tile DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA JULY 11 1 I J l T h I r C f It 11IU i V P- r > DAILY stered t the O oo at Gainesville a- s second mall matter Editor and Publisher T M PREWITT Supt Compose Rooms OttlcQ la Haymans Block 0 Street l stern THE Duty Boat published every morning ex Nut Uo4 7 delivered by varrler in the dty or Ladled to uy part of the United States postage free for fs a u six months three MHkt r a aestsfor five week trlctly ia sdraacv- KxJiag Mttces ia local column toccata a live ter start itwcrtk n ad S erats f or tack additional Uaerttoa- B tt ar toptayad ertkl8y made kaowaea The Trl Vr k sun Is an right page forty jUa ant paper published every Monday and Jfcandayi teataiaa all the news of the tk teat State and general and Mattel fetce free teeny put of the United BlstiiTtr Caat1 for ft e a year la advance AM Utarttolag WIll become due after ant jffmaaca f dvertiMBteataaleM otherwise atiaalattd fai eeateaet 4U BC to pay for adrertWsg ia ad tease Adjust TJIK DAILY 8 N A sea Francisco man IB charged with baring tea wives He certainly eogkt exaralHed for lunacy Crenor Glkfcrlsta speech at the Udspsjmioace Day celefcratloa of Tam May Hall te highly coamendcd by thoM have read It Mr HarrlBMB ia cabling over for fwur iHizfa e hit favorite brand of ctfr nut B highly commended for patroateteg toe iBdHstrfcs- SttjBtetvilte woa the county site ia Beater county last week aad the court howe will remain there for at taut tea years to come W Sadler Assistant State Auditor has beeR appointed state nut Examiner vby Creow He Is eminently fiualied for the poaitloB If the Alachua County Fair ia going to be held this fall tho promoters bad better get busy County fairs arc not arranged for in a day or a month It requires time and W9rk to make a suc- cess of such enterprises Qhe p JL U McCI ARY W Mtta L yeas II he set known to Oatxssvtttn pu teN w It 4 gnxn st a haw a 219 s miss A pPNwt will t s Ptrilas us w r u electlett formerly t Comptroller- s > ¬ + Now that tho Senate has sent the tariff bill back to tho House It re mains to be seen If the latter body will concur In the amendments which have virtually made a now bill of it since its original passage by Uncle Joes peons Major Goo P Henley familiarly known as tho Bald Headed Eagle of Volusla has been confined to his room in Jacksonville fcr several months from what his physician has diagnosed as a leak of the heart Ho Is ono of the most widelyknown mon In Florida and was a great power In State politics for many years Congressman Clarlc failed in his effort tohave a tariff tax placed opon Egyptian cotton Senators Tallafcrro and Fletcher also made a fight In the Senate along the same lino but the Republicans would have none of it and for the next two yearn at least cotton from foreign countries will be admitted duty free in competition with the Sea Island cotton grown In Florida Georgia and South Carolina The cotton planters of Suwannee county and nil Florida for that mat- ter should remember our representa- tives who worked so bard for this measure one if enacted Into law would have proven of great benefit to the cotton planters all over the Sea Island bolt and the South generally Live Oak Democra- tJ D Mnthoson county treasurer Is making good his campaign promlsos obtain Interest for the deposit of county funds In the basks Ills to the County Commissioners at their meeting In July shows a credit on interest account for the six months of his lncumbiiey as county treasurer of 23280 At this rate the county will obtain 5ft5ttn per annum interest on deposits which will go a long way towards paying the salary of the treasurer Sun congratu- lates Mr Mathtson upon his uucciw ful administration well as the keeping of his campaign promise But Uncle JImmto lias never ladled keep a promise at least so far as the editor of The Sun has heard during Ws thirty years acquaintance with Jhlm I to first all to- t r J p x f f re- port ifs The 1 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ° A FRANK STATEMENT After years of d nwgogury sophis- try and buncomb on subject of tariff It has remained for Elihu Root Junior Senator from New York to state in public debate the actual facts regarding the method of the Republi- can party In framing a tariff bill Slid Mr Root speaking In support of the corporation tax Ve have boon here for over three months considering and discussing and voting upon the meas- ure of protection that It is to give to keep alive and pros- perous the business of tens and hun- dreds of thousands of corporations en- gaged In manufacture nnd trade af- fected by the protective tariff What do we know about these corporations Upon ono hand we have garbled and partial statements upon the other equally garbled and partial state- ments and no means of distinguish- ing the truth We are under the ne- cessity of proceeding by guess work by conjecture always with dissatis faction because we recognize thb chance that we may have guessed wrong about whose statements come nearest to the truth I snould like to see in the office of Commissioner of Internal Revenue the next time a tariff bill comes before Congress statements under oath and tested year by year about the business of all this vast multitude of corporations that coae appealing to us for help- so that we shall not again be compell- ed to come to the conclusion that all time business of the United States Is on the brink of failure Never was there a franker statement of the methods by which tariff bills are than that made by time Senator from New York Senators and Rep- resentatives a large majority of whom are lawyers have accepted almost without question the ex parte state- ments of interested persons and com- panies and have fixed tariff rates in accordance with their representations and demands The current tariff re vision is by no means the revision downward Implied by the Republican platform and specifically promised by tho Republican Presidential candi- dates Dut present Indications all point to the Inclusion In the tariff bill of certain provisions which will preclude in the future the hit or miss method of the past and render It im- possible for Senators and Representa- tives extravagantly to swell tho the nro ts of their neces- sary fram- ed ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ tuents at the expcnHe of the consumer without detection GIVE SHERIFFS ALL AID Editor 21mm of Tho St Augustine Meteor who Is also State Senator from St Johns county says a matter of rare occurrence that any utterance of Editor Mayou of The Ponsncola Journal Is suscepti- ble of being honestly criticism for Its untenablenvss However we feel that the levelheaded editor who bud the boldness to stand out against the almost unanimous press of the State in favor of an bill is In error In taking the position that It was right to exclude sheriffs from the provisions of the bill We take- It that the permitting of sheriffs to have freo transportation is only an effort to aid and abet the officer of the give him an opportunity to run down every effort at escape of the fugitive from Justice And as to the mileage that the officer may re- ceive It Is only a small fraction of tho sum total that should be freely given him by the people for hazarding his life by day and by night for their protection It might be eminent ly proper however for the nexf Legis- lature to adopt the suggestion of The Journal and enact a law compelling- all of the railroads In the State to is sue passes to all the Sheriffs In the State Hows This We offer One Hundred Dollars for any case of Catarrh that be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure- FJ CHENEY CO Toledo O- We the undersigned have known F J Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him perfectly honorable In all transactions and finan- cially able to carry out any oblign- tiotiH made by his firm WAUMNO KINNAN MARVIN Wholesale Drnggist Toledo 0 Halls Catarrh Cure i taken Intern acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Testimonials sent free Price 73c per bottle Sold by all druggists Take Halls Family Pills for constl J1I lawto cJ alt anti pass Re- ward can- not S business ally c ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ THIS MONTHS RAIN Nearly Ten Inches In This City Up to 10th From the following table which was furnished by Vath r O svrv r J P H Bell It will I that we have had a total of nearly ton inches of rainfall for this month al- ready He also gives the total fur several years post and it will be seen that during 1907 we had only a total of 4555 Precipitation at Gainesville Fla Monthly from Jan 1 1900 to June 30 1909 Inclusive 1900 1901 1902 1903 January 39S 269 27 515 February 185 920 343 529 March 785 697 415 GCS April 7S3 160 170 37 May 405 203 114 505 June 1012 860 821 571 July 415 776 4S5 572 August 233 954 277 963 September 26 408 1042 412 October 239 330 330 70 November 69 27 427 25 December 434 297 731 149 Total inches 5224 5907 5182 4916 January 1179 94 300 81 February 283 329 173 87 March 135 264 157 32 April 183 154 56 308 May 88 427 667 391 June 608 882 1055 435 July 733 830 1028 678 August 429 1490 449 555 September 495 599 229 950 October 277 295 183 257 November 263 46 11 238 December 232 563 35 454 Total inches 4905 5973 4343 4555 January February March April May June July August September October November December Total 4312 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 328 315 639 til 16 ISS 166 102 178 183 881 628 531 962 23S 65 10 Inches 442 > < ¬ The commissioners of Hlllsborough county have wisely decided to stop the htiildlug of all new rjiuls until the ronds already constructed are put in thorough repair i ne old tint a stitch In time saves mane applies with equal force to the puli lie rondH nt to other worlt The are too generally left to take cat e j themselves after being and become almost a impassable as they originally were before nee es irv repairs are made Read the want ads in todays Sun MEN ARE POWERLESS To Fight AtcalaM Disease Unlraa They Strike at the Vederlrlaic Cause To trent Dandruff and Fnlllncr Hair with Irritants or oils on which a para- sitic germ will prosper IB like scooping water from the ocean to prevent the tide from rising You cannot accomplish n satisfactory cure without having a right underntirnl- tnjr of the fundamental causes of tho trouble You must kill tho Dandruff Germ Kewbroa HcrplcfJc does this because It Is specially made to do that very thing When tho germ Is removed the hair has no choice but to resume healthy growth and beauty Destroy the cause you remove the effect Sold by loading druggists Send lOc in stamps for sample to The Hcrplclde Co Detroit Mich J S Bodlford Co Special Agents DEBTS COLLECTED ANYWHERE THIRD FLOOR DUVAL BUILDING JACKSONVILLE FLA ROCUnCOAND DErtNDtO uy ucit t il rr jrit wwr Mktirr i- tl life wwrrtjM N ALL COUNTRIES Pilwt and P el0 LieJyfc WASHINGTON D C ron 1 con tructtL bt W 1- r t II J 0 t v Ito M f ji Hli 104 Jtt I II t tt It t rani Ift takt I f r i i i1 J f- u f t t dr- c say to O r r tJLrs a brad J IMe J l iat JdN liM- vn qrr tita rr mat wt- Ou r p Cr 4 htest Cart w r rNrw wyr ¬ > > >> For Permanent Relief Take TRACKS It w for weak and constitutions the weakened and it chocks all derangements of tho body Try a bottle today Fifty Cents a Bottle Avoid All Subrtitute Ballard Snow liniment Co- ST LOUIS MO U S A old and M HERSINE nets dlrectJ on the Liver It will cure TION DYSPEPSIA RIUOUSNESS MALARIA AND CHILLS It is entirely from aU poisonous and is com ot t IIAUAJU j Recommended JOBINSQi TYPEWRITERS Easy lastaNaeNts ALL KINDS OF SUPPLIES Machines for Rent Write for Prices Terms Etc R c DAVIS I CO 204 West St FLA The Fayher VIIIII W L DENHAM MARK freo nmiueral substance s posec w 0f t Bap JACKSONVILLE Agent > = ° EFFECTIVE DEC 19 1806 Leave Gainesville for Micanopy Fairfield and lo cal points South 1010 ft n Returning arrive Gainesville 425 p n Leave Gainesville for Sampson City Palatka Lake City Valdosta and all points North 600 pra Returning arrive Gainesville 930 p m A L Glass Gin Supt L E Barker Traffic MIr NEW YORK CITE and RETURN Tickets on sale from Jacksonville every and Thursday beginning with June 17th up to Aug 30th with final return limit Sept 30th Stopovers allowed on these tickets at Rich- mond Washington Baltimore and Philadelphia Reduced rates to other summer resorts For information rates reservations etc call on or write to A FR1TOT Division Passen ger Agent 13vS West Bay St Jacksonville Fla Tampa Jacksonville Hairy OC06f1OOO r 3500ATl- Anll COAST LIME RAIlUOAD 8 V 3 iHHHI OOOODCOa Mon- day t ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Air Line Railway SAVANNAH COLUMBIA CAMDEN SOUTHERN PITS RALEIGH RICHMOND WASHINGTON BALTIMORE PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK Two KUgant Trains Daily SEABOARD EXPRESS ABOARD MAIL MODERN PULLMAN EQUIPMENT ONLY LINK KMvtig Daily Through Sleepers Jackson e to Oricniis For full Information and sleeping car reservations call on any Agent Seaboard or write 8 C BOYL3TON Jr Assistant General r uenger Agent Jacksonville Fie risk i f i a i I 1 J- HJ SEABOARD i e < Nee >

Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1909-07-11 ...ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01451/00082.pdf · tile DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA JULY 11 1 IJ l T h I r C

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Page 1: Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1909-07-11 ...ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01451/00082.pdf · tile DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA JULY 11 1 IJ l T h I r C


1 IJl T hI


f It11IU







stered t the O oo at Gainesville a-

s second mall matter

Editor and Publisher

T M PREWITT Supt Compose Rooms

OttlcQ la Haymans Block

0 Street l sternTHE Duty Boat published every morning ex

Nut Uo4 7 delivered by varrler in the dty orLadled to uy part of the United States postagefree for fs a u six months three

MHkt r a aestsfor five week trlctly iasdraacv-

KxJiag Mttces ia local column toccata a liveter start itwcrtk n ad S erats for tack additionalUaerttoa-

B tt ar toptayad ertkl8y made kaowaea

The Trl Vr k sun Is an right page fortyjUa ant paper published every Monday andJfcandayi teataiaa all the news of the

tk teat State and general andMattel fetce free teeny put of the UnitedBlstiiTtr Caat1 for ft e a year la advance

AM Utarttolag WIll become due after antjffmaaca f dvertiMBteataaleM otherwiseatiaalattd fai eeateaet

4U BC to pay for adrertWsg ia adtease Adjust TJIK DAILY 8 N

A sea Francisco man IB chargedwith baring tea wives He certainlyeogkt exaralHed for lunacy

Crenor Glkfcrlsta speech at theUdspsjmioace Day celefcratloa of TamMay Hall te highly coamendcd bythoM have read It

Mr HarrlBMB ia cabling over forfwur iHizfa e hit favorite brand of

ctfr nut B highly commended forpatroateteg toe iBdHstrfcs-

SttjBtetvilte woa the county siteia Beater county last week

aad the court howe will remain therefor at taut tea years to come

W Sadler AssistantState Auditor has beeR appointedstate nut Examiner vby

Creow He Is eminently fiualied forthe poaitloB

If the Alachua County Fair ia goingto be held this fall tho promoters badbetter get busy County fairs arc notarranged for in a day or a month Itrequires time and W9rk to make a suc-cess of such enterprises



W MttaL




set known to

Oatxssvtttn pu




4 gnxnst

a haw

a 219






t s

Ptrilas us



u electlett







Now that tho Senate has sent thetariff bill back to tho House It remains to be seen If the latter bodywill concur In the amendments whichhave virtually made a now bill of itsince its original passage by UncleJoes peons

Major Goo P Henley familiarlyknown as tho Bald Headed Eagle ofVolusla has been confined to hisroom in Jacksonville fcr severalmonths from what his physician hasdiagnosed as a leak of the heart HoIs ono of the most widelyknown monIn Florida and was a great power InState politics for many years

Congressman Clarlc failed in hiseffort tohave a tariff tax placed oponEgyptian cotton Senators Tallafcrroand Fletcher also made a fight In theSenate along the same lino but theRepublicans would have none of itand for the next two yearn at leastcotton from foreign countries will beadmitted duty free in competitionwith the Sea Island cotton grown InFlorida Georgia and South CarolinaThe cotton planters of Suwanneecounty and nil Florida for that mat-

ter should remember our representa-tives who worked so bard for thismeasure one if enacted Into lawwould have proven of great benefitto the cotton planters all over the SeaIsland bolt and the South generallyLive Oak Democra-

tJ D Mnthoson county treasurer Ismaking good his campaign promlsos

obtain Interest for the deposit ofcounty funds In the basks Ills

to the County Commissioners attheir meeting In July shows a crediton interest account for the sixmonths of his lncumbiiey as countytreasurer of 23280 At this rate thecounty will obtain 5ft5ttn per annum

interest on deposits which will go

a long way towards paying the salaryof the treasurer Sun congratu-lates Mr Mathtson upon his uucciwful administration well as thekeeping of his campaign promise But

Uncle JImmto lias never ladledkeep a promise at least so far as theeditor of The Sun has heard duringWs thirty years acquaintance withJhlm
























After years of d nwgogury sophis-

try and buncomb on subject of

tariff It has remained for Elihu Root

Junior Senator from New York tostate in public debate the actual factsregarding the method of the Republi-

can party In framing a tariff bill SlidMr Root speaking In support of thecorporation tax Ve have boon herefor over three months considering anddiscussing and voting upon the meas-ure of protection that It is

to give to keep alive and pros-

perous the business of tens and hun-

dreds of thousands of corporations en-

gaged In manufacture nnd trade af-

fected by the protective tariff Whatdo we know about these corporationsUpon ono hand we have garbled andpartial statements upon the otherequally garbled and partial state-ments and no means of distinguish-ing the truth We are under the ne-cessity of proceeding by guess workby conjecture always with dissatisfaction because we recognize thbchance that we may have guessedwrong about whose statements comenearest to the truth I snould like tosee in the office of Commissioner ofInternal Revenue the next time atariff bill comes before Congressstatements under oath and testedyear by year about the business ofall this vast multitude of corporationsthat coae appealing to us for help-

so that we shall not again be compell-ed to come to the conclusion that alltime business of the United States Ison the brink of failure Never wasthere a franker statement of themethods by which tariff bills are

than that made by time Senatorfrom New York Senators and Rep-

resentatives a large majority of whomare lawyers have accepted almostwithout question the ex parte state-ments of interested persons and com-

panies and have fixed tariff rates inaccordance with their representationsand demands The current tariff revision is by no means the revisiondownward Implied by the Republicanplatform and specifically promised bytho Republican Presidential candi-dates Dut present Indications allpoint to the Inclusion In the tariffbill of certain provisions which willpreclude in the future the hit or missmethod of the past and render It im-

possible for Senators and Representa-tives extravagantly to swell tho


nro ts of their






















tuents at the expcnHe of the consumerwithout detection


Editor 21mm of Tho St AugustineMeteor who Is also State Senatorfrom St Johns county says

a matter of rare occurrencethat any utterance of Editor Mayouof The Ponsncola Journal Is suscepti-ble of being honestly criticism forIts untenablenvss However we feelthat the levelheaded editor who budthe boldness to stand out against thealmost unanimous press of the Statein favor of an bill is Inerror In taking the position that Itwas right to exclude sheriffs fromthe provisions of the bill We take-It that the permitting of sheriffs tohave freo transportation is only aneffort to aid and abet the officer ofthe give him an opportunityto run down every effort at escape ofthe fugitive from Justice And as tothe mileage that the officer may re-

ceive It Is only a small fraction oftho sum total that should be freelygiven him by the people for hazardinghis life by day and by night fortheir protection It might be eminently proper however for the nexf Legis-

lature to adopt the suggestion of TheJournal and enact a law compelling-all of the railroads In the State to issue passes to all the Sheriffs In theState

Hows ThisWe offer One Hundred Dollars

for any case of Catarrh thatbe cured by Halls Catarrh Cure-


We the undersigned have knownF J Cheney for the last 15 yearsand believe him perfectly honorableIn all transactions and finan-

cially able to carry out any oblign-

tiotiH made by his firmWAUMNO KINNAN MARVIN

Wholesale Drnggist Toledo 0Halls Catarrh Cure i taken Intern

acting directly upon the bloodand mucous surfaces of the systemTestimonials sent free Price 73cper bottle Sold by all druggists

Take Halls Family Pills for constl





anti pass


ward can-













Nearly Ten Inches In This CityUp to 10th

From the following table whichwas furnished by Vath r O svrv rJ P H Bell It will I thatwe have had a total of nearly toninches of rainfall for this month al-

ready He also gives the total furseveral years post and it will be seenthat during 1907 we had only a totalof 4555

Precipitation at Gainesville FlaMonthly from Jan 1 1900 to

June 30 1909 Inclusive1900 1901 1902 1903

January 39S 269 27 515February 185 920 343 529March 785 697 415 GCS

April 7S3 160 170 37

May 405 203 114 505June 1012 860 821 571July 415 776 4S5 572August 233 954 277 963September 26 408 1042 412October 239 330 330 70

November 69 27 427 25

December 434 297 731 149

Total inches 5224 5907 5182 4916

January 1179 94 300 81

February 283 329 173 87

March 135 264 157 32April 183 154 56 308May 88 427 667 391June 608 882 1055 435July 733 830 1028 678August 429 1490 449 555September 495 599 229 950October 277 295 183 257November 263 46 11 238December 232 563 35 454

Total inches 4905 5973 4343 4555


Total 4312

1904 1905 1906 1907

1908 1909

328 315639 til

16 ISS166 102178 18388162853196223S







The commissioners of Hlllsboroughcounty have wisely decided to stopthe htiildlug of all new rjiuls untilthe ronds already constructed are putin thorough repair i ne old

tint a stitch In time saves mane

applies with equal force to the pulilie rondH nt to other worlt Theare too generally left to take cat e j

themselves after beingand become almost a impassable asthey originally were before nee es irvrepairs are made

Read the want ads in todays Sun


To Fight AtcalaM Disease Unlraa TheyStrike at the Vederlrlaic Cause

To trent Dandruff and Fnlllncr Hairwith Irritants or oils on which a para-sitic germ will prosper IB like scoopingwater from the ocean to prevent the tidefrom rising

You cannot accomplish n satisfactorycure without having a right underntirnl-tnjr of the fundamental causes of thotrouble

You must kill tho Dandruff GermKewbroa HcrplcfJc does this because It

Is specially made to do that very thingWhen tho germ Is removed the hair

has no choice but to resume healthygrowth and beauty

Destroy the cause you remove theeffect

Sold by loading druggists Send lOc instamps for sample to The Hcrplclde CoDetroit Mich

J S Bodlford Co Special Agents






ROCUnCOAND DErtNDtOuy ucit t il rr jrit wwr Mktirr i-

tl lifewwrrtjM N ALL COUNTRIES

Pilwt and P el0 LieJyfc


ron 1

con tructtL

bt W 1-r



J 0

t v Ito M

fji Hli 104

Jtt I II t tt Itt

rani Ift taktI

f r i

i i1 J f-

u f t t dr-c

say to


tJLrsa brad J

IMe J l iat JdN liM-vn qrr

tita rr mat wt-Ou rp Cr 4 htest Cart

w r rNrw wyr


> >


For Permanent Relief Take


It w for weak andconstitutions the weakened andit chocks all derangements of tho body Try a bottle todayFifty Cents a Bottle Avoid All Subrtitute

Ballard Snow liniment Co-ST LOUIS MO U S Aold and


HERSINE nets dlrectJ on the Liver It will cureTION DYSPEPSIA RIUOUSNESS MALARIA AND CHILLS Itis entirely from aU poisonous and is comott





Machines for Rent

Write for Prices Terms Etc

R c DAVIS I CO204 West St



freo nmiueral substance sposec










Leave Gainesville for Micanopy Fairfield and local points South 1010 ft n

Returning arrive Gainesville 425 p nLeave Gainesville for Sampson City Palatka

Lake City Valdosta and all points North 600 praReturning arrive Gainesville 930 p m

A L Glass Gin Supt L E Barker Traffic MIr


Tickets on sale from Jacksonville everyand Thursday beginning with June 17th up to

Aug 30th with final return limit Sept 30thStopovers allowed on these tickets at Rich-

mond Washington Baltimore and PhiladelphiaReduced rates to other summer resortsFor information rates reservations etc call

on or write to A FR1TOT Division Passenger Agent 13vS West Bay St Jacksonville Fla

Tampa Jacksonville Hairy





8 V












Two KUgant Trains Daily



ONLY LINK KMvtig Daily Through SleepersJackson e to Oricniis

For full Information and sleeping car reservations call onany Agent Seaboard or write 8 C BOYL3TON Jr AssistantGeneral r uenger Agent Jacksonville Fie risk



i I







