Raul Islas Gardner’s Theory Howard Gardner’s theory of seven intelligences explains how our minds have the capability to learn, understand, and remember, but each one of us uses them in different capacities. Since each individual has different strengths, we gain new knowledge differently and in our own way. It explains how our mind theoretically uses separate areas of the brain to work as one, in order to perform daily tasks, recognize, as well as, solve problems. These separate areas, work together to help us grasp new ideas and execute plans. Logical- mathematical and bodily-kinesthetic are two intelligences that I can relate too. Being an accountant, I have a very strong ability to detect and solve problems using a mathematical way of thinking. Besides the obvious relation between math and accounting, I often find myself using numbers as a means to finding solutions in my everyday tasks. For example, with the everyday change in the price of fuel, how many miles can

Gardners Theory

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Raul IslasGardners Theory

Howard Gardners theory of seven intelligences explains how our minds have the capability to learn, understand, and remember, but each one of us uses them in different capacities. Since each individual has different strengths, we gain new knowledge differently and in our own way. It explains how our mind theoretically uses separate areas of the brain to work as one, in order to perform daily tasks, recognize, as well as, solve problems. These separate areas, work together to help us grasp new ideas and execute plans. Logical- mathematical and bodily-kinesthetic are two intelligences that I can relate too. Being an accountant, I have a very strong ability to detect and solve problems using a mathematical way of thinking. Besides the obvious relation between math and accounting, I often find myself using numbers as a means to finding solutions in my everyday tasks. For example, with the everyday change in the price of fuel, how many miles can I get out of one gallon of gas? By dividing a know distance by gallons, or fuel used, I now know the distance I can drive before having to stop to refuel. Sure I can use the fuel gauge, but thats no fun! I have also used bodily-kinesthetic and logical-mathematical in combination. While in the military, I would perform many drills that required coordinated body movements, as well as mathematical calculations. For example, repelling from a cliff takes both precise and timed movements. It you didnt time the jumps and distance correctly, you could very easily overshoot your landing. At the same token, if you dont position yourself in the right manner, you could miss the cliff wall causing injury to yourself or people around you. Being able to use multiple intelligences at the same time makes sense since our bodies are doing a million things at once without us even realizing it. The same way we perform is the same way we learn, and that is with individual strengths working together to get the best result.