GALILEO for Online Learning Tools and Tips to Get the Most Out of GALILEO Lauren Fancher and Katie Goh Rock Eagle Online 2009

GALILEO for Online Learning Tools and Tips to Get the Most Out of GALILEO Lauren Fancher and Katie Gohn Rock Eagle Online 2009

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GALILEO for Online Learning

Tools and Tips to Get the Most Out of GALILEO

Lauren Fancher and Katie Gohn Rock Eagle Online 2009

• GALILEO is the USG’s and Georgia’s Virtual Library: www.galileo.usg.edu

• Articles, databases, federated searching, ejournal a-z list, book search, GIL and GIL Express

Link to Quality and Value Online

Courseware and Library Website Integration Tools

CWLRI Working Group: developed requirements, including review by VISTA admins– Toolbar: browser download, launched in July 2009, for

students and faculty, all users– Links: Databases, journals, articles, GALILEO pages– Link builder toolkit: for content developers, in

development, easy widget for building links and searches– More seamless authentication between VISTA and

GALILEO (trusted source URL available now; future, more programmatic, needs to be developed)

Agenda: Library Resources Via Vista

1. Campus Bookmarks: GALILEO, GIL, and the library website

2. Vista: trusted source authentication option; eliminates need for login to GALILEO

3. Courses: links to databases, journals, subject and search pages, specific articles tutorial videos

4. Anywhere: link to the downloadable GALILEO toolbar

VISTA Campus Bookmarks

• GALILEO: www.galileo.usg.edu• GIL: https://gil.[campusbriefname].edu• Library website

VISTA Campus Bookmarks

VISTA Campus Bookmarks

Trusted Source Authentication: VISTA Admins

GALILEO trusted-source authentication allows you to:•Embed a special link to GALILEO in Campus Bookmarks that contains your institution’s GALILEO authentication information. •Log your users into GALILEO automatically—no password required.•Must be presented on secure webpages that require a user to log in to view.•Requires quarterly maintenance to update the authentication password•Contact GALILEO via the USG Helpdesk for further information.

Library Resources in Courseware

Courses Can Have Links to:• Databases• Journals• Subject pages• Search pages• Specific articles• Tutorial videos• Downloadable GALILEO toolbar

Link Directly to Databasesuse GALILEO Express Links

•What is a GALILEO Express Link?•Persistent URL to GALILEO or GLRI resource•Add to online and print resources•Authentication handled by GALILEO•Authorization controlled by GALILEO or You (if GLRI)

•Where can I locate an Express Link?•Right click on any database name in list.•Databases A-Z> Express Links (in left navigation bar)

•More information--FAQ

Link Directly to Databasesuse GALILEO Express Links

Link Directly to Pages in GALILEO

•All GALILEO URLS are durable•URLs can be captured and placed within print/online resources•URLs are institution-specific.

Example: http://www.galileo.usg.edu/scholar/daltonstate/subjects/education/articles-databases/

User View Institution MainTab

Subject Category

Subject Category


Link Directly to Pages in GALILEO

• Journals/Magazines A-Z pageGeorgia College and State University Journals A-Z

•“Search” pageEast Georgia College Search

•Databases A-Z pageGordon College Databases A-Z




Link Directly to Pages in GALILEO

•Subject CategoriesLiterature and Literary Criticism Databases – Valdosta

•Subject SearchesComputer Science Search - Southern Polytechnic

•Subject JournalsLaw and criminology journals - West Georgia




Create a Persistent Link to a Journal


2. Browse forOr

Search for journal/magazine

Click on Journals/Magazines A-Z

Create a Persistent Link to a Journal

3. Click on link to journal/magazine in result list

Create a Persistent Link to a Journal

4. Click on “Save Persistent URL or Citation” link from the Find It @ GALILEO menu

Create a Persistent Link to a Journal

5. Copy and Paste URL into print or online resources.

Note: URL may be too long for some resources. Shorten URL by going to:http://tiny.cc

Links to GALILEO Articles: Why?

• Quality: GALILEO materials are sourced, including peer-reviewed publications

• Persistence: Article links are durable, not specific to provider

• Copyright: USG Fair Use Checklist

Create a Persistent Link to an Article



Search for full-text article in GALILEO database (EBSCO or ProQuest will work best).

Copy down citation information: Journal/Magazine Title, Title, Author, Volume, Issue, Date, Page Number, ISSN (if available)

Create a Persistent Link to an Article



Click on Journals/Magazines A-Z

Click Find Cited Article

Create a Persistent Link to an Article

5. Click on “Save Persistent URL or Citation” link from the Find It @ GALILEO menu

Create a Persistent Link to an Article

6. Copy and Paste URL into print or online resources.

Note: URL may be too long for some resources. Shorten URL by going to:http://tiny.cc

•Firefox and Internet Explorer plug in


•Search popular GALILEO resources from toolbar, including all EBSCO databases•Find full-text journals• Find books in a library near you

•Firefox and Internet Explorer plug in

•Link into popular GALILEO resources

•Highlight any search term, ISBN, ISSN, or book title or author on the web and use the right-click menu to search for it

•Access full-text research articles from off-campus using the "Reload via Proxy" option on the right-click menu

GALILEO Video Tutorials

•Short video tutorials on a variety of topics. •Link to them (GALILEO, USG podcaster, YouTube)•Download and post to your own pages•Embed them (USG podcaster, YouTube)•Example: A Two Minute Tour of GALILEO

What Can You Do with All of This?

Find History Journals http://www.galileo.usg.edu/scholar/admin/subjects/history/journals-magazines/

Search History Databases http://www.galileo.usg.edu/scholar/admin/subjects/history/search/

Journal of American Culture http://tinyurl.com/yb78m6t

What Can You Do with All of This?

Unit 3 – Lesson 2 Essay:

1.Read Article:Maass, John R. "Too Grievous for a People to Bear": Impressment and Conscription in Revolutionary North Carolina." Journal of Military History 73.4 (2009): 1091-1115. Humanities International Complete. EBSCO. Web. 9 Nov. 2009.”2. Write 500 words on impact of impressment and conscription on the economy of the South

What Can You Do with All of This?


What Can You Do with All of This?

GALILEO Staff Can Help Too!

Contact the GALILEO Staff for help with:•Links•Features•Resources•Content•Videos•Materials•Technical Support•Or to simply offer suggestions or comments

Thank You!!

Questions?and one final thing…