS. CASES Unlncea, Case. Qnuicea, Caara Orapea, Caaea Ploma, Assorted Fruits. COAL TAB, WHOLE NO. 543. FOREIGN NOTICES. in t n. wuitias. ainii r. iiancaau. can. . aoao i WILLIAMS. BLANCHARD & CO., Shipping and Commission Merchants, 21S California Street. San Francisco. ly Dr. Steele's MEDICAL WONDER TBI 6RIAT Oral FOR ALL ACflES r.im- - Rheumatic, Xcrrouf, or ftritinj" from Derangements of the Stumaeh. Liver or Blood. As a Family Medicine, To be htpt ennttantlf in the Htnut, it is .mperior to anj. an ith SAFK. RELIABLE and SURE. It is Purblt Veoktablk, and with tbe WONDER PILLS ij aimutt a drug store. ZlT GEO. C. McLEAN ft the General Afent for these Islands. e4m. DR. J. COLLIS BR0H'M-:- OHIiORODYiVB IS THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. rnn PUBLIC ARB CAUTIONED AGAINST J the unfounded atatemcnts frequantlj made, "that tbe cotnpojitiuQ of Ciilokodt.ik is knowa to Chem- ists and the Medical profession. The fact is. Chl-w- diiourared and invented by Dr. J. COL-LI- 8 UKOWNK (ex Arm; .Medical .v..:! . and so named bjr him, and it has baffled all attempts at anal- ysis the first Chemists of the dajr. The method and secret of the preparation bare neTer been pub- lished. It is obvious, therefore, that anything sold under the name, save Dr. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CllLOKODYNE. is a spurious imitation. CAUTION Sir W. P. Wood stated that Dr. Collis Browne war undoubtedly the inventor of Chlorodyne. KEMKDIAL : V.fi ASD ACTIOX. This iavaluable remedy produces ijulet, rfrrblns; steep, relieves pain, calms the stnin, restores the deranged tutio ttOSM, and itiiuttl healthy action uf the secretlous uf the without ci eating any uf the uupleasaot results at tcitJini tlie uv uf Milium. Old and voonir aiar taka it at all hours and times when repiisite. Thousands of persons tes tily lo its iiittm-iioi- :r'nni u ami w.udirrui cures, while medical men extol iu virtues most vxtetislvely. Bains; It In gstjafl "inaiititiea in tbe follow Ids disttanes : Cbolerw, Djaso-tST- i. Colics, Coutcba. Attbma. Hhttumatlsoi. Nru ralsi.i, ''. Cramp Uysteria, Ac. KXTRACTd VKOM MKDICAL OPLNIO.NS. Tbe RiRbt Hon. Earl Russrll communicatfd to tbe Collssje of rbysiciaus, and J. T. Da? tbat be had received In- formation to the effect that tbe onir remedy of any service In Cholera was CIJLOKODYNK. See Lancet Dec. 31, 1861. Dr. Lowe, Medical Misalonary in India, reports (Dec., 1W5) that in nearly every case uf Cholera la which Dr. J. COLLId BROWNE'S CULORUDY.NE was administered, the patient recovered. Extract from Medical Times, Jan 12, 160. "Chlorodyne l prescribed by scores of t prsctitiooera. Of course it would not thus be singularly popo lar did It not 'supply a want and All a place.' ' Extract frum lbs tieneral Hoard ot Health, Loudon, as to Its efficacy in Cholera. " So strongly are we convinced of the immense, vslne of this remedy, tbat we canuot too forcibly urge the necessity of adopting it in all caees." CAUTION. None genuine without the words " Dr. J. COLLI! BROWN E" on thf Oovcrnmeot SUmp. Overwhelm- ing mmlical testiniiioy accompanies rach bottle. Solo Manufacturer, J. T. DAVENPORT, .13, Great Russell St., Bloomsbury, London. Sold In Bottles at Is. ld., 2s. W., and 4s. tM. AgenU Iu New York, W.JI. .!. A Co. and J. C Wells. 1 8 7 5. THE COMMERCIAL PERIODICAL AND NEWS AGENCY AMERICAN, ENGLISH AND AUSTRALIAN PUBLICATIONS FurnMnl to Snbtcribfrs within Tm to Tventy Day from the date of publication. And at price, tbat barely eo,r tb. coat of .cbacripti.n .od pust.grs thereon. Papers Delivered Free of Polaje in any part of the Group. . No Subscriptions taken for Les. than On. Year. 'u ' file, made op at abort notice for Wb.temeu t Traveler. SUBSCRIPTIONS PAYABLE ALWAY? IN ADVANCE. AMERICAN SEU'SPIFERS N. T. Weekly Herald 5 00 The N. Y. Naliou DUO N. Y. Weekly Time. A ... 4 00 Tb. N. Y. I rial. American 6 00 N. Y. Ledger, a s.ory paper I 00 N. Y. Weekly Tribuu. lot H. Y. Weekly Zeitung 9 00 N. Y. Oerui.ola Q 00 OMflaf de. Ulat. 1m. s 00 Boston Cnitoerrlal Bulletin a .00 Boston Weekly Journal 6 OU Scientific American 4 00 Army an. I Na.y Joarnal 7 AO The American Artisan, muutbly 4 00 llnral New Yorker 4 00 Th. Florida Agricnlturi.i, a 00 Th. Country Qaatlaaaa 4 00 IbbUSTRATED PAPERS Harper'. III. Weekly U 00 " Baiar I 00 LsahV. " Weekly 6 00 " Zeilnoir 6 00 ' " I'ltintuoy Corner.... A 00 " " Blldeet or fan 2 VI London Weekly Punch SOU Appleton's Journal, moutbly pat ta t 00 I aa.ja 111. New. 1400 L..ud..n III. Graphic 1400 Budget of Fun X AO Christian Weekly 4 00 JUVENILE PERIODICALS fit-- Nlchola., monthly 13 SO Youth's Compauiun, weekly 2 AO Little Corporal, weekly 2 SO Nnnsery, monthly 160 CALIFORNIA PERIODICALS g. F. Weekly Bulletin ft 00 8. V. Weekly Alia 0 00 Sac. Weekly Uniou (.eml weakly)... Lilly Kulletln Daily Alta California Weekly Courier (franch) RELIGIOUS PAPERS N. Y. Independent, Coutcretratioual organ Cl.ri.tiau Lniou, II. W. Ileecber's paper Chicago Advance, Congregational It t.,11 luzretfattooall.t N. Y. Obserfer, Prebytavlaa N. Y. Kraugeli.t, Pre.byt.riaa N. Y. Tablet. Catholic 8 00 IS 00 2u 00 II 00 MM 400 400 400 400 Boaton Pilot, Catholic 1 00 LOIDOS PAPERS London III- New. Ell 00 Qrapbic 14 00 " Pall Mall Budg.t 12 00 " Kvening Mail Tlae.) f00 " Batnrday Review 119 Llojd'. Weekly TimM... fat " Weekly Tinie. COS Deapateh f Of " Monthly Iff Howe New. 10 00 Public Opinion 10 00 LO.YDO.f MOV Till. IF. London Art Journal Society Magasiaa... oaraaai i All tbe Year Hound. Blackwood'. Monthly .. Chamber. Joarnal Oovd Word. Ilelirraria Maaaaia. Temple Bar Magazine. . . . . moo tot . tot tot tot tot 400 tot i Off Euclisb Society f OO Westminster Quarterly 4 00 Edluhurrh Quarterly 4tt Britieb Quarterly 400 Londou Quarterly 4 OB AMERICAS MONTHLIES Littall's Living Aga, waakly flO Oft Boston Wav.rly Magaaiae tat Eclectic Magaaia. Iff U.rper's Magazin. ft Of Atlaatic Monthly A 00 Scriboer's Monthly its Laalia'. Magaaiaa tit North American Review f tf Popular .Science, Monthly f Of Godey'. Lady' . Book f tt Uppincott'. H.guina .. f 00 Demorest'. Monthly 100 Tbe Galaxy 600 Overland Monthly A CO PeteranD'a Mag.zh-- 4 00 Aether'. Lady'. Magaaiaa 4 SO gabbatb at (dome 4 00 The American Artisan 4 Of American Agriculturist iff AUSTRALIA PAPERS An.trala.ian, weekly tTOOO r .wn A f mntry Journal t Ot gydo.y III. S.w. 4ff Sydney Steamer neraW, each so ty Any Periodical., act ia n.U Ib.t, will ba ordered at aay time, and supplied at coat aad charge.. H. It. WHITS KIT. 400 '! ""T Iw. la la. ta. la. ;15a. Soapareil Type. tUaaa-Ula- ek .. I 1 00 11 H 1 1 tt f 4 oolf t sjf 00 1 00 4 tt AM 1 Otj tt 0 ItLlaet:. la.be. 1 57 4 tt ft. T M MSuj. M LI- -3 lacbe. 100 I tt T M M 4Llaca-4lnc- h.. 4 00 . 00 1. aj It m 1. H " QaarterofColaai.. . 00 10 00 U 4. It It M cat 40 m Third of coi.mn... oo Hat ltoo ajHaaa HairofColamn II 00 II tt M On. Col.aia U Otl ft 0t 4A tot Tt ta0t OtjatOOt Card., when I alle,l a dhwoont trum tb- -. rat whkk, ara aw adT.rtlasaaU. waaa paM or eaanted naarUrly. V B.-- AI1 .r.iaa adewtawavaat. Baal be araraapal--0- 1. th. .t wheu tiered la. or aa aoale. will h I tbeai. Th. rate, of rharxe. .re rn in tea s remittance. fr Kastern Am. arrtptkHi. may o. mad. try ha .re staasaa. INSURANCE NOTK I S. ILTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., New ox- - li.. THE OLDEST, LARGEST AND BEST LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY In the 1'nlled Stalea. SAM'L G. WILDER, U4 lm Aeal mr th.- - Hawallaa lalajstla. Boston Board of Cnderwriters. GENTS for the Hawaiian I. I 5JJ-I- C tllWH t CO. Philadrlphia Board of I nderwrllf rs. a liK.MTS for the Hawaiian I. land.. fSMj rrwd land.. UI'.KWKR 1 CO. NEW ZEALAND INSURANCE COMPANY, won FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. ESTABLISHED. IMa CAPITAL, - - - ai.ooo.ooo (With unllmltMl lability ofNbarrholderr; . - to't well, protect youm.lt Maiaaraus. INSURANCE 1G1INST LOSS BY FIRE, Of fTfry lw rip Uoii of pro port y tny am ttTfected with thLi t'umpany at iiiotlerate rttlesj. Merchandise, Goods and Freight Insured Ity steamers and aalllnr .eaael arT" Losses can be made payable In llonolnlo.. a v. uwis, U4 ly (At Mr. J. T. Aent for HonoMhl. UNION INSURANCE COMPANY. or AM riAlfllio. AXarino. INCORPORATED, Ittf, CASTLE & COOKE, AGENTS AOS for th Hawallaa lalaneta. ly THE NEW ENGLAND Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Boston, aMSKj Thirty-Ou- r Year Sliiudlnsr ! IPolicioi Ist tied the mott favorable Ternu bhe irreate.t Hisk takes on a Life. $20. 000 Surplus (tistribtttett amtnuj the member anm:aUy. tm, $is,aao,ooo CASTLE & COOKE ACENTS, 50. mil rm: Hawaiian isi.ihv NORTHWESTERN Mutual Life Insurance Company, MIl.H 11 ltl.1. HDHIIMtn. ASBBTB, a 1 V, CJ 0,00 ! rfim: waiT smiismii, ivsiiuxi; CtlMPASY In World. CmKTKKKU I W lift. Hast the advantage of Weatern Male, of IntereaL Wwva--r loat a dollar of Iu Secnrltlea aixl never faUa lo pay Ira loaae. promptly. For particulars upply at tbe OQVe of IIS ly insure O. fjtwrx A CO., Agenta tbe Ifawalbui lalao.kt. HOME MUTUAL Insurance Company of California i: I Mil. I M l AKK Al'THOallZED h. On Cargo, Freight and Treasure I'rotu Ilonolalo to all part, of tbe world, and upon Coasters by Npecial l rnil.loa Z tbe moat favoraM terma w. o. mwiif a CO., ly Afroa for Hawaiian FIREHA.Vg FCMU INSURANCE COMPANY, Or BAN FBANCISCO, ruE Airs m a a x 9 11 , Cosh Capital, Wold, $300,000, By writing .mall line, on carefully selected risks, well distributed, offers i.,di:"mi v !. oi to NSaHss. Losses Promptly Adjusted. All ly on tha W. for Its On the BISHOP CO., Ag.at. tor th. Hawaiiaa Islaads. II IIIII KI.II-III- II. Ul v FIBS IHSTJBAHCE COMPANY. rartllB PXDEHIIOIID h.Tlag awaa .a- - a pointed Agent. ..i ibe ,oov. compear, are preaareu to la.areri.k. against fire, on Stasia and Brick Balltl-la(- a. and ..u Msrehaadls. .tared tber.ia. a ta. ayjat favorabl. bsraM. tor particular, apply a. lb. oaV. t ir-i- f. a. acMAiTia a co. CUaWMAftU INSURANCE COMPANY. UMDBBsIOIBD, AOEITI OW THE THE Casaaaay, bat. baaa aataoriawl u. iaaar.rasaa on ( srgo, Prclftst and Trs.s.rs, from lluaolal. to all porta of th. world, aad vie.v.rw. iW Iy B. BACKfBLt A CO. Insurance Notice. AOKIT FOR THE BRITISH TBE Maria. lasaraaee Coaspaay, f uiz.lt ad 1, hat ad taetractwa. to reduce Ike rale, as laaaraar. Ut wee Hoaoialu aad Part, ia tka Pacltr, aad la aww pre pared to bara. Pulklee at lb. Vvmttt MsU., with a escia redaction on Pr.igbt p.r jteaaser. THEO. H. OAT 10. ftUVly Aftnt Brit. Ar. Afar. Ins. Ot. 14 aiiad Writing Papers. I I.ED CAP PArEtV-1- 2, it and It tka to Ow R ream. Legal Cap Paper- -u and I. Bat to tb ream. Broad aad Narrow BUI Papera. fine Baled Letter Paper. Commercial and Prench Knled So Paper. Ladle.' Baronial Paper and Envelope. ,se .tytea.) Ladiea' White and Pink Initial Paper and Envelope. Ladle' Plain White Initial Paper and Enrelopea. A great variety of an kind, aad ante, of Bnretopea. For aale by tOl 2m H. M. wHirxrr Fresh Split Peas, IEE WlBBit, Iff SALE BY BOLLfS a CO

GAZETTE THE HAWAIIAN GAZETTE,lawyer white a a a New paper about nzu rieei. wiuc.1 anaa fu rleci. ueep, anui rirom inniuu io 120 feet in length every 10 hours. The peat is delivered

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Page 1: GAZETTE THE HAWAIIAN GAZETTE,lawyer white a a a New paper about nzu rieei. wiuc.1 anaa fu rleci. ueep, anui rirom inniuu io 120 feet in length every 10 hours. The peat is delivered





Fare Ira llWtriWn.l'.MIi f 10.00.

Tjnt In the new Post Office Building

V - :.-- Mr.-- . :. Honolulu, II. !.

Ta a Si at-- II mn.i DMMisr art iittiKm.

MKtm with petal, arbite.Tarn aaty Um la taa aaaa at Btrfct.

111 li to ta. aaahrtit boldTW to. tot? tfcy pinel. koM.

A, I 441 snwfgaa; k o'er tkea,Tb. esaaart to Ueanaa dow (or toe.

tt . i l.e,,rt.l:l' 11.:.. fwn. fair ..oe,

Taat to. toto'd eawa to the planup aaa;

LAV. Car diss, fkraad. ta tbiue cop;Ttotf teat . Hut, twt glow, tew a call.

n til.

se tor. I a fcaeara Ojal tb gathering rlomnitoi I to rrJUat. tojrfcut thai ;

citirK. villi matte power,out . Wl darLe- -t boor

IhtoM, Kir tbe aad the Man . hicti.Bre tare rm theer I aatt lo earth and ky.

gaaaxtsfa! a -- . to rake tt white.Ta.w el Ut aa aagl uf peare

a! !...! - I .,. !, ( tied,

TV a.aa.naui I tojto will all bar adVba 1 wah.ai mad aalyaraTW ooraar af U Sowar U..I U.aawd fur me.

- I aM I ... i - rarr.H taat ' iaa' hattoV that none mar too.Lzrezawaaal UB aba Uw,ami aaVt iatl.aarl"t of cat rnoeetae rweet.aTaa tapr arai mptarea, joy reflet.,

far talked together, thon aad I,Waa aarar ban fiat aad twuls were alga ;I larr toaraa. air cheeks to thy enowy tips.

i a prayer ob tbr opening lipa;turn. U. raj weary heart.

tbe. i ! r- - nicKa Sfl u... SJS 1 1 a. far upwar.l (ln-- ;

Aad toy tbaaxaU aMdl aaafaa aruiel Soaar,Tbat baaaw aban ia a talrrr boaer.

; Buy liead tj arI far u

nrlr-ly- .

at lajret.-- ' a:.l a Dutchman, "isklad,bit a pood deal its jaat right"

"a. r..rt,ia. U..J. - n boys to be

as oa tbe street after eight o'clock.

Aad now ibey adulterate honey. This is abaMtry Irand TerreUavte Hail

TLmk of ahUky freezing solid in Montana.

Wta. tkey always did call it an ice drink outmere. WL I'. Spectator.

Mrs. Heteea, of tbaiie King infamy, aceord-- :np to bar aara ajutemeot, if " sick ot tbe hoal

A Fbilaoel4iia broker courted a young lady for- a- - 10 aaatW to k bf her baudonul bar braLbar borae-whipp- him into it

An Indiana clergyman sued a newspaper for

l.be:. anc dropped dead within a week. Tbe De-

troit Free frmt aays these fellows will learn

omeUiiog by and by.

An aditor. down at Ilarrisborp, aays tbe Wil-- .

amsport BuUtiin, bas got a flying machine. The! ' goi knocked off the name in some way, but

Ire goes rigfa: on using it just tbe same.

A minister without boldness, is like a smoothfile, a knife without an edge, a sentinel that is

to let off bis gun. II men will be bold in

must be bold to reprove.

worst are the ditching cutsid coat tbe people dearest, as all men

is oeoru of jadicatare par more for tbe wrongs

laat are theaa than for tbe right

Dj a hap: j contradiction, no system of

pirer such a base view of human natureaj uiat ahicfa ia f adad on eelf-lor- So sure isavstt-ao- ta detrrade whatever it touches.

When we oee the shameful fortunes amassedia all quarters of the globe, are we not impelledto exeJa m that Judas' thirty pieces of silver baretroctiSed acroaa the CMttariea?

Nobody, they aay, is a hero to his valet. Ofcoane, for a man mast be a hero to understand aaara. The valet, I dare say, has great respect forBOBM of kit own Hasp.

bcr I read the aereral dates on the oltkaw that died yetterday and some six hundred

Tears apo, I consider that Great Day when we

thai a!! of u; he cotemporariea, aud our

t; father A'i'l:"'.Says a Wisconsin editor: "A young poetess

ivude in a contribution entitled, ' Let as Love.'

We win do oar beat, bat we hare been married

o !ou- - ye..r. u w. auJ urea little out of prac-


For tbe first time in ber political history (andshe's old as the most of as). China is in tbeawawtry market asking a loan. She wants S3.13S.-37- .

it willin; to coact 95r. a dollar, and give 8

per cent, per annum as interest. Bat there are

do takers.

A Sacranento lawyer remarked to the Court :

ll it cv c..i iiJ opinion. Judge, you are an old

1j!" The Judge allowed bis mildly beaming

ere to (all n;on tbe a brief moment, then,in a roioe bosky with suppressed emotion, said :

ll is mr candid opinion that you are fined $100."

" Dar's de man. Mister Speaker dar's de man

wot dona it " shoaled a colored member, rising

suddenly from hit teat in the Arkansas Legis-

lature, with one hand pointing to a man in

tbe gallery, and with tbe other rubbing the sam-ta-

ot hit craniam. " Dat ar cassed white man

jM doae tp:i down on de top o my head."

The last experiment in the swindling line is

tbat of fellow who claims to be a regular oca-li-

end awritt with an office in Boston, and is

trareUng in tbe suburban towns telling fifty centFpactacio. f a-- $7.50 pair. lie warrants them

to care deataett and blindness, and sayt they arecharged wita galvanism in such a manner at to

render cart speedy and permanent.

tha it was ber property. He did Dot dit- -

hi. misUke tome hoore afterward, and

it oaly through the of the

Stir ap the sleeping lion in tbe breast of

Welebraaa and be trill burl the of theepithet, at nobody but he or an in- -

OCtaw or Motcorite would erer thinkof aaag. For inttance, a Welch ofYork. F Ifyck. aay. of Ben Butler : Ymddang-aa-

j Oad BaUer." bare thought a thou- -

aajog very siiiiif- xpression inwith Batler, bat somehow or other

do it. Courier Journal.


VOL. XI.-N- O. 23.1

TIirr-llnn-- In.A. T. Stewart bas aobecribcd $10,000 to the

Centennial rand.Sirio-- . the brightest or the fixed gtars and par-

ticularly noticeable in the erentn? at this pea Ronia the eoulb-easter- n heavens, derivee itf namefrom Sirig, the Egyptian word for the rump ofthe Nile. It ia bo far distant ibat the liht whichstrikes the eye now, left it 22 years ago. aDd hastiavelpd across the intervening space at the rateof 1S4.000 miles each second. Am. paper.

The pretty rice paper that looks so pure anildelicate i made in China from the pith of a tree ;

oot at all as we make paper from poplar wood,but by simply catting it into thin slice. Andthousands of years before Moses was born, theEgyptians made paper from the great papyros. or

reed, by carefully peeling out the thin layerbetween the bark and the fleshy stem, and press-

ing and drying the pieces into sheets.

It is stated that Germany is discontinu-ing the use of bronze pans. At a recent trial atliruck. in Hungary, between Austrian puns andthe new Kropp cast-ste- puns, the latter made1252 hits, and the former only 212 hits at 27(10

paces. This result is said to have scaled tbe fateof the bronze puns, so far as the ordnance of theGerman army is concerned.

A Baitw missionary in India proposes thatmen and women who go out as missionaries shallenlist for ten years only. He thinks by this plan

lie missionary service would more effective,as many missions are ruinud by sick men hangingon, and by the retention of men too old for bardservice. Furthermore, more would bewilling to serve as missionaries than on the life


A Kixori.An dinner took place recently at theCrystal Palace. About 400 years ago, a citizenof St Clement's, Kastclieap, bequeathed to hisfellow citizens a piece of land, the annual pro-

ceeds of which were to be applied to defrayingtbe expenses once a year of a meal consisting ofbread and cheese, radishes and ale. One day a

large party sat down to the humble repast, butafter it had been disposed of it was quickly fol-

lowed by a banquet which a Lucullus might haveenvied.

A lot of candidates for positions in the gene-

ral post-offic- e in London were obliged to makewritten statements as lo the medical histories ofthemselves and their families, and these are someof their sad but interesting expressions. "Fatherhad a Bunstroke and I caught it of him f " My

little brother died of some funny name :" "ACroat white cat drawed my Bister's breath and shedied of it ;" "Apperplexity ;" " Farasles ;" "Hot-ralge- r

in tbe heud ; " Kummitanic pains ;" "Short-ness of breath "Indigestion or the lungs;"" Toncertiua iu the throat f " Pistoles on theback."

In North Germany tbe reclamation or the ex-

tensive lowlands, that have heretofore remaineduncultivated for lack of drainage, is now proceed-ing with vigor under the auspices of a company

employing a large capital and effective steam

Tbe governments always most machines. Each machine a canal













n r . .1 a f r . i r innzu ieei wiuc ana u leci ueep, anu irom iuu io120 feet in length every 10 hours. The peat isdelivered on the surfece of the ground alongeido

the canal, where it is dried, cut into bricks, and

sent to market. It is an excellent fuel. Iu Hot-lan- d

and Friesland there are 1000 square miles of

this bog land, now worthless, which will be ren-

dered habitable and profitable as fast as the ca-

nals are cut, to say nothing of the immense quan

tities of fuel that will be obtained by the ditchingoperation.

There is in Taris a ridiculous law by which aperson on being run over while crossing the streetis obliged, if not killed, to pay a fine for obstruct-

ing the public highway, and a very peculiar and

oppressive instance of its enforcement occurred

the other day. A little child, tbe offspring of a

poor couple residing in one of the minor streetsrunning oat of the aveoue Josephioe, while play-

ing in tbe middle of the street was knocked down

and run over by a passing carriage and instantlykilled. The bereaved pnreots, in addition to theirsorrow for the loss of their child, were condemned

to pay a use of lOOf- - for not having kept tbe child

out of the street.

Crait fob Catakbh. Although a catarrh of

itself is not to be classed with the dangerous

diseases, italways troublesome, and ifthebroochiatbecome affected a favorable termination, especially

with aged persoot, is not always certain. A

remedy for this affection, as suggested by Dr.

Ilagrrar, is as follows : Five parts of carbolic acid,

lix of aqua ammonia;. pecific gravity O.9G0. ten

of distilled water, and fifteen of alcohol, aud to be

mixed together in a bottle, half

filled with cotton or asbestos, and snuffed up, from

time to time, from tbe bottle. After a thorough

trial of Ibis prescription, Dr. Drand stales that itshortens the first stage of tbe disease, preventsthe second, and alleviates all the symptoms. He

prefers, however, to apply it by inhalation through

the mouth as well as the nose, by pouring a few

drops on porous paper, and holding it in tbe

hollow of the band before tbe face, with the eye


Improvements in Glass Spinning. Recentimprovements in glass spinning by liruofaut. as

set forth in a communication by Professor Her-

mann, promise to develop a new branch of in-

dustry. Prolonged experiments led to tbe dis-

covery of a compound which affords threads sur-

passing in fineness even the single cocoon fibres,

and apparently as soft and elastic as silk. This

substance bas been applied to a variety of uses

bat ou account of the skill required in the work

aioded Pittaborgh tbopmaa laid ,,, Bod the fatiguing character of the labor,

Lit pocket-boo- k, containing a considerable turn of especially to the eyes, tbe articles may as yetmooey on the counter the other day. and forget- - be classed at curiosities. When felted, it forms

titart etwa it beloored. prassed it upon one of excellent material for chemical filters. It itLif lady enstowars, assaring her, in spite of her i adapted to figures for brocades, Arc. and to tbe


at bead


Wethe .





manufacture of clothing, ornaments, furniture

covers, curtains, carpets, lace, collars, etc., and can

be used in knitting and embroidering. In soft-

ness the articles approach silk, and feel like thefinest woolen, while they are warmer than tbelatter and exceedingly light. They are com-

paratively free from mechanical wear, and are not

affected by light, beat, moisture nor acids, and by

reason of tbeir incombustibility, are peculiarly

adapted to ladiea' garments. The annexed prices

of a few articles will indicate tbe present stage

of the manufacture: CufTs, $1.15; collars, JO

cents to $2.50 ; watch chains, 25 cents to SI ;

ladies' hats, complete, S4.75 to $26. Am. Paper.




Dry Oootir, PaiaU, Oil and General Merrbasdlja,636-l- y Corner Fort aod Ktnc St..

IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IK HARDWARECnllrry, Dry Goodn, Paint. and Oil., and Qrnrrnl Mrr- -

rliatwi-.- -, .. I'. Kio. 1. II . "lit; Wo-l- y


m; HONOLULU, H. I. to

A. LEX. CaMFBELL,Morcliant Tailor.

No. 8 Noonnn Street, II mini n In.KM l y


Wlllcontian.- tbetlcneralMer. bandi..eaa.l Shipping bn.lneMat tbe alM're port, where they are prepared to foriii.h thJnrtly celebrated Kawalbae Potato., an.l .nrli nlhrr

are reqnireil by a hale.hiM, at the .h.irtenl noticeand on the mint reitonable terra.. Firewuo.1 alway. 00hand. lj


Uueen Street, llonolnlo. II. I. f5My)

T. A. SCfUJEFEIt,At.K.XT of Bremen Uoarrl uf t'tirlrrwrttra.

of Dreeden BM.rd of L'nderwritera,Agent of Vienna Hoard of Unr.erariter..

CUinm aajojal In.uianre Cooipaniei within the jarisrlictionof tbe abort- Hoard, of Underwriter, will hare to bo certi-fied to by the abort-- agent to make tbem ralid. 52aly

Kl II AII I . ItM Ki:iMO,Merchant Street. Honolulu,

J. Wo Austin's fonner OAitW, ovrr Henry M. Whitney'sI'.ookHtnrr.


Drafting, Bookkeeping, Copying.CuatnmkuHiic Itturine amt (trttt rnl Com

fully cxwtiffa.cion cart- -

AIS IM U A CO.,Sncceaaor. to Doaaett k Co., Corner Fort anil Queen ptroct.

Lumber, Faints, Oil, Hails, Salt and Building(MT-ly- ) Materials, of every kind.

i:. I, a ia vis.Auctioneer and Commission Merchant,

Queen Street, Hi. in. lulu, II. I. 495-l- y




CM Bill. Promptly Collected. fiy


And Ageut for takfDK Acknowledirraenbi of Iuetruiueuts forthe Ialaud uf Oahu.

Ko. S Kaahumauu Street, Uouutula, II.


EDM I ISO T.Attorney and Solicitor,

AttTIIORIZi: TO I.i: FI!TI 820018 to 810.000. ou Morurauo t.f Pre, holdjl nt'low.-s- t ratesof Interest. Ala Agent. In Loudou, and lu oil purla ufAuatralla.

inUce on Fort Htreet, (oppoaitc Mr. Ira Richardson'sMbjre), Honolulu.

COLAS. T. UIMCK,Notary Putollc,AMI

Agent to take Acknowlederments for Laborf.i.M Interior Office. Honolulu. ly

J Oil "! II. TI ,Notary Public and Commissioner of Deeds

For the State of California. Office at the llauk of BishopCo., Kaatiumann Street, Honolulu. t?l-1-

Dr. .'. IKOI SM ll.Office and Drug Store. Cor. of Fort and Merchant Sts,


I IE . .11 O X X SHI T II ,

DEHTTIST,ir.Tinr resumeil practice, can lie fnuiel at Ills rexim. o.erK Mi . li a Cu.'v Drug Sture, corLcr of Fort and Hotel Sta.

806-I- y

risos. u. ruici i.Stationer, News Dealer and Book-

binder.Merchant Street, Il.m.. lulu. Also Rtenrll Cnttlne.

('aliriijilij anil CupyiDg, lirotuitl execute.! oureaaon.l.le terms. .17-l- y


The Proprietor of the above Works Is prepared to supply titsctMotuf rs, and the public iu general, with tbe best quality

Yellow Soap. Soft Sonp nl ways on hand.77r Highest Price Paid for Soap Grea$c. 613 ly--



SHIPPING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS,Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands.W. . tStWaU Ai CO.,

Commission Merchants, Plantation and InsurancoAgent.,

S13 nonolalu, Hawaiian Island.. 77

AFO..U aV ACIII'CK.Importer.. Wholesale and Retail Dealer, in

General Merchandise,AndChin.noo.ls, Id theFlre-pro- ftoreeu aTaaaai Street,

auder tbe Public Uall. MMy

A. W. PE1RCE &. CO.,(Sncceuor. to C. L. Ricuaan. k Co.,)

Ship Chandler, and General Commission Merchants.

121Aftent, r..r tbe PuulnaSalt Worka.

Hou.ilulu. Hawaiian Island..



MERCHANDISE,Queen Street, Honolulu, n. I. 621 ly



And all kind, of Building Material., I'ort Street, Uoaolula496-lJ--

F. A. SCIIAEFI1K A. CO..Importers and Commision Merchants

507J Honolulu. Hawaiian I. land.. ly

F. X. UHVK11AII Co..Importers and Commission Agent, and Wholesale

Dealers in General Morchandiso4U Qnaaa 81. nail to the OBVc of J. I. Dowett, F.o fir

BOLLES ale CO.,Ship Chandlers and Commission Merchants.

Importers and Dealer, in General Merchandise, Qoaea Street,Honolulu, Hawaiian Island..

i Agents for the Kaunatakai, Moaaalaa, and Kakaakugall Work.. SS ly


King Street. Honolulu, oppo.it. Lewi.1 Cooper Shop. WilliuS buy and wil cond-ban- Kortiiture. ly


ta Fnrnitcreof eTerrdaacriptioa. Furnitore s onFortStreet, opposite Cha.e'.PhotagraphOallery. Work-ho- p

at th. old atand on note! Street, near Fort.508 Orders from th. other Islands pnaaptlyattended to. 1


Corner of Kinx and Fort streets.UONOLULU. Ml-l-y

A. b. CL'iaoA5,

A. 8saiTBlrj.

ri.i:;iiR , Co..nAinu ad DULras in

General Morchandiso,Cwner Queen and Kaahomann Sfreetr,SM ty


Niia.tnu St., corner Fort aud Hotel St.

I. 1. L. a. W. u;m.friei. a. i.ai-m:- .

groceries and provision dealersFamily Grocery an Fred Store,

536-l- 6rFort Street, ITannlnln

T II O M A H LACK,Sncc-.-.- ir to Johji Nelll.

rVlachlnist, Lock and Cun SmithPewlnn Mvchlne. replril: llealer In Sp.-r- r. it Good.

A'-n- t br the Celebrated FI.i IIIKNCB SEWING MACIIINKS4n. F. rt .street. Ilonolnlli. II. I. Ufi-l-


490 St., opposite Mr. G. Kbodef' Store ly


Corner of llnl. and Fort .Streets.

Tnr choicest Ajrn iiest of amis.an.l M'llllTN always uj be found at tbe liar.

492 ly


In Ftuhinnahlr Clothing, Hats. C.ip, Doot, SIiom, anilerery rariely of Gentlemen'. Fnrni.hing Oood.. Snow'.

Merchant Street. Ilonolola. f&17-l-


Corner Fort and Hotel Streets, Honolulu, Oahu.- Keeps open erery SATl'UDAY KVEXINO. 025-l-


Next door to Strehx's Drug Store.Furniture made and repaired .t reiuon.hle rate.. Billianl

Table, repaired and altered, l'iano. moved, Ac, Arc.

aiV Order, from the other I.iands will be prouiptlyto. BT If


AUKNT XIU OI'llOONKGaMary Ellen, Fairy Queen,Pauahi, Actire. 498 ly

WiiMliinsrton U :tt tlnrl.ci.Next dour to Lov.-'- Blaaa llakery, Nuuanu Street, Uonoluln

K. W. DUNNE, PHoraiEToa.Beef, Mutton and Yeal of the Best Quality.

Al - Salt Pork, S.lt Beef, Superior Pork Sausages, alway.on blind and ivil.l at the Lowe.t Market Price..

o21 Meats delivered to all part, of the City.

n i;ntoi'oi.n i .nAKKCT,

C. WALLER, ProprietorI. u- Street, fX ly Honolulu.


MERCHANDISE,on Fort St., aboreQdd Fellows Tfall . SO

K. MA4."II,X... -.

I Fort Street O.I.I Fellow.' Hull.Importer-o- f and Dealer in Dry Goods and

Clothing, Hats and Caps,FURXISMXQ GOODS, c, rfc, Ac.

I 1 The III(-liei- it Price p.ii.l Tor (ilti:i:.! ad pitY HIIiKN.

MaTt WUB Itll.l COFFEE I S03-l-




New YorktBoston.



Sydney, andMelbourne.

And transact a General Banking Basin. (Sii-l- m

TUOBO. II. UAVII1S,Late Jaxiox, Greek A Co.


Lloyd's and the Liverpool Uatlerwriters,llritiflh and ,n Marine Insurance Company, andNorthern Asnrauce Company. 620-l-


Stpft. STEAM ENGINES, Suffar "111.9.twallollcra. Clcrs, Iron, Brass and Lend Castiugs

Machinery of Every Description,MjT Mane to Ordrr. "tfft

Particular attention paid to Ship's BlacksmithinggarJOB WORK axstemtajosi the shortest not ire. S03-l-

U. CltilLtl.H. K Kl&ILIE.


SHEET IRON WORKERS,Nuuanu Street, oetween Merchant and Queen



JJaveconntantlyon hand. Stoves. Pipe,OaIvaniselIron Pipe, Plain and HoseBlbhi, IndiaRobber Hose bst in lengths of W and 50feet. ;!.;; - sand pipe complete.andalsoa very large stock of Tinwareof every de

scription.Particul.irattentlon s;Ucn to Order ifrom the

other Islands will be carefully attended to.Thankful to the Citizens of II. .m. lulu and the Islands

srenorally for their liberal patronage in the past, we hope byetrictattentlon to bnalness to merit th same fortbafuture

07 ly


CASTLE & COOKE,Shipping and Commission Merchants,


Dealers in General Merchandise,No. 80 King Street, rjonolnlo, ITawaiiaD Islands.

AGENTS FORThe Union Insurance Company of San Francisco.Tbe New England Mutual I.ifelnsurance Co., Boston.TheOre;an Packet Line,Dr. Jayne A Sou'. Celebrated

Medicine.,Wheeler A Wilson's Sewing

M.. bines,492 Iy

Tbe Kohala Plantation,Tbe flaikn Plantation,W. II. Bailey'. Plantation,Wajaln. Plantation,Iiatuakua Plantation,

R. C. K I B B YNo. 63 Fort Ktreet,

(Oppositethe Furniture Ware Rooms of Mr. William.,)HVtlM. HAD 3IAXY Vi tus EX.

perience in

Watch Jobbing in all its Branches,Solicit, a .hare of the patronage of the citizen, of thisKiiurdom : fine work Delaf a specialty, and satisfactionguaranteed In all cases.

Mr. E. HMITH havlnr withdrawn on acconnt of 01

health, I will continue to lieplate with BllTer both HermanSliver and Britannia.

Will also Repair Sewing Marhines,Manufacture Can eft. Set SbeJla In Gold or Silver ; In fthort,will mend any .mall thin, tbat la broken In Gold Mlver.Steel or Ivory. ladies are partleolarlr invited to call andexamine the DOMESTIC BJawlSU MACHINE.

S07-I- y H. C. KIBI1Y.

Es Bill if ll li m. IS i!

co ra T3 i 8 3 s

Riflf ; ilJ'gj Ij 3

pc if?s si SS P I 5


O. II. aUTOIGdCK,Notary Fubllo,

Ililo, ... ias-l-

c. J. BARTOW. Amtcttaateer.Sale.room on Queen Street, one door from Kaabum.no

MO-l- y

WI Tt G It 49 .V CO..a Bakora,

IlMt Tilot Bread an.l Cracker, alway. on hand. Corner o

Nnuaou and Beretaala StreebJ. 540 ly


In Faahionable Clothing, Hat., Cups, Baata. Shoe, .nilerery rariely of Gentlemen, snperior Furni.htng Good.Store In Makee'l Ulock, Queen Street, .Honolulu, U. I.

iMl-ly- l

A. P. EVERETT,Forwardiii; and (ommis-iio- Merchant,

405 Front Street, curn.-- or Clay,HAX FK,V4'IS'.

r " Particular utujntlon ioi.l to Cotislnmcnta of iHlandIr.Mlnee. 491 ly


GREY & CO.,Manufactnrers and Dealers in

ALL KINDS OF SOAPS!Leleo, King St., Honolulu.


Ijeir Orders and Bills left at IraIvichardson's Boot and Shoe

Store, will meet withprompt attention. K,.iy



64 and 66 Fort Street.

Tin: nrsT quality, vbeatent vaui.and at the

Lowest Prices.ATiS- O- Iortrnita tnk-- In hftUr style and quality

than at any oilier plact la the city, fur the LOW ritlCE of

$3.50 PER DOZEN!BIT IK j not listen to any rpcommeudatlon.but come and

oee for yourself. 5Jo-i- y n. I. CHASE.


PROFKIKTOK WILL MM KK NOTilt: pains to m&ke thia


First-Clas- s in Every Particular!ROOMS CAN BE HAD BY THE WEEK OR NIGHT,

wtili or without board.

IFnll and T.nnc Konm. lo t for Pnbllc501 fl t'otlnifH or Soi'lotioM. ly

HIDES, SKINS, TALLOW.mill': UNDKR8IGNED CONTINUE TCX par the highest market price for I'ry Hiilel,(luat Baiat and Uuat Tallow.

529-3- C. BREWER A CO.

TO WOOL GROWERS.DNDBBSIOMBD CONTINIIK TOTUB Wools at good prices. Wools coming to

market this Spring particularly desired ta makefreight jjjjjjaj C. BREW Kit A CO.


KAUPAKUEA PLANTATIONNOW COMING IN and for saleSUGAR to suit purchasers by


Pioneer Mill, Lahaina.CAMPBELL & TEUTON, Proprietor..

of superior quality, now comingin and for sale in quantities to suit by

529-:i- II. IIACKFELD t CO.


CROP NOW COMINO IN. FOR SALENEW quantities to suit purchaser., by529-:i- C. BREWER CO., Agents.


new Crop of Nne;ar A MolassesOW COMING IN, AND FOR SALE IN QUAN-1- 1

tities to .tuit purchaser, byMJ-l- in C. BREWER A CO.. Areni.



M II. M O BZiIiHR,I.ntelj from Tahlli,

BE URTAIFTED AT THE 8TORECAN the undersigned. Among them are tbes. :View of the City and Harbor of Honolulu, taa.a

from Punchbowl unquestionably tbe finestpicture of Uooololu eilaot.

View of Port at, i Harbor of Papeete.View in Koolau, Oahu.Mountain Scenery in Koolau, Oahu.Poiat Venus, Tahiti.Australian Steamer at Wharf in Hooolulo.Diamond Head, Honolulu.McKeag-ue'- s Sugar Plantation, Koolaa.Tamarind and Cocoannt Trees.Hap of Tahiti and Moore. .

These are all very finely taken, and can be hadmounted or nnmoanted. For Sale by

S04-2- B. il. WHIT.VET.

California I.lme,Portland Cement,

California Brick.For sale by IIOLI.ES A CO.

From Boston Direct !

Por Syroii.r am ki:4 i; ( urro.v diik-xc- w. a to oMA MLLILAL


Best Quality Ash Oars,10 to 22 feet-- For Sale by



l"KA( HKS. 1'F.ARS.CASES Unlncea, Case. Qnuicea,Caara Orapea, Caaea Ploma,

Assorted Fruits.COAL TAB,

WHOLE NO. 543.

FOREIGN NOTICES.in t n. wuitias. ainii r. iiancaau. can. . aoao i


Shipping and Commission Merchants,21S California Street. San Francisco. ly


r.im- - Rheumatic, Xcrrouf, or ftritinj"from Derangements of the Stumaeh. Liver or Blood.

As a Family Medicine,To be htpt ennttantlf in the Htnut, it is .mperior to

anj. an ith SAFK. RELIABLE and SURE.

It is Purblt Veoktablk, and with tbe WONDERPILLS ij aimutt a drug store.

ZlT GEO. C. McLEAN ft the GeneralAfent for these Islands. e4m.



rnn PUBLIC ARB CAUTIONED AGAINSTJ the unfounded atatemcnts frequantlj made, "that

tbe cotnpojitiuQ of Ciilokodt.ik is knowa to Chem-

ists and the Medical profession. The fact is. Chl-w-

diiourared and invented by Dr. J. COL-LI- 8

UKOWNK (ex Arm; .Medical .v..:! . and sonamed bjr him, and it has baffled all attempts at anal-ysis the first Chemists of the dajr. The methodand secret of the preparation bare neTer been pub-lished. It is obvious, therefore, that anything soldunder the name, save Dr. J. COLLIS BROWNE'SCllLOKODYNE. is a spurious imitation.

CAUTION Sir W. P. Wood statedthat Dr. Collis Browne war undoubtedly the inventorof Chlorodyne.

KEMKDIAL : V.fi ASD ACTIOX.This iavaluable remedy produces ijulet, rfrrblns; steep,

relieves pain, calms the stnin, restores the deranged tutiottOSM, and itiiuttl healthy action uf the secretlous uf the

without ci eating any uf the uupleasaot results attcitJini tlie uv uf Milium. Old and voonir aiar taka it at allhours and times when repiisite. Thousands of persons testily lo its iiittm-iioi- :r'nni u ami w.udirrui cures, whilemedical men extol iu virtues most vxtetislvely. Bains; It Ingstjafl "inaiititiea in tbe follow Ids disttanes : Cbolerw, Djaso-tST-

i. Colics, Coutcba. Attbma. Hhttumatlsoi. Nruralsi.i, ''. Cramp Uysteria, Ac.


Tbe RiRbt Hon. Earl Russrll communicatfd to tbe Collssjeof rbysiciaus, and J. T. Da? tbat be had received In-

formation to the effect that tbe onir remedy of any service InCholera was CIJLOKODYNK. See Lancet Dec. 31, 1861.

Dr. Lowe, Medical Misalonary in India, reports (Dec., 1W5)that in nearly every case uf Cholera la which Dr. J. COLLIdBROWNE'S CULORUDY.NE was administered, the patientrecovered.

Extract from Medical Times, Jan 12, 160. "Chlorodyne l

prescribed by scores of t prsctitiooera. Ofcourse it would not thus be singularly popo lar did It not'supply a want and All a place.' '

Extract frum lbs tieneral Hoard ot Health, Loudon, as toIts efficacy in Cholera. " So strongly are we convinced of theimmense, vslne of this remedy, tbat we canuot too forciblyurge the necessity of adopting it in all caees."

CAUTION. None genuine without the words " Dr. J.COLLI! BROWN E" on thf Oovcrnmeot SUmp. Overwhelm-ing mmlical testiniiioy accompanies rach bottle.

Solo Manufacturer, J. T. DAVENPORT,.13, Great Russell St., Bloomsbury, London.

Sold In Bottles at Is. ld., 2s. W., and 4s. tM.AgenU Iu New York, W.JI. .!. A Co. and J. C





FurnMnl to Snbtcribfrs within Tm to Tventy Dayfrom the date of publication.

And at price, tbat barely eo,r tb. coat of .cbacripti.n .odpust.grs thereon.

Papers Delivered Free of Polaje in any partof the Group. .

No Subscriptions taken for Les. than On. Year.

' u ' file, made op at abort notice for Wb.temeu t Traveler.


AMERICAN SEU'SPIFERSN. T. Weekly Herald 5 00The N. Y. Naliou DUON. Y. Weekly Time. A ... 4 00Tb. N. Y. I rial. American 6 00N. Y. Ledger, a s.ory paper I 00N. Y. Weekly Tribuu. lotH. Y. Weekly Zeitung 9 00N. Y. Oerui.ola Q 00OMflaf de. Ulat. 1m. s 00Boston Cnitoerrlal Bulletin a .00Boston Weekly Journal 6 OU

Scientific American 4 00Army an. I Na.y Joarnal 7 AO

The American Artisan, muutbly 4 00llnral New Yorker 4 00Th. Florida Agricnlturi.i, a 00Th. Country Qaatlaaaa 4 00

IbbUSTRATED PAPERSHarper'. III. Weekly U 00

" Baiar I 00LsahV. " Weekly 6 00

" Zeilnoir 6 00' " I'ltintuoy Corner.... A 00" " Blldeet or fan 2 VI

London Weekly Punch SOUAppleton's Journal, moutbly pat ta t 00I aa.ja 111. New. 1400L..ud..n III. Graphic 1400Budget of Fun X AO

Christian Weekly 4 00

JUVENILE PERIODICALSfit-- Nlchola., monthly 13 SO

Youth's Compauiun, weekly 2 AO

Little Corporal, weekly 2 SO


g. F. Weekly Bulletin ft 008. V. Weekly Alia 0 00Sac. Weekly Uniou (.eml weakly)...Lilly KulletlnDaily Alta CaliforniaWeekly Courier (franch)

RELIGIOUS PAPERSN. Y. Independent, Coutcretratioual organCl.ri.tiau Lniou, II. W. Ileecber's paperChicago Advance, CongregationalIt t.,11 luzretfattooall.tN. Y. Obserfer, PrebytavlaaN. Y. Kraugeli.t, Pre.byt.riaaN. Y. Tablet. Catholic

8 00IS 002u 00II 00



Boaton Pilot, Catholic 1 00

LOIDOS PAPERSLondon III- New. Ell 00

Qrapbic 14 00" Pall Mall Budg.t 12 00" Kvening Mail Tlae.) f00" Batnrday Review 119

Llojd'. Weekly TimM... fat" Weekly Tinie. COSDeapateh f Of

" Monthly IffHowe New. 10 00Public Opinion 10 00

LO.YDO.f MOV Till. IF.

London Art JournalSociety Magasiaa...oaraaai i

All tbe Year Hound.Blackwood'. Monthly . .

Chamber. JoarnalOovd Word.Ilelirraria Maaaaia.Temple Bar Magazine.






. tottottottot400tot

i OffEuclisb Society f OO

Westminster Quarterly 4 00Edluhurrh Quarterly 4ttBritieb Quarterly 400Londou Quarterly 4 OB

AMERICAS MONTHLIESLittall's Living Aga, waakly flO Oft

Boston Wav.rly Magaaiae tatEclectic Magaaia. IffU.rper's Magazin. ft OfAtlaatic Monthly A 00Scriboer's Monthly itsLaalia'. Magaaiaa titNorth American Review f tfPopular .Science, Monthly f OfGodey'. Lady' . Book f ttUppincott'. H.guina .. f 00Demorest'. Monthly 100Tbe Galaxy 600Overland Monthly A CO

PeteranD'a Mag.zh-- 4 00Aether'. Lady'. Magaaiaa 4 SOgabbatb at (dome 4 00The American Artisan 4 OfAmerican Agriculturist iff

AUSTRALIA PAPERSAn.trala.ian, weekly tTOOOr .wn A f mntry Journal t Otgydo.y III. S.w. 4ffSydney Steamer neraW, each so

ty Any Periodical., act ia n.U Ib.t, will ba ordered at aaytime, and supplied at coat aad charge..



'! ""T Iw. la la. ta. la. ;15a.Soapareil Type.

tUaaa-Ula- ek .. I 1 00 1 1 H 1 1 tt f 4 oolf t sjf 001 00 4 tt AM 1 Otj tt 0

ItLlaet:. la.be. 1 57 4 tt ft. T M MSuj.M LI- -3 lacbe. 100 I tt T M M

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Card., when Ialle,l a dhwoont trum tb- -. rat whkk, ara aw

adT.rtlasaaU. waaa paM or eaanted naarUrly.V B.-- AI1 .r.iaa adewtawavaat. Baal be araraapal--0- 1.

th. .t wheu tiered la. or aa aoale. will h I

tbeai. Th. rate, of rharxe. .re rn in tea s

remittance. fr Kastern Am.arrtptkHi. may o. mad. try ha.re staasaa.



New ox-- li..





In the 1'nlled Stalea.

SAM'L G. WILDER,U4 lm Aeal mr th.- - Hawallaa lalajstla.

Boston Board of Cnderwriters.GENTS for the Hawaiian I.

I 5JJ-I- C tllWH t CO.

Philadrlphia Board of I nderwrllf rs.a liK.MTS for the Hawaiian I. land..







CAPITAL, - - - ai.ooo.ooo(With unllmltMl lability ofNbarrholderr;

. - to't well, protect youm.lt Maiaaraus.INSURANCE 1G1INST LOSS BY FIRE,

Of fTfry lw rip Uoii of pro port y tny am ttTfected withthLi t'umpany at iiiotlerate rttlesj.

Merchandise, Goods and Freight InsuredIty steamers and aalllnr .eaael

arT" Losses can be made payable In llonolnlo..a v. uwis,U4 ly (At Mr. J. T. Aent for HonoMhl.


or AM riAlfllio.AXarino.

INCORPORATED, Ittf,CASTLE & COOKE, AGENTSAOS for th Hawallaa lalaneta. ly


Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Boston,aMSKj

Thirty-Ou- r Year Sliiudlnsr !

IPolicioi Ist tied the mott favorable Ternu

bhe irreate.t Hisk takes on a Life. $20. 000

Surplus (tistribtttett amtnuj the memberanm:aUy.

tm, $is,aao,oooCASTLE & COOKE ACENTS,50. mil rm: Hawaiian isi.ihv


Mutual Life Insurance Company,

MIl.H 11 ltl.1. HDHIIMtn.

ASBBTB, a 1 V , CJ 0,00 !

rfim: waiT smiismii, ivsiiuxi;CtlMPASY In World.

CmKTKKKU I W lift.Hast the advantage of Weatern Male, of IntereaL Wwva--r

loat a dollar of Iu Secnrltlea aixl never faUa lo pay Ira

loaae. promptly.

For particulars upply at tbe OQVe of

IIS ly


O. fjtwrx A CO.,

Agenta tbe Ifawalbui lalao.kt.


Insurance Company of California

i: I Mil. I M l AKK Al'THOallZEDh.

On Cargo, Freight and TreasureI'rotu Ilonolalo to all part, of tbe world,

and upon

Coasters by Npecial l rnil.loa Z

tbe moat favoraM termaw. o. mwiif a CO.,

ly Afroa for Hawaiian



ruE Airs m a a x 9 11 ,

Cosh Capital, Wold, $300,000,By writing .mall line, on carefully selected risks,

well distributed, offers

i.,di:"mi v !. oi to NSaHss.Losses Promptly Adjusted.

All ly







BISHOP CO.,Ag.at. tor th. Hawaiiaa Islaads.



rartllB PXDEHIIOIID h.Tlag awaa .a--a pointed Agent. ..i ibe ,oov. compear, are preaareuto la.areri.k. against fire, on Stasia and Brick Balltl-la(- a.

and ..u Msrehaadls. .tared tber.ia. a ta.ayjat favorabl. bsraM. tor particular, apply a. lb. oaV. t

ir-i- f. a. acMAiTia a co.


UMDBBsIOIBD, AOEITI OW THETHE Casaaaay, bat. baaa aataoriawl u. iaaar.rasaaon ( srgo, Prclftst and Trs.s.rs, from lluaolal.to all porta of th. world, aad vie.v.rw.


Insurance Notice.AOKIT FOR THE BRITISHTBE Maria. lasaraaee Coaspaay, f uiz.lt ad 1, hat

ad taetractwa. to reduce Ike rale, as laaaraar.Ut wee Hoaoialu aad Part, ia tka Pacltr, aad la aww prepared to bara. Pulklee at lb. Vvmttt MsU., with a esciaredaction on Pr.igbt p.r jteaaser.

THEO. H. OAT 10.ftUVly Aftnt Brit. Ar. Afar. Ins. Ot. 14 aiiad

Writing Papers.I I.ED CAP PArEtV-1- 2, it and It tka to OwR ream.

Legal Cap Paper- -u and I. Bat to tb ream.Broad aad Narrow BUI Papera.fine Baled Letter Paper.Commercial and Prench Knled So Paper.Ladle.' Baronial Paper and Envelope. ,se .tytea.)Ladiea' White and Pink Initial Paper and Envelope.Ladle' Plain White Initial Paper and Enrelopea.A great variety of an kind, aad ante, of Bnretopea.

For aale bytOl 2m H. M. wHirxrr

Fresh Split Peas,IEE WlBBit, Iff SALE BY


Page 2: GAZETTE THE HAWAIIAN GAZETTE,lawyer white a a a New paper about nzu rieei. wiuc.1 anaa fu rleci. ueep, anui rirom inniuu io 120 feet in length every 10 hours. The peat is delivered


lit- nf Jon. Ttey

f baHaafU I., will br ohM-rr- d an a uiMic hoiklav,d mil tin m Oflkxa wfll h dowd.

W. X. Mosnroxr.MhihU-- r of Intrtor.

Jnurrtor OfS"- Jane 1, 1871

Th rqrvlw amm




JfkV :4th. 175

t.olt. Ifc, Ifmm JabHacttpim



Hrhool ullw.

KM 211, f- -

retail sp

eiarttnoo IKjoon will - mkhaki I outside at Honolulu

I i


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fTwirrh, C rhtml.ha 'hurrli, 4

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.. In var-- from:st Sd, IS7. from wUkti

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pm this dately of llonoII Mil

Side titNailtnu


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In Hut-t- ,


on either

In tbe


Minister of ut- nor.

- I xpirinc ia Jc, I .".

BUL1 Tho lar. HI. Honolulu.1 Jin 1 II Iliac. Fort M, liouoluiu.3 tMltA CMfcc, Rt, Uonohvtu.t J U Fort Honolulu.- Vine. klaui.aliee St, Honolulu.

B Bonn. Nutuuiu tat. Ilouoluiu.12 11 I Noltr,CurQu.-c- A NunanuHt, HonoluluII J I. tnk, Fort hi. Honolulu.

II Ol Unim, Utk"b-o- , Honolulu.! .m Tka II Walbee.

17 I W Kawaakoa, hatipo.

Uenl Ah Pnue. ataluuapeahi, Kolialn.1 rtinaluu. Kuu.. Aku. liuuokua. Eona.

I AJoaU Htmaunau. Kotia.


IS Ah Ten a-- All Cboey, NbjKKipoo, Koua.IT A km, nilo.

ft Awo. Kohanalkl. Kolia.iuoc Pro. Waioulnu, Kau.

a. .Ik Jiou cliuck. Hanalei.




(aMlF at (look!.. Kliut St.3 F A HrBarfrr. lu,l St.

11 at t Griabauni, ywrn1 t .?. . h, ft Co, Merrliant 8Lg FTUnraatllft Oo QurcnSt.S lw ft IMckaon, FortSL

T Ulawr ft MrrrluuitT ft Co. uuecu BU

AcLuck. Ilouoluiu.

, Nr. 8, Honolulu.




VlrtuliBtx.10 Aksua. W ... . MauL

IT n I Notsp, Cor QDm ft Nuuauu sta.IT Akxaic. National Hotel.

IT Hilo. Hawaii.

1 D II IUlcbcocfci ItUalapaav.

kI R Kim.. . at t. Euicdom.

I iil.il. sl,.,

1 he . I. . r Trial.



one,I . .





O.- - of


Thompson, Nt.



TkTt.y. Royal Hawaiian Theater.

Rentnd of Heidelberg University, re- -

ri'tn the case.



r A. Renaod. oftbc Heidelberg Vnlvcreity,a 3 oftbc mot emineut jurists of Gerroanj, s

d tbe ArrHiv of iludrrn Jurisprudence, thel'sdine lair journal uf Gcrminr, an cxbaurtive

ol tbe Beecticr-Tilto- cue. From tbis paperUrooUvn Vayh lollowinj;

Having carefully examined opening addressplaintiff counsel, evidence of plain- -

ritocfees, and opening address ofit coudscI, I cannot arrive at

dBam. act!












for tbe tbe

theof tbe tbe the

the the de- -

but one con- -

cODTcrsstton with many mybrethren, who lake sn equal interest

t myself in tbit great trial, I herewith deliberately contend that ft if tbe conviction ol the legal minds

any, AoMris sod France, that the plaintiffi no case whatever; and to ut it is a matter

bC ii in that, under the laws of America, be tbouldHi hare been after his evidence was in.

In actions of this kind, character should alwayst than anything else. The plaintiff, fromstands convicted of baring told different

one on the subject. His charges againet the de-

fendant crew more serious as his suimoelty againstLim, from cause disconnected with the esse, In-

creased First it was alienating his nife's affectionstost be accused the defendant of. Then impro--r

proposals, then adultery. And, oddly enough.prefer thi terrible chaige against the

he speaks with maudlin tenderness ofttoe, if that story be true, infamous wile

From this twaddle about the whiteness of the souli f this alleged adulteress alone, impartial mindswnaM justly infer that the plaintiff's mind is singu-larly nhalanced. Hi moral perception, from theway te judges her, would seem to be diseased. And

this ts proved by the disgusting letters, whichI J mall hare published with his consent

it appear at hi Instigation an avalanche; the most preposterous

i would be Inexcusable Id a lotesiek boy, andrender s full grown man moreover, odc who

lavs claim to refinement and Intelligence unfit tomingle decent society.

The defendant's condnct mar have been indiscreet.Hat be H s confiding, warm-hearte- man, food of orgiven to extravagant language a defect into whichrifted persons, especially those who write and speak

n pabtie a great deal, readily fall. Consequentlyit would be extremely unjust interpret with lite- -

mm ti


iu sentimentalism.


tow the plaintiff uses

bis case against To sure, thec position In which the defendant found

in consequence the affection for himin an enthusiastic woman without his fault.

deprive, think justlyhusband lucrative journalistic

harassing him, and, hence, wrotebose letters, undoubted the spnr the moment,

reflection, and while strong influences werebear upon his heart, which seems, was

oaly too easily softened and touched. But theletter, the letter contrition,"

tbe witness Moulton, who says tbe dc- -

MMbeen an dictated





of bis, hichhim. be


to as w veryr of a

wa to bely on of

to it

" ofto

it to him, cannot possibly hareby Mr. Beccbcr. Tbe latter is a

a master of concise language, and, atsuperabundantly prove, accustomed

has thoughts coherently, sensibly andBat this letter, as a piece of composition.

le. The defendant could nothare written or dictated it in that shape, eren whilea prey to the most intense agitation. Islander.

Sees. A French chemist has soI is his experiments as to bar isaaaaw

of pmdacia( at least Mask diamonds, ifaass, from sugar. H has already ob- -

uaaai a carbon eylinder hard enough to est glass, byxsexi the psrfeetly burned sugar to , UmpartUira

IBM lunii Fabreubstl. la a clssed vessel withoutassail at air. It will be aa interesting development,

tar as regard the production of sugar Yieldingr .pa. if tail axperimenter shall succeed fully io hi

sif. aad eaaa aad beet soma to be frown with aview of taMsrftaai transmutation into diamonds.






We wore in error last week in statinp thatthe Chinese pagsenp rs by the lrk Kvik from

Hnnj: Kong had " free tissatre. " to thin port.Their paMape money was simply advanced andprepaid by the Hawaiian Government, with thedistinct understanding that each passenger wasto refnnd it whenev.-- r he obtained employment-Th-

plan is the same as was stated by ns at thetime the order was Hint, some six months apj.These immigrants have proved to l of a verysuperior class, and are readily making engage-

ments at ten to twelve dollars a month. We

Oat wish that the number had been one thou,sand instead of one hundred, as in that case allwho need laborers might have lieen supplied.And for the Government the investment is ccr- -

thc is" 111 .. .l.


ca at least C1U a l ior cacti pemuu, in wway of taxes and duties on foreign productsconsumed. Thus, by advancing twenty-fiv- e

dollars to pay the passage, government not onlyhas its money refunded, hut the venture insuresan income of ten dollars a year on the in-

vestment. This is certainly sound policy,and would lie considered a good commercialventure in anv country.

By a statement in another part of the paper,it will bo seen that Mr. Jamks Lick of SanFrancisco has revised his will, making altera-

tions which arc in the main an improvementover the former deed. The principal changeplaces the management of the great telescopeand oliservatory for which 700,000 was dona-

ted, in the hands of the State University avery wise selcctiou. Another reserves $500,-00- 0

from the Estate, for his own support, in-

stead of taxing it with 825,000 a year. A thirdgives to his son 8150,000 instead of only 83,000.

A fourth cuts down the gift for a monument to

the author of " The Star Spangled Banner "from $150,000 to 800,000, which is amply suf-

ficient. All these arc improvements on theoriginal gifts, unless the sum of 8500,000 re-

served for himself, may appear to some to bo

otherwise. However, the venerable pioneerought to be allowed to do what he chooses withhis own property. We were among those whodoubted the sincerity of his purpose in revok-

ing the first will, and cheerfully accord himpraise for carrying out his original design.

Tun loss of the mail steamer Schiller, ply-

ing lietween New York and Hamburg, whichhappened on the 8th rf May, on the Stillyrocks, near the English coast, adds another tothe list of terrible shipwreck disasters. Shehad on board 250 passengers, with 121 officersand crew, and it is supposed that over threehundred persons were lost. The Stilly Islandslie Southwest from Lands' End, the extremesouthwestern point of England, distant ten orfifteen miles. There are lighthouses on them,but on the night of the 7th it was very foggyand stonny. The Captain and several of hisofficers were among the large number drowned.It is said that the lead and line were not used ;

if bo, to this negligence the disaster must be at-

tributed. The Schiller had on board the Aus-

tralian and Honolulu mails for Europe, 107

bags, taken to San Francisco by the steamerMikado, which left hero April 3. Those whosent important desatches or orders by thatmail will do well to replace them.

Thk long and infamous Tilton-Bccch- er trialis now drawing to a close, and probably ter-

minated during the first week in June. Publicopinion in America and Europe is rapidly set-

tling down to the conviction that there hasbeen no evidence produced to prove the chargemade against Mr. Beccbcr, nor even sufficient

to maintain an action at law. In another col-

umn will be found an article giving the viewsof one of the most eminent jurists of Germany,which he says are shared by jurists of Franceand Austria that Tilton should have been non-Buit- cil

when the evidence on his side had allbeen ofTercd, on the ground that the charge hadnot lieen sustained. This opinion will be shar-ed by many in other countries : but why a mo-

tion to that effect was not made by Mr. Beech-cr- 's

counsel is one of the mysteries of a mostmysterious case. Prof. Bcnaud's views arcvery sound and instructive.

Pafebs received by the last steamer an-

nounce the death of Mr. S. C. F. Odell, HisHawaiian Majesty's Charge d'Affaircs at NewYork. He died at his residence in Brooklyn.May Cth, after having held this diplomatictrust about thirteen years. All who had off-

icial dealings with him speak well of him, andthough he never visited these islauds ho al-

ways took a great interest in them, and wasever proud of his official relations to them.This government loses by his death, a faithfulofficer and wise counsellor, whom it may notbe easy to replace. On the day after the re-

ceipt of the above news, all the governmentflags were displayed at half-ma-st as a mark ofrespect. Tho following obituary notice wefind in the Kcw York Evening Post of May 13 :

The death of Mr. S. C. F. Odell, Charged'Affaircs of the Hawaiian Islands in thiscountry, makes a void which cannot easily befilled. Mr. Odell was a member of the firm ofBarclay & Livingston, and held an honorableand prominent commercial position. As a manof perfect integrity, a discreet counsellor andan able manager, his aid and advice was soughtby many to whom he was a friend at once kindand sincere. Mr. Odell was a religious man,and upon the death of his hrother, Mr. MosesF. Odell, the well-kno- representative inCongress, became the superintendent of theSands Street Sunday School, in Brooklyn. Inthis school he labored with xeal and affectionas his brother had before him, and there he dida great deal of good. Those good deeds,those offices of kindness for the poor and thounsuccessful, which at the close of life sud-denly assume such beauty and importance,were his to a very great degree. Mr. Odellwas a warmhearted man, friendly and veryhospitable. His father and mother are stillliving under his own roof."

That Case of AliiuoiSome condemn the action of the new Chief

Justice of Utah in refusing alimony to AnnEliza Young, on the ground that her marriagewith Brigham was illegal and adulterous. TheSan Francisco Post states the argument thus :" To allow a man to claim a woman as his wifeand to live with her as his 'wife, and then whenit comes to responsibility, to secure exemptionon the ground that he has not been legally mar-ried, is to permit him to profit by his ownwrong doing." That appears to ns to be rath-er slipshod reasoning. What does the Postmean when it speaks of " allowing " a man toclaim a woman as his wile ? Surely it knows

that the law does not allow Brigbam Young to

claim Ann Eliza as his wife ; does not recog-

nize her aa his wife ; does not recognize theirrelationship as anything elso than an adulter-

ous liaison ? As for this woman, she went to

live with Brigham Young knowing well whatshe was doing. She was aware that in law shecould not be his wife ; that in fact she could

only be his mistress a member of his band of

concubines. Neither in law nor in equity canshe have any claim, and in this case law andequity arc in perfect accordance with the dic-

tates of common sense. It would be impossi-

ble for Judge Lowe to recognize her claims- - to

to alimony without recognizing her status as awife, and to do that would be to recognizethe legality of the polygamous system.

Ttir l. iiii oln at Uilo.We have already rejiorted the visit of thM

flag-sh- ip at Laliaina, the hearty welcome whichthe Admiral and officers received there, andpublished the addresses made on the occasionof the public reception, all giving evidence ofthe cordial feeling of the coplc toward not

only the Admiral and his officers, but also to

the American nation.The ship arrived at Hilo early on Monday

morning, May 17, as stated last week, and wasvisited by the U. S. Vice Consul, Thomas Spen-

cer, Esq, who stated that it was the wish of theresidents to convey the Admiral and his officers

ashore in state barges used only for the King,being nothing less than double war canoes, ofenormous size, such as were used in ancienttimes. Each barge was constructed of two ca-

noes, each forty-fiv- e feet in length, lashed to-

gether six feet apart, with outriggers. On thisframe was erected a platform, arched over andcovered with an awning, the supports andframework being entwined with evergrcensivines, ami wreaths of flowers. It was a veryhappy thought on the part of Governor Kipi,to convey ashore in the ancient royal style, therepresentatives of the American governmentand nation, which had so cordially entertainedour King, while their guest.

In this Royal Hawaiian barge, Admiral Al-m- y,

Captaiu Gherardi, and the officers of thePensacola, accompanied by the Committee ofthe Hilo residents, were taken on shore, thecanoes being paddled by sixteen stalwart na-

tive Ilawaiians, who had an opportunity to

show their cxpertness, iu a manner and on anoccasion seldom seen, even in this group. Alarge crowd met them on the sntirc, and as theylanded, the Hilo band greeted them with a na-

tional air.After an introduction to the Governor, a pro-

cession was formed and marched to the resi-

dence of the Vice Consul. Several floral arch-

es had been erected for the occasion, with mot-

toes over them, conspicuous among which were"Welcome to Admiral Almy and the officers ofthe Pensacola" "Aloha to tho NationsGuests" "Kalakaua and Grant" and "FreeTrade and Sailors' Rights."

The residence of the Vice Consul was assign-

ed for the Admiral and his officers, as theirheadquarters during their stay in Hilo. At tho

entrance were displayed the mottoes, " God

and our Country" "Aloha nui," the latter ex-

pressing a hearty welcome to the visitors.On Wednesday, May 2Cth, tho foreign and

native residents assembled in Mr. Coan'schurch, which was crowded to hear an addressfrom the Admiral, who hail been requested to

seak to the natives. It was interpreted to

them by Mr. Coan, and is so full of good adviceand cordial sentiment that we insert it entire:

" My gotid friends, the people of Hilo, forsuch I must lie permitted to call you, as theIlawaiians have always lieen good friends totho Americans, and I am sure that you havealways found the Americans who have visitedthese Islands, or who have settled among you,your very best friends :

" The Cnitcd States Navy, which now forfifty years has been visiting these Islands, hasalways taken the greatest interest in the peopleand their welfare.

" The very first treaty made by the Hawaii-an Islands with any foreign power, was withthe United States in the year lw26, at Honolulu,on the part of the United States by CommodoreJones of the United States Navy, and on thepart of the Hawaiian Islands by ElizabctaKaahumanti, tho Queen Regent.

" The spirit and terms of that Treaty havebeen fully carried out to the present day. Iam sure that the inhabitants of these Islandscannot complain of ever receiving other thangood and kind treatment from tho Americanpeople. The Reciprocity Treaty recently enac-ted will be of benefit to the Hawaiian Islands,but of not much U America. The sugar plant-ers of America will lose by it. But they aregenerous and desire that the Hawaiian Islandsshould prosper and make money, as you are inneed of it.

" This should lie considered a very strongmark of interest which America feels for yourprosperity and wcifare.

"Your worthy pastor and friend (Mr. Coan)has been laboring for you for many years, asyour spiritual adviser, teaching and explainingto you the great truths of the Bible, what isright, what is wrong, what is good, what isevil. Let me enjoin upon you, and advise youto pay attention to those great truths, as theywill make you live happier and die happier.

" It gives me great pleasure to speak of yourworthy and excellent King, Kalakaua. ThePresident, the Members of the United StatesGovernment and the people of the UnitedStates, received him most cordially upon hisrecent visit, giving him a most hearty welcome.His Majesty made a most favorable impressionupon them by his dignified and gentlemanlylicaring and manners, by his intelligence, andby the fluency with which he spoke and wrotethe English language.

" We officers of the Navy took great interestin caring for the comfort and contentment of thoKing on board ship, and in bringing him safely-bac-

to his Dominions and to his home, and itwould have made us unhappy if any accidenthad occurred to His Majesty.

"' It gives me, and the officers of the Pensa-cola, and Benicia, if they were here, greatpleasure to be assured that you were so wellsatisfied and made happy by tho treatmentwhich we bestowed upon the King.

" And now, my friends, let me advise you tobe industrious, cultivate the lands, engage intrade and in useful business of different kinds.Make every exertion to leam to speak andto write the English language. You will thenbe able to read good books, to read the news-papers, which will inform you what is going onall over the world. If you are engaged in busi-ness, it will assist you in making money andin being prosperous. The English language iscarrying knowledge, Christianity, commerce andprosperity before it wherever it goes.

" Somo of you whom I am now addressing,may, at some future day, be holding importantGovernment offices, where a knowledge of theEnglish language would be of the greatest ad-

vantage. It caused yonr King to be morehighly respected in the United States by hisknowledge of the English language. It is thesincere wish of myself, of all the officers of theNavy, and of the people of the United States,that the Government and the people of the Ha-waiian Islands will always be prosperous, in-

dustrious and happy.'' I hope that all the members of this compa-

ny here assembled, will be favored with goodhealth, a long life, and much happiness."

At tho conclusion of the Admiral's excellentaddress, Governor Kipi rose and responded,thanking the Admiral for what he had said,and also for his visit to Hilo. He desired also

to thank the American people for the kind at-

tentions shown to King Kalakaua while in

America, and for concluding a treaty of reci-

procity with us. which he hoped might provea perpetual bond of friendship, benefiting bothnations alike.

During the ship's stay at Hilo, tho bandplayed on shore several times, and the Govern-

or and many of the residents, both native andforeign, were entertained on board. Nearlyall the officers of the ship also paid a visit to

the volcano of Kilauea, where Madame Pelewas, as usual, ready to greet them with pyro-

technic views.On Tuesday morning, June 1, the Pensacola

weighed anchor, and steamed out to sea, mak-

ing the passage to this port under sail, and ar-

riving on Friday morning the 1th inst. Thevisit of the Pensacola to Lahaina, Ulupalakuaand Hilo, has left a very pleasant impressionoti the Admiral and the officers of the ship, whocan bear witness that the Hawaiian peoplewill most cordially ratify the terms and spiritof the new treaty with America. And we trustthat, in the words of Governor Kipi, it mayprove to be a perpetual Imnd of aloliti or friendship between tho two countries.

Iron and Wmiden Ships.The loss of the steamer Schiller revives the

old discussion concerning the comparativesafety of iron and wooden vessels. The Schil-ler had not only an iron hull but iron masts,and, as was to have been expected, when shestruck on tho rocks and her masts went out ofher, they broke to pieces and sank. It is truethat if they had been of wood they might havesupported some of the passengers, but it doesnot follow thercforo that wooden masts arcpreferable to iron. An iron vessel usuallyholds together on rocks longer than a woodenone, and when built in air-tig-

ht compartmentsan iron vessel will keep afloat under injurieswhich would unquestionably cause any woodenship to founder. It is not so certain that ironvessels last much longer than those of wood inordinary Bcrvico ; in fact it is generally admit-

ted that a considerable error was fallen into on

this head when iron was introduced as a mate-

rial for ship building. Wo presume that no

iron ship to-d- can show aa good a record(proportionately) for endurance and service asaoiiie of the old oak and teak-bui- lt vessels ofthe early part of the century. Iron fouls quiteas much as wood, in long voyages, and whenused for mast material it possesses the disad-

vantage that though bearing a heavier strainthan wood, it gives way, when it does, all atonce, whereas wood yields gradually even atthe last. The consideration that wooden mastswill float in a wreck while iron ones go to thebottom, is really of very little weight, for it isvery seldom that life is saved by wooden

masts. In the case of tho Schiller it is evi-

dent that tho sea was too heavy for anythingbut a life boat to live in, consequently nobodycould have maintained a position on floatingmasts. As it was, even life buoys and bellsproved useless, several women having lieen

drowned while wearing them. This bears outsomo recent remarks of ours on the practicalinutility of all patent ng apparatus in

times of real danger. Had Paul Boynton beena passenger on tho Schiller, he would eithernot have had time to put on .his india-rubli- er

dress, or ho would have been drowned whilefloating in it, or dashed to pieces on the rock

In such a catastropho it matters very littlewhat a ship is made of. Iron and egg-shel- ls

are on a par when exposed to the full fury ofan Atlantic gale beating on tho reefs of theScilly Isles ; but so far as power of flotation isconcerned, it is certain that an old water-logg- ed

timber drogher would, in similar circum-

stances, stand a better chance of salvation thanthe finest iron passenger steamer ever built on

tho Clyde. Sticramento Union.

From the San Fruncfsco Cull.

lomcsi IMck'i llencfuctionii.The new deed of James Lick, donating his pro-

perty for Ihe public benefit, has been drafted andengrossed, and the only thing that prevents it goingon record is, the desire of Sir. Lick and his lawyersto have the approval of tho beneficiaries at a dis-

tance to the revised instrument. There is also tobe considered the Important point of having a set-

tlement of the action at law brought by the formertrustees, who wish to be released from their trust.The new deed bears in its terms sufficient evidencethat Mr. Lick never for a moment contemplated rc-- s

vokiug his gifts ; be has simply made some modifi-

cations, aud as far as possible be is anxious to insurethe validity of his benefactions and their executionwithin his life time. By himself and bis lawyersthe new deed is considered thoroughly satisfactory.

The new deed introduce trifling changes iu thegifls, cither in direction or amount. In the follow-

ing instances no alteration has been made : $35,000to the Protestant Orphan Asylum of San Francisco;(25,000 to the city of San Jose, for tbe purpose ofbuilding and supporting an orphan asylum in thatcity; to the Ladies' Protection and ReliefSociety of this city; tl0,000 to the Mechanics' Insti-

tute, for the purchase of scientific and mechanicalworks for the same ; (10,000 to tbe Society for thePrevention of Cruelly to Animals; (100,000 to foundan Institution In this city to be called the Old Ladies'Home; and (150,000 for the establlshement andmaintenance of free public baths in San Francisco.For the erection of monuments to Mr. Lick's rela-

tives the appropriations remain the same; (5,000each is deeded for granite monuments to Mr. Lick'sfather, mother, grandfather and sister. Only In oneinstance Is there a change in the gifls to relatives.In the former deed Mr. Lick's eon, John H Lick,was donated (3,000. He will now receive (150,000.

The gifts unchanged are: (5,000 to his brother,Henry Lick ; (5,000 to hi Samuel Lick ;

(5,000 to bis niece, Sarah Helper; (5,000 to his nleee,Sarah Lick; (2,000 to bis nephew, James W. Lick,of Santa ClJra. He also gives, as before, (2,000 toThomas E. Frazer, of Sau Jose.

The (700,000 which was before put In the handsof tbe Trustees for constructing sn Observatory stLake Taboe, and " procuring for it a telescope ofgreater power than any yet made," now bestowedupon the University of California for precisely thesame purpose That I to ay, tbe gift Itsetf is thesame, but it Is to be applied by what Mr. Lick be-

lieves to be more competent Trustees.The donation of (250,000 for the erection at the

State Capitol of a group of bronze statuary to repre-sent the history of California, ia abolished ; and init place (100,000 is given for tbe erection of statu-ary in tbe new City Hall of San Francisco. Thisleaves (150,000 of the former donation unapplied.The appropriation of (150,000 for the erection of abronze monument in the Park, to Ihe memory ofFrancis Scott Key, is reduced to (60,000.

Tbe (90,000 taken from the last named donation,and tbe (150,000 left unappropriated from tbe Capi-tol statuary gift are to be added to the (300,000 for-

merly appropriated to "found and endow the Cali-

fornia School of Mechanic Arts," to be located inthi city. The sum of (540,000 will, therefore, nowbe applied to the establishment of this Institution.This with tbe block of land donated by tbe city forthe nse of the school, will constitute altogether amagnificent endowment of about (700,000.

By tbe first deed Mr. Lick reserved to himself tbesum of (25,000 a year during his lifetime, Instead ofthat, he now reserves to himself tbe lump sum of(500,000 over and above bis debts and tbe incum-brances on his property. Tbe interest of thisamount and as much of tbe principal as be choosesto nse are at his own disposition. What it left afterbis death it to go, with tbe residue of bis propertyafter all tbe other donations are provided for, equallyto tbe Academy of Science and the California Pio

neers. Tbese two organizations will come intoimmediate possession of the proceeds of Mr. Lick'estate after provision hs been made for all the otherbenefactions; and besides that, sfter his death, tbeywill receive what remains of tbe (500,000 which bereserves for bis own use. The object of this changeIs spparenL Under the former deed none of thebeneficiaries could receive any benefit until afterMr. Lick's death, because he had a perpetual lien of(25,000 a year upon his estste. But under tbe newarrangement, Mr. Lick's claim will bo dischargedby the payment to him of tbe gross sum of (500,000,and the remainder of tiic estate can be at once

to tbe purposes intended.Tbe arrangements ts to Trustees htve not yet

been adjusted, and some correspondence is stillpassing on Ibe subject. Mr. Lick will himself, it itsupposed, be one of tbe nntnber.

Most of tbe beneficLiries have given their consentto tbe new deed, and no d .nlit is entertained that

s cordial an assent will be given by tbe remainder.Thereafter a speedy accomplishment of the objectsof tbe deed may be looked out for.

Tin- Slew York Tribune on Judge Porter's Openlot; Addreaa

NswYoai, May Ivth.-T- ho Tribune ha the fol-

lowing reference to Judge Porter's ipeech i Every-body knew what to expect when almost tbe first words

uttered by Judge Porter were ; " Thee men are aptto be bold of speech when two stalwart championslike Mouiton and Tilton make a joint assault upon aclergyman aad a woman the one forbidden by hisprofession to return evil for evil, the other, weak andpowerless, held a in the hollow of the hand by a manwho ha but to look upon her to subdue ber to hi

will." The last clause, referring to Mrs. Tilton, wasdelivered in a deep, deliberate voice, with great force,and as tho words were nttcreil the speaker turned to-

ward Tilton, who sat behind him, and shook hiclenched Hit in his faco with a look of scorn. Tiltoa'sface turned very red, but he looked tbe lawyer straightin Iho eyes, while his lips became pressed tight to-

gether a if with suppressed passion. Jndge Portercontinued at intervals to turn and denounce Tiiton tohis face. More than ooce the latter, who was busymaking notes, dropped bis pen nervously, and halfturning in his chair faced tho speaker with angry ex-

pression.Judge Porter, after contrasting the lives and charac-

ters of plaintiff and defendant, hastily sketched themore salient events in the life of Ueecher, tod pro-

nounced Tilton an adulterer and perjurer. Alludingto the paternity of the boy. Ralph. Mr. Porter ex-

claimed, with electric force and facing Tilton : If therebe a beast upon earth capable of holding such conver-

sation over his own boy with the paramour of bis

adulterous wife he has lived too long upon earth. Itis time for him to die. What are such men for. unlessthey hare a mission in bunting down clergymen,crucifying women and committing perjury iu Courtsof Justice."

Nothing that was said during tho speech caused adeeper feeling in tbe audience than this sentence de-

livered with all the withering force an orator couldcondense into hi words. Tilton faced it all with ironwill, but his cheeks glowed, and tho lines about bitmouth were deep and hard. The denunciations ofMoulton and several other persons were only less se-

vere than those lauuched against Tilton, but as tbepersons were not present the effect was much less

marked. The chief aim uf Judge Porter's argumentyesterday was to prove from tbecbnracter of both Mr.Bceeher anil Mrs. Tilton, and frum the tone of Mrs.Tiltoa's letter to her husband, tho great improbabilitythat anv adulterous intercourse had taken placu be-

tween Mrs. Tilton and Bceeher.

Judge Porter says he will prohably speak until Fri-

day if his strength holds nut. Evarts desirei him tooccupy tbe whole of the remainder of tho week withbis argument.


NOTICE. The Pnrllic Rami Ball Club inertfur jir.u tii on Winliicmlay and Sittuntuy nrUTtiuoiis, t4 o'clock, on the ground in the rear of the Custom House.

June 8th, 1375. 543 if

Mr. J. T. WaterhoriHe having: reeelvel fromthe New Zealand Insurance Company, thrtititrh theirARcnt. Mr. U. H Owen, the amount f (6,600, ..inured hyhim on merchandise by the schooner Vuniiia, begsto express hln thanks and the satisfaction he feels at thepromptness displayed In settlliifr this loss. The New Zea-

land Insurance Company certainly deserve a fair share ofthe insurance business of Honolulu.

Sn lm J. T. WATER1IOU8E.

There will be a Mcetinir or the Alumulof Oahu College, on the evening of Thursday, Juue 17thproximo.

The exercises will consist ot addresses, toasts and re-

miniscences, and close with a cullaUou.All who Iiave been connected with the Institution as stu-

dents, their husbands or wives, ttielr parents, the trustees,patrons aud donors, and all graduates of colleges In othercountries, with their wives, are invited to attend.

542 K. I. CIICKCH, Committee.

Land on Lanai.I.I. PERSOVH AKE IIERERY WARDEDA that the stihscritM-- having leased the land of l"ae-m-

from the (iovernment with the concurrence of theCrown Commissioners, he will pnnecute according to lawany trespass of horses, cuttle, sheep, gouts, hogs or turkeysupon this land without authority.

Walter m. ainao?f.Honolulu, June 4, 1S75. 543 3t

TICK IN IIKRKRY UI1V THAT IN'lTI IIAIKY to MIL AKON'U, who will continue the busi-ness from anil after this .late, tun! I would ask my custom-ers to continue their patronage with Mr. AKONO.

Honolulu, June 1, 1S75. J. L. RICUAltDSOX.

nOl'MHT I'l l XI I HAIRY OFHAVIAO L. RICH ARPHON, I woulil Inform the pub-lic that I am prepare.! Io carry on the tiuslneas, anil would

a share at puhllc patronage.Honolulu. June I, 1S7S. .111 AKONO.

Roses, Roses !

"f4t si pi. nit YAitiirriKs of nosns,m WW OOU.OOO nr, nh,,u I'luiits. Mailing Plants

a specialty. Illustrated CatalogueE. Y. TEAS A Ca,

MI lm Richmond, In.L


Mineral King Mining District, TulareCounty, State of California.

Sim res ofMtork for sue In nbove Company,ts SEE PBOSPECTl'S.

5to 3m c. S. BARTOW, Agent.





isks ixsi RF.n o r.i ii.nixis. jir.B- -clianuuie aud Furniture, on liberal terms, by

H. HACKPEMI A CO., AgentsMay M, itm. 'i ir




CAPITAL 13,000,000Accumulated aad Inrcslid I'uii.l, , .38,118

UNDERSIGNED IIAVE BEENTHK Ai K.N TS for lbs atodwlch Islands, and arauthorhwd to Ios are afaiust ftra upon favorable tarn.

Risk, taken iaaay part of the Island, on Wooden Halloing.and Merchandise stored therein. Dwelling II ' and Fttra- -

lii Timber. Coals. Ships In harbor with or without cargo,or under repair. Ml ly ID. llOrrgCUXAIOfR A CO.



Which we will tell very low.

sate srlvc aa a call before purchasing; elae.



of Stephen BLACK WRITING INK, t everoffered In the market. For sale by


Revolution la Hay tl.Ntw Toms:, May 15th. The following from King-

ston, Jamaica, of May Sth, gives this story of the latestrevolution in Htyti :

On Saturday, May 1st, wu celebrated ihe annualagricultural festival throughout Bsyti. On the even-

ing previous the President was advised of a conspiracyto assassinate him on the following day, with t view

to establish Monplaiair Pierre in the Presidency, sup-

ported by General Bryee and General Canol. Whiletbe President was in church three separate bodies oftroops were sent to arrest the conspirators. GeneralBryee, residing immediately opposite the British Con-

sul, was the Srst surrounded. Be refused to surrenderand shot down four Haytien officers before be was

fired on and mortally wounded, when he crept intothe British Consul's residence and died. The shotintended for Bryee hilled the servant of the BritishConsul. The servant of General Bryee was also killed.When the troops reached the residence of MonplaisirPierre, who was a candidate for President when

General Xissage's term expired, he retired to theattie and shot himself. When Gen. Canol was mat hewas in the vicinity of the 1'. 3. Minister, at the headof a body of soldiers. These, on seeing tbe Govern-

ment force, forsook General Ctnol and fled. TheGeneral went into Minister Bassett's residence, un-

der the stars and stripes, where he remained. Thescene which followed these incident is indescribable.Tbe President, a man of overwhelming passion, direct-

ed the arrest of every person snspeoted. and arrestwere made throughout the Republic, earning a gene-

ral panic Several house and (tore were pillagedand burned.


AdministratorsSale of Real Estate

VIKTl'K OF ATT ORDER MADE on theBT7U duy of Jnn, A. D. ti75, hy thi Hon. Charles UHiixri, Flrt - Justice of the Supreme rutin of(he KMMat Island., me. Jilt' KUII IS AUNA. A.lmlnlstrator of the Karate of WILLIAM n.

Late of HonnluiD, rfecvairei., to wll at puhllc mic-tion, certain Lauds beloDjrlnjc to said estate, I, the untler-siine-

will Mil at public auction.

On Matariiny, the 2ib tiny of Jnnc, A.D. 1S73

At the door of the (lovernment House, Honolulu, at 12

o'clock noon, all the right, title aud Interest of the saidWilliam II. Kaauwal, deceased. In and to all those

Two TTaIo Patclaoa,Situate at Klotapu, Walklkl. Oahn.

Conveyed to Kaauwal by Hawaii and Mahnlna br deedrecorded In the oflVe of the Registrar of Conveyance. InI.iber t of Ieeda, page 600, and particularly described InLand Commission Award No 4J:t.

AIno, .1 acres MS eliains. or Inntl N.Umte ntKauhlkl. Walkikt, Island of Oohu, frautcd to . Kaauwuihy Koyal Iatent No

The sale Is subject to the approval of tbe Court, at then.urt Bom, Honolulu, on Thiirarfay. she Hlh .!ot J uly, A. D. H3S at 10 o'clock A. M., when all partiesinterested are notified to appear.

JOHN KUU CNACNA, AdministratorMl 3t Of the Est. of W. H. Kaauwal, deceased.

Matting, Matting. Matting!

Cheap as the Cheapest,

White 4-- 4 Contract & GoodAT


New Goods, New Goods,.EX.



San Francisco. New York and.England,

Consisting in Part of

Amoskeag m:nis,Fine nd Me limn Ticking.

Amotkeag Bro. Drills, Amoskeag IJIuo Drill,Fioe and Medium Whits Flannels,

Cnblttebed Cottons.Ono Case of those Superior O. B. Bleached Cottons.


Downer's KeroseneFROM BOSTO.V. ALSO,


Garden and Plantation Hoes, No. 1 and 2 ; Mattocks'C. S. Spades, Shovels, Scoop and Rake,Handled Axes, Hatchets Shingling and Ala patternRim Knob Locks, Chest and Padlocks, Ac.Clothes Pins, Raw Hides, Sash Cords, Sand Paper,Sash Cord. Sjringcs, Mucilage, Itorse Cards,Sledges, Champers, Horse Nails and Shoe Ink,T Hinges 5 to 14 in.. Tinned Tacks to 14 in.W. W., Paint, Shoe, Scrub and Varnish Brushet,Self Heat Irons, Mason's Blacking,Corn Starch, Whiting, Metallic Paint,Snow White Zinc, Eastern Brooms, Puttj,A large Assortment of Chltnneva, Common, Clipper,

Sun. Perkins A Howes, Ac.Lanterns, Kerosene Wicks, Ac.A few dozen of the best Patent Ola Preset in Jars.


Per Jane A. Falkinburg,Oregon Dried Applet. Oregon Hams,

Fresh Salmon, 1 tnd 2 lb. tin,Pilot Bread.

Also, on hand,Pari, Etgle 2 and 20, and Clipper Plow,Cultivators, Horse Hoes. Canal Barrows,Cane Knives, Scythes tnd Sntiths, Ae.Cut Ntils 3d to 60d, Cut Spike 5 to 8 inch.Files Round Square, Flat and 6 to 18 in.


Shelf Hardware, Saddlery, Paints & Oils

Cilassj 8xIO. 10x13. ltlxlo, Ac.AND

A Large Assl. of other Goods,

which will be

Sold at Low XlatoeBT


IOR.1 II. PAT V VVU.I. AT FOB tliMB. power of atlornej durtrur my aheeuce fromtbe Klafdum. Ml lm CHAH. IL HISIIOf


Near San Francisco, Cal.

5 IKS OK TWKI.VK lllim sl I tithe Han Jose Railroad, and will oon become athrivln-pano- f tbedly, wbh-- now numberab.mt200.000 inbalMlaota. Thee low will be

sold sliislr nr toeetbrr. Tertae eaay.Fur further particular, Inquire of JACOB If A I'.li V. N

AOS California HL. Han Francisco, or312 2m Jt. M-- WHITHEY. Honolulu.

Notice to Creditors.Estate of J no. D. Beblnson, late of Hoaolttla.

dm aaesl

V " Tl : IS HEREBY l.I V I. V THAT THEXw last Will and Testament of Ibe aald JOHN nROBINHOW bavin; been admitted to probate by the Hon.A. F. Jodd, one of the Justice of tbe Hupreme Court, andLetters Testamentary Issued to KlUabeth M. Robinson endJ. B. Kellikanakaole, tbe Executrix aud Kxecutor namedto Its aan Will, on the 7th day of May Instant ; an a

bavin aay property belonging to nr owing- - Oehta totbe aald Katate, are hereby required to deliver or pay thetune to the aald Executrix and Kxecutor: and all persona

flair., Ihe aakl Katate. whether by niort-aa- e

or otberwktr. are hereby req aired to preeent tbe asmduly authenticated and with the proper voocbers, in theaid Executrix and Executor, at tbe onVe of the under

suroed. at No. 2J, Fort street, Honolulu, within six monthfrom thi date, or tbey will be forever barred.

EDWARD PBEMTOSf,Attorney for the Executrix and Executor.

Honolulu, May 15, 1175. A3u.it

Executors' Notice.THE I OI RHII.M II IIHIM, BEEW

hy the How- - A. Foruander. Executor withwill annexed of the Estate of late Edmund Haffery of II

Maul, hereby notify all persons indebted ..p.estate to pay same and all person havine claims against

to prmal Ik net within au month from date aereof.W AM HAFFEBY,JA MEM SMYTH.

tor of Estate kitsUlupalakua, Qonuaula, Maul, March 30, 1I7E

en prf.wi:J$ I9LASI. In Prohate.a luffum .napplication of Om

m uHvir nit--

or THK AXthe aaatser sun

f. order aN Real aetata.ef Base, law

anardUn the property of Aimer C BaaTaas, at.rx. aainsane --non prarlne for an onter at ml nt Ml lata realestate Delontfns; to saM wanl and tnc fnrta iiata te--fal reawins why .urn al le .h..uUI wild :

It a herebv ordered. Use the next ef tin of aa seatwanl and all pemns Inten-Me- d lit Ike seta estate, appearbefore thi.--. Court on THI' Hi HAY TUB tta DAT

A. D. 17 J, at 1 o'rlock A.M.. at Ike CaenRoom of thin Court. In Honolnln. then and there to skeweeuee an order akouM not be (ranted tor the ease ofsorh estate:

And It h farther ordered, that a eeey thi order hepublished al leael three snrrewave week before Ihe audday neenne. In the Hawaiian (laertte.- - a newspaperpnhllhl In Honolulu.

Haled Honolulu. II. I.. June th. 171.I UAH. C. HAII0V

Attest: Justice of theWiltis R. Rear. Clerk. M X

! emm OfSimula In nbate. In the ef KKAnTA iwl

of Wallukii, Maul, defeased, Before Mr JusticeHarrla. Order of notlre petition for Imrntarrmtloa.

in rnwUn and tUlnx the peUtfciw of O. a. FTfe. of Hon-olulu, allrainc that w of W.lruta. Maal. .tied tes-tate at IK.mauila. on the l .U day Miy. A. D. lata,or thereabout, and praying that letters ofde bonis iion t..

Ittsordrred tke 9tk DAT Ofjnt,1173. he aad hereby la appointed for asM piBtaa

the said Justice, hi the Conn Room of the, (own.at Honolulu, at which time and place all perauas concern-ed may appear and show canee. If aay they have, why wavjpetition should not he created, and that thai order he

In Ihe Hawaiian and Kixilah larHrnaeea for tarresuccessive week In the - Hawaiian Ueeette" ami ' A Be-

itoa " newspapers InIlouoluiu, II. I., Juue sth. A. D. ITA

11 U. C.

Attest : Justice the "nprem Coavt,Jno. E. RnxakD, Dep. clerk Snpi court. Ilia


NnNiIsland Oahn.





E nil urf tt.'

of ile.Mr. J U.I.Lanre of






Honolulu-Date- d


Tile tiltprobate. In in of K.rateHBMI1U, 'ale at ataltre,

eaee.1. Intestate. Channels kettaa)of petition for

dmchanre, and ,lfctribui:0u of pro--

On reading anil Alin- - the t



and arrounnN. Kmrwm. Admlnletrator Kasate Anki

d Mouse, late of Waialna. I. land Oak......I.H...1. m keteet he wOxs to he allowed ,171. HZ. and hUtnis.. If Willi and asks tlMt mar

and approved, and that a tlnal r,l.-- r

of distribution of the propertyO- i- penona thereto , n an..un-Ur- s from all furiiier r







llrder of notlre


of em- -nel the of


the rani

tor.It la ordered, that Tt'KKDA Y the ZtXh DAY Of JTK.

17. at 111 A. at., before the aald Juher-.- . In the Ioaiu, at Honolulu, he

in appointed ae the time and place mrpetition an, and that all







then and there appear and .how if any they have.why the name should not he aranted, and may p re-- en Ievidence aa Ui who are entitled to the aakl piopetty. Aaltb.it this order. Iu the KintlLdi and Hawaiian lanruacee. tepublished In the - Hawaiian ilasette" awd Kueatea"newspapers printed and published In Honolulu, for threenccesatve week previous to tbe tune therein apvutofanlur sakl hearlnc.

tailed at Honolulu, H. I., this -.- 1 day of Mar. 17.A. ritAwctS Jl'OD.

Attest : Justice of the Supreme I'ourt.Jsio. E. BARsranD, TVp. hup. Court- - IAI it

i TT COI AT tHAklUU. THIUHawaiian Islands. In Probate In

the matter of the Kstate of P. KAN Kill A LA I', late olNorth Kohala. Ilawiul. deceased,

nil readloK ,uxt Mine-- the petition of Wm.that K. Kcohoklt be appointed administrator to the .of the I'. Kanrlhalau t.r Morth Kohala. Hawaii, a....... I. Intestate, n la ordered that iSATl'KUAY the JrdDAY Of JUKI, 1ST, at IO o'etork A. M la the CoanHouse at Kapaau, North Kohala. he the time aud place Afor hearing .Met application, and all ohjectten thatbe offered Uierelo.

CIIARI.ES FRKPKIIICS HART.Ml M CUT. Juda-e- . 3d Judicial Circuit.


Administrator's Sale ofREAL ESTATE!IX VmWMJMM or U ORDF.R BAM ox

the ink uf M.f. A. D. try Uk ll(Moi4t'harl--- . l. HariiH, Hrt Jualirw of Uk Jipr. rri.Court of tb ilawaUWn IwJaifuta. mr. Jnikn Kkit1'iwuiia. A.lmlnbtnitor of the fetal uf WILLIAM II.KAAI'WAI, Ut Honnlnlu. .Iiawl. UiMlM mmmaoaiivtion certain tamta fwlnntnjr to ki Enai, I tb uit- -

will wll at public

On the 26th day of Jane, 1875, at 12 noon.AT MOSWMAN.H KIOBJC,

In th- - town of Walluku, Maulteieet of tbe said William II.to the


Four parcels of land 1st, I ctialn end t fathomu, I acre and I Unre chain : at, Sat re ; tta, I

S cluUna and fkthonw. iuarc.likewise, In and to ceruiln lands situated

at Walluk u. Maul, aforesaid, to wit : U lots, follows1st lot cutlLUiiuia- II square rod.2d lot3d lotIth lotiih lottb lot

7th lotsth lotMb lot

10th lotllth lotI'Jth lotlith lotHtb lotIStblotAud idso

lot contalnlA ISO all tl

and toI




ill pi



and tleo. K. Kaauwal,pule ho . hy a certain dee.and The brat lotsituate In llalaui.1. In W








1 is uare roda,I rood. II square

square roda.1 I.3 acre, 1 rood, n rod.

roods, J rode.acre, 1 rood, 17

3 mode, rodaI rood, roda

roda.3 rooila, 32 nsla,

I It roda.n of land situate al reiki. the let

and the Id lot. 1 acme.I, nth-- and Inter.!! of tie-- wai il laand parcel of laud .Ica rthed to Royalthe lot of land conveyed Iu the det nasi

hi by the betr of Nw- -Deliui

- ai re. Iu IMuko, Walluku.or an a re, lUtuate nt the .

uf an acre.

of of



!h- -




And IlKewhe, all the Klajlit, Title i

Maul, land

Kaauwal, decewawd.


uoer aaawe ucoahwaw


Inter. .1by the deceased from A lvpean.1 Kantai kit ra, la aadto the l.ui.1 described and i otnuu.loii Awardonutuuiig loo or au acre. In the u.wn Wai

aald.And also, a (he land al Ian ted at

Hit la. dewrlheil In2311, and cunbdittna- S acre I



And IlkewW-- a tract of land .llnale.1 as V

Hula. Maul, deerrlbed In Land (eauaaaeeanAward , contalnlne acre.

And 1 shall further expose for sale at pAtodc attrUoa atth.- - Court House. In the Uiwn of Lahaina,

On Saturday, the 3d day of July, at 12 XL .,AU rkfbt and tntrreetof aeid lis in il.




At Laha InTin- lot f,nU'irilitT an of 37

wrondtown: in- - I I.I WAIIK. ntiof - at rtn. Z is room : lornarea of uii 20 ; the

of 1 rmnin n rot.



flrt arm

ni si.

Jo- ..I.tke



in V.of


OfriMMl tuul

ruu1 andarea and

Awl alaol.. LOIM AX! KI I.A LAD inAhnpUM uf PafMhl. tu if mkt mm

talitlng in an of 2 acrm, ruol t tv&KAwl Itkewla-- , all tbe KLfbt, Tlua and Inter of at d

rejuwd. In and uj the

ILIS OF KAMANI ALU AAH Atke Ahupua er oisswala. attar

il.. .in a sereaald.The flrat contalnlne an area ot 1 eeeaa, S rood and

ratal ; tbe aecond. 3 acre. I rood and 3 roda.The farther description of the land may he n on aav

plication at the lerktiioVe of ihe upr-n- ie Coart eaatSi, ay. Ibe 12th day uf June. I?, aad wfterwarda,at MimelM AN 1 .li.UK.at Walluku. aad ttue.aiV- -

r.i. ii.Hale nl

llouae, Honolulu.July. IW7A. .i '







lb approval of the coon, at the Costrtrhnradisj. ibe eJ aa,

o'clock A. M.. ben aU pantsedre noUAe.1 u, appear.

Jllll.w KUII AtTA.Admiiuetnlor of KauMe of Wm. II. Kane was, n


Executors' Sale ofREAL. ESTATEi hum imi or oKDeit issiinA on tne i. of way, A. I. 1ST, hy

lew. .isnotiaie jijauce theHawaiian Islands, Hceown us,hat. ejecutors of M will anof Honolulu, deceeaed, to tafl





laud Uelowtu.K wad estate, shall

lASTIt, 100x120 located about On the 3d daw Jnlw 1R7.Vntllen from Hall.

bavin aralnat





Court Hon step, llirootare, laawawpjoperty, vis:

The land in Kamoiliiii, Waikiki, Oak,XXOWM

"Kalaopohaka!''tain aaaf. Aeeea sai law,


00 acres of Land in Waikiki,

Part of the Ldtntl known PAHOA,"Alto, PARCEL OP LAND

talnin acre of


TMto aatt Deed tWniaaeaj iwuetav

further particularisaaaji.






The nm





contracted without wrath.


ttflalt, area aal







orol .rf th.

w wall

f.et In suve. of at 19"mil Ibe lllv r..r ......


At lb in tke


en ur i aw


aa "

3 I

at ef theFor

t r.n

By their




K- -a






to at










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t . JJ










.1 th. ,.t J P1.K- -

1 aad

avnd ner ihU ilai. H ,idebut In tua a ,

June I. 117V

atlow- -





4A2 !

Page 3: GAZETTE THE HAWAIIAN GAZETTE,lawyer white a a a New paper about nzu rieei. wiuc.1 anaa fu rleci. ueep, anui rirom inniuu io 120 feet in length every 10 hours. The peat is delivered

fPrrpAmJ for t ITawaU&n Gaxottr.

tw 7.ntni and CHrrsi Mail Steaaers-Sched- nlf for 1875.

ji n a asi nhnw ......rare af BBSaaaaaTM

, 1;. of v"snKrl lstB- -



I TtUr BYDiTEV TO WAS FRAXCIBOO.j tsam Onset JftmafaJir it rr. at RSj

Jatraary. iajrVtwoarr s Febroarv 'isl.t.raar llMart-- h -- latarrb

-- UlAprtL 4 Aprli. UAarlL 10'Mmr Ma 11Mae Mar ! Jane

."'.v.. nfllAacM. taytwaXr... 5

(KM IB jl't pis iitbcr. . , l! BefSvemher ...VI

r .. ls'Jannarr a. January... ...

t t.'I

Immediat.-I- ) arrtva: nf mailt from London.bare rseea rtaik ll n seven : and In case a new line Is Inanrurated

awbm ii i.,i-iiiii- t mm aim ujHnnr DMU.ae waesi trie f tranter- - win ne rme at Hits port anil at San Frandam. an of

1"' leiaes-- and San Francises,, ! made tlxr

hwi a! its loos, tor the Monti, of Jane, 1875

iitruit bt carr. saaittssiTr, xaaoanatrtm.


I .t w.ariet.11. rail MotBa, letst tBasilai

Tint tvs tr-i- so ami -- rrn v;at fain Stea . .a 9.A an Pan Pelsa. AM staves .A Xos Fan Seta

SB. .Bt kawv ..iS PaaAet....LL faa til ll .. in ' hlefU ...".a. nja ttaBaa . .a Si. 1 . . . . San Fata ....

tTtm dtk.

4ft 72424

.4 t


iii ntttttiiitii iitTin Mr u.Haas lark, ulmiapluc May 3.

Talk, by sail Hay la.

lusts.. " III jl -- lilt May

a. ataa. m byatail Maya.fseasey par aaafl ttaaaaar ...May s.AarAaa4, - - Mar

.... oV-- latr.1 amral. J A raUinhar.Ha Uaara.i. prr Kibaaaa Jane 2.






a.- -.



' tcpii in m

tkr anall aluajim, trWah



- vwA iMTfct abJluad. , UaKkarpaf.

- . - lli. brie



superior vtaaavafsaa




activity along the abaivta,tor preTiua three or luar. Beiileibruaeht aad carried away the aiual

and prudac. hsre bad thetwo bria at the wbarvca, either

J. B. Ford broaebt full ari:T .terl and ha. with tbr B.ual tjauik

tin Louie. Wi teatea for San Franciecy

.arriiora fall cargo nf priMlace. aad also the rejKt of herarrival hare, aa aha did aa bar fjrevloas trips. She ll good

aaanr. Wad the asms assy be awd of her Captain and officers.

The Narwopei. Inrk Kvik Is at the steamer half, loading

aaaaa tar Aaa Pr ai aw o. to ou alianlay nextThe bars. V. C Parke brings the asual aasurted laaaVer

I,;, vaasvls to leave taaS aaajaj

it Jane the Catadeu and I'owbslUn.is discbaigioc her coal cargo nearwill be ap for freight or charter.

..s fst vease:, an.l "f th, Ng sul class wanted on

Ue tvajfev asrtwe-- Ksu Francisco end Honolulu.Bark Jane A. Falkiubarg leaves Ihi- - uoruinc f,r Portland,.... haaB I tagali Bad aaBtt r..Jo.-.

OatMaay last. Mr. Adams held a very tare eastal creditBais ottwsoaas una, at bark Elk from lloagkong. Amongthe artirare saM srara SW ralUaf mattlag. which broaght, for.... ajgra f: :.. 2. :.o and N... 4.i. MaaaaaMof lea ware abv rtasaBiiid ot 100 asst. of camphor trunks

fit 4V. pe- - nest. 1'S., Mtnat uil, (IKosd

by Che VJbscm--v ia sold for fu.s Bt ease. Alto-ge-

tbe aale was m at tncceaafal one, Bud realited over

Si.Me aatirv earns choice samples of rice naming Into market,aseaCTj vaa Ki.daa, grown from laisirted seed. Those are

but lark the ilt-lni.- F .m- -l gien to the realCwaid we bale poiishiug mill erected

ike oar bast Island rice cowmaad tbe fallprSre Of CSS SHBS In tie San Francisco or New A'ork market.

Pi n,. uUritm we see that the I'ukeJ Uraesig sailedaa the 1Mb af May for northern on in California, to load

6. Maagcv 20.

OatTXX The aaarkot ia stroag. loading holders of CentralAsaeeicai: askine l8aa2JC. for good to choice lots id Green.

at CosIs Bics has baaa aoM at ttiff- - Wilb the prospect

af bbbbbbsW lata. aad good overland detuaud, prices iveut

sr sit., dementi Hssraiian Grocery

fad at Ka.lL for good to choice petcela in kegs. Bags of

Lex grades are lam sought after, and Will probably be held

Ksxd unti the treaty goes Into fall operation. Kefiurdgawd reaasat al VMY ,c for White. 11c. for Teh

aasjtaa ta


Ti Stock Raws is light, and good, desirableEh for grocery aae aad renuing, are wauled

of new riim Jspan, choice.the Alaska, and sold, believe, at 76 toTbe general market Is very quiet at old

are Urge; sales for the week include 0,000

aaatsK. 2Ch na mixed al t--: No. we quote at 0.4 Ha

ommrrrlal Hi ma.

Tbe wool atecast now ranks only set .aid to gold In theot Aaatcaba, aad vast qoanlillea being exported

It is isBsaa il thai cora at aww ahippsd ia aackt fromOressi UMWSI;.

Mat I. clismpstiie.ashath It f.sar tiraes ansre than il produced thirty teat ago.

It essiaaatr.i thai tin total agricultural products of Cati-- 1

ail: leach near!, flisi.ts.si.iawThe aamlaw id bbtbiIi bailt ia Caliloruia for the year 1ST

rat X2. of waart. am bar 2 were built at San Francisco. Tbe

tbe traderepiaiv taking tbe place nf .silongt. When

vl.. Stales, nut no

tlieoi unly ttieot. IWw very

asst essasBsaSBy iaueaaiag lautwattoa the are thip-- i

'tonnnatt aad utber western cities. Fromlaati Bf BBI aipwli from and Japan the til-

ted iBABBVs evert ng ttie past twu aanani, it appears that the

af lavtaa aave ttmaaBtl oaly fnaa s.ooo.otn loT.aaaaaa paassaa, sradsa ttssas af "apaas base InnsatiJ troax

li.aBe.aai as aw oou ssauds. and tUuse greens fruea

I ta






r of

r oi io-io- i.i 1.1

AKR1VED,Jnas - rVtw Mar. aatea. fnaa oatsis-- 11

gees aff. ID'.ti lags sngar. horseilliaax. frost una aad Kan. 21 pat- -

t-- Sr

t.-- ...in I..-

.U. us. .11. Imtlier. 12 l.ocbMis can.-- . bai bg. ..UUs-s- , 14

BBS Itlaea.1 lifcr ktaaa, Akalhala. rata Mahk (toyv 374

ttaw ssayat a tars sastsas. grapes-4-

Piaaaniiai. tahss-ard- fnaa UiksAa tatar Madarland. 43 day. fnun fydne.Sstaar k.isu-- a. Starr bant. Iran Windward els.

raarsa 216 kg sagar. B4 ligs petal. pieces

see. racs. I d. ..Is.Merrill,

rAf- -lairj
















.s ,



e s


.. .

a f



r .



I i


I f .r




1 ;


te (





anI ,t


to I



fc- - (Hi ll.

s .a. 4 i.4 and 5

f -


e e



I b :21 plLgs tallow. 41 (oat stlns,

Sella-- Oaae, frota Labaioa.

noce. Hue, fnaa Kona and Kau. X





Bis an: Wli roots.Serb, aaaaaaa. li Mis cans. X

I In ae app.ra. 30 pkga satue. 1 css b s. 1 bt t sOBBaata. 1 b! goods. 3J

Kobala. :

tvtsr Uarwsrt. J.ajtt Bail, from Hol.it at 12 passe ogsas Caasaw: ssnx. 1 korass. 6 rs batter

3ss I t W C Parka. Psahallow. Si stars from Portii Harali-i- d M OB.


Kahalut. 12 passengerssalaMspot. Si hales, SI

Srair llattse. Ktaaa, Brasa Kawiliwili. 11 passengers,(ana pkgs ssapsr, bhss beeC 1 bbl tallow, S

ass X aas t iln



tarsi: vox soi.si..

. I. Cyphtenes aVaoa. for Anctlaaj t Sydney.









assaai. kaiawaia. lor a.Hiaxmxl.asax. tar kraas BB4 Baa.

I. kobala.. AhuiUaav ljr stalik,s

Til Hi titan, for Koloa mat Wauaea.ta-- M.aot.ai

. tor Wiaaward Porta.

MemiL Craae. for IsabaiaaBe.k, lot Koaa aaa kaa.

jbsIbs, far kahalai.




111 all T rial ' ' Iratsrxaoa Heaas May

lava, atal at. wrtth a tailitlll wast wvaaa. Tank tkaaaga. .. .- - v t!.. M lata v loo i syso

with thing craas- -

attaessed. I eeaxU tadge. was shoal TO loag.1 1, km been the water

axaaiaV wsaaes the oil been rwbbad atIt sara wave come a l.axg distance

SasaatWasaxaxastwiUBiiiBl was setting tr.an t.eoiynasn. asaVaaaVsy tvayjstaa ike latAaal of Mataaai al swaV

asaaatsmBast Hex, fnaa tioaxce port light airs from thew. iait

IVs4sa law V r lass satw


B3 s








DI Bx .hit K BT saws a f C Bawwsx.




a. is




I u.. last

as asatr as


wu j


Jaae a T U Da--

t Bond. K. .

Be. Dole. Bat I Blahopat KCnthhert. J

Cats BS Mills, B W Cawainai

r stasr aJaxasa. Jane Bis Ei VT

Or B wits aad two childran.T I Ilea, aad ahaat H sat.






Ol or : u

.February.Marrh ....

'March ....April.... .MarJone

.. 1

.. 1




Itmrat Himnlnlml Arr. at Sydneyo, qi.ni OS OT ftllUt

F ebruarr .

March ....April.MarJaneJone


snuary. .ebrtiary .

Meatrs. Along. Arkack.



.. March ..

.. rlxar...... Mar

tuna..j Jniy..is Aomuit. . .

'September. .23 October.. .20 November.. 14

. l"fewmber.. . 14 .January. IS j February. 'March

for months

allowance two dayl.-- t for











Vessels Kv per till from Korelg;., Porta.II B . Peterel, from Arapolm. due in all Jane.

f r To- - .iron, l.il.. n. f: (.. Apis. ,!. ., .In. in h': June.Atn sh lisirosou, from ban Francisco, due Jane 16- -

11, In F. Pratt, Kaq.

Am arbr Legal Tender, from Sao Francisco, doe in all Janeto J. T. Wstirboose, Esq.

Am hg llsiard, Lewis, from Hong Kong, China, sailedApril U, In

Aai l.k feylou. 'isds, from Boston, tailed April ,Messrs. C Brewer A Co.

' tier hk Cellar, from Bremen, galled April 22, to Messrs.II. Ilarkfelrl k Co

Am wL sh Rainbow, Cogan, from New Be.lf.ird, Bailed inJan nary.

Am bk Delaware, Iliad", from Victoria, tailed Mar 7, loMessrs. C Brewer A Co.

Am. l.k Camden, Robinson, Bailed from Paget Svuud aboutJnoe 1. lumu- -r to II. Harkfeid A Co.

Am bark Powliallsn, still from Paget 9ound tboat Juurft, with lumber to U ILsckteM A Co.

Am. bk Emms C. Heal, sailed from Newcastle, N. fi. W.,alnstt May 15, with coals lo C. Brewer A Co.

Haw. sc.hr Uilama, Eaglith, from BM (iatao lllandt, aboutJaly L

Ant. ship Bessie North is chartered to load guana, and willtouch here sUait July 1, eu route to Baker's Is.




.. .


I'er tyilnsy, ftrr slmr Cypbrencs. June 'i I7y mats sagar,2u bis pulu. 1 pkg photos, 1 ct whiskey.

For Oregon, per J. A. Falkiuhnrg. Jane 9. M,elasses 5.0JT, gslls, sugar 4tvl.ltf3 lbs, bge rice, palulbs. coffee iWSJ lbs.

hir,mi hydney. per bktue Amelia. Juus 4 4tsi pat. coal.

From PBvi Gamble, per bk W C Parke. Juoe 3Y.,fi0 ftrough lumlNT. 4S.2U.I ft dressed lumber, aj.Ovu latbs, 3,000pickets, 110.000 shingles.

n ikkii i).



BWl NTtlV K AM K AIIX A t Kspalama. May 29. by theRev 11 11 Parker, 11 gwiuton. Esq, to Mrs Esssskapaa,Lull) Ibis cttv.

IH I ts.HOUSTON At Tubb's Hotel, Osklau l. Oal., on May Mb.

Arthur E.lwio, iufant sou of Liout K Houston, CaN', agedsix weeks.

ori;s oi' i iik iii i.it.I3T MaVsfi tbe lltli, it " Kamcbtmcbk Dy."

jTScli. Kamui IvnTit l d.iy Tor Katiului, Maui.

A KmiiLE. Where do UAtiret get rum bo freely fIt there b dittillery in tuwn

tST The utinual examination of Miss Bingham'achool will lake place at tbe Seminary. Therewill be an exhibition of culitthenic exercises.

ta The annual mec'.ing ot the HawaiianAssociation commenced yesterday at Kawaiahao

Church. The procecdinga are conducted uiobtly inHawaiian.

f Tbe annual examination nf Punahon Collegewill hi giu at 12:30 on Tuesday next, aud continueon Wednesday from 8 A. v till 4 P. m interspersedwith gymnastics, mueie and rhetorical exercises.

tar The "Atblctca" Base Ba II Club will hold itsRegular Monthly Meeting, this (Wednesday) eventag, at o'clock, at Ihe Rooms of "Mechanic"Engine Company No. 2, on Union Street A fullattendance it requested as business of luiporlaucuwill be transacted.

Xf Provision baving been made by apublicfor a wttekly conct rt br the band, In addi-

tion to tbat on Kinma Square, concerts will be heldon Thursday evenings. The first was given last sveekat tbe residence of P. Adams, Esq. Tbe secondwill lake place to morrow cvuniug al tbe residenceof TV. (J. Park e, Esq.

Has- -. Bali.. A friendly gatneof tbis excitingeportwill be played on Friday next, at P. M. on tbeplains, between tbe " bangdoodlca" (who are atpresent tbe champions), and tbe "Athletes." Wcbear tbat Ibe Pcnsacola's nine arc practicing, aud ourlocal playera will have to look sharp lor their lau-rels, wbeu the boys In blue are about.

Pkompt I'AyjiEyTS Tbe agents ol the Firemen'sFund Insurance Company have received Instruc-tions to pay the auiouut of tbe Insurance ou Mr.Williams' augar mill, w hich was destroyed by lire in

April. The agent of the New Zealand Fire Insur.anee Company baa also been authorized to settle thelosses ou shipments by the schooner Yaruna, whichfouudcrcd in January last. Both companies appearto have sent instructions to their agents by first re-turn mails. Such promptness deserves publicity.

; As Uic steamer left purl on Mouday last, shemade fast to the little schooner Warwick, whichhad eleven native lepers on board as passengers,bound to tbe leper settlement on Molokai, andtowed them out in tbe channel some twenty miles ormore. It was very thoughtful in Captain Marchantand Mr. Wilder, to speed tbebc unfortunates ontheir voyage, wbicb otherwise might have been along and tedloua one, as It was very calm near theshore. It is hard enough to be taken from borneand friends ; but when tbe separation is accompa-nied with such kindly acts, it tends to soften thegrief, and to show that they will not be neglecteduor forsaken.

Loss or SchoonekOid Fellow. By the eclioon-c- r

Uattie wc leari tbat tbeUdd Fellow went ashoreon tbe reef at Walmca, Kanal, about acrcn o'clockon the evening of May 28. Sbe came io fromNiiliau with a liLt breeze, wUicti died away as sheenterd tbe harbor, and sbe was drifted by tbcstroiig;tide and swell on to the reef, where a heavy sortbeat on her, and by daylight the next morning scarcea vestige remained of the vessel, save her masts,which bad floated ashore. She bad on hoard t tbetime ot ber wreck, 37 bales ol wool, (about t 5001 bs)71 tierces of tallow, 134 bags of rice, and one borse.The latter broke lose and swam ashore, unharmed.The wool and lallow belonged to Mr Sinclair, tberice to Chnlan Sz Co. The value ol the cartro wasabout tsi.000, which ia a total loss. Tbe schoonerwas S3 tous register, and it is reported there was11500 insurance on her.

Death or Mb. A. E. M'Greooe We have theunpleasant duly of recording the death of Mr.MHxregor, wbicb occurred at the hospital, on Sundaymorning, from disease of tbe heart. Mr. M'Gregorarrived in the Fijis from Honolulu, where for manyyears be bad been engaged in sugar planting, andhit experience in this particular branch of industrywaa probably second to none in the colonies. Thewarm and genial climate of Fiji, accorded for a timerelief to tbe iuvalid, and in following his favoritestudy of the sugar cane he became a most useful andopportune instructor to many of our planters.Through tbe columns of the Press he gave expression and publicity to the experience he bad obtainedby years of application. He was ever ready to im-

part bit knowledge to anyone, and he did so in amanner so explanatory that it was almost impossiblenot to acquire! a thorough Idea of sugar culture.A fter some mootb6 in the group, a return of bis oldcomplaint caused him to again seek medical advice,and, acting upon the opinions of bis friends, be tooka trip to New Zealand with bis old and particularfriend Captain Berrill of the Dauntless ; here hishealth, to all appearances, improved, for he returnedto aa last week looking much better iu the face, butbe vtd very desponding and expressed himself con-

fident of hit end fast approaching. He was takento the hospital on Saturday afternoon and aome lewhours later breathed hia laaL Many persona willmiss Mr. M'Gregor in tbe group, be was generallypopular, and tbe devotion he paid to hit favorite

tbe knowledge be bad acquired of it, com-bined wilb bis willingness to inpart information,rendered him quite an authority in such matters,and secured to bim tbe grateful recognition of thosewhat had profited by bit instruction. Mr. M'Gregorwas a Mason, and bis funeral on Sunday was largelyattended by Ibe brotherhood, who testified their re-

spect to the deceased in following tbe mournfulprocession to the cemetery at Dcrba. Fiji TumiApril 14.

tW Tbe btp.d of lite 1'cntacoli gave an open airconcert last n - at tbe Hotel.

X3T Ship Emerald tailed from San Francisco June1, and will brie onr next mail, one week later dates.

IST" The U. 8. Ship Tutcarora, toon after berreturn from Samoa, will be deapalcbed to San Fran-

cisco. Sbe will be In by tbe 15th probably.

tSr-- There will be a vocal concert at KawaitbaoChurch on Saturday evening next, at half paat seven.Tickets Ofty and twenty-fiv- cents, and front seataone dollar.

Tbe hours of the inattoota' receptions(which will be returned ou Thursday the 10th intt.)have been changed ; being now from S 30 to sunset.Bosta will be al tbe landing from 3 30 toon Thursday afternoon.

tar Tbe Firemen's election on Monday evening,for chief and assistants, resulted in tbe re election ofCMef Engineer J. S. Lemon, First Asst Lucas, andSecond Asst. Nott, by a unanimous votr, which in-

dicate that they are very popular officera.

A Ml'SICAL CELEnuiTT. We understand thatMadame Kistori, accompanied ith a troupe of thirty-tw-

musicians and vocalists, bad engaged passageIn the City of Melbourne, to leave San FrauciscoJune 21 for Sydney. The vessel will remain hereover one night only to allow of one performance.Sbe will be due here Tuesday Ihe 29th intt.

A Prosperous Companv. The annual report ofthe " North British and Mercantile Insurance Company has been laid on our table by the Agents,Messrs. Ed. Hoffscblacger & Co., from which e

learn that the assets ol the company amounted De-

cember 31, to 2.827.238. equal to H. 000.000 asum which ouirbt to be coneldcred as a perlcct se-

curity by those who insure in this company.

Fine Fruit. In the show window of onr bookstore, may be seen a plate of large mangoes from a

tree plant'.d and raised by the publlt-lie- r of this paper, and which show what may be done in tbe wayof improving our frulls, by cure in selecting seeds.Some of the mangoes exhibited measure between !2

and 13 Inches in circumference, and weigh about apound apiece, while almost every fruit that the treehas burnt' last yeal and tbit has exceeded teu iuehean circumference.

Roses bv Mail. We received last week a circular from a leading American tlnn Florids, Messrs.Teas A: Co., of the Cascade Nursery Company, Rich-

mond, Indiana, who make A specialty of raisingroses and supplying orders for the same by nutU.With a view to test this method, they sent us bymail a small parcel, containing ten ruse slips, which.though they were 34 days en route, reached Honolulu in line condition, and will probably all grow.These slips we have distributed without chargeamong our amateur florists, who will probably haveoccasion to order new varieties. Tbe above firmissues annually a catalogue of over TOO kinds ofroses, a copy of which, mailed to us, lias not yetbeen received. The postage on Ihe parcel of roseslent to us, for distribution was S3 cents, und lit it.

were ten different varieties. We refer Ibosc whowith to obtain roses, to tbe card of Messrs. Teas

Co., and dobbt uot they can fill any orders intheir liue. There cau be no better or more expedi-tious way to obtain choice roses than by mail. Afive dollar greenback will pay lor a dozen or fifteenplants and the American postage oo them. Directions should be sent to mail them ten or twelve daysbefore the dale Ihe sleatui-- is advertised to leaveSan Francisco, for which information, a Gazettelime table should be sent with the order.

American Kci.iif Fund. We have receivedfrom the officers ol this Society a circular detailingthe work done through its agency since the date ofIts organization. It appeals tbat tbe receipts havebeen about t,000, all of which sum has been 6pentiu relieving destitute Americans. Tbe object of tbecircular is to enlist more general interest io theSociety w hich needs the aid of every American livingIn tbe Iglands; wbicb we trust It will receive. Ittaya: " It was moved aud unanimously carried, tbatthe President be requested to draw up a lull state-ment of tbe operations of tbc'Association from itsorigin, aud tbat the same be published in a Circular,aud sent to every adult American residing ou tbeHawaiian Islands, accompanied by an appeal forfunds. By examining this Report, it appears tbatnot one ball olthe Americaus residing ou the Islandsare uow subscribers, neither ever have been. Somemay claim exemption ou account ot inability, butwith scores no such excuse could be oflered. Tbetax la only tl'J.OO per anuutn, ortl.00 per month,aud surely there are but few Americans residentswho are uot able to contribute this annual amountfor the benefit of their less fortunate countrymen.Americans owning property should remember tbatIbe Hawaiian Government levies no tax npousaid properly for the support of paupers, as is thecase in all other civilized countries. There are manyAmericans non tuliscribert to this Belief Fuudwho would be compelled to pay a large amount inthe shape ol a " Poor Bate Tax," if the Pauper Laww as in force. Under all tbe circumstances it is per-haps well Uiat no such law exists, then most surelyproperty-holder- s and others ought not to excusethemselves from liberally subscribing for tbe aid oftheir countrymen less fotunate than themselves. Itwill appear I hat the majority of the subscribers re-

side In Honolulu, and upon them devolves the res-ponsibility of providing lor indigent Americans, whoLave resided at reunite parts of tbe group, but whenmistortnne or sickness has overtaken luem, cometo Honolulu and appeal for aid. To equalize tbeburden, Americans residing on Maui, Hawaii andKauai, should subscribe to Ihe Relief Fuud as wellas residents of Honolulj."


Partnership Notice.Tin: t M)i:km;m:i bate this DAT

into liSrliiiTStiin un,l..r the firm name orsty le of IxlrclltXH K dt 00.

nilo, April 26th, 1875.C'HAS.

llBt: r

UAl KtB BY ARR F CO.s nasatr. Fur

May t;.v






Received This Day

Barrels Columbia River Spring Salmon

aliprrior axiKOLLKS CO.

Oregon Leaf Lard.I.B. ( ASKS. It I t I I) per FAI.KI.It" lutrc." For sale by


Oregon Dried Apples.1It .May xi,

ai, a.

I). If.E. O.

54- - It


TfM. sal





1 i l.l


A Ml I lilt KAI.KiOLLGS at CO.

25,000 China Bricks.EXTRA KIZK, WXU IsAV .HUH I M) PES

Uuui CkafornU brick, mx-ivt--J per barkKvik, fuid for aale by

May 31, UTS. WLLK.S A CO.


bo n: this day, and In iH'rfect order. Kor dr l,vi.' ii.i.i.-- . a

KITTS SALMON BELLIES.a kt:i ist.x. Ki:t i;ivi:i si

Kalklnburg,' this day.Slay 11. n;a. BOLLES at l.

Oregon Sugar Cured Hams !


Pti kf.i) by nmrnrnma PAEMmtiaasisu,-iw- . ltacWved Una day per 'Falklnbarg,' anil for sale by

stay ia.





alR. LEVI CHAMBERLAIN, if Waatlua. Isrmosrered to receive any money that Is drs- - me from this

." JOHN MANX.May rrth. ltTi. St;


FRENCH CALFSKINSEx Lata Arri t tils.

For Sals bjtStim U. S. ORISBAUM A CO.

The Art or Spellimo. A correspondent of tbeBoston .fdrerf ieer submits the following statement tothoie who beliere, with Francis Oalton, that humanaccomplishments are to a great extent hereditary :

In Philadelphia, is a tpelling-mate- h held at theAcademy of Music, two sistert took the two prises.

In Roxbnry, two brother! took tho prixet at a spel'--

In Xorthborongh a mother and her ton tookthe firit and second prises in the Town-Ha- ll spelling-match- .

In Haverhill, at a spelling contest, a brother andsi;ter were tbe last two to compete for the priie. Tbecontest of thtse two quite amused the andienee, till itfinally ended over caliph, or ealif. The authorityrequired tbe tendering to be caliph, and Harvard won,

though a subsequent search of authorities- showed bothforms- of spelling to be correct. The victor gracefullytranffeired the priie, a silrcr to his

It mast be remembered, in giving Weight to thesefour examples, that two nf a family du pot always,pcrhapi do not often, compete at the same time.

At Gloucester, England, recently, a man waa fined

by a magistrate for Healing a ride on the railroad,and as the man was very poor, tho magistrate paidthe fine himself.

On good authority it is reported that the Queen ofMadagascar has iasued a proclamation ordering theliberation of all slaves imported into that countrysince 1S65. in which year a treaty was entered intowith Great Britain for tbe suppression of the traffic in

human flesh. Tbe released slaves, inaecordancewiththe terms of tbis proclamation, may either remain in

Madagascar or return to their own country.A log of wood containing a sealed bottle has jost

been picked up at Havre. The writing it containedwas perfectly clear, althongh it began its voyaga inI860. It waa one of tbe bottles thrown overboardfrom tbe Prince Napoleon in its Arctic expedition to

test the force of currents. The last was picked up

about fifteen years ago.






PATEST A KIM. I lis. ISWITH ortli-r- anil Just what la watitetl In a planter'afamily. (S40 lmj V. M. WALLACE.

Blacksmith's Shop to Let.HE III. At KS-IIT- H SHOP, V Mi tiii:T House ami Premises In the reur thereof, situated til

King Slri-ft- , Honolulu, opposite the PoUce tSlaUoti, andnuw hi tiiu occupation of Mr. J,.lnt I'reenian.

'1 but It a most desirable location, anil possession can bebad on the 1st June next

For furUn r particulars upply to Mil. JOHN FIIKK'M Non the premises, or to M IL ltAKNAItli ul tlie Clerk's e

of the .supreme Court.KavfAthfllfa. Ml M



Invoice of American Clocks.


Invoice of Foulards.KEt'KIVKIt VIA

May 20. IS7S.

(541 3ni) it CO.

I 1 SI

(511 2m) 4 CO.

llltlHi: '. R AMI S A I.HONL Baaaaat, In hrbt, hMirls anil kit-- .

lllot llread, Flour, Hams and Oregou Lime,For rialn at

May 20, 1175. (541 2ml II. HACKFELD A fO'H.

A. 4X





S'OT'M. tJKnifAVIAN, hi unarm and pints.

Clarela, ltiaue Wine, llltUTS,

MlllHI- -

Brandy In casks and cases,

IIitKitllRii Hum A Alrohol. For sale atMay 20, 1ST5. (5412m) II HACKFKI.D gt CO'S

Fresh Meal, Corn Meal, Wheat Meal,

RICE MEAL,Cracked Corn and Bran for Chicken

and Horse Feed!IMH.Itsl(ii:il hits ctiiiiiuriirctl thfTill: of lite aliove named articles, and Is pre-

pared to deliver them fresh to customers, on Wrslnesilnysami --tslunlays of .acb week. Orders left with K. O. Hall

Son and IHUingliam 4 Co., will tie flUed byA. 8UNTKR.

Stat Orders from the other Islands solicited. L53ll-l- f


tTxxsat ReceivedA FRESH SUPPLY OF

CHOFCE KR0CERIE8From Cnllfornin,

And invite the Lovers of Good Groceries

to Cull on us.

I I III It.jXTRACinilinra Flour,

Coru Mi nl.Bye .Vonl.

Buckwheat Flour,Ilomluy

Extra Hams,Sinoksd Ileef,

Streaky Bacon,Smoked Salmon,

Extra Mackerel at Retail,Good and Cheap.


Freah Mutest drapes,Fresh Cherries,

reaches, Flams, Etc.

Prunes, Allien Apple,Extra White Marcaroni,

Vermicelli, Hone Radish,

Crackers of all Kinds, Saloon Bread I



KOXA COFFEERoasted and Groond daily and warranted pare.

Dnret'a Salad Oil, Part Sjticet,

Sheep I oiik ti .

Ox Toogncf,CatUntz's Pickles,

Extra Nice half Bbli. Pork.


Pure Cider Vinegar Always,Kilts Nalmou Bellies,

Freah Salmon, 1 ft and : ft tins.

June !. 2 7S.





A Specialty.It IVt. PROTI'REn T1TE SF.RVI- -

t'ES a Flrst-ClBJ- Horse Ktaoer fromSan Praaelsco. persons havlnjt If ones are par.liouiarly reiiuested lo rail and teat our ability

that line.

At Reduced Prices.Kar An Shoes made the Itonre of the BEST Norway

IKON JT. T. CHATTER. Blacksmith,Ml rti Corner next to the Custom flons- -

Australian General Atlas.A FEW foriES.

(tat lmfor saif Iiv










For San Francisco.5orwfK-U- Rnrfe


To sail on or about the 10th day of June,For Passat-r- e apply to

MS It H. TI V'fCm.n .ft CO.. Ac v


J. B. FORD!U, u. JEN KM, JI aster,

Will Sail for the above Port on Thursdaynext, the 10th inst.

For rassagc, apply toMa It JOU-



ggW. C. PARKE !

' D. s i i HA M.OM .--faster.

Will have Quick Dispatch for the above PortFor Freight or passage, apply lo513 2t H. HACKFELD A CO.. Agenta.

For Sydney, N. S. W.

The Ai S. . Co's Fine Steamship


WILL SAIL for SYDNEY, N. S. W.On or about lime SOtlt.

AN favbebt latended for .hlpinfnt per Hltier toSu Fr;.nciM'L or tile CoJunlf-- will lye received In theSteamer Warehouse Fret of NIornjrp.

The iVxent-- i will five Wnrehuuse-lU-cei- fur all M. r

chnodise, hut will not he responsible fur los by lire.

OiT For FrcifflU and PfUittffe, to Sydney, 2f,wZeiiUud sud Melbourne, nppiv to

BM '. UKKU CR A Co.. AffenU.


C. Brewer eV. Co. Agents.Merchandise received Slomfre Free anil!

liberal rash advances made ou shiiinii-nl- lv Ihts line.atl-l- y c. BKKWKR A CO.


jftKt C. Brewer Al Co. Agents. Jj&L5T VT? FTor&t1c ri in;' incut- - run klwii'i W

mnAv for utor-iR- and shjinneut of Oil. Bine, Hml, Ilidmandottirr Me rftiandUe to New llvdford. Dmtuu, New York andother Ka-- t r n I'orU. Kw Catih AUraDce made,


FOR SAN FRANCISCO.The Ai S. . Co.'s Fine Steamship



WILL SAIL for SAN FRANCISCOOn or nliout .lum-

All frrlffht tntpndPil for fthlpment per ateamers either toKan Kranclvo M tbe . will bt) 111 Uie

( t'rre of rttur.Tin Agutit-- i will kk it u .u in. ii i;. .1 t for allbut will nut be ivsponttible fur loas by fire.

- Kor Freight ami INuMJitftr, or any further Infor-mation, apply t

M4 C. BREWEB A CO.. A ft r 21 Cm.

lil-rxTi- Pacltot.FOR KOLOA AND WAIMEA !



Will have reffiilar rthpatch for the above named Portano anj after Ul- - fttli of INoveiubvr next, until further notice'

Kfritfbt anil rassiuje taken at the Iaowtut Itates.S12 itOLI.E. .v CO., AgenU.

Caution.WHERE AN. IT HAN COHE to the

the mulfrslfftieil that certain parties Tot lillHil. have maliciously circulated a report, to the

thai tin .SWi'Hiiit-- r Hnninlle atlvertlsed ax a re-gular packet tetweer. Honolulu ami the port of liiilofrtami Wutim'M. Knnnl. is about lodlaeontlnue her regu-lar trlpa to tbe attove uained porta; now we desire tbat itbe distinctly understood, that tbe said tjrhooner Is under acontract with the Koluu Plantation to run regularly for theterm of one year from the first November, lsTl. and thatslie will accordingly continue to run to the Porta of koloaand Wafmeu, as advertised, bnrrliiff accidentia.

We hereby caution the authors of the above reports, tbatthey will be held responsible for all loss or dan-ax- result-ing In cousequence of such false representations made by0MML

&S4 BOLLKS tt Co., Agents.



I'lflin, I.'i;uJ, ami Ki Nitlc I'ap.T mxt Knvi-lni- i, -HtrjuArc. jlnrnniaJ, Court, Kani-y- rolorcd, Aa In bo.tPs orwltliouL AnioiiK the now of wblch I have twelvevarieties, will be found :

Imperial, Court, Alexander, Washington, Arlington, Dia-mond, Ac, In boxes from 50r, to f 1.50 per box.

Call and examine, the new styles.

For the Children.There are three styles of small Note Papt-- r anil Envel-

opes the Bijou, Hiinceof Wales, and Crown 1'rlnca.These new styles are all the fashion. For sale by5,0 sj It. M WIIIT.NKY.

SOLE & SADDLE LEATHER,Tanned Goat and Sheep Skins


WAIMEA TANISEKY. C. NOT!. K Y, Prop'r$m$ A. S. CLEOIIOR.N A CO., Aceots.



Meriden Britannia Company.

CLtll.VER PI. 1 IT. II W.IKE, ALSO A LA Ills EVtWMlf of


First Preminn Awardf d by (be Ameriran

Institnle 1873 and I871.


" We ronaiiler the tsooda made by thlaf'onipatiy to be by far the best made lathis country and, tte believe. In the world. "

(40 lm


Pilot 33 r a ci.CITEAP.

Damaged Bread,Good rxr Chicken Feed, ate., at

Kakaako Salt, per Bag or Ton.

FIREWOOD, of the Best QualityCat op If

Curb Stones,J AS. I. DOWIIETT.

M2 Sm Cornt r Qottra ud Fort Stmtt- -




ON THTJBSDAY,At Ualf-pa- 9 A.M.

. - aTONE 10th,Haifa j.



Fine Prints. Maslins, Linen Drills,

Brawn CattaDt, Whit Cuttunt, Mtriao,

Victoria Lawns. Silk IlxnJ'xerehtefs,Hetomstl Linen Uaniltcrchiaft,

Ilarrsrd Shirts, Fane Flannel Orershirts,

V4x o oX Slaawls!Turkish Towels Tor Bathinf,BlankeU, Whita Shirts, Ataotksa- - Denirat,Amoskear Stripers, Cotton Drill, Brilliants,Fins Tweed Suits, Bed Qailts,

WATER-PROO- F CLOTH,Merino and Cotton UndershirU,Felt and Straw Hats. Ladies' Hot,Men's Seeks, Bridles and Bits,Traveling Bags, Etc., Etc.. Eta.

Groceries, dbo.Best Brands Kerosene, Card Matehes,Yeast Powder, Sardines,Soda Craekers, Clothes Pint, Hamt,Baaon. Candlsts, Pickles, Tobacco,Cigars, Fine Tea,

EXTRA H'111.1 Flflt'R,BROWN SUGAR, Etc., Etc., Etc.


The PropcrtT of a tientleman leatiar;the Country, fix :

3 Csset Schlots Johannisberfrer,4 Cases Uant irauterne,

6 Cases Hungarian Wins,

4 Cases Old Sherry,1 Case Bordeaux,

1 Case Heidsieck Champagne,

1 Case Charles Favre Champagne,

2 Cases California Wine,

2 Cases Claret, io., Ac.



E. P. ADAMS, Auctioneer.


Wreck of Schooner Odd Fellow

ON THURSDAY. -- - - JUNE 10th,At 13 M .. nt rtalearoom. ttlll br soul,



dk Schr. Odd FellowAs it is, at or near Waimea, Kanal,

With the Chains, Anchors, Szc, c.


ONE 33 O A. T !

Delonging to aaid tchouner.

E. P. ADAM3,Honolulu, Juno 9, 1875.


Notice of Foreclosure of Mortgage

TAKE NOTICE THAT IN PURHTJANCE OF TIIEterms of a mortgage executed by Jniii A. Dower

to tbe umlerNigiied, on the IIaws.Uan schooner

aii KAPIOLANI !To tt'cure the payment of the sum of tS3.70, I wUi pro-ceed to seJl the sttvld schooner at poblic aurtlon. on

WEDXF.SDAY (he IGih day of JIM: IfEXT,At 1 o'clock P. M., at Brewer A Co s Wharf,

Honolulu, to tbe highest bidder for cash In band. In orderto pay the halanep due on said debt o secured, tottt tln rwith the Interest and the costs of this foreclosure and tale.

A. W. Phll'.t ...E. P. AIAMH, Aurt'r.

Ilonolulu, June sth,



ON SATUEDAY, - - JUNE 19th,At 13 tVelfsek, v.M.n,

On tbs Pretniies, bj Ordtr or 0. C. SIDERS and thaBzaeatsrl or th. lata JNO. D. R0BIN80.V, will

ba offered at Public Auction, tbal certain

PIECE OR PARCEL OF LANDOo King Street, Honolulu, and kaowh as

The Globe Hotel Premises,With all the Buildings and Inproreoients thereupon.Tbe Lot contains on. Large Main building, two sto-

ries bigb, built or coral and in good repair : a finslarge lirick Cook Ilousa, aad two Cooarortsbla Cot-

tages. Tbit property is in the business centre orHonolulu, and oaers a fine opportunity f .r invest,meni. at it must toon advance in value under thattitnulating influeuoe or Reciprocity.

Parties desiring to inspect tha Property, can applyto Mr. Ueo. C. Siders, or

E. P. ADAMS. Auctioneer.

Notice.TfrfffT nROTnER.I5I.LAW, MAX. ECHART,.ll a'Ul act for me ilurtng tuv that kingaom.

Uonolnlu, stay 12. 187a,MP.'. kX'KAKT.

in it

Notice.Al l. IM IESOVS IIATIM4 I. VIMS Afralnat

the testate of Ihe late ALLAN W. JCIID, will pieaa.present Llistii without delay to either of Use nndersicuerli


ft tfarch 29, 137S. xa4-3-




AB HAS T, lilt 31 A.HTEH,

Jon. II afondajr 5 ptn. .Hllo.Jane 31 Mrsndajr t pax ... H llo A Kaunakakal both warsJune 20 We.inesslay.i pm... Circuit of Xaaai,

oar When there are no rat He to larnl at afaaiaea Bar,an effort will tss mail, lo reach Hoonlalu Hatartlar r. a.

sr (In Down Trip, toe SUsttttr will not leave af akenauntil 7 am. or later; and afaalaea Bay until 9 am. or later.

Bates of Pattare will beTo or from BTsrrnBt tksl. MolokaiTo or from taoalna. If auL, ..........To or from staalaea, atanlTo or from Makeua. ManLTo or rrom atahukona, HawalTo or from Kawaibae, HawaiiTn or rrom Halloa. Hawaii..To or from Kaawaloa, HawaiiTo or from llUo, HawalL.To or from Kau Coast. Hawaii..flmult of Hawaii. Hound Trip- -.



To or from any Port on aaoal... ............. ..

Circuit of Kauai, Hound Trip................Duck paaaace for natives only

II. Oal

..IIHstar So Credit fBtr Paaeaci Sloney.

Tickets at the wsaVre only.So berth wfll be coraaoerrd as taken until paid lei. Sol

responsible lor unmarked ilasM, ur Bay rreafhl orFar-cel- tunless receipted Cor.

jTraif ht Money Due on Demand.HAMCKL G. WILUKR. ArenU

OnVe wlthVVuder A Co.. corner of Port at uueeu Htrreta



CREDIT SALEAt Salesroom of C. S. Bartow.


if ai til m. FEB LATE ARRIVALS.

Tills T3ayWEDNESDAY, : : : TUWE 9th,

AC IO arlsak A. SI., will ass salsi


lata. PllttlaTStl,

Iristi Llavam. Tow.llntr.I mllBat Ftarji SIbbwsi,

Aaayaakrats Drill.


will br raVrsj in sanal tea.

Ilaslsrt7.Lavdlrw I'avslrrrtsxtlslxic.

l'arwriavJasjBsaa at Da. via' tTlasav

WBtltsx Kfalrta r

Gent's and Boy's Clothing !

nannetx vrry fine,

tlaat'B and Boy's Hals,

Caaaaxiers, Rata, carfssss.

AS 19 o'rlock

Whita Covsrlsax. 3

of t'ortt,Kraja sr Brawn Smear.

saasa uf Rrww s Hniar.

One Superior Saddle Horse

Terms liberal wantiVi known nt Salt.

C. S. BARTOW. Anctionasr.

SalesON THURSDAY, : : : .TUNE 17th,

At 10 u'rlixrls A. 1..A. 1ST ASSORTMENT




C. S. n.tRTDW, Auclioa-a- r.

Trustee's Sale of

REALIn the Matter of the Kstate of the lato Captain JOHN

MKEK, Deceased.

To be Sold at Auction,At the Sales Room of C. S. Bartow, ia Honolulu, on

SATURDAY, the 28th Day ofAugust, 1875,AT tt O'CLOCK. NOOK

All that Tract of Land situate in the

District of Ewa, Oahu,And known as


Conbilnlng an area nf 1300 A ere a, by a recent virv y byC. J, Lyons,, BSS tying within seven milN ofth(1tyofHonolulu. Hint dlreetly on the r...nl frtim Honolulu ...aJtuL The said land is subject to a !.eae for a term ofThree Years unexpired. Title by Kuyal Patent.

For further .;.rt.ttil.ir-- i ripply lo J II. COM ST, Truilst,and eseentor of tb tld Kotalr. or to J. NON TliOilKK Y,Solicitor, No. i ICaahumanu street, Honolulu.

C. S. VAHTOW. Auo'r.


12 (Jobblers from sto 20 months .M

22 to 40 tax essrta,for sale now.

Hens II la11 Its.




to tn- -

i.- -j


40 Ui 'SI poll n. Isrssv pair at ma-


BlackCO A


EaTSra, fresh, pare, true to name ; ttestao aa to hatch after arrival.

For Circular aad Price List, address

Xt. EYRJt, Napa, U.t X,

Ferrett, Babbits, Pigeoaj.

Please state where you saw tuax advertlsenieiit.


J. W. CR0WELL, Puupbiktob,NoqS Fort street, oppnaite H. L. Ctxaae't)

Fhotojrraph Gallery.

Lunch at Ice Cream Room for Ladles.


Choicest Meats from the Finest Herds

Fish, Poaltry, Vegetables, &c,Furnished to

JXTisxAVJ--s TaeasayB aad

Fridays-rbt- h.

(Cnleat otbarwlae onlerad.



well-pav- e



The Proprietor bavins; erer-te- a neat ar.d r

VEGETABLE. FRUIT MD POULTRY I1RKET,AiIJlnlri-- f th Fmllr M- Mmrt. wtfl bt prtp4Ud topromptly kwt llnthrvrrity All tar it irj XMim f--q'itiilt- - nirnt-vi- j itu

Ui- - ouniry &vfTof(J.



Ac, dUrf rM u, D paru of Ul citj wKlUMi

ia lm E. H. ftp TP.

BOOKS tt STATIONERYThe Basis of Our Business.

KIT. To f an afar-tar-e sH sssxk Boaks aad MaT as eaa Mtssisw.nwsas.B.i.sal

IICOID-- Te Barf-- aad Bell awase aad tl atary aa as la sxak, it to th. la tereat of avalin an i C..S.SS- -ars to ,BS to as ta prrfkssaci Be sa Slag East

sr Ws aaaasactat. aad aport svarv of Itsttoorry, carry lai aw gs stisrks of rapar, iavilif it sat atsaahBooks of oar oaa asaashetars. laka. Bat a., sts.

Bar- - ,..r .HlO rarftlss ,f Bias It S kept la Stoet--

A. L. BANCROFT A CO..VaVll tss rraaeaaaa, CaJ,

Page 4: GAZETTE THE HAWAIIAN GAZETTE,lawyer white a a a New paper about nzu rieei. wiuc.1 anaa fu rleci. ueep, anui rirom inniuu io 120 feet in length every 10 hours. The peat is delivered

ridFMMds sued Htnagers areeesrBntr MM to Uwd rubnv Woranip at nKT ST.(tlK m b.Tr Vn tn an- - held cTerv rbau at 11

toat A. M.. mm : s P. H. arr prortdrd for allen. fill i fl to aanMt. Tbrtv Is a Wwlnadar

Mai I'm..-- ? M .PC at 7 orwct, Is tbc Ixuireh - a.. !. ... are .riu. K4 ly



Just Arrived

FROM LIVERPOOL,Is landing her Cargo in

fIl'iilil Order !

ooiwsmso OF












Bassins. Saddles and Canvas.

IjONDONToys, Books, Piano Fortes!

Cosnell's Perfumes,Brufber, Ac.

Ale. Blood's Ate and Porter,

Tesneot'f AW, lui Coope & Co.'i Ale,

MarteH'f. QeoDcwer'f , ud Robin's Uracils of

Wines aod Spirits,

lUwhcw' Chuipce,FaXtflUh Soap, Earthenware, GUsiwarc,

Pipe. Farnitare. Paints, Oil,


Ttfnnlln nope.Portland Cement, Corrugated Iron, Hoop Iron,

Fencing Wire, Hollow-war-





With im pro red Wrought Iron Monitor Cas-

tings, Explosion Proof,







The Yard and on the Wharf!(AlMTEJSINU

or' --Vest Scantling. Timber !



Laths,Pickets, &c.


Plank. Boards,Battens. Flooring,

Moulding. Pickets,Laths, Posts,

Wainscotting,&c.. &c. &c.

White Cellar and Redwood Shingles.

White Pine Boards,Doors, R. P. lmo., 2rao., fc Sash



Wall Paper and Border.In Larte Variety.


aPafau ud WUitwuk Brashes,Uck, HittfH,

SlUt, Sue si,Sato Weight ft Line.




WILDER & CO.,3a Corner Fort and Queen Street.

H.HACKFELD 4 CO.Offer for Sale

The Following Goods.RECEIVED



From Bremen !


Assortment Fanej Prints, new styles,White Ground Prints,Black and White Prints, French Muslim,Hoary I .at Denims, pl.ia and striped,Bine and White Striped Ticking.Brown Cottons, assorted qualities.Blue Cottons. V hite Cottona,Horroek.es White Long Cluth, A sod E, 38 inch

and 32 inch wide.

Hickorj Stripes,Linen Sheeting, 72, f 2, 90 and 100 inches wide,

Cotton Sheeting, 6", 72, SO and 00 inches wide.Victoria Lawns, pieces, aborted qualities.Indigo Bine Flaanel, Black Silk Alpacas,Black Cobonrgf , Gne and medium,Scotch Waterproof Tweeds, all colon.Mosquito Netting,Silk Corah Handkerchiefs,Turkey lied aid Tcllow Cotton Handkerchief?,Ladies' Cotton Uandkerchieff,Assorted Cotton Stockings And Sockl,Linen Thread assorted.Black and Colored Silk Neckties, new styles,Monkey Jackets, assorted qaalitici.Heavy Woolen Blankets, Scarlet, Orange, Bine

tnd Green,Fancy Flannel Shirt. Linen Shirt. Cotton do.Merino Finish Undershirts, Cotton Undershirts.Assorted Burlaps, French Calfskin,,English Saddles.

Geanine I'au de Cologne,Macassar Hair Oil. Lubin's Extracts,Fino India liubber Blessing Combs,'

Fine Woolen Shawls and Traveling Plaidl,

Fine and Common Ten and Pocket Knives,Fine Steel Scissors, Common Scissor,,Tinned Spars on Cards, Iron Teakettles,Galvanised Pails, 10 and 12 inch.Galvanized Washing Tabs,Perforated Metal for Centrifugal Machines,Charcoal Box Irons,Bright Fencing Wire, No. 4, 5 and 6,

Full Assorttn't of Best Refined English Bar Iron,Swedish Iron,Muntt' Yellow Metal Sheathing, and Composi-

tion Nails. Block Tin,Galvanized Iron Pipe, Hoop Iron.

Porous Water Monkeys, Pressed Tumblers,Cut Porter Glasses.

Habbnck's Patent White Zinc Paint,Uubhuck's Patent White Lead Paint,Hubbuek's Pale Boiled Linseed Oil,

Black Paint, Paris Green, Red Lead.

Clastic Soda, Beit Lagos Palm Oil.

A large Assortment of

German, English and French GroceriesLicbig's Extract of Meat.

Stearine Candles, 4. 5, and 0 to a pound.Ultramarine Blue,Castor Oil, in tins and glass,Epsom Salts in bulk and boxes.

Nests of Trunks, Birch Brooms,Wrapping Paper. Market Baskets,Demijohns, Corks,Assortment of Blank Books,Press Copy Books, Shipping Receipt Books.

Assorted sites Horse Rope, Hemp Packing,Spunyara, Flag Liue, Log Line,Marline and Housing,Swedish Safety Matches,Devoe's Kerosene Oil, in patent cans.

Hcidsieak A Co's Champagne, in qts and pts.Ruinart Pere A Fils' Champagne, do. do.Sparkling Hock, in quarts and pints.Genuine Hollands Gin, in jugs and baskets,Genuine Hollands Gin, in glass, green boxes,Boutelleau t Co.'s Brandy, in glass, 1 to 4

Boutellcau A Co.'s Brandy, in casks,German Ale and Lager Bier, in qts. and pti.Jeffrey's Edinburgh Ale and Stout, qts and pts.Assorted Clarets, very fine to common,Licbfrancnmilch A Laubenheimcr Rhine Wines.Small assortment of Hungarian Wines,Bitters, Alcohol in 1 gal. demgohns, 86 per cent.

German and Havana Cigars.

Fire Clay, Coal Tar, Stockholm Tar,Stockholm Pitch,Empty Petroleum Barrels for Tallow Containers,Oak Boats for Coasters,

Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc.,Etc., Etc., Etc.,

Etc., Etc.,Etc.

" snore specified Goods, together with a wellassorted Stock now an hand ex recent arrivals, areoffered for sale in quantities to suit the trade.

.jfSJ- - Orders from the other Island' filled at lowestmarket rates.


Just Received by


Edward James!ARRIVED

FROM HONGKONG!Whit fc Colored Rattan Matting,

matting. Rattan Chairs,Manila Rope, Peanut Oil,Nests Camphor Trunks,Fine Tea, Basket Tea,China Hams, Nankin Cloth,Japanese Umbrellas, Assorted Silk,Silver Ware, Ivory Ware,Sandal Wood Ware, Lacquered Ware,China Ware, Canvas Shoes,Straw Slippers, Clothes Baskets,Flower Pota, Wrapping Paper,Dried I.igee, Dried Dales,Gold fc Silver Jewelry,

Tortoise Shell & Crystal Jewelry,Gentlemen fc Ladies Paty flats,

China Brick fc Side-wal- k StonesSINGLE AND DOUBLE


A Great Tarietr of

OTHER CHINESE GOODSToo namoron to mention.


AFOXG ACUX I K.y yimnn HtrpwH. mm King.


in quantities to suit. For sale byB0LLES A CO.



The Cbsxrch and the tftic-- t ion ofDtxns-insr- .

From the Nrw North-WesL- )

1. No church has a right to attempt tobind the conscience of an individual byany rule not clearly expressed intheScrip-tnres- .

What the liibU teaches is obliga-

tory whether a chnrch enjoins it or not.A church can not arbitrarily compel thebelief of any thing not in the revealedwill of God.

2. As a hitman toHet any chnrch mayestablish for the government of its mem-

bers any rule it may choose. Every soci-

ety does this. The Masons, the Odd Fel-

lows, and, indeed, every organization hasits own rules. If any one does not likethem lie can stay out of the society. Soa church may establish its rules. If anyone does not like them, he can and oughtto let them alone. No one will corajM--

him to join a church if he does not like it.3. No church has any right to meddle

witli the amusements of those who do notprofess to be Christian-- . If the church is

attacked it has a right to defend itself.The minister or the church that attemptsto hinder the amusements of the world isguilt- - of a breach of good manners. Min-

isters and churches should attend to theirown business.

4. The same rule will apply equally tothe world. It should let the churchesmanage their own affairs. If they doright, well : if they make mistakes, it isnot the business of the world to set themright.

5. On the ground of crjmliency aChristian chnrch has a right to forbid itsmembers to dance. This rule is given inthe Sth and 10th cha iters of 1st Corin-

thians. It was not wrong in a Christianto eat meat that had been sacrificed toidols, providing he did not eat it as an actof worship in honor of the idol. But ifby his eating of the meat some otherChristian might be led to worship in somemanner an idol, or, if by his eating themeat, some heathen might conclude thata Christian was conforming to the practi-ces of the heathen, then as a matter ofconscience, not of command, the Christianshould not eat of it. On the same groundmay the church, as an ordinance of God,forbid dancing. Dancing is not wrong initself, but to the Christian, on the groundof cjr.jKdkncy, not of command, it be-

comes a matter of conscience. The worldwill think that Christians are conformingto the practices of the world.

6. When a church finds it is about tobe injured by the conduct of any of itsmembers, it has the right of all humansocieties to defend itself by such laws asit may see proper to enact. Examplesneed not be given to prove that a churchloses influence in a community if its mem-

bers make a practice of attending dances.Every Christian knows that spirituality isnot generally found among those Chris-tians who habitually dance.

7. The church that forbids its membersto dance, by so doing, shows a respect forthe opinion of the world. When a Chris-

tian unites with a church the world ex-

pects him to make some sacrifices. Bycommon consent dancing has been select-ed as the amusement Christians shouldgive up. When a professing Christiandances the world claims him. The worlddoes not expect an exemplary Christianto dance.

8. The world must judge of Christian-ity by the lives of Christians. If Chris-tians live holy, godly and consistent lives,the world values Christianity at a highprice. If it see them with their hearts seton things forbidden or doubtful, it judgesthat religion is not a power in the heartas strong as Christians say it is.

9. The rule, after all, that governs aChristian in this matter is not found inthe laws of the church but in his con-

science. IT a real Christian finds he dis-

honors God by dancing he will not dancewhile the world stands." Every Chris-

tian must conscientiously consider the cir-

cumstances under which he is placed byeach new temptation. No church can n

rules to suit every case. That oneis the most useful church in the communi-ty which has fewest laws, for as a rule themembers of that church are more scrupu-lous as to their conduct before God. Therules of Church have little terrors to them.They fear God, not the chnrch. Theylove God and endeavor to honor Him, andthey will do nothing that will even havethe appearance of evil, because they wouldnot have the cause of God "evilly spokenof." MONT.

A Thorough IstTestljration.The loss of the emigrant ship, Cross-bone- s,

which took fire on the voyage toAustralia, and was burned to the water'sedge, all hands being either burnt ordrowned, with the exception of one manand a boy, was the subject of an inquiry-hel- d

yesterday.The Court was composed exclusively of

ship-owner- s. Mr. Sergeant Buzfuz repre-sented the Board of Trade and the char-

terers, while Mr. Phnnky attended on behalf of the relatives of the lost passengersand crew.

Mr. Serjeant Buzfuz, in opening thematter, said that they met to inquire intothe loss of the ship Crossbones, by fire,together with nearly five hundred lives.No doubt such untoward events wouldoccur ; but, in order to meet the require-ments of the Board of Trade, certain wit-

nesses, including the survivors one manand a boy would be called upon to provethat no blame could be attached to any-

one, and that the vessel was all thatconld be desired.

The survivors, who had been spending

the morning at the owner's office, werethen brought into Court. They still look-

ed very illJames Jonah, able seaman, deposed that

he was one of the crew of the Crossbones;he had been soever since she was launch-ed ; she was then called the Death's Head ;

she went ashore on her first voyage, andstrained herself; she was afterwardslengthened and Everythingwent well till the fire broke out. Couldn'timagine how she could have jiossibly tak-

en fire. The cargo was composed of tar,pitch, resin, oil, paralTin, petroleum, rum,brandy, spirits of wine, fireworks, gun-

powder, &c. Did not consider that aninflammable cargo. Thought the fire

must have originated in one of the watertanks. There were quite enough boats.None of 'em were any use. Was savedby clinging to a bit of a raft with theboy.

Serjeant Buzfuz. And that is how youwere buoyed up. (Laughter.)

Witness Was rescued by the Peruvi-

an bark Pick-me-u- the Captain of which

treated us most kindly. Hit everybodybut us over the head with belaying-pins- .

Serjeant Uuzfuz was most happy to in-

form the Court that it had been intimatedto him that her Majesty's Government in-

tended presenting the captain, in thecourse of a year or two, with a kaleido-

scope and a tin speaking-trumpe- t.

Examination resumed : Considered theCrossbones one of the safest ships afloatuntil she was lost. Would not have hadthe slightest objection to have gone to seain her again, with the same cargo, pro-

vided he was saved, and it was madeworth his while. Considered Incitermatches on the lop of a powder barrel,or petroleum cask, rather ornamental thanotherwise.

Mr. Phnnky was proceeding to cross-exami-

the witness, when the Court ad-

journed for lunch.On its Mr Serjeant Buz-

fuz submitted to the Court that Mr. Phun-k- y

had no locus standi.Mr. Phnnky said that lie appeared for

certain persons who were not quite satis-

fied.Serjeant Buzfuz. Some people are never

satisfied.Mr. Phnnky. I mean to say that they

are not satisfied that the vessel was well

found.Serjeant Buzfuz. How could she have

been well " found" when she was lost?(Much laughter which was not suppressed.)

The boy who was saved was then called,and corroborated in every particular theevidence of the former witness. Thoughtthe fire might have originated in the fore- -

topgallant mast. Felt very hot afterclimbing up there.

An experienced 6tevedore was then call-

ed by Mr. Phunky, and said that he con-

sidered the cargo a most dangerous one.When he was stopped by Mr. Serjeant

Buzfuz, who called the attention of theCourt to the fact that witness droppedhis "H's," and was evidently a most ob-

jectionable and untrustworthy person.The Court allowed the objection, and

the witness was ordered to stand down.The learned Serjeant then said that it

appeared to him quite unnecessary to ad-

dress the Court any further.The Court after consulting for two min-

utes and three-quarter- s, said that it wascertainly most unfortunate that the majo-

rity, in fact, a large majority, of the pas-

sengers and crew of the Crossbones should

have met with snch a disagreeable fate,but it could not be helped. Everythingthat science, experience, and skill, as well

as petroleum, pitch, tar, gunpowder, spir-

its, and other powerful agents, could do,

had been done, and the Court only hopedthat the owners were fully insured. Ifthe unfortunate captain were before them,the Court would have immediately grant-ed him a new certificate, in case his old

one should have been burnt. The Courtwere unanimously of opinion that the cargo was of a most harmless description, andproperly stowed. They would, however,recommend that in future the boats shouldnot be launched keel upwards, and thatwhen Captain Shaw returns from Egypthe should be consulted upon the bestmethod of suddenly extinguishing ignitedspirits and petroleum, as well as fireworks

Mr. Serjeant Buzfuz entirely concurredwith the Court, and was happy to say

that the owners were more than fully in-

sured.The inquiry then terminated. Pimch.

1 -- i Till lilnamcn,Up country residents are availing them-

selves very largely of the services of Chi-

nese for almost every description of labor.They may be found occupied as grooms,waiters, and cooks, at hotels, laborers in

the harvest field, or fulfilling the duties of" wood and water Joeys," whenever a set-

tler may require their services, while manypossessing sufficient strength of muscleare employed in gold mining claims. Thelatest application of Celestial labor, appears to have been to the duties of nurse-

maids, as in the neighborhood of the low-

er Molyneux, this innovation has been ac-

complished. A Chinaman, in the employof a settler, had become sufficiently domes-ticated as to be entrusted with the care ofchildren, and he succeeded so satisfactor-ily that a family of five youngsters could,in the absence of their maternal parent for

periods of a whole fortnight together, becommitted to his charge. His successesin the management of children were sofrequent that he was permitted to under-

take the weaning of an eight months old

baby, and which he thoroughly and effect-

ually accomplished. Female helps now,so scarce and chary of their services evenat the very highest rate of wages, shouldtake warning in time, or they may possiblysome day wake op to the reality that

notions respecting feminine d j

mestic labor have become obsolete, the &L

mond-eye- d strangers from the FloWeryLaud providing an excellent and effectualsubstitute. In San Francisco this, to alarge extent is already the case, the dutiesof housemaid, chambermaid, and washer-woman being mostly performed by malemembers of the Mongolian race. Austra-

lian paper.

Old Dutch Proverb.We must row with the oars we have ;

and, as we cannot order the wind, we areobliged to sail with the wiud that Godgives.

Patience and attention will bring nsfar. If a cat watches long enough at themouse's nest, the mouse shall not escape.

Perseverance will obtain good cabbagoand lettuce where otherwise nothing butthistles will grow.

The ploughman must go np and down,and whatever else may bo done, there is

no other but this long way to do the workwell.

Learn to sleep with one eye open. Assoon as the chicken goes to roost it is agood time for the fox.

Fools always will ask what time it is,but the wise know their time.

Grind while the wind is fair, and if youneglect, do not complain of God's provi-

dence.God gives feed to every bird, but bo

does not bring it to the nest ; in like man-

ner he gives us our daily bread, but bymeans of our daily work.

The dawn of day has gold in its month.He that lags behind in a road where

many are driving, always will be in acloud of dust.

Never set your feet in a dirty and crook-

ed path for the love of money. It is awork that will bring bad iuterest if youwish to suck honey of thistles.

You will need a long spoon if you wishto cat with the devil out of the same dish.





53 X





(SUUTTLE)-- S8 10.

Wheeler & Wilson's Machines.

::v Merchants and Shippers supplied. TS

Lojidos Orricc :


PS-- Messrs. NUSSEY 1 FILLING undertake thePurchase for Foreign Buyers, of all classes of BritishMado Enoi.ies, MAcnmKitr, Hardware, Woollesaxd Sort Qoods. 602-l- y

B. H. Lyons' CompoundFOtt THE WORST



Kheomatiam, Neuralgia, Sores, tTleerf, Eruptions,Skin Diseases, Fern alo Irregularities and Gen-

eral Debility, Asthma, Diseases of theThroat, Lircr and Kidneys.


By giving Health and Tone to the Gastric Juices.

Bee Directions for Using


mm DILLINGHAM & Co., Agents.

PURE LIME JUICEWarranted to keep on the Longest Voyage

In 3, , and 5 gallon Demijohns,

Prepared by George MorrisKALIHI, 0AHU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS.

For Sale by C. Brewer Sl Co.

Hawaiian Dictionary,uiM tlMMi ADOl'T 'JO.OOO HAWAIIAN

WoiUsS, with English sbcnUIcation, and

An English Hawaiian Vocabulary,




.- -. f Bound In Sbeep SS Xruns, jjoomj )n Morocco. INFor Sale by II. M. WHITNEY.

Tis Valuable Work can be obtained ofTKUBKEB CO., Paternoster How, London,

afnssn. BARN'EH A CO., John Street, New York,lfeun. BANUBOFT A CO., San Francisco.

AIM, lor stele,HMWnllnn wnd EcssMUb I'braae Book SO SO11. ih hi. mi Urainiuar - .a 1

Something for the Girls!

Gold and Silver Perforated Card Board

Gold and Silver Paper,White Perforated Card Board.

For Omit by


n. xi. WHrrNKT.

Philip Phillip's Songs.or rm si; popri.AR mi i onu s.Copif.s can be obtained at the Store of the

Undersigned. Price 23 eessla each.M ?m u. ji. wiirr.iEr,


Edition, 3,600 Copies !

Sabecr.pl.on $3 ss year, payable la advance,Adrertlsement and CommaakaUou f the Kooko will berrnrl ia Hawaiiaa, if daarM, fres of cuare. f ui

Ucation osJke, in the lower richt-aao- d roues of Ike.- BniH.Dif. All communications

eSKmld bm addTd to496-l- B. M WJHTXKT, PntlUher



m-Ts- r-i0TLX-ts30Jtia.axi.caLS- !

TOSS BEST SMITHS' COAL,L Tons Uest lllasfow Splint Steesa Coal.

Bar Iron, ia as sort ml siies.

LIME JUICE CORDIALS!In 1 dot. eases of tbe celebrated ma no foe I tire of

JOHN OILL0S A Co., Glasgow.


Smith & Wellstood'sCELEBRATED STOVES and RANGES,

Highly recommended bj those who hare triedthcin, itill on hand, sad will be deposed

of at LOW Rates, to vast the timo.

The Following Machinery,

One Sugar Mill, CompleteTHKEE



STEAM CLARIFIERS, 100 and 500 Galls.

DRY GOODS !Of Various Descriptions,


Cases Heidseiek'ii Champagne,Cases Assorted Brands Champagne,Cases Uennesay's 1, 2 and 3 Star Draodr,Cases Assorted ttrands Urandj,Cases Uest Claret,Cases Best Seoteh Whisker,Cases Uest Holland Gin,Baskets Best Holland Gin, itonejugCases Best Old Tom Gin, Cases Assorted Clarets.


Occidental, Hermitage and O.F.C.

DEMIJOHNS ALCOHOL,Cases Best Tale Sherrr,

Cases Best Old Port,Quarter Cask. Hennessy'i Pale Brandy,Quarter Casks Pale Sherry,Quarter Casks Iridh Whiskey,Quarter Casks Jamaica Bum.

McEwan's India Pale Ale,Tints and Quarts.

Blood, Wolfe A Co's India Pale Ale, pts and qts.Bass A Co's India Palo Ale, pints and qaarts,Orange Bitters.


jn.w .n s XXX Mill r. In atonejusra,QUARTS AND PINTS.

PORT WIXi:, In 3 iloa. rnw Ml i:ic It Y WiueiIn 3 floz. enHA, offtnperlor quaJJ ty .



LINIMENT.UNPARALLELED SuccessTHE usf places it ahead of all other Liniments,

or an; other kind of Medicine overused for the euro of

Sciatica, Chronic or Inflammatory Rheu-

matism, Nenralyia, Kidney and Spi-

nal Complaints, Lame Hack, SoreThroat, Cramps, Toothache,

Sprains and Burns.

Wherever Bishop Soulo's Liniment Is known, tbePeople t advcrtir&. Its ralue is estimatedby thuse who hare used it at from $j to $I,UU0 perbottle. The following are a few items which harecome to us, and are of daily occurrence :

A man borrowed a psrt of a bottle of Bishop Sonle'sLiniment of his neighbor, for immediate use. A fewdays after, he bought three Urge bottles, returned afull bottle for the one borrowed, and told his neighborthat he would not be without Bishop Soule's Linimentin his bouse if ft eost $250 per bottle. Another, whohad suffered twelve years from a lame knee, was curedwith Bishop Soule's Liniment, snd said it was worth$1,000 per bottle. Another, who had suffered manyyears from lameness, so that be could not walk with-

out crutches, writes that be is cured by using BishopSoule's Liniment, and says that you cannot rae ittoo kujhlif. Another, who had suffered from rheuma-tism four years, and could get no relief, said his friends,whererer he went, advised him to use Bishop Houle'lLiniment. lie had heard it so many times, that hehad got out of patience with them, and woald boy abottle, and try it, but he knew it wuuld not do himany good ; and whenever any one ever recommendedit to him again he would tell them be bad used it, andit was no better than anything else. Well, he boughtone bottle ; soon after, two buttles more, lie wascompletely eured of his rheumatism, and although beis not a dealer in medie.no, be has bought of us andold orry-s- u dozen bottle. Another man says : "I

thank God, and Bishop ttonle's Liniment, that afterfour years suffering from sciatica, I am a well managain." Another, "Bishop Soule's Liniment has notonly saved me from a great deal of suffering, bnt hasalso saved my life. You ought to proclaim it to theworld, and let the people know that yon have gotsomething that will c una thbm." Proprietor "Battbe people will not believe it." Cured nun "Tslipsoplk will BKLiave it they can't help it; but it isyour duty to tell them, whether they believe or not."Another lays, "I bad tried physicians and almosteverything else and could get no relief ; my ease wasprooounceu inourabie, but Bishop Sonle's Linimentwas recommended to ae. I tried it, and it eompletelycured me. You ought to let everybody know whatBishop Sonle's Liniment will do ; it is the best thingin the world." Another, "I had a very severe attackof sciatica ; was under my physician's eare for a longtime, without any benefit. I finally asked Dr. .aprominent physician, if be eonld cure me. He SShSJ

he thought be conld. I told him I would put my timeagainst his ; if he cured me I would give him $500, itnot eured, we were to qait even, lie tried it, andfinally gave me up as incurable. I then tried BishopSonle's Liniment, and in six weeks was entirely cared.I want sis bottles to give to my friends." Another"I had a very severe attack of sciatica ; was undermy physician's care for months ; my leg had becomealmost useless. My physician finally told me be eonldnot help me, and advised me to use Bishop Soule'sLiniment, as be bad beard of remarkable cures by it ;

I tried it, and am eompletely cured by it. My physi-cian says it is a wonderful medicine." Another. "Mywife had been confined to her bed for a long time, withspinal complaint. The physician could not help her.One evening a lady friend called to see my wife, andsaid, 'I have been just as you are; tbe doctor eonldnot help me: I then used Bishop Boole's Liniment,and it completely cured me.' She sdvised see to tryit. I bought three large bottles, used nothing else,and in six weeks my wife was as well ae ever."Another, "I hare suffered for years from a lame back ;

have worn piasters for a long tine. Bishop Sonle'sLiniment was recommended to me; I need it. and myback is as strong as ever." Another. "I have beena great sufferer from neuralgia. Bishop Sonle's Lin-iment was recommended to me ; I ased it and it euredme. While I am writing this, letters hare eonse iafrom New York State and from Maine, speaking inthe highest terms of Bishop Scale's Liniment."

The foregoing are daily occurrences, an i are in thewords as spoken or written to as. Did space allow,we might go on without limit, bnt will only add

fST The undersigned AGENTS ean give referen-ces in this eity , which will satisfy the) most is set lee I



Executed at this Office.

A. W. PEIRCE & CO.Offer for 8a le




r cfc Bread !

Lime and Cement,California Hay,


Br Strancr Iron San Francises ,

Potatoes, Onions, dV.c.

y.Soutss forBrand's Bomb Lancet,

Perry Davit' Painkiller,

11 HPunloa Salt Workt


H. M. WHITNEY,No. 14 Merchant Street,

! Font osncev)


A manual of forms required ia drawing up agi..ments, bonls, wills, anil ail kinds of Ufa! livco.incnts raquired in courts. Prie. $3.

LAIKIKAWAI, THK LADY OF THE TWILIOHT.In llawaiian. A dotsI foiinll on tbt Iratlitwa lon. of the aneient llawaiian irincasscs. illustratingllawaiian antiqniti.s, habits and ssjiag,. $1.

PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER. Vl.1 to 1, inolusirt) .snbraoias; from tb j.ar. IHtto 1 97(1. and firing a concis and impartial hist.ryof tbw political and social progress of lb. Kingdomduring that poriod. $6 pr Tolum.

KA Sl'PEP.l Kl'OKOA rill: INDBPsWDBfTPRESS). A we.klv newspaper ia Hawaiian, de-voted to news and local literature, and independentin politics. S3 a jrear ; S3. JO bound.

CHART OF THE SANDWICH ISLAND.on steal, and prinUd at Washington,

expressly for th. nnd.rsigned. This in tbe mostcorrect chart published. Price, f1.5.

Also, for Salo,lIAWAIIAX DIRLE8 4to and 8to., bound ia fancy

morocco cover, with records for marriages, birthsand deatbs, suitable for family bibles. t'riee,

to style of binding, frusa $5 to $11.HAWAII N HYMNS For social and church ser-

vice. Prie, cloth, $1 ; fall boand morocco, gilt,tut.

KA II K II00NAM--- A oollaatioa or SabbathSchool hymns and tnne,. Prim, II cents.N. B. Any books published ia th Hawaiiaa a,

or any books pertaining to lb Islands, uT

obtainable, will be procured for persons desiring tlMsa.

For aale byH. IM. WHITNEY.






Print ini EstablishmentPossesses a good assortment of

JOB PRINTING TYPE,Well adapted to the Printing of


Fancy O r 1 o x sliUSIJSTESS,










NEWSPAPERS,tc., 4a, Ac

BOLLEN Ac CO.,No. 34 Queen Street,




JT.X Hemp and Manila Cordage, all sis.Patent and Plain Bash Blocks, nil eta.Anchors and Chain Cable,, assorted sin,.

Cotton Duck and Hemp Canvas,Cotton and Hemp Sail Twin.

Stockholm Tar,American Tar,

Stockholm Pitch,Wilmiartoa Pitch,

While and Sperm OilPaints and Palai Oil.

And a 0aral Assortment f

Groceries and Ship StoresP All of which will ba sold at tba low I,prics. 4,,

ftold Pesa r Pocket lassir!Ai.ah4;e utim, apt be had atand News Depot of

h. m wnrTMsrr

Oat Hay.BEWT VI II OK U I t OAT HAY-vr- 0y

SKxxjat , Q

Hawaiian Mess Beef.tl hi I. H) II. BKatTLESf AX, IXDMr wa ItRAST ED. forHai.hr



Piuh ia bblt. For sal byBOLLB9 A CO.



lbs. to taw lb. For sal byBOLLKS A CO.

U. 8. Postal Cards,HOst MALE PBIC'K 3 I I. NTS run. BTJw? M7 BT. W MIT SIT.