Strengths Insight Report SURVEY COMPLETION DATE: 07-28-2015 Mohamed El-Sayed Your Top 5 Themes Responsibility Harmony Individualization Analytical Input Responsibility Shared Theme Description People who are especially talented in the Responsibility theme take psychological ownership of what they say they will do. They are committed to stable values such as honesty and loyalty. Your Personalized Strengths Insights What makes you stand out? Chances are good that you have a reputation for showing care and precision in whatever you do. Your distinct and noticeable attention to detail can be seen in your financial records, personal appearance, study notes, home, workplace, closets, drawers, or computer files. You want to keep things orderly. You also are impelled to do things right. When you are ultimately held accountable, your need for order and structure intensifies. Instinctively, you regularly go out of your way to do what you promised. You feel obliged to honor every commitment you make. You probably have a reputation for conducting your affairs with integrity. You adhere strictly to your moral principles. You follow the dictates of your conscience. Is it any wonder then that you frequently think about the things you need to do better as a person, a student, a parent, a professional, or a teammate? Driven by your talents, you are hardwired to do exactly what you said you would do. Your word is your bond. You are likely to earn the respect of many people. You even win over those who have a hard time trusting anyone. Why? You rarely disappoint them. By nature, you are honest with yourself about yourself. You can admit your shortcomings. You speak frankly about the areas where you need to do things better and more completely than you have done them in the past. It’s very likely that you often ponder what you must do better. You find new ways to deliver on the commitments you have made. Keeping promises is just one way you enhance the quality of your work. 741564921 (Mohamed El-Sayed) © 2000, 2006-2012 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved. 1


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Strengths Insight ReportSURVEY COMPLETION DATE: 07-28-2015

Mohamed El-Sayed

Your Top 5 Themes


ResponsibilityShared Theme Description

People who are especially talented in the Responsibility theme take psychological ownership of whatthey say they will do. They are committed to stable values such as honesty and loyalty.

Your Personalized Strengths Insights

What makes you stand out?

Chances are good that you have a reputation for showing care and precision in whatever you do.Your distinct and noticeable attention to detail can be seen in your financial records, personalappearance, study notes, home, workplace, closets, drawers, or computer files. You want to keepthings orderly. You also are impelled to do things right. When you are ultimately held accountable,your need for order and structure intensifies. Instinctively, you regularly go out of your way to do whatyou promised. You feel obliged to honor every commitment you make. You probably have areputation for conducting your affairs with integrity. You adhere strictly to your moral principles. Youfollow the dictates of your conscience. Is it any wonder then that you frequently think about the thingsyou need to do better as a person, a student, a parent, a professional, or a teammate? Driven by yourtalents, you are hardwired to do exactly what you said you would do. Your word is your bond. You arelikely to earn the respect of many people. You even win over those who have a hard time trustinganyone. Why? You rarely disappoint them. By nature, you are honest with yourself about yourself.You can admit your shortcomings. You speak frankly about the areas where you need to do thingsbetter and more completely than you have done them in the past. It’s very likely that you often ponderwhat you must do better. You find new ways to deliver on the commitments you have made. Keepingpromises is just one way you enhance the quality of your work.

741564921 (Mohamed El-Sayed)© 2000, 2006-2012 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.


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HarmonyShared Theme Description

People who are especially talented in the Harmony theme look for consensus. They don’t enjoyconflict; rather, they seek areas of agreement.

Your Personalized Strengths Insights

What makes you stand out?

Instinctively, you frequently detect impending conflict sooner than most people do. Your keenawareness allows you to sense what others are thinking and feeling. Before issues cause people tobe angry, you direct everyone’s attention to areas where they already share the same ideas,philosophies, or viewpoints. Simply put: You have a gift for helping people find common ground. Thismakes it easier for them to politely and courteously resolve their differences. Chances are good thatyou generally pause to hear what people want and need to say. You realize human beings feel valuedwhen you pay attention to the thoughts or feelings they express. Frequently you provide a realitycheck — that is, an unbiased opinion of things as they truly are. Consistently your straightforwardcomments cause individuals or groups to find areas where they can agree rather than disagree. It’svery likely that you characteristically are aware of things as they really are. When you must cope withuncertainties, you search for the facts. By taking a problem apart piece by piece, you regularlydiscover the glitches — that is, the minor issues that cause temporary setbacks. Often your objectiveinvestigation benefits those who become emotional when confronted with difficulties. Your insightsinto what is factual probably enable individuals to view things matter-of-factly. This is one way youhelp people agree on how to deal with unpleasant circumstances and overcome obstacles. By nature,you recognize that many individuals appreciate your practical, straightforward, or realistic way ofthinking. You enjoy coming to the aid of people who value the fact that you treat everyoneevenhandedly — that is, the same. Driven by your talents, you seek objective advice when situationsare unclear, confusing, or tainted by political undercurrents. Being a realist, you know that others oftenhave access to specific facts, see things from an insider’s perspective, or possess expertise you lack.You tend to put off adopting any suggestion until you have had sufficient time to give every idea equalconsideration.

IndividualizationShared Theme Description

People who are especially talented in the Individualization theme are intrigued with the uniquequalities of each person. They have a gift for figuring out how people who are different can worktogether productively.

Your Personalized Strengths Insights

What makes you stand out?

Because of your strengths, you can help people understand the details of an elaborate process. You

741564921 (Mohamed El-Sayed)© 2000, 2006-2012 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.


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probably describe how all the elements interact with one another. Chances are good that you derivemuch joy from assisting people in need. By nature, you enjoy having people rely on you to handlelittle, yet important, details. You are driven to do things accurately, exactly, and precisely. You derivemuch pleasure from turning in assignments and finishing projects that are free of errors. It’s very likelythat you are more successful when you can concentrate on one activity at a time. You probably helpothers find ways to block out distractions. You show them how to dedicate their attention to whateverthey are working on or studying. Driven by your talents, you think systematically to identify patterns inprocesses, data, facts, relationships, agendas, timelines, or contracts. You see distinct linkagesbetween this factor and that consequence, this decision and that result, or this action and thatreaction. People trust you to make informed and reasonable choices. They are likely to ask what youthink before they finalize a plan or state their position.

AnalyticalShared Theme Description

People who are especially talented in the Analytical theme search for reasons and causes. They havethe ability to think about all the factors that might affect a situation.

Your Personalized Strengths Insights

What makes you stand out?

Driven by your talents, you customarily rely on your skills, knowledge, and expertise to exhaustivelyinvestigate interesting topics and troublesome issues. You require a high level of detail from yourselfbefore you declare your research is thorough and complete. You aim to surpass the results othersproduce. Chances are good that you often are described as a no-nonsense person. You aredetermined to examine the smallest details of processes, problems, regulations, plans, and contracts.Breaking these into their basic parts helps you better understand them. You are easily annoyed byindividuals who fail to give you enough time to methodically investigate, study, or think through things.It’s very likely that you provide your teammates with a logical perspective on things. You often showyour partners how one action or even a single comment caused something unexpected to occur.Experience probably is one of your best teachers. This explains why you do not automaticallyorchestrate an event, plan a schedule, or allocate resources the same way you did the last time. Yourealize every situation is unique. Because of your strengths, you spend considerable time examiningexactly why something has gone wrong. Whenever you experience a personal or professional loss,make a mistake, or experience failure, you tend to investigate. You are likely to be restless until youhave answers to all your basic questions: What? How? When? Where? Who? Why? Instinctively, youuse precise, well-documented data to guide your thinking and dictate what you do. You refuse to relyon hearsay, unnamed sources, or abridged — that is, short summaries of — books, published articles,scholarly research, or historic records.

741564921 (Mohamed El-Sayed)© 2000, 2006-2012 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.


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InputShared Theme Description

People who are especially talented in the Input theme have a craving to know more. Often they like tocollect and archive all kinds of information.

Your Personalized Strengths Insights

What makes you stand out?

It’s very likely that you have been described as someone who reads a lot. You probably carry readingmaterial with you just in case you have to wait in line, eat alone, or sit beside a stranger. Because theprinted word feeds your mind, you frequently generate original plans, programs, designs, or activities.Because of your strengths, you can block out distractions when you are working or studying. You areseldom pulled away from a task. You probably desire to understand ahead of time what needs to bedone. You also expect to receive background briefings and/or a list of a project’s criteria. Armed withthis information, you move closer to your goal. With ease and certitude — that is, having no doubts —you determine what is and is not important to know about an activity, event, or project. By nature, youabsorb all sorts of information from books, publications, or other written materials. You display avoracious — that is, never fully satisfied — appetite for knowledge. You devour the written word tosavor useful facts. For you, a great day is one during which you have added new insights to yourmind’s storehouse of ideas. Driven by your talents, you probably feel restless until you have found abetter way to describe the finer points of complicated procedures. When you succeed, many peoplestart to understand the procedures and how they work. You are apt to derive satisfaction fromoutlining the intricate steps of processes. Instinctively, you amass lots of information by reading aboutcomplicated or intricate procedures, systems, or proceedings. As a result, you can describe thegradual changes that must occur to create a desired outcome. You list the required sequence of stepsfor a plan to work. You probably interpret things that can be difficult to understand, such asregulations, orders, policies, decisions, or problems.

741564921 (Mohamed El-Sayed)© 2000, 2006-2012 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.